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DRIVING EXAM QUESTIONS SECTION 2 : Signals Policemen to other people who direct traffic 379.

How to proceed in this situation ? A) stop and wait for the next signal of police 380. Truck can enter the intersection leader ? C) YES 381. As you proceed to drive vehicle of the police when image ? A) you continue driving- signal is not for you 382. how should the leads of police car at intersection green ? C) stop 383. out on the side of the police baton by a column of vehicle accompanying force leader ? A) stop the vehicle as close to the road 384. how should the driver to the image of the police ? B) stop 385 police does not allow the ? B) tram 386 that the vehicle are allowed to enter the intersection ? A) Car and motorcycle. 387.cop car crossing it signals the driver to increase speed, or how to do it ? B) to respect the police 388. the driver has to do in the situation illustrated ? B) reduce speed 389. what vehicles can enter the intersection ? A) motorcycle and truck. 390. vehicles may enter intersection presented ?

B) No, may only enter intersection bike (only bike can enter) 391. that the vehicle may stop at sign the police ? A) tram and Car 392. allow passage policeman whom intersection ? B) motorcycle 393. the police must stop signal ? C) truck and bycicle 394. what behavior is right in the situation if you are driving green car? C) stop and do not enter the intersection 395. how should the signal free agent ? C ) stop 396. what is the policeman signaling (from 388) B) reduce speed (reduce speed) 397. what signal is the police indicating? A) increase speed 398. what is the police signaling C) stop 399. policeman signal indicate A) reduce speed 400. what to do to signal traffic cop ? B) stop 401. to be the vehicle of police ? C) TO STOP 402.if the message police vehicle motorcade , you cant get attached to such column ? A) No

403. police position in the image means ? B) stop 404. what to do at high vertical arm of the police ? B) to stop, no matter which direction you approach 80m 405. why bond motorists circulating behind a motorcycle, if the police remove columns on the side on right ,stick reflective ? A) stop as close to the road and where possible pull vehicle off the road 406. right arm of the police stretched horizontally to show off ? C) vehicles and pedestrians coming back 407. how should the leader of vehicle when traffic cop is back and left arm stretched horizontally? B) to continue moving as the stop signal is not addressed. 408. traffic cop is in intersection facing the leader of vehicle and he tries to address its a sign other than position, which means stopping how to do it ? A) to respect of the police 409. what to do if driver red light working, but the cop make sign to go? A) to respect of the police 410. data signals from the police vehicle that accompanies a convoy of vehicles using special means of warning, signals and light, requiring you to ? A) stop, once , outside the roadway, or as close until the passage of the column. 411. what is the significance after lowering arms,body position a policemen directs traffic for trafficwho move from front and back of ? A) stop 412. how do you handle situation when red light is working and signal passing policeman tries to stop you ? C) respect of the police 413. what types of signaling will be met first ? B) signal and directions of police

414. what type of signaling will be first ? C) signal and directions of police 415. the obligations of the meeting a special vehicle signals with warning lights to audible signals blue? C) to reduce speed, move closer to curb and give priority to the vehicle 416. signals signifying road police found a police car carried arm, with or without reflective stick , put on the right side of vehicle? B) stop for vehicles that run behind the police vehicle 417. how should the driver in case the police are facing with right arm stretched horizontally ? C) continue to move because the signal is not addressed 418. what to do in front of the police oriented with left arm stretched horizontally ? B) to stop immediately 419. what does the left arm , stretched horizontally, the police? A) stop vehicle coming from front 420. what to do when at an intersection, meet face cop who beckons you to continue your travel? C) you comply signal of the cop 421. if you meet the obligations of special vehicle warning signal blue lights in operation? B) give priority to the vehicle 422. are required to stop the vehicle that you drive? A) the policeman who direct traffic signal 423 what do you do when, moving with vehicle on public road you meet a traffic cop facing with arm stretched horizontally? B) Stop the vehicle ( car ) 424 policeman who directs traffic arm stretched horizontally meaning ? B)stop for all road users, irrespective of their purpose of travel , travel in the direction of arm crossing its intense. 425. the obligation of the police signal located at an intersection with raised vertical arm ? C) to stop, irrespective which direction

