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Application of artificial neural networks for predicting

thermal resistance of knitted blankets

Vojislav Gligorijevic
, Jovan Stepanovic
, Vasilije Petrovic
, Nenad Cirkovic

University of Nis
Faculty of Technology Leskovac

Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin" in Zrenjaninu

Artificial neural networks (ANN) is a powerful tool used in complex problems and procedures of the
system identification and prediction modeling applications, recognition and classification and
grouping of data.This paper is designed ANN model to predict the thermal resistance of knitted
blankets puncture needle.To predict the thermal resistance stab knitting needles as input parameters
are taken parallel and cross-laying, fiber fineness, fiber cavity level, the weight of knitting, needle
puncture depth, density and impact stab needles.The relative contribution of each parameter in
predicting the overall thermal resistance of a set of tests has been studied conducting sensitivity
analysis of data.The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that the most important input
parameters in parallel and cross-connection in the process of forming knitting, followed by the other
above mentioned parameters. Artificial neural networks have only one non-linear and stochastic
model that has the capability to organize its structural constituents,known as "neurons" to perform
certain calculations (patterns, knitting mistakes, knitting and other wrinkles) much faster than the best
Key words: Artificial Neural Networks, ANN model, knitting, thermal resistance, puncture needles,
parallel and cross-laying, stitch density, sensitivity analysis.


One of the most important aspects of the thermal comfort properties of knitting . It is known that non-
woven knitting have better heat resistance compared to woven kniting and knitting with a similar
surface mass of 1m
. Properties stitch knitting depend on the nature of fiber components and the ways
in which the fibers are arranged in the structure.Properties fibers ( such as dimensions, mechanical
and surface ), along with a variety of machines and web (parallel and cross- laying ) parameters
contribute to the structure resulting from needle operations ( Midha snd Mukhopadhaya, 2005). For
knitting design is very important to properly understand the impact of various parameters on the
thermal resistance of the covers. Midha , Alagirisamy and Kothari (2004 ) examined the effect of fiber
and process parameters on the thermal resistance puncture needle cover using statistical models.
However , the relative importance of each parameter in influencing the thermal resistance puncture
needle cover is still unknown. By researchers developed mathematical models have shown that the
thermal conductivity of porous substance has a nonlinear relationship with the thermo -physical
parameters ( Fay, Alibi, Benltoufa and Jemni, 2008). In addition, the physical properties of knitted
blankets puncture needle, such as thickness and weight , affecting the thermal resistance , are derived
from primary fibers and process these circumstances the parameter using neural network model is a
better alternative statistical models to predict the thermal resistance ( Chattopadhyay & Guha, 2004).
in various studies ( Debnath , Madhusoothanan and Srinivasamoorthy 2000; Ureyan & Gurkan,
2008a, 2008b ), it was reported that the model of artificial neural networks ( ANN ) are better in their
predictions compared to the statistical models.Neural networks are trained to predict the output of the
various input parameters also include knowledge about the relative importance of the input
parameters, which can be very useful in process control and design of the final product.Several
attempts were made to extract such information neural network model.Jaiadeva,Guha and
Chattopadhiai (2003 ) determined the most important parameters affecting fiber yarn properties using
a model of neural networks. Midha, Kothari, Chattopadhiai and Mukhopadhiai (2010 ) estimate the
relative importance of process and machine parameters that affect the power loss during cross
stitching. In this paper,the ANN model is used to predict the thermal resistance of the blanket
puncture needle when the fiber and process parameters given as input.
The relative importance of fiber and process parameters is als

ANN applications in Textile Engineering

Basically since 1990 VNM application in Textile Engineering is becoming more and more popular
gradually been proven that they can successfully solved complex engineering
researchers have turned VNM when they were in front of multiparameter and nonlinear problems,
with no clear or simple analytical solutions. Established a method for selection of cotton bales based
on certain criteria (Majumdar and others., 20
by the identification of parameters to control output (Allan et al., 2001) and predict the properties of
melt spinning yarn (Kuo, 2004). VNM used in conjunction with NIR spectroscopy for identificatio
of textile fibers (Jasper and Smith 1994). Has also developed a system to optimize the production of
yarn. Spinning process and its role in predicting the properties of cotton
using VNM (Lu et al, 2007;.Methods based on a comb
networks used to predict and optimize the performance of yarn (Subramanian et al., 2007).

