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Qasidah Al-Burdah: The Cloak of Love or

By Ahmad Musa Jibril
Imam Muslim related from Anas (radia allahu anh) that he said: The Messenger of
Allah (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) said: None of you will truly beliee until I am
more beloed to him than his family! wealth and all the "eo"le#$% &'()
In the same way that loe of the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) is a reason for
attaining the good of this world and the +ereafter! loing him is also a reason for
a,hieing the sweetness of Iman#
But! how do we manifest our loe for him- It is by following the .unnah of the
*ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# Allah says: .ay (Muhammad)! if you do loe
Allah! follow me! Allah will loe you (in return) and forgie your sins% (/ur$an 0:01)
To loe the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) is to loe Allah alone! to worshi"
Allah as he worshi""ed Allah# Allah says: There are men who ta2e others besides
Allah as e3ual with +im# They loe them as mu,h as they should loe Allah# But the
belieers hae more loe for Allah#% (/ur$an 4:1'5)
In the "ast few years! there is a "arti,ular "ie,e of Arabi, "oetry that has rea,hed the
Muslims in the west and has been translated into 6nglish# This "oem is ,alled /asidah
Al7Burdah by Muhammad Al7Busairi# It is also 2nown as the most famous if not the
most famous "oem that su""osedly "raises the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)#
The "oem has been wides"read in Arabi, for nearly eight ,enturies and many s,holars
hae re"lied to it in Arabi,#
Among those re"lies are:
1# Al 8ur AlNadeed for Alshaw2any#
4# In Tasier AlA9ee9 Alhameed is a re"ly by .hei2h .ulieman Bin Muhammad
Bin Abdelwahab#
0# :ateh AlMa;eeed Abdalrahman bin +assan
<# =e"ly to Al Burdah by .hei2h Abdallah Aba Ibteen ((> "age long re"ly)
5# ?hayat AlAmany fe Alrad Ala Alnabhany by Mahmood .hu2ry Al Aloosy
'# =e"ly to Burdah by Abdel Badee@ .a2er
(# =e"ly to Burdah by shei2h Abdel A9ee9 Al Abdel Aateef
B# Ma@loomat Muhimah An Aldeen By Jameel Cino
There would hae been no need to write a re"ly in 6nglish had not misguided "eo"le
translated it! bolstered it! and undertoo2 to "ro"agate it at so7,alled Muslim so,ial
eents# Dhile it has re,ently been translated into 6nglish by those who su""ort this!
through my resear,h! I was unable to find any ,on,lusie or in,on,lusie re"ly to it in
Therefore! I ta2e it as my duty to defend this A3eedah and as2 Allah that it be for +is
sa2e only! and that the harm of those who will slander me
be among my balan,e on the ;udgment day#
There are lines in the "oem that may mean something good or bad# 6en though!
these lines may be inter"reted with truth or falsehood! the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh
wasalam) taught us to thin2 good first unless there is "roof against a "arti,ular matter#
+en,e I gae the author the benefit of the doubt and did not mention those lines#
Based on this there are two as"e,ts of the "oem that must be remembered# :irst! there
was enough and suffi,ient errors in the other lines# .e,ond! in some translations! the
meaning is not a,,urate# The eE"lanation of how it is wrong and read in Arabi, must
be noted#
1# This "oem is ery "o"ular and wides"read in Arabi,# There are those who
memori9e it and others who ,hant it# There are those who made it their fo,us
of study ,ou"led with su""osed s,holars who waste their time on its
elu,idations# Today! there are oer fifty written elu,idations on this in Arabi,#
4# The name gien to this "oem was /asidah Al7Burdah# The author ,hose this
name as a ,o"y,at from another "oem "raising the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh
wasalam) by a ,om"anion named Fa@b Bin Cuhier# There are no similarities
in the two "oems eE,e"t the name#
It was gien other names su,h as Albara$ah! meaning the ,ure! be,ause it
su""osedly ,ured the author from being "araly9ed after he read it#
It was also gien the name the +ardshi" be,ause it su""osedly eases off
hardshi"s when one reads it#
0# .ome .ufis ,laim that for ea,h line of that "oem is a s"e,ial benefit su,h as
hel"ing you from being "oor or hel"ing you to ,ure diseases#
Muhammad .aeed Failany re"lied to this and said: .ome were not satisfied
with the fabri,ation they "la,ed on signifi,an,e in reading this "oem rather
they went on to "la,e rules on reading this "oem that were not "la,ed on the
/ur$an# .ome rules for eEam"le are to be "ure u"on reading it! to fa,e the
2iblah! and to hae "re,ise grammar and "ronun,iation u"on its re,itation# To
fully ,om"rehend its meaning! they also had a s"e,ial band that was sent out
to wedding and funerals to ,hant it# They were gien monetary ,om"ensation!