426. what if at an intersection , police is rear facing and left arm stretched horizontally ? B) you go ahead (its not for you) 427. of the police found an intersection with his right arm stretched horizontally meaning ? C) stop vehicles to pedestrians come behind it 428. what does turning brisk arm police ? B) increase travel speed vehicle + pedestrians 429. you have the obligations to immediately stop vehicle at signals sent by? C) border police 430. you have the obligation to immediately stop vehicle at signal sent by ? A) advisors of the ministry of defense circulating 431. you have the obligations to immediately stop vehicle at signals sent by ? A) agencies railway level crossings 432. you have ---------C) authorized personnel of the works on public roads 433. ----------A) members of school patrols traffic from crossing near school units 434.--------------C) blind by raising the white cane when crossing the street 435. at the signal given by authorized personnel of works on public roads and turning lively arm, you are bound? B) to increase the speed of the vehicle 436. white cane, raised pedestrian crossing the street in place unsignalled and unmarked , compels you? C) to stop the vehicle immediately, to allow pedestrians

Section 3 : LIGHT SIGNS 437. what does the red light, which works together with yellow

C) stop 438. as you proceed correctly in given situation B) stop regardless of direction of travel 439. green traffic light signal allows C) to ride forward or to right 440. in intersection shown, you respect C) meaning light and semaphore 441. how to proceed in given situation A) stop and wait for the green light 442. want to change direction right away, how it works C) signal the change of direction, give priority to pedestrians 443. as you proceed into intersection right time B) respect the significance of signal light, turn left. 444 how you doing right this intersection , the traffic light is installed above the intersection A) Respect signal of light, in different the direction of travel if its coupled with another intersection traffic light 1 installed before. 445. as you proceed correctly if the following intersection is blocked from congestion C) stop and wait for blocking intersection , then continue your movement only green light sign 446. vehicle in front of you cross the intersection, how it works B) performing the same maneuver if there are no other prohibition 447. running light flashing yellow light , its fair to do C) reduce speed and cross the intersection 448.As you proceed correctly in the present situation, if you want to turn right B) Turn right passing vehicle that gives this right 449. in this situation stop B) at transverse line 450. this car continue moving through the intersection C) the yellow car 451. this car can continue moving intersection B) the blue car 452. blue in what order will pass through the intersection at flashing yellow traffic light C) yellow, blue , red 453. this vehicle can cross the intersection of image

C) None 454. the vehicle can continue to move the pictures A) the red car 455. vehicle can cross continue movement B) autobus and truck 456. the electric traffic light flashing yellow signal shall C) to reduce speed and to ride within guidelines applicable at that intersection 457. the obligation incumbent on you if , in intersection turn left on the green light B) give priority to vehicles crossing both oncoming traffic ,pedestrian crossings are in your purpose of travel. 458. as you proceed through, approached an intersection, observe simultaneously lit red and yellow in traffic lights ? A) stop and wait for the green traffic light. 459. B 460. B 461. B 462. A 463. A 464. A 465. C SECTION 4: POSITION DURING WALKING AND SIGNALS OF DRIVERS. 486. as you will be better all switching from one lane? B) at the front and rear signal intent to change 487. if you turn left? B) have selected good line, but make sure and stop for red traffic light 488. steer to the left in the next intersection , you have selcected the correct line? A) yes 489. if you selected to bookshelf lane, you are allowed C) drive straight or to the right 490. you hired the left lane although you intend to turn left, how it works B) circulate on the forward or turn right 491. this roundabout are well framed to A) to steer to the left or to move forward 492. allowed to use fog light at night , if the sky is clear C) NO 493. under the circumstances to signal your presence , you will change alternately beam with beam B) YES 494 under the circumstance, will travel C) With beam 495. as you proceed if stopping regular?

C) turn off all lights. 496. in this situation need to catch both passing beam and fog lights B) Yes 497. abundant snowing, you will use B) beam of the headlights 498. the rain will rear fog lights C) NO 499. the light should turn on in this situation,besides beam C) fog lights to front, back if there 500. under the circumstances, beside beam must ride a ? A) fog lights 501. in this situation you circulate? A) beam 502. which route to take car of the image C) either at the two, if you comply with all provisions of the law. 503. that car were rated fair to cross the intersection C) ALL 504. which is the best route to return to the intersection presented? B) 2 505. steer to the left? C) cars will use the paths that bypass the left center of the imaginary intersection 506. in this situation, you want to turn on first street to the right, the obligation of B) signal the intention to execute the maneuver , sure you hire closer to the edge 507. what route should you follow to steer left into the intersection? C) 3 508.which is the recommended route to steer to left ? 509.which was part of the car to change direction right away? A) red car 510. what is the image of cars circulating properly through the intersection? C) all 4 cars 511. what to do in the situation here on yellow car? A) exceeds the right side after passing bus green car. 512. at unmarked intersection drivers who want to travel in forward will occupy? C) any of the lines 514. in which of the following situations can you use tape/ band on highway near the road axis ?

