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Internet Resource Guide for Toxicology Majors

James Gallagher 2/3/14 English 202C


Introduction to the Guide

A. B. C. D. E. Content Audience Assumptions Organization Tips 4 4 4 4 5


A. Online Indexes
1. 2. PubMed TOXNET

7 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15


1. 2. 3. Journal of Medical Toxicology Toxicological Sciences International Journal of Toxicology


1. 2. IUTOX Society of Toxicology


Other Resources
1. 2. Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Statistical Abstract of the United States

Introduction to the Guide

This section provides information on why the guide was produced and whom it is for. It will also discuss how the guide is intended to be used, information one should know, and tips for ease of use.

This guide contains links to several resources that toxicology majors would find useful. These resources include journals, databases, societies, and statistics of job outlook. The topics covered in these resources vary widely from basic toxicological principals to more specialized research into effects of toxins on the body, carcinogenesis, occupational hazards, chronic exposures, food toxicology, and pharmacology. The research done by toxicologists range from small scale theory based hypotheses to exposure assays on real-world people. These resources will be great areas to further ones knowledge of toxicological focuses in the field.

This guide is intended for those who are in a toxicology or pharmacology program. The guide is refined for use by juniors and seniors in these programs for it contains resources for basic research uses but professionals can use this guide because these resources also contain more advanced means of finding specific data and research. It is not intended for individuals who are in intro science courses for the language used in these resources is for those who have a strong scientific knowledge foundation, however this isnt to say that those looking to find out more about toxicology could not use this guide for some resources contain useful information for individuals who do not know much about the field.

You should be able to understand biological terms in the journals and the basic concepts of toxicology and pharmacology to make full use out of the databases and publication listed in this guide. Anyone who has taken intro toxicology or pharmacology courses will be familiar with the concepts and terms used in the literature. It is also assumed that you have written and understand the layout of a scientific paper and understand the process of peer-revision and having honest results. It is also assumed that you are aware how to use a computer and utilize the internet for all of the resources here are online resources, while some do come in physical copies; they are presented as their online versions in this guide. While some of the databases are difficult to navigate it is assumed that you know how to navigate and search through these websites for the correct information. One should also understand journal layout and the contents of scientific journals.

This guide is separated into sections beginning with the Introduction to the Guide section, this is then followed by the Resources section of the guide which contains all of the online and in print resources that any toxicologist or pharmacist would need. The layout is simple and concise

enough that anyone could follow it easily and allow for simple navigation of the guide. It should be noted that not all of the resources in this guide are journals or indexes, there is also information of certain societies of toxicologists ranging from the United States to an International Society of Toxicology. There are headings for each section and sub-section and page numbers are also located on the bottom of each page.

Utilize the table of contents to quickly find what content you want to locate. If you are looking for job resources than utilizing the publications will not help you but by looking at the organizations of toxicologists would be more useful. Not everything is covered in these guides. There are many volumes and issues of the journals that are presented in this guide so it is highly encouraged to look at past issues to see what research has been done and how the field has evolved. Within the resources of these guides there are links to other useful resources that are not covered by this guide and if you look hard enough within these resources you may find what you are looking for, dont hesitate to go outside the bounds of this guide for there are ample resources online for use in research and finding more information about the field.

This section contains all the resources one would need for research, information about the field, links to groups, job statistics, government interest, and useful tips for browsing each resource. It should be noted that some of these resources require a subscription which any university should have but remember to take this into consideration when browsing these resources.

Online Indexes

Web URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed Abstract: This website is the government database of medical research papers. It features a comprehensive search tool that allows one to find a variety of papers with the subject matter that one is looking for. The papers range from 1957 to the current day; it features papers across all medical disciplines including pharmacology, toxicology, carcinogenesis, disease research, and medical techniques. When a paper is found the website shows one a lot of information such as when it was made, how long it is, if it is a peer-reviewed paper, and the relevance to your search terms. There may be some language used on this website that could be daunting but that is due to this being a website for mainly research individuals and not so much the casual audience. This website is useful for those looking for a variety of research papers for use in their own research.

Tips Utilize the advanced search tool for there are thousands of documents across many
scientific disciplines so it may prove difficult to find relevant research if you use only basic search terms.

