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Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit

!""# %&"
Bay 0ne
uoal: Iuentify a
ciicle, iectangle,
squaie, ihombus,
tiiangle anu
Bay Two
uoal: Bistinguish
between uefining
anu non-uefining
attiibutes of a shape.
Bay Thiee
uoal: Compose anu
uecompose uiffeient
shapes using
Bay Foui
uoal: Compaie anu
contiast siues,
veitices anu angles of
uiffeient shapes by
cieating shapes fiom
given chaiacteiistics
on geoboaius.
Nath Exploiation:
Reau A Shape
Nonsteis Book by
Regina Bavis on the
SmaitBoaiu anu
have stuuents come
up to uiaw which
shape shoulu be on
the next page.
Biscuss the uefining
anu non-uefining
attiibutes of each
shape. This will
ieintiouuce the
uiffeient shapes that
the stuuents shoulu
be familiai with.
Nath Exploiation:
Each stuuent will
cieate a pizza using
uiffeient shapes;
Peppeioni slices aie
ieu ciicles,
mushiooms aie
biown semi-ciicles,
sausages aie biown
ovals, pineapple aie
yellow squaies, the
pizza slice itself is a
tiiangle, etc. This
woulu also be a goou
time to intiouuce
halves anu quaiteis.

uuiuing Questions:
1. "If I changeu the
coloi of this squaie
to ieu, woulu it still
be a squaie."
) 2. "What makes a
squaie a squaie."

Nath Exploiation:
Reauing Thiee Pigs,
0ne Wolf anu Seven
Nagic Shapes we
will cieate the
animals using
Tangiams. We will
uiscuss how you
compose anu
uecompose shapes
fiom othei shapes.
Nath Exploiation:
While ieauing The
uieeuy Tiiangle by
Naiilyn Buins, have
the chiluien cieate
each shape on theii
geoboaius while I
uiaw the shape on
the geoboaiu in the
SmaitBoaiu lesson.
Aftei finishing the
book, complete the
iemaining sliues on
the SmaitBoaiu
lesson as a class. This
is a gieat way to
intiouuce gieatei
than, less than, anu
equal to.
Nath Centeis touay:
1. Ny Shapes Book
2. Tangiams
S. uuess Ny Rule
4. Attiibute Blocks
S. "#$%% &'()*+
",$*- .(/01-'0

Nath Centeis touay:
1. Ny Shapes Book
2. Tangiams
S. uuess Ny Rule
4. Attiibute Tiains
S. "#$%% &'()*+
",$*- .(/01-'0

Nath Centeis touay:
1. Ny Shapes Book
2. Tangiams
S. uuess Ny Rule
4. Attiibute Tiains
S. "#$%% &'()*+
",$*- .(/01-'0

Nath Centeis touay:
1. Ny Shapes Book
2. Tangiams
S. uuess Ny Rule
4. Attiibute Tiains
S. "#$%% &'()*+
",$*- .(/01-'0

Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit
Assessment foi
1) Biaw a iectangle.
Bow many siues
uoes it have.

2) Bow many siues
uoes a ciicle have.
S) See the pictuie
below. Ciicle the
shape's siues only.
4) Biaw this shape:
Assessment foi
uuess Ny Rule
Assessment foi
Wiite a sentence
about how many
moie oi less of each
shape you have than

Assessment foi touay
"Aie theie moie siues
oi angles." "Aie theie
moie veitices oi
siues." Exit slip.
'()* !""#+
Tangiams, Tangiam
Templates, "uuess
Ny Rule" Sheets, Cut
out Pattein Blocks
"Shape Nonsteis"
"Ny Shapes Book"
Packet foi each

A Shapes Nonstei
Book by Regina
Biffeient foous to
cieate pizzas
Thiee Pigs, 0ne
Wolf anu Seven
Nagic Shapes by
uiace Naccaione
uieeuy Tiiangle
SmaitBoaiu Lesson
The uieeuy Tiiangle
by Naiilyn Buins
Compaiing the
Numbei of Animals
Exit Slip.

Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit
!""# %&" ,"&-"*.
,"&-"* /0
12 3456". 7))#
The stuuents will each have a "Ny Shapes Book" to complete while they aie woiking in this
centei. In this book, they will iuentify a ciicle, oval, iectangle, squaie, tiapezoiu, ihombus,
hexagon, kite, tiiangle, pentagon, octagon, anu paiallelogiam. Foi each shape, they will
wiite the name of the shape, uiaw the shape, anu answei a seiies of questions about the
shape. Theie is a chait in the back of the book foi the stuuents to iecoiu the numbei of
polygons founu in theii book with with 4 siues, 4 angles, anu 4 veitices, the numbei of
polygons founu in theii book with 8 siues, etc. This chait will be an intiouuction to
compaiing anu contiasting.

,"&-"* 80
This centei will have baggies of tangiams foi the stuuents to use to complete one of the
following activities: 1. Nake a Bexagon, Tiiangle, Rectangle, Tiapezoiu, Rhombus, oi
Squaie. Recoiu the Numbei of veitices anu siues. Woulu you be able to make a ciicle out of
the tangiams. Why oi why not. (AnalyzeConceptual)
2. Nake a Tiiangle. Recoiu the Numbei of veitices anu Siues.
S. Nake an animal. Recoiu the numbei of veitices anu siues. uive the animal a name anu
wiite a sentence about it.
4. Nake something that you see eveiyuay (house, peison, flowei, table, etc.) Recoiu the
numbei of veitices anu siues.
,"&-"* <0
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There will be lots of cut out pattern blocks with different attributes in this center. The students
will glue the pattern blocks that follow their chosen rule (all have 4 sides, all are blue, etc.) to
their Guess My Rule sheets and write hints about them to help the reader guess the rule for that
particular set of pattern blocks.
,"&-"* A0
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The stuuents will eithei BF Soit the uiffeient attiibute blocks accoiuing to shape, size, coloi,
siues, veitices, angles, etc. Recoiu the numbei of shapes in each gioup anu compaie anu
contiast them by using >, < oi =. 0i 7F Challenge themselves to see how long they can make
theii attiibute tiains, woiking alone oi with a paitnei.
,"&-"* G0 3;5@@ =*)>6
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Fiist, the stuuents will use each of the uiffeient shapes to cieate theii shape monstei. Then,
the stuuent will iecoiu how many of each shape they useu, anu answei questions such as,
"Biu you use moie oi less tiiangles than ciicles." "Bow many moie squaies uiu you use
than ovals." etc.

Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit
!""# 9J)
Bay Five
uoal: Compaie two
uigit numbeis using
>, < anu =.
Bay Six
uoal: Iuentify the
uiffeiences between
place value.
Bay Seven
uoal: Iuentifying <,
>, anu = using math
Bay Eight
uoal: Iuentify ways
to collect anu
oiganize uata.
Nath Exploiation:
See Lesson #1.
Nath Exploiation:
Watch Place value
BiainPop. The
stuuents will be
given "Place value
Cheez-Its anu
Pietzel sticks) anu
foam tiays (with 4
sections -hunuieus,
tens, ones, anu a
place to show theii
numbei) to make
the numbei shown
on the SmaitBoaiu
(pickeu by the
ianuom numbei
geneiatoi). Biscuss
the shape of each
Nath Exploiation:
As a class, solve
iiuules on the
SmaitBoaiu that use
less than gieatei
than oi equal to as
pait of the
vocabulaiy as well as
place value hints.
Stuuents will solve
these with me on
theii slates.
Nath Exploiation:
As a class, we will
collect uata about oui
pets. The stuuents
will tell me uiffeient
ways in which we can
collect the uata. Foi
this lesson, we will
focus on using a tally
chait. We will ueciue
on the categoiies anu
title foi oui tally
chait as a class.

As a class, uo we have
moie uogs oi cats as
oui pets.
As a class, uo we have
moie than, less than,
oi an equal amount of
biius anu fish as oui

Nath Centeis touay:
1.uatoi Chomp
Place value uame
2. Alligatoi
Bunuieus Chait
S. Compaiing
Numbeis viitual
4. Who's the
gieatest Who's the
least 0wl uame
4. Animal Soit

Nath Centeis touay:
1.uatoi Chomp Place
value uame
2. Alligatoi
Bunuieus Chait
S. Compaiing
Numbeis viitual
4. Who's the
gieatest Who's the
least 0wl uame
4. Animal Soit

Nath Centeis touay:
1.uatoi Chomp Place
value uame
2. Alligatoi Bunuieus
S. Compaiing
Numbeis viitual
4. Who's the gieatest
Who's the least 0wl
4. Animal Soit

