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Lines from the poem Meaning

I wonder why the grass is green,

The persona wonders why the grass has to be green.

And why the wind is never seen?

The persona wonders why she can feel the wind but
cannot see it.

Who taught the birds to build a nest,

The persona wonders how the birds know how to build a

And told the trees to take a rest?

The persona wonders why the trees are always standing
straight and tall, never once sitting down to have a rest.

O, when the moon is not quite round,

Where can the missing bit be found?

At night, the persona sees the crescent moon and
wonders why it is not always full.

Who lights the stars, when they blow out,

During the day, the persona cannot see the stars. So, the
persona wonders who lights the stars at night.

And makes the lightning flash about?

The persona wonders what causes lightning and why it is
so bright and happens in a blink of an eye.

Who paints the rainbow in the sky,

The persona wonders how the colourful rainbow appears in
the sky and why it has many colours.

And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

The persona wonders about the big, puffy clouds which are
high up in the sky
Why is it now, do you suppose,

That Dad wont tell me, if he knows?

Finally, the persona wonders why his father does not
answer his questions.

Perhaps, even the personas father does not know the

The persona of the poem:
The persona is the voice in the poem (1
person point of view)
(the person who might say the lines in the poem)
The persona might be an inquisitive child who observes the world around him.

Themes: (What the poem is mainly about)
A childs curiosity. Children love to ask questions about anything that they do not understand.
The wonders of nature. People who take time to stop and appreciate nature will realize that nature is
wonderful and full of splendour.

Moral values : (What can we learn from the poem)
God exists His powers can be seen and felt through the many amazing happenings around us.
Care for our environment.
We must have a strong desire to learn about our surroundings.

Short Notes (Meaning, Themes, Moral Values)
REVISION: (I Wonder )
1. List three things that the persona is wondering about.

2. Identify the word that means to make something look bright?
3. What does the title of the poem imply about the persona?

4. Explain in your own words, what you understand by the last two lines.

5. The poem somehow portrays the thinking of a child. Describe the characteristics of the child.

6. Identify a phrase/line that shows human characteristics in non-living things?

REVISION: (Heir Conditioning )
1. List three things in the poem that indicate the negative effects of modernization?

2. What is the tone of the poem?
3. What can you infer from the line Grand child we lived before your age?

4. Explain why Grandchild would find it difficult to live without modern inventions.

5. How does the poet view modernization?

6. What does the title suggests? Briefly explain as you understand it.

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