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Read the following passages carefully and then answer the questions which follow. For each
question, select the best answer from the options A, B, C and D.
Passage 1
Snipping and plucking isn't all there is to cut flower arrangements. Should you want the
fresh blooms to last in your vase, there are special concoctions to add and necessary steps to
Pay attention from the time you purchase the flowers. Buy flowers still in bud so that
you get the pleasure of watching them open. They will also have a longer vase life than those
already in bloom.
Once home, strip off any leaves and thorns that will be below the water line. Limit the
time where the flowers are without any supply of water. Unless immersed in water, stems
absorb oxygen.
Air causes air plugs or embolism inside stems, disrupting the flow of nutrients inside cut
flowers. Thus when cutting the stems of flowers, cut them under running water. Cut the bottom
of the stems at a slant with a sharp knife (blunt scissors will only crush the stems.
When preparing the water in the vase, add a few drops of household bleach to guard against the
slime caused by bacteria and to keep it odour-free. A flower preservative can be added but
homemade concoctions such as a spoonful of sugar or lime juice is said to work just as well.
Change the water daily and while doing so, cut the stems again. Add the flower food,
as before, each time the water is changed. Remove flowers as they wilt so they don't
contaminate the rest of the bouquet.
Flowers last longer if they're kept in a cool but bright area. Keep them out of direct
sunlight and away from drafts or heat sources. Don't leave your arrangement under the fan or
the flowers will wilt.
Certain flowers require special treatment. Woody stemmed flowers, like roses, benefit
from having the bottoms of their stems crushed and then split to help them take up water. You
can stop roses and tulips from flopping over by pushing small pins through the stems just below
the bulb of the flower.
(Adapted from Secret To Make Cut Flowers Last, Life &
TimNew Straits Times 01/03/03)

1 Why does the writer advise readers to purchase flowers still in bud?
A They are fresh and look attractive. B They need less attention from you.
C They are easier to cut and pluck. D They can last longer.
2 What happens when the stem absorbs oxygen?
A Embolism takes place inside the stem. B The flow of nutrients is increased.
C Air is released from the stem. D The stem decomposes faster.
3. Which of the following substances is NOT added to the water in the vase to maintain the
freshness of the flowers?
A Sugar B Slime C Lime juice D Household bleach
4. The writer tells us to remove the flowers as they wilt so as not to _________________.
A contaminate the water B change the water frequently
C affect the remaining flowers D disrupt the flow of nutrients
5. Which of the following are given as advice to ensure the flowers last long?
I keep the flowers away from drafts or heat sources
II keep the flowers in a cool but bright area
III keep the flowers out of direct sunlight
IV keep the flowers under a fan
6. Why is the bottom of a rose stem crushed and then split?
A To prevent bacteria from entering the stem B To stop the flower from drooping
C To prevent it from wilting D To help it absorb water

Passage 2
A few years ago, technology began to trickle down into the lives of ordinary people. Suddenly, it
was possible to write words and actually change them before printing; accountants were
suddenly able to do large sums automatically; telephones could actually be put in the car.
What began as a trickle has now turned into a flood. We think nothing of using a notebook
computer that is the size and thickness of a magazine. We have telephones smaller than a pack
of cards, that can be used almost anywhere in the world. We carry in our shirt pockets personal
digital assistants (PDAs) that are more powerful than the most powerful computer of a
generation ago. This, of course, is just the beginning.
Notebook computers, PDAs, mobile phones, the Internet, the World Wide Web, Java(web
programming language) and a host of other hardware and software technologies are beginning
to have a snowball effect. What were once luxuries a few years ago are now necessities. How
many people in business can travel without a notebook computer? Without a mobile phone?
Without access to E-mail? The hardware gets faster, lighter and more powerful, while the
software gets easier and more pervasive. In the notebook computer area, Toshiba, the world
leader in making notebook computers, keeps pushing the limits of the technology; making them
smaller, faster and with more disk space and memory than ever before.
As the notebook gets smaller and more powerful, so do the mobile phones. Ericsson has
been a pioneer in this area and is now putting internet access into its latest phones, the SH 888.
Internet, phone, fax, E-mail -- everything you need technologically can be made possible in an
object that fits in your hand.
Technologies like Java and, soon, Jini will eventually connect almost anything with a chip
in it, to any other device utilizing a chip. There is talk of the whole world being wired together,
like one huge computer, able to benefit from the extraordinary power. Worldwide telephony is
just round the corner. There are a few more satellites to be launched, a few protocols to get
straight and a few countries to embrace, but when once common procedures have been
established, one number should suffice. You could be reached no matter where you are.
(Adapted from The Future Is At Hand, by Danyll Wills)
7. Which of the following is not an advantage of technology?
A Materials for printing can be edited and proof-read before the actual printing.
B It enables accountants to work with big numbers and large sums.
C People are becoming over dependent on technology.
D Phones and computers have become more mobile.