B) you perform other vehicle exceeded if other bands are occupied forwards. 515. by selecting lanes near an intersection means? C) while framing paper direction of travel lane at an intersection 516. changing the direction of movement to the left is forbidden when ? B) tram line C) in this situation cant change direction of travel to the left. 517. How should you fall if you intend to change direction to the left at intersection where movement and trams and space between the rail and the curb right allows moving vehicle on a single row ? A) the only remaining place available, by leaving the tram route. 518. what obligation you if you intend to enter first street to the right in roundabout ? C) signal the intention to perform the maneuver, make sure you hire close to the right edge, then enter the street. 519. what what to do to pass the correct lane first third of a public road ? B) make sure the back, signal intention to move from 1st to 2nd then 3rd 520. how is it changing direction of movement to the left at intersection unexpected directions bookwork ( no working) A) the left center imaginary intersection without intersection positn of oncoming moving and then turn left 521. that the bands should you fit and at what distance from the intersection to change direction right away in a village? A) the right lane, of at least 50m 522. what you have to do and what distance if you move forward in an unmarked intersection outside the village? B) turn left or right , at distance of at least 50m 523. what obligation incumbent upon the execution of maneuver crossing from one lane ? B) to signal and make sure that you perform maneuvers without disturbing traffic or safety without endangering other road users. 524. which lane used vehicle drivers on road with more than 2 lanes and a 3rd band which is located near the tram line road axis ?

B) can also use band but is placed tram line without inconvenience its circulation. 525. when using beam? A) driving both local to out of them, or highways as the brightness of public road? 526. who is allowed traffic lane reserved for public passenger transport, signaled as such ? B) public transport vehicles that carry people and vehicle regime priority when moving inactive intersection or misstop the urgency 527. in what situation at night ,it changes the beam with beam ? C) where the oncoming vehicle is approaching from distance at least 200m 528. what to do at night when blinded by headlights of oncoming vehicle circulating ? A) shaping beam function, reduce speed and stop if necessary Extra 516. changing direction of movement to the left is forbidden when ? B) vehicle driver is framed in the right lane. C) path that is to be fixed is signaled by indicator movement banned in both direction 545. what to do when driving at night and in the opposite direction approaching another vehicle? A) using beam from at least 200m B) decelerate 552. what types of vehicles are required to ues dipped head lights during day ? A) columns accompanying military vehicles or transporting group of people B) motorcycles or mopeds C) towing other vehicles or vehicle carrying dangerous goods 553. hazard warning light are used ? A) when traffic is blocked on the running B) when a vehicle has remained flat or damaged C) when the vehicle moves very slowly and its a danger to other road users.

SECTION 5 OVERCOMING 559. Red car running overcome? C) not, as you forbidden maneuver continue line 560. can exceed the given situation ? A) yes, you can be sure that maneuver executed and properly marked 561. can exceed the given situation? B) yes , is regular 562. you can do under the circumstance ? B) No 563. its legal to overtake the bus stop at B) Yes if use make sure and signal 564.overtaking maneuver allowed under the circumstances C) yes because the line is discontinuous nearest your direction 565. you can run exceeding the truck A) YES, since the prohibition relates only to vehicles exceeding freight transport 566. overcoming the truck in the picture is correct ? B) No, because it prohibits continuous line 567. Is right in front of you to overcome motorcycle A) yes. 568. You are allowed to overcome in the present situation A) No , because the bridge maneuver 569.can overcoe tram stop at C) not because station no refuge for pedestrians 570. if the car in front of you signals the intention of moving , you can overcome it ? A) yes , do regular

