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Chapter 2: Cell as a unit of life

2.1 Animal cells and plant cells 1. Cells are the basic unit of living things. Most of the cells are microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye. 2. General structures of animal cells and plant cells.

Animal cells

lant cells

!imilarities "oth have nucleus#cell membrane and cytoplasm

$ifferences a% &o chloroplasts. 'as chloroplasts b% &o cellulose cell wall. 'as cellulose cell wall c% (acuoles which are small and numerous. )ne to a few large vacuoles filled with cell sap d% *he cytoplasm fills the cell. *he cytoplasm is reduced to a thin lining e% &o starch grains in the cytoplasm. !tarch grains are commonly found in the cytoplasm +. ,unction of varies parts of cell: a% Cell membrane - controls the movement of substances into or out of a cell. b% Cell wall - supports and gives a regular shape to a plant cell. c% Cytoplasm - stores food and waste materials# place where chemical reactions take place. d% &ucleus - controls all activities of a cell. e% (acuole - *he sac where salt solution and sugar solution are stored. f% Chloroplast - contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis. 2.2 .nicellular organism and multicellular organism 1. .nicellular organisms - are organisms that are made up of one cell. /0amples: paramecium# euglena#yeast#amoeba 2. Multicellular organisms - are organisms that are made up of more than one cell. /0amples are hydra# spirogyra# birds# orchids +. Man is a multicellular organism. *he human body is comple0# with different types of systems. 1. 'uman cells are organi2ed as follows Cell *issue )rgan !ystem

3. *issue - a group of cells of the same structure performing one particular function 4. )rgan - a group of different tissues working together to carry out one or more functions 5. !ystem - a group of organs working together to perform a particular function + 6. *here are many systems in the human body

a% b% c% d% e% f% g% h% i%

7espiratory system - takes in o0ygen for the respiration of all cells and removes carbon dio0ide 7eproductive system - produces reproductive cells &ervous system - controls our actions# response to changes around us !keletal system - supports our body# protects our organs# enables movement Muscular system - enables movement $igestive system - helps to digest food so that it can be absorb into the blood "lood circulatory system - to supply o0ygen and food to all parts of the body /ndocrine system - produces hormones that controls the body8s activities /0cretory system - discards to0ic waste products

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