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Managing Your Google Drive Account

Using a Web Browser

Accessing Google Drive from the Google Homepage: 1. At the top right of your screen you will see the image below (if you are logged in you should see the + symbol and your name). Click on the grid image which will open a number of applications that your account is connected to and click on Drive

The Benefits of Google Drive

Personal: Cloud based storage of files meaning you can access on multiple devices Remove the fear of losing work, storing on school based servers Can create master sheets / rosters / templates and have contributors add their thoughts without having to collate individual responses Professionally: Monitor completion of student work through shared folder options Send templates / documents to students easily and from one location Create and utilise collaborative documents for use in class time or as a revision tool Create and share forms for instant feedback through one click analysis options Translate documents into one of 64 different languages for international students.

My Drive: Creating Folders

It is easy within Google Drive to set up folders for your work. From the example below, you can see you can categorise your work however you choose.

To take this a step further, it is also easy to create folders within folders as seen below when clicking on the folder Teaching

To Create Folders
1. On the left hand side of the Drive screen you should see and click the image below:

2. Click on folder which will bring up the following pop up screen. Create your first folder (ie: Personal / Teaching / Appraisal)

3. To create folders within a folder, click into the folder of choice (i.e. teaching) and follow step one and two.

My Drive: Sharing Folders

You have the ability to share folders of work with others. You may choose to do this with colleagues (i.e. appraisal documentation, rosters, goals, or resources), or students (folder of resources). To do this, follow the steps below:

1. AGGS TOD is an example of a shared folder. You can tell the difference between a shared folder and one that hasnt by the shared symbol on the folder 2. Click on the folder you want to share (we will stick with AGGS TOD) 3. On the top right of the screen you will see the following taskbar:

4. You should be able to see your own logo (in our case the first picture is us), and the logo of anyone else this folder is shared with (in this case the second picture is the person the folder is shared with). 5. Click on the symbol 6. This will bring up the sharing screen where you can add / remove those that have access to the shared folder. You have a choice of sharing options, including the ability for those with access to the folder to be able to edit or simply view documents (you choose this in the column next to their name):

1. You may not want your colleagues/students to be able to access the whole folder, in which case you can share single files with them (or simply remove the files you dont want them seeing, and share the whole folder). To share a single document, click on the Share icon in the top right corner of your screen (shown below) and follow the same protocol as sharing folders:

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