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ePSIplatform Topic Report No.

2014 / 04 , April 2014

Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

Luropean ubllc SecLor lnformaLlon laLform
1oplc 8eporL no. 2014 / 04

Cpen Data as a 1oo| to I|ght Corrupt|on

AuLhor: karolls Cranlckas
ubllshed: Aprll 2014

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

!"#$% '( )'*+%*+
keywords: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
AbsLracL/ LxecuLlve Summary: ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1. lnLroducLlon: why open daLa ln Lhe conLexL of corrupLlon? ................................................................................ 4
2. Web developmenL and exlsLence of open daLa as parL of enabllng envlronmenL for (anLl)corrupLlon ............... 3
3. Ceneral observaLlon: Cpen daLa ln Lhe conLexL of Lransparency, parLlclpaLlon and accounLablllLy .................... 6
4. Clobal CorrupLlon 8aromeLer .............................................................................................................................. 7
(1) CLl1lCAL A81lLS, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A ...................................................................................... 8
8elevanL publlc secLor lnformaLlon LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln ................................................................ 9
Lxample on re-use of open daLa abouL pollLlcal parLy flnanclng: hLLp://lnfluenceexplorer.com/ ....................... 9
(2) A8LlAMLn1 / LLClSLA1u8L, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A ....................................................................... 9
8elevanL parllamenLary daLa LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln ........................................................................ 10
Lxample of parllamenLary daLa re-use: www.abgeordneLenwaLch.de ............................................................... 11
(3) MLulA, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A ........................................................................................................ 11
8elevanL daLa abouL medla LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln .......................................................................... 12
Lxample on re-use of daLa relaLed Lo medla Lransparency: www.sLlrna.lnfo ..................................................... 13
(4) 8uSlnLSS, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A ................................................................................................... 13
8elevanL daLa abouL buslness LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln ....................................................................... 13
Lxample of re-use of open daLa abouL buslness: www.opencorporaLes.com .................................................... 13
(3) !uulClA8?, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A .................................................................................................. 14
8elevanL daLa abouL [udlclary LhaL should be avallable ln a publlc domaln ....................................................... 14
Lxample of re-use of [udlclal daLa: www.oLvorenesudy.sk ................................................................................. 14
(6) u8LlC ClllClALS, ClvlL SL8vAn1S, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A ........................................................... 13
8elevanL daLa LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln ................................................................................................ 13
Lxample of re-use of asseL declaraLlons daLa: www.rekvlzlLal.vz.lL/deklaracl[os ............................................... 16
(7) LC88?lnC, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A .................................................................................................. 16
8elevanL daLa LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln ................................................................................................ 16
Lxample of re-use of lobbylng-relaLed daLa: hLLp://reporLlng.sunllghLfoundaLlon.com/lobbylng/reglsLraLlons16
(8) u8LlC 8CCu8LMLn1, CC88u1lCn Anu CLn uA1A ............................................................................. 17
8elevanL daLa LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln ................................................................................................ 17
Lxample of re-use of publlc procuremenL daLa: hLLp://Lender.sme.sk ............................................................... 17
4. CCnCLuulnC 8LMA8kS Anu 8LCCMMLnuA1lCnS ......................................................................................... 18
AbouL Lhe AuLhor .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
CopyrlghL lnformaLlon .................................................................................................................................................. 20

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

CorrupLlon, 8ureaucracy, 1ransparency, AccounLablllLy, Cpen CovernmenL uaLa

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1hls reporL wlll suggesL a non-exhausLlve overvlew of how release and re-use of open daLa can
help curb on a range of corrupLlon forms ln a number of secLors by (1) lnLroduclng dlfferenL
Lypes of corrupLlon ln varlous secLors, (2) suggesLlng a llsL of relevanL daLa LhaL could (should)
be released ln a parLlcular conLexL and (3) demonsLraLlng good pracLlce examples of
lnformaLlon and daLa re-use for Lhe Lransparency beneflL ln Lhese parLlcular secLors. lL wlll
conclude wlLh a number of recommendaLlons Lo governmenLs Lowards reallzlng poLenLlal of
open governmenL daLa as a Lool Lo flghL corrupLlon and curb on bureaucracy.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

