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DisasIers are highIy unpredicIabIe and disrupIive
evenIs IhaI cause suIIering, deprivaIion, in|ury
and deaIh, as a resuII oI direcI in|ury, disease, Ihe
inIerrupIion oI commerce and business, and Ihe
parIiaI or IoIaI desIrucIion oI criIicaI inIrasIruc-
Iure such as homes, hospiIaIs, roads, bridges,
power Iines, eIc.
4 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
DisasIers can be caused by naIuraIIy
occurring evenIs, such as earIhguakes, hur-
ricanes, Boods, or Iornadoes, or Ihey can be
Ihe resuIIs oI man-made evenIs; eiIher acci-
denIaI (such as an accidenIaI Ioxic wasIe spiII
or nucIear power pIanI meIIdown), or deIib-
eraIe (such as various IerrorisI bombings,
shooIings, poisonings or rioIs and anarchy).
CerIain Iypes oI naIuraI disasIers are more
IikeIy Io occur in parIicuIar parIs oI Ihe
worId. or insIance, areas near coasIIines,
Iakes or rivers are more IikeIy Io experience
Booding probIems Ihan Iand-Iocked areas.
However, aImosI every pIace you couId Iive
is prone Io one Iype oI naIuraI disasIer or
anoIher. No pIace is absoIuIeIy saIe Irom
naIuraI disasIers. And, oI course iI goes
wiIhouI saying, IhaI no pIace is saIe Irom
Ihe IhreaIs posed by Ierrorism and oIher
man-made disasIers.
!I may be impossibIe Io avoid disasIers, buI
iI is possibIe Io pIan ahead and prepare Io
minimize Ihe impacI IhaI any given disasIer
mighI have on you or your IamiIy's heaIIh,
saIeIy and properIy.
When disasIers sIrike, peopIe can Iose ev-
eryIhing. Power can go down, mass commu-
nicaIions devices can be rendered useIess,
banks can be shuI down and crediI cards
become worIhIess. LocaI supermarkeI
sheIves wiII soon run empIy, waIer suppIies
may become IainIed, and enIire communi-
Iies may IaII aparI, overnighI. OnIy Ihose
who are prepared Ior every ma|or disasIer
scenario can make Ihe decisions IhaI wiII
keep us and our Ioved ones saIe. OnIy
proper pIanning and preparaIion wiII aIIow
you Io remain organized and eIIecIive boIh
physicaIIy and menIaIIy, during a disasIer.
DisasIer preparaIion is noI a Iinear process.
8uying suppIies aI your IocaI sIore does
noI make you prepared. You wiII need Io
research Ihe Iypes oI disasIers IhaI are mosI
IikeIy Io occur in your area. You wiII need
Io deIermine which physicaI iIems you need
Io have ready and packed in case you musI
evacuaIe. ScouIing your immediaIe area
ahead oI Iime wiII heIp you evacuaIe guickIy
and avoid choke" poinIs, whiIe oIher Iess
prepared peopIe are IranIicaIIy Irying Io do
Ihe same and are wiIIing Io do anyIhing Io
You wiII need Io know how Io proIecI
yourseII Irom harm and how Io nourish
yourseII iI Ihere are no supermarkeIs
around. inaIIy, you wiII need Io know how
Io move boIh, guickIy and inconspicuousIy.
DisasIer scenarios can creaIe hecIic siIua-
Iions and bring ouI Ihe worsI in peopIe. The
IasIer you move and Ihe Iess noIiceabIe you
are, Ihe saIer you wiII be, aI aII Iimes.
Types oI 0|sasters:
Hurricane KaIrina sIruck swiIIIy and
suddenIy during Ihe sIorm season
oI 200S. !I was Ihe sixIh sIrongesI
hurricane ever recorded in Ihe
UniIed SIaIes and caused Ihe deaIhs
oI over 1,800 peopIe. This devasIaI-
ing sIorm reminded Ihe counIry oI
Ihe powerIuI and devasIaIing impacI
IhaI naIure can impose on modern
socieIy. The ma|oriIy oI Ihe damage
was done in Ihe CreaIer New OrIeans
area. Massive Boods enguIIed parIs
oI Ihe ciIy, Iorcing peopIe Irom Iheir
homes inIo Ihe Booded rivers IhaI
used Io be Iazy neighborhood sIreeIs.
Over 26,000 peopIe were Iorced inIo
Iemporary residence aI Ihe IocaI
IooIbaII sIadium; Ihe Superdome.
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prepare a disaster protocol
set up multiple meet-up points
with your family
communicate via walkie-talkies
Keep important documents
and cash, on hand at all times
6 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
debris, and power ouIages IhaI wiII occur.
SimpIe as iI may seem, Iaking swimming
Iessons as a IamiIy aI Ihe IocaI YMCA can
be greaI preparaIion Ior a hurricane. Iash
Booding can knock over homes in seconds
and Ihose who are IamiIiar wiIh how waIer
can knock Ihe human body around; wiII
be abIe Io reacI guickIy and emcienIIy.
You rareIy hear abouI sIrong swimmers
drowning or dying in Boods resuIIing
Irom hurricanes. ven iI you are a sIrong
swimmer, however, iI is never advised Io Iry
and cross a Booded paIh during a hurricane.
asI moving debris and unseen ob|ecIs under
Ihe waIer can cause severe in|ury or deaIh.
Pre-seI meeIing poinIs wiII aIIow Iriends and
IamiIy members Io know where everyone
eIse wiII be, in case Ihey are separaIed.
Having a desIinaIion or Iwo, pIanned ouI in
advance, wiII heIp keep you cooI and Iocused
under pressure. You wiII wanI Io have a
nearby, easiIy accessibIe meeIing poinI. This
can be a pIace everyone in your home knows
abouI, such as, a chiId's schooI, Ihe IocaI
Iibrary, or a nearby park.
!I Ihe hurricane is so desIrucIive IhaI you
musI evacuaIe Ihe immediaIe area, an
aIIernaIe, more disIanI meeIing poinI wiII
be necessary. This IocaIion shouId aIso be
known Io everyone in your home and shouId
be scouIed ouI IogeIher; as a IamiIy. PreI-
erabIy, Ihis IocaIion shouId be Iar enough
away so IhaI you are ouIside Ihe range oI
Hurricanes can guickIy drive peopIe Irom
Iheir homes, separaIing Ihem Irom one
anoIher and causing exIreme damage Io
sIrucIures. !I is imporIanI Io prepare Ior
hurricanes Irom a IacIicaI perspecIive. You
shouId be aware oI and prepared Ior Ihe
eIIecIs IhaI Ihe hurricane wiII have on boIh
you and your surroundings. You shouId aIso
prepare your IamiIy and Ioved ones Ior Ihe
evenIs IhaI are abouI Io unIoId. 8e prepared
Ior Ihe Bash Booding, sIrong winds, airborne
7 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
are Iar more useIuI in Ihe earIy momenIs
oI a separaIion, Ihan Ihey are IaIer on and
over increasing disIances. They can aIso be
picked up by scanners, so even iI you cannoI
communicaIe wiIh your IamiIy, you can sIiII
caII Ior heIp and expecI someone Io hear you.
One LnaI poinI abouI hurricanes; IrusI no
one. We wiII repeaI Ihis poinI severaI Iimes
IhroughouI Ihis reporI as Io hammer home
Ihe acIuaI on-Ihe-spoI insaniIy oI disasIer siI-
uaIions. You shouId aIways reIy on yourseII
LrsI and be wary oI aII persons, wheIher
Ihey are auIhoriIy Lgures or noI.
!n Ihe aIIermaIh oI Hurricane KaIrina,
muIIipIe New OrIeans poIice omcers were
prosecuIed Ior crimes. A seIecI group
was even charged wiIh Ihe homicide oI a
menIaIIy reIarded man, whom Ihey shoI in
Ihe back. This commenI is by no means a
poIshoI aI Iaw enIorcemenI omcers. !I is
mereIy a reminder, IhaI everyone is suscepIi-
bIe Io erraIic behavior during a disasIer and
IhaI your IrusI cannoI be bIind.
Preparing yourseII and your IamiIy Io be
guick, smarI and emcienI during a hurricane
minimizes Ihe poIenIiaI oI geIIing invoIved
in voIaIiIe siIuaIions which can Iead Io
conBicI, vioIence or worse. Remember,
Ihe mosI imporIanI acIion in a hurricane is
movemenI; you never wanI Io be sIaIionary.
AIways be moving Iowards your meeIing
poinI and/or away Irom Ihe sIorm.
imminenI harm. !I shouId be cIose enough,
however, IhaI every IamiIy member wiII be
abIe Io geI Ihere on Iheir own, iI necessary.
Sewing smaII pockeIs inIo shirIs, panIs and
|ackeI Iinings is a greaI way Io prepare Ior
hurricanes, as weII. During a hurricane,
Booding wiII oIIen desIroy imporIanI
documenIs. Making copies oI idenIiLca-
Iion cards and pIacing Ihem inIo pre-sewn
pockeIs aIong wiIh some cash and a phone
card is a greaI way Io make sure everyone
can geI by iI Ihey are IeII aIone.
This can prove Io be a IiIe-saving IacIic wiIh
regards Io kids and Ihe eIderIy. SimpIy make
copies oI aII Ihe documenIs you may need
and wiIhdraw a coupIe oI hundred doIIars
in $20 biIIs, Irom your checking accounI.
oId Ihe documenIs and cash neaIIy in smaII
sguares and sew Ihem inIo Ihe inner Iinings
oI Ihe cIoIhing iIems menIioned. Have
Ihe cIoIhing iIems aI accessibIe IocaIion
IhroughouI your home, so IhaI everyone can
have easy access Io Ihem iI Ihere is a need
Io evacuaIe. This way, even iI IoIks do noI
have Iime Io pick up ceII phones, waIIeIs and
originaI idenIiLcaIion maIeriaIs, Ihey can
sIiII have access Io Iheir beneLIs.
The waIkie-IaIkie is a way oI hedging your
beIs againsI downed phone Iines and
wireIess neIwork IaiIures. Hurricanes can
disabIe power Iines and Iake down ceII
phone Iowers. Keep in mind, however, IhaI
waIkie-IaIkies do noI have greaI range. They
The Los AngeIes RioIs oI 1992 shocked Ihe naIion and reminded us IhaI we do noI need naIure
Io creaIe a disasIer. SomeIimes our neighbors and IeIIow ciIizens can do IhaI by IhemseIves.
SomeIimes humans are capabIe oI doing Iar more damage Ihan any naIuraI disasIer.
A rioI wiII reguire your endIess vigiIance and sIudious observaIion. There wiII be no weaIher
reporI issuing warnings oI an oncoming rioI. RioIs happen organicaIIy and spread Iike
wiIdLre. The besI Ihing IhaI you can do Io prepare Ior a rioI is Io secure yourseII and your
Ioved ones, Iong beIore Ihe LrsI signs oI IroubIe.
RioIs wiII oIIer up Iwo basic IacIicaI opIions. One wiII reguire sIaying and Ihe oIher; going. !n
eiIher case, arming oneseII is an absoIuIe musI. The mosI secure IacIic is Io purchase, sIore
and pracIice using Lrearms.
Secondary weapons such as sIun guns and pepper spray are useIuI, as weII. Taking a seII-de-
Iense cIass cannoI hurI, even Ihough rioIs usuaIIy do noI IeaIure one-on-one combaI.
Keep in mind IhaI non-Lrearm seII-deIense IooIs and IacIics are onIy useIuI aI cIose range and
againsI one assaiIanI aI a Iime. !n a rioI, you are Iar Iess IikeIy Io Iace individuaI assaiIanIs
and Iar more IikeIy Io run up againsI an unruIy mob.
Those choosing Io sIand Iheir ground againsI rioIers,- shouId secure Iheir home and properIy.
Types oI 0|sasters:
9 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
perIecI posiIion high above his enemies.
This soIdier invariabIy deIeaIs Ihe odds
and survives. The IacI IhaI he can see his
enemies and shooI aI Ihem Irom a downward
angIe, overcomes his numericaI disadvan-
Iage. He can shooI aI aII oI Ihem, buI none oI
Ihem can shooI back.
You shouId be very careIuI, however, iI
choosing Io open Lre on a mob during a rioI.
There is a very dangerous aspecI Io IeIIing
oIhers know IhaI you have weapons. This
aspecI is very rareIy discussed and debaIed
in America, buI weII known Io Ihose who
AII doors musI have deadboIIs and aII enIry
poinIs Io your home and properIy musI
be secured wiIh meIaI bars, sIurdy gaIes,
barbed wiring and iI possibIe, an eIecIricaI
Ience. very home and business shouId have
a panic room."- This is a secure, impen-
eIrabIe IocaIion somewhere on Ihe properIy,
which cannoI be enIered Irom Ihe ouIside,
once iI is Iocked down Irom wiIhin.
!I you are a good shooIer and have a soIid
weapons arsenaI backed by ampIe ammu-
niIion, you wiII be Iar beIIer eguipped Io
proIecI your home, business or properIy.
Mobs IuncIion by animaI reasoning and
Iogic. Use Ihe |ungIe as your concepIuaI
guide. !I iI happens in Ihe animaI kingdom,
iI can happen during a rioI. A pack oI
hyenas wiII much raIher aIIack a group oI
gazeIIes and anIeIopes, Ihan Ihey wouId a
soIiIary Iiger or a Iion. !n some cases, Ihe
bigger, IasIer and sIronger hyenas wiII even
veer away Irom a cobra or a raIIIesnake. The
reason is simpIe, anyone or anyIhing IhaI
can cause damage Io Ihe mob, becomes a Iess
aIIracIive IargeI. The mob wanIs Io crush
and piIIage, so iI seeks Ihe weak. !I you are
sIrong and can cause damage, you wiII have
a beIIer chance oI survivaI.
CeIIing up Io a perch, high above Ihe
oncoming mob can give you a greaI IacIicaI
advanIage when armed. Since Ihe invenIion
oI Ihe sniper riBe, every miIiIary conBicI has
IeaIured heroic IaIes oI Ihe singIe soIdier,
ouImanned and ouIgunned, perched in Ihe
10 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
had someIhing worIh sIeaIing and IooIing.
ven Ihough Ihey IoughI oII Ihe iniIiaI surge,
Iheir acIions onIy prompIed a more vioIenI
reacIion Irom rioIers.
Perhaps as imporIanI as being prepared Ior
a rioI, is being prepared Ior whaI Ihe mob
wiII do. PeopIe who rioI generaIIy have
noIhing Io Iose. They are disIraughI and dis-
Iressed, devoid oI empaIhy Ior anyone who
has someIhing Ihey don'I. !I doesn'I maIIer
iI you are rich or poor. !I doesn'I maIIer
wheIher you are siIIing on a year's worIh
oI Iood suppIies or iI your IamiIy is bareIy
surviving on a Iew cans oI beans. !I you have
someIhing oI vaIue, you may draw more
undue aIIenIion Io yourseII by Bashing your
weapons. Keep Ihis in mind when sIockpiI-
ing your arsenaI and Iaking IargeI pracIice.
A .S0 caIiber machine gun or an RPC can
seem Iike an aII-powerIuI weapon. !I wiII
scare Ihe panIs, shirIs and spinaI coIumns oII
oI anyone sIupid enough Io chaIIenge your
posiIion. You musI remember, however, IhaI
unIess you have a IuII-scaIe baIIaIion aI your
service, Ihe mass oI Ihe herd wiII evenIuaIIy
overpower you.
