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Schedle I drug level. This is what marijuana is considered to be. Schedule I drugs are drugs that are drugs that is a dangerous substance that has no medical usage and has a high potential for substance abuse. However condusive research has shown that marijuana should not marijuana should be classified as a Schedule I level drug as is it is less addictive than other substances which are on these lists such as heroine, tobacco and even alcohol. In terms of comparison it can be seen that there has been no marijuana related deaths where as there has been over 500, 000 deaths as a result of alcohol. But why was marijuana even put on the illegal list and classified as a Schedule I drug in the first place? Let us take a look at a man in particular called Harry Anslinger. This guy was very instrumental in getting marijuana ascribed to the illegals list as he recognized that being director of the Bureau of Narcotics was a opportune career advancement. He described the drug as an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality and death. It makes reefers think that they are as good as darkies think that they are as good as white men. His personal agenda and views coloured his reason as to why he pushed to get marijuana onto the illegals list. It could be seen that Harry Anslinger was racist and opposed to the equality for all races as he stated that There are over 100,000 marijuana users and most of them are Hispanics, Filipinos and Negroes. This marijuana usage causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others. Supporting Anslinger was William Randolf Hearst. Hearst was a main support because of many reasons one of them being that he hated Mexicans as he had lost 800,000 acres of timberland to Pancho Villa. The other was that he had invested heavily into the timber industry and as result was threatened by the hemp development that came from the marijuana plant as it provided competition. Also when he created lies about the Mexicans (and the devil weed marijuana) it sold newspapers which made him very rich, therefore very happy. They also received support from DuPont chemical company and various pharmectiual companies that want hemp removed as a competition. Hence the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. Another error behind the reasoning of marijuana was seen in 1970 when the Controlled Substance Act created 5 Schedules. At that time marijuana was still being studied for its psychological and physical effects. Until that study was completed the Assistant Secretary for Health and Scientific Affairs recommended that marijuana be scheduled in Schedule I. Upon completetion the Schafer Commission recommended the complete decriminalization of marijuana. However President Nixon rejected all scientific evidence and said that he viewed marijuana as a more dangerous drug than meth and should be as a Schedule 2 drug. Again it can be seen that personal biasness and views are the main driving for marijuana being on the illegals list and the total rejection of medical and scientific evidence.

Dr. William C. Woodward strongly opposed this as he argued that all the arguments brought by Anslinger and Hearst were not support with statistical evidence and therefore should not be considered as true and factual. Woodward states that It surprises me that the base upon which these statements have been founded on have not been brought before the committee be competent primary evidence. He argues that there has been no inquiry in to number of people arrested for the usage of marijuana and also into the school so as to see exactly how many children are actually addicted to the drug. Many people argue that marijuana is extremely dangerous to ones state of mind and pyshical being. However examine this prime example of the many usages of marijuana. The Stanley brothers created a new strain of the marijuana drug that had less tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and more cannabiodal (CBD) than typical varities of marijuana. It was originally called the Hippies Disappointment. Then came along a little girl called Charlotte Figi whom was diagnoised with Dravet Syndrome (severe epilepsy). After gaining permission to use medical marijuana they tried many different varities of the drug , they first tried R4 which was low in THC and high in CBD which provided immediate and dramatic improvement. However suppies were running low and they contacted the Stanley brothers as they were the of the states largest marijuana growers and dispensery owners. After trying the brothers variety Charolettes seizures dropped to one to three times per month. Hence the name was changed from Hippies Disappointment to Charolettes Web. Through this example it can be seen that marijuana can be used marijuana medical and therefore should be decriminalized. It should be noted however that this not the only example but rather the prime example for this debate. Studies by AMA, ACP (American College of Physicians), The Lukemia and Lymphomia Society have shown that marijuana can be used to diseases and conditions such as depression, Alzheimers disease, hypertension, hiv. Perhaps the reasoning behind making marijuana an illegal drug is making one high with boredom. Let us examine the ridicously harsh penalties for marijuana usage. Many people do not know this but getting arrested for having a marijuana drug offense could prevent one from getting a federal loan. Imagine for a second that you are in the states and that you have just completed you SATs and you are currently applying to university. Your parents have thrown you a success party but you and your friends want to have your own party. While at the party somebody decides to bring weed and starts smoking it and you halfway drunk take a little puff and before you know it the police arrive and you are caught right handed with the joint in your hand. BHAM! You receive a drug offense to your name. All this happens at the same time you are applying for federal aid. Because of this you are no longer eligible to receive financial aid and may have to wait 3-5 years and also take a drug test before you are able to regain eligibility for the federal aid. This happens all because some white guy decided to make

marijuana illegal. Now because of this your whole life is ruined because your dreams, hopes have been crushed. You may even turn to the stronger types of drugs because marijuana is not cutting it for you. This one of the many harsh penalties for those who have received a drug offense. How can one single mistake be allowed to prevent you from taking an important step in life. Many families become destroyed as they were counting on that familymemeber to go to university so as to bring them out of the poverty cycle. Another scenario is you have recently received a drug offense and you have gotten 5 years in jail. If after that you wish to change your life and go to the U.S. you will have to wait 5 yrs again before you would be able to get that visa. Places: a. Malysia- put to death for selling of drugs. Possession includes jailing, fine or deportation b. China- caught with drugs forced to attend rehab facility with does not use convential ways c. Vietnam- if caught with more than 1.3 pounds of heroin, automatic execution Despite this back and forth with my opponent perhaps we should offer solutions to the fight ongoing using a example where marijuana has become decriminalized. Colorado is one of the few states that have decriminalized marijuana. For recreational usage persons over the age of 21 can be allowed to grow up to six cannabis plants where it should be in a private locked space and can be allowed to legally travel with one ounce. Consumption here is similar to alcohol with equivalent offenses for driving. Consumption in public remains illegal. Foreigners and tourists are allowed to buy and use marijuana while in Colorado but cannot take itout of state as it is illegal in Denver International Airport. Amendment 64 signed by Governor Hickenlooper. For Medical usuage Amendement 20 allows patients to use it with written medical consent. Under this law patients are allowed to posses up to 2 ounces of marijuana and may not cultivate more than 6 cannabis plants. Caught with more persons can argue that affirmative defense of medical necessity but they are not protected under state law. Doctors can recommend that patients have more than the stated amt. They are not allowed to use it in public.

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