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9 : Contents Quiz # 2 Reading Revisin del intento 1

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lunes, 28 de abril de 2014, 17:56 lunes, 28 de abril de 2014, 18:22 25 minutos 45 segundos 10/10 25 de un mximo de 25 (100%) Felicitaciones! Su aprehensin de las temticas es excelente.

Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Relative Clauses To answer this question, you have to read the article about the authors of English literature and select the correct option.

Who of them were not poets?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Eric Blair and Edward Foster b. Thomas Eliot and Jhon Synge c. Eric Blair and John Synge d. Edward Foster and Thomas Eliot Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Prepositions To answer this questions, you have to read the article about the authors of English literature and select the correct option.

Who was forced to move because of war?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Eric Blair

b. Edward Foster c. John Synge d. Thomas Eliot Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 3 : WH Questions with Modal Verbs Select the correct answer based on "Ana's story":

Which could be the best tittle for Ana's story?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Ana did not have money b. Ana Finds an apartment c. Ana finds a new husband d. Ana and Mario are moving Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 3 : WH Questions with Modal Verbs According to the Reading "Julian's story" answer this question:

What is the second thing Julian must do at his job?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Open boxes b. Put books on shelves c. Put books in piles d. Tape boxes shut Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 1 : Describing the Place Where we Lived Taking into account "Ana's story" answer this question:

In this story, which of the following is not mentioned as an amenity?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. A fitness center b. A clubhouse c. A carpet d. A pool Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Past Progressive Vs Simple Past To answer this question, you have to read the article about the authors of English literature and select the correct option.

Who won a special prize for his literary works?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Thomas Eliot b. Edward Foster c. John Synge d. Eric Blair Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Present Progressive Vs Simple Past Taking into account "Maddy's story" answer this question:

What lesson did Maddy learn?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Do not ride a scooter with pink shoes. b. Practice makes perfect. c. Be careful what you wish for. d. School is fun with new shoes Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 4 : Use ING Forms as Adjectives, Subjects and Objects To answer this question, you have to read the article about the authors of English literature and select the correct option.

Who was famous for writing about social movements?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. John Synge b. Thomas Eliot c. Eric Blair d. Edward Foster Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Past Progressive Vs Simple Past To answer this question, you have to read the article about the authors of English literature and select the correct option.

Who studied in more than one university?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. Edward Foster b. Thomas Eliot c. Eric Blair d. John Synge Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

Puntos: 1

Unit 6 : Prepositions Taking into account "Julian's story" answer this question:

Which is the best hope for Julian?

Seleccione una respuesta. a. He hopes become the best writer and see his books in a library. b. He hopes to turn his story into a book. c. He hopes to do the best at the work d. He hopes work at the bookstore all his life Correcto

Puntos para este envo: 1/1.

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