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Lesson Title: Help along the way - (older version of technology)

Teacher: Keri Hayden

Subject: ELA Grade Level: 8th
Time Required: 80 min ELA block
Topic: Impacting teachers that made a difference during Middle School experience

Essential Question: How have your previous teachers helped you throughout
Middle School? What characteristics did you admire?

Prerequisites (Prior knowledge)

Use of Microsoft word processor, adjectives, middle school experience

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Content Area Standard(s)

ELA Standard #2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and
expression. Students will read and listen to oral written and electronically produced texts
and performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives, and develop an
understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and
performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written
language for self-expression and artistic creation.

ELA Standard #4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
Students will use oral and written language for effective social communication with a wide
variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use social communications of others
to enrich their understanding of people and their views.

Mathematics, Science, and Technology Standard #5: Students will apply technological
knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to
satisfy human and environmental needs.

Intended Learning Outcome

Students will know… Student will be able to…

-ideal and admirable traits/adjectives in a --produce a word processed document

teacher explaining teacher of his/her choice with a
90% level of mastery
-typing and creation of word processed

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe))
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):
Teacher-Created Assessments
-attributes of a good teacher/discussion questions prior to word document

-word document procedure, information describing teacher

(Performance Assessments: )
--on-going assessment during introduction (discussion), writing piece describing teacher,
and creation of word document

(Other Assessments: Peer, Self)

-students will rate themselves using an individual rubric rating score sheet for

-students will also rate peers the following day using the same sheet for each individual
after listening to each other’s presentation

(Assessment Adaptations)


© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe))
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities
Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities:
-demonstration= reading book, teacher example

-discussion=brainstorming and question/answer period

-role play=acting as newscaster when presenting document

Introducing the lesson:

First 40 min]
1. Teacher will read Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard.
2. Discussion – Why do you think the students missed her?
-Were the teachers really different?
-What are some adjectives/traits that describe an ideal teacher/ What do
you admire about a teacher?
3. As students provide answers, teacher will insert into a web diagram provided on front
4. “Now that you are in 8th grade, I want you to think back on your Middle School
experience. I want you to choose a teacher that sticks out in your mind and give me some
examples why chose that teacher. It could be because he/she helped you or you really
liked or appreciated him/her.”(leading into more qualities that are admired in influential,
inspiring teachers)
5. “You have now just become a newscaster for a new “VIT Program.” (Very Important
(the latter part of 40 min. block is listed under procedure)

Instructional Sequence:

Teacher activity (The teacher is doing….) Student activity (The student is doing…)
-Students listening
-reading Miss Nelson is Missing to class -Answering
-Asking discussion/brainstorming
questions/filling in web chart -Writing in daily journal what intended to say
-Explaining assignment and providing about chosen teacher
-Formulating “newscaster” role during
-While students are working in journal and presentation of document
on podcast, teacher is walking around
observing and assisting.

Adaptations to the Instructional Sequence to Differentiate: More time will be allotted if necessary.

Discussion and Assessment of Learning:

Students will be given an index card for the ticket out the door – will be asked to write the teacher’s
name down and one word to summarize their writing piece/what the teacher is like.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe))
Extensions for early finishers: Students will be given the opportunity to create questions they want
to ask the teacher for an interview.

Alternate strategies for struggling students or those who learn differently: A partner will be
given for assistance with podcast if needed and/or longer time to write or create podcast if

[First 40 min]
1. Teacher will read Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard.
2. Discussion – Why do you think the students missed her?
-Were the teachers really different?
-What are some adjectives/traits that describe an ideal teacher/ What do
you admire about a teacher?
3. As students provide answers, teacher will insert into a web diagram provided on front
4. “Now that you are in 8th grade, I want you to think back on your Middle School
experience. I want you to choose a teacher that sticks out in your mind and give me some
examples why chose that teacher. It could be because he/she helped you or you really
liked or appreciated him/her.”(leading into more qualities that are admired in influential,
inspiring teachers)
5. “You have now just become a newscaster for a new “VIT Program.” (Very Important
6. Your assignment will be to write in your daily journal and entry that you would read to
describe the teacher on this show. You will be “broadcasting” on the show and it will be
your chance to tell everyone why this teacher is so recommended and well liked by you.
Be sure to explain what you liked/admired about him/her, and what you were thankful for.
What makes him/her a VIT? *You will be typing your response into a word processed
7. Teacher will read example with emphasis and in “newscaster” voice.
8. Students will brainstorm ideas and formulate their writing piece for further directions.

[Second 40 min]
1. Students will go to computer lab and/or remain in room to use classroom computers.
2. Students will type their journal entry.
3. Students will save it according to teacher instruction and further use the next day.
4. Time permitted – in partners, students will be able to practice reading their entry in
“newscaster” voice for presentation following day.
5. Students will be given a rubric sheet to rate themselves before they leave. As well as a
ticket out the door.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe))
Lesson Development Resources
Technology Tools and Materials:
-web diagram will be set up on front board
-computer lab will be reserved for period
-students will have their instruction sheet that was distributed earlier in year for creating and
printing word document

-Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard

-writing journals

(Parent/Community Resources)


(Contact Information)
-classroom phone number (ext.)
-main office number

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe))

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