571. overcoming the situation can be made on ? A) NO, because it follows a curve to the right and mark it continually thrust 572.can exceed several vehicles in the present ? B) yes 573. indicator prohibits exceeding? B) yes 574. you can excuse overcome here C) yes 575. under the circumstances continue overcoming A) yes 576. you can run exceeded in given situation B) yes , because the law does not prohibit 577. allowed to overtake cyclist? C) No because of oncoming traffic, because you can not keep proper lateral distance 578. to overcome these riders can go over continues line C) No 579. allowed to overcome this situation B) Yes, only if visibly allowed 580. will overcome this situation, if you are driving a car A) Yes, its regular 581. the car driver was properly engaged in overcoming red truck ? B) No, because it was not insured and not signaled intention to overcome 582. you can not overtake the truck in front at you, if you are at the wheel the car C) yes , no restrictions 583. properly executed car overtaking maneuver ?

A) yes because the maneuver is legal 584. specify whether if properly vans exceeding car B) yes because the leading of vehicle signaled its intention and the free space allows passage through the right side. 585. Drive car yellow, you properly engaged in overcoming motorcycle ? C) NO, since the motorcycle exceeds truck 586. that of leaders of motor run properly in overcoming tram went ? B) both leader 587. yellow car can exceed the given situation A) No, because it exceed a column stopped at railway level crossings 588. specify whether the rider exceeds the fair truck? A) yes, proceeds correct 589. which of the two drivers do not run properly B) riders as close to the shaft flow path 590. intention to overcome another vehicle in village on unlighted road at night so it signals A) with direction indicator lights 591. what do you do when driving outside the city,on a road with a single lane and meet a slow vehicle, long and difficult that you cannot dispatch A) after you use it until overtaking maneuver can be performed 592. as usually exceeds the tram went C) right side 593 exceed the mean A) Maneuver by---------

594. in which of the following situations are you forbidden to overcome C) within range of overtaking indicator

595. in which of the following situation are you forbidden to overcome ? C) exceed is to be carried in peaks ramp and visibility is reduce below 50m 596. when you start overtaking a tram stopped station without shelter ? C) when the tram doors were closed while giving priority to pedestrians 597. the distance of at least 50m from leader of vehicle is required to signal the intention to overtake village means ? A) distance between the place to signal the intention of superseding 598. there is no exception to the rule on left side exceeding A) yes, if the vehicle intending to turn left and if the tram 599. can be exceeded tram on the left ? B) yes when you enter right truck and there is enough space for overcome 600. not allowed to increase the speed for vehicle when ? A) another vehicle was engaged in overcoming 601. before performing an overtaking is required ? A) to signal the intention to overtake 602. signal when exceeding ? A) when there is intention to perform this maneuver 603. you can engage in carts located in overcoming a level crossing with a railroad without barriers A) No, overtaking is prohibited in this situation 604. you can run a meeting surpassing the indicator, speed limits A) yes, if during the maneuver speed of movement is not higher than stated on indicator 605.overtaking is forbidden A) in curves where visibility is reduced below 50m C) no pedestrians refuge stations when the tram is stopped 606. overtaking is forbidden ? B) in intersections with traffic without guide and signaled pedestrians crossing

607. overtaking is permitted ? A) in intersections routed (managed ) through light signals B) intersections marked with a priority C) in intersections routed through police 608. Be exceeded when approaching oncoming within walking distance, another vehicle A) yes, if the road is wide enough and overflow does not go over road axis 609. by exception on bridge can be overcome B) animal drawn vehicles, motorcycle without side and bicycle 610.overtaking is forbidden A) in curves where visibility is reduced below 50m B) near the peaks of ramp, when visibility is reduced below 50m 611. you need to have in mind when you plan to vercome both bicyclist, pedestrians and groups moving on the road ? A) to comply with legal (rules) 612. overtaking is prohibited ? C) near the peak of ramp where visibility is less than 50m 613. do not exceed ? C) in intersection with traffic without a guide 614. what to do when, being yourself in a village , near a pedestrian crossing sign posted as such, I intended to overtake a moving vehicle A) execute not exceeding 615. what to do when the vehicle in front of you change direction of travel to the left and right side is not enough space for overtaking B) wait freeing you to continue moving 616. what to do befor you engage in an overtaking C) make sure that handling be done in terms of performed safely after the indicator intent to change direction of travel

