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Ridgewood Public School

Grade 3 / 4 French Immersion

May 2014 Newsletter
We are having a late Spring and we are
looking forward to warmer sunny days.
There are only 2 months to go before
the Summer holidays and the school
year will be over. Its amazing how fast
time flies.
We look forward to see you on the
Leadership Day for Parents. The kids
are working hard to make it a
successful and memorable day.
Language Arts
The students will continue to expand
their vocabulary through Mes Mots and
to spell words correctly.
They will continue to practice writing
compound sentences and short essays.
Grade 4 students will complete their
Students continue working on their I
Wonder... questions inquiring with
other members of the classroom and
learning about the world around them.
They are coming up with their questions
independently and answering the
questions they have on their own.
We will also be writing short stories,
persuasive letters and working with
Grade 3 students will continue using
the inquiry process to investigate about
plants, their physical characteristics,
how they grow and their impacts on
society and the environment. They will
also investigate devices that use forces
to create controlled movement.
Grade 4 students will determine ways
to minimize the negative impacts of
human activities on plants and the
habitats. Also, students will
demonstrate their learning by preparing
a presentation on Sound.

Social Studies
Grade 3 students will continue to
determine the impact of land use on
employment, on the environment and
the measures that could be taken to
minimize its negative effects. They will
learn about thematic maps
Grade 4 students will investigate
issues and challenges associated with
balancing human needs/wants and
activities with environmental
Upcoming Events
May 5 Leadership Day for Parents
9:00 14:00
May 6, 20 Quiznos Lunch
May 7 School Council 18:30
Stressed out kids stressed out
May 8 Leadership Day for Educators
May 9 Silver Birch Award
May 15 Kindergarten Orientation
Evening - 15:00
May 16 Silver Birch Award
May 19 Victoria Day (No school)
May 26-30 Jungle Sport
May 29 School Council 18:30
Social Media - Children & You
The Wizard of Oz Choir will be
meeting on Days 1, 5, 6, and 10 during
the first nutrition break AND once a
week after school from 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Please practice the songs at home (visit
our Grade 3/4 class website for the links
under Homework).
Grade 4 and Grade 3 students will be
working on 3-D Geometry and 3-D
Measurement as well as on Patterns
and Motion in Geometry. Also, well
review all chapters with Grade 3
students before the EQAO test.
Grade 3 students are encouraged to
practice EQAO questions at home.
EQAO website:
Habit 3 Put First Things First
Work First, Then Play
One of the hardest thing for kids to do
is to set the right priorities and as
parents you can help them by
reminding your child to follow Habit 3
Put First Things First. That means
doing homework first before watching
TV or playing games.
When parents are involved in the
8 Habits, children become more
motivated in learning and personal
Recommended Links
Social Studies :
Science :
Cineplex movie theatres are having a promotional
event for families every Saturday morning at 11:00
for $2.50.
You can spend a family afternoon with your kids
watching Robots, Tooth Fairy or Dairy of a Wimpy
Kid among others.
For more information, go to:

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