Artificial neural networks
The functionality of the interest of Textile Engineering

Artificial neural networks (ANN) are
human brain structures. They belong to the family of Soft Computing methods, along with fuzzy logic
/ phase control algorithms and genetic algorithms (Zadeh, 1994).They are iterative, non
for the optimal or sub-optimal solutions of the problems, without assuming any kind of model for a
basic system or process,(Keeler, 1992).The problem of predicting thermal resistance covers (blankets)
quilting needle-puncture of fiber and process para
Thermal resistance is a function of knitting fibers and process parameters, and the goal is to make this
function from a set of measurements. Power
input layer (equal to the number of input parameters), two hidden layers and one node in the output
layer (corresponding to the output and heat resistance) is used for the study.Power
receives data from the previous layer, ie, an output layer is
from output to input. Number of hidden layers and number of neurons in the hidden layer have been
optimized for the proper training of the network. Guha received a report that one or two hidden layers
are able to map the response to a reasonably good prediction accuracy and performance of the
network can not be significantly improved by increasing the number of hidden layers.The starting
point for the number of neurons in the hidden layer is chosen by the rule of

( [ input n
max 2 f

where msw Mean square weight, given by equation (3),

Too few neurons starved network resources,complexity of the model is not able to extract a
puncture needle when the fiber and process parameters given as input.
The relative importance of fiber and process parameters is also analyzed using a sensitivity analysi
ANN applications in Textile Engineering
Basically since 1990 VNM application in Textile Engineering is becoming more and more popular
gradually been proven that they can successfully solved complex engineering problems.Many
researchers have turned VNM when they were in front of multiparameter and nonlinear problems,
with no clear or simple analytical solutions. Established a method for selection of cotton bales based
on certain criteria (Majumdar and others., 2004). In the case of synthetic fibers, VNM was supported
by the identification of parameters to control output (Allan et al., 2001) and predict the properties of
melt spinning yarn (Kuo, 2004). VNM used in conjunction with NIR spectroscopy for identificatio
of textile fibers (Jasper and Smith 1994). Has also developed a system to optimize the production of
yarn. Spinning process and its role in predicting the properties of cotton - polyester yarn was tested
using VNM (Lu et al, 2007;.Methods based on a combination of genetic algorithms and neural
networks used to predict and optimize the performance of yarn (Subramanian et al., 2007).
The functionality of the interest of Textile Engineering
Artificial neural networks (ANN) are algorithmic structure derived from a simplified concept of
human brain structures. They belong to the family of Soft Computing methods, along with fuzzy logic
/ phase control algorithms and genetic algorithms (Zadeh, 1994).They are iterative, non
optimal solutions of the problems, without assuming any kind of model for a
basic system or process,(Keeler, 1992).The problem of predicting thermal resistance covers (blankets)
puncture of fiber and process parameters can be seen as a function approximation.
Thermal resistance is a function of knitting fibers and process parameters, and the goal is to make this
function from a set of measurements. Power-forward neural network (Figure 1) are six nodes in the
layer (equal to the number of input parameters), two hidden layers and one node in the output
layer (corresponding to the output and heat resistance) is used for the study.Power-forward network
receives data from the previous layer, ie, an output layer is the input to the next layer and no feedback
from output to input. Number of hidden layers and number of neurons in the hidden layer have been
optimized for the proper training of the network. Guha received a report that one or two hidden layers
o map the response to a reasonably good prediction accuracy and performance of the
network can not be significantly improved by increasing the number of hidden layers.The starting
point for the number of neurons in the hidden layer is chosen by the rule of thumb (Guha, 2002);
)] neurons output neurons , (1)
where msw Mean square weight, given by equation (3), is the performance ratio (default 0.5)

Figure 1. Three layered architecture of the
neural network used to predict the thermal
resistance of non-woven blankets (shield)
penetrating needles. W
is the mass matrix,
bias, and V
and L
are the number of nodes in
the hidden installation.