8. The above passage is about
A the improvement of communication B the advancement of modern technology
C reducing the size of electronic products D mobile phones and notebook computers
9. What has contributed greatly to faster and quicker communication around the world?
A The Internet B Mobile phones C Modern technology D Notebook computers
10. Which of the following statements is true?
A Hardware is becoming smaller, lighter and faster.
B Toshiba leads in producing the latest in mobile phones.
C Technology has converted all hardware and software into necessities.
D People of the modern business world refuse to work without technology.
11. The word "pioneer" in line 20 can best be replaced by _________.
A motivator B inventor C dealer D leader
12. According to the above passage, a global network in the future will be ________________.
A an impossibility B unpredictable C a lost cause D a reality
13. The word "protocols" in line 27 refers to
A systems of rule B programmes C hardware D networks

Passage 3
For centuries, Afghan travelers led their caravans from Kabul to Peshawar, the western
frontier of modern-day Pakistan. I had also come by caravan -- a modern one, a train from
Karachi via Lahore. Those travelers had come to trade, while I came in search of a storyteller.
It was at the Quissa Khawani Bazaar, where merchants from many lands met to trade
sheepskin coats, lambskin caps, wools, rugs, carpets and dried fruit. It was also here that travel-
weary traders and locals alike were refreshed with stories told by professional story tellers who
quartered in many of the tea shops that still line the bazaar today.
Soon the Quissa Khawani Bazaar became better known as the Street of the Storytellers.
The first to greet me in the Street of the Storytellers were the bearded, moustached and
beady-eyed tribal men known as Pathans. Dressed in long loose shirts, dark vests and baggy
trousers, they stood off to one side, aloof, watching. Suspicious of newcomers, they studied my
every movement. A few curt smiles dispelled my anxiety.
I steered myself into the crowd and soon became a part of the vibrant bazaar.
Opposite the fruit vendor was a tea shop where an old man sat cross-legged on a raised
platform, fingering his long, flowing beard and smoking a hookah pipe. Catching my gaze he
beckoned me with his outstretched hand.
I approached cautiously, wondering if he was a storyteller.
He gestured for me to sit, then asked me in several different languages which one I spoke.
I replied English, and his blue eye sparkled. He spoke softly and began to unravel the history of
the Quissa Khawani Bazaar and Peshawar. He told me about the successive armies that had
passed through the valley leaving behind their mark -- Aryans, Scythians, Persians, Greeks,
Kushans, Huns, Turks, Mongols and Mughals. Alexander the Great had stayed nearby for 40 days
and a number of his men had stayed behind, settling up north of Chitral.
He spoke to the cadence of craftsmen's hammers reverberating in the background, while
the aroma of the beef kebabs sizzling over hot coals hovered in the air. Boys scurried back and
forth between the tea shop and several shopowners. A glass of tea and two pieces of naan, a
baked bread, ended up in my hands.
As we spoke, there was a calmness about him that was timeless, and his blue eyes cast a
spell over me like a magic wand. The more he talked, the more I wanted to listen.
But after two hours, it was time for me to leave. So I bade the storyteller goodbye.
Someday, I know I will go back there.
(Adapted from Storyteller, Silverkris Magazine, June 1999 by Robert
14. Why did the writer travel to Peshawar?
A To do some business B To share his stories with the traders
C To look for a professional storyteller D To visit the Quissa Khawani Bazaar

15. What are the two main reasons why people flock to the Quissa Khawani Bazaar?
A To rest and listen to the professional storytellers
B To meet other travelers and exchange stories
C To trade and learn the history of the bazaar
D To trade and rest their tired bodies
16. The writer came to Peshawar _____________.
A by bus B by train C by camel D in a caravan
17. The writer's uncertainty about the Pathan was overcome by their _______________.
A looks B dressing C brief smiles D body movement
18. The word 'unravel' in line 21 can best be replaced by
A reveal B narrate C expose D inform
19. Which of the following is not true as the storyteller continued with his story?
A The smell of grilled beef kebabs filled the air.
B The craftsmen were busy working.
C There was a lot of movement.
D There was complete silence.
20. What did the writer feel as he listened to the storyteller?
A He was captivated by the stories of the storyteller.
B He wished that he had never come to Peshawar.
C He could not wait for the storyteller to finish.
D He was very suspicious of the Pathans.

Complete each of the conversations below by selecting the best answer from the options A, B, C
and D according to the underlined function.
21. Teacher : Today's meeting is about the holiday trip.
Mei Lan :______________________________________.
Ah Chun : I don't think that's a good idea. It's the rainy season and it will be very dangerous
to drive along the slippery roads.
To suggest
A I wish we could go to Cameron Highlands.
B How about going to Cameron Highlands?
C I want to go to Cameron Highlands.
D Cameron Highlands is in Pahang.
22. Daughter: Mum, what do you think of my new skirt?
To disapprove
A It looks nice on you
B I have no objection
C It's much too short
D It's simply great
23. Steven :Phew!It's hot. I could do with a cold drink!
Benny :___________________________________.
To agree
A You can say that again!
B Why don't you get it yourself?
C Cold drinks are not good for me.
D Actually, it was hotter yesterday.