and of ,ourse that is all the fabri,ation of the .ufis who wanted to mono"oli9e
its re,itation#%
<# As to why he wrote it! Al7Busairi had be,ome "araly9ed at or before he wrote
this "oem# +e ,laims he wrote it! "rayed and ,ried! and re,ited it# After he
"rayed he had a dream that the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) "la,ed
his ,loa2 on him# The neEt day he too2 a wal2 to the lo,al ba9aar where he
was a""roa,hed by some "oor "eo"le# Gne as2ed him! Dhere is the "oem-%
+e answered! Dhat "oem-% The "erson then eE"lained! The one you
,hanted to the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) while you were ill!
wallahi I hae seen a ision where the *ro"het is ha""y with it and "la,ed a
,loa2 on the one who re,ited it#% The "oor man then re,ited "art of its
beginning! and said that he saw the *ro"het swaying ba,2 and forth to the
tones of the "oem in his ision#
After that! the dream be,ame "o"ular and so did the "oem#
a) +e sought refuge and ,ure "ossibly in and through the "oem itself
whi,h is shir2 be,ause refuge in other than Allah is shir2# Gr! if it was
the ,ontents that su""osedly ,ured him then that is shir2 as well#
b) +e said he had seen a dream of the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh
wasalam) yet did not des,ribe him# As we 2now the deil does not and
,annot imitate the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) in his original
form# +oweer! the deil ,an ,ome in other forms ,laiming to be the
"ro"het# +ere! Al7Busairi did not des,ribe the *ro"het (sallah allahu
alieh wasalam) een though he had su""osedly seen him in his dream#
,) As to how Allah res"onded to his dua@ and ,ured him from being
"araly9ed! Ibn Taimieh (rahimahu allah) said: The reason Allah
res"onds to those who do dua@ in a haram manner is be,ause they are in
su,h a hardshi" so eEtremely des"erate in ma2ing their dua@ that had
they been ma2ing that dua$ in front of a statue! Allah would res"ond to
them# Be,ause he des"erately turned to Allah een though he is
,ommitting shir2 neEt to a statue! and sometimes een when one see2s
refuge in those dead in grae in similar des"erate hardshi"s Allah
res"onds and then the "erson will be "unished for that shir2 unless
Allah forgies him)#%
5# The author! Muhammad Bin .aeed Al7Busairi is attributed to the town where
he was born in 6gy"t in '>B A#+# +e deled into .ufism and wor2ed as a
writer een though he was not a formidable writer# +is wor2s show he was not
a 2nowledgeable fa3ih either# In fa,t! he was not een a righteous worshi""er#
The "eo"le of his time hated him be,ause he used his tongue in eil# +e would
always as2 "eo"le for money# +e su""orted the leaders whether they were
righteous or not in order to re,eie finan,ial gain#
+e ;oined the .ufi .hathilieh Taree2ah! and had "oems "raising it and its
manners# Het he had other "oems where he ,om"lained about it be,ause! he
tells us! he was unable to satisfy his wife$s seEual desires# +e died 'I5 after
Analysis of the Poem
* * *
or had it not !een for him this "orld "ould not have come out of non
e#istence$ %Cha&ter '()*+
1) This is an eEtreme eEaggeration in the des,ri"tion of the *ro"het Muhammad
(sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# De loe the *ro"het Muhammad (sallah
