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English 101/Section #
Essay #2
The Committer vs. the NonCommitter
There are many ty!es o" men in the #orl$% an$ each ty!e $is!lays a variety o"
$isting&isha'le characteristics. (omen sho&l$ 'ecome a#are o" these characteristics
'e"ore consi$ering a !ros!ective mate. The smallest o" !ersonal $etails% "rom #here an$
ho# they met )incl&$ing the "irst $ate*% the #ay he #al+s an$ tal+s% the clothes he #ears%
the career choice he,s ma$e% the vacation s!ots he "re-&ents% or the a&tomo'ile he $rives
can o""er val&a'le% meaning"&l% insight"&l cl&es to #hether or not a man #ill ever settle
$o#n #ith anyone. There are t#o main ty!es o" men in the #orl$. the committer an$ the
The committer is serio&s a'o&t "in$ing the right #oman. /e as+s "rien$s an$
relatives "or intro$&ctions. /e is &s&ally o!en to 'lin$ $ates an$ avoi$s the 'ar scene
#hen loo+ing "or a -&ality #oman. 0n the "irst $ate% he is !olite an$ #ill not 'ring &! the
s&'1ect o" money at the resta&rant. /e ta+es her to !laces #here they can tal+ oneonone.
The noncommitter is 1&st loo+ing "or a woman. There is no room in his li"e "or the
#oman. /e% on the other han$% loves the 'ar scene. /e &s&ally "in$s a million e2c&ses
#hy he can,t "in$ the right #oman an$ &ses s&ch e2c&ses to e2!lain #hy he is still
&nattache$. 0n a $ate% he or$ers tren$y "oo$ s&ch as s&shi to im!ress his $ate% an$ he
Last Name 2
mono!oli3es the conversation. /e may even ta+e her to !laces #here there is no chance
"or goo$ conversation s&ch as a cl&' or a !arty.
The committer li+es to share in conversation. /e as+s -&estions an$ act&ally listens to
the ans#ers. /e is generally o!en a'o&t his !ast an$ is #illing to share more !ersonal
$etails as time goes on. /e is #illing to meet her "amily an$ intro$&ces her to his. The
committer also "ormali3es his !lans. /e,ll say% 4Let,s have $inner on (e$nes$ay%4 or 45,ll
call yo& tomorro# a"ternoon.4 The noncommitter% ho#ever% is &s&ally s&!!orting too
many other e2trac&rric&lar activities to 'e availa'le. /e $oes the tal+ing #hile she $oes
the listening. /e &s&ally has to #or+ late #hich means he #on,t 'e a'le to ma+e it "or her
mom,s !ot roast $inner invitation. (hen they s!ea+ to each other% he leaves her "eeling
li+e things are &! in the air. (hile #al+ing a#ay% he yells things over his sho&l$er li+e%
4Tal+ to yo& soon4 or 45,ll call.4
The committer maintains a very 'asic #ar$ro'e. /e ten$s to 'e neat% cas&al an$
conservative. /e o"ten has a closet "&ll o" +ha+i !ants an$ 6olostyle shirts. /e #ears
'o2ers an$ t&'e soc+s% an$ his 'oat shoes are a m&st. The noncommitter $resses to
im!ress. /e #ears a 1ac+et an$ tie more o"ten than the committer% has "itte$ $ress shirts%
at least one sil+ ro'e% an$ tan+ to!s in a rain'o# o" colors. /e li+es 'i+ini &n$er#ear an$
loves his r&nning shoes 'eca&se they ena'le him to ma+e a -&ic+er geta#ay.
