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through Bertha Dudde 7830

Renewed prediction by Gods Word ....

ou sti!! dont "now what it #eans to be spo"en to direct!y by $e because you peop!e do not be!ie%e that your God and Father &ro# high ta!"s to you. For you are sti!! o& unen!ightened spirit and you dee# this not to be possib!e. ou there&ore sti!! ha%e a %ery wrong understanding o& God because you put yourse!%es co#p!ete!y beside the $ight that created you and thus cannot &ee! 'ts !o%e because you are without !o%e yourse!%es and there&ore the wor"ing o& the eterna! !o%e is inco#prehensib!e to you. But( in not to re#ote a ti#e you sha!! ha%e proo& that your God and )reator tru!y does spea" and has spo"en to you( &or you to go through the &u!&i!!#ent o& $y continuous announce#ents yourse!%es* and that you wi!! go through a natura! disaster o& greatest e+tent (which has ne%er be&ore be&a!!en the earth. O%er and o%er ' announce to you these happenings without &inding any &aith. But ' want you to be ab!e to be!ie%e when these $y announce#ents wi!! co#e true( &or then ' want you to be!ie%e too on the short!y a&terwards &o!!owing end and wi!! prepare yourse!%es towards it. For the purpose o& a!! $y predictions is ,ust a!ways that you do sincere!y tac"!e your sou!-wor"( that you #a"e we!! use o& the short ti#e and then !i%e through the end( regard!ess( and not to be !ost again &or eterna! ti#es. i.e.( ha%ing to bear the rebanish#ent .into #atter/ which you are irre%ocab!y threatened with at the arri%a! o& the end0 i& ha%ing not &ound your way to $e yet.

' ,ust want to sa%e you hu#ans but not !ea%e you to perish( but ' cannot in&!uence you against your wi!!. ' there&ore ta!" to you through $y #essengers and #a"e you aware o& the near end( ' re#ind you to "eep thin"ing o& your earth!y purpose. ' "eep te!!ing you o%er and o%er #y di%ine teaching o& !o%e and a!! o& you cou!d be!ie%e i& you ,ust had an earnest wi!! to achie%e your earth!y purpose o& !i&e. But you !i%e a care&ree !i&e without any serious thought because you dont be!ie%e in an a&ter!i&e o& the sou!. But ' cannot do more than passing on the truth about your being and your destiny by $yse!& .....' cannot do more than direct!y ta!" to you by $y #essengers and to e+p!ain e%erything as co#prehensib!e to you to the point where you can tru!y be!ie%e. But you dont want to and you cant be &orced to be!ie%e $y words &ro# on high. et you ought to pay attention to e%ery wor!d e%ent( to the condition a#ongst peop!e and to the ob%ious spiritua! !ow. ou a!so ought to be critica! towards yourse!& and your wa!" o& !i&e and you shou!d #editate about the #eaning and purpose o& the earth!y !i&e ..... ou then wou!d recogni1e the condition o& #an on your own and consider it p!ausib!e( this condition cannot re#ain !i"e this* a change is due to occur and then attention wi!! be paid to $y word &ro# on high. et( &or obtaining &aith the good wi!! is re2uired( &or ' he!p e%eryone whod !i"e to rise &ro# the depths( who directs his thoughts towards $e in stri%ing &or recognition o& the right and to detest the wrong ..... 3ru!y( no better in&or#ation can be gi%en to you peop!e than by $y word ....3ru!y you can &ind no better e+p!anation e+cept ' gi%e it to you by #eans o& the direct address and you can be!ie%e it - its the great spiritua! need which causes $e to grant he!p to you peop!e on earth in the way that ' direct the truth towards you( which is &oreign to you( because $y opponent is doing and has been doing e%erything to increase the

dar"ness upon you peop!e( that you dont see anything proper!y any#ore. 3o a!so pre%ent you &ro# recogni1ing the %oice o& your God and Father who wants to he!p and bring the !ight to you prior to the co#ing o& the end. 4isten to $e when you hear $y %oice by #eans o& $y #essengers( do not re&use what they bring you( &or you who do not be!ie%e are in greatest danger ....5nd you can sti!! get sa%ed and &ind &aith because the p!ain truth is presented to you .... 5nd ' wi!! gi%e you proo& o& the truth o& it because it wi!! %ery soon be &u!&i!!ed what there was proc!ai#ed a !ong ti#e ago a!ready0 that the earth wi!! be be&a!!en by an enor#ous natura! happening as not e+perienced be&ore ....5nd soon a&terwards the end wi!! tru!y co#e !i"e proc!ai#ed in word and scripture ....


6ub!ished by &riends o& new re%e!ations o& God 7 'n&or#ation( down!oad o& a!! trans!ated re%e!ations( the#e-boo"!ets at0 http088www.bertha-dudde.in&o8eng!ish8inde+.ht#! 9 http088en.bertha-dudde.org8

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