AI some poinI, you wiII have Io go Io sIeep
or IeI your guard down. When Ihis momenI
comes, your guns wiII be rendered useIess
and when Ihe herd does aIIack, iI wiII run
you inIo Ihe ground. Keep Ihis possibiIiIy in
mind when deciding wheIher Io draw your
have experienced rioIing IhroughouI Ihe
WhaI we reaIIy have Io worry abouI in
Ierms oI Ihe weapons we keep, is how
Ihose wiIhouI Ihem wiII reacI Io us having
Ihem. 8eIIer yeI, whaI wiII Ihey Ihink oI us
having guns? WhaI wiII Ihey assume abouI
our homes, our businesses and our proper-
Iies? They wiII probabIy assume we have
someIhing worIh LghIing Ior. This wiII
moIivaIe Ihem Io aIIack us.
or a sobering exampIe, we can Iook Io
ArgenIina. 8ack in 2001, as ArgenIina was
in Ihe process oI becoming a de IacIo ward
oI Ihe !M, Iheir economy spiraIed down Ihe
Iubes. !nBaIion expIoded and Ihe ArgenIine
Peso was rendered nearIy worIhIess.
!nBaIion drove Iood prices so high, IhaI mosI
peopIe couId noI aIIord Io eaI. This is when
Ihe Iood rioIs began.
NoI surprisingIy, Ihose who had Iood and
oIher asseIs oI vaIue, aIIempIed Io proIecI
IhemseIves wiIh guns. They succeeded; buI
onIy in Ihe shorI run. AIIer a whiIe, Ihose
who showed Iheir Lrearms earIy on in Ihe
rioIing wound up suIIering makeshiII bomb
aIIacks and experienced massive human
herd rushes on Iheir homes. Why? The
answer is very simpIe iI you Ihink abouI iI...
They showed Ihe herd Ihe one Ihing IhaI Ihey
never shouId have. They showed IhaI Ihey
had someIhing worIh proIecIing. rom Ihe
rioIers' poinI oI view, Ihis meanI IhaI Ihey
11 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
pedaI and noI IeI up. NoI Ior anyone and noI
Ior anyIhing.
An exampIe Irom Ihe 1992 L.A. RioIs painIs
Ihe mosI vivid picIure oI why guIs and
readiness ruIe Ihe day, when evacuaIing a
rioI IocaIion. !I is imporIanI Io remember
IhaI someIimes...you wiII noI geI Io pIan.
SomeIimes, Ihe decision beIween sIaying and
going is going Io have Io be made on Ihe spoI,
wiIh IiIIIe or no preparaIion Iime.
!I was Io be a IeisureIy ride Io Ihe Los
AngeIes Lakers game Ior a IamiIy oI Iour in
1992. Having worked hard his whoIe IiIe,
Ihe IamiIy paIriarch was proud Io be abIe Io
Iake his wiIe and chiIdren Io see his IavoriIe
baskeIbaII Ieam. They wouId siI a Iew rows
Irom ]ack NichoIson and have a nice dinner
aIIer Ihe game was over. SadIy, Ihey never
made iI. NoI Io Ihe game and deLniIeIy noI
Io Ihe resIauranI. !n IacI, Ihe genIIeman in
guesIion, who had IeII home in a $S0,000
]aguar, nearIy wound up driving a Iin can.
As Ihe IamiIy approached Ihe CreaI WesIern
orum, Ihey were enguIIed by a sea oI
rioIers. These rioIers Iook one gIance aI Ihe
IamiIy vehicIe and proceeded Io pounce. The
IaIher reacIed guickIy and Ihe ]aguar's V12
engine roared. The car |umped a curb and
razed severaI IronI Iawns beIore escaping
around a corner. 8aIs, pipes and boIIIes had
scraIched up and denIed Ihe car. The wind-
shieId was smashed and a rear Iire ran BaI.
!I was noIhing more Ihan Ihe man's sIeadIasI
You musI have such exampIes in mind when
deciding wheIher Io dig in and Iace Ihe mob.
!I doesn'I mean IhaI Iaking a shoI aI someone
wiII Iead Io a IuII-bIown occupaIion oI your
IocaIion. !I does, however, mean IhaI you
musI anaIyze aII oI Ihe possibIe ouIcomes
and acI on Ihe basis oI inIormaIion and
knowIedge, noI |usI Iear and emoIion.
!I you choose Io escape Ihe rioIing, you musI
make peace wiIh Ihe desIrucIion and Ioss
oI properIy Irom IooIing. Your home or
business wiII probabIy be robbed and picked
cIean. Home and business owners aIike,
musI have proper insurance coverage and
be ready Io pack Iheir mosI vaIuabIe posses-
sions aI a momenI's noIice. Once you Ieave,
you cannoI Iook or go back.
Securing vehicIes is highIy recommended
Ior rioI evacuaIions. MakeshiII window
bars, chains on Iires or a ramming griII can
aII make Ihe diIIerence in a IighI siIuaIion.
!I you can aIIord iI, arming your vehicIe
wiIh buIIeIprooI gIass is Ihe uIIimaIe saIeIy
IeaIure. !I is worIh menIioning, however,
IhaI no amounI oI armor can proIecI a
vehicIe Irom a big enough mob. No maIIer
how weII eguipped or powerIuI your vehicIe
is, iI wiII noI be abIe Io drive Ihrough crowds
Ihicker Ihan brick waIIs.
The key Io making Ihe decision Io go wiII be
a high dose oI inIesIinaI IorIiIude, or whaI
mosI peopIe reIer Io as guIs. You wiII have
Io make Ihe decision Io sIep down on Ihe gas
12 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
weapons were made and used, Ihose wiIh
acIuaI guns were presumabIy in a posiIion Io
IeeI more secure. ThaI having been said, an
environmenI IeaIuring Ihe IoIaI breakdown
oI IocaI inIrasIrucIure couId easiIy make
weapons hoIders Ihe primary IargeI. gypI
wouId acIuaIIy wind up being a raIher
benign siIuaIion Ior mosI ciIizens, as Ihey
were IargeIy aII on one side. This is perhaps
Ihe LnaI poinI we can make abouI rioIs. !I
you know who Ihe pIayers are" and who
conIroIs whaI sphere oI inBuence, you can
aIso go undercover" and bIend inIo Ihe mob
iI Ihe opporIuniIy presenIs iIseII.
RioIs are a consIanIIy evoIving crisis issue.
ach one is diIIerenI and speciLc Io iIs own
region. Knowing where you Iive and who
your neighbors are IacIors in Ihe eguaIion,
which shouId noI and cannoI be overIooked.
OIIen Iimes, a dispIay oI sIrengIh is enough
Io enIice Ihe mob Io Iook eIsewhere Ior Ihe
gueIIing oI Iheir primiIive desires. WheIher
iI is a LrmIy secured home or a dispIay oI
Lrepower Irom a perched posiIion, a show oI
sIrengIh can be Ihe diIIerence beIween IiIe
and deaIh.
Awareness is cruciaI during a rioI. AIways be
aware oI your surroundings and aIIempI Io
avoid conBicI. Those who suIIer Ihe IeasI in
rioIs are oIIen Ihose who are Ihe IeasI IikeIy
Io geI noIiced. WhaIever pIay you make,
aIIempI Io make iI guieIIy, guickIy and em-
wiIIingness Io smash down Ihe gas pedaI and
noI Iook back, which kepI his IamiIy saIe.
Such an exampIe ouIIines why rioI prepara-
Iion is cruciaI. Man-made disasIers can be
Ihe mosI dangerous and undersIanding Ihe
rioI menIaIiIy is perhaps Ihe mosI imporIanI
Iesson you can Iearn in advance. During
Iimes oI IawIessness, human beings can
behave Iike animaIs. They aIIack wiIhouI
warning, devouring Ihe weak and Ihose who
cannoI proIecI IhemseIves. SimpIe mischieI
can grow inIo IuII bIown rage. Rape, IorIure
and murders are noI uncommon during
The more recenI rioIs in ngIand and gypI
underscore Ihe various Ihemes and opIions
we have discussed. PreparaIion, caImness
and Ihe righI approach can mean Ihe diIIer-
ence beIween IiIe and deaIh. !n ngIand, Ior
insIance, unIriendIy weapons Iaws caused
Ihe premium on basebaII baIs and crickeI
paddIes Io skyrockeI. PracIicaIIy overnighI,
sporIing goods and househoId iIems became
vaIuabIe means oI proIecIion and seII-
deIense. Someone Iiving in ngIand wouId
be wise Io Ihink oI regionaI iIems such as a
crickeI paddIe, as a poIenIiaI means oI pro-
gypI on Ihe oIher hand, IeaIured boIh
aspecIs oI Ihe Lrearms scenario. Those
who were weII armed were abIe Io proIecI
IhemseIves, buI aIso Iaced undue aIIenIion
Irom auIhoriIies. Since a IoI oI makeshiII
Types oI 0|sasters:
arIhguakes are Ihe resuII oI sudden reIeases oI energy in Ihe arIh's crusI which creaIe
seismic waves. These waves shooI Ihrough Ihe arIh's core, creaIing shaking and someIimes
IracIuring oI Ihe ground. As a resuII, anyIhing which siIs on Ihe surIace is in danger oI IaIIing
aparI or breaking.
LuckiIy, earIhguakes usuaIIy occur near ma|or IauII Iines, such as Ihe San Andreas auII in
CaIiIornia. This does noI make Ihem any Iess severe or desIrucIive. !I does, however, oIIer us
Ihe abiIiIy Io prepare Ior Iheir occurrence. Much Iike hurricanes; earIhguakes Iend Io repeaI-
edIy occur in Ihe same areas. This means IhaI disasIer proIocoIs in Ihose regions wiII usuaIIy
be oI above average emciency. !I you Iive in one oI Ihese regions, you shouId sIiII Iake noIe oI
some earIhguake saIeIy IacIics. Keep Ihe IoIIowing poinIs in mind, as many oI Ihem go againsI
Ihe IauIIy Iessons many oI us have been IaughI.
Never use Ihe duck and cover" approach, Ihis is how peopIe geI crushed under pieces oI
IaIIing rooI and ceiIing IiIe. ind a Iarge LxIure Iike a bed or a desk and crouch on Ihe Boor
nexI Io iI Iike an animaI. Under no circumsIances shouId you hide underneaIh anyIhing.
Ducking under a desk or a bed wiII |usI Iead Io you geIIing crushed beneaIh Ihem. Ducking
nexI Io a Iarge iIem or piece oI IurniIure wiII increase Ihe IikeIihood oI IhaI iIem absorbing Ihe
heavy bIows, insIead oI you.
14 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
!I Ihere is a choice, hide in a wooden
sIrucIure, over one made oI sIeeI or brick.
Wood spIinIers easiIy and usuaIIy wiII noI
crush anyone. aIIing brick, sIeeI or any
sorI oI meIaI, on Ihe oIher hand, wiII crush
human bodies in an insIanI. Wood is usuaIIy
very IighI, as weII. ew houses Ioday are
made ouI oI soIid oak or mapIe Irees. The
processed wood maIeriaIs used in houses,
such as parIicIe board, are very soII and
pIiabIe. They rareIy break inIo Iarge pieces
and even Ihough spIinIers can hurI, Ihey
usuaIIy wiII noI kiII or maim.
The nexI precauIion Io Iake is making sure
you sIay ouI oI doorways and oII oI sIaircas-
es. When door|ambs IaII, Ihey can cuI up Ihe
peopIe who sIand in doorways, Iike a sIicer
wouId bread. SIaying ouI oI doorways is one
oI Ihe besI ways Io prevenI serious in|uries,
iI you are in a coIIapsing buiIding during an
SIairs are Ihe mosI IikeIy parI oI Ihe buiIding
Io coIIapse in an earIhguake, and Ihey shouId
be avoided aI aII cosIs. Since sIaircases are
noI connecIed Io buiIding inIrasIrucIure,
earIhguakes have Ihe eIIecI oI shaking sIair-
cases inIo Ihe resI oI Ihe buiIding, and vice
As a resuII oI Ihis rubbing", Ihe sIairs Iake
Ihe brunI oI Ihe damage. They have Ihe
ground IracIuring beneaIh Ihem and Ihe resI
oI Ihe sIrucIure, crashing inIo Ihem, as weII.
Hordes oI panicky peopIe running on sIairs
can aIso weaken Ihem guickIy. Avoid sIairs,
iI aI aII possibIe.
The besI Ihing Io do iI you are inside oI a
buiIding during an earIhguake, in IacI, is Io
geI ouI immediaIeIy. You can never guess
iI and when a sIrucIure wiII coIIapse. !I is
aIways beIIer Io waIch your home crumbIe
Irom Ihe ouIside, Ihan Io be Irapped inside
and have iI IaII on Iop oI you.
!I you happen Io be in your car, use exIreme
cauIion and Ihink abouI avaiIabIe opIions.
Your LrsI reacIion shouId be Io sIop your car,
geI ouI and Iay down on Ihe ground nexI Io
iI. This behavior wiII creaIe Ihe same envi-
ronmenI IhaI Iying down nexI Io a bed or
reIrigeraIor wouId inside oI a home. You
wouId be making yourseII smaII and increas-
ing Ihe IikeIihood oI a Iarge nearby ob|ecI
absorbing Ihe brunI oI a big bIow.
CreaI as Ihis sIraIegy may seem, iI is Iar
Irom perIecI. 8ack in 1994, Ihe earIhguake
in NorIhridge, CaIiIornia caused highway
overpasses Io coIIapse. !n Ihis siIuaIion,
Ihose Iaying or crouching nexI Io Iheir
vehicIes were crushed |usI as badIy as Iheir
cars. Unwary drivers drove Iheir cars oII
Ihe edge oI Ireeways inIo Ihin air, crashing
and expIoding. This is anoIher greaI iIIusIra-
Iion oI why earIhguakes do noI give cIear cuI
opIions. You musI be aware oI your sur-
roundings. arIhguake saIeIy IacIics greaIIy
depend upon your IocaIion. !I is Ihe cruciaI
15 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
who goI ouI and crouched Iow beside Iheir
cars survived Ihe coIIapse oI Ihe upper IeveI
oI Ihe expressway.
These earIhguake reIaIed scenarios iIIusIraIe
IhaI Ihere is no opIimaI remedy or proIecIive
sIraIegy during an earIhguake, and IhaI each
siIuaIion depends direcIIy upon where you
Lnd yourseII when Ihe earIhguake begins.
The generaI ruIe, as wiIh aII oIher disasIers,
is Io Iry and remain caIm and gauge where
Ihe nearesI, saIesI IocaIion can be Iound.
Once you have done so, immediaIeIy proceed
Io IhaI IocaIion and make yourseII as smaII
as possibIe.
The 1989 San rancisco earIhguake, noI onIy
deIayed Ihe WorId Series 10 days, buI iIIus-
IraIed how earIhguake saIeIy IacIics change
based on IocaIion. or Ihose who Iound
IhemseIves in downIown San rancisco,
exiIing Iheir cars was Ihe worsI Ihing Ihey
couId have done. CIass IracIured, buiIdings
rupIured and debris Bew everywhere. Since
Ihe debris IeII Irom unpredicIabIe angIes,
Iying down and hiding nexI Io a car, garbage
dumpsIer or oIher Iarge ob|ecI was counIer-
or Ihose on Ihe Iower IeveI oI a doubIe
decker expressway, Ihose who remained in
Iheir cars were crushed; whiIe many oI Ihose
NucIear IaIIouIs are Ihe mosI unpredicIabIe oI aII disasIer evenIs. They are noI as unpredicI-
abIe in Ierms oI occurrence, as Ihey are in Ierms oI damage and conseguence. The eIIecIs oI
nucIear IaIIouI, such as radiaIion spiIIage, can be IeII years aIIer Ihe evenI.
SomeIimes exposure Io nucIear evenIs can reguire IiIIIe more Ihan a shower. On Ihe oIher
hand, Ihey can render enIire geographic regions uninhabiIabIe Ior decades. You wiII never
know which siIuaIion you are in when one a nucIear evenI does occur. ThereIore, you musI
acI guickIy.
Much Iike rioIs, nucIear IaIIouIs presenI us wiIh Ihe sIay or go diIemma.
The recenI ukushima nucIear pIanI crisis in ]apan is a good exampIe. RadiaIion is invisibIe,
and noI measurabIe Io mosI peopIe. !n ]apan, peopIe reIied upon Iheir governmenI Io IeII
Ihem wheIher Ihey were saIe or noI. !I Iurns ouI IhaI earIy assurances were wrong; Ihe
radiaIion had spread IasIer Ihan whaI auIhoriIies had IhoughI or wanIed peopIe Io know. !I is
recommended IhaI you DO NOT sIay in your home iI you a near a nucIear accidenI, regardIess
oI whaI auIhoriIies say.
