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APRIL 25, 2014

NR # 3447B

Solons want to establish science laboratories in public schools

Lawmakers have filed a measure mandating every public, elementary and secondary school nationwide to establish fully-equipped science laboratories. Reps. Rufus Rodriguez ( nd !istrict "agayan de #ro "ity$ and %a&imo Rodriguez ('arty-list, (bante %indanao$, authors of )ouse *ill + , , said science and technology is a vital tool for national economic development. Rodriguez cited the declared policy of the -tate to give priority to scientific and technological efforts vital to national development. Rodriguez said studies have shown a positive relationship between economic development and scientific and technological capability. (ccording to Rodriguez, it has been proven that industrialization can be achieved if schools adopt modern methods of teaching science and technology during the early stages of education. ./n an era of rapid scientific and technological development, the -tate should provide mechanisms to enable the country to be globally competitive. #ne mechanism is to create a science and technology educational program that will propel our country to be at par with our (sian neighbors,0 Rodriguez said. Rodriguez said to meet the demands of the times, government should start improving the country1s -cience and 2echnology educational system. .3e must increase infrastructure support to build and upgrade laboratory rooms and provide facilities in all public elementary and secondary schools. 3e must also provide venue and materials for students1 direct and hands-on e&periences in -cience and 2echnology learning,0 Rodriguez said. 2he measure, to be known as the .-cience Laboratory for *asic 4ducation (ct,0 aims to improve the quality of science and technology in the country. /t also seeks to provide basic and advance -52 education in high school, respectively in preparation for higher education. %oreover, the bill seeks to teach students the effective use and operation of modern laboratory equipment and facility related to science and technology and train -52 teachers the use of modern laboratory equipment so that they will be more effective in demonstrating their uses.

6nder the bill, private schools, which shall import laboratory equipment7facilities for the e&clusive use in their school, shall en8oy 9: ta& deduction from the total revenue obligations. 'rivate entities engaged in the manufacture of laboratory equipment needed in public schools and importation of raw materials shall get a +: ta& incentive. 2he measure seeks to provide the construction of laboratory buildings; required laboratory equipment and facilities; continuous development and updating of standards for facilities and strengthen partnership between public and private institutions in promoting science and technology. /n addition to the funds to be provided by the Legislature, the bill shall source funding support from the 9: share from the gross proceeds of travel ta& collections of the national government and from the net income of the 'hilippine <ames and (musement "orporation ('(<"#R$ over and above the franchise ta& and corporate income ta&. 2he !epartment of -cience and 2echnology (!#-2$ through the -cience 4ducation /nstitute (-4/$ in coordination with the regional offices of the !epartment or 4ducation (!ep4d$ and the Regional -cience and 2echnology 2eaching "enters (R-2"s$ are mandated to implement the program. (+9$ lvc

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