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The Leonardo proves mummies are more than just a good Halloween costume

By Kenzie McDonald SALT LAKE CITY The Mummies of the o!ld" e#hi$it teaches adults and child!en ali%e the histo!y of mummies in an e#citin&' (isual )ay* Ta%e a th!illin& day t!i+ a!ound the )o!ld and $ac% in time )ithout e(e! lea(in& the Salt La%e (alley* ,umans and animals ha(e $een mummified fo! as lon& as they ha(e $een on ea!th* Mummification ta%es +lace )hen the +!ocess of decay is $loc%ed' &ene!ally f!om a lac% of moistu!e o! o#y&en* This can ha++en as an intentional +!ocess' )hich sometimes is !efe!!ed to as intentional o! a!tificial mummification' o! as a natu!al +!ocess' )hich is sometimes !efe!!ed to as natu!al o! accidental mummification* -E#hi$it )e$site.* Mummies of the o!ld" is the la!&est mummy collection any)he!e in the )o!ld and is on a th!ee/yea! tou! of the 0nited States* The e#hi$it includes $oth intentional and a!tificial mummies as )ell as (a!ious othe! a!tifacts comin& f!om Asia' 1ceania' South Ame!ica' Eu!o+e and ancient E&y+t* The e#hi$it $e&an )hen a &!ou+ of mummies that )as $elie(ed to ha(e $een lost in o!ld a! 2 )as found in the $asement of the 3eiss/En&elho!n Museum in Mannheim' 4e!many* Docto!s came to&ethe! to study thei! findin&s and a!e no) sha!in& those findin&s )ith the )o!ld in this !a!e e#hi$it* 3o$yn Lyons' one of the Leona!do"s c!eati(e e#+e!ts says this is one of he! fa(o!ite e#hi$its she"s seen come to the museum* 5 hat I find so inte!estin& is that the docto!s %no) no mo!e than any of us' )hich !aises mo!e 6uestions* Mummies can $e studied and )e can lea!n so much a$out them' $ut the!e is still so much that is un%no)n*7 hile )al%in& th!ou&h the e#hi$it' the (isito! is ta%en th!ou&h dimly lit !ooms containin& actual mummy +!ese!(es and )hat info!mation is %no)n a$out them* 1ne )ill see mummies of Eu!o+ean !oyalty' a 8e!u(ian infant %no)n as the 5Detmold Child'7 and e(en ha(e the o++o!tunity to touch sam+les of diffe!ent mate!ials mummies a!e made of' addin& a fun se&ment fo! child!en to feel in(ol(ed* Kenny 9inley' anothe! (isito! at the museum' said his fa(o!ite +a!t )as the Detmold child* 5I find it amazin& that )ith the technolo&y )e ha(e today' docto!s ha(e found that the mummy )as $et)een :/;< months old )hen it died and had many medical issues* It"s c!azy to thin% that )e can lea!n so much f!om somethin& that is almost ='><< yea!s old*7 5Althou&h silent' mummies a!e elo6uent* They a!e a uni6ue a!chi(e of human e#+e!ience? th!ou&h them )e ha(e lea!ned a$out the s+!ead and e(olution of disease and ho) +eo+le in $oth )ell %no)n and fo!&otten ci(ilizations li(ed and died* But )hat )e %no) a$out mummies isn"t all in the +ast* hat )e ha(e lea!ned th!ou&h mummies a$out the mutation and chan&e of the tu$e!culosis $acte!ia may hel+ us eliminate the deadly disease in the futu!e*7 -@uote on )all of e#hi$it.*

Both adults and child!en a!e )elcome and encou!a&ed to attend' thou&h the museum su&&ests that adults $ecome familia! )ith the e#hi$it $efo!e decidin& to $!in& child!en* 53emind you! child that the mummies a!e no lon&e! li(in&'7 the Ame!ican E#hi$ition )!ote in an online +a!ent &uide* 5They )e!e once !eal +eo+le' $ut they don"t loo% li%e e(e!yday +eo+le no) $ecause the mummification +!ocess alte!s the )ay they loo% in many )ays*7 8a!ents can chec% )))*mummiesofthe)o!ld*com fo! additional info!mation* The museum is o+en Sundays to ednesdays f!om ;< a*m*/> +*m* and Thu!sdays to Satu!days f!om ;< a*m*/;< +*m* The e#hi$it !uns f!om 9e$* ;= to May 2A* Tic%ets a!e B;: fo! child!en' B22*>< fo! adults and B;C*>< fo! senio!s' youths' students and milita!y* Audio tou!s a!e a(aila$le fo! an additional B>*

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