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Ejercicios geritricos para el entrenamiento del equilibrio y la marcha

Escrito por christy callahan | Traducido por jaime alvarez

Ejercicios geritricos para el entrenamiento del equilibrio y la marcha
Tu mdico te puede recomendar ejercicios para mejorar el equilibrio y el andar.

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Hacer ejercicio para mejorar el equilibrio y la marcha son aspectos importantes de la atencin
geritrica. Mejorar tu capacidad de caminar y moverte puede prevenir lesiones y cadas y
aumentar la calidad de vida. Mejorar la fuerza muscular tambin tendr un impacto positivo
en la salud de tus huesos. Habla con tu mdico acerca de ejercicios que sean adecuados para
tu estado de salud actual. Muchos ejercicios de equilibrio y del andar son bastante fciles de
realizar en casa y no requieren equipo adicional.

Otras personas estn leyendo
10 ejemplos de ejercicios de coordinacin y equilibrio
Cmo hacer ejercicios de equilibrio como adulto mayor

Antes de que comiences

Al igual que con otros ejercicios de fuerza y de resistencia, comienza los ejercicios de equilibrio
y del andar lentamente y utiliza el apoyo necesario. Comienza con las dos manos y luego con
una para mantener el equilibrio, eventualmente trabajando hasta con un slo dedo antes de
no usar las manos para nada. Descansa cuando te sientas cansado y vara los ejercicios para
reducir el riesgo de dolor muscular.

Equilibrio de pie

Puedes realizar varios ejercicios de equilibrio estando de pie y sosteniendo el respaldo de una
silla. Realiza un mximo de 15 repeticiones y dos series, descansando entre series y segn sea
necesario durante las repeticiones. Alzarte sobre los dedos de tus pies es una excelente
manera para poner a prueba tu equilibrio. Lleva un taln hacia los glteos para realizar una
flexin de la rodilla de pie. Marcha en tu lugar lentamente, levantando la rodilla delante de ti
lo ms alto que puedas. Levantar la pierna recta tambin es beneficioso; puedes levantar la
pierna al frente, al lado o detrs de ti para mejorar tu equilibrio.

Ejercicios para andar

Tu modo de andar, o la manera de caminar, se ve muy afectada por los huesos y los msculos.
Practicar senderismo y colocar tus pies correctamente puede ayudar a mejorar tu forma de
andar. Simplemente caminar en una rutina puede afectar diferentes parmetros de la marcha;
puedes mejorar la velocidad y la longitud de la zancada al caminar regularmente. Pararte sobre
objetos o colocando los pies hacia abajo dentro de un crculo tambin puede mejorar tu
movilidad. Coloca dos o ms objetos blandos en el suelo, separados entre 12 y 16 pulgadas (30
y 40 cm) de distancia. Sostente de un baranda o de la mano de alguien y coloca un pie con
cuidado entre los objetos, haciendo una pausa entre cada objeto. Una vez que domines este
ejercicio, trata de caminar a travs sin hacer pausa.

Ejercicios de visin

El movimiento de los ojos y la cabeza son vitales para el equilibrio, la postura y la marcha. La
prctica de los movimientos de seguimiento con los ojos y la cabeza pueden apoyar tu
capacidad de mirar hacia arriba y alrededor de ti mientras ests quieto o en movimiento.
Sostente de una silla con tu mano no dominante, y levntate con los pies en el suelo. Levanta
el dedo pulgar de tu mano dominante y mantenlo delante de ti, manteniendo tu codo doblado.
Mira tu pulgar y mueve tu mano lentamente hacia la izquierda hasta que te sientas cmodo,
siguiendo el movimiento usando slo tus ojos. Contina moviendo la mano hacia la derecha,
luego hacia arriba y hacia abajo mientras le das seguimiento con los ojos. Repite los
movimientos mientras sigues con los dos ojos y la cabeza.

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Falls And The Elderly
(Scroll down for the Stepping balance exercise)

When speaking of falls and the elderly, they occur in 35% to 45% of older adults over
65. Many of these falls are simply due to not lifting your feet high enough to clear
items in your house or in the back yard.

Below I have made a great balance video that is fun and easy to do. All you need is
some soft items to step over, comfortable loose fitting clothing, and a pair of smooth
bottom shoes to wear so you won't catch your feet. Read on then give it a try.

To help you step better and lift your feet higher, I have made some challenging
stepping videos for you to watch below. They will go a long way if you are concerned
about falls and the elderly.

Does this sound familiar? You are in the back yard placing some of those lovely flowers
you bought at the store around your patio.

One by one they are transferred from the pot to the ground. As you are getting up
from planting, you are thinking about the next flower pot to work on and suddenly.....
You guessed it. When you least expected it, there was that hose stretched out over the
walkway. Down you go.

What can you do to reduce the risk of this happening again? Well, first watch where
you place the hose.

After that, think about your ability to step over things. Yes, believe it or not, we
sometimes forget to lift our feet. Without exercise, our legs just keep getting heavier
and heavier! When I think of falls and the elderly, I think how good it is to keep
practicing. Remember, "practice makes....permanent!"

Don't practice sitting in a chair and reading the paper. You might get good at it. Good
Caution: Stepping over objects is challenging! If you feel
uncomfortable with these exercises you must have a family member help
Try this exercise series first holding on to a stable family members hand. As your
balance improves, switch to using a cane for stability. Then you can set up some chairs
along the path to hold on to.