8uI sIaying reguires experI preparaIion which musI be done weII in advance. You wiII have
Io be very weII insuIaIed Irom any Ioxic eIemenIs and be prepared Io sIay wiIhdrawn Irom
4./5#)+ 6)551.*7
Types oI 0|sasters:
17 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
ground Ior Iong periods oI Iime. SheIIers
musI be buiII underground, in pIaces Iike
basemenIs or subway IunneIs. They shouId
possess ampIe power, waIer and Iood
suppIies, whiIe aIIowing you Ihe opIion
oI noI having Io exiI Ihem Ior signiLcanI
amounIs oI Iime.
Power sources are Ihe LrsI sIep and wiII
reguire a Iarge generaIor in addiIion Io smaII
porIabIe uniIs. LoIs oI baIIeries and baIIery
operaIed Iamps, BashIighIs and radios wiII
aIso IaII under your power umbreIIa.
A Iarge canned Iood suppIy and Iresh waIer
are needed in copious amounIs. The average
person needs approximaIeIy a gaIIon oI
waIer per day Io meeI hydraIion and hygiene
needs. veryIhing Irom LrsI aid kiIs Io
cIoIhing and IooIs wiII be reguired, as weII.
8uiIding a nucIear IaIIouI sheIIer is aImosI
Iike buiIding a new worId Ior you and your
IamiIy. !I wiII have Io be abundanI in guaIiIy
and guanIiIy oI suppIies.
Those who choose Io evacuaIe during a
nucIear disasIer wiII need Io reacI guickIy
and decisiveIy. !n case oI nucIear IaIIouI,
everyone wiII hiI Ihe ma|or roads and
highways. CridIock can make escape impos-
ThereIore, knowing Ihe back roads and ruraI
rouIes in your viciniIy is a greaI way Io geI a
head sIarI on your evacuaIion. SIudy maps,
wheIher IradiIionaI or digiIaI. The nexI
Iime you are onIine, spend a Iew minuIes
on CoogIe arIh and geI speciLc visuaIs oI
18 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
Iess oI your approach and sIraIegy, a CPS
sysIem can be oI greaI heIp Io you. You
musI remember, however, IhaI CPS can aIso
be rendered useIess by power IaiIures, so
sIudying and hoIding physicaI maps is your
besI opIion, by Iar.
TacIicaI driving maneuvers can someIimes
go againsI common Iogic, buI are exIremeIy
useIuI. !I you have sIudied your Ierrain map
weII, you may be abIe Io make your own
road", whiIe avoiding crowds. This is a greaI
sIraIegy in areas wiIh BaI roads and Iew
Iarge bodies oI waIer, such as Ihe MidwesI.
You may Lnd IhaI driving sIraighI across a
corn or wheaI LeId wiII cuI your IraveI Iime
by hours in a singIe shoI.
RegardIess oI sIay or go, Ihe assumpIion musI
be made IhaI access Io your home and iIs
suppIies wiII noI be avaiIabIe once you Ieave.
This is why you wiII wanI Io have a weII-
sIocked go bag, regardIess oI wheIher you
need Io go Io ground or wheIher you wind up
hiIIing Ihe road.
your surroundings. Pick up a Ierrain map
and read iI careIuIIy. CeI Io know whaI your
immediaIe viciniIy, acIuaIIy Iooks Iike. Take
scouIing Irips, venIuring IurIher ouI on each
expediIion. Know your geographic region
and Ihe IraveI Iimes beIween seI poinIs.
You can counI on nucIear IaIIouI greaIIy
sIowing down Iramc and increasing Ihose
IraveI Iimes. Prepare accordingIy, by Lnding
aIIernaIe rouIes. !I is much smarIer Io Iake
roundabouI rouIes IhaI avoid crowds, even iI
Ihey span greaIer disIances.
One approach mosI peopIe never Ihink oI
in Ierms oI escaping is Ihe UPS deIivery
sIraIegy. UPS deIivery drivers never make
IeII Iurns. UPS sIudies have Iound IhaI Ihe
amounI oI Iime iI Iakes Iheir drivers Io make
a IeII Iurn greaIIy impedes deIivery Iime.
!nsIead, UPS Irucks onIy make righI hand
Iurns, wiIh Ihe heIp oI dispaIchers and CPS
navigaIion. This IacIic mainIy reIaIes Io
urban seIIings and UPS deIivery Irucks are a
IoI bigger Ihan whaI you wiII be driving.
NeverIheIess, Ihis is Ihe sorI oI ouIside-Ihe-
box Ihinking you shouId empIoy. Regard-
Types oI 0|sasters:
The Texas oresI Service has had a heck
oI a Iime in 8asIrop CounIy IaIeIy. 8ack
in SepIember oI 2011 36,000 acres wenI
up in smoke and 164S homes burnI in
IoIaI. Over 2S,000 acres and S00 homes
burned in |usI over 24 hours aIIer Ihe
sIarI oI Ihe Lre.
Since wiIdLres spread guickIy iI wouId
be insane Io Iry and LghI one yourseII.
The besI Ihing you can do iI you see
a wiIdLre brewing is Io evacuaIe
on Ihe spoI. There are, however,
some domesIic IacIics which you can
underIake which wiII avoid your home
becoming Ihe source oI wiIdLres. These
IacIics are especiaIIy useIuI iI you Iive in
an area cIose Io a IoresI or in a parI oI
Ihe counIry which is prone Io droughIs.
7%'80%"+ ,"+9+2*%.2 %2
8".#5:* ,".2+ &"+&-
Trim back brush and remove any
dead or dying trees, plants, grass,
yard clippings, and any fammable
items in a 100-foot-radius.
Prune existing native vegetation to 6
inches above the ground.
Cut low-hanging tree branches up
to 6 feet off the ground and within10
feet of touching a building, chimney
20 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
or power line. Low branches may carry a ground fre upwards into the trees.
Reduce plants alongside the driveway by at least 10 feet on each side. Trim
overhead branches to allow at least 13-1/2 feet of vertical clearance within
the driveway for emergency and escape vehicle clearance.
Seniors in the community may have diffculty maintaining their property.
Your assistance will not only protect their property, it will help protect your
Plants and trees should be irrigated with deep watering at least once
a month for drought-tolerant species and once a week for high water-
requiring species.
vary the height of plants and give them adequate spacing.
Avoid planting trees under or near electrical lines because they could
contact the lines and ignite.
Consider using rock mulch in areas where you want to prevent vegetation
growth such as under decks or close to combustible materials. Wood chip
mulch could ignite and wreak havoc.
Regularly clear leaves and debris from your roof, gutters, decks and yard.
An ember landing on these dried materials can easily fuel a fre. After a
storm is usually a good time to begin cleaning.
Wood piles or other fammable materials should be relocated at least 50
feet from your home or business, more than 10 feet from an aboveground
propane tank, and away from any fammable vegetation or trees.
Firewood stacks should not be located uphill from a structure -a burning log
could roll downhill and ignite the building.
Use low-growing plants and remove furnishings or combustible materials
under or near windows and glass doors. Even fre-resistant glass can break
when exposed to the extreme heat of materials burning nearby.
21 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
ven Ihough a wiIdLre wiII IikeIy caII Ior you Io evacuaIe your home, Ihere is no reason noI Io
Iry and preserve your properIy vaIue. Here are some Iips which may ensure IhaI your home
is IeII sIanding, even iI a wiIdLre does enguII Ihe neighborhood.
Upgrade your rooI Io a CIass A Lre-
resisIance raIing. or deIaiIs on rooLng
maIeriaIs and oIher igniIion-resisIanI
consIrucIion reguiremenIs, check wiIh
your IocaI Lre deparImenI. !I upgrading
is noI possibIe, Ihen mainIain your rooI
covering by repairing gaps in Ihe IiIes
so embers cannoI reach Ihe sheaIhing
8ox in your rooI eaves wiIh a Lre-
resisIanI maIeriaI Io prevenI any embers
Irom bIowing underneaIh.
!nsIaII bird sIops aI Ihe ends oI barreI-
sIyIe rooI coverings. The sIops prevenI
debris buiId-up and deIer birds Irom
nesIing beIween Ihe rooI covering and
!nsIaII guIIer covers Io reduce debris
buiId-up. The covers and guIIers wiII sIiII
need mainIenance, buI noI as oIIen.
!)55( 9
RepIace combusIibIe home siding wiIh
Lre-resisIanI maIeriaIs, Iike sIucco,
brick, Lber-cemenI, or wood producIs
previousIy IacIory-IreaIed wiIh Lre
reIardanI. !I noI possibIe, mainIain and
repair exIerior siding, making sure Ihere
are no gaps Ior embers Io enIer Ihe waII.
!nspecI your home Ior any signs oI
moisIure roI and repIace any aIIecIed
areas - decaying wood is highIy
ReIroLI your rooI, waII, IoundaIion, and
venIs wiIh 1/4 inch non-combusIibIe
meIaI mesh Io resisI Ihe inIrusion oI
Bames and embers. The mesh wiII sIiII
aIIow airBow Ior moisIure conIroI.
!nsIaII a spark arresIor on your chimney.
22 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
=#/,( 9 6#$/#(
or aIIached decks, consider using
Lre-resisIanI maIeriaIs such as wood
IacIory-IreaIed wiIh Lre reIardanI,
concreIe, bricks, IiIes, or sIones, insIead
oI unIreaIed wood or wood/pIasIic
composiIe boards.
Sweep debris accumuIaIion Irom
beIween Ihe gaps oI a wood deck. This
reduces Ihe buiId-up oI BammabIe
maIeriaI and venIiIaIes Ihe wood Io
prevenI decay.
ncIose or screen Ihe underside oI
your deck Io prevenI accumuIaIion oI
BammabIe debris.
When seIecIing Iumber Ior a deck or
Ience, choose Ihicker boards aI IeasI 1.S
inches Ihick - Ihey do noI igniIe as easiIy
as Ihinner boards.
Avoid using combusIibIe Iencing
maIeriaIs wiIhin 10 IeeI oI your home.
23 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
RepIace windows wiIh Iempered gIass
duaI pane windows. The ouIer pane acIs
as a IhermaI shieId Ior Ihe inner pane
and Iempered gIass is sIronger Ihan
reguIar gIass. !I window repIacemenI is
noI possibIe, repIace onIy Ihe singIe-pane
gIass wiIh Iempered gIass.
!I possibIe, expand your driveway Io 16
IeeI wide. This wiII aIIow a Iarge Lre
vehicIe and a passenger vehicIe Io pass
side by side. Some IocaI Lre agencies
may reguire addiIionaI widIh Ior cerIain
properIies or communiIies.
AuxiIiary sIrucIures incIuding paIio
covers, awnings and IreIIises shouId
be consIrucIed oI non-combusIibIe
Try Io reIocaIe wooden or combusIibIe
maIeriaIs sIrucIures aI IeasI S0 IeeI Irom
your home. !I buiIding a shed or oIher
sIrucIure, consider using Lre-resisIanI
maIeriaIs Ior Ihe rooI and siding.
Purchase Lre-resisIanI paIio IurniIure.
Hire a Iicensed conIracIor Io insIaII a Lre
sprinkIer sysIem indoors. A residenIiaI
Lre sprinkIer sysIem wiII deIecI and
disperse waIer auIomaIicaIIy and
exIinguish Ihe Lre or reduce iIs inIensiIy
unIiI heIp can arrive.
!I you have a LrepIace, geI a screen
(mesh, meIaI or gIass) Io prevenI burning
embers Irom escaping and sIarIing a Lre
inside your home.
Use rusI-resisIanI meIaI screens Io heIp
absorb heaI and keep embers Irom Bying
in an open or shaIIered window.
Types oI 0|sasters:
!I is preIIy sIrange IhaI wiIh aII oI Ihe IaIk oI cIimaIe change we hear in Ihe media, bIizzards
are aImosI compIeIeIy ignored. Some scienIisIs are Iinking gIobaI warming Io Ihe 2010
bIizzards which enguIIed Ihe counIry in ebruary oI IhaI year. The evenI was even dubbed
Snowmageddon" by Ihe media.
8Iizzards can be |usI as deadIy as any oIher disasIer and may puI is in some incredibIy
dimcuII decision making predicamenIs iI we run ouI oI Iood or iI our Iimbs begin Io Ireeze
over. Having Ihe righI C.O.O.D.!. 8ag picked and packed Ior a bIizzard may be even more
imporIanI Ihan in cases oI oIher disasIer evenIs. NameIy, bIizzards make Ihe common
pracIice oI evacuaIion impossibIe or aI IeasI, highIy unIikeIy. !I IoIks cannoI IraveI, Ihey
cannoI gain access Io suppIies. This makes bIizzards Ihe onIy disasIer evenI which may erase
your escape and evacuaIion opIions.
Here are Ien generaI Iips Io keep in mind iI you Iive in an area which is prone Io bIizzards:
CD E+#F)+# 81+ F1G#+ 1.*)H#( )$& I51/,#& +1)&(
Winds, ice and snow Iend Io bring down power Iines. Make sure IhaI you have candIes,
maIches or IighIers, a baIIery operaIed radio, and emergency Iood suppIies and Ions oI
25 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
bIankeIs. Think abouI where you'II puI
candIes Io keep Ihem IiI and saIe. Have
pIenIy oI Iood sIapIes Iike powdered miIk
and proIein bars. !I your waIer suppIy
depends on an eIecIric pump, boIIIed waIer
may be a good idea.
JD K*)<'$H G)+; G"#$
*"# F1G#+ H1#( 1.* ;)<
I# ) F+1I5#;
Don'I Ihink you're immune iI you don'I use
eIecIriciIy Io heaI your home. Many peopIe
don'I reaIize IhaI Iheir heaIing sysIem
depends on a boiIer IhaI is powered by eIec-
IriciIy. IecIric sIoves and gas sIoves IhaI
depend on eIecIriciIy wiII be powerIess iI Ihe
sIorm knocks Ihe Iines down. 8e prepared
wiIh aIIernaIive heaI sources and pIenIy oI
LD M+)N#5'$H '$ ) I5'BB)+&
'( O.(* $1* ) H11& '&#)
!I you are on Ihe road during a bIizzard Iook
Ior a hoIeI or moIeI nearby and sIay oII Ihe
road unIiI driving condiIions are saIe again.
PD @8 <1. H#* (*+)$&#&
'$ <1.+ /)+ &.+'$H ) I)&
($1G (*1+; I# F+#F)+#&
G'*" F5#$*< 18 G)+;
/51*"#( )$& F)/,)H#&
($)/, 811&(D
!I may seem sensibIe Io Ieave Ihe engine
running Io keep warm, buI iI isn'I. The
danger oI carbon monoxide poisoning is
high. Snow can bIock your exhausI pipe and
LII Ihe car wiIh deadIy Iumes. Keeping one
window open |usI a biI wiII heIp avoid Ihis.
!I you keep Ihe engine running you may run
ouI oI gas beIore Ihe sIorm is over. A beIIer
idea is Io run Ihe engine in shorI bursIs.
Turn Ihe engine on Iong Io keep Ihe car
warm and Ihen Iurn iI oII. Keep Ihis rouIine
up unIiI Ihe condiIions are sIabIe enough Ior
you Io geI back on Ihe road.
QD =#('H$)*# ) (F1*R '$
*"# ")55 /51(#*R *1 ,##F
) I)H 18 G)+; /51*"#(
81+ #)/" F#+(1$ '$ *"#
!I Ihe IighIs are ouI, iI wiII be hard Io Lnd
IhaI reaIIy warm IurIIe neck or a pair oI
26 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
minimum in Ihe evenI Ihe heaI shuIs oII.