Some papers on here are actually review papers and are typically not suitable for citation
when writing your own research. Even though you should be able to see that it is a review it can slip through when looking over a document that seems suitable.

When you search for a topic and choose a paper, there is a box on the right hand side of
the page that contains similar papers and this may lead you to finding the right paper for use in your research.

Web URL: http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/ Abstract: This website is the government database of toxicology and all topics that go along with it. This database would be useful if you needed papers and research into a specific topic of toxicology. It has a search tool similar to other databases, but not as comprehensive for it searches through other databases and gives you the database that has the most relevant papers to the topic that you searched for. The TOXNET database is a subsidiary of the Specialized Information Services and as such has very dependable collection of documents. This database is useful for those who need more specialized papers within toxicology and cannot find the topics on PubMed.

The database has options to search other databases within the TOXNET site, this allows you to further refine where you want the research to come from. When you search for a topic it will give you the databases and how many papers within that database have the topic you are looking for. The search tool is not as comprehensive as other databases so it would help to have a specific topic in mind and not be so broad with search terms or interests. For instance if you were to search for ethylene glycol you would get thousands of papers, but if you were to search for ethylene glycol toxicity it will narrow your search immensely.


Journal of Medical Toxicology

Web URL: http://rd.springer.com/journal/13181 Abstract: This journal is a peer-reviewed collection of research papers in the field of medical toxicology. It is a periodical publication with 9 volumes and 33 issues within that volume to date, this journal has been in print since 2005 and is still in print today. It features research into all aspects of toxicology including chemical, occupational, environmental, and biological. This publication is both available online and in print. The research papers are presented in a neat, logical way allowing for most individuals to understand the research, some language is used that one should know. The website features a search tool which one can use to find a specific volume/issue of the publication to view research from previous and current editions. This publication is useful for toxicologists who would like to understand the current state of the toxicology field and reference this research.

This website contains a helpful search tool that allows you to find a specific volume and issue of the journal, it also includes a function to browse through the issues. This journal is useful if you want to browse current topics but it does not provide an easy way to search for a specific topic within the journal so keep this in mind. This journal does cover a good amount of topics but focuses on medical applications so it may not be practical for some research.

Toxicological Sciences
Web URL: http://toxsci.oxfordjournals.org/ Abstract: This journal that is published by the Society of Toxicologists and is a periodical journal with 137 volumes and 1 issue within that volume to date, the publication has been in print since 1981 and is still in print today, it is available both online and in print. The website features an easy way to browse previous editions, read supplemental materials, and observe spotlighted articles. This being the only journal that is put out by the Society of Toxicologists makes this a very reputable source for peer-reviewed research papers and provides great resources for reference. There is complex language in this journal unless one is specialized in certain aspects of toxicology but one could find what they are looking for and understand the material relatively easily. This publication is useful for those who wish to find research published by the Society of Toxicology and wish to use a long running publication which possesses a broad range of toxicological topics for their reference.

This is a long running journal for toxicology and so some research found could be disproven by now or obsolete. Try to stay to more recent volumes and issues of the journal. They provide supplemental materials for certain topics to give more of a background and further the understanding of the research. Further links are also provided which give information about the Society of Toxicology and also resources for all levels from introductory students to professionals in the field. This journal has a comprehensive search tool allowing you to search for individual topics within the journal, all papers that were published in this journal save for those which are outdated are suitable for reference and research.


International Journal of Toxicologists

Web URL: http://ijt.sagepub.com/ Abstract: This journal is published by the American College of Toxicology and is a periodical journal with 32 volumes and has been running since January 1982 and is a good resource for papers published by the international toxicology community. The publication is available in both print and online. This journal covers a broad range of research topics such as safety assessments, toxicological testing, mechanisms of toxicity, biomarkers, and risk assessment. This is very similar to other toxicology journals and so the content will only vary with the specialization of the research that was published, if you could not find what you were looking for in other publications this journal will probably have it, it is not as extensive as other publications but still contains very good resources. This publication is useful for those who are looking for another journal that is published by a Toxicological Society.