urons starved network resources,complexity of the model is not able to extract a
o analyzed using a sensitivity analysi
Basically since 1990 VNM application in Textile Engineering is becoming more and more popular
researchers have turned VNM when they were in front of multiparameter and nonlinear problems,
with no clear or simple analytical solutions. Established a method for selection of cotton bales based
04). In the case of synthetic fibers, VNM was supported
by the identification of parameters to control output (Allan et al., 2001) and predict the properties of
melt spinning yarn (Kuo, 2004). VNM used in conjunction with NIR spectroscopy for identification
of textile fibers (Jasper and Smith 1994). Has also developed a system to optimize the production of
polyester yarn was tested
ination of genetic algorithms and neural
networks used to predict and optimize the performance of yarn (Subramanian et al., 2007).
algorithmic structure derived from a simplified concept of
human brain structures. They belong to the family of Soft Computing methods, along with fuzzy logic
/ phase control algorithms and genetic algorithms (Zadeh, 1994).They are iterative, non-linear search
optimal solutions of the problems, without assuming any kind of model for a
basic system or process,(Keeler, 1992).The problem of predicting thermal resistance covers (blankets)
meters can be seen as a function approximation.
Thermal resistance is a function of knitting fibers and process parameters, and the goal is to make this
forward neural network (Figure 1) are six nodes in the
layer (equal to the number of input parameters), two hidden layers and one node in the output
forward network
the input to the next layer and no feedback
from output to input. Number of hidden layers and number of neurons in the hidden layer have been
optimized for the proper training of the network. Guha received a report that one or two hidden layers
o map the response to a reasonably good prediction accuracy and performance of the
network can not be significantly improved by increasing the number of hidden layers.The starting
thumb (Guha, 2002);

is the performance ratio (default 0.5).
Three layered architecture of the
neural network used to predict the thermal
woven blankets (shield)
is the mass matrix, b

are the number of nodes in
urons starved network resources,complexity of the model is not able to extract a

deterministic relationship between the input and output variables.The training is increased and this
can cause a problem called overfitting (over fitting). Errors on training set is driven to a very small
value, but when new data is presented to the network for testing, it is determined that the error is very
large.The network is able to plan the training set, but this can not be generalized to new situations.
Thus, some of the points test data provide very high error.Several methods are used to improve
network generalization (Bhattacharjee and Kothari, 2007).In this study, the regulation done by
changing the performance mode mean square error or "mse" in "msereg";

msereg = mse + (1- ) msw ( 2)

where msw Mean square weight, given by equation (3), is the performance ratio (default 0.5).


where n is the number of neurons in the layer, ie the weight matrix. Value "msereg" becomes smaller
than the "mse", so the total error is reduced.
Round - spreading,iterative gradient descent algorithm is used for training the network (Bhattacharjee
& Kothari , 2007 ; Cheng and Adams , 1995).The network begins with a random set of weights that
are adjusted after training with each pair of input - output.The training is conducted in two phases
known as the passage forward and back passage.In the passage above, the network is presented with
training with weights and input are activated units in the hidden layers, which are calculated from the
sigmoid function. Outputs are calculated from the weight of the second layer.During the backward
pass,the network output is compared to that target output and error estimates output units are
calculated.Weight attached to the output units are then adapted to reduce errors. Estimates of errors in
the output layer are used for the performance evaluation of errors in the hidden layer units.Finally,
errors are propagated back to the connections stemming from the input units.This is an iterative
process until the weight of the links adjusted so that the error in the target output is compared with the
actual output converges to an acceptable level ( Ramesh, Rajamanickam,and Jayaraman , 1995). Total
of 39 samples were taken for the study,of whom 27 ( 70 %) samples using the training and 12 for
testing the network.The prediction performance of neural networks is evaluated with 12 test data sets
that were not used during training, in order to reduce the dependency of the results to a specific
distribution of data in the training and test sets was carried out, three-way cross- validation tests , ie ,
complete data were divided into training and testing set in three different ways.When the neural
network trained by training set, the thermal resistance is predicted for the training and test sets.Since
the error of each test data set were calculated and the mean square error MSE.The estimated thermal
resistance is correlated with the experimental heat resistance and coefficient of correlation obtained
between the actual and predicted thermal resistance.The relative contribution of each parameter in
predicting the overall thermal resistance is studied through sensitivity analysis of a set of test data.
Each input parameter is eliminated while the individual provides thermal resistance and MSE for the
test data set is calculated.The ratio test is calculated as the ratio of MSE for testing data set before and
after the removal of input parameters.Higher ratio test, the greater the sensitivity of the output
parameter.Input parameters are ranked according to their importance for all three partitions.
Compatibility coefficient and significance test is conducted to know the degree of consensus among
the ranks obtained in three different partitions.
Prediction performance