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Whlle economlc lmpacLs of releaslng and re-uslng publlc secLor lnformaLlon and open daLa
have been on Lhe forefronL of argumenLs for openlng governmenL daLa, lLs poLenLlal Lo
conLrlbuLe Lo reduced levels of corrupLlon cannoL be overlooked. LlLLle has been done Lo
research and grasp how open daLa can conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe flghL agalnsL corrupLlon and
dlscusslons have been malnly held on a concepLual level.
lL has been wldely accepLed, however, LhaL access Lo publlc lnformaLlon and avallablllLy of
open governmenL daLa boosL publlc Lransparency and poLenLlally conLrlbuLe Lo an lncreased
levels of accounLablllLy and soclal conLrol ln a counLry. 1he blgger quesLlon, however, ls how
can one grasp and measure lmpacLs of open daLa ln Lerms of reduclng corrupLlon levels ln a
counLry and Lhus maxlmlze Lhe poLenLlal beneflLs releaslng open daLa may brlng.
1here are many deflnlLlons of corrupLlon. 1he global coallLlon leadlng Lhe flghL agalnsL
corrupLlon, 1ransparency lnLernaLlonal, deflnes corrupLlon as Lhe mlsuse of publlc power for
prlvaLe beneflL. 1he deflnlLlon encompasses a very wlde range of abuse Lypes - lL ls noL easy Lo
break lL down lnLo Lypes or secLors LhaL leaves ouL no senslLlve corrupLlon-relaLed abuses or
lssues. 1herefore, Lhls reporL wlll focus on forms of corrupLlon and affecLed secLors as dlcLaLed
by leadlng anLlcorrupLlon lndlces and surveys. ln Lhls way, whlle acknowledglng LhaL lL ls noL
lnLended Lo exhausLlvely cover corrupLlon as a concepL ln lLs enLlreLy, lL wlll raLher focus on
secLors and corrupLlon-relaLed lssues LhaL are mosL presslng and evldenL.
1hls reporL wlll suggesL a non-exhausLlve overvlew of how release and re-use of open daLa can
help curb on a range of corrupLlon forms ln a number of secLors by (1) lnLroduclng dlfferenL
Lypes of corrupLlon ln varlous secLors, (2) suggesLlng a llsL of relevanL daLa LhaL could be
released ln a parLlcular conLexL and (3) demonsLraLlng good pracLlce examples of lnformaLlon
and daLa re-use ln Lhese parLlcular secLors. lL wlll conclude wlLh a number of recommendaLlons
Lo governmenLs Lowards reallzlng poLenLlal LhaL open governmenL daLa brlngs Lo flghL
corrupLlon and curb on bureaucracy.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

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17 counLrles leadlng Lhe CorrupLlon ercepLlon lndex can also be found ln Lop 20 llsL of elLher
Web uevelopmenL lndex or Cpen uaLa lndex.
Corrupt|on ercept|on Index 2013 Web Index 2013 Cpen Data Index 2013
Sweden uenmark unlLed klngdom
norway new Zealand unlLed SLaLes
unlLed klngdom llnland uenmark
unlLed SLaLes Sweden norway
new Zealand norway neLherlands
uenmark Slngapore llnland
llnland SwlLzerland Sweden
lceland neLherlands new Zealand
lrance AusLralla AusLralla
8epubllc of korea Canada Canada
AusLralla Luxembourg lceland
neLherlands Cermany Moldova
!apan lceland 8ulgarla
AusLrla unlLed klngdom MalLa
Canada 8arbados lLaly
Cermany 8elglum lrance
SwlLzerland Pong kong AusLrla
LsLonla !apan orLugal
lreland unlLed SLaLes Slovenla
8elglum uruguay SwlLzerland
AlLhough, lL cannoL by any means be sLaLed LhaL Lhe sLaLe of web developmenL or amounL of
open daLa avallable slnglehandedly deLermlne levels of corrupLlon ln any counLry, lL ls clear
LhaL facLors, such as Lhe web developmenL, exLenL Lo whlch publlc daLa ls open and oLhers do
have an lmpacL on corrupLlon percepLlon levels.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

1hls ln any way ls noL surprlslng. 1ransparency, access Lo lnformaLlon and avallablllLy of publlc
secLor daLa have been accepLed as means Lo flghL corrupLlon by many governmenLs and
anLlcorrupLlon organlzaLlons. 1he more deLalled llnks beLween economlc and soclal
developmenLs and Lhe web developmenLs have already been explored ln a prevlous LSl Loplc
reporL on open daLa lmpacLs (hLLp://www.epslplaLform.eu/conLenL/undersLandlng-lmpacL-
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Access Lo publlc lnformaLlon and avallablllLy of open governmenL daLa can have prevenLlve and
poslLlve effecLs Lowards levels of corrupLlon. lL has been unlversally accepLed LhaL release and
re-use of publlc secLor daLa lmproves good governance, effecLlveness and clLlzen parLlclpaLlon.
As Lhe World 8ank puLs lL, open governmenL daLa ls regarded as a caLalysL of mulLlple publlc
pollcy and developmenL achlevemenLs. 8y sheddlng llghL on prevlously hldden aspecLs of
governmenLal acLlvlLles, declslons, and expendlLures, open governmenL daLa ls expecLed Lo
sLrengLhen Lhe ablllLy of clvll socleLy Lo monlLor Lhe performance of governmenLs, and lead Lo
Langlble soclal accounLablllLy ouLcomes. 1he ma[or beneflLs expecLed from open governmenL
daLa are Lhe followlng:

romot|ng good governance and curb|ng corrupt|on. uaLa on governmenLal
expendlLures and performance ls Lhe core of CCu lnlLlaLlves. 1he release of such daLa
may allow clvll socleLy Lo expose governmenLal mlsconducL and help curb corrupLlon,
Improv|ng the effect|veness of pub||c serv|ce prov|s|on. Lxposlng lnformaLlon abouL
malfuncLlonlng servlce provlders may help clLlzens make beLLer-lnformed cholces

