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We extend a special welcome to our guests, visitors and all who join us in worship today. Please let us know of your
presence or any prayer requests you have by filling out one of the cards in the pew rack and placing them in the offering
plate. We hope that our church home becomes your church home and the spiritual place where you grow through the
Word of God.

Nursery care for children up to three years old is located on the main floor of the Welcome Center across from the
library. Older children attending the church service are encouraged to borrow a Toddler Tote filled with activities as you enter
the Sanctuary.

Concerning the Sacrament of the Altar
We believe that Jesus offers Himself to us in the Sacrament His true body and blood, for the forgiveness of sins. We also
share the scriptural concern for those who participate in the Lords supper that they recognize what they are receiving
(1 Corinthians 11:27). Therefore, we ask that all who desire to receive the Lords Supper please carefully examine
themselves using the communion information card found in the pew rack.
Communion is celebrated on the 1
and 3
Sundays at both services.

For those who desire, we offer gluten-free wafers (please indicate your desire to the Pastor or Elder) and
non-alcoholic wine (located in the inner circle of the individual cup tray).

Now What? Because Life is Changing

May 4, 2014

8:00 am Lord, This Day Weve Come to Worship LSB 911
10:45 am My Savior, My God


P: Alleluia! Christ is risen!
C: He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

CONFESSION See screens
P: Jesus Christ,
C: we confess that we have sinned. We do not always take you at your word nor do we always trust in your will.
Instead of living as new creations in the light of your resurrection, we often live in the sins that so easily entangle
us: greed, pride, hate, lust, deceit the list goes on and on. Forgive us Lord for choosing to gratify the sinful
desires of the flesh. In your mercy, forgive us and renew us that we may live in the newness of life by the power of
your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


8:00 am Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain LSB 487
10:45 am My Lighthouse

OLD TESTAMENT READING Exodus 15:22 16:4 Bible page 57

NEW TESTAMENT READING Romans 6:1-14 Bible page 942

GOSPEL READING John 21:1-14 Bible page 907

STATEMENT OF FAITH Apostles Creed LSB back cover

8:00 am We Have Seen the Risen Lord Praisemakers
10:45 am Song of Moses

SERMON Pastor John Davis

SONG OF RESPONSE 8:00 am Long before the World Is Waking LSB 485



8:00 am At the Lambs High Feast We Sing LSB 633 vs. 1, 4-5, 7
I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus LSB 729
I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table LSB 618
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less LSB 576

10:45 am Man of Sorrows Praise Team Special Music
Wonderful, Merciful, Savior
The Wonderful Cross
How Great is Our God


8:00 am I Know that My Redeemer Lives LSB 461 vs. 1-2, 4-5
10:45 am Today is the Day

The altar flowers are given to the glory of God by
Jim and Delores Martin in celebration of Delores birthday
Linda Ohlenbusch Phillips and Melba Ohlenbusch Carter in loving memory of Louise Ohlenbusch



Families and Children 9:30 am: Family Discipleship (Nursery - 12th grade & parents) (Loomis Center)

Adults 9:30 am: The Sacraments: Mysterious and Miraculous Intended for adults seeking instruction as well as those
interested in expanding/refreshing their understanding. Pastor Davis will lead the discussions. (Loomis Center 1

Adults 9:30 am: "Putting God and Others First" In the midst of a "me-first" world, followers of Christ are called to be
servants. The pursuit of a life of service is not easy, but it is a journey like no other. Join in the discussions led by Alan
Bishop, Pat Croll, Tina Hergenrader and Nelson Scroggins. (Loomis Center 1

Adults 9:30 am: Forgiveness Come hear what author Lowell O. Erdahl wrote concerning what the Bible says about Gods
forgiveness and our forgiveness. Join this study led by Tim Gandre, Tony Rylander and Gary Tober.
(Welcome Center 2


Adults 9:45 am: LifeLight: Minor Prophets Pastor Dale Leland leads this in-depth course exploring the books of Amos,
Jonah and Habakkuk which seek a clearer understanding of how God spoke in history to pronounce judgment on sinful
nations with the purpose of bringing them to repentance and how He continues to speak to His people today.
(Welcome Center 2



Adults (6:00 pm dinner; 6:30 pm Worship; 7:00 pm studies) Acts: Model for Todays Church is the title of this study
intended for any and all adults in the congregation. Join us and see how lessons from the early church vibrantly apply yet to
todays church. (Welcome Center 2


Members: Elsie Calafell; Jerry Denman; Elizabeth Drescher; Sam Engman; Ursula Fitzner; Jennie Grisbee; Priscilla
Johansen; Maribel Lian; Norma Moore; Betty Pampell; John Pierce; Phyllis Radcliff; Dennis Riske; Mary Smith; Dorothy
Swain; Don & Cathie Thomas; Inga Wood.

Friends & Family: Gene & Joan Bach (Jody Cooks parents); Melinda Cieszinski (Stephen Leffingwells sister); Joe Dalton
(Dave Graessers nephew); Jeff Falk (Bob Plautzs brother-in-law); Bob Fay (Erika Johnsons father); Jan Frye (Sue
Harrisons friend); Donnie Heinrich (Leslie Sandifers father); Audrey Hansen (Glenn Hansens mother); Brendan Husfeld
(Rich & Linda Husfelds nephew); Mike Lightle (Judys husband); Betty Maeker (Brenda Davis mother); Bobby Norris
(Robin Stankus uncle); Joanna Odham (preschool teacher); Katie Ondrias (Holly Martinezs friend); Maycel Plautz (Bob
Plautzs mother); Ryan Richardson (Tim & Marilyn Gandres friend); Gilbert Rippe (Joyce Adams brother); Roger & Olga
Segura (Rachel Peckenpaughs parents) and Wayne Toye (Jennifer Pergandes father).

