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Prayer: Seven sorrows and joys of St.

(Recite one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be after each number)
1. St. JOS!H, "ha#te S$ou#e of the Holy Mother of God, by the SORRO% &ith &hich thy
heart &a# $ierced at the thou'ht of a cruel #e$aration from Mary, and by the dee$ JO( that
thou did#t feel &hen the an'el re)ealed to thee the ineffable my#tery of the *ncarnation,
obtain for u# from Je#u# and Mary, the 'race of #urmountin' all an+iety. %in for u# from the
,dorable Heart of Je#u# the un#$ea-able $eace of &hich He i# the ternal Source.
.. St. JOS!H, Fo#ter/Father of Je#u#, by the bitter SORRO% &hich thy heart e+$erienced
in #eein' the "hild Je#u# lyin' in a man'er, and by the JO( &hich thou did#t feel in #eein'
the %i#e men reco'ni0e and adore Him a# their God, obtain by thy $rayer# that our heart,
$urified by thy $rotection, may become a li)in' crib, &here the Sa)ior of the &orld may
recei)e and ble## our homa'e.
1. St. JOS!H, by the SORRO% &ith &hich thy heart &a# $ierced at the #i'ht of the Blood
&hich flo&ed from the *nfant Je#u# in the "ircumci#ion, and by the JO( that inundated thy
#oul at thy $ri)ile'e of im$o#in' the #acred and my#teriou# 2ame of Je#u#, obtain for u# that
the merit# of thi# !reciou# Blood may be a$$lied to our #oul#, and that the 3i)ine 2ame of
Je#u# may be en'ra)ed fore)er in our heart#.
4. St. JOS!H, by the SORRO% &hen the 5ord declared that the #oul of Mary &ould be
$ierced &ith a #&ord of #orro&, and by thy JO( &hen holy Simeon added that the 3i)ine
*nfant &a# to be the re#urrection of many, obtain for u# the 'race to ha)e com$a##ion on the
#orro&# of Mary, and #hare in the #al)ation &hich Je#u# brou'ht to the earth.
6. St. JOS!H, by thy SORRO% &hen told to fly into 'y$t, and by thy JO( in #eein' the
idol# o)erthro&n at the arri)al of the li)in' God, 'rant that no idol of earthly affection may any
lon'er occu$y our heart#, but bein' li-e thee entirely de)oted to the #er)ice of Je#u# and
Mary, &e may li)e and ha$$ily die for them alone.
7. St. JOS!H, by the SORRO% of thy heart cau#ed by the fear of the tyrant ,rchelau# and
by the JO( in #harin' the com$any of Je#u# and Mary at 2a0areth, obtain for u#, that
di#en'a'ed from all fear, &e may en8oy the $eace of a 'ood con#cience and may li)e in
#ecurity, in union &ith Je#u# and Mary, e+$eriencin' the effect of thy #alutary a##i#tance at
the hour of our death.
9. St. JOS!H, by the bitter SORRO% &ith &hich the lo## of the "hild Je#u# cru#hed thy
heart, and by the holy JO( &hich inundated thy #oul in reco)erin' thy :rea#ure on enterin'
the :em$le, &e #u$$licate thee not to $ermit u# to lo#e our Sa)iour Je#u# by #in. (et, #hould
thi# mi#fortune befall u#, 'rant that &e may #hare thy ea'erne## in #ee-in' Him, and obtain
for u# the 'race to find Him a'ain, ready to #ho& u# Hi# 'reat mercy, e#$ecially at the hour
of death; #o that &e may $a## from thi# life to en8oy Hi# $re#ence in hea)en, there to #in'
&ith thee Hi# di)ine mercie# fore)er.
Let Us Pray
O God, %ho in :hine ineffable !ro)idence ha# )ouch#afed to choo#e Ble##ed Jo#e$h to be
the S$ou#e of :hy mo#t holy Mother; 'rant, &e be#eech :hee, that &e may de#er)e to ha)e
him for our interce##or in hea)en &hom on earth &e )enerate a# our holy $rotector< %ho
li)e# and rei'n# fore)er and e)er. ,men.

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