This journal also has a comprehensive search tool with and advanced search option to allow you to find specific topics in research, but keep in mind that since this is a long running journal some of the research may be outdated. On the right side of the page you can find out more information about the organization that publishes this journal and you can actually submit a paper to be published in the journal allowing you to further yourself as a researcher by having a paper in a reputable journal. This journal has a feature that allows you to look at articles that will appear in the upcoming volume or issue before it goes to print allowing you to get the most recent research and information for use in your academics. There is also a database of all the volumes so you can look at all volumes of the journal in one place.



Web URL: http://www.iutox.org/ Abstract: This organization is known as the International Union of Toxicology and consists of toxicology societies from all over the world from a variety of countries. This society organizes different toxicological summits and meetings for the international community to come together and discuss current goals in the toxicological community. The layout of the website is outdated but it is functional for navigation of the site. There are links for resources on the site that can lead you to a society that would be relevant to your interest or location for the groups within this union are all over the world. There are also other links to newsletters, research, news, and other useful information for anyone looking to find a society or organization within the toxicological community.

On the left side of the website there is a news ticker showing a variety of information, it seems to be updated regularly with new content. There are also locations of the upcoming toxicological summits and what the focus of the summit is. The search function is not entirely useful so it would be good to explore the different portions of the website yourself and through that find the resources you are looking for.


Society of Toxicology
Web URL: http://www.toxicology.org/ Abstract: This website belongs to one of the most prestigious and long running Toxicology Organizations and has a wealth of resources. There are links across the top of the page that applies to people of all levels from kids to professionals. Within each section there are links for additional resources such as newsletters, internship opportunities, job opportunities, current research focuses, and general information about the field. There is also information and opportunities to sign up to go to conferences held by the SOT which would be a good way for you to get into the field professionally. As stated before this organization releases a long running periodical journal called Toxicological Sciences. This website is for anyone looking for more information on toxicology or if you are looking for an internship or a job.

This website is a good resource for finding internships for undergraduate students, it also has job postings for those who are looking for employment in the toxicology field. If you are looking for scientific articles there is a link on the front page for the Toxicological Sciences publication which has very good references for research. If you want to attend the annual meeting presented by the SOT then there are links on the right side of the page that allows you to register to attend or present at the meeting.


Other Resources

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications

Web URL: http://catalog.gpo.gov/F Abstract: The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications is the government database of articles published within the United States government. The documents that are present date from the 1800s to current times. The search engine used in the CGP ranges from Basic to Expert allowing you to make either a broad search or a very narrow one. Links to the document that you search for are readily available and if the document is available in print there is an option to see which federal libraries this document is at. While there is a large amount of documents on this database there is a vast amount of articles on toxicology. One that was found was a federal research project looking into how to protect your family from lead and they released the article with tips and strategies to remove lead from your home for in some older houses lead is very abundant in paint, leftover leaded gasoline, and other sources. This is a good website if you are looking for research or documents published by the United States Government.

Figuring out how to utilize the search engine and using the level that is appropriate for the topic you are trying to find is key to using this resource correctly. There is a feature that allows you to save documents that you have viewed so you can access these documents without have to search for them again.


Statistical Abstract of the United States

Web URL: http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/ Abstract: The Statistical Abstract of the United States is a government published summary of statistics on social, political, and economic organization of the United States. The Statistical Abstract also contains information on a wide variety of topics such as finance, science and technology, law enforcement, recreation, agriculture, retail, education, and business. Every abstract is available as an Excel or PDF format, printed volumes can be found at most libraries or upon request from the government. In relation to toxicology, there is a lot of information in the science and technology portion of the Abstract. Such information includes employment, expenditures, research development, space, and student information. Within these categories there are specific portions of the Abstract available for your needs. The Health and Nutrition portion would also apply to toxicology for it has information on health risks, food consumption, health care resources, the incidence of diseases and health conditions, expenditures, and information on Medicare. This website is useful for you to look at statistics and information about different field in the United States today.

The numbers located next to the articles correlate to the table numbers in the printed version. This would be useful for quick reference and finding information quickly. The links on the left side open up to each individual section, mastering this would allow for quick navigation and ease of use of this resource.



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