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Questions for Appraisee

1. What do you expect from a Performance appraisal :

(Rank the options from 1 to 6; 1 being most preferred 6 being least preferred!
Detail Rank
"alary #dministration and $enefits
%etermination of promotion or transfer
%ecision on layoff
#ssistance in goal
&uideline for training Plan
#n insight into your strengths and 'eakness
(. #re you satisfied 'ith the appraisal system)
1 ( * + ,
(1 - .east satisfied; , - /ost satisfied!
*. #re you a'are of performance ratings)
a. 0es b. 1o
+. %o you think you should be gi2en an opportunity to rate your o'n performance)
a. 0es b. 1o
,. #re you gi2en a chance to rate your o'n performance)
a. 0es b. 1o
6. "chedule of #ppraisals
a. /onthly
b. 3uarterly
c. 4alf 0early
d. #nnual
e. #nytime
5. 6s there a complaint channel for the employees 'ho are dissatisfied 'ith the performance
appraisal system)
a. 0es b. 1o
7. Who conducts the performance appraisal8)
a. 6mmediate super2isor
b. Peer appraisal
c. Rating committees
d. "elf9rating
e. #ppraisal by subordinates
:. %oes the appraisal system pro2ide a good communication bet'een the top9management
plans and business goals to staff belo')
a. 0es b. 1o
10. How important do you think is Performance Appraisal to your Performance?
Not Important ( ) ess Important ( )
Important ( ) !ery Important ( )
"ost Important ( )
11. %o you 'ant your comments and suggestions to be taken into consideration during
a. 0es b. 1o
1#. $o you feel comforta%le discussin& any difference of opinion a%out your
Performance 'atin& with your appraiser?
(es ( ) No ( )

1. Purpose of Performance appraisal :
(Rank the options from 1 to 6; 1 being main purpose 6 being last purpose!
Detail Rank
"alary #dministration and $enefits
Retain performing employees
%etermination of promotion or transfer
%ecision on layoff
#ssistance in goal
&uideline for training Plan
(. 6s the Performance #ppraisal helping you to plan your 'ork 'ell)
1 ( * + ,
(1 - .east helpful; , - /ost helpful!
*. Which appraisal system is being employed in the company)
a. #ssessment centre
b. /$;
c. $#R"
d. *6< degree feedback
e. $alance scorecard
+. Performance #ppraisal criteria
a. 3uantitati2e outcome criteria ("ales 2olume= "ales price= Producti2ity=
&oal accomplishment rate!
b. 3ualitati2e process criteria (3uality of product or ser2ice= >ustomer
c. 3uantitati2e process criteria (?fficiency= >ost@expenses= #ttendance!
d. 3ualitati2e process criteria (Audgment= Work attitude= .eadership=
>onduct @Brait!
,. What do you think is the effect of a poor appraisal system
a. %e9moti2ation
b. Retention
c. 6neffecti2e team'ork
6. %oes the appraisal system pro2ide a good communication bet'een the top9
management plans and business goals to staff belo')
a. 0es b. 1o
5. %oes it gi2e insight to appraisee regarding his strength or 'eakness)
a. 0es b. 1o
7. #re employeeCs comments and suggestions taken into consideration before the
a. 0es b. 1o
:. Who conducts the performance appraisal8
a. 6mmediate super2isor
b. Peer appraisal
c. Rating committees
d. "elf9rating
e. #ppraisal by subordinates
1<. #re the standards on the basis of 'hich the performance appraisal is carried out
communicated to the employees before hand)
a. 0es b. 1o
11. %o you gi2e an opportunity to the appraisee to rate his o'n performance)
a. (es %. No
1#. In your opinion) does the Performance Appraisal *ystem &i+e a proper
assessment of your contri%ution to the or&ani,ation?
a. (es %. No
1-. How often does your Performance assessment match to your
Ne+er 'arely *ometimes
/ften 0+ery time

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