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Work, Pumping liquid and Fluid Pressure

Lesson 7.7

Work is the product of force and distance.
How much work is done in lifting a mass of .2 kg a distance of 2 meters! "he weight of the mass is # .2$#%.&$ 'ewton, so the work is # .2$#%.&$# 2$ ( ) . 2 *oules.

,efinition "he product of
l "he

force e-erted on an o.*ect l "he distance the o.*ect is mo/ed .0 the force

When a force of 12 l.s is e-erted to mo/e an o.*ect 2 ft.

l 322

ft. l.s. of work is done

2 ft

Hooke4s Law
5onsider the work done to stretch a spring Force required is proportional to distance
l When

k is constant of proportionalit0 l Force to mo/e dist - ( k - ( F#-$

Force required to mo/e through i th inter/al, l W

( F#-i$ -


Hooke4s Law
We sum those /alues using the definite integral "he work done .0 a continuous force F#-$
l ,irected

along the -6a-is l From - ( a to - ( .

W = F ( x) dx

Find the work required to compress a spring from its natural length of ft to a length of 2.71 ft if the force constant is 7( 3l.8ft.

Hooke4s Law
9 spring is stretched 1 cm .0 a force of ).1 '
l How

What is F#-$ the force function! Work done! W = 30 x dx

0 0.5

much work is needed to stretch the spring 12 cm! F = k x

4.5 = k 0.15 30 = k F ( x) = 30 x


Winding 5a.le
5onsider a ca.le .eing wound up .0 a winch 20
l 5a.le l2

is 12 ft long

W = 2 ( 50 y ) dy

l.8ft l How much work to wind in 22 ft!

"hink a.out winding in 0

units from the top 12 : 0 ft hanging l dist ( 0 l force required #weight$ (2#12 : 0$

Pumping Liquids
5onsider the work needed to pump a liquid into or out of a tank ;asic concept< Work ( weight - dist mo/ed For each = of liquid
l ,etermine

weight l ,etermine dist mo/ed l "ake summation #integral$


,raw a picture with the 60 coordinate s0stem 6a ,etermine mass of thin 6. hori>ontal sla. of liquid Find e-pression for work needed to lift this sla. to its destination ?ntegrate e-pression from .ottom of liquid to the top

Pumping Liquids : @uidelines

r ,raw a picture with the coordinate s0stem a . 0 ,etermine mass of thin hori>ontal sla. of liquid Find e-pression for work needed to lift this sla. to its destination ?ntegrate e-pression from .ottom of liquid a to the top 2

W = r (b y ) dy

Pumping Liquids
Auppose tank has
& )

() l height ( & l filled with petroleum #1).& l.8ft +$

What is work done to pump oil o/er top

Weight = 54.8 16 y weight! l ,istance mo/ed! #& : 0$ 8 l ?ntegral! Work = 54.8 16 (8 y )y
l ,isk

Pumping Liquids

Pumping Liquids
A hemispherical bowl with radius 10 ft is filled with water to a level of 6 ft. i!d the wor" do!e to the !earest ft.lb to pump all the water to the top of the bowl. #e!sit$ of water % 62.4 lb&ft3.

Pumping Liquids


9 spherical tank of radius & feet is half of oil that weight 12 pounds per cu.ic foot. Find the work required to pump oil out through a hole in the top of the tank.


Fluid Pressure
5onsider the pressure of fluid against the side surface of the container Pressure at a point
l ,ensit0 l ,ensit0 -

g - depth g - depth - 9rea

F = h( y ) L( y ) dy

Pressure for a hori>ontal slice "otal force


F = h( y ) L( y ) dy




Fluid Pressure
"he tank has cross section of a trapa>oid
l Filled
#6),2.1$ 2.1 6 0 #),2.1$

to 2.1 ft with water l Water is 32.) l.s8ft+



Function of edge Length of strip ,epth of strip


Fluid Pressure
"he tank has cross section of a trapa>oid
l Filled
#6),2.1$ 2.1 6 0 #),2.1$

to 2.1 ft with water l Water is 32.) l.s8ft+



Function of edge Length of strip ,epth of strip ?ntegral

2 #2.&0 B 2$ 2.1 6 0

0 ( .21- : 2.1 - ( 2.&0 B 2


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