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

regardlng Lhe servlces Lhey consume, and lnduce servlce provlders Lo lmprove Lhelr
Strengthen|ng c|t|zen part|c|pat|on. Whlle CCu lnlLlaLlves usually do noL provlde dlrecL
channels for clLlzen engagemenL, Lhey may creaLe Lhe grounds for more lnformed and
effecLlve clLlzen parLlclpaLlon by oLher means
1he prevlous LSl Loplc reporL on open daLa lmpacLs
explalns ln a beLLer deLall whaL soclal,
economlc and pollLlcal lmpacLs release and re-use of open daLa may have and how can we
measure Lhese lmpacLs.
1he goal of Lhls reporL ls Lo explore ln a beLLer deLall how open daLa can affecL corrupLlon
levels ln parLlcular secLors. We wlll use leadlng corrupLlon lndlces and surveys and Lhen Lry Lo
grasp Lhe poLenLlal LhaL open daLa brlngs Lowards curblng corrupLlon ln Lhese speclflc secLors.
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1ransparency lnLernaLlonal's Clobal CorrupLlon 8aromeLer (CC8) ls a valld reference polnL Lo
ldenLlfy secLors of socleLy LhaL are percelved by Lhe people Lo be mosL corrupL. lL ls Lhe largesL
cross-counLry survey Lo collecL Lhe general publlc's vlews on, and experlences of, corrupLlon.
ln 2013, 1ransparency lnLernaLlonal lnLervlewed over 114,000 people ln 107 counLrles for
Lhelr vlews on corrupLlon. We wlll use Lhe CC8 resulLs as an lndlcaLlon as Lo whlch secLors of
socleLy deserve more aLLenLlon ln Lerms of corrupLlon and wlll explore lf open daLa has a role
Lo play ln flghLlng corrupLlon ln Lhese parLlcular secLors.
1he CC8 looks aL a large number of secLors LhaL, accordlng Lo Lhe survey respondenLs, are
mosL llkely Lo be affecLed by corrupLlon. 1he secLors LhaL Lhls reporL chose Lo address are Lhe
(1) o||t|ca| part|es (almosL every second country ln Lhe world percelves pollLlcal parLles Lo
be among lnsLlLuLlons mosLly affecLed by corrupLlon),

Towards Open Government for Enhanced Social Accountability, World Bank:
Understanding the Impact of Releasing and Re-using Open Government Data:

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

(2) ar||ament and |eg|s|ature (7 countr|es worldwlde percelve parllamenL Lo be among
lnsLlLuLlons mosL affecLed by corrupLlon),
(3) Med|a (4 countr|es worldwlde percelve medla Lo be among lnsLlLuLlons mosL affecLed by
(4) 8us|ness and pr|vate sector (3 countr|es worldwlde percelve buslness Lo be among mosL
corrupL secLors),
(S) Iud|c|ary (every f|fth counLry worldwlde percelves [udlclary Lo be corrupL)
(6) ub||c off|c|a|s and c|v|| servants (7 countr|es worldwlde percelve publlc offlclals as
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe secLors covered by Lhe Clobal CorrupLlon 8aromeLer, we also chose Lo
explore addlLlonal secLors LhaL are accepLed Lo be corrupLlon-senslLlve, namely (7) |obby|ng
and (8) pub||c f|nance management.
1hls reporL wlll focus on each of Lhese secLors and wlll explore Lhem ln a followlng sLrucLure:
1. Why ls lL lmporLanL Lo explore a parLlcular Lype of corrupLlon or affecLed secLor,
2. WhaL relaLed daLa does publlc secLor normally possess LhaL can conLrlbuLe Lo curblng
on bureaucracy and corrupLlon ln LhaL parLlcular secLor and,
3. WhaL are relaLed daLa re-use examples LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo curblng on bureaucracy and
corrupLlon ln LhaL parLlcular secLor.

F=G NJO?!?)3O N3P!?6;K )JPPQN!?JR 3RS JN6R S3!3
Money and pollLlcs are lnexLrlcably llnked. 1he funcLlonlng of conLemporary democracles
necesslLaLes pollLlcal flnanclng and Lhe comblnaLlon of prlvaLe and publlc fundlng sources.
Powever, Lhere ls a sLrong need Lo conLrol unfalr and lllegal pracLlces and Lo regulaLe pollLlcal
flnance ln llghL of Lhe role pollLlcal parLles play ln Lhe democraLlc process. 1ransparency ln
pollLlcal flnanclng has been accepLed as a key measure Lo flghL pollLlcal corrupLlon.

Access Lo pollLlcal parLy flnanclng lnformaLlon plays a cruclal role and open governmenL daLa
concerned can become an effecLlve dlslnfecLanL Lo pollLlcal corrupLlon.

u4, ubllcaLlon on CorrupLlon ln ollLlcal arLy llnanclng and LlecLoral Campalgns:

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

ke|evant pub||c sector |nformat|on that shou|d be |n a pub||c doma|n
1he mosL lmporLanL daLa on pollLlcal parLles lncludes:
ueLalled budgeLary and lncome lnformaLlon,
llnanclal (lncome and expendlLure) and acLlvlLy reporLs,
LlsL of members and afflllaLlons,
LlsL of donors and pollLlcal conLrlbuLors,
arLy members' lnLeresL and asseL declaraLlons.
CfLen, parL of Lhls daLa ls dlsclosed Lo Lhe socleLy by publlc elecLlon commlsslons. Powever, lL
ls lmporLanL Lo ensure LhaL pollLlcal parLles do proacLlvely dlsclose Lhls Lype of daLa ln open
sLandards on Lhelr webslLes or any oLher channels of communlcaLlon.
Lxamp|e on re-use of open data about po||t|ca| party f|nanc|ng:
A large number of parllamenLary monlLorlng Lools onllne have been focuslng on re-uslng
lnformaLlon on Ms and pollLlcal parLles. Accordlng Lo Lhe MC sLudy
, more Lhan 80 of
parllamenLary monlLorlng organlzaLlons re-use Lhls Lype of lnformaLlon ln one way or anoLher.
1he role model example of a re-use of pollLlcal parLy flnanclng daLa ls SunllghL loundaLlon's
lnfluence Lxplorer. lL offers a user-frlendly way Lo revlew and recelve federal campalgn
flnance daLa for candldaLes, ACs and ouLslde spendlng groups ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes. 1he
8ealLlme lLC secLlon Lakes offlclal lederal LlecLlon Commlsslon (lLC) daLa for Lhe currenL
elecLlon cycle and presenLs lL ln a more user-frlendly formaL.