Table 3 shows the prediction of network performance for the three-way cross-check the data. MSEs in
the training set varies from 0.0010 to 0.0016 in all compartments. The maximum and minimum errors
in the basic set were 12.26% and 0.0%, respectively. The coefficient of determination is 1 for all
partitions. The test set (set) data, mse ranges from 0.017 to 0.082, and the maximum and minimum
errors were 36.45% and 0.07%, respectively.The coefficient of determination 19 (R
) in the test data
set for the three compartments was 0.95, 0.93 and 0.97, respectively.The values of the correlation
coefficient (r) for the three compartments were 0.96, 0.95 and 0.98, respectively. The good correlation

between the experimental and predicted thermal resistance shows that the model can predict the
thermal resistance covers puncture needle with good precision.

Table 1. Specifications set of data [1].

Results and discussion

Web-laying (parallel and crossed-laying), fiber
fineness, fiber cavity level, weight knitting,
needle puncture depth and puncture needle
density are considered input parameters to
predict the thermal resistance of 18 puncture
needle-punched blankets. Table 2 shows the
error (%) of data sets for three different
partitions of data. Estimated (projected) value
of the surveyed data set are very close to the set
of experimental data for all three compartments
(Figure 2). Proposed neural network
approximates the thermal resistance values with
very low error, regardless of the particular
partition data into training and test sets.

Table 2.The experimental and predicted thermal resistance of test data stored in a variety of
existing partitions [1].

S Exper. Plan Error S. No. Exper. Plan Error S. No. Exper. Plan Error
No (%) (%) (%)

1 0.588 0.5112 13.06 2 0.979 1.0045 -2.60 4 0.849 0.7280 14.25
8 0.718 0.8197 -14.16 3 0.457 0.4784 -4.68 5 0.588 0.7403 -25.99
11 0.849 0.6666 21.48 6 0.849 0.8325 1.94 7 0.522 0.5272 -1.00
13 0.588 0.6259 -6.45 10 0.588 0.5319 9.54 9 0.457 0.4825 -5.58
15 2.806 3.1653 -12.80 17 1.893 2.5830 -36.45 14 1.371 1.2192 11.07
16 1.632 1.4120 13.48 18 2.023 2.0104 0.62 21 2.023 1.8103 10.51
19 1.893 2.3151 -22.30 23 1.501 1.8965 -26.35 24 2.349 2.5885 -10.20
23 1.501 1.6373 -9.08 25 2.545 2.8871 -13.44 26 1.501 1.4605 2.70
30 2.023 2.0245 -0.07 27 1.501 1.6613 -10.68 28 2.545 2.5315 0.53
31 1.890 1.6893 10.62 34 1.892 1.8342 3.05 29 1.501 1.4734 1.84
36 1.501 1.6882 -12.47 37 1.892 2.2654 -19.74 32 2.023 2.1302 -5.30
38 2.154 2.4139 -12.07 39 1.631 1.8981 -16.38 35 1.37 1.5470 -12.92

Figure 2. Experimental and predicted values of thermal resistance of test data

Table 3. Performance parameters of the neural network [1]

agreement among obtained in various partitions . On this basis, we calculated the total rows, as shown
in Table 4. It is observed th at the web taking the most critical input parameter for determining the
thermal blanket ( blanket ) puncture needle , followed by a d
degree of fiber cavities, puncture n eedle density and fineness of the fiber. Parameters f ibers (
fineness and degree of cavity ) have the lea st impact on the heat resistance blanket puncture n eedle.
Process parameters, which are mainly resp onsible for the structure covers puncture needles have a
bigger impact on the heat resistance blank et puncture needle. The results were confirmed by previous
studies by different authors. It is the fineness of the fiber has a
resistance of studies based on statis tical models ( Midha et al., 2004).
certain amount of air trapped within the structure. Knitti ng with thicker catch more air, resulting in
greate r heat resistance (Smith, 1972 ). Simultaneously l aying the Web leads to greater consolidation
of t he web in relation to taking the web.Thus, the thi ckness and the amount of air trapped in parallel
casual knitting is lower, which leads to lower therm al r
the depth of puncture needles, more traps in the k nitting increase compactness and knitting materials
enabling it to hold less air, which leads to a reduction in thermal resistance covers puncture needle.T
he depth of puncture needle has a larger impact on the density of needle puncture, which was confir
med in previous studies.It was found that the reduction in thermal resistance increased with increasing
Partition 1 Partition 2
6-12-10-1 6-8-6-1
Performance goal 0.01 0.01
Epochs 61 48
Performance ratio 0.95 0.95
Training set
Mean square error
0.047 0.082
Maximum error (%) 22.30 36.45
Minimum error (%) 0.07 0.62
Coefficient of
determination (R
1 1
Test set
Mean square error
0.047 0.082
Maximum error (%) 22.30 36.45
Minimum error (%) 0.07 0.62
Coefficient of
determination (R
0.95 0.93
Figure 2. Experimental and predicted values of thermal resistance of test data