allahu alieh wasalam) but this loe has a limit we ,annot go beyond or below#
:or eEam"le! be,ause of our loe of the *ro"het we ,annot say he is the son of
Allah! as the Jhristians went into an eEtreme in loing their "ro"het# If we did
this! we would be ;ust li2e the Jhristians#
In this line Al7Busairi said the unierse was not ,reated eE,e"t for the "ur"ose
of the *ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) #
Allah said And I hae not ,reated human and ;inn but to worshi" me#%
And een the *ro"het was ,reated to worshi" as Allah said! And worshi"
your Aord until there ,omes unto you the ,ertainty (i#e# death)#% (Al+i;er II)
The .ufis may ,ome ba,2 with a su""osed hadith where it was said! K+ad it
not been for you the unierse would not hae been ,reated#K The "roblem with
hadith is it is fabri,ated and ,annot be gien as "roof#

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0 1 2
34 5
,e transcends the Am!iya- &hysically and in %no!le+ character$
And %the other Am!iya+ cannot come near his in kno"ledge and no!le nature
They all o!tained from .asulullah %/allallahu Alayhi 0asallam+$
%Like a+ handful %of "ater+ from the ocean or %a fe"+ si&s from continuous rains$
%Cha&ter '(11+
4) +ere Al7Busairi ,laims that all messengers benefited and re,eied from the
*ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# Meaning! the "rior
messengers re,eied and benefited from the latter# No realisti, mind ,an
a,,e"t that! and more im"ortantly! there is no "roof for that ,laim#
This goes ba,2 to some ma;or misguidan,e whi,h is "resent in .ufi belief#
Alhala; said! The *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) has brightness before
the unierse was ,reated! and from it eery ("ie,e of) 2nowledge and eery
thing was deried! he een su""lied the "reious messengers#%
Ibn Araby Altaey said! 6ery *ro"het and messenger from Adam to the last
messenger ta2es from the guidan,e of the *ro"het Muhammad #%
67 +.7 89 ! ( * * * :; -< =>4
; + :.;
2iscard "hat the Christians claim a!out their 3a!i
Then decide and say "hat you "ish in &raise of him %.asulullah /allallahu
0asallam+$ %Cha&ter '(14-'*+
0) +ere he says as long as you refrain from ,laiming to our messenger that whi,h
Jhristians ,laimed to theirs then it is "ermissible for you to go as eEtreme as
you want in your loe for the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# .o long as
you do not ,laim ,alling the *ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh
wasalam) the son of Allah! one ,an state anything! be as eEtreme as they wish
to be about him to show one$s loe for him# To be more s"e,ifi, then! one ,an
"rostrate to the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) so long as one does not
,laim about him what the Jhristians do that he is to be worshi""ed#
The "roof against this is the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) said! 8o
not do to me as the Jhristians did to Issa! I am a messenger of Allah!
therefore! say the serant of Allah and +is messenger#%
Ibn Al Jaw9y said the hadith means do not go into eEtreme in one$s loe for
the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# The ,onteEt of the hadith was su,h
that Mu$ath (radia allahu anh) as2ed the *ro"het if he may "rostrate to him!
