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In response to a Holocaust denier/conspiracy theorist, lets begin.

Original post
found here if you want it: clickity click!

Aldrich Plan----->Balfour Declaration. The two causes, or signatures, for
those behind most of the wars of the 20th Century. Israel was created at the
direction of the Rothschild, in exchange for Jewish support in war. It's why
the US joined WW1 in the first place, and why WW2 happened at all
(blowback against the Zionists, war reparations, etc).

No, they aren't the causes for war. Unless you think that Germany decided to invade
Poland over central banking. Which they really, really didn't. And the Balfour
Declaration? Hell, it's just as likely to be the fault of the McMahon Letters. The
notion that why the US joined WWI is somehow related to either of those two is
ludicrous too. It can't be the Balfour Declaration, because that was made after the US
entered WWI. The Aldrich Plan...how is that even vaguely related? It isn't. And WWII
being blowback against the Zionists and over war reparations? It's like talking to a
high schooler who ignores any source of nuance.


An op-ed, how convincing. Great factual backup for all the bullshit claims.

This one's a real eye opener.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dda-
Rothschild donate supreme court building to Israel, full of masonic
symbology: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8MR4fK7PWQ:

I'm not going to bother with bullshit documentaries or whatever the fuck you wanna
call these. The titles say enough about how wrong they are.


Ignoring how poorly this article is written, this proves what exactly? That the US is
paying $62 million to build a base in Israel? Hundreds of millions are paid to
maintain Guantanamo per year. The author himself mocks the stupidity of the
suggestive answers people are giving and conspiracy theories floating around.


And again, this proves what? If you're trying to say that Jews are European by
nature, then you didn't read the article:

This suggests that, even though Jewish men may indeed have migrated into Europe
from Palestine around 2000 years ago, they seem to have married European
women," states Professor Richards.

This seems to have happened first along the Mediterranean, especially in Italy, and
later -- but probably to a lesser extent -- in western and central Europe. This
suggests that, in the early years of the Diaspora, Judaism took in many converts from
amongst the European population, but they were mainly recruited from amongst
women. Thus, on the female line of descent, the Ashkenazim primarily trace their
ancestry neither to Palestine nor to Khazaria in the North Caucasus -- as has also
been suggested -- but to southern and western Europe.

So...what does this change, or prove, exactly? Nothing.

That makes Israel the most anti-semitic state on the planet, given that
Palestinians are actual semites. Here's the full scientific study on the Jewish
heritage being mostly European, in its entirety, from the journal:

Again, you didn't read the fucking article.

These results emphasize the importance of recruitment of local women and
conversion in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and represent a significant
step in the detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.

All it means is that Jews left, married locally elsewhere, but still had ties to Israel.
Palestinians *are* semites. So are Arabs. The word is characterized that way
because it's how it was applied. Words are only what we make of them. I'm sure
someday it'll change when linguistics catches up with the meanings being attributed
to the words themselves, since they're only abstract explanations of our conscious
thoughts or images or the real world. This proves literally nothing.

Jewish supremacism is not isolated: http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-

And so Jewish people who are fringe get ridiculed for it. Is this somehow supposed
to prove something? Provide me a group and I'll show you the fringe groups who
say offensive things. Any ethnicity that has more than a million members, any
religion...I mean, this might be hyperbole, but you get the point. Again, this is

700,000 people attended his funeral. There's what, 8 million people in
Israel? http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/10/07/uk-israel-rabbi-

Because only Israel has Jews, and others couldn't come to pay their respects even if
they disagreed with his views, because of his contributions to orthodox Judaism
outside of his political beliefs? Again, this is generalizing. Horrifically.

Times of Israel op-ed bragging about Jewish control over entire media, how
they shouldn't hide it, and how they are superior to others:

Ah, an Israeli newspaper said it, must be true!

From the article: Okay. Fine. So some of that is kooky talk.

Oh...guess it's just more a discussion of the power of Jews relative to their size, not
an actual discussion of how Jews "run the media". If they did, and they were so
unhappy with the media pointing to their growth in power, wouldn't they have
stopped that article from being published? Mental gymnastics much?