617. overcoming a moped is prohibited ? A) less than 50m railway level crossing B) on pedestrian crossing marked with indicator or marker 618. you can overtake on the right side of vehicle whose leader has signaled its intention to change direction of travel to the left ? B) yes, if properly engaged vehicle in front of running leaving C) yes, if this way and created enough space for this maneuver 619. overtaking is prohibited ? C) when to perform the maneuver is violated continues mark 620. of situations in which you must not over take another vehicle A) the pedestrian crssing marked with indicator or marker C) in the action of indicator- overcoming vehicle , exception motorcycles without side forbidden 621. what obligation you before making an overtaking ? C) to ensure and signal intention to overcome 622. what obligations you feel that you will be overtaken by another vehicle A) not increase speed C) to ride as close to the right edge of the road or lane that you are 623. you can exceed when concoming vehicle is approaching another B)No, if approaching from opposite directions is required to carry collision avoidance maneuver 624. before you engage in an overcoming is required ? C) make sure the vehicle circulating infront or behind you has not initiated a similar maneuver 625. in which situation do not exceed vehicle on public roads ? A) in intersections with traffic without guide 626. overtaking vehicles on public road is prohibited ? B) on road that formed a column of vehicles waiting , if this enters oncoming traffic 627. what to do for overcoming that execute be considered is legal ?

B) make sure the maneuver can be performed safely after signal intent to change the position to go and perform overtaking 628. overcoming the ram left out in working is allowed ? A) when between suburban rail curb right there is not enough space to overtaking B) when the public way is one way 629. overcoming is not permitted? A) at intersection without guide C) peak of ramp where visibility is less than 50m 630. you move on road with several lanes, with a speed greater than that of vehicles on other bands consider that an exceed ? C) NO 631. vehicles can be overcome on the right side ? C) yes if vehicle to turn left and the the remain space to vercome the right 632. in which of the following statements do not exceed ? A) on pedestrians crossing or those at railway level can not to lees than to 50m of these C) in case of concoming vehicle are forced to perform a maneuver to avoid collision 633. in what situation you are not allowed to increase the speed of vehicle A) when another vehicle was engaged in overcoming yours SECTION 6 SPEED AND DISTANCE BETWEEN VEHICLES

654. indictor signal speed of A) minimum obligate 655. drive a car, here you can B) 50km/h 656 in this situation B) You can drive max 30 km on road bumpy

657. ------------------A) 80 km/h 658. if holder of license with < 1 year , speed of movement is limited to C) 80 km/h 659. which is the speed with which you move, if you are driving on the main road , after overcoming this indicator B) 90km/h 660. what speed are you allowed to drive on express road outside the city B) 100 km/h 661. Maximum speed limit in towns is A) 50km /h 662. what speed can you drive in residential area A) maximum 20km/h 663. what obligation you in terms of movement speed regime A) adapt speed to road conditions, so you can perform maneuvers safely B) to respect the stationary rate applicable on the road that you move 664. how will you do to meet indicator speed limit 80km /h A) not to exceed 80km/h 665. what is the maximum speed limit outside built on freeway or European national B) 100km/h 666. what are you prohibited during travel B) to reduce speed suddenly or make sudden stop without reason 667. can run at higher speed than vehicle for overcoming legal B) NO 668. what is the speed limit outside built outside on other types of roads other than motorways , express roads and the European native

B) 90km/h 669. reduce speed to 30 km/h in towns you travel up to 50km/h outside settlement is mandatory A) areas of action indicator accident B) areas of action of indicator children btw 07.00 22.00 670. when are you required not to exceed the speed 30 km/h A) within localities- the changing direction of movement through curves ( turns) 671. in what cases the speed must not exceed 30 km/h in town and 50 km/h outside B) particularly dangerous curves marked as such or visibility < 50 m 672. in which cases the speed must not exceed 30 km/h in town and 50 km/h outside B) when visibility is less than 100m in fog, heavy rain , heavy snow 673. in which cases the speed will reduce the legal limit B) bumpy roads marked as such 674. in which cases the speed will reduce the legal limit C) when the road way is covered with ice, snow, slime or wet cobblestone 675. lower the speed limit can be set within the locality is B) not less than 30km/h 676. when you are forced to reduce speed to legal limit , at pedesdrian crossing but indicated by signs to markings A) when the road has more than one lane and sidewalk pedestrian intending to engage in cross 677. in which cases the speed must be reduced to 30km/h in town or 50km/h outside B) you passed organized groups, military columns, whether the are on the road with sign 678. maximum speed limit on motorways B C) 130 km/h 679. the maneuver maximum speed with which you move outside the city vehicle driver who is less than 1year of driving B) with 20 km/h