and the *ro"het (sallah allah alieh wasalam) set a rule against going into
eEtreme loe for him#
=* ? +'@
-AB * * * ;2 +-* ; '

If his miracles "ere &ro&ortionate %according+ to his rank- in greatness-
Then his name "ould have- "hen called out !rought decaying !ones !ack to life
%Cha&ter '('5-'6+
<) Those who eE"lained this "oem said that this line means that had the mira,les
been gien to him by Allah rea,hed the leel of his honor! then among those
mira,les would be that Allah would re,onstru,t from bones and dust a human
sim"ly due to the blessing and sa,redness of ,alling of his name#
In an indire,t way this ob;e,ts to the mira,les Allah has ,hosen for his
Imam Mahmood .hu2ry Al Aloosy said in re"ly to this line! This is
eEtremism in "raise of the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) ! as how ,an
one say the /ur$an does not suit the honor of the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh
wasalam)! or that it is lower than his honor# Also the name of Allah is
mentioned yet as sa,red as Allah$s name is! the bones and dust do not
resurre,t to +is name#
DE )'
< +-A2 * * * <E "F.- + G.#
3o &erfume e7uals the dust %earth+ "hich is touching his %.asulullah /allallahu
Alayhi 0asallam8s mu!arak+ !ody$
9lad tidings !e to the &erson "ho smells it %the dust+ and kisses it$ %Cha&ter '(6)-
5) Al7Busairi made the dirt where the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) is
buried better than the smell of best of mus2# Then he said (Tuba) "raise or
("raise of ;annah) for the one who inhales it or 2isses it#
That is eEtremism! and no doubt! an innoation that leads to ,lear shir2#
Ibn Taimieh (=ahimahu allah) said! The imams agreed that the grae of the
*ro"het should not be tou,hed or 2issed! and that is to guard tawheed#%

-H?2 -I< "F- JK + * * * +#? L/ H HI

I take an oath %of truth+ !y the moon that "as s&lit- it !ears$
A connection "ith his heart %"hich sho"s+ the truth of my oath$ %Cha&ter 5(:-;+
') +ere the author gies an oath by the moon# As we 2now! giing an oath by
other than Allah is minor shir2# The *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)
said! Dhomeer gies an oath by other than Allah has ,ommitted .hir2 or
Ibn Abdel Albar said! It is not "ermissible to gie an oath by other than Allah
in any manner or form! and it is united u"on by s,holars#%
=H-. 0 ' ' * * * =-#.* 8 $ #.H
I did not ask for the "ealth of the t"o "orlds from his hand$
But I received a great gift the !est hand that "as ever kissed$ %Cha&ter 5()4-1*+
() The author says he would li2e to a,hiee the ri,hness of both worlds in this
life and the hereafter from the *ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh
wasalam) #
+oweer! Allah says:
Dhateer grant you hae is from Allah#% (Nahl:50)
.ee from Allah your ri92 and worshi" him#% (AlAn2aboot: 1()
And say who gies you ri92 from the s2y and earth#% (Hounis:01)
:inally! as a warning to us with regards to this matter! Allah says! .ay: (G
Muhammad to those "olytheists! "agans! et,#) KJall u"on those whom you
assert (to be asso,iate gods) besides Allah! they "ossess not een the weight of
an atom (or a small ant)! either in the heaens or on the earth! nor hae they
any share in either! nor there is for +im any su""orter from among them#%
(.aba: 44)
JM ! LN + !.-H.< * * *
-1 O 2 "# P<
If I had committed any sin my covenant is not %likely to !e+ violated$
0ith my 3a!i .asuluallah /allallahu Alayhi 0assallam and nor is my ro&e
or verily I have a security from him due to my name$
%Being+ <uhammad - "hile he is the most faithful of mankind in fulfilling his
&romise$ %Cha&ter 4())-)=+
B) +ere! Al7Busairi ,laims that he has a s"e,ial ,oenant and relationshi" with
the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) based on the fa,t that his name is
also Muhammad #
There is no bond between anyone and the *ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu
alieh wasalam) sim"ly be,ause he shares the same name# There are many
indiiduals whose name is Muhammad who are ,orru"t deiants#
The bond between anyone and the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)
,omes with the obedien,e to Allah and following the ,ommands of the
*ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# .haring the same name
has no relation to following the "ro"het$s (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) a,tions
and ,ommands#
Q L-; !< ; (-HI' * * * !R # DH; J9 ! HI
Perha&s the mercy of my Lord "hen distri!uted$
0ould !e distri!uted in &ro&ortion to the sins$ %Cha&ter )*(4-)*+
I) +ere he says that it is "ossible that the mer,y of Allah ,omes down based on
the amount of sins# Meaning! the more one sins! the more mer,y from Allah#
This goes against what Allah says in the /ur$an#
Allah says! And do not do mis,hief on the earth! after it has been set in order!