The committer $rives a "amily car. /e li+es 7ee!s% E2!lorers% an$ 7a!anesema$e cars
'eca&se o" their !roven resale val&e an$ &ncom!romising $e!en$a'ility. The non
committer is all too o'vio&s #hen it comes to his a&tomo'ile. /e $rives a "lashy vehicle
Last Name 8
s&ch as a 6orsche% Corvette% 9:(% or Ferrari. Each ty!e is re"lecte$ in the vehicle
The committer has a career that ena'les him to hel! others. /e #ill li+ely 'e a
teacher% attorney% stoc+ analyst% com!&ter !rogrammer% 'an+er% constr&ction #or+er%
minister% or !olice o""icer. /e #ill claim he,s too '&sy "or vacations% '&t !ro'a'ly 1&st
$oesn,t #ant to go alone. /e en1oys tri!s to see "amily% "ishing tri!s #ith "rien$s% or even
a #ee+en$ at Disney (orl$. ;nli+e the committer% the noncommitter is li+ely to 'e a
s&rgeon% !hotogra!her% #riter% !ilot% sales!erson% or !olitician% an$ he al#ays ma+es time
"or geta#ays. /e li+es Cl&' :e$% the #inetasting co&ntry% 0+ot'er"ests% <io% an$
any#here a (in$1ammer cr&ise #ill ta+e him.
The committer li+es goo$ entertainment. /e en1oys ol$ movies #ith goo$ !lots% loves
rea$ing all +in$s o" 'oo+s% an$ !artici!ates in team s!orts s&ch as 'as+et'all% 'ase'all%
an$ "oot'all. The noncommitter 1&st li+es entertainment% goo$ or 'a$. /e,ll #atch any
movie #ith Clint% Sly% or =rnol$ in the cre$it line&!. /e has many 'oo+s in !laces they
can 'e seen% '&t li+ely hasn,t rea$ one in its entirety. This man stic+s to maga3ines an$
USA Today 'eca&se they,re 'rie"% to the !oint% re-&ire little time% an$ #ill li+ely not lea$
to intros!ection. The noncommitter rarely !artici!ates in team s!orts. /e !re"ers solo
activities s&ch as hanggli$ing% hi+ing% 1ogging% or a goo$ #or+o&t at the gym #here he
can 'e seen #earing his ne#est $esigner la'els.
The 'a$ ne#s is that% initially% the noncommitter an$ the committer may even mirror
each other% on the s&r"ace% that is. The goo$ ne#s is that #ith a little insight% res!ect "or
one,s o#n int&ition an$ val&es% #illingness to o'serve #itho&t the !rover'ial 'lin$ers on%
Last Name >
an$ a 'asic &n$erstan$ing o" the silent messages 'ehin$ the #or$s an$ actions o" a
!ros!ective mate% it is !ossi'le "or a #oman to "in$ that legen$ary $reamcometr&e so&l
Questions on Technique
1. Which sentence is the thesis (main idea) of this essay? Are there any words in
the thesis to indicate that the author is going to compare or contrast
2. Is this essay organied in a !"oc# pattern or a point$!y$point pattern?
%. &oes the author use good e'amp"es to point out the differences !etween the
two types of men? What do you thin# of the e'amp"es? ('p"ain.
). &oes the author use any contrast transitions (howe*er+ !ut+ on the other
hand+ or in contrast) in this essay to he"p the reader mo*e !ac# and forth
!etween the discussions of the two types of men?
,. Tone is an author-s attitude toward the su!.ect. It can !e "ighthearted+
disgusted+ p"ayfu"+ angry+ and so forth. &escri!e the author-s tone in this
English 101/Section #
Date The technology $e!artment is having !ro'lems #ith o&r class #e'site
'eing accesse$. They have tol$ me that it #ill 'e "i2e$ sometime 'et#een
tonight an$ tomorro# morning. Do not #orry a'o&t losing !oints 'eca&se
o" this. 5 #ill not ta+e late !oints o"" yo&r assignments. 5n the meantime%
Last Name ?
see the "ollo#ing "or in"ormation a'o&t the assignments so yo& can still
#or+ on them. 6lease let me +no# i" yo& have any -&estions.
Assignment /0 11 2oints
Attention 3tudents0
The essay for this unit must !e su!mitted !y 114/411
un"ess you ha*e made other arrangements with your
instructor. 5o more than two essays may !e su!mitted
in any gi*en wee# e'cept in summer sessions un"ess you
ha*e made other arrangements with your instructor.
3ince most of your essays in this course+ (the on"y e'ception
!eing the persona" narrati*e in 6nit 1)+ must !e written in
third person+ this e'ercise pro*ides practice in using the third
person point of *iew.