FCG N3PO?3T6R! 5 O6I?;O3!QP6K )JPPQN!?JR 3RS JN6R S3!3
1ransparency lnLernaLlonal uk ouLllnes Lhe mosL common corrupLlon-senslLlve lssues when lL
comes Lo parllamenLs and leglslaLure:
1he reglme for parllamenLary expenses,

Strengthening Parliamentary Accountability, Citizen Engagement and Access to Information, can be
found at https://www.ndi.org/files/governance-parliamentary-monitoring-organizations-survey-september-

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

Lobbylng of pollLlclans by Lhose who can apparenLly buy access LhaL lnfluences leglslaLlon,
spendlng prlorlLles or pollcy declslons,
1he revolvlng door beLween governmenL and buslness,
ollLlcal parLy fundlng, and
CverslghL reglmes.
1o lllusLraLe, Lhe uk arllamenLary expenses scandal ln 2009 was a ma[or pollLlcal scandal
Lrlggered by Lhe leak and subsequenL publlcaLlon by Lhe 1elegraph Croup ln 2009 of expense
clalms made by members of Lhe unlLed klngdom arllamenL over several years. ubllc ouLrage
was caused by dlsclosure of wldespread acLual and alleged mlsuse of Lhe permlLLed
allowances and expenses clalmed by Members of arllamenL (Ms), followlng falled aLLempLs
by parllamenL Lo prevenL dlsclosure under lreedom of lnformaLlon leglslaLlon.
8eleaslng open daLa concerned can enable a wlder seL of sLakeholders Lo monlLor Lhe
acLlvlLles or parllamenLs and Lhus lncrease Lhelr accounLablllLy.
ke|evant par||amentary data that shou|d be |n a pub||c doma|n
lor a deLalled llsL of parllamenLary lnformaLlon LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln, refer Lo Lhe
LSl reporL on arllamenLary lnformaLlcs
LhaL suggesL a deLalled plcLure on whaL daLa
parllamenLs posses and how should LhaL daLa be dlsclosed Lo Lhe publlc.
1he key daLa LhaL should be dlsclosed wlLh regards Lo parllamenLs and leglslaLure ls:
1. ar||amentary budget and adm|n|strat|ve data, such as Lhe parllamenLary budgeL (a wlde
range of documenLs concerned), parllamenL's organlzaLlon sLrucLure, publlc procuremenL
calls and much more,
2. Leg|s|at|ve data, such as LexL of laws, bllls and complemenLlng documenLs, publlcaLlon of
Lhe consLlLuLlon of Lhe commlLLees and Lhelr agendas, plenary and commlLLee aLLendance,
voLlng ln Lhe plenary and commlLLee, sLenographlc verslons of plenarles eLc.,
3. Data on Ms and po||t|ca| part|es, such as educaLlonal and professlonal background
lnformaLlon, personal lnformaLlon (marlLal sLaLus, age, chlldren), conLacL lnformaLlon
(emall/Lelephone/malllng address), parLy afflllaLlon, sLaLlsLlcs on parllamenLary
performance, llsL of campalgn conLrlbuLors and sponsors, parllamenLary poslLlons


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

(lncludlng prevlous posLs), asseL and lnLeresL declaraLlons, llnks Lo oLher sources of
lnformaLlon (blogs) eLc,
Lxamp|e of par||amentary data re-use: www.abgeordnetenwatch.de
Cne of Lhe mosL successful examples, overseelng nearly 7,000 vlslLors a day and handllng
more Lhan 80 of M/clLlzen quesLlons ln Cermany, ls www.abgeordneLenwaLch.de whlch
conLalns lnformaLlon on Cerman 8undesLag Ms and parLles, and provldes an easy avenue for
communlcaLlon wlLh Ms.
lL allows lLs vlslLors Lo quesLlon Lhelr members of parllamenL ln a publlc envlronmenL, flnd ouL
abouL Lhe voLlng record of Lhelr members of parllamenL, follow up on promlses made (all
quesLlons and answers are saved forever), learn all abouL Lhe exLra earnlngs of members of
?ou can flnd more lnformaLlon abouL parllamenLary openness aL www.openlngparllamenL.org
whlch ls a forum |ntended to he|p connect the wor|d's c|v|c organ|zat|ons engaged |n
mon|tor|ng, support|ng and open|ng up the|r countr|es' par||aments and |eg|s|at|ve
|nst|tut|ons. lL also serves as Lhe home of Lhe !"#$%&%'()* )* ,%&$(%-"*'%&. /0"**"11, a seL of
shared prlnclples on Lhe openness, Lransparency and accesslblllLy of parllamenLs supporLed by
more Lhan 140 organlzaLlons from over 73 counLrles.
1he medla ls ofLen referred Lo as Lhe fourLh plllar ln democracy and a free and lndependenL
press has a slgnlflcanL and lmporLanL role ln flghLlng corrupLlon.
Many sLudles have shown a sLrong poslLlve correlaLlon beLween freedom of Lhe press and
conLrol of corrupLlon and emphaslse Lhe lmporLance of medla plurallLy, medla freedom and
compeLlLlon ln curblng corrupLlon
. 1here ls a broad consensus LhaL a free press helps curblng
corrupLlon by lmprovlng clLlzens' accesslblllLy Lo lnformaLlon whlch ln Lurn makes lL more
dlfflculL for pollLlclans and publlc servanLs Lo geL away wlLh corrupL behavlors. ln parLlcular,
Lhe medla plays a key role ln exposlng corrupLlon and ralslng general awareness of lLs
deLrlmenLal effecL upon socleLy, as well as ln promoLlng lnLegrlLy and accounLablllLy norms,