SD @8 <1. 5'N# '$ )$
)+#) *")* H#*( I)&
(*1+;( +#H.5)+5<
/1$('&#+ '$N#(*'$H '$ )$
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Having an aIIernaIe source oI power iI Ihe
main Iines go down can be a IiIe saver.
TD U /#55.5)+ F"1$# '( )
V"1*W /1;;1&'*< 81+ *"#
!I you have a ceII phone, make sure iI is
charged and easy Io Lnd. ven iI Ihe phone
and power Iines go ouI you can geI word ouI
IhaI you are sIranded and need heIp.
CXD 6'$)55<R KMUY @4K@=2D
However IempIing iI may be Ior kids Io go
ouI and make snow angeIs or pIay in Ihe
IaIIing snow, use cauIion. Those bIowing
winds - boIh beIore and aIIer a bIizzard - are
coId enough Io cause IrosIbiIe, and snow-
driIIs may hide dangers chiIdren mighI
oIherwise see. SIay indoors where iI's saIe,
and warm!
warm socks or gIoves in Ihe dark. CounI on
Ihe power being ouI Ior aI IeasI a day or Iwo
and have some board games and a deck oI
cards on hand. ArIs and craIIs are aIways
Iun Ior Ihe kids (especiaIIy iI Ihere isn'I any
IeIevision Io disIracI Ihem) so make sure you
have some oI Ihose suppIies easiIy avaiIabIe.
ZD U51$H G'*" G)+;
/51*"#( )$& I5)$,#*(R
/1$('&#+ (*1/,'$H <1.+
A5'BB)+& ['* G'*" *"#
baIIeries, Bash IighIs, baIIery operaIed radio/
IeIevision, boIIIed waIer, IoiIeI paper, non-
perishabIe Ioods such as cereaI or crackers,
canned goods, a non-eIecIric can opener, a
smaII cooIer, candIes, prescripIion medicines
and any over-Ihe-counIer remedies you use
reguIarIy; and iI you have young inIanIs or
IoddIers - diapers, baby wipes, IormuIa, baby
]D K*1/, .F 1$ ("1N#5(
)$& ($1G +#;1N)5
#3.'F;#$* I#81+# *"#
($1G (*1+;D
You may aIso wanI Io cover Ihe windows and
spaces around Ihe doors Io keep draIIs aI a
Much Iike a bIizzard, a Iornado may change your C.O.O.D.!. 8ag Io more oI a SIay in PIace"
or S.!.P 8ag. Tornados may seem Io oIIer more mobiIiIy Ihan bIizzards, buI Ihey do noI. WhaI
Iornados do oIIer, however, is a Iad biI more predicIabiIiIy, iI you verse yourseII properIy.
One oI Ihe mosI imporIanI Ihings you can do Io prevenI being in|ured in a Iornado is Io be
aIerI Io Ihe onseI oI severe weaIher. MosI deaIhs and serious in|uries happen Io peopIe who
are unaware and uninIormed. Young chiIdren or Ihe menIaIIy chaIIenged may noI recognize
an oncoming dangerous siIuaIion. The iII, eIderIy, or invaIid may noI be abIe Io reach sheIIer
in Iime. Those who ignore Ihe weaIher because oI indiIIerence or overconLdence may noI
perceive Ihe danger. SIay aware, and you wiII sIay aIive.
Remember: !I a Iornado waIch is issued Ior your area, iI means IhaI a Iornado is possibIe." !I
a Iornado warning is issued, iI means IhaI a Iornado has acIuaIIy been spoIIed, or is sIrongIy
indicaIed on radar, and iI is Iime Io go Io a saIe sheIIer immediaIeIy.
Types oI 0|sasters:
28 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
8e aIerI Io whaI is happening ouIside as
weII. Here are some oI Ihe Ihings IhaI peopIe
describe when Ihey IeII abouI a Iornado ex-
A sickIy greenish or greenish bIack coIor
Io Ihe sky.
!I Ihere is a waIch or warning posIed,
Ihen Ihe IaII oI haiI shouId be considered
as a reaI danger sign. HaiI can be
common in some areas, however, and
usuaIIy has no Iornado acIiviIy aIong
wiIh iI.
A sIrange guieI IhaI occurs wiIhin or
shorIIy aIIer Ihe IhundersIorm.
CIouds moving by very IasI, especiaIIy in
a roIaIing paIIern or converging Ioward
one area oI Ihe sky.
A sound a IiIIIe Iike a waIerIaII or
rushing air aI LrsI, buI Iurning inIo a
roar as iI comes cIoser. The sound oI a
Iornado has been Iikened Io IhaI oI boIh
raiIroad Irains and |eIs.
Debris dropping Irom Ihe sky.
An obvious IunneI-shaped" cIoud IhaI
is roIaIing, or debris such as branches
or Ieaves being puIIed upwards, even iI
IunneI cIouds are noI visibIe.
!I you see a Iornado and iI is noI moving
Io Ihe righI or Io Ihe IeII reIaIive Io Irees
or power poIes in Ihe disIance, iI may
be moving Iowards you! Remember IhaI
aIIhough Iornadoes usuaIIy move Irom
souIhwesI Io norIheasI, Ihey aIso move
Iowards Ihe easI, Ihe souIheasI, Ihe norIh,
and even norIhwesI.
ncourage your IamiIy members Io pIan Ior
Iheir own saIeIy in many diIIerenI IocaIions.
!I is imporIanI Io make decisions abouI Ihe
saIesI pIaces weII beIore you ever have Io go
Io Ihem.
@$ -1;#( 1+ K;)55
The besI pIaces are:
!n a sIorm sheIIer speciLcaIIy designed
Ior IhaI use--wiIhin Ihe basemenI
or ouIside Ihe home enIireIy. Some
companies manuIacIure pre-Iab sheIIers
IhaI you drop inIo a hoIe in Ihe ground,
and IhaI bIends in wiIh your home's
Iandscaping(some more, some Iess.)
!n a basemenI, away Irom Ihe wesI and
souIh waIIs. Hiding under a heavy work-
IabIe or under Ihe sIairs wiII proIecI Ihe
IamiIy Irom crumbIing waIIs, chimneys,
and Iarge airborne debris IaIIing inIo Ihe
ceIIar. A IamiIy in Ihe ApriI 8Ih, 1998
Iornado in Ihe 8irmingham, AIabama
area survived because a huIch IoppIed
and was heId up by Ihe dining room
IabIe Ihey were under. ThaI huIch
29 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
a couch cushion over you gives you
proIecIion on aII sides, as weII as an exIra
anchor Io Ihe IoundaIion. PIumbing
pipes may or may noI heIp hoId Ihe
waIIs IogeIher, buI aII Ihe exIra Iraming
IhaI iI Iakes Io puI a baIhroom IogeIher
may make a big diIIerence. !I Ihere is
no downsIairs baIhroom and Ihe cIoseIs
are aII packed wiIh sIuII," a haII may
be Ihe besI sheIIer. PuI as many waIIs
as you can beIween yourseII and Ihe
Iornado. !n a pinch, puI a meIaI Irash
over as much oI you as you can. !I wiII
keep some Bying debris Irom in|uring
you. ven IhaI may make Ihe diIIerence
beIween IiIe and deaIh.
Wherever iI is, Ihe sheIIer shouId be weII
known by each member oI Ihe IamiIy. !I
you and your IamiIy wiII conducI annuaI
emergency driIIs (Lre, Iornado, eIc),
everyone wiII remember whaI Io do and
where Io go when a Iornado is approaching-
-auIomaIicaIIy and wiIhouI panic. Choose a
Iriend or IamiIy member in anoIher parI oI
Iown or eIsewhere Io be a conIacI person"
IhaI wiII be caIIed by everyone shouId Ihe
IamiIy members become separaIed.
Tornado preparaIion can overIap in many
ways wiIh hurricane preparaIion, wiIh one
ma|or caveaI. The reason we Iook aI hurri-
canes as more oI a go" scenario is because
Ihe Booding Ihey cause creaIes a compara-
Iive disadvanIage wiIh sIaying indoors as you
can easiIy be Booded Io deaIh. Since waIer is
heIped deBecI Ihe debris IhaI wouId have
sIruck Ihem. OId bIankeIs, guiIIs and
an unused maIIress wiII proIecI againsI
Bying debris, buI Ihey shouId be sIored
in Ihe sheIIer area. Precious Iime can be
IosI by Irying Io Lnd Ihese iIems aI Ihe
IasI minuIe.
!n a smaII, windowIess, LrsI Boor,
inIerior room-Iike a cIoseI or baIhroom.
The baIhIub and commode are anchored
direcIIy inIo Ihe ground, and someIimes
are Ihe onIy Ihing IeII in pIace aIIer Ihe
Iornado. CeIIing inIo Ihe baIhIub wiIh
30 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
Iashion. Co Io inIerior rooms and haIIs on
Ihe IowesI Boor, buI avoid haIIs IhaI open
Io Ihe ouIside in any direcIion. !I Ihere are
no inIerior haIIways, avoid Ihose IhaI open
Io Ihe souIhwesI, souIh, or wesI, since IhaI
is Ihe usuaIIy Ihe direcIion Ihe Iornado
wiII come. SIay away Irom gIass, boIh in
windows and doors. Crouch down, and
make as smaII a IargeI" as possibIe. !I you
have someIhing Io cover your head, do so,
oIherwise, use your hands. Don'I assume
IhaI Ihere wiII aIways be a Ieacher or oIher
aduII Ihere Io IeII you whaI Io do--iI Ihere is,
you shouId IoIIow Iheir direcIion, buI you
need Io know Ihese Ihings Ioo.
Peak Iime Ior Iornadoes Io sIrike varies
Irom region Io region. !n some souIheasIern
sIaIes, earIy morning Iornadoes are aImosI as
common as IaIe aIIernoon ones. !n wesIern
and norIhern sIaIes, peak hours are Irom
3 Io 7 PM, |usI aI Ihe end oI Ihe schooI, buI
incIuding Ihe hours oI aIIerschooI acIiviIies.
!I reaIIy severe weaIher is expecIed, your
schooI may be dismissed earIy in order IhaI
you can reach home beIore Ihe worsI oI Ihe
weaIher reaches Ihe area. !I you are on IooI
or riding a bike, iI is doubIy imporIanI IhaI
you go home immediaIeIy, and noI Iinger
wiIh your Iriends. !I caughI in Ihe open, you
shouId seek a saIe pIace immediaIeIy. The
chances oI encounIering IaIIing Irees, power
Iines, and IighIning is greaIer Ihan encoun-
Iering Ihe Iornado iIseII. The basemenI oI a
heavier Ihan rock, we are more IikeIy Io Iake
our chances on Ihe road during a hurricane
Ihan risk being Irapped inside and possibIy
drowned by massive amounIs oI Booding
waIer. Tornados, on Ihe oIher hand, creaIe
more risks ouI in Ihe open as Ihey can IiII
and carry reIaIiveIy IighI iIems such as cars
or human beings. This is why iI makes sense
Io geI enIrenched Ior a Iornado, as Iheir de-
sIrucIive powers can do comparaIiveIy Iess
damage iI you sIay indoors.
K"1FF'$H :#$*#+(R
-1(F'*)5( )$& 6)/*1+'#(
Co Io inIerior rooms and haIIs on Ihe IowesI
Boor. SIay away Irom gIass encIosed pIaces
or areas wiIh wide-span rooIs such as audi-
Ioriums, IheaIers, and warehouses. Crouch
down and cover your head. DeaIhs have
occurred in Iarge, singIe sIory deparImenI
sIores. They have occurred inside Ihe
buiIding when Ihe rooI or wide span brick
waIIs, which coIIapsed. A corner wouId
be saIer Ihan Ihe middIe oI Ihe waII. A
baIhroom, cIoseI, omce, or mainIenance
room wiIh shorI waIIs wouId be Ihe saIesI
area, especiaIIy iI iI was on Ihe norIh or easI
side oI Ihe buiIding.
@$ K/"115(
Leave audiIoriums, gyms, and oIher
Iree-span rooms, exiIing in an orderIy
31 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
a road, pick a car up and hurI iI, or IumbIe
a car over and over. Many peopIe have
been kiIIed in cars whiIe Ihey were Irying
Io ouIrun Ihe Iornado, and aIIhough iI is
someIimes possibIe Io escape, iI is generaIIy
noI a good idea.
An underpass may seem Iike a saIe pIace,
buI may noI be. WhiIe videos show peopIe
surviving under an underpass, Ihose
Iornadoes have been weak. No one knows
how survivabIe an underpass is in a sIrong
or vioIenI Iornado. The debris Bying under
Ihe underpass couId be very deadIy... head
Ior a diIch.
sIurdy buiIding wouId be besI, buI Iying BaI
in a diIch or Iow-Iying area may be Ihe onIy
Ihing avaiIabIe. A cuIverI in a diIch may be a
good choice iI Ihere is no rain, buI iI Ihere is
rain, Bash Booding may be more dangerous
and IikeIy Ihan Ihe Iornado.
@$ ) :)+
!I you are in a car, and you can see a Iornado
Iorming or approaching, you shouId Ieave
Ihe car and Iake sheIIer. You may Ihink you
can escape Irom Ihe Iornado by driving away
Irom iI, buI you can'I know whaI you may
be driving inIo. A Iornado can bIow a car oII
M"# ^D_D_D=D@D2 A)H
`^#* _.* 18 =1&H# @;;#&')*#5<
)$& 288'/'#$*5<a
A C.O.O.D.!. 8ag" is a bag which you shouId pack Ioday and
hope you never have Io use. !Is purpose is soIeIy inIended Ior
siIuaIions which necessiIaIe hasIy evacuaIions. The main
purpose oI a having go bag on hand is seII-sumciency. !I
shouId be packed in advance and ready Io grab, so IhaI you
can simpIy...go. OIher popuIar Ierms Ior Ihe C.O.O.D.!. 8ag
incIude: bug ouI bag, grab bag, go bag, baIIIe box or PRK.
(PersonaI mergency ReIocaIion KiI)
33 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
The size and conIenIs oI your C.O.O.D.!. 8ag
wiII be deIermined by how much Iime you
have Io geI yourseII organized. Since Ihe
purpose oI having a C.O.O.D.!. 8ag is prepa-
raIion, iI is a good idea Io make Ihe biggesI
possibIe IisI oI poIenIiaI conIenIs and Ihen
pare iI down. Here are some iIems Io geI you
8oIIIed waIer and
canned Ioods IhaI
come in pop-Iops
or easy Io open
mergency RaIions/
Ireeze dried/
dehydraIed Ioods.
meds Ior a week
and copies oI aII
SmaII LrsI-aid kiI.
Camping IenI.
mergency soIar bIankeIs.
SIurdy shoes/booIs.
Warm cIoIhes, rain
gear and haIs.
8aIIery powered
radio. (or a dynamo
as a |usI in case, iI
your baIIeries don'I
xIra baIIeries.
(Ihey need Io
remain seaIed
and separaIe Irom
Ihe eIecIronics
IhaI Ihey wiII be
used Ior Io avoid
unwanIed drainage)
PockeI kniIe. (high
guaIiIy, easy Io open,
sIainIess sIeeI)
RegionaI map. (iI you are compeIenI aI
navigaIing using a map onIy)
Copies oI imporIanI documenIs. (digiIaI
and hard copy preIerred and in a
waIerprooI conIainer)
:"#/,5'(* 18 '*#;(
81+ <1.+ ^D_D_D=D@D2 A)H
34 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
8eyond Ihese iniIiaI iIems which guickIy
come Io mind, iI is imporIanI Io Iocus on
secondary iIems which become imporIanI
in new areas. Think abouI Ihe worId IhaI
we Iive in. SociaI securiIy numbers, bank
accounIs and Lnger prinIs are Ihe gaIeway
Io idenIiLcaIion. WhaI iI you Iose your sIaIe
issued idenIiLcaIion? WhaI iI you don'I have
your passporI, sociaI securiIy card or birIh
cerIiLcaIe wiIh you? MosI peopIe don'I Ihink
abouI how hard iI can be Io prove IhaI Ihey
are, in IacI, IhemseIves.