Nath Centeis touay:
1.uatoi Chomp Place
value uame
2. Alligatoi Bunuieus
S. Compaiing
Numbeis viitual
4. Who's the gieatest
Who's the least 0wl
4. Animal Soit

Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit

Assessment foi
Compaie numbeis
using <,> anu = on
an exit slip.
Assessment foi
Pick two caius fiom
the "Alligatoi
Bunuieus Chait"
caiu set. Biaw base
ten blocks foi each
numbei anu
compaie them using
>, < oi =.
Assessment foi touay
Explain how you
ueciue which
numbei is gieatei
than anothei.
Assessment foi touay
Nake a tally chait of
the numbei of ciicles
anu squaies you can
finu aiounu the ioom.
(Foi Week)
Bice, uatoi Chomp
Place value uame
packet, Alligatoi
Bunuieus Chait
Packet, Compaiing
Numbeis viitual
Spinneis, Beck of
Caius, Who's the
uieatest Who's the
Least 0wl uame
packet, Animal
Sheets to answei
questions about the
animal soit.

(See Lesson 1 foi
touays mateiials)
Place value
Pietzel Sticks
Foam Tiays with

Slates, Biy-Eiase
Naikeis, Eiaseis.
Postei papei foi uata
collection, maikeis
Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit
!""# 9J) ,"&-"*.
,"&-"* /0
=5-)* ,4);6 H@5K" L5@>" =5;"
0sing two uice (iegulai oi place value) each playei will ioll theii numbeis. The goal is to
make the laigest numbei possible to move on the boaiu. The peison with the laigest
numbei moves one space. The fiist one to the cake is the winnei. uoou Luck!
,"&-"* 80
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The stuuents will pull two numbeis at a time out of a bag that contains the numbeis 1-99
anu use the woik mat to compaie the numbeis by using >, >, anu =. The stuuents will check
theii woik using the hunuieus chait anu use the iecoiuing sheet to wiite uown the gieatei
than oi less than sentences.
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Belp Bill's wishes come tiue by completing the numbei sentences coiiectly using >,< anu =.
,"&-"* A0
!4)Q. -4" =*"5-".- !4)Q. -4" R"5.- %J@ =5;"
Accoiuing to level of ability, stuuents will woik in gioups of two to foui to play this
compaiing numbeis game. The fiist playei picks two (oi thiee accoiuing to ability) caius
fiom the ueck anu spins the spinnei. Be then soits his caius on the mat so that they match
what the spinnei lanus on (least, gieatest, oi you choose). 0nce this is complete, the playei
will wiite the inuicateu numbei in expanueu foim anu wiite how many hunuieus (if it is a S
uigit numbei), tens anu ones it has. The iemaining playeis uo the same. Playei one spins the
spinnei again, if the spinnei lanus on "gieatest," the playei with the gieatest numbei keeps
all of the caius, if it lanus on "least" the playei with the least numbei keeps the caius. This
continues foi 4-S iounus.
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Animal Exploie

Stuuents will be given a bucket of animals. They will neeu to soit the animals into uiffeient
categoiies baseu on similaiities. I will then have the stuuents wiite in theii math jouinal
using the following questions:
1. Bow can you show someone you soiteu these animals like this.
2. What aie some ways we can iecoiu what we soiteu.
S. What animal uiu you have the most of. Least of.

Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit
!""# 94*""
Bay Nine
uoal: 0iganize anu
iepiesent collecteu
uata by using a tally
Bay Ten
uoal: Repiesent
collecteu uata by
using a bai giaph.
Bay Eleven
uoal: Inteipiet uata
on a bai giaph with
up to thiee
Bay Twelve
uoal: 0iganize,
iepiesent, anu
inteipiet uata with
up to thiee
categoiies; ask anu
answei questions
about the total
numbei of uata
points, how many in
each categoiy, anu
how many moie oi
less aie in one
categoiy than in
Nath Exploiation:
Bo a "scoot" aiounu
the ioom foi the
stuuents to tally theii
favoiite animal on
each othei's "Whooo
in the Zoo Bo We
Love Nost." booklets.
0nce this is uone,
have the stuuents
count up each of the
tallies anu iecoiu the
numbei in the
assigneu space. What
woulu be a gieat way
foi us to iepiesent
this uata.
Bow coulu we show
visitois what oui
favoiite zoo animals
aie aie without
asking them to count
up all of the tallies.
Nath Exploiation:
Nouel how to make
a bai giaph on
uiaph Club (on the
SmaitBoaiu) by
using the uata
collecteu about oui
pets. Bave the
stuuent's assist in
the piocess. Point
out key factois such
as the numbeis on
the lines anu theii
ielationship to the
numbei of squaies
of the giiu that get
coloieu in to make
oui bai giaph. The
stuuents will use
theii uata collecteu
in theii "Whooo in
the Woilu Bo We
Love Nost." book to
cieate a bai giaph.
Nath Exploiation:
Reau Lemonaue Foi
Sale by Tiicia Tusa.
Bave the stuuents
iecognize the uata
that is iepiesenteu
on the giaphs in the
book anu ielate it to
the stoiy. Ask them,
"Bow many cups of
lemonaue uiu the
chiluien sell on the
thiiu uay."
"Bow many less cups
uiu they sell on the
fiist uay than the
fouith uay."
Bave the stuuents
ietuin to theii seats
to answei questions
about a bai giaph
containing uata fiom
anothei fiist giaue
class's favoiite zoo
Nath Exploiation:
3"" R"..)& 8F
Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit
Nath Centeis touay:
1. Faim Animal Soit
anu uiaph
2. Nacaioni Soit anu
uiaph Activity
S. Wooulanu Animals
Roll anu uiaph
4. Scooping up Shapes
S. Animal Soit
Nath Centeis touay:
1. Faim Animal Soit
anu uiaph
2. Nacaioni Soit anu
uiaph Activity
S. Wooulanu
Animals Roll anu
4. Scooping up
S. Animal Soit
Nath Centeis touay:
1. Faim Animal Soit
anu uiaph
2. Nacaioni Soit anu
uiaph Activity
S. Wooulanu
Animals Roll anu
4. Scooping up
S. Animal Soit
Nath Centeis touay:
1. Faim Animal Soit
anu uiaph
2. Nacaioni Soit anu
uiaph Activity
S. Wooulanu
Animals Roll anu
4. Scooping up
S. Animal Soit

Assessment foi touay
"Whoo in the Zoo Bo
We Love Nost." book
Assessment foi
"Whoo in the Zoo Bo
We Love Nost."
Assessment foi
Inteipieting uata
Assessment foi
Completeu uiaph
with Foam Stickeis
(Foi Week)
Faim Animal Soit &
uiaph packet,
Nacaioni of uiffeient
sizes anu shapes,
giaphing sheets to
iecoiu iesults, 0cean
Animal uiaphing
packet, Wooulanu
animal giaphing
packet uice,
Tangiams, tally

"Whoo in the Zoo Bo
We Love Nost." book

uiaph Club
"Whoo in the Zoo Bo
We Love Nost."
Lemonaue foi Sale -
Tiicia Tusa
Inteipieting uata
See Lesson 2 foi

Cynui Bill Assessment Pioject Thematic 0nit

!""# 94*"" ,"&-"*.
,"&-"* /0
(5*; B&C;5@ 3)*- S =*564


Soit the animals anu giaph how many on the iecoiuing sheet.

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In this centei, the stuuents will have two uice that have pictuies of uiffeient wooulanu
animals on each siue. They will ioll the uice anu iecoiu each time they ioll a ceitain type of
animal on theii giaphs. Which animal will be iolleu the most. Can be playeu in a small
gioup, with a paitnei oi inuepenuently (gieat foi fast finisheis!)

,"&-"* A0
3K))6C&: T6 3456".

uiven uiffeient coloieu shapes. Stuuents must scoop out shapes, soit them accoiuing to
coloi, numbei of siues, angles oi veitices anu cieate a tally chait. This chait will be
uisplayeu on a sheet that the stuuents can eiase anu can keep piacticing theii soiting of

Aftei the seconu uay of this week, the stuuents will then cieate a giaph fiom the shapes
they scoop out.

,"&-"* G0
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Stuuents will be given a bucket of animals. They will neeu to soit the animals into uiffeient
categoiies baseu on similaiities. Aftei they cieate a tally chait with theii infoimation, the
stuuents can then cieate a bai giaph in theii jouinals. I will then have the stuuents wiite in
theii math jouinal using the following questions:
1. Bow can you show someone you soiteu these animals like this.
2. What aie some ways we can iecoiu what we soiteu.
S. What animal uiu you have the most of. Least of.

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