Only practice these exercises alone when you are sure you can do them safely. Falls
and the elderly is a big deal. Call uncle Bob, he will help!

Stepping Exercises

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Purpose of these exercises
These exercises will improve your ability to lift your
feet in order to clear steps, toys and yes... hoses.
You will strengthen your hip and leg muscles while
improving your coordination.
Exercise #1. The Step over - How to do it
Step 1

Begin with two or more soft objects on the floor.
Space them out 12 to 16 inches apart.
Step 2

Lift your foot at least 6 inches and step over the
Pause between each object.
Then try stepping over each object without
Exercise #2. Side stepping - How to do it
Step 1

Begin with two or more soft objects on the floor.
Space them out 12 to 16 inches apart.
Stand to one side of the objects.
Step 2

Begin by stepping forward, then to the side around
the object.
Facing in the same direction, step backward
through the objects.
Repeat this pattern to the last object.
Exercise #3. The figure eight - How to do
Step 1

Begin with two objects three feet apart.
Step 2

Begin by walking around each object in a figure of
eight pattern.
Repeat pattern 10 times.
Exercise #4. The Figure eight in one
direction - How to do it
Step 1

Begin with two objects 3 feet apart..
Step 2

This time, keep facing the same direction as you
perform the figure eight pattern.
Exercise #5. The side step over - How to
do it
Step 1

Begin with 2 objects on floor.
Space them out 12 to 16 inches apart.
Step 2

Lift your foot at least 6 inches and side step over
the objects.
Breathe normally, inhale through the nose and
exhale through the mouth.
Use a kitchen counter to hold on to if you don't feel
safe stepping over objects.
When side stepping , try not to cross your feet.
This can lead to tripping.
These exercises are easier with your shoes off in
stocking feet.
Take it up a notch:
Try lifting your chest and looking straight ahead
when walking.
Use tape on your floor to make a straight line to
increase the difficulty.
Place one pound weights on your ankles for a more
challenging workout.
You did it! I knew you could. Remember that things go quickly out of our heads as we
get older. That is why it is important to practice balance exercises for falls and the
elderly every day.

Helpful links
American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Watch These Other Essential Balance
Exercise Videos
1. Single limb stance:
A great place to begin with fall prevention
in the elderly is with the simplest standing
balance exercise. Hold on to a chair and
balance on one leg.
This is a great place to begin to feel your
center of gravity over your ankles. This is
your goal, maintaining your center over
your ankles.
Try a few seconds balancing on each foot.
Work up to a minute if you can. Then begin
to hold on with one hand, then one finger
and finally try to let go completely.

2. Eye tracking:
Move on to the other exercises for balance
with static standing exercises as you gain
confidence including this exercise which
targets your vision and vestibular system.
This exercise can sometimes make you
dizzy. If this happens, stop the exercise. Try
it again with smaller head movements next
Gradually you will learn to do it correctly.

3. Clock reach:
Make sure to hold on to a chair when
attempting this exercise to prevent falls in
the elderly. Don't reach back too far if you
have pain in your shoulder.
(Use your one pound wrist weight here to
increase your workout.)

4. Staggered stance:
Also hold on to a chair when trying this
exercise for elderly balance problems. Let
go of the chair for a few seconds at a time if
you feel comfortable.

5. Single limb with arm:
Look up from your feet when balancing and
pick a spot at eye level in front of you to
improve falls in elderly. Lift your chest and
bring your shoulders back.
Breathe in through your nose and out
through your mouth

6. Balancing wand:
This is a fun exercise and easy to do. Use a
cane, broom or even an umbrella. Don't
have too much fun with these balance
exercises for elderly!

7. Knee marching:
Try this one next to a counter so you can
hold on when performing knee marching.
This is also a great cardio exercise and for
leg muscle weakness.

8. Body circles:
This exercise for improving balance can be
a little tricky. Keep a chair nearby if you are
uncomfortable without one. Make sure your
knees and hips are kept straight when you

9. Heel to toe:
The moving exercises are the most difficult.
Only try this balance exercise when you
have become good at the preceding
(If you have masking or painters tape, place
an 8 to 12 foot piece in a straight line on
the carpet or floor. This will allow you to
maintain a straighter line when performing
the walking exercises.)

10. Grapevine:
Seniors who dance will be more familiar
with these balance exercises. Try it in your
kitchen holding on to the counter.
Walk several steps in one direction, turn
around and walk back. Continue for several
minutes. Gradually hold on less and less
until you can take a few steps without
holding on.
It may take a while, but keep
practicing...you'll get it sooner or later!

11. Stepping:
This series of stepping exercises for falls
and the elderly are very challenging. You
may have a stable family member
demonstrate these for you first.

12. Dynamic walking:
Try these exercises to improve balance only
when you feel confident and have a helper
in the home.
Give them a try when you are stronger and
more sure of yourself. These exercises are
great to do with someone else.
Holding hands with a stable family member
will make these exercises easier and safer.
(This is where you may use your pad of
paper or a small book when walking.)
Do you like these balance exercises? Download
my ebook for FREE and also receive a bonus 4 week exercise program
Click here!

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