When we Ihink oI packing and preparaIion,
iI is our naIuraI Iendency Io Bock Io survivaI
iIems and ignore documenIaIion. !mporIanI
documenIs are necessary Io have on your
person, iI you have Io Ieave your home. CeI
Ihem aII IogeIher in one pIace and sIore Ihem
in a conIainer IhaI is porIabIe and waIer
prooI. !I you have access Io a scanner, you
couId aIso scan Ihese imporIanI documenIs
Io a CD or a Bash drive.
A simpIe Irip Io your IocaI Kinko's, edex
sIore, or pubIic Iibrary can give you access
Io a scanner. 8ring aII oI your imporIanI
documenIs wiIh you. Once you scan Ihem,
you can immediaIeIy copy/pasIe Ihem inIo
a IexI program, such as, MicrosoII Word.
NexI, aIIach Ihe documenI Io your emaiI
on Ihe spoI and send an emaiI Io yourseII.
Then, pop your Bash drive inIo a compuI-
er's US8 drive, open your emaiI and pIace
Camping gear. (anyIhing
Irom camp sIoves Io mess
kiI IenIs Io sIeeping bags,
depending on needs and
size oI group)
WaIkie-IaIkies. (be sure Io seIecI a
speciLc channeI ahead oI Iime Ior
1 roII oI guarIers/$100 in smaII biIIs.
Spare keys. (Iucked away wiIh
your imporIanI documenIs in an
inconspicuous parI oI Ihe kiI or a hidden
pockeI iI avaiIabIe)
DucI Iape.
PIasIic SheeIing.
35 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
conIacI inIormaIion.
PeI regisIraIion.
A copy oI each biII -- uIiIiIy --morIgage --
crediI cards-- insurance.
(or a IisI oI each and Ihe accounI # and
conIacI inIormaIion).
Phone number IisI incIuding ouI oI Iown
& ouI oI sIaIe conIacI person.
!n a C8S reporI, correspondenI, Armen
KeIeyian, noIed IhaI many copiers conIained
hard drives LIIed wiIh images oI every
documenI Ihey'd ever copied. OIIen,
owners don'I wipe Ihese hard drives cIean
beIore seIIing Ihe machines. This couId
be a poIenIiaI risk Io peopIe doing Ihis aI
a Kinko's IocaIion. AI home scanners are
Ihe onIy IuIIy secure way Io compIeIe Ihis
your imporIanI documenIs onIo your Bash
drive. !I your Bash drive is eguipped wiIh
an eyeIeI, aIIach iI Io your keychain or key
ring inside oI your C.O.O.D.!. 8ag. You have
|usI successIuIIy secured a IiIeIime's worIh
oI imporIanI documenIaIion Ior yourseII and
as many members oI your IamiIy as you saw
LI Io. AIIer Ihis simpIe process is compIeIe,
you can eiIher keep Ihe Bash drive on your
key chain or pop a copy inIo your C.O.O.D.!.
Here are Ihe speciLc documenIs you shouId
aIways have on hand, in digiIaI IormaI:
8irIh CerIiLcaIes.
Driver's License.
PrescripIions (IisI oI prescripIion Iype &
DocIor's Name/ Phone #)
ProoI oI Residency - MorIgage biII/ RenIaI
RenIers/ Home owners insurance
MedicaI insurance coverage.
LiIe insurance coverage.
LisI oI crediI cards/ emergency crediI
amiIy phoIos, which cIearIy show
everyone's Iace.
ChiIdren's LngerprinI cards.
ChiIdren's schooI regisIraIion or schooI
36 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
Remember IhaI noI aII IamiIy members
wiII be inIeresIed in pracIicing Ihis, iI is
imporIanI IhaI you do noI impose iI upon
Ihem. There are board games, worsI case
scenario as IamiIy Iime games, and chiI-
dren's versions oI Ihe worsI case scenario
books IhaI may heIp Io spike an inIeresI in
Think oI iI as geIIing yourseII in shape Ior
a maraIhon. AI LrsI, you wiII waIk and |og.
Then you wiII run. Then sprinI. inaIIy, you
wiII incorporaIe everyIhing inIo a running
sIraIegy Ior Ihe big race.
The main diIIerence beIween C.O.O.D.!.'s
is Ihe amounI oI Iime IhaI iI wiII Iake you Io
prepare Ihem. The besI way Io geI organized
and prepared is Io work backwards. ThaI
means IhaI you shouId buiId your 30 minuIe
bag LrsI, moving down Io Ihe 1S minuIe bag,
beIore Lnishing wiIh Ihe S minuIe bag. This
way you can zero in Ihe iIems IhaI you IruIy
need Io Iake wiIh you, versus Ihe iIems you
wouId simpIy Iike Io have.
You shouId IreaI Ihis as a game aI Ihe sIarI;
geI Ihe whoIe IamiIy invoIved. As Iime goes
by, however, you shouId geI more serious.
M<F#( 18 ^D_D_D=D@D2 A)H(
Q ;'$.*#R CQ ;'$.*#R LX ;'$.*# ^D_D_D=D@D2D A)H(
37 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
You shouId perIorm Ihis exercise wiIh Ihe
heIp oI a sIopwaIch. The LrsI sIep is Io make
a IisI oI iIems you Ihink may be necessary. !n
addiIion Io Ihe iIems IisIed above, you may
wanI Io add:
There is no IimiI Io Ihe amounI oI iIems Io
sIarI ouI wiIh. ]usI keep in mind IhaI you
can onIy carry so much.
AI Ihis poinI, IeI your sIopwaIch run. Have a
sheeI oI paper and a pen ready. SeI yourseII
and begin. Move briskIy Ihrough your
home coIIecIing Ihe iIems IisIed above and
anyIhing eIse IhaI you Ihink you may need.
Do noI panic, buI be swiII and cognizanI oI
Ihe Iime Iicking away. very Iime you add
an iIem Io your go bag, check iI oII Ihe IisI.
When Ihe 30 minuIes are up, sIop.
AI Ihis poinI, you have your 30 minuIe
C.O.O.D.!.. 8ag. mpIy iI and sIarI over, Ihis
Iime sIopping Ihe exercise aIIer 1S minuIes.
CIose wiIh Ihe S minuIe bag. AIIer perIorm-
ing Ihis driII once, you wiII have an idea oI iIs
purpose. You wanI Io know preciseIy whaI iI
is IhaI you need and how Iong iI wiII Iake you
Io assembIe aII oI Ihose iIems in your go bag.
!I is greaI iI you can have your 30 minuIe
C.O.O.D.!. 8ag ready and waiIing. !I you
are a masIer aI comparImenIaIizaIion and
can carry heavy Ioads, you may be one oI
Ihe Iew IoIks capabIe oI puIIing IogeIher a 60
minuIe C.O.O.D.!. 8ag. !I is your S minuIe
C.O.O.D.!. 8ag, however, IhaI wiII be your
greaIesI signaI as Io which iIems you need
have handy.
ven Ihough you shouId aIways have a
30 minuIe C.O.O.D.!. 8ag prepared, iI is
prudenI Io have an idea oI whaI you wiII
a multi-tool
a compass
a can opener
paring knife
garbage bags
plastic utensils
paper cups and plates
granola or energy bars
paper towels
tube socks
anti-biotic cream
gauze pads
band aids
empty medicine bottles
adhesive tape
baby formula/diapers/wipes
personal or feminine hygiene
38 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
shouId onIy repIace an iIem wiIh a higher
guaIiIy iIem. or exampIe, iI you have Iaid
your IavoriIe pockeI kniIe on Ihe IabIe, iI
sIays in Ihe kiI unIiI you repIace iI wiIh
someIhing more imporIanI.
8y now, you shouId know whaI is worIh
Iaking and whaI Ihe cosIs are oI Ieaving
cerIain iIems behind. You can now come
Io Ihe poinI where you overcome discipIin-
ary probIems. This is Ihe poinI aI which you
prepare Io succeed by eIiminaIing doubI and
AI Ihis poinI, you shouId sIop and Iake
invenIory. Now IhaI you have pracIiced
packing, and diIIerenIiaIing whaI you wanI
Irom whaI you need, now you are ready
Ior guaIiLcaIion. You musI IisI Ihe various
uses oI each iIem and rank Ihem in order
oI imporIance. This wiII IurIher aid you in
prepping Ihe perIecI C.O.O.D.!. 8ag.
Some peopIe may Iike or even be obsessed,
wiIh cIeanIiness. A roII oI paper IoweIs and
weI naps, however, wiII simpIy noI provide
you as much uIiIiIy as a muIIi-IooI or a Bash-
IighI. ven iI a roII oI paper IoweIs was as
useIuI as a BashIighI, you wouId sIiII choose
Ihe BashIighI iI you had Io eIiminaIe one oI
Ihe Iwo. Though a paper IoweI roII is noI
heavy, iI is buIky and Iakes up more space
Ihan iI warranIs. AnyIhing which is smaII
and IighI shouId auIomaIicaIIy receive a
ranking boosI; BashIighIs and muIIi-IooIs are
greaI exampIes.
need Io pack in case you onIy have S minuIes
avaiIabIe. UnIorIunaIeIy, mosI peopIe do
noI Iake Ihe Iime Io assembIe an acIuaI
C.O.O.D.!. 8ag in advance, Ihinking Ihey wiII
have Iime on Ihe spoI. This exercise has Ihe
duaI purpose oI showing you whaI you need
and perhaps more imporIanIIy, showing you
why you need a C.O.O.D.!. 8ag, righI now.
E5)$( )$& :"#/,5'(*(
61+ 2)/"
The C.O.O.D.!. 8ag exercise can and shouId
be Iaken IurIher. Think oI a rubber band.
You wanI Io sIreIch iI ouI, sIowIy pushing Ihe
boundaries IurIher and IurIher aparI. As
Ihe rubber band Ioosens you become more
comIorIabIe wiIh your C.O.O.D.!. 8ag. You
shouId do Ihese exercises over and over
again. AIIer a whiIe, you shouId no Ionger
pack your iIems. You shouId Iay Ihem aII ouI
on a IabIe or on Ihe Boor.
You shouId noI use Ihe iIems Ior anyIhing
eIse, unIess you repIace Ihem LrsI and you
:1;;.$'/)*'1$ E5)$(
)$& 0)55< E1'$*(
We shouId aIways prepare Ior Ihe worsI,
whiIe expecIing Ihe besI. !n a perIecI
worId, we wouId |usI pick up our ceII phone
and IaIk Io abouI our pIans in reaI Iime. !n
Ihe case oI mass wireIess neIwork conges-
Iion, however, we wiII noI have IhaI Iuxury.
40 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
-)N# F5)$ 9 ;#)$( *1
/1;;.$'/)*# G'*" *"1(#
'$ <1.+ /'+/5#
We shouId aIways prepare Ior Ihe worsI,
whiIe expecIing Ihe besI. !n a perIecI worId,
we wouId |usI pick up our ceII phone and
IaIk Io abouI our pIans in reaI Iime. !n Ihe
case oI mass wireIess neIwork congesIion,
however, we wiII noI have IhaI Iuxury.
Our Ioved ones musI have a way Io reach us
and we musI be abIe Io reach Ihem. As noIed
earIier, Ihe simpIesI means oI communica-
Iion are properIy powered waIkie-IaIkies.
They can be counIed upon Io work under
dire circumsIances and many are shock and
waIer prooI. They can aIso be picked up by
scanners. The down side is IhaI Ihey do noI
have greaI range and wiII IikeIy be oI use
onIy iI you and your Ioved ones sIick cIose
A greaI IacIic which receives IiIIIe aIIenIion,
is Ihe oId reIay sysIem used IhroughouI
hisIory by various organizaIions Io pass
on inIormaIion. A reIay person or disIanI
conIacI" wouId be used as a communicaIion
beacon Ior separaIed parIies.
!n Ioday's worId, Ihere is rareIy a need Ior
Ihis sorI oI inIormaIion reIay, buI an ouI oI
Iown or ouI oI sIaIe conIacI is a greaI way Io
make sure you know whaI is happening wiIh
your IamiIy in case you are separaIed. very
one oI your IamiIy members musI have Ihe
designaIed person's conIacI inIo.
!I you are unabIe Io IaIk Io each oIher, caIIing
a pre-deIermined conIacI person who Iives
ouIside oI your area can be your means oI
keeping Iabs on one anoIher. AI diIIerenI
poinIs in Iime, diIIerenI IamiIy members
may gain access Io IeIephone or emaiI. !I
Ihey aII caII Ihe same person aI diIIerenI
poinIs Ihey may be abIe Io engineer an arIiL-
ciaI meeIing poinI or in Ihe IeasI, know IhaI
Iheir Ioved ones are okay.
@&#$*'8< 0)55< E1'$*( *1
;##* <1.+ /'+/5# '$ /)(#
18 ) ='()(*#+
RaIIy poinIs are necessary Ior aII oI Ihe
disasIer scenarios we have ouIIined. They
are parIicuIarIy eIIecIive in siIuaIions which
caII Ior immediaIe evacuaIion or as a proIec-
Iive measure againsI separaIion.
A greaI way Io pracIice raIIy poinI cohesion
is Io Iake IamiIy camping Irips. speciaIIy
in Ihe case oI younger chiIdren, Ihe abiIiIy
Io reacI Io sIress proacIiveIy can mean Ihe
diIIerence beIween IiIe and deaIh. Kids wiII
oIIen Ireeze up in new areas, new siIua-
Iions and around new peopIe. Taking Ihem
ouIside oI Iheir neighborhood and Ieaching
Ihem Iandmarks and check poinIs wiII geI
Ihem prepared and more comIorIabIe wiIh
41 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
!")* ;),#( ) (.'*)I5#
0)55< E1'$*b
A suiIabIe raIIy poinI musI, LrsI oI aII, be
known and accessibIe Io aII members oI your
parIy. !I shouId aIso be reasonabIy secIuded,
buI noI Io Ihe poinI where speciaI skiIIs or
vehicIes are reguired Io reach iI.
There is no vaIue in a very disIanI and
secIuded raIIy poinI iI everyone in your
parIy cannoI reach iI. A suiIabIe raIIy poinI
wiII be Iar enough Irom Ihe danger area, yeI
accessibIe enough, whiIe mainIaining some
sembIance oI secIusion and securiIy.
There is no perIecI IormuIa, so you musI Lnd
a baIance. !I securiIy and secIusion are oI
opIimaI concern, Ihen your raIIy poinI wiII
IikeIy be Iougher Io reach and may reguire
oII-road vehicIes. !I Ihe goaI is Io geI many
peopIe organized guickIy, a IocaI camping
ground or naIionaI park may be besI.
RaIIy poinIs shouId be deLned Irom a di-
recIionaI perspecIive and Iied Io secondary
new surroundings. This wiII make Ihem
asseIs insIead oI IiabiIiIies during Iimes oI
!I is besI Io use Iwo separaIe raIIy poinIs.
Your iniIiaI raIIy poinI shouId be IocaIed
cIose Io your home and IamiIiar Io aII oI your
IamiIy members. PreIerabIy, you wouId be
abIe Io reach Ihis IocaIion on IooI.
The second raIIy poinI shouId be Iar enough
away IhaI you wiII be abIe Io geI away Irom
Ihe immediaIe danger surrounding your
home. The decision shouId resI on Ihe size,
age and physicaI capaciIies oI your compan-
Two coIIege roommaIes wiII be abIe Io pick
a more disIanI IocaIion, Ihan a singIe parenI
wiIh Ihree chiIdren. The idea behind a
second IocaIion is Io serve as a backup and Io
heIp mainIain Iocus iI your immediaIe sur-
roundings are disheveIed. !I peopIe have a
speciLc goaI Io work Iowards, Ihey wiII be
more IikeIy Io ignore Ihe havoc around Ihem
and keep moving Iowards IhaI saIe poinI,
insIead oI roaming around aimIessIy.