Military Friends & Family: Kyle Appelt (Keith & Laura Evans nephew), USAF Academy, Colorado; Stephen Appelt
(Keith & Laura Evans nephew), USMC, Camp Pendleton, CA; Joel Davidson (son-in-law of Ron & Debby Ferguson),
CWO, US Army, Afghanistan; Sgt. Travis Gingrich (Tina Zoubeks brother), US Army-Kuwait; Jeffrey Gruetzmacher, USN.


Acolytes 8:00 am: Meredith Bretting; Trevor Stall
10:45 am: Cole Gierman; Dominique Melcher
Altar Guild Marilyn Gandre; Trish McCall; Molly Nash; Angela Sanders; Debbie Welsh
Audio 8:00 am: Kristina Hansen; Bob Plautz
10:45 am: Sarah Pergande; Bob Plautz
Elder 8:00 am: Fred Luft
Elder Assistants: James Bretting; Pat Croll; Alan Ostermann
Elder 10:45 am: Bob Cowan
Greeters 8:00 am: Jae Moore; Norma Moore; Alan and Kaye Ostermann
10:45 am: Homer and Margaret Inlow; Tim and Vickie Stalinsky
Nursery 8:00 am: Lydia Sides; Sara Side
10:45 am: Heather Pugnetti
Ushers 8:00 am: Dean Arldt, Craig Battle, Leroy Bretting, Dick Pursley, Bob Thiele
10:45 am: Bill Blum, David Elmore, Paul Goerner, Stuart Michalk, Travis Schulze

May 4 May 11, 2014

Sunday ~ 4
8:00 AM Worship Service with Communion
9:15 AM Mens Chorus
9:30 AM ACTS Class
9:30 AM Bible Studies
10:45 AM Worship Service with Communion
1:00 PM Servicios en Espaol
6:00 8:00 PM High School Youth

Monday ~ 5
4:30 PM Preschool Board Meeting
6:00 9:00 PM Boy Scouts (Loomis Center)
7:00 PM Joyful Ringers

Tuesday ~ 6
9:45 AM Lifelight
3:00 7:30 PM Blood Drive


May 4 May 11, 2014

Wednesday ~ 7
11:00 AM 12:30 PM Preschools Mothers Teas (Loomis Center)
6:00 PM Livin In 3D / Confirmation
7:30 - 8:30 PM Praisemakers

Thursday ~ 8
11:00 AM 12:30 PM Preschools Mothers Teas (Loomis Center)
6:30 PM Praise Team

Friday ~ 9
12:30 3:00 PM Memorial Quilters (Loomis Center)
Publicans ACTS Group Gathering

Saturday ~ 10
12:00 PM Adelphos

Sunday ~ 11
8:00 AM Worship Service
MOTHERS DAY 9:15 AM Mens Chorus
9:30 AM ACTS Class (final)
9:30 AM Bible Study Studies
10:45 AM Worship Service
1:00 PM Servicios en Espaol
5:00 PM GLC (Girls Loving Christ)

Practical suggestions to aid Disciples of Jesus in taking on the character of Jesus,
especially the character attribute of generosity.

It is a routine part of our lifetipping. We go out to eat, the check comes, and we start figuring how much tip we are going
to leave. We evaluate how good was the service, how good was the food, how pleasant was the experience, and we give the
tip we believe they earned. We reward them for a job well done, or send a message for service that lacked. The same goes
for the beauty salon and barber shop or for the bellhop or the cabbie. But sometimes, it can be good to go beyond focusing on
ourselves (and what we have received) when tipping. Sometimes it is better to focus on the one we are tippingperhaps who
they are and what they are going through and the difference we might be able to make on them. In fact, such an approach can
give a lot of joy in being generous to help someone else out perhaps in a great time of need, and that joy can become
contagious! Such an approach toward tipping can also change our approach toward our tithing and giving to God, as we shift
our focus from ourselves to God and who he is and the difference we can make for Him and His kingdom. Then our giving to
God becomes generous and joyful.

** And, if you still think a tip is a reward for a job well done, then think about all that God has done for you and has given
you. If you give 10% to 15% to 20% for a meal or a haircut or for a ride, then how much tip is appropriate for the one who
has given us everything and for Christ who served us selflessly by giving his life for ours?

Tip of the Month: The Tipping Point

1. This month, when you give a tip, focus on the one you are tipping. Find out a little more about the server at the restaurant.
Do they have a family? Are they going to school? Are there health concerns? (A great way to find out these kinds of
things is to ask for any prayer needs for them to include in your prayers before your meal.)
2. Think about how your generosity can make a difference in their day and their circumstances.
3. When making a decision about a tip, round up instead of down.
4. Take these approaches and apply them to your relationship with the Lord. Focus on God and who He is and what the
Kingdoms needs are. How can your generosity make a difference, and how will that difference give you joy? And when
in doubt, dont be afraid to round up instead of down!

Future tips:
* Count Your Blessings!
* What can I do vs. What can I keep

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