A. M., Andersson L., Cscarsson P., 8eexamlnlng Lhe 8elaLlonshlp 8eLween ress lreedom and CorrupLlon,
unlverslLy of CoLhenburg, 2011

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

values and pracLlces ln socleLy.

AL Lhe same Llme, Lransparency of Lhe medla secLor lLself ls cruclal lf Lrylng Lo undersLand who
sLands behlnd lL. 1he Lransparency ln medla ownershlp ls lmporLanL Lo provlde Lhe publlc wlLh
sLronger lmmunlLy from corrupL, one-slded or sub[ecLlve medla.
ke|evant data about med|a that shou|d be |n a pub||c doma|n
1he key daLa LhaL should be avallable ln relaLlon Lo corrupLlon ln medla ls Lhe medla
ownershlp daLa. 1he publlc avallablllLy of accuraLe, comprehenslve, and up-Lo-daLe daLa on
medla ownershlp ls an essenLlal componenL of a democraLlc medla sysLem. lL ls lmposslble Lo
Lake sLeps Lo address excesslve medla concenLraLlons and conlcLs of lnLeresL wlLhouL Lhe
Lools Lo ldenLlfy Lhe owners. ubllc knowledge of owners' ldenLlLles helps Lo ensure LhaL
abuses of medla power can be assessed, publlclzed, openly debaLed and even prevenLed.

Access lnfo Lurope has released Len recommendaLlons on Lransparency of medla ownershlp

LhaL encourages Lransparency of ownershlp of Lhe medla Lhrough dlsclosure Lo a naLlonal
medla auLhorlLy and Lo Lhe publlc of essenLlal baslc lnformaLlon, whlch should lnclude aL a
name and conLacL deLalls of Lhe medla ouLleL owned,
ConsLlLuLlonal documenLs (vla a web llnk Lo uploaded scans lf necessary),
Slze of shareholdlngs over a Lhreshold of 3,
name and conLacL deLalls of dlrecL owners wlLh over 3 shareholdlng,
ldenLlLy of Lhose wlLh lndlrecL conLrol or a slgnlcanL lnLeresL, over a Lhreshold of 3,
ClLlzenshlp/resldence sLaLus of lndlvlduals wlLh over 3 shareholdlng,
CounLry of domlclle of company wlLh over 3 shareholdlng,
ldenLlLy of beneclal owners where shares are held on behalf of anoLher, e.g. vla
brokerage or sllenL ownershlp.
ln addlLlon, ln order Lo ldenLlfy poLenLlal sources of lnuence over medla conLenL, lL ls
essenLlal LhaL medla companles be requlred Lo publlsh nanclal accounLs and audlL reporLs
prepared ln accordance wlLh Lhe hlghesL lnLernaLlonal sLandards, and ln sufclenL deLall Lo

U4, Overview of Corruption in the Media in Developing Countries, can be found at:

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

ldenLlfy sources of fundlng.
Lxamp|e on re-use of data re|ated to med|a transparency: www.st|rna.|nfo
1ransparency lnLernaLlonal LlLhuanla creaLed www.sLlrna.lnfo LhaL allows LlLhuanlans Lo
qulckly and convenlenLly flnd ouL who owns Lhe lnLerneL porLals, newspapers, 1v & radlo
sLaLlons and news agencles ln LlLhuanla slnce 1996. noL only LhaL - lL also allows for accesslng
vlsuallzed neLworks of how medla and buslness are lnLerllnked ln LlLhuanla.
As Lhe World 8ank puLs lL, bllllons ln corrupL asseLs, complex money Lralls, shell companles
and oLher spurlous legal sLrucLures. 1hese form Lhe complex web of subLerfuge ln corrupLlon
cases, behlnd whlch hldes Lhe uppeL MasLer and beneflclary of lL all.
Llnklng Lhe beneflclal owner Lo Lhe proceeds of corrupLlon ls dlfflculL. WlLh slzable wealLh and
resources, Lhe corrupL sLay ahead of Lhe game by explolLlng LransnaLlonal consLrucLlons LhaL
are hard Lo peneLraLe.
lndeed, nearly all cases of grand corrupLlon have one Lhlng ln common. 1hey rely on corporaLe
vehlcles - legal sLrucLures such as companles, foundaLlons and LrusLs - Lo conceal ownershlp
and conLrol of LalnLed asseLs.