57T(0 8hec# with your instructor a!out this po"icy.
3ome instructors may a""ow students to write essays in
first person. 9egard"ess of your instructor-s po"icies
concerning the use of third person+ this e'ercise is
8"ic# on this "in# for Information on Writing in
Third 2erson.
9ewrite the paragraph !e"ow in third person in your
word processing program.
:ou may de"ete some words and add others if you
wish+ !ut you must inc"ude a"" of the !asic ideas
found in the origina" paragraph.
Last Name @
9efer to the (diting and 9e*ising "ecture or the
Writing 9esources "in# for information a!out
writing in the third person.
57T(0 If you ha*e ;icrosoft word or a word
processor that wi"" con*ert a ;icrosoft word document+
c"ic# on the "in# !e"ow to down"oad Assignment / to
your computer. If you ha*e your we! !rowser set to
open ;icrosoft Word for these types of documents+ the
fi"e wi"" come up in your word processor. If your we!
!rowser is not set+ it wi"" as# you where you want the
document sa*ed. 7nce it is sa*ed+ you can ca"" it up in
your word processor and re*ise it instead of retyping it.
Assignment / ;icrosoft Word &ocument
I am strong"y in fa*or of the proposition that pu!"ic schoo"s
shou"d require students to wear uniforms. In today-s wor"d+ we
are su!.ected to many pre.udices+ some of which stem from the
type of c"othes we wear. If a"" students wore uniforms+ at "east
one source of pre.udice might !e e"iminated in schoo"s !ecause
no one wou"d !e wearing e'pensi*e designer c"othes whi"e
others wore second hand c"othes that went out of sty"e a decade
ago. 5o one wou"d !e a!"e to discern your economic status !y
the c"othes you wore. Another reason I fa*or required
uniforms for pu!"ic schoo" students is to increase students-
safety at schoo". Today+ it can !e dangerous to wear the wrong
co"ors or accessories such as !andannas. <ang mem!ers often
ta#e offense at an innocent and unsuspecting student-s
c"othing. I ha*e heard of some cases in which students who
wore the wrong c"othing were in.ured or #i""ed !ecause of their
choice of attire. A"so+ we shou"d consider supporting
mandatory uniforms in pu!"ic schoo"s so students wi"" not ha*e
to ma#e frantic "ast minute choices when getting dressed for
Last Name A
schoo". 5either wou"d there !e such pressure to =fit in= as far
as c"othing was concerned. 3tudents wou"d #now e'act"y what
they wou"d wear on any gi*en day+ and they wou"d #now
without a dou!t that they wou"d "oo# "i#e they =!e"onged.= If
you thin# a!out it+ requiring students to wear a schoo" uniform
wou"d so"*e many pro!"ems we face concerning what to wear
to schoo".
3a*e and name this assignment assign/
I;279TA5T 57T(0 If you do not use ;icrosoft
Word to type your assignments+ you must sa*e this
assignment as a ;icrosoft Word document !efore
sending it as an attachment.
3end this assignment to your instructor-s pri*ate e$
mai" address through Internet e$mai" as an attachment.
.massey>mesacc.edu .moore>mesacc.edu
When as#ed for a su!.ect+ type =:our ?ast 5ame=
Assign. / $$ i.e. 3mith-s Assign /.
Assignment @0 11 2oints
Airst 2art of Assignment @0
57T(0 Be sure to do !oth parts of Assignment @ !efore
sending it to your instructorC
9ead pages D2 to D% in The Brief Wadsworth
Eand!oo# D
edition a!out writing a
comparison4contrast essay.
Last Name B
After reading the a!o*e pages+ answer the fo""owing
questions in your word processing program0
1. What do comparison and contrast essays do?
2. What are two methods that can !e used to organie
comparison and4or contrast essays?
57T(0 It is not necessary to write the questions+ .ust
the answers.
Aor more information a!out writing a
comparison4contrast essay+ c"ic# on the fo""owing "in#0
The 8omparison 8ontrast (ssay ?ecture
3econd 2art of Assignment @0
9ead the paragraphs on pages D2 to D% in The Brief
Wadsworth Eand!oo# D
Then+ c"ic# on this "in# to read a 3amp"e
8omparison48ontrast (ssay.