Table 3. Performance parameters of the neural network [1].
Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis is a way of analyzing
changes in network performance p rediction for
a particular change in a parrticular input
parameter.The main measure of s ensitivity is the
ratio of MSEs when implemented changes in one
parameter. A higher ratio of err ors, it is more
critical parameter. Input parameters are ranked
according to the relative MSE of the test set data
after eliminating one input parameter at the
time.Table 4 shows the results of the sensitivity
analysis ANN model.The parame ters are r
according to their relative sensitiv ity to all three
compartments. Coefficient of com pliance
among the three compartments was 0.84 and
0.84 and F
= 9.82 >F
= 7.0
confidence level, which means t hat there i
among obtained in various partitions . On this basis, we calculated the total rows, as shown
in Table 4. It is observed th at the web taking the most critical input parameter for determining the
thermal blanket ( blanket ) puncture needle , followed by a deep puncture needles, k nitting weight,
degree of fiber cavities, puncture n eedle density and fineness of the fiber. Parameters f ibers (
fineness and degree of cavity ) have the lea st impact on the heat resistance blanket puncture n eedle.
eters, which are mainly resp onsible for the structure covers puncture needles have a
bigger impact on the heat resistance blank et puncture needle. The results were confirmed by previous
studies by different authors. It is the fineness of the fiber has a relatively small effect o n the thermal
resistance of studies based on statis tical models ( Midha et al., 2004).Thermal insulation knitting a
certain amount of air trapped within the structure. Knitti ng with thicker catch more air, resulting in
heat resistance (Smith, 1972 ). Simultaneously l aying the Web leads to greater consolidation
of t he web in relation to taking the web.Thus, the thi ckness and the amount of air trapped in parallel
casual knitting is lower, which leads to lower therm al resistance . Due to stitch density or increasing
the depth of puncture needles, more traps in the k nitting increase compactness and knitting materials
enabling it to hold less air, which leads to a reduction in thermal resistance covers puncture needle.T
e depth of puncture needle has a larger impact on the density of needle puncture, which was confir
med in previous studies.It was found that the reduction in thermal resistance increased with increasing
S. No.
S. No.5
Partition 2 Partition 3
1 6-10-7-1




Figure 2. Experimental and predicted values of thermal resistance of test data
Sensitivity analysis is a way of analyzing
changes in network performance p rediction for
a particular change in a parrticular input
parameter.The main measure of s ensitivity is the
ratio of MSEs when implemented changes in one
f err ors, it is more
critical parameter. Input parameters are ranked
according to the relative MSE of the test set data
after eliminating one input parameter at the
time.Table 4 shows the results of the sensitivity
analysis ANN model.The parame ters are ranked
according to their relative sensitiv ity to all three
compartments. Coefficient of com pliance
among the three compartments was 0.84 and
= 7.0 9., at 99 %
l, which means t hat there i real
among obtained in various partitions . On this basis, we calculated the total rows, as shown
in Table 4. It is observed th at the web taking the most critical input parameter for determining the
eep puncture needles, k nitting weight,
degree of fiber cavities, puncture n eedle density and fineness of the fiber. Parameters f ibers (
fineness and degree of cavity ) have the lea st impact on the heat resistance blanket puncture n eedle.
eters, which are mainly resp onsible for the structure covers puncture needles have a
bigger impact on the heat resistance blank et puncture needle. The results were confirmed by previous
relatively small effect o n the thermal
Thermal insulation knitting a
certain amount of air trapped within the structure. Knitti ng with thicker catch more air, resulting in
heat resistance (Smith, 1972 ). Simultaneously l aying the Web leads to greater consolidation
of t he web in relation to taking the web.Thus, the thi ckness and the amount of air trapped in parallel
esistance . Due to stitch density or increasing
the depth of puncture needles, more traps in the k nitting increase compactness and knitting materials
enabling it to hold less air, which leads to a reduction in thermal resistance covers puncture needle.T
e depth of puncture needle has a larger impact on the density of needle puncture, which was confir
med in previous studies.It was found that the reduction in thermal resistance increased with increasing
S. No.5
depth of penetration but with increasing in punch d
increases with weight yarn, and because the thick ness of the air trapped in the structure increases.

