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Pages of Shustah FB Group April 30, 2014 Suggestions: the Red Cards for your individual study.

#1 Death A card of endings, completions, conclusion. It is the final stretch in a situation. What appears to have died is really only a change in the state of it, a shifting of energy in another direction. The Death card indicates that most likely you will not get what you want in the way you want it. It is important to understand the process you are involved in and try to look at the entire scheme of things. The re- birthing process. Knowing the closure is a necessary part of moving on. Also, the removal is necessary because it is either not in your highest good or it does not have enough vitality/purpose to grow any further. #2 Little Foxes A card of interference, intrusion, mingling, interjections. There are many factors to consider when this card makes its appearance. What seems to be plain and simple is on the contrary. Hidden motivations play a large part in the final outcome. At times we attract situations/people blocks or temporary challenges to ourselves because we do not feel 100% worthy of the positive outcome we are wishing for. Are your intentions sincere? Many times there are facts we are not aware of when asking a question. The Little Foxes represents the shadows or doubts that are cast upon certain situations. #3 Separating Fence As its title suggests, a separation, being apart, phenomenal barrier, dream state, a break up, severing of ties. There is an emotional and/or physical distancing going on. You could be getting ahead of yourself or getting in your own way. Two people part ways. A situation is extracted from your life on a permanent basis. A card of self-empowerment when facing adverse conditions. It is time to pull away from a person that is creating disturbances or havoc in your life. Stop being the patsy, a term used to describe a person in an abusive relationship. You do have the intellectual strength to reallocate your emotional ties.

Sometimes this card suggests making contact with loved ones who have passed on. In this case, the fence is the division between the two worlds. More often than not, there is a far bit of miles between you and someone else that comes from a change of residence. #4 The Bed Ailments, physical/emotional setback, resting, recovery, sleeping. The bed is a symbol for many things. Notice the bed is empty and it doesnt look like it has been slept in. The two pillows suggest a situation that could be intimate in nature between 2 people such as an emotional link. Often we do our best thinking in bed and when we are in our dream state we can actually confront our problems & find solutions to them. You can train yourself to remember your dreams & develop your own personal dream symbols. In a reading, this card warns you to take care of your physical needs. Rest is required to be a fully functional human being. When interpreting with other Red cards the warning becomes serious and there could be an illness involved. Other physical needs are depicted by the bed such as lovemaking. This does not mean whenever you see this card that you will end up having a wild night in the sack, but it does mean sex might be an issue of concern. #5 Black Cat Pay attention, sudden change in decision keen observation, being alert, uncontrollable urges. A strong warning to look before you leap. If you are planning to move on in a certain direction be warned that you will meet up an external situation that mirrors your fears and other negative emotions. This situation can come in the form of a person who is not interested in your emotional well being. It can be a situation that will take you down if you have the attitude that you can do no wrong by stepping on the toes of the wrong people. In romantic questions, the Black Cat forewarns volatile emotional outburst that occur out of the blue. A seemingly quiet and good-natured person is laced with an intense jealousy streak. #6. Closed Gate

Prevention, halt, obstacle, dont count on it. In one word NO. Its time to think about what you are doing. Maybe you are going about it all in the wrong way or you have an inappropriate plan to a solution. Often all you can do is accept that it just is not going to work out the way you had hoped. You should step back and reassess the situation. Do as the Tarot Hanged Man change your perspective. The thing that is in the way is the least of your problems because there are other alternatives. Have you even tried to get through the obstacle? In some situations, a no answer is a relief. Often the want of a refusal is completely positive. For example if you asked about pregnancy (& you do not want to conceive) or a terminal illness (your xrays are good). Another way to look at the Closed Gate is by asking yourself if you are in denial about something & why? #7 Whip Punishment, discipline, focus, getting an emotional or intellectual beating. The mind is capable of lengthy study or research if need be. Self-discipline requires a commitment. When you start a project and plan to finish you must be focused not only on the beginning but also on the end. I dont mean in an obsessive way but it needs to be part of the processing framework. Often the Whip represents a potential threat that never materializes. It is just lip service. This can be taken in many ways because you can be told, do it or else or it can come across as bribery / guilt. I have seen this card to mean a curfew and a limitation as well. #8 The Serpent. Misinterpretations, a wrong move, cautious thinking, physical danger. I have meditated on this card for a long time and the longer I look at it I can see all kinds of activity surrounding the snake. Sometimes it just sits there and other times it seems to jump out of the card wanting to wrap itself around my neck. The reason I know this is because I have a constricting sensation in my throat. No matter when this card falls it will reveal to you the situation is high risk and potentially dangerous. It can warn of accidents or profound financial losses. If your card, the BLACK #14 The Self is beside the Serpent you must take care on the day of the reading. Be watchful of what you do or where you find yourself. Take another look at a situation because it is worse than you thought initially.

#9 Weeping Woman. Grief, sadness, hidden emotions, defeat, lack of vitality. I rather like this card even though it has more negative suggestions than positive. Often, I hear the weeping woman sobbing rather quietly to herself but more often than not, I hear her chuckling or giggling. Here is a card that promises a ray of hope. The message is to get of your butt and do something about your circumstances. It is difficult to tell if she is sitting on the ground or if she is sitting in a pool of her own tears. The Shustah deck is all about imagination and visualization. You might see something else. She has the ability to get up and dance her way through any troubles. Look at her foot attire no heavy duty construction boots. When you get this card the message is to ponder on your next move. Only you can snap out of a bad mood. #10 Sacred Mushrooms. Here we have a red card with a huge mushroom and a couple of frogs. Red leans towards challenges. The mushroom has no flowers or leaves. The 2 frogs are sitting under the mushroom. Looking at the images it does look like a dialogue is going on (description in the handbook by Ann Manser/Cecil North). When I meditate on this card in reference to my question, it gives me the feeling of protection and a knowing within me. I also see growth and toxicity. #11 Spying Page. A negative connotation, however, in this case the message is to wait it out. Of course, my friend doesnt have a choice he has to wait it out. One meaning of the Spying page is observation. Sometime during the process of observation we discover other alternatives or opportunities. #12 Pale Horse. When you draw the Pale Horse take a deep look at what you are asking and try to remove yourself from your question if you can. Many times we just dont factor in other possibilities. The situation could be out of your hands. Ask yourself if you are making a decision out of fear or some sort of victimization. If the situation is stressing you out Pale Horse is warning you to relax and find some emotional, physical or intellectual balance. Many times Pale Horse suggests profound anxiety about a person or a situation.

On an instinctual level when we are functioning from fear we have the Flight or Fight response. Pale Horse is Flight. #13 Winged Winter. The angel has her back towards us; she is not interested in our question. This card also represents the wintertime. No one is listening and no one will go out of his or her way to help. This card is not the best card to have when asking about something that you really need support or help with. You are on your own. #14 Lord of Authority. Out of your hands, someone else calls the shots, victim of circumstances, legal authority, not when you want to, wait your turn, dont push too hard you have opposition, follow the process Some real life meanings for the Red Lord of Authority through practical experience are: Dont push your luck, theyll decide not you, cant have everything you want, no co-operation at your whims, someone else holds the strings, sit back and accept the consequences, you get what you need not what you want

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