Israel OKs oil drilling in Golan Heights: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-
The company doing the drilling is Genie Energy, whose board and primary
investors consist of Dick Cheney, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch and
Michael H. Steinhardt:

Gonna group these to laugh at them.

First of all, a cursory google search shows that the Elah Valley and Golan Heights are
not the same place.

Second, the idt link doesn't even work.

Third, so this proves that people own companies and drill? Cool?

The 4 companies that own the 147 companies that own everything:

Oh, I love me a good op-ed. Let's pretend all their facts are right, which I highly
doubt. Seems to me that any economist (sadly, I am not one) would probably
debunk this easily. Hell, even I can tell they're hiding behind big words and seeming
economic "knowledge", though I don't wanna get into researching disproving it. But
sure, let's pretend it's all true.

So what?

Did this prove anything about anything besides that some companies control things
in ways they probably don't even intend by employing hundreds, if not thousands, of
researchers who likely make mistakes or get confused? At best they could alter a
little bit in the market, but I doubt they do. Why? Because it's not only something
people would notice, but it would possibly have huge unintended consequences.
This idea that they control it is silly. And it's not even proving anything to the rest of
the point; Jews aren't mentioned, so your anti-semite rant is silly.


Ah, so we're believing Saudi Bankers, a CPA, and a holocaust denier. This gets worse
as it goes.


A Jewish news site that posts op-eds? No way! It also posted this article, which had
plagiarized content; they don't proofread or censor it all, to put it lightly. What I love
is the following:

Genrikh Yagoda - Born into a Jewish family, joins the non-religious Communist
party that literally outlaws religion for members, but still gets referred to as
"Jewish murderer". Awesome! Well, in that case, fuck white people. Like, a
bunch of killers were white! Seriously. Fuck them.

Nikolai Yezhov - Same as above...but wait, there's more! It wasn't him who
was Jewish, it was his wife. But meh, it's his fault!

Lazar Kaganovich - Same as above...

Women around Stalin - Does it seriously matter if Stalin liked Jewish girls?

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the
most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. -
So you mean Jews, when becoming anti-religion and working under an
insane regime, can lose their minds too? No way, I would've never thought
that people who had to fight for their survival throughout history would be
good at things, and also prone to corruption! You mean that's not how it is for
everyone else? Wow.

I think the best thing about this is that Jews somehow "control the media" but let all
this horrible shit about them get published, even when it's hardly factually backed.
What kind of contradiction is that?

Israel parliament members and leader advocating putting non-caucasian
jews and Africans in "prison work camps" that they have just built, and
throwing in all the Israeli/Jewish apologists in there with them:

And then they get shot down. Horribly. Eli Yishai, for example, is no longer Interior
Minister. What a surprise! Michael Ben-Ari? His party no longer even passed the
threshold for the ballot after that! Yariv Levin wasn't whip, as far as I can see. Danny
Danon is still in the same position - 1 man so far. Unsurprisingly Yulia Shmuelov
Berkowitz was removed too.

Now I like that a rabbi is now quoted. That makes it so non-generalized! They add
Netanyahu saying that Israel has stopped illegal immigration, and saying he'll return
those who are illegal immigrants.

Now, assuming this is wrong somehow, it's a shame that it hasn't happened.
Netanyahu is taking no steps to really do it. This is called pandering. US politicians
do it too.

By the way, should we criticize every country for their anti-illegal immigration
policy? In that case, I call criticizing Germany!

Also, the gross mischaracterization of the anti-infiltration law is horrific. Read up on
it. Learn something. Also, learn about what the right of return is. Also learn how not
to generalize. That'll help. There's no question that Israel is experiencing fears of
immigration. There's no question they could handle it better. Does that thereby
condemn the country to some kind of hate? No. Every nation goes through it, and
still has these growing pains as the world globalizes. No one, not even ethics
philosophers who advocate for no border restrictions, expects it to happen now,
because they realize it needs to be eased into. Read up on Carens and immigration.