680. with what speed will make sure turn left at intersection without a guide A) at speed not exceeding 30 km/h in towns or 50 km/h outside 681. with what maximum speed you travel on highway- drivers of that has less than 1 year of driving B) 110km/h 682. use maximum speed on national roads- driver with less than 1 year driving ? C) 80 km/h 683. the maximum driving speed use on European roads other than nation European driver who has < 1 year driving C) 70 km/h 684. is it allowed to stop suddenly without reason ? B) No 685. maximum speed in residential area A) 20 km/h 686. lower limit of speed that public road administrate ma determine in certain sector within localities can not be less than? C) 10 km/h for tram and 30 km/h for all vehicles 687. which is the speed with which you are allowed to ride outside the city , on euro national road , if you drive a car towing a trailer C) 90 km/h 688. which is the maximum allowed speed on national roads European cars , locals by drivers to practice driving more than 1 year A) 50 km/h 689. you can use own means to detect speed measuring devices C) YES 690. which is the maximum allowed speed of vehicles outside the city , when visibility is less than 100 m in fog? A) 50 km/h

691. in what situations you are bound not to exceed 50km/h outside city? A) you pass organized groups, military whether they are on road C) particularly dangerous curves visibility less than 50m 692. in what situation you are bound not to exceed 50km/h outside city ? B) when the road is covered with slime 693. allowed possession , installation or use of vehicle systems that disrupt the smooth functioning of traffic monitoring devices ? A) NO 694. in which cases are required to reduce speed ? B) the flashing yellow beacon 695. speed that they can move outside town , cat. A and B ? A) 130 km/h highway, 100 express or European national roads and 90 on other types of roads 696.vehicles crossing regie priority traffic, which in function of warnig sound and light blue is obliged? A) to give priority to the passage B) to reduce speed C) to ride as close to the road in the direction of travel 697. when you have low speed ? A) the meeting indicator give passage 698. in which of the following is required to run at reduced speed? C) the railway crossing at running 699. how past you re bound to run in a pedestrian area marked as such ? C) at most 5 km/h 700. maximum speed limit on public road administrator can establish certain sector within localities for vehicle Aand B can not be greater than ? C) 80 km/h 701. how fast can you move near a crossroads ?

A) at a speed that allows stopping to prioritize participants who pass this law? 702. as you proceed in a curve devoid of vision , before you travel a bike ? B) reduce speed , move around behind cyclist until the road offers good condition of visibility for overtaking 703. when you have low speed? B) at railway level crossings equipped with barriers 704.how should travelling near pedestrian crossing , properly marked when the road has more than one lane and pedestrians on sidewalks near the road way intends to engage in cross A) to run at speed not exceeding 30km/h or 50 km/h in places outside. 705. maximum permission speeds vehicles in sub category B1 are ? B) 90 km/h on motorways , 80 km/h on express or european and 70 km/h other cater=gories of roads 706.how fast youre bound to drive on public roads outside town , when the roadway is covered with wet cobblestone? A) at a speed which allows any maneuver in terms of safety B) at a speed not exceeding 50 km/h 707. in what situations you are forbidden to increase speed B) they are to be exceeded 708.what to do to meet flashing yellow signal ? A) run at reduced speed C) respect the meaning of road signs and traffic rules applicable in that place. 709. when you are forced to reduce speed? B) flashing yellow light at the meeting 710. when is mandatory speed reduction ? B) when approaching obstacle on direction of travel , when the oncoming from another vehicle 711. if for objective reasons , you move with low speed must ? B) to ride only on the verge or curb lane near