and ino2e +im with fear and ho"eL .urely! Allah@s Mer,y is (eer) near unto
the good doers#% (AlAraf: 5')%
Allah says! And ordain for us good in this world! and in the +ereafter#
Jertainly we hae turned unto Hou# K+e (Allah) said: (As to) My *unishment
I affli,t therewith whom I will and My Mer,y embra,es all things# That
(Mer,y) I shall ordain for those who are the Mutta3un ("ious)! and gie Ca2atL
and those who beliee in Gur Ayat ("roofs! eiden,es! erses! lessons! signs
and reelations! et,#)#K (AlAraf:15')
' 2 Q* ! N2 +< * * * S* )#; T71 -
<ost generous of mankind- I have no one to take refuge in
>#ce&t you at occurrence of "ides&read calamity$ %Cha&ter )*()-1+
1>) Al7Busairi says here that when the biggest of all hardshi"s befalls him! he has
no one to turn to but the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# This is the 2ind
of shir2 that may "la,e one in an eerlasting s"ot in hell
Allah says! KAnd ino2e not besides Allah! any that will neither "rofit you! nor
hurt you! but if (in ,ase) you did so! you shall ,ertainly be one of the Zalimun
("olytheists and wrong7doers)# K (Hounis:1>')
Imam .ulieman bin Abdel Dahab said! *ay attention to this line of shir2! he
denied anyone to turn to in hardshi"s but the *ro"het Muhammad (sallah
allahu alieh wasalam)# And! refuge really belongs to Allah with no "artner! as
+e is the Gne whom all humans turn to# +e (AlBusairy) also ,alls the *ro"het
(sallah allahu alieh wasalam) in that line (of "oetry) in lowliness and time of
hardshi" and need! and as2ed him that whi,h should only be as2ed of Allah#
And! that is shir2 in uluhiyah#%
Imam Abdelrahaman bin +asan bin Abdelwahab said! +e honored the
*ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) in that whi,h saddens the "ro"het! and
the *ro"het forbade eEaggerating in his honor that whi,h is mu,h less than
what Al7Busairi has done here as anyone with any 2nowledge 2nows# This
"erson limited humans to turn to another human rather than Allah# Allah
denoun,ed those who do liyath% (the term the author used as turning to) in
.urat al Jinn ayah ' (And verily, there were men among mankind who took
shelter with the masculine among the jinns, but they (jinns) increased them
(mankind) in sin and disbelief.) Meaning they added deian,e! liyath and
giyath# Gne of whi,h is to as2 for good# And! the other as2ing to turn away
harm# Both are forms of worshi" that only belong to Allah#%
Al.haw2any said! Aoo2 at how he limited liyath (turning for good) to no
other than the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) and he forgot about
Allah! ina lillah wa ina ilieh ra;ioon#%
!* O
- UV.* +< * * * =#
W + X% '

0henever time caused me any distress and I took refuge in him$

I receive shelter from him "hich "as not misused$ %Cha&ter 5():-);+
11) +ere he is saying that eery time he be,ame worried! distressed or ill! he
would ,all u"on the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)! and then these
"roblems would disa""ear#
In relaying the story of Ibrahim! Allah says the words of Ibrahim! KAnd when I
am ill! it is +e who ,ures meL% (Ash7.hu$ra:B>)
Allah says! And if Allah tou,hes you with harm! none ,an remoe it but +e!
and if +e tou,hes you with good! then +e is Able to do all things#% (AlAnam:
The *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) told Ibn Abbas! If you as2! as2
Allah! and if you see2 aid! see2 it from Allah#%
"X' )* +# YOW !< * * * N ': #1 *< I.