Israeli foreign minister - 404 not found. Nice link bro!

four Israeli's held in New Guinea for plotting a coup:

Ah, I suppose that New Guinea's sterling human rights record, having had a coup in
2008, is supposed to convince me that the accused are guilty?

One of the largest white slavery rings targeting eastern europeans goes
down, with Israeli billionaire being arrested as its ringleader:

Crazy how that Jewish control of the media didn't filter this one out! You'd think
with all that wealth and control they could push this website down! Though I like
that the link goes nowhere, honestly. It makes me so happy to see...nothing. Error
404 not found.

Formerly one of the most powerful and influential Jews quit Judaism and
campaigned across America, warning people of Zionism:

I'm surprised us Jews haven't killed him yet, cause apparently we have all this

I personally love that he's supposed to be so influential and such a prominent
defector, when he was a prominent...dermatology partner? Wow, such influence. He
must've had all the ins with the dermatology Jews! The article lists his father's or his
influence as being tied to having $2.5 million in wealth in 1945...you realize
Rockefeller had already made over a billion dollars by 1937 at his death, right? His
"influence" was nothing, and he probably knew nothing too. Rockefeller donated
$550 million by his death in 1937...you do the math on how much "influence" $2.5
million was compared to the titans of the day. This guy was a pipsqueak.

>Balfour Declaration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration

Yes, I know what that is. I also read the McMahon Correspondences, the Sykes-Picot
Agreements, the White Papers, the Peel Commission Plan, and more. Have you?

Ever hear of the Ringworm Children genocide:

Oh man, this is amazing. The best part is, 20,000 kids were given that treatment in
Israel during that period. 200,000 were given it around the world. You see, ionizing
radiation was the treatment for it back then. It was considered safe back then. It was
used in Ashkenazi children in Europe, too. Heck, UNICEF even underwrote it. The
idea was just to prevent more of the same problematic issues coming into Israel and
having it sp

Israel behind false-flag terrorist attacks, framing muslims:

It is JUDAISM that is the real problem. J-U-D-A-I-S-M, the tree from which
Zionism sprung forth, the seedling that has brought the world to the brink of
extinction. JUDAISM, the cancer that is eating the body away and left it a
skeletonized hull of what it once was.

Yeah, this guy's super-credible. But whatever. Let's look at it anyways.

I love that a British diplomat in Paris citing unnamed sources suggested that Israel
colluded with a group that rejoined the group it was supposedly feuding with 5
years later...I love that Israel colluded with this group, despite them gunning down
and hijacking anything they could to hurt Jews and Israel. But yeah, it's all Israel's
control, because that diplomat gave his hunch! Not like the one source he left
unnamed could've been wrong or playing him or anything, right?


You do realize they were in a state of war? And that the countries had been doing
this to each other for a long time, though Israel was trying to leverage other nations?
So...what exactly? If the Jews are all so powerful...why did it fail again? Actually,
better question: if they're so powerful, why did they even need to do this, again? Why
didn't they just command their British puppets to do what they wanted or they'd
"wreck the financial system"?


I wrote an extensive post debunking this right here just a few days ago. I'd do the
same for the rest of this bullshit, if I wanted to bother. But really, I don't. It's too


Israeli general allows a massacre = Literally Hitler.


Do I really have to watch a bullshit youtube video? Title says it all. I'm not sitting
through 60 minutes of horrific propaganda unless I'm good and drunk, and have
people to laugh at it with.

My family is predominantly Christian, and I can't stand fundamentalism or
baptist/protestant-zionism, nor can I stand Jihadis, nor can I stand zionists.
Extremism of any form is the enemy, not each other, not discussion, not open
and transparent debate or TRUTH, open mindedness, or the willingness to
test other perspectives.

Because if you have a belief, like Zionism, it must be extreme!

Awesome, dude, awesome. You keep doing this. Btw, Jewish agents will be over in a
few to...ah, fuck it. Not worth the joke.

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