ke|evant data about bus|ness that shou|d be |n a pub||c doma|n
1he Cpen uaLa lndex suggesLs LhaL aL leasL Lhe followlng daLa should be ln a publlc domaln:
lull name of Lhe company,
unlque ldenLlfler no,
A llsL of company dlrecLors for each company,
SLaLuLory flllngs (e.g. Annual 8eporLs) for each company,
SlgnlflcanL shareholdlngs for each company.
Lxamp|e of re-use of open data about bus|ness: www.opencorporates.com
CpenCorporaLes ls a webslLe whlch shares daLa on corporaLe enLlLles as open daLa under Lhe
share-allke aLLrlbuLlon Cpen uaLabase Llcence. lL was launched ln 2010 and lL has Lhe alm of


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

creaLlng a u8L wlLh such daLa for every corporaLe enLlLy ln Lhe world, lmporLlng governmenL
daLa relaLed Lo companles and maLchlng lL Lo speclflc companles.
lL also does vlsuallzaLlons Lo show corporaLe neLworks worldwlde. lL creaLed a sample
based on Lhe daLa for Lhe slx blggesL uS banks, and ln parLlcular showlng Lhe
complexlLy of Lhe neLworks by geographlc reglon, and [usL how long Lhe conLrol chalns are.
lL ls dlfflculL Lo oversLaLe Lhe negaLlve lmpacL of a corrupL [udlclary: lL erodes Lhe ablllLy of Lhe
lnLernaLlonal communlLy Lo Lackle LransnaLlonal crlme and Lerrorlsm, lL dlmlnlshes Lrade,
economlc growLh and human developmenL, and, mosL lmporLanLly, lL denles clLlzens lmparLlal
seLLlemenL of dlspuLes wlLh nelghbours or Lhe auLhorlLles. When Lhe laLLer occurs, corrupL
[udlclarles fracLure and dlvlde communlLles by keeplng allve Lhe sense of ln[ury creaLed by
un[usL LreaLmenL and medlaLlon. !udlclal sysLems debased by brlbery undermlne confldence ln
governance by faclllLaLlng corrupLlon across all secLors of governmenL, sLarLlng aL Lhe helm of
power. ln so dolng Lhey send a blunL message Lo Lhe people: ln Lhls counLry corrupLlon ls
LoleraLed". 1ransparency and access Lo [udlclal lnformaLlon ls a prerequlslLe Lo an lncreased
[udlclal accounLablllLy worldwlde.

ke|evant data about [ud|c|ary that shou|d be ava||ab|e |n a pub||c doma|n
uaLa abouL [udges, such as name/surname, courL afflllaLlon, sLarL/end daLes of servlce,
[udlclal declslon, blographlcal deLalls, case hlsLory, baslc sLaLlsLlcal lnformaLlon, such as
average lengLh of declslon maklng, workload eLc.
uaLa abouL courLs, such as name and conLacL deLalls, composlLlon, case schedules, courL
declslons, baslc sLaLlsLlcal lnformaLlon, such as Lhe workload eLc.
Lxamp|e of re-use of [ud|c|a| data: www.otvorenesudy.sk
ln 2013, Lhe CpenCourLs porLal, www.oLvorenesudy.sk, (avallable only ln Slovak and Lhe flrsL
open daLa pro[ecL deallng wlLh Lhe [udlclary branch) was launched by 1ransparency
lnLernaLlonal Slovakla. lLs maln goal ls Lo make Lhe Slovaklan sysLem more LransparenL and

1ransparency lnLernaLlonal Clobal CorrupLlon 8eporL on !udlclary, 2007:

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

allow Lhe publlc Lo conLrol courLs and [udges ln order Lo hold Lhem accounLable.
Slnce 2011, a loL of lnformaLlon on courLs and [udges has been made avallable Lhrough
reforms almed aL openlng up Lhe [udlclary ln Slovakla. Powever, Lhls daLa was scaLLered
LhroughouL several dlfferenL governmenL webslLes and was noL easlly searchable. lor Lhls
reason, CpenCourLs collecLs all lnformaLlon LhaL ls relevanL and avallable and offers lL Lo Lhe
publlc for free and ln a user-frlendly formaL.
FXG NQMO?) JYY?)?3O;K )?Z?O ;6PZ3R!;K )JPPQN!?JR 3RS JN6R S3!3
Any klnd of abuse of enLrusLed power for prlvaLe beneflL can concepLually be caLegorlzed as
corrupLlon acL. ln order Lo beLLer undersLand whaL prlvaLe lnLeresLs do publlc offlclals may
have and also deLecL posslble un[usL enrlchmenL case, lL ls lmporLanL Lo have access Lo boLh
lnLeresLs and asseL declaraLlons.
As Lhe Lu reporL on CorrupLlon puLs lL, asseL dlsclosure for offlclals ln senslLlve posLs ls a
pracLlce whlch conLrlbuLes Lo consolldaLlng Lhe accounLablllLy of publlc offlclals, ensures
enhanced Lransparency and faclllLaLes deLecLlon of poLenLlal cases of llllclL enrlchmenL,
confllcLs of lnLeresLs, lncompaLlblllLles, as well as Lhe deLecLlon and lnvesLlgaLlon of poLenLlal
corrupL pracLlces. Approaches Lowards asseL dlsclosure wlLhln Lhe Lu for elecLed offlclals
range from requlrlng a conslderable amounL of lnformaLlon Lo be dlsclosed Lo more llmlLed
dlsclosure or non-dlsclosure pollcles.
lor professlonal publlc offlclals ln cerLaln secLors asseL dlsclosure could be a way forward Lo
avold lssues of confllcL of lnLeresLs. ln splLe of Lhese dlfferenL approaches, a general Lrend can
be noLed Lowards sLrlcLer asseL dlsclosure requlremenLs for publlc offlclals. A few Member
SLaLes LhaL LradlLlonally dld noL have asseL dlsclosure reglmes have recenLly lnLroduced or
announced Lhe lnLroducLlon of such sysLems.