42 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
saIeIy vaIves oI Long !sIand and New ]ersey,
boIh can be reached guickIy, via mass
IransporI and by waIking across various
bridges. During Ihe 9/11 Ierror aIIacks many
ManhaIIan residenIs were abIe Io make iI
Io nearby WesIchesIer counIy, |usI norIh oI
New York CiIy, by waIking and bike riding Io
Ihe 8ronx and Ihen conIinuing norIh on IooI.
WhaI iI you Iive in Texas and Ihere is a
breakdown oI border securiIy? We are
aII IamiIiar wiIh Ihe Mexican maLa and
Ihe propensiIy oI drug carIeIs Io IuncIion
wiIhin American borders. Once again, Ihe
herd menIaIiIy is someIhing Io avoid. The
Iayman wiII IikeIy consider heading souIh
oI Ihe border, iI Ihere is an inIrasIrucIuraI
breakdown in Ihe UniIed SIaIes. This person
wouId be driving head LrsI inIo Ihe mouIh oI
danger and poIenIiaI deaIh. The smarI move
under Ihis scenario wouId be Io move norIh
and IurIher inIand.
Once again, however, we can'I simpIy
sIop Ihere. We musI be vigiIanI and Iake
aII IacIors inIo consideraIion. WhaI iI we
happen Io be residenIs oI I Paso, Texas, Ior
insIance? Here we are, mere miIes Irom
Ihe Mexican border, buI we aIso have orI
8Iiss direcIIy norIheasI oI us. !I we have
packed our go bag IuII oI guns, money and
pain kiIIers Ior our grandpa ]ack, do we
reaIIy wanI Io be heading in Ihe direcIion oI
a miIiIary base whiIe our borders are under
IacIors wiIhin your IocaI communiIy. Your
own personaI resources shouId aIso be Iaken
inIo consideraIion. Do you own a boaI? !s iI
docked in a bay, a marina, near a river or an
ocean? !I you Iive inIand, Ihis can make Ior a
greaI raIIy poinI.
Your choice Io head Io such a IocaIion,
however, shouId be guided by accessibiIiIy.
!I you Iive in CaIiIornia, iI may make sense
Io shooI Ior CaIaIina !sIand, iI you have a
means oI making iI Ihere. Since so many
peopIe wiII IikeIy head easI and away Irom
Ihe coasI, iI is a smarI move Io do Ihe direcI
opposiIe and head Iowards Ihe waIer. You
are noI onIy IikeIy Io encounIer IiIIIe Iramc,
buI IiIIIe danger Irom Ihe human eIemenI, as
WhaI iI you Iive in New York CiIy? The
counIry's mosI denseIy popuIaIed meIro-
poIiIan area is home Io nearIy 20,000,000
peopIe. This means IhaI Ihis one smaII
pockeI oI Ihe counIry is more popuIaIed Ihan
aII buI Ihree enIire American sIaIes. Consid-
ering IhaI New York CiIy is on Ihe AIIanIic
Ocean and Ihe easIern seaboard, Ihere are
noI many viabIe escape opIions. ew New
Yorkers can aIIord boaIs and heading ouI
inIo Ihe AIIanIic is highIy guesIionabIe. The
highways around New York CiIy are eIernaIIy
packed and since so many ciIy dweIIers
counI on pubIic IransporIaIion, many cannoI
simpIy geI in a car and go.
New York CiIy does, however, have Ihe
43 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
very dimcuII. !I you Iive in a meIropoIis,
however, simpIy geIIing a Iew miIes away
Irom Ihe crowds and panic, can be enough Io
ensure momenIary saIeIy and buy vaIuabIe
recovery and preparaIory Iime.
The suiIabiIiIy oI a raIIy poinI is direcIIy Iied
inIo Ihe dynamics oI your Iiving environ-
menI. Wherever you Iive, whichever way
you choose Io IraveI, aIways Iry Io avoid
crowds, mobs, ma|or roadways and auIhoriIy
Lgures. AII oI Ihese IacIors can serve Io sIow
you down or worse, Ieave you sIuck in pIace.
Make your pIans according Io your sIrengIh
and weaknesses, buI aIso consider Ihe sIruc-
IuraI and regionaI IacIors which surround
OI course, we don'I. We don'I wanI Io be
heading in Ihe direcIion oI any armed
personneI; Ioreign or domesIic. This is noI
Ihe Iime Ior paIrioIism or reIiance on auIhor-
iIaIive Lgures. When Ihings go bad, poIice,
miIiIary and governmenI auIhoriIies reacI
as hasIiIy and panic |usI as much as reguIar
IoIk. You do noI wanI your saIeIy and IhaI
oI your IamiIy Io be IeII up Io Ihe decision
making oI 19 year-oId soIdiers who do noI
have Ihe experience Io IeII Ihe diIIerence
beIween you and a dangerous criminaI.
Remember IhaI your raIIy poinI is aIways
going Io be unigue Io your IocaIion. !I you
Iive on a Iarm, escaping hundreds oI miIes
away over a span oI hours may noI be
2N)/.)*'1$ E5)$`(a
AdapIabiIiIy is cruciaI Io evacuaIion. How capabIe
are you oI adapIing Io your environmenI? This wiII
be Ihe mosI imporIanI guesIion Io ponder whiIe
preparing. No maIIer how weII we pIan, an evacu-
aIion is aIways going Io be unpredicIabIe. The mosI
unexpecIed issues wiII arise. There wiII be aI IeasI
one issue IhaI we couId noI have prepared Ior. This
is why being BexibIe and ready Io make changes on
Ihe By is so imporIanI.
45 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
-)N# )* 5#)(* P\ 41+*"R
K1.*"R 2)(*R )$& !#(*
AdapIabiIiIy is cruciaI Io evacuaIion. How
capabIe are you oI adapIing Io your envi-
ronmenI? This wiII be Ihe mosI imporIanI
guesIion Io ponder whiIe preparing. No
maIIer how weII we pIan, an evacuaIion is
aIways going Io be unpredicIabIe. The mosI
unexpecIed issues wiII arise. There wiII be
aI IeasI one issue IhaI we couId noI have
prepared Ior. This is why being BexibIe
and ready Io make changes on Ihe By is so
Since many peopIe wiII evacuaIe aI Ihe exacI
same Iime, Ihe mosI popuIar escape rouIes
wiII aImosI cerIainIy be bIocked oII, or aI
besI, exIremeIy congesIed. A direcIionaI
escape pIan musI be creaIed. Assume IhaI
Ihree ouI oI Ihe Iour ma|or direcIions wiII be
rendered useIess.
You shouId drive ouI aI IeasI one hour
ouIside oI your immediaIe area in each oI
Ihe Iour ma|or direcIions. Once you have
gone an hour ouI in each direcIion, connecI
Ihose exIending poinIs IogeIher and draw a
diamond" ouIIine around your home Iown
on a map.
CreaIe a driving hisIory oI whaI you saw in
each direcIion. Memorize or wriIe down
aII roads. Keep Iabs on non-paved Ierrain
whiIe Ihinking abouI wheIher iI couId be
navigaIed by your vehicIe? WaIch Ior poIice
sIaIions and/or miIiIary bases. The Iarger
Ihe auIhoriIy presence in a given direcIion,
Ihe greaIer Ihe IikeIihood oI checkpoinIs, paI
downs and oIher proIocoIs which couId serve
Io sIow you down or even deIenIion.
Terrain, Iypes oI roads, sIrucIures Iound
aIong Ihe way, presence oI auIhoriIy Lgures
and oIher secondary and IerIiary IacIors wiII
aII come inIo pIay. AII oI Ihese IacIors shouId
weigh on deciding which direcIion wiII
provide Ihe besI escape rouIe Ior you.
Depending on where you are IocaIed naIion-
aIIy, some oI Ihese direcIions wiII IikeIy be
more popuIar choices Ior Ihe masses. !I you
can guess IhaI mosI peopIe wiII evacuaIe in
one direcIion, you shouId go in Ihe opposiIe
PeopIe on coasIs wiII Iend Io driII away Irom
bodies oI waIer. ThereIore, Ihe CaroIinians
wiII IikeIy head wesI, whiIe Ihe CaIiIornians
wiII probabIy head easI. !I you Lnd yourseII
in eiIher oI Ihese Iwo sIaIes you shouId
probabIy Iook eiIher norIh or souIh, as Ihe
ma|oriIy oI Iramc wiII IikeIy noI move in IhaI
!I you are exIremeIy weII prepared, however,
you may choose Io go againsI common
raIionaIe, aII IogeIher. !I you have a boaI
docked somewhere oII-shore, you can choose
Io make a nearby isIand your desIinaIion oI
46 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
and CaIiIornians wiII head sIraighI wesI or
easI is because coasIaI areas oIIen experi-
ence Booding. The common sense in such a
scenario is Io move direcIIy away Irom Iarge
waIer masses. There are, however, a good
many IacIors Io consider ouIside oI Ihe iniIiaI
and mosI obvious ones. Tramc, weaIher
paIIerns, and Iopography are |usI Ihe Iip
oI Ihe iceberg. WhaI oIher IoIks are doing
shouId aIso have a proIound eIIecI on your
decision making. !I is very imporIanI Io run
away Irom Ihe herd.
LeI's Iook Io Wisconsin Ior anoIher escape
exampIe. WiIh Wisconsin so cIose Io
Canada, a mere hop, skip and a |ump across
MinnesoIa IerriIory and over our norIhern
neighbor's border may seem Iike a saIe
pIan. The probIem is IhaI sIaIe borders oIIen
IeaIure check poinIs and border paIroIs.
LeI's say you have LIIed up you Iruck wiIh
a dozen pIasIic gasoIine conIainers and a
sizeabIe Lrearm suppIy. You probabIy wiII
noI wanI Io come inIo conIacI wiIh IocaI
poIice or auIhoriIy Lgures.
Heading souIh or souIhwesI inIo !IIinois and
!owa can give you ampIe opporIuniIies Io
expIore Ihe counIry. Looking aI a map oI Ihe
UniIed SIaIes shows us IhaI so much oI Ihe
counIry is souIh oI Wisconsin, IhaI Ihe op-
porIuniIies Ior escape are inLniIe. This oI
course, means IhaI mosI Wisconsin residenIs
wiII probabIy IoIIow Ihis exacI rouIe. So
whaI do we do Io avoid crowds iI we are
ew peopIe wiII Ihink Io hide on a smaII
isIand oII Ihe coasI oI CaIiIornia or NorIh
CaroIina during a hurricane or even in a
non-weaIher reIaIed evacuaIion scenario.
Preparing weII in advance and having a
sheIIer dug near Ihe shore oI a nearby
isIand can make evacuaIion boIh guick and
emcienI. This is preciseIy Ihe ouIside-Ihe-
box Ihinking you wiII need Io empIoy in
preparing Ior evacuaIions.
Remember IhaI congesIion is as much oI
a danger during evacuaIions, as Ihe cause
oI Ihe evacuaIion, iIseII. WhaIever you
choose Io do, your primary goaI shouId be Io
disIance yourseII Irom crowds and crowded
IraveI rouIes. NoIhing good can come oI
being sIuck in a crowd Ior Iong periods oI
Iime. WheIher iI was KaIrina vicIims aI
Ihe Superdome, rioI vicIims by Ihe CreaI
WesIern orum, or nucIear IaIIouI suIIerers
near ukushima, ]apan; nobody beneLIIed
Irom being sIuck in a Iarge human herd. !n
IacI, mosI oI Ihose who were sIuck in one
pIace suIIered |usI as much Irom immobiIiIy
as Ihey did Irom Ihe originaI disasIer.
[$1G G"'/" &'+#/*'1$ '(
*"# I#(* &'+#/*'1$
Knowing which direcIion is besI, depends
greaIIy on undersIanding where you are
and whaI Ihe IaIIouI scenarios oI your
emergency are. The reason mosI CaroIinians
47 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
escaping Madison, MiIwaukee or Creen 8ay?
Two greaI opIions incIude Ihe CreaI Lakes,
nameIy Lake Superior and Lake Michigan.
A properIy docked boaI can IransporI your
IamiIy Io Michigan, !IIinois or !ndiana,
bypassing cIuIIered roads and Iramc aIong
Ihe way.
!I you pIan in advance, such desIinaIions
can make greaI raIIy poinIs Ior Iarger groups
oI peopIe Irom diIIerenI areas. !I aII comes
down Io Iooking aI Ihe map and Lguring ouI
where Ihe smaIIesI number oI peopIe wiII
head, mosI oI Ihe Iime.
UN1'& *"# c^15&#$ -1)+&d
The CoIden Hoard" is a word pIay on Ihe
ancienI empire known as Ihe CoIden Horde.
The goIden horde was an empire which
conguered much oI Ihe gIobe beIween 1240
and 1S00 A.D. The empire crushed and
piIIaged everyIhing in iIs paIh. The onIy way
Iheir desIrucIion wouId cease was appease-
menI in goId.
!n Ierms oI a modern evacuaIion, a goIden
hoard" wouId encompass Iwo connecIed
behaviors. One wouId be IooIing, Ihe oIher,
a herd menIaIiIy. 8oIh IoIIow Ihe decidedIy
unprincipIed ruIes oI anarchy. Take whaI
you can and run as Iar as you can. This sorI
oI behavior is whaI makes disasIer scenarios
worse Ihan Ihey have Io be.
The LrsI sIep Io avoid is IooIing. Thievery
48 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
Remember your S, 1S and 30 minuIe
C.O.O.D.!. 8ag exercises. Their purpose was
Io separaIe Ihe Ihings you need Io Iake wiIh
you Irom Ihe Ihings IhaI you wanI Io Iake
wiIh you. vacuaIions are noI camping Irips
or vacaIions. You do noI know iI you wiII
ever come back. This does creaIe Ihe Iemp-
IaIion Io Iake memenIos, IamiIy heirIooms
and IavoriIe IrinkeIs. !Iems which may be
oI LscaI vaIue, however, shouId deLniIeIy
be sIashed somewhere. A chain, a IockeI, a
ring or anyIhing made oI precious meIaIs or
diamonds can come in handy as a Iorm or
currency, or even a meIhod oI bribery. ]usI
keep in mind IhaI Iime is your greaIesI asseI;
so seize iI.
M#++)'$ >)F(
The inIerneI is a wonderIuI IooI. !I has made
everyIhing so much easier. The probIem
wiIh Ihings being so easy, however, is IhaI
many oI us are unprepared Io deaI wiIh a
Ioss oI IechnoIogy. !n an evacuaIion, you
IikeIy wiII noI be abIe Io bring up CoogIe
Maps on your iPhone.
Terrain and Iopographic maps wiII give
you Ihe inIormaIion you reaIIy need. !I is
greaI Io know highways and Iheir exiIs. !I is
greaI Io know Iowns and Iheir sIreeIs. 8uI
whaI do you do iI a Iown is chopped up by a
hurricane? WhaI do you do iI a highway is
swaIIowed by an earIhguake?
Terrain maps break down Ihe geography oI
and robbery wiII be very IempIing Ior many
who are evacuaIing. Some wiII reason IhaI iI
Ihey sIay |usI a IiIIIe biI Ionger and waiI, Ihey
wiII have Iheir pickings oI whaIever peopIe
Ieave behind. Some wiII even prepare vans
and Irucks which Ihey wiII Ihen LII wiIh
iIems Iaken Irom abandoned homes and
businesses. Aside Irom Ihe moraI and IegaI
impIicaIions oI such acIs, Ihey wiII onIy sIow
you down.
The second sIep Io avoid is Ihe herd
menIaIiIy oI Ihe horde. Humans naIuraIIy
Bock Ioward each oIher. We are simpIy
wired Io IoIIow Ihe pack. !I is our mosI basic
insIincI and in Iimes oI crisis we reIy on
insIincIs above aII eIse. You wiII be IempIed
Io drive in Ihe direcIion everyone eIse is
driving. You wiII be IempIed Io behave Ihe
way everyone eIse is behaving. You wiII be
IempIed Io IoIIow. Do noI! Prepare yourseII
Io be a shepherd insIead oI a sheep. Lead;
never IoIIow.
