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Unique Animals & Plants

Aim: The living world is full of strange and wonderful creatures. Your task is to perform an internet search, identify a plant or animal that has a unique skill or characteristic and tell your class about it by creating a onepage information poster. Evaluation: You will be evaluated on Criteria B (Scientific Communication). That means it is very important to paraphrase the information you find, use proper scientific language, and to keep track of where you are getting your information because you have to create a bibliography (MLA format). For MLA format, see: www.easybib.com Helpful Links: (Use these websites as a starting point to get some ideas) http://www.livescience.com/11346-10-amazing-animals.html http://hubpages.com/hub/25-Most-Amazing-and-Unique-Animals-On-Earth http://www.supertightstuff.com/02/08/pictures/tight-pictures/top-10-amazing-plants/ http://www.boredpanda.com/strange-animals/ http://www.neatorama.com/2007/10/08/the-weirdest-insects-in-the-world/#!jjSkJ


Achievement Level



B Communication 3-4

The student uses scientific language correctly and is consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. The student uses the appropriate format indicated on the instruction sheet The student acknowledges the work of others by using a bibliography in MLA format. The student attempts to use scientific language correctly and is somewhat consistent with the level of complexity of the units of work covered. The student mostly uses the appropriate format indicated on the instruction sheet The student attempts to acknowledges the work of others by using a bibliography in MLA format. The student uses a limited range scientific language correctly The student does not use the appropriate format When appropriate to the task, the student makes little attempt to document sources of information correctly.


The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given above.

See the following page for instructions on how your poster should be formatted.

Name:Daniel Oakley Class: Angora rabbit (Turkish: Ankara tavan)

The Angora rabbit is a domestic variety of rabbit which resemble a fur ball with a face. They are originally from Ankara (historically known as Angora), Turkey, along with the Angora cat and Angora goat. They first appeared in the United States in the early 20th century. There are many individual breeds of Angora rabbits, four of which are recognized by American Rabbit Breeders' Association (ARBA); they are English, French, Giant, and Satin. Other breeds include German, Chinese, Swiss, Finnish, Korean, and St. Lucian. Angora rabbits are known for its long, silky and soft wool. In conclusion angora rabbits are loving pets which love to play plus they are very cute. So thats I have chosen the Angora rabbit because I find it an impressive animal.

Arent I adorable

Works Cited "Angora Rabbit." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Sept. 2013. Web. 28 Sept. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angora_rabbit>. "Bumblebee Acres." English Angora Rabbits. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2013. <http://www.bumblebeeacres.com/EnglishAngoraRabbits.htm>. Sharlene. "DOUBLE THE ADVENTURE: Its All about the Wool." DOUBLE THE ADVENTURE: Its All about the Wool. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2013. <http://www.doubletheadventure.com/2008/08/its-all-about-wool.html>.

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