ke|evant data that shou|d be |n a pub||c doma|n
(1) Interest and (2) asset dec|arat|ons, where posslble, should be avallable Lo a publlc. noL
many counLrles provlde for dlsclosure requlremenL, buL when Lhey do, counLrles should make
sure LhaL Lhls daLa ls avallable for publlc scruLlny.


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

Lxamp|e of re-use of asset dec|arat|ons data: www.rekv|z|ta|.vz.|t]dek|arac|[os
1he webslLe provldes LlLhuanlans wlLh an easy way Lo search for pollLlclans and see Lhelr asseL
declaraLlons vlsuallzed ln a user-frlendly manner. lL also allows comparlng pollLlclans' lncome
on a yearly basls and seelng a decrease or growLh ln Lhelr lncome. lL also conLalns pollLlclan's
famlly members' asseL declaraLlons and provldes wlLh a basls for lnslghLs for Lhe publlc.
ln Lhe complex world of publlc pollcy-maklng, lL ls deslrable for publlc admlnlsLraLlons Lo
engage ln a conLlnuous dlalogue wlLh ouLslde sLakeholders. All lnLeresLed parLles should be
able Lo have Lhelr say, buL Lhls should be done ln a LransparenL way. As lobbylng acLlvlLles can
ralse rlsks of corrupLlon and regulaLory capLure, lL ls deslrable Lo have mechanlsms ln place Lo
frame such acLlvlLles, be lL Lhrough leglslaLlon or a volunLary reglsLraLlon of lobbylsLs. 1he
reglsLry Lhen should be open Lo Lhe publlc Lo scruLlny.
Such mechanlsms can help Lo creaLe boLh clarlLy and Lransparency ln Lhe relaLlonshlp
beLween publlc auLhorlLles and ouLslde sLakeholders. As such, Lhey can help Lo reduce Lhe rlsk
of corrupLlon. So far, Lhls area has been developed ln relaLlvely few Member SLaLes, Lhough
some oLher Member SLaLes have leglslaLlon or rules ln Lhe plpellne or are debaLlng Lhe
posslblllLy of lnLroduclng new mechanlsms.
ke|evant data that shou|d be |n a pub||c doma|n
SunllghL loundaLlon's, Cpen knowledge loundaLlon, Access lnfo Lurope and oLher
organlzaLlons are currenLly worklng on a lobbylng dlsclosure guldellnes
LhaL llsLs ln greaL
deLall Lhe lobbylng-relaLed daLa LhaL should be ln a publlc domaln. lL's clusLered around (1)
lnformaLlon abouL organlzaLlons LhaL lobby, (2) personal or employmenL lnformaLlon of
lobbylsLs, (3) lobbylng ob[ecLlves and cllenLs, (4) lnformaLlon abouL lobbylng conLacLs and (3)
lobbylng expendlLures.
Lxamp|e of re-use of |obby|ng-re|ated data:
1hls daLabase allows users Lo see lobby reglsLraLlons ln Lhe uS as Lhey're submlLLed, Lo browse


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

by lssue, reglsLranL and cllenL, and Lo see Lhe Lrends ln lssues and reglsLraLlons over Llme. 1he
daLabase ls updaLed weekly based on SenaLe records and lncludes all reglsLraLlons sLarLlng ln
Clven Lhe level of flnanclal flows generaLed, and a number of oLher facLors, publlc
procuremenL ls an area prone Lo corrupL pracLlces. Accordlng Lo 2008 research on publlc
procuremenL and corrupLlon, Lhe cosLs added Lo a conLracL as a resulL of corrupL pracLlces
may amounL Lo beLween 20 and 23 , and ln some cases even 30 of Lhe LoLal cosL of Lhe
conLracLs ln Lhe Lu.
As polnLed ouL by Lhe CLCu ln lLs rlnclples for lnLegrlLy ln ubllc rocuremenL, 'weak
governance ln publlc procuremenL hlnders markeL compeLlLlon and ralses Lhe prlce pald by
Lhe admlnlsLraLlon for goods and servlces, dlrecL lmpacLlng publlc expendlLures and Lherefore
Laxpayers' resources. 1he flnanclal lnLeresLs aL sLake, and Lhe close lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe
publlc and prlvaLe secLors, make publlc procuremenL a ma[or rlsk area. [.]'.
1ransparency lnslde ouL publlc procuremenL processes ls a prerequlslLe Lo flghLlng corrupLlon
ln publlc procuremenL.
ke|evant data that shou|d be |n a pub||c doma|n
SunllghL loundaLlon has creaLed a seL of deLalled guldellnes
Lo help governmenLs
undersLand whaL publlc procuremenL relaLed daLa should be ln a publlc domaln. 1he
lnformaLlon ls clusLered around (1) Lhe procuremenL process (procuremenL documenLs, bld
documenLs, LexLs of conLracLs eLc) and (2) parLlclpanLs ln Lhe procuremenL process (conLracLor
performance, conLracL sLaLus, conLracL and enLlLy ldenLlflers eLc.)
Lxamp|e of re-use of pub||c procurement data: http:]]tender.sme.sk
1ransparency lnLernaLlonal Slovakla has creaLed a role model pro[ecL based on Slovak publlc
procuremenL daLa. vlslLors are able Lo see aggregaLed daLa slnce 2009 from Lhe e-
procuremenL publlshlng sysLem. 1hey can explore Lhe lnformaLlon from Lhe angle of buylng
organlzaLlon, supplylng company, any level of procuremenL sub[ecL Lype or any oLher