Table 4. Sensitivity analysis of the neural network model


Partition 1 Ratio test 4.64
Position 1
Partition 2 Ratio test 3.58
Position 1
Partition 3 Ratio test 6.83
Position 1

Figure 3. Sensitivity analysis of the neural network model

ANN model is used to predict the thermal resistance covers puncture needle. Six input parameters
were used, web laying, fiber finen ess, fiber cavity level, weight knitting, needle puncture depth and
density puncture needles. The results show that the neur
method for predicting thermal resistance covers puncture needle. The performance of the proposed
neural networks are tested on experimental data and cross
dividing he training and test data in three different ways. Re asonably good correlation was obtained
between the experimental and predicted thermal resistanc
parameters of regards of thermal resistance covers puncture n eedle was also invest
sensitivity analysis. It is noted that the web taking the most i mportant input parameter for
determining the heat resistance blanket puncture needle, then the depth of penetration of the needle,
fabric weight, the degre e of cavity fiber dens

but with increasing in punch density ( Midha et al, 2004).Thermal resistance
increases with weight yarn, and because the thick ness of the air trapped in the structure increases.
Table 4. Sensitivity analysis of the neural network model[1] .
Degree of
Swelling of
Depth of
(den) fibers (%) (gr/m
) needle

1.06 1.02 1.40 3.10
5 6 3 2
1.38 1.63 1.68 2.15
5 4 3 2
1.92 3.26 2.66 5.42
6 3 4 2
6 4 3 2

Figure 3. Sensitivity analysis of the neural network model
ANN model is used to predict the thermal resistance covers puncture needle. Six input parameters
were used, web laying, fiber finen ess, fiber cavity level, weight knitting, needle puncture depth and
density puncture needles. The results show that the neural network model provide s an effective
method for predicting thermal resistance covers puncture needle. The performance of the proposed
neural networks are tested on experimental data and cross-validation.The data is performed by
test data in three different ways. Re asonably good correlation was obtained
and predicted thermal resistance. The relative importance of the input
parameters of regards of thermal resistance covers puncture n eedle was also invest
sensitivity analysis. It is noted that the web taking the most i mportant input parameter for
determining the heat resistance blanket puncture needle, then the depth of penetration of the needle,
fabric weight, the degre e of cavity fiber density puncture needle and fiber fi neness.
S. No. 13.jun -14.16
Error4 (%) 1.0045
S. No. 13.jun -14.16
Exper.2 2 3
Plan3 0.979 0.457
Error4 (%) 1.0045
S. No.5 -2.60 -4.68
Exper.6 4 5
et al, 2004).Thermal resistance
increases with weight yarn, and because the thick ness of the air trapped in the structure increases.


ANN model is used to predict the thermal resistance covers puncture needle. Six input parameters
were used, web laying, fiber finen ess, fiber cavity level, weight knitting, needle puncture depth and
al network model provide s an effective
method for predicting thermal resistance covers puncture needle. The performance of the proposed
validation.The data is performed by
test data in three different ways. Re asonably good correlation was obtained
e. The relative importance of the input
parameters of regards of thermal resistance covers puncture n eedle was also investigated using
sensitivity analysis. It is noted that the web taking the most i mportant input parameter for
determining the heat resistance blanket puncture needle, then the depth of penetration of the needle,
Plan3 0.979 0.457
Error4 (%) 1.0045


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ISBN 978-86-82367-86-4.
[16] Vojislav R. Gligorijevic. Tehnology of Knitting with the Theoretical Experimental and Analysis :
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