And ? messenger of Allah- your e#alted status "ill not diminish- !ecause of me
%intercession on my !ehalf+
0hen most Bountiful %Allah Ta8ala+ "ill manifest %,imself+ !y the name of the
&unisher$ %Cha&ter )*('-=+
14) .uliem bin Abdallah bin Muhammad said! In this line he is see2ing from the
*ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) eEa,tly what the
mushri2een sought from their statues! ;ah! whi,h is inter,ession to Allah! and
that is shir2# Also! the inter,ession ,omes from Allah! therefore it should not
be as2ed from other than Allah# Allah "ermits one to gie inter,ession not the
one giing inter,ession initially#%
JM S7W ( * * * Y# # Z# #I
or verily amongst your !ounties is this "orld- and the hereafter$
And &art of your kno"ledge is kno"ledge of the Preserved Ta!let %Lo"h+- and
the Pen$ %Cha&ter )*(5-6+
10) +ere he is saying that this life and the life after is from the generosity of the
*ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# Therefore! this life and the
hereafter belong to the *ro"het Muhammad (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# Het
Allah attributes both this life and the life after to him#
Allah says! TrulyM Gurs it is (to gie) guidan,e! And truly! unto Ns (belong)
the last (+ereafter) and the first (this world)# Therefore I hae warned you of a
:ire bla9ing fier,ely (+ell)L None shall enter it sae the most wret,hed! Dho
denies and turns away#% (AlAayl 1471')
In the se,ond line of "oetry! Al7Busairi mentions (al7Aahw) whi,h is with
Allah alone! as well as (the 2alam)! whi,h is the unforeseen 2nowledge! where
Allah has written eerything that will ha""en 5>!>>> years before the ,reation
of the s2y and earth# Al7Busairi attributes this 2nowledge to the *ro"het
(sallah allahu alieh wasalam) and ,laims that the *ro"het 2nows what is in
that boo2#
This is from deian,e as Allah says!
.ay: KNone in the heaens and the earth 2nows the Ghaib (unseen) eE,e"t
Allah! nor ,an they "er,eie when they shall be resurre,ted#K (AlNaml: '5)
And with +im are the 2eys of the Ghaib (all that is hidden)! none 2nows
them but +e# And +e 2nows whateer there is in (or on) the earth and in the
seaL not a leaf falls! but he 2nows it# There is not a grain in the dar2ness of the
earth nor anything fresh or dry! but is written in a Jlear =e,ord#% (AlAnam:
In ,on,lusion! this "oem does nothing but affirm that we! as Muslims! should be firm
in our A3eedah! in our belief and 2nowledge of Tawheed# This "oem affirms that
be,ause it is being read at Muslim so,ial eents today! we are ery ignorant of what is
a,,e"table and una,,e"table in our religion# It is also indi,atie of the fa,t that dawah
materials in 6nglish are not readily aailable to ,ounter these ty"es of deiant wor2s#
Instead of deling into these 2inds of "oetry! we should en,ourage the "ro"agation of
the authenti, writings of the .ahabah su,h as those of Fa@b bin Cuheir and +asan bin
Thabet! the ,om"anions of the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam)# Both of whom
wrote remar2able "oems whi,h "raised the *ro"het (sallah allahu alieh wasalam) in
the most elo3uent terms without falling into shir2 and deian,e#
May Allah strengthen the Muslims# Ameen
7Ahmad Musa Jibril
day of =amadan! 1<45
Almadeh Alnabawieh O Ca2y Mubara2 *# 1I(
Mu2adimat 8iwan Albusairy "# 4I70>
I2tida Alsirat Almusta2eem 4P'I47'I0
.ee his biogra"hy in 8iwan AlBusairy edited By Muhammad .aeed Failany "# 57<<Q Albusairy 8irasah Da Na2d

.ilsilat aldafeeh 1P4IIL Alsanany fe Mawduateh *# <'

Mahabar Al rasool O Abdel =aoof Nthman 1'I71I'
:ateh Albary 14P<I
?haet Al Amany O Alaloosy 4P0<I
.ee aboe and Al8ur Alnaded O Ibn hamdan "# 10'
Alrad Ala Ala2hniay "! <1
Narrated by ahmad <5>I! Tirmithy 150<
Altamheed 1<P0''70'(
Taiseer al a9ee9 Alhameed "#44L Aldurar Alsunieh IP51
Tayseer Al a9ee9 alhameed 41I744>
Aldorar alsunieh IPBIL and IP<I
Al dur alnadeed "! 4'
Narated by Tirmithy as hasan
Aldurar alsunieh IP54

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