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

dlmenslon. lL ls also posslble Lo see all conLracLs wlLhln selecLed sllce of daLa, as well as geL
Lhem as raw daLa (CSv for deLalls or aggregaLed daLa) for furLher processlng. 1he conLracL
dlmenslons can be fully searched, Lherefore one can flnd for example all procuremenLs of
MlnlsLry of uefense ln 2009.

As demonsLraLed ln Lhls reporL, release and re-use of relevanL publlc secLor lnformaLlon and
daLa can have a solld lmpacL on lncreased Lransparency, publlc accounLablllLy and
sLrengLhened soclal conLrol. upon release of relevanL lnformaLlon, prerequlslLes are creaLed
for reduclng levels of corrupLlon and curblng on bureaucracy. 1hus lL ls lmporLanL LhaL open
data po||c|es are c|ose|y ||nked or even |ntegrated w|th ant|corrupt|on po||c|es ln a glven
ln any lnformaLlon and daLa release conversaLlon, open daLa has Lo be provlded ln accordance
Lo g|oba||y accepted openness standards, namely, lL has Lo be ln open formaLs, lL has Lo be
openly llcensed, lL has Lo be provlded free of charge (where posslble), well-sLrucLured,
compleLe and ln a Llmely manner.
CovernmenLs ofLen have Lo prlorlLlze daLaseLs Lo be released, as Lhe amounL of daLa and
lnformaLlon held by Lhe publlc secLor ls ofLen Loo large ln slze Lo be opened lnsLanLly.
Governments shou|d pr|or|t|ze these datasets that are c|a|med to have the h|ghest |mpact
upon release and re-use. ub||c accountab|||ty re|ated data shou|d be on the h|ghest pr|or|ty
As worldwlde pracLlce lndlcaLes, blg parL of Lhe open daLa publlshed ls noL a dlrecL resulL of
governmenLal regulaLlon or daLa pollcles. 8esldes creaLlng formal anLlcorrupLlon and open
daLa pollcles, governments shou|d assume proact|ve ro|e |n prov|d|ng re|evant data as an
lnLegral parL of Lhelr Lransparency and accounLablllLy culLure.
CorrupLlon-relevanL open daLa can only have a Langlble lmpacL ln Lerms of publlc
accounLablllLy lf lL ls properly re-used. 8esldes provldlng Lhe daLa, governments shou|d


ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

demonstrate poss|b|e re-use opt|ons and educate externa| stakeho|ders on whaL cerLaln
daLaseLs mean. 1hls can be done by way of onllne guldellnes, organlzlng daLa hackaLhons eLc.

ePSIplatform Topic Report No. 2014 / 04 , April 2014
Cpen uaLa as a 1ool Lo llghL CorrupLlon

3#'8+ +@% 38+@'/
karolls Cranlckas ls a ro[ecL Leader aL 1ransparency lnLernaLlonal LlLhuanlan ChapLer. Pls
focus ls on people engagemenL uslng lC1. Pe coordlnaLes ChapLer's dlglLal lnlLlaLlves such as
www.manose|mas.|t (parllamenLary monlLorlng Lool) and www.parasyk[|ems.|t (freedom of
lnformaLlon Lool), among oLhers. Pe also acLlvely promoLes open governmenL daLa ln LlLhuanla
and has overseen a solld growLh of open daLa communlLy ln LlLhuanla. karolls has LL8 degree
ln lnLernaLlonal Law from WesLmlnsLer unlverslLy, London, and LLM degree ln Lu Law from
MaasLrlchL unlverslLy, Lhe neLherlands.

)'A-/9E@+ 9*('/<"+9'*
2013 Luropean Sl laLform - 1hls documenL and all maLerlal Lhereln has been complled
wlLh greaL care. Powever, Lhe auLhor, edlLor and/or publlsher and/or any parLy wlLhln Lhe
Luropean Sl laLform or lLs predecessor pro[ecLs Lhe eSlplus neLwork pro[ecL or eSlneL
consorLlum cannoL be held llable ln any way for Lhe consequences of uslng Lhe conLenL of Lhls
documenL and/or any maLerlal referenced Lhereln. 1hls reporL has been publlshed under Lhe
ausplces of Lhe Luropean ubllc SecLor lnformaLlon laLform.

1he reporL may be reproduced provldlng acknowledgemenL ls made Lo Lhe Luropean ubllc
SecLor lnformaLlon (Sl) laLform.

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