Write answers to the questions on technique found at
the end of the samp"e essay.
57T(0 Answer the questions on technique to the !est of
your a!i"ity considering the mode" essay may or may
not !e an e'ce""ent e'amp"e. (*a"uate the mode" essay
carefu""y as you answer the questions.
3a*e !oth parts of this assignment as one document
and name this document assign@
Last Name C
I;279TA5T 57T(0 If you do not use ;icrosoft
Word to type your assignments+ you must sa*e this
assignment as a ;icrosoft Word document !efore
sending it as an attachment.
3end this assignment to your instructor-s pri*ate e$
mai" address through Internet e$mai" as an attachment.
.massey>mesacc.edu .moore>mesacc.edu
When as#ed for a su!.ect+ type =:our ?ast 5ame=
Assign. @ $$ i.e. 3mith-s Assign. @
Assignment F0 , 2oints
9e*iew the "ecture on 2rewriting and 2"anning if
9e*iew the "ecture on Thesis and 7ut"ine if necessary.
9e*iew pages 2) through 2D and %F to )1 in The Brief
Wadsworth Eand!oo# D
edition if necessary for
information formu"ating a thesis and out"ineG howe*er+
your out"ines for your essays ;63T fo""ow the forma"
out"ine e'amp"e !e"ow+ not the informa" out"ine e'amp"e
in the !oo#.
Your thesis statement and outline must follow this
example format:
Thesis 3tatement0 (Write your thesis statementG it
;63T !e a comp"ete sentence.)
Last Name 10
I. (Write the topic of the first !ody paragraphG it
does not ha*e to !e a comp"ete sentence.)
II. (Write the topic of the second !ody paragraphG
it does not ha*e to !e a comp"ete sentence.)
III. (Write the topic of the third !ody paragraphG it
does not ha*e to !e a comp"ete sentence.)
8onc"usion0 (If you do not #now your conc"usion
yet+ .ust repeat your thesis statement.)
57T(0 This is .ust a !asic format for an out"ine. :our
out"ine+ of course+ wi"" !e short topic entries. :ou wi""
on"y write the information in !"ac#. The information in
!"ue in parentheses is e'p"anation on"y.
I;279TA5T 57T(0 To recei*e fu"" points for this
assignment+ your thesis statement ;63T !e a comp"ete
sentence+ and your out"ine must fo""ow the e'amp"e
format e'act"y.
3a*e and name this assignment assignF
I;279TA5T 57T(0 If you do not use ;icrosoft
Word to type your assignments+ you must sa*e this
assignment as a ;icrosoft Word document !efore
sending it as an attachment.
3end this assignment to your instructor-s pri*ate e$
mai" address through Internet e$mai" as an attachment.
.massey>mesacc.edu .moore>mesacc.edu
Last Name 11
When as#ed for a su!.ect+ type =:our ?ast 5ame=
Assign. F $$ i.e. 3mith-s Assign. F
Assignment 110 211 2oints
9e*iew pages D2 to D% in The Brief Wadsworth
Eand!oo# D
edition if necessary a!out writing a
comparison4contrast essay.
9e*iew the "ecture on The 8omparison48ontrast (ssay
if necessary for information on writing the essay.
In your word processing program+ write the rough
draft of a comparison4contrast essay supporting your
thesis statement with we""$organied+ interesting detai"s.
57T(0 Your essay needs to be 600 to 700 words in
length. Use your word processor's statistics feature to
check the length of your essay as you are writing it.
:ou wi"" !e writing this essay in third person (he+ she+
they+ peop"e+ society+ etc.)G howe*er+ ! "!# use
second person $you% your& at any time in your writings in
this unit or in any of the other units unless it is in
dialogue or a direct 'uote.
9e*iew the Information on Writing in Third
2erson if necessary.
"!#(: ())*Y) + #,-!U., 6 /U)# 0( 1-2##("
2" #,2- 3(-)!" !"4Y55555
Last Name 12
9ead the <rading 8omments that your instructor
may use when grading the fina" draft of your paper. By
re*iewing grading comments and ;?A documentation
comments+ you may !e a!"e to a*oid some common
pro!"ems in your writing.
