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Stephen hawking

Introduction How would one define the simple word hero? the oxford dictionary defines hero defines hero as a man of distinguished ability admired for his brave deeds and nobility. Hero in our popular perception is the man who has ability to save his world like in films and novels. However does it mean that a hero has to be the one that saves us and displays bravery and courage? What about those men who have given this world at the range of knowledge on which our existence is based? Men like Charles arwin! "alileo! issac #ewton! $lbert %instein or even Stephen hawking? What about them? &hey have made some of the greatest discoveries that surround our existence. &hey have made us aware of some valid truths and facts. &he ability to make such groundbreaking revelations is e'ually heroic like $laddin or (ames bond) *n that respect! i call Stephen hawking as my hero of the twentieth century contemporary times. %veryone knows how his achievements have made them e'uated with men like #ewton and %instein in physics. He surpasses them and all of them as he makes his way through a difficult condition with which he has been suffering lifelong. +or a long time his theories were not accepted ! they were not vene recogni,ed because they were so radical and shook the basis of physics itself. &ill now a lot of scientists resist his works and discovered because of this. #evertheless he remains a great man and accomplishments have come through the effort of his groundbreaking research. His great achievements in physics and cosmology have made him known in every country of this world. Suffering a lifelong illness of motor neuron disease! he has been e'uated with %instein and #ewton even though he cannot read! write or calculate in a normal way. His publications in the

concept of cosmology and history have generated huge interest and credibility in the scientific and technological world.

His first ma-or scientific work was published in ./01234 which exhibited every solution to the e'uations of general relativity. &his has become the famous singularity theorem. &hen by ./35 he started formulating ideas about the black hole suggesting through his e'uations that radiation could escape through the black holes which became termed as hawking radiation. &his radiation would ultimately lead a black hole ultimately evaporate and disappear in the space forver. +urther in a paper in ./30 he suggested how this it was not -ust the black holes that disappeared but what inside the black hole would also destroy too. He then has conducted long researches concerning the sub-ect and using mathematical e'uations that this could in fact be true. Scientist has re-ected this theory for a long time fearing how it would render the mechanics of cause and effect as ,ero. 6hysics then holds no importance. 7et this shocking revelation has taken all the attention. &his was known as the second law of the black hole dynamics. He has actually drawn four of them drawing an analogy in thermodynamics. $fter huge reluctance his theory concerning the black hole were widely accepted. He has been awarded a lot of honors and even became one of the youngest members to be honored by the royal society of science.

*n his book a brief history of time he introduces cosmology as a existing out of nothing but laws of nature. He proposes speaking of god in the metamorphic sense. Haw king8s god is the main character of this book negating the idea of believing in the personal god.

*n the same book he suggests how history or histories have no singularities! no beginnings no end! universe thus has no beginning no end. &ime then becomes imaginary way of control. &his concept of imaginary time has made a particular impact. With the discovery of 'uantum physics! it is believed that universe has a possible history. &he concept of imaginary time then leads how universe is curved in itself leading to a straight singularity. Here the e'uations of physics cannot be applied and everything becomes unpredictable. His essays and researches concerning the physical world have been really impacted the sciences and scientists have feared that if at all they are totally accepted! the whole mechanics of physics fails automatically.

What is remarkable is the mind and capability of a man who has been confined to a wheelchair has applied for an assisted suicide making such groundbreaking theories and discoveries about cosmology and physics that have startled the world. Stephen hawkings! a lifetime member of pontifical academy of sciences and recipient of multiple honors including the highest civilian award in the 9nited States! with his works in popular science has made him a brilliant and productive researcher. His theory regarding the black hole has made scientists really ama,ed. With the perpetuating notions concerning the universe and the black hole! this man changed the world. He has made a well deserved reputation across the world regarding his theorem of singularities and notions of imaginary time. He is perhaps the scientific hero of our contemporary times and definitely inspirational. $ hero need not be only smart or good looking or brave than ordinary men. Stephen hawking is an example of heroism that e'ually displays courage to pursue one:s interest despite having a disability that refrains from a person from even

reading and writing. Stephen hawking displays more than a hero. $ relentless determination and belief in his ideas and wanting them to reach outside to everyone. His excellence and smartness lies in his ability to command his life in such a way that he has been honored at so many places and appeared in popular media as an achiever. Whether how correct his research is or is not! is something that should be left to scientists but what we could take from him is the inspiration to pursue your dreams when we are capable enough. Hawking becomes the hero in the sense he takes the standard of achievement higher that his predecessors.

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