There is one LnaI poinI Io remember abouI
Ihe goIden hoard". You don'I have Io sIeaI
or IoIIow anyone Io IaII vicIim Io iI. You can
IaII vicIim Io Ihe hoard" wiIh respecI Io
your own Ihings. You can spend Ioo much
Iime Irying Io rescue possessions and Iose
precious evacuaIion Iime in Ihe process.
Hoarding iIems which you may evenIuaIIy
have Io geI rid oI, is boIh dangerous and
sIupid. Prepare yourseII Ior Ihis reacIion, as
iI hiIs many peopIe aI Ihe momenI oI evacua-
49 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
awareness oI Ihe Iarge animaI popuIaIion.
or Ihose who do noI Iive in wooded areas,
a deer |umping ouI in IronI oI you on Ihe
road sounds Iike a Iairy IaIe. !n Ihe moun-
Iainous, hiIIy and IoresI-Iaden areas oI Ihe
AppaIachians, however, animaIs oI aII sorIs
can suddenIy appear in IronI oI your car and
cause a crash.
!n spiIe oI aII Ihe poIenIiaI risks, high vanIage
poinIs can oIIer a myriad oI saIeIy beneLIs.
A cabin somewhere high up in Ihe AppaIa-
chian MounIains, can be one oI Ihe saIesI
possibIe raIIy poinIs and evacuaIion desIina-
Iions. !I you have such a IocaIion prepared,
aII oI Ihe risks associaIed wiIh mounIainous
roads, may very weII be worIh iI. Never dis-
guaIiIy any opIion, |usI make sure Io weigh
Ihe pros and Ihe cons.
Terrain maps and regionaI awareness Irump
bravery and Ioughness. PreparaIion is a
broad and generaI concepI, buI reveaIs iIseII
as a niche markeI Ihe deeper iI is anaIyzed.
Know your region weII and become an
experI in iIs Iopography and Ierrains. OnIy
deIaiIed Ierrain map sIudy and navigaIion
experience can aid you Io Ihis goaI. ]usI be
aware in advance, map reading is noI as
simpIe as iI sounds. Some home Iopography
sIudy wouId suiI you weII as an added Iayer
oI preparaIion.
an area. Living in a worId oI paved roads
and sIreeIs we oIIen IorgeI IhaI Ihe MidwesI
is BaI, Nevada is mosIIy a deserI and IhaI Ihe
AppaIachians are mounIainous. This is Ihe
sorI oI inIormaIion you need a IoI more Ihan
highway IoII IocaIions and sIreeI names.
When evacuaIing, you noI onIy wanI Io know
where you are headed, buI whaI you wiII
have Io go Ihrough Io geI Ihere. !I you sIudy
Ierrain maps in advance, Ihey wiII heIp you
wiIh boIh your grab bag and your evacuaIion
MounIain ranges are a greaI exampIe oI
how Iopographic awareness can aIIecI your
escape pIans. The AppaIachian MounIains
run diagonaIIy across Ihe easIern UniIed
SIaIes. They sIreIch aII Ihe way Irom
AIabama and Ceorgia in Ihe souIh, Io Maine
in Ihe norIheasI. Taking one Iook aI a map
oI Ihe UniIed SIaIes makes iI very cIear: Ihe
AppaIachians can be a huge roadbIock Io Ihe
evacuaIion pIans oI miIIions oI peopIe.
Depending on diIIerenI weaIher reIaIed
scenarios, Ihe up-and-down, winding naIure
oI Ihis coIossaI mounIain range can have a
very Irying aIIecI on IraveIers. WeI roads,
power ouIages and panicky drivers can
creaIe Ior deadIy scenarios. Those who are
Iorced Io IraveI Ihrough or over Ihe AppaIa-
chian MounIains, musI have beIIer IighIing
eguipmenI, beIIer handIing vehicIes and an
Like everyIhing eIse, weapons are dependenI on
Ihe size oI your parIy and your proIecIion needs. A
Ione IraveIer may IeeI saIe wiIh a pockeI kniIe and
a Iire iron. A Iarger group wiIh women, chiIdren
and Ihe eIderIy in Iow, shouId IikeIy keep Lrearms.
51 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
E+1F#+ G#)F1$( *1 *),#
)$& I#(* 1F*'1$(
Like everyIhing eIse, weapons are dependenI
on Ihe size oI your parIy and your proIecIion
needs. A Ione IraveIer may IeeI saIe wiIh a
pockeI kniIe and a Iire iron. A Iarger group
wiIh women, chiIdren and Ihe eIderIy in Iow,
shouId IikeIy keep Lrearms.
WheIher we conIronI goIden hordes or
hoards, Ihere may be unpIeasanI encounIers
ahead. We cannoI assume IhaI Ihe poIice or
any Iaw enIorcemenI agency wiII provide
us wiIh proIecIion. As a resuII, we musI
prepare Io proIecI ourseIves.
!I is wise Io Iake Lrearm saIeIy cIasses.
very aduII in your IamiIy shouId do so.
Cuns come in aII shapes and sizes. very
aduII, regardIess oI age, gender or physicaI
sIaIure can saIeIy operaIe a Lrearm.
Cuns are Ihe preIerred meIhod oI proIecIion,
as Ihey can insure deIense Irom a disIance.
Pepper spray, sIun guns, basebaII baIs and
knives can aII do Ihe Irick. These iIems,
however, reguire conIronIing your aIIacker
aI cIose range and are rareIy useIuI againsI
muIIipIe assaiIanIs. or Ihose who have
hunIed IhroughouI Iheir Iives, a powerIuI
riBe is a naIuraI choice.
8eing abIe Io Lre oII a warning shoI, IhaI wiII
be Iaken seriousIy by poIenIiaI aIIackers, is
a greaI way Io ward oII IroubIe. AI Ihe same
Iime, a powerIuI riBe wiIh a scope can be
a chieI source oI nourishmenI Ior you and
your parIy. Nobody has ever Iracked and
kiIIed a deer wiIh a pisIoI, buI a riBe can be
a means oI dinner procuremenI iI your Iood
suppIy runs ouI.
There are no IimiIs Io a good weapons
arsenaI. More obscure iIems Iike a crossbow
or an axe; can do Ihe |ob in a pinch. UIiIiIy
iIems Iike rope and ducI Iape can heIp Io
subdue aIIackers or animaIs. HunIing knives
and hacksaws can become kiIchen uIensiIs.
]usI remember our ArgenIine exampIe.
Weapons shouId aIways be conceaIed and
kepI ouI oI view. or Ihe overwheIming
ma|oriIy oI poIenIiaI siIuaIions you wiII Iace,
a smaII caIiber Lrearm wiII do |usI Lne. They
are more accuraIe and easier Io conceaI.
Carry Ihree Io Iour cIips on you aI aII Iimes
and you wiII noI have Io worry.
!I you are hanging around a dangerous
group oI peopIe, smaII caIiber Lrearms are
Ihe saIesI beI. They wiII noI draw aIIenIion,
whiIe providing Ihe proIecIion you need.
Again, remember noI Io be Ihe acIion hero
bIasIing away aII oI Ihe bad guys. 8e Ihe sup-
porIing acIor who geIs away.
There is one aspecI oI modern IiIe which
we are IempIed Io IorgeI when discussing
disasIers; our IragiIe economy. Our socieIy
is direcIIy Iied Io Ihe doIIar and iI Ihe doIIar
were Io coIIapse, so wouId our counIry.
53 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
We have Io be prepared Ior anoIher LnanciaI
crisis Io sIrike and we have Io know how Io
behave iI iI does. 8ack in 2008, banks con-
sidered noI deIivering money Io ATMs and
crediI cards were on Ihe verge oI noI paying
ouI. The ederaI Reserve IhoughI Iong and
hard abouI wheIher Io prinI more money.
We reaIIy were on Ihe verge oI anoIher CreaI
!I Ihis sorI oI scenario were Io arise, once
more, Ihe ed may noI be abIe Io inIervene.
We have Io be ready and prepare in advance.
You shouId be ready Io max ouI your crediI
cards in Ihe bIink-oI-an-eye. !Iems such as
Iood, waIer, gasoIine and medicaIion shouId
Iop your IisI. This wiII noI be Ihe Iime Ior
prudenI LnanciaI conservaIism. !I Ihe
LnanciaI sysIem coIIapses, Ihose who spend
rabidIy in iIs dying momenIs wouId be in Ihe
besI posiIion moving Iorward.
Perhaps you wanI Io pour some cash inIo an
emergency debiI card or cash LIIed crediI
card? Maybe you wanI Io buy some precious
meIaIs or keep a sIash oI goId and siIver
coins on hand? ThroughouI hisIory, when
currencies have IaiIed, precious meIaIs have
Iaken Iheir pIace. One oI Ihe good IeaIures
oI precious meIaIs is IhaI Ihey can easiIy be
hidden and IransporIed amongsI Iheir Iess
worIhwhiIe reIaIives.
8reaking down a Iew dozen roIIs oI guarIers
inIo your IooI kiI and mixing Ihem wiIh nuIs,
boIIs and naiIs is a greaI way Io hide Ihem
Irom poIenIiaI Ihieves. MosI peopIe Ihink Io
rummage Ihrough pockeIs and waIIeIs, very
Iew Ihieves wiII Ihink Io go aIIer Ihe naiIs in
your IooI kiI.
As Io cash money currency, keep iI on your
person. UIiIizing Ihe hurricane sewing
Iechnigue menIioned earIier, can ensure IhaI
you neiIher Iose your money by accidenI,
nor have iI Iaken Irom you on purpose. A
common IacIic used by deIecIors Irom
asIern 8Ioc naIions in Ihe 19S0's and 1960's
was Io spIiI Ihe inner side oI a IeaIher beII
down Ihe middIe wiIh a bIade. They wouId
Ihen IoId money inIo smaII, BaIIened recI-
angIes and Iine Ihe insides oI Iheir beIIs.
They wouId Ihen IooseIy sew Ihe inner sides
oI Iheir beIIs back IogeIher. This way, Ihey
couId ensure having some IradabIe currency
once Ihey reached Iheir deIecIion IocaIion.
Many creaIive opIions are avaiIabIe Io you.
Women wiIh Iong hair can Iie Ihem inIo
buns, creaIing IighIIy wound comparImenIs
Ior |eweIry. A baby's diaper or Ihe boIIom oI
grandpa's wheeIchair can aIso become greaI
hiding IocaIions Ior vaIuabIes.
WhaIever meIhod oI weaIIh preservaIion
you choose, be wary oI auIomaIion and Iech-
noIogy. The same IooIs which have simpIi-
Led our Iives can compIicaIe Ihem iI we reIy
on Ihem during a LnanciaI meIIdown.
ven going so Iar as Io bury cash and
54 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
We shouId never show our Iear.
Make sure you aIways waIk decisiveIy
and noI spend any Iime Iooking around.
physicaI asseIs oI vaIue beneaIh Ihe ground
aI remoIe IocaIions can come in handy. !I
you have enough suppIies Io survive, keeping
your LnanciaI asseIs away Irom your
physicaI IocaIion may be Ihe onIy way oI
keeping Ihem compIeIeIy saIe.
-1G *1 )N1'&
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One oI Ihe biggesI misIakes peopIe making
during a panic, is Io panic. You can counI
on every man, woman and chiId being
on edge, especiaIIy during an evacuaIion.
There wiII be no Iriends and no neighbors.
veryone wiII be ouI Ior him and herseII.
Human beings can smeII Iear and we musI
prepare Ior Ihis, as weII. We are noI aII
meanI Io pIay Ihe hero and we do aII bIeed,
suIIer and experience Iear. !I is imporIanI
Io remember, IhaI Ihis is normaI and Io be
This is why we wanI Io prepare Io bIend in
and never sIand ouI in a crowd;- wheIher
iI is our cIoIhes, our waIk or our IaIk. Our
goaI in a crisis shouId be Ihe opposiIe oI whaI
peopIe do on IeIevision and in LIm. We don'I
wanI Io sIand ouI and geI noIiced. We shouId
noI Iry Io be heroes. We shouId Iry Io be Ihe
exIras in Ihe background, who are noI parI
oI Ihe sIory, buI who Iive Io IeII abouI iI IaIer.
55 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
IiIIed Iowards Ihe ground and using your
eyes Io scan side-Io-side can IeII you every-
Ihing IhaI you need Io know abouI whaI is
going on around you.
SIick Io your companions. RegardIess oI
how big or smaII your group, Ihere is aIways
greaIer sIrengIh in greaIer numbers. Do
noI geI separaIed, especiaIIy in a Ioreign
or hosIiIe environmenI. !I is aIso noI a bad
idea Io sIand in groups oI Iwo, back-Io-back.
However, Ihis behavior shouId be reserved
Ior visibIy Iense siIuaIions, which are
aIready geIIing ouI oI hand. This approach
was once used by soIdiers in baIIIe so IhaI
Ihey couId IiIeraIIy waIch each oIher's
back." !I is, however, an exIremeIy deIensive
approach IhaI wiII draw undue aIIenIion
iI uIiIized under peaceIuI circumsIances.
Remember, you wanI Io be vigiIanI, buI you
don'I wanI peopIe Io Ihink IhaI you are a
vigiIanIe. Co over Ihe diIIerenI scenarios
wiIh your cohorI.
Never press anyIhing. !I you see or sense
danger approaching, iI is aIways besI Io
Ieave. RegardIess oI how conLdenI or
capabIe you may IeeI Io Iake on a given
siIuaIion, running away is Ihe besI soIuIion.
]usI keep on reminding yourseII IhaI reaI
IiIe is noI a movie. There are no rewards Ior
being a hero. There is onIy survivaI. !I you
see IroubIe coming, wheIher iI is a naIuraI
disasIer or a herd oI human caIIIe, move
away Irom iI.
SIopping and Iurning your head is Ihe
universaI signaI Ior ! am IosI." Those who
are IosI, aIIracI undue aIIenIion. There may
be peopIe who Iook Io heIp ouI in Iimes oI
IroubIe, buI you are beIIer oII Iocusing on
Ihose who wanI Io cause harm. The besI
way Io keep Ihese vuIIures aI bay is by giving
Ihem noIhing Io noIice.
SIopping Io ask Ior direcIions, Iurning
around repeaIedIy or doing anyIhing which
mighI make you seem nervous, can cosI you
dearIy. AIways acI conLdenIIy in crowds and
aIways move direcIIy Irom poinI A Io poinI 8.
A)(#5'$# )FF#)+)$/#
We wanI Io bIend in, whenever possibIe.
This means being aware oI our surround-
ings and oI our evacuaIion desIinaIion. We
shouId pack accordingIy, as we do noI wanI
Io Iook Iike we are beIIer oII Ihan Ihe sur-
rounding popuIaIion.
Wear neuIraI coIors and Iry Io resembIe your
environmenI. !gnore Iashion Irends and
preIerabIy use oIder or weaIhered cIoIhing.
Remember IhaI iI is nobody's business Io
know how much money, Iood or suppIies you
have. The Iess impressive you seem, Ihe Iess
IikeIy anyone is Io ask guesIions.
Keep your head down, buI your eyes up.
Learn Io scan visuaIIy, wiIhouI making ma|or
head movemenIs. You do noI need Io see in a
360 degree circIe. SimpIy keeping your head
56 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
in aII buI Ihe mosI dire disasIer scenarios.
SimpIy puI, iI you have aII oI your ducks in
a row, you can survive drasIic scenarios. !I
sIaying puI is your naIuraI incIinaIion, you
shouId aIready be preparing your home,
sheIIer and suppIies. !I you haven'I sIarIed
aIready; sIarI now.
A IuncIionaI IaIIouI sheIIer, combined wiIh
a many monIhs worIh oI Iood suppIies and
waIer reserves, aIong wiIh power generaIion
sources is Ihe baseIine Ior Irenching in. You
have Io assume IhaI a Bood, hurricane, earIh-
guake, Iornado, rioI or nucIear IaIIouI wiII
Ieave you sIuck in pIace Ior days, iI noI weeks
aI a Iime.