After you ha*e written your rough draft+ re*iew
pages )1 through ), in The Brief Wadsworth
Eand!oo# D
edition and4or the (diting and 9e*ising
"in#+ if necessary+ for additiona" he"p in re*ising your
rough draft. 2ay c"ose attention to the chec#"ists on
pages )1 to )).
A"so re*iew the fo""owing chec#"ist as you re*ise the
rough draft of your essay0
Is your thesis statement a comp"ete sentence that
states the main idea of your essay?
Is your thesis statement the "ast sentence of the
introductory paragraph?
&oes your essay fo""ow the order of your out"ine?
Is each paragraph in the !ody of your essay we""
de*e"oped with a topic sentence at the !eginning
fo""owed !y su!topic sentences with supporting
&oes your essay ha*e a conc"uding paragraph that
sums up the main ideas of the essay without adding
any new detai"s?
Ea*e you used comp"ete sentences+ not fragments+
comma sp"ices+ or run$on sentences?
Are your sentences c"ear and concise?
Last Name 18
Are your sentences grammatica""y correct using
consistent *er! tense and a*oiding su!.ect4pronoun
Ea*e you used correct punctuation and
Are a"" words spe""ed correct"y?
:ou may either edit your own rough draft+ or you
may arrange with another student in the c"ass to peer
edit each other-s essay. :ou can contact another student
through ;y;88 and arrange to send each other your
rough drafts.
57T(0 It is 57T necessary to send a copy to your
instructor un"ess you ha*e specific questions or
pro!"ems you wou"d "i#e your instructor to address.
:our instructor wi"" 57T fu""y edit your entire paper
for you. It is essentia" that you "earn to recognie
pro!"ems within your own writing. If you need one$to$
one attention throughout the entire paper+ you need to
ma#e an appointment with a tutor in the Writing
8enter ()@1$)D1$/,1%).
9ead the 3e"f$(dit42eer 9e*iewing ?ecture.
8"ic# on the fo""owing 3e"f$(dit42eer 9e*iewing
Wor#sheet "in# if you wish to use it for he"p with peer
editing or with editing your own essay. This "in# can
a"so !e found in the 3e"f$(dit42eer 9e*iewing "ecture.
3e"f$(dit42eer 9e*iewing Wor#sheet
Last Name 1>
When you ha*e recei*ed the peer re*iew from a
c"assmate or ha*e se"f$edited your own essay+ consider
what needs to !e edited and re*ised in your own essay.
2f you ha6e a specific 'uestion or problem area in your
paper with which you feel you need additional help%
contact your instructor or a tutor in the 1riting 7enter.
A"so+ re*iew the <rading 8omments "in# to prior to
editing your rough draft so you wi"" !e aware of what
pro!"ems to "oo# for in your rough draft.
57T(0 (diting and re*ising are *ita" steps in the
writing process. &o not !e satisfied with your first draft.
5o writing is perfect in rough draft form. There is
a"ways room for impro*ement.
?oo# up and refer to pages in the inde' at the !ac# of
the The Brief Wadsworth Eand!oo# D
edition if you
need he"p with sentence structure+ punctuation+ or
grammar+ etc and4or refer to the "ecture on (diting and
Be sure to format your essay according to the
directions. 8"ic# on this "in# to re*iew Aormatting
&irections if necessary.
When you ha*e finished re*ising your essay+ use the
fo""owing instructions to turn it in to your instructor0
3a*e and name this assignment essay2
I;279TA5T 57T(0 If you do not use ;icrosoft
Word to type your assignments+ you must sa*e this
Last Name 1?
assignment as a ;icrosoft Word document !efore
sending it as an attachment.
3end this assignment to your instructor-s pri*ate e$
mai" address through Internet e$mai" as an attachment.
.massey>mesacc.edu .moore>mesacc.edu
When as#ed for 36BH(8T+ type =:our ?ast
5ame= (ssay 2 $$ i.e. 3mith-s (ssay 2.

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