24. Mr. Joseph Wong :Oh dear, I've so many books to carry to my car.
To volunteer
A You're still strong enough to carry
B Ask someone to lend you a hand
C It's not that heavy, sir
D Let me help you, sir
25. Sheila : How was the musical concert?
May : ___________________________________________.
To regret
A I wish I had not gone to the concert
B I enjoyed myself very much
C It was not very satisfactory
D It was wonderful

Select the best answer which is closest in meaning to the statements underlined.
Situation : Two friends are taking photographs of rare plants for their Nature Society.
Eugene :"Wow! We can count ourselves lucky. Just look at those beautiful plants in the
Frederick: Stop! What do you think you're doing? That area is out of bounds to outsiders.
Eugene : Oh, What rotten luck! I didn't see that sign Trespassers will be prosecuted hanging
on the fence. How can the owner be so selfish!
Frederick: He just doesn't want outsiders to intrude on his privacy. We have taken quite a lot of
photographs. Let's call it a day.
Eugene :Please give me a hand with this cumbersome equipment, Fred. I can't possibly carry
so many things.
Frederick: That's no problem. Let's go.

26. out of bounds
A open
B forbidden
C mysterious
D unacceptable
27. Trespassers will be prosecuted
A Passers-by will be entertained by the owners.
B Those who enter illegally cannot take photographs.
C Visitors will be welcomed to proceed into the house.
D Those who enter without permission will be punished.
28. intrude on his privacy
A spy on him
B disrupt his work
C interfere with his private life
D enter his private property without consent
29. call it a day
A stop grumbling
B end the day's work
C treat it a special day
D call him one day earlier
30. give me a hand
A give me what you're holding
B give me a helper
C help me carry
D carry for me

For each question, select the best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit eachnumbered
Text 1
In primitive societies, man used to run a lot to hunt for food. Today, although we no
longer run for food and (31) , the importance of this activity is still evident in the sports we
most enjoy (32) . Pole-vaulting, javelin throwing, high jumping, long jumping and triple
jumpingbegin with and depend (33) running. Soccer, rugby, cricket, field hockey, team
handball, hurdles, and hide and seek -- all (34) runner's games.
At the very best, running can give you all the aerobic conditioning you need, with a
(35) of specialized training or expenditure of time and equipment. For those (36) busy
schedules, in fact, running time demands are so modest as to make it almost (37) . Walking
might well be the (38) and surest way to aerobic health, but it (39) about three hours of
brisk walking to give you the benefits of a one-hour run.
Runners (40) be offered safe and sensible programmes and warned (41) the
dangers and pitfalls of their practice. Those who wish to run for specific, (42) benefits such as
weight control, stress reduction, a healthier heart must be (43) their dues. Many people run
not to (44) weight or postpone death (45) to appreciate life.
31. A surviving 32. A watching 33. A under
B survives B watched B over
C survival C watches C on
D survive D watch D in
34. A is 35. A little 36. A who
B are B lesser B with
C was C minimum C which
D were D maximum D without
37. A irresistable 38. A safe 39. A taking
B resisting B safer B takes
C resisted C safest C took
D resist D unsafe D take
40. A should 41. A at 42. A practice
B would B to B practical
C could C for C practised
D shall D against D practising

43. A give 44. A lost 45. A also
B gave B lose B and
C gives C loses C but
D given D losing D so

Text 2
In 1896, gold was discovered in Alaska. Consequently, there (46) a desperate rush
to claim land for prospecting. The target of the rush was an area (47) as Eldorado Creek,
where men reported that they had (48) a large sum of money from a few (49) work. Some
of the men were so affected by their good luck (50) they could not settle down to steady work.
They drifted from one claim (51) another, showing everybody what they had found. The gold
was so abundant that when a (52) went down into his prospecting hole with a (53)
candle, people could see the gold glittering in the gravel.
There was only one great worry; a great (54) of food in an area where the
approach (55) a long trek by river or across mountains. The land was one vast (56)
swamp and the ground had to be thawed (57) it could be dug. The price of food was always
very high. At (58) the prospectors did not know where they were going to get their (59)
meal. They just had to sit with empty stomachs and (60) for a ship to arrive with food.
Throughout this period there were extraordinary cases of fortunes being made and lost.
46. A is 47. A know 48. A earn
B are B known B earns
C was C knows C earned
D were D knowing D earning
49. A minute's 50. A until 51. A to
B minutes' B than B for
C minutes C then C into
D minute D that D until
52. A mine 53. A light 54. A scarce
B miner B lights B scarcity
C miners C lighted C scarcely
D mining D lighting D scarceness

55. A involve 56. A frozen 57. A after
B involves B freeze B since
C involved C freezes C when
D involving D freezing D before

:58. A time 59. A next 60. A waiting
B times B first B waited
C timed C one C waits
D timing D last D wait

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