!I you dig in, when mosI IocaIs evacuaIe,
-1G *1 [$1G !"#$ *1
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!I you Iive on high ground, away Irom coasIaI
beaches, you shouId consider sIaying in pIace
in Ihe case oI a Bood or a hurricane. On Ihe
oIher hand, Ihe higher up you Lnd yourseII,
Ihe greaIer Ihe danger oI high wind gusIs.
Weigh Ihe poIenIiaI risks careIuIIy. !I you
are on IeveI pIains, a Iornado shouId eIiciI
Ihe response Io evacuaIe. !I you have buiII
a good IaIIouI sheIIer, you may wanI Io sIay.
Once again, variabIes and prior preparaIion
direcIIy come inIo pIay.
!I you have pIanned and prepared adeguaIe-
Iy, sIaying in pIace may be Ihe smarIesI move
57 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
pIace reguires ampIe suppIies and Ihe abiIiIy
Io deIend your posiIion. !I is Ihe same diI-
Ierence as pIaying oIIense and deIense in
sporIs. !I you sIay, you are deIending and
need Io be abIe Io absorb aII aIIacks, wheIher
naIuraI or man-made. !I you go, you are on
Ihe aIIack and musI consider how Io break
Ihrough obsIacIes and reach your desIina-
[$1G'$H !"#$ *1 e#)N#
!n generaI, iI you Iive in coasIaI areas or near
a shore, prepare Io Ieave. River and Bood
pIain IocaIions are eguaIIy suscepIibIe Io
waIer damage and reguire evacuaIion. Any
region wiIh a hisIory oI disasIers shouId be
an evacuaIion zone iI IhaI parIicuIar disasIer
arises on a massive scaIe. Know your precise
IocaIion and iIs surrounding areas. Know
your parI oI Ihe counIry and Ihe sIaIe you
Iive in. 8e aware oI whaI Ihe popuIar escape
rouIes are and where Ihe obscure opIions
are IocaIed. PIan in advance, by Iooking back
aI your area's disasIer hisIory and Iooking
ahead Io your own escape pIans.
do noI expecI auIhoriIies Io come Iooking
Ior you. Do noI ever expecI heIp iI you
pIan on sIaying puI. !I you are sIaying puI,
your C.O.O.D.!. 8ag becomes everyIhing
around you. Your suppIies shouId probabIy
resembIe one oI Ihose buIk discounI super
sIores. Co inIo suppIy sIocking wiIh Ihe
aIIiIude IhaI Ioo much is noI enough.
You aIso have Io keep in mind Ihe human
Iendency Io sIick wiIh our originaI pIan.
!I you decide Io dig in, you wiII be more
hesiIanI Io Ieave IaIer on in Ihe crisis.
SIaying in pIace, however, can be dimcuII
once Ihe LghI or BighI insIincI kicks in. You
may be IempIed Io swiIch gears, even iI you
are noI prepared Ior iI.
This is why sIockpiIing everyIhing Irom Iood
and waIer, Io IooIs and weapons is Ihe Ioun-
daIion oI any sIay aI home sIraIegy. !I you
are properIy insuIaIed in a proIecIive sheIIer,
have power and suppIies, Ihe IempIaIion
Io change course and Ieave wiII Iessen over
vacuaIion reguires a more IacIicaI and
sIraIegic approach, whiIe sIaying in one
The oId and Ihe young presenI a speciaI seI oI chaIIenges. A S minuIe C.O.O.D.!. 8ag can Iook
enIireIy diIIerenI Ior a chiIdIess coupIe Ihan iI can Iook Ior a Iarge cIan wiIh babies and grand-
parenIs, in Iow. Once again, IamiIiariIy wiIh your speciLc seI oI circumsIances is cruciaI. This
is why iI cannoI be reiIeraIed enough: go Ihrough your C.O.O.D.!. 8ag exercises.
8abies wiII reguire IormuIa and diapers. They wiII aIso need Iar more cIoIhing and vasIer
arrays oI Ihem Ihan aduIIs. 8abies are exIremeIy sensiIive Io weaIher, aI boIh hoI and coId
exIremes. Car seaIs, sIroIIers and baby beds wiII be dimcuII Io pack and IransporI. Anyone
wiIh chiIdren wouId be wise Io Iook inIo how indigenous socieIies IransporI Iheir chiIdren. A
kangaroo pouch bag is a perIecI exampIe. Many Iribes pIace smaII chiIdren in sacks which
can hang Irom LxIures, aIIowing Ihe chiId Io be comIorIabIe whiIe sIeeping, once iIs neck
muscIes are sIrong enough.
The eIderIy aIso pose a probIem Ior IransporI, Ihough Ihose issues can be handIed Iar more
easiIy iI addressed, in advance. Any senior who uses a wheeIchair shouId be IhoughI oI, in
advance. !I you know IhaI someone in your IamiIy cannoI IuncIion wiIhouI a cerIain iIem,
Ihan IhaI iIem musI be ready-Io-go aI aII Iimes. Such iIems musI aIso be abIe Io LI inIo your
mode oI IransporIaIion. oIks wiIh Iarge IamiIies, smaII kids or eIderIy reIaIives, shouId Iike
have a Iarge vehicIe wiIh ampIe space Ior buIky iIems oI need.
8ab|es, |der|y, Pets & 0ther heeds
59 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
OIher needs IhaI may arise can be as simpIe as enIerIainmenI, or as compIex as IiIe-saving
medicaIion. ObviousIy, anyIhing heaIIh reIaIed shouId Iake precedenI over vaniIy and
comIorI iIems. You shouId aIways pack copies oI prescripIions, medicaI hisIories or oIher
deLning characIerisIics Ior each IamiIy member.
SIocking up on medicaIion is aIways a smarI move. This especiaIIy hoIds Irue Ior prescripIion
medicaIion, which can be near impossibIe Io acguire during shorIages or when you are on
Ihe move. The basics, such as ibuproIen, aspirin, cough syrup and anIi-diarrheaI medicaIion
shouId aIways be sIocked in mass and pre-packed in waIerprooI conIainers.
PrescripIion pain kiIIers deserve speciaI aIIenIion. ew peopIe acIuaIIy need Ihese piIIs and
many abuse Ihem. This makes Ihem Iougher Io acguire Irom docIors. Those who suIIer Irom
debiIiIaIing pain, however, absoIuIeIy musI have access Io Iheir meds. This is worIh keeping
in mind iI you are a heaIIhy person who receives a pain kiIIer prescripIion aIIer someIhing
Iike oraI surgery or Ihe casI seIIing oI a broken bone. !I you do Lnd yourseII in a siIuaIion Io
geI your hands on some painkiIIers, Iry and save Ihem Ior a rainy day. During shorIages, Ihey
can become a very vaIuabIe asseI and in some cases, a vaIuabIe Iorm oI currency.
8arter |tems, aod other techo|g0es
8arIer has been around since Adam and ve and was as simpIe as one person oIIering a cow
Io anoIher in exchange Ior heIping pick Iheir IaII crop. !I Ihe IargeI IamiIy had no need Ior a
cow, Ihe LrsI IamiIy wouId Iook Ior a diIIerenI suiIor. We can even say IhaI barIer is Ihe oIdesI
and mosI reIiabIe economic sysIem known Io mankind.
Currencies and modern economies acIuaIIy deveIoped as a resuII oI compIicaIing barIer pro-
cedures. Once Ihird, IourIh and IhirIy IourIh parIies became invoIved in barIering proce-
dures, Irade deveIoped and modern economics began Io Iake shape. !I we are Io reIurn Io a
barIer economy, we wiII have Io Iearn which iIems wiII acI as Ihe greaIesI sIore oI vaIue when
Ihere are no more currencies.
Pain medicaIion is |usI one oI Ihe many iIems IhaI can be used in barIer siIuaIions. Any
iIem oI rariIy and wiIh greaI IuncIionaI use can grow in vaIue during disasIers. Pain and
suIIering are a greaI moIivaIion. AnyIhing which can aIIeviaIe pain or Iension wiII |ump in
vaIue. During many crises oI Ihe pasI, aIcohoI and Iobacco have grown in vaIue. Weapons can
aIso be oI exIremeIy high vaIue, as can, energy sources, Irom smaII generaIors Io LIIed IueI
Ianks. SIored conIainers oI gasoIine and ammuniIion are known Io skyrockeI in vaIue. A box
oI buIIeIs and a barreI oI oiI can make some IoIks seem Iike rich men when Ihey come Io Ihe
barIering IabIe.
61 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
AIIiIudes abouI vaIue wiII change, as weII.
When ArgenIina experienced iIs LnanciaI
crisis, Ihe massive inBaIion acIuaIIy creaIed
a scenario where peopIe chose Io accepI
coins raIher Ihan paper currency. !magine a
worId where a copper penny is worIh more
Ihan a $100 doIIar biII. !I Ihis doesn'I sound
Ioo crazy Ior you Io handIe, you may be
beIIer prepared Ior Ihe barIer economy Ihan
you Ihink.
When Zimbabwe had iIs economy Iank, Ihey
simpIy Iook IweIve zeros oII oI Ihe paper
currency and kepI Iheir coinage Ihe same. !I
you Ihink abouI iI, Ihis acIuaIIy added IweIve
zeros worIh oI vaIue Io Ihe coins, in guesIion.
venIuaIIy, Zimbabwe moved Io using
Ioreign currency Io conducI business. This
exampIe iIIusIraIes Ihe Ioose and BexibIe
naIure oI currencies. A currency reaIIy is
anyIhing IhaI a group oI peopIe deem ac-
cepIabIe and acIuaIIy accepI as a means oI
NoI onIy wiII iIems be oI use, buI skiIIs wiII
become vaIuabIe, as weII. SomeIhing as
simpIe as giving a good massage or being
abIe Io pIanI IomaIoes may become mar-
keIabIe skiIIs. SeriousIy in|ured peopIe
wiIhouI access Io painkiIIers wouId IikeIy
Irade someIhing oI vaIue or pay Ior a proIes-
sionaI massage oI in|ured body parIs. An
inIanI wiIh IeeIhing pains may prompI Iheir
parenIs Io pay a high raIe Ior a smaII amounI
oI an aIcohoIic beverage Io sooIhe Ihe pain.
DiabeIics may be wiIIing Io Irade iIems oI
Iar greaIer vaIue Ior Ihe smaIIesI Saccharin
The key Io survivaI once you are on Ihe
move is Ihinking ouIside oI Ihe box. LiIe
on Ihe move reaIIy is Ihe IurIhesI IronIier
oI Ihe service economy. Anyone who can
provide some sorI oI service Io someone
eIse, wiII Lnd a way Io survive. SIudying Ihe
hisIory oI various IronIiersmen, indigenous
cuIIures and Ihinking abouI aII oI Ihe Ihings
you couIdn'I Iive wiIhouI are a greaI way Io
geI in Ihe righI Irame oI mind Ior a barIer
Scavenging is boIh a carnivorous and her-
bivorous Ieeding behavior in which indi-
viduaI scavengers search ouI dead animaIs
and dead pIanIs on which Io Ieed. Scaveng-
ing among humans can aIso mean recIaim-
ing parIs oII oI one iIem Io Lx anoIher or
simpIy Lnding road kiII IhaI is sIiII edibIe and
consuming iI. Scavenging is a Iow energy
way oI Lnding susIenance in an unpredicI-
abIe and voIaIiIe environmenI.
Some peopIe are IrighIened by Ihese sorIs oI
deLniIions. They imagine Ihe worsI possibIe
scenario and acIuaIIy work very hard aI
psyching IhemseIves ouI. We shouId noI be
so hasIy, or menIaIIy weak. This is how our
ancesIors Iived Ior Ihousands oI years. This
is how we sIiII Iive, Ioday.
62 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
Once again, preparaIion is cruciaI. 8oIh Ihe
suppIy acguisiIion and menIaI prep sides oI
Ihe coin, hoId Lrm. We musI IeeI conLdenI
in ourseIves and our abiIiIy Io survive in any
Co Io a campground wiIh a Iew cans oI
Iood and waIer. NexI, go ouI and Lnd some
animaI and pIanI sources oI energy. Prepare
whaI you need Io sIeriIize, cook or cIean
whaI you Lnd, in advance. Work your way
up Io going ouI camping wiIhouI Iood. This
is Ihe same approach used in buiIding your
go bag. !I is IriaI and error, speed, comIorI
and conLdence buiII by repeIiIion.
HunIing and camping are hands down, Ihe
Iwo besI acIiviIies Io geI you prepared Ior
Ihe scavenger IiIesIyIe. ChiIdren who are
broughI up as campers and IoresI Iovers can
become huge asseIs Io your cause, as weII.
No human being wouId exisI Ioday wiIhouI
scavenging. !n IacI, iI you Ihink abouI iI,
we are aII sIiII scavengers Ioday. The vasI
ma|oriIy oI us sIiII seek nuIriIion Irom
dead animaIs and dead pIanIs. Your oven
roasIed Iurkey breasI, was once a Iive bird.
ThaI crispy green appIe was once aIive in
an orchard. The grapes in your wine were
picked oII a Iiving vine.
The onIy diIIerence beIween Ioday and Ihe
days when man scavenged Ihe earIh, is IhaI
Ioday, oIhers scavenge on our behaII. We
simpIy consume.
very singIe one oI us can survive as a
scavenger. !n such a scenario, Ihe weapons
we bring aIong wiIh us grow in vaIue. A
riBe, a gun, or a crossbow paired wiIh a
hunIing kniIe becomes your own supermar-
keI. Add some coIIecIed wood, Ihe IighIer
you broughI aIong, some dried Ieaves and aII
oI a sudden, Ihe woods can become your own
personaI resIauranI.
63 AbsoIute Rights SpeciaI Report Get Out Of Dodge
There wiII be no easy answers or opIions Ior you and your IamiIy.
The raIe oI survivaI during disasIers increases and decreases based
on preparedness IeveIs.
We can Ihink oI disasIer survivaI and siIuaIionaI awareness as a IesI
oI sIrengIh and endurance. Think oI Ihe IoIks aI Ihe gym who spend
years IighIening and Ioning Iheir bodies, versus Ihose who perIorm
hard physicaI Iabor aI work and on Iheir own.
Raking Ieaves, mowing Iawns and chopping Irees wiII rareIy Iead Io
anyone Iooking Iike a LIness modeI. These acIiviIies, however, wiII
give peopIe reaI worId sIrengIh. ThaI is noI Io say IhaI bench presses
and bicep curIs are useIess; noI aI aII. The poinI is IhaI someIimes
unnoIiced acIiviIies can give us sIrengIh, which is ignored by main-
sIream Iraining. DisasIer preparaIion is noI any diIIerenI. Do whaI
you need Io do, noI whaI Ihey IeII you Io do.
TreaI your disasIer and evacuaIion preparaIion as a work ouI. Work
boIh your menIaI and your physicaI muscIes. ReaIize IhaI Ihere is a
direcI connecIion beIween Ihe Iwo and IhaI geIIing yourseII prepared
properIy means addressing aII poIenIiaI siIuaIions which may arise.
PracIice siIuaIionaI awareness and IaIk Io your Ioved ones abouI
evacuaIion. Make iI boIh educaIionaI and Iun Ior Ihem and Ior
yourseII. The sorIs oI disasIers IhaI can occur go beyond Ihe bound-
aries oI mosI nighImares. !nsIead oI Iiving in Iear or simpIy ignoring
whaI can happen, Iake charge and become proacIive in ensuring
your IamiIy's saIeIy and prosperiIy.
Take sIock oI whaI you have in your possession and whaI you wiII
need Io acguire. Know IhaI your uIIimaIe goaI is survivaI and IhaI
anyIhing eIse wiII simpIy noI sumce. Take personaI responsibiIiIy
and reaIize IhaI you are Ihe onIy one you can depend on. There are
no excuses Irom Ihis poinI Iorward. !I is aII up Io you...
Copyright 2014 by Survival Life, LLC
Published by:
Survival Life, LLC
P.O. Box 91074
Austin, Texas 78709
Website: http://www.survivallife.com
Mail: support@survivallife.com

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