712. with what speed you travel in conditions of fog , heavy rain , snow , visibility is reduced below 100m? C) with maximum 30 km/h in towns and 50 km/h outside town 713. how fast you move when the carriage way is covered with ice,snow, slime or wet cobblestone A) speed must not exceed 30 km/h in towns and 50km/h outside town 714. what obligations incumbent you while driving on the speed ? B) to respect max speed on the road on which the corresponding category of which the vehicle is driven 715. what speed are required to ride outside the city , when torrential rain and visibility is less than 100 m C) at a speed not exceeding 50 km/h 716. at the meeting a vehicle that travel at night , oncoming an unenlightened way, you are bound ? A) to reduce speed 717. what to do , when running on the main road in rural village and passed a military column moving in the same direction? C) reduce speed to limitations prescribed by law if the single lane road area 718. what obligations you , as the driver? B) to run at speed atleast equal to that prescribed by indicator mandatory minimum speed 719. which of the following situations are forced to run at speed not exceeding 30 km/h in towns B) when passing through intersection with traffic without a guide 720. in which of the following situations forced to run at a speed not exceeding 30km/h in city ( town) A) particularly dangerous curves , marked as such B) in curves where visbility is < 50m 721.speed is reduced to the signal? A) railway agents B) authorized staff of the public road workers C) border guards ( police) 722. When is it required to reduce speed ?

A) To signal border police C) To meet the indicator, give passage ( let them pass) 723. In which cases are required to reduce speed B) crossing the railway level current barrier 724. the obligation of flashing yellow signal A) reduce speed and observe traffic 725. which of the following situation are freed to run at speed not exceeding 30 km/h in towns A) when visibility in under 100m , under fog B) in the action of warming indicator accident 726. what to do when approaching station equipped with socket, when moving lane lane next mower and public transport vehicle leader people start signals from stations. A ) reduce speed and if necessary stop 727. properly , proceed to meeting your purpose of travel in case to overcome , get the opposite and infront of another vehicle approaching? B) reduce speed and if necessary stop 728. in which of the following situations forced to run at speed not exceeding 30 km/h in towns? C) when the roadway is covered with slime. 729. in which situation are forced to run at speed not exceeding 30 km/h in towns ( cities) C) action in warning indicator children , its time interval 07.00 22.00 730. in which situations are forced to run at speed not exceeding 30km/h in settlements/ city/ town C) uneven roads marked as such 731. in which situation are forced to run at a speed not exceeding 5okm/h outside town ? C) besides passing animals moving on the roadway or on the road.

SECTION 7 RULES FOR MANEUVER 732. what obligations have to make turning maneuvers of a vehicle on a public road? B) signaling and providing front, back and side

733. its forbidden to return ( forbidden to do U- TURN) ? C) one- way roads 734. return is forbidden ? A) hill, where visibility is less 50m 735. return is forbidden ? A) on bridges B) when there is a risk that the road side to give ( strength does not allow road) 736.prohibited reversing a distance ? A) greater then 50m 737. return is forbidden ? B) one-way streets 738. reversing prohibited ? C) leaving the yard, garage or passages 739. return is forbidden ? B) on foot mark 740. prohibited when reversing ? A) when rear (back ) visibility is not assured 741. return vehicle is prohibited ? A) on foot mark B) in places where strength does not allow road C)one-way roads 742. on ( one way ) your way streets is prohibited? B) to turn the vehicle 743. return is forbidden ? B) in low visibility curves under 50m ( <50m)

C) to meet the narrow indicator 744.return vehicle is not permitted ? C) on foot mark 745. its forbidden to return a vehicle ? C) less than 50m from the level crossing with a rail road running 746. when is it forbidden to return a vehicle ? B) ramp of visibility is less than 50 m C) at pedestrian crossing 747. in what situations is forbidden to return? A) in place where it is installed forbidden to return C) within range of indicator priority of reverse circulation 748. the status of return vehicle prohibited ? A) when visibility is reduced <50 m C) in places where stopping is prohibited , except for intersection 749. in what situation is forbidden to return ? B) on foot mark 750. return vehicle is prohibited ? B) in intersections where left turns prohibited 751. in what situation is forbidden to return ? C) in places where strength does not allow road 752. in what situation is prohibited reversing vehicle ? B) the exit of the highway adjacent properties 753. return vehicle is prohibited ? A) return index forbidden to meet. 754. can maneuver the vehicle back way streets ?

C) yes, but not more than 50m 755. return vehicle is allowed to meet indicator ? C) standing banned 756. as sure as there is no danger when handling the car ? C) make sure the front, back ( rear) and side 757. return is forbidden ? C) in places where it is forbidden voluntary stopping of vehicles. 758. return is forbidden? C) In intersectionwhere necessary maneuvering back and forth. 759. is signaled by reversing ? C) reversing lights fitted to the vehicle. 760. where it is forbidden to return ? B) on bridges and under bridges.

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