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The exam consists of 100 MC questions. They are practical application and definition questions. Chapters 1-9 and 11-14 are covered in the exam. The exam begins at 10:45. Remember, if you arrive after the first person has finished his/her exam and had left the room, you will not be able to take the exam. Please make sure that you arrive on . Differentiate btwn paranoid, antisocial, avoidant, schizoid, histrionic, schizotypal, borderline, dependent, and narcissistic personality disorders Why is the MMPI-2 superior to the MMPI Who is most affected in Munchausen's by proxy Who is most likely to develop stress disorders During which age period are 90% of males most likely to masturbate Differentiate btwn the types of relationships btwn sub-personalities in DID What immediately precedes the onset of an eating disorder Childhood anxiety disorder How did the DSM-5 address the concern about Bipolar Disorder being a catch-all disorder for children Should adults openly express their anger and why Who has the highest depression rate in the US In Victorian times, women were diagnosed as insane when they had dysfunction in which body part? legitimate criticisms of intelligence tests Differentiate btwn malingering and factitious disorders Disorder children of frequently deployed parents are likely to be diagnosed with Differentiate between sexual dysfunction and paraphilia Differentiate btwn the levels of prevention What disorder is medical student's disease similar to Differentiate btwn the types of clinical interviews Differentiate between transgendered and transvestite In which type of country is altruistic suicide most likely to occur when do conversion disorders most often appear specific symptoms of dyslexia

What % of manic patients improve with lithium treatment What is the distinction of Bethlehem hospital correlation btwn devout religious people and psychological health why wouldn't eccentrics be considered to be mentally ill What is Parents Anonymous Features (unique abilities) in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder Who is most likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia and be institutionalized (CA's or AA's) Percentage of teenagers who succeed in completing suicide and how many who are unsuccessful will try again Differentiate btwn self-inflicted death and suicide Criteria for a diagnosis of dysthymic disorder Diagnostic criteria for the eating disorders and specific features of both Differentiate btwn mild, moderate, and severe IDD Who is ADHD more common in (by gender) How did Hippocrates treat mental disorders What are the behavioral approaches to treating specific phobias Where were European Pilgrims in 1600's likely to go for psychic healing When are women more likely to be orgasmic The least effective way to deal with CD most common biological cause of erectle failure in men Prevalence of unipolar depression in boys living in the US Type of stress debriefing that is most appropriate immediately after a disaster Differentiate btwn encopresis and enuresis Why are poorer people more likely to experience mental illness Differentiate btwn the types of responses to stress (physical, cognitive, etc.) what is a flash mob most similar to What activities are overweight female teenagers most likely to spend a lot of time doing What is the relationship between gender and eating disorders Relationship btwn swearing and pain AA and CA women and proposed future trends of body image

What factors lead to a decreased risk of being diagnosed with an illness What disorder is most often associated with suicide attempts GAD is most common in which group Types of abuse Part of the brain associated with eating and body weight Sheneidmen's theory What is the term for the decrease in fuency and speech productivity in schizophrenia The criteria needed to be diagnosed with depression Differentiate between the anxiety disorders (know the symptoms of each) What sexual dysfunction are young men who are new to having sex likely to have What is the most satisfying component of sexual activity for women in healthy, positive marriages Types of people usually diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder (age, gender, SES, ethnicity) Disorder that is likely to co-occur (comorbidity) with Anorexia Nervosa Rosenhan's (1973) study Why is bulimia a concern on college campuses Factors that contribute to extreme PTSD Why are women 2x as likley to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety (from a multicultural perspective) Relationship betwenn environment and IDD What do behaviorists identify as the cause of the rash of suicides that occur after a celebrity completes suicide Differentiate btwn obsessions and compulsions Differentiate btwn the models of abnormality (cognitive, behavioral, etc.) Differentiate btwn the symptoms (diagnostic criteria) of schizophrenia and brief psychotic disorder Know the specific features of schizophrenia (i.e, delusion of persecution, tactile hallucinations) Genetic factors and schizophrenia The types of torture What are the positive risk factors of suicide and who is likely to have them Differentiate btwn the symptoms of the stress disorders

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