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Kevin Radmall Paper #3 This story is about my girlfriend Lindsey, whom is now 35 years old.

This embarrassing moment in her life happened about 16 years before I knew her when she was 19. Lindsey underwent a liver transplant due to fulminant hepatic failure caused by Wilsons disease. She has never been a very vain person when it comes to moments in her life that have to do with bodily functions, but this one would embarrass anyone. After receiving a new liver in April of 1998, she awoke from a coma the following month. Well when youre in a coma your body shuts down, you dont consume any food or beverage, and you have a nasogastric tube inserted into your nose that by passes your stomach and heads straight into the intestines. Well when she was fully awake the doctors and hospital staff decided to try some ensure through the NG tube. Thats where her moment started. She was young and thought she still looked human. Lindsey didnt fully understand what she had been through and still had to go through. With life support still keeping her alive, she could not communicate with the staff. Craig was a handsome young nurse, according to her, whom was taking care of her the day after she received her first delicious ensure beverage after having a liver transplant and waking up from a coma. All night long she said she could feel the drink digesting through her body and feared what may come next. Craig walked through the door and said that she was his only patient that day because his other one was in surgery all day long! She was in the STICU (Shock Trauma Intensive Care Unit) of LDS Hospital, where nurses were only stationed with two patients at a time because they were so critically ill. Most didnt make it out of the unit alive.

The only thing Lindsey said she could think about the entire time was using the bathroom that day that Craig sat in her room and did paper work. He knew from previous nights that she liked having someone in the room the whole time with her to keep her company. I guess he figured that her mom needed a break for the day and sent her home. As Lindsey lay there all day in agonizing pain due to having to use the bathroom but refused because her cute nurse was sitting there all day and being unable to communicate, she did nothing but watch the clock. She knew Craigs shift was over at seven pm. The clock finally struck seven and she said Craig left the room. Well.she let it go. Im not talking about number one either. Yes she pooped the bed. Being only 19 she said she was quite embarrassed. I think I would have been too if I had a cute female nurse and crapped the bed as soon as she left. Well she told me that the horror had not ended yet. Immediately following the soiling of her sheets the next nurse walked in the room and said, Really, Why didnt you motion to Craig you had to use the bathroom? She proceeded to tell her that she had to take a patient to surgery and the CNA would clean her up. The nurse came in and stuck a tube up her rear end to collect the rest of the feces as Lindsey franticly waved her arms in distress to tell her that she has finish having a bowel movement. From then on I think she really disliked the nurse that did that. She did learn from the experience that she should probably let the nurses know, even cute Craig, when she had to use the bathroom. Lindsey told me that a bed pan is much better than a tube up the rectum. For me not having been through what she endured I dont know if I could have handled that type of embarrassing moment and not have it haunt me to this day. Sure, Lindsey has lost some dignity in the aspect of using the restroom in front of others and she doesnt seem to let it bother her. Im glad that did not happen to me! Im sure in her life there will be many more

horrid moments in her life, but life does go on. Even with the embarrassment that comes along with it.

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