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Write a note on the four styles of communication.

Once we have defined our objective, we will choose the appropriate
communication style. Now we are going to have a little introduction of the styles
of communication. In communication style doesnt means fashion regarding
clothes or haircut etc. But here we will go through the styles used in
communication. There are four main styles used in communication. hich are
tell, sell, confer and join. These types are different in their nature as they vary
from !"# participation to "# participation in the communication. $o all these four
type of communication have their own significance in communication.
The all four types of communication have their own significance at their
end. If we have to communicate upward to our leadership the communicate
presents its %tell& style to be used in our communication. This is very effective for
the communication as if we 'now all about the matter to be discussed with our
boss and leader we can use this style. This style has the significance in the way
that in the tell style we must have to carry all the information to be delivered but
in this style we include the audiences e(periences or acts and then we collect all
the information because sometimes we dont have all information all the time.
$ometimes we have to get information from some source so by the help of
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audiences participation well somehow get much information. In this way we can
ma'e our communication more effective as we 'now the audiences point of view
about that topic and there would be very minor chances of any communicational
barrier among us and the communicator.
e have still two types of communication in hand the %confer& and the %join&. In
confer style communication we interact with the audience and gather their
opinions. $o that the report formed
would be according to their opinions while the last and more effective way of
communication is join. This style provides newly created and discovered ideas
from the audience as we spend less time in telling to the audience we discuss,
share information with the audience which provides the best way of report writing
a well.
)ence all the styles of communication have their own significance and
plays an important role in communication. Now we will discuss all of these types
in detail.
This is the style of communication in which we have the full 'nowledge about the
objective so that we could transfer it to the audience effectively. In this style,
basically a major part of the communication is done by the communicator. *s the
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communicator spea's !+,!"# and ",-+# is the audiences participation. This
style is generally used in the report writing to ones higher authority or for delivery
of a lecture or for any 'ind of presentation. $o in all cases of lecturer or presenter
or the employee, they all must have enough 'nowledge to transfer to the
audience or students. $o that their communication would become successful.
.ets ta'e an e(ample of an *rmy officer who is teaching the war strategies to his
student officers. $o he must have enough 'nowledge about the war strategies
that he could be able to clear the concept of these strategies to the other officers
effectively because the trainees doesnt have any e(perience with the war
strategy so they cannot share their e(perience or ideas, the only thing they can
do is to as' /uestions about the subject which usually ta'es the ",-+# of
communication so the teacher must have enough 'nowledge about the subject.
The second style of communication is the sell style. In this style of
communication we have to try to ma'e our audience to respond different. e
'now the answer but we want to 'now their answer in their own style. In this style
the communicator spea's to 0+,1+# while the participation of the audience is 2+,
3+#. The achievement of the goal in this style depends upon our selling s'ill.
)ow much we convince our audience to agree with us. Or in other words its our
convincing power. This style doesnt ma'e the audience to learn but also to
change their actions according to our communication.
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.et say an officer of planning and development section of a 4epartment wants to
launch a new project at a site. )e will first prepare a 56,- and after the approval
of the )ead of department, the 56,- would be sent to the 5lanning 6ommission
along with the member of the board from that department. Now the officer will
deliver the presentation regarding his proposal, mentioning all the objectives of
that project and proves that, this project will go in the favor of the 7overnment
and the public aswell. )ere his convincing power will effect his communication if
he succeeds to sell his ideas he will get his project approved by the 6ommission
so now the planning 6ommission will approve the project 56,- in respect of his
presentation. This was an effective e(ample of sell style of communication.
The third style of communication is to confer. This style is reverse to the previous
styles of the communication. In such case the communicator does not have any
'nowledge about the answers of the objective here he needs to ac/uire answers
from the audience. In this style the participation of the communicator is 2+,3+#
and the audiences participation is 0+,1+# as the communicator has to depend
upon the audience point of view.
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* common e(ample to confer is the gathering of a social group where some of
the members of that group are wor'ing for the betterment of a specific society
*nd there is a monthly or wee'ly meeting of that group to e(change their ideas
and e(periences gained from that society. The members are the communicators
and the audience aswell and gain the answers of their desired /uestions about
that society from one anothers ideas and e(periences. $uch type of meeting is
usually called %6onference& or %or'shop& where different ideas and e(periences
are e(changed. 6ommunicator will now as's the members about there
e(periences and ideas about that society in that way so that he would get
enough 'nowledge regarding his desired objective.
The last and the most effective and creative style of the communication is to join.
In this style the communicator is totally unaware of the answers that he has to
totally depend upon peoples opinion. But it is a very creative style of
communication. In this style, communicator do not have to spea' that his
participation gets limited to ",-+# he just have to listen to the ideas and opinions
of his surroundings. There is a great advantage to the communicator in this style
in the way that he gathers a lot of information from his surroundings related to his
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Ta'e an e(ample of a student of 5h4, who
has given the tas' to research on the
relevant topic. Now he dun have that much
'nowledge or he do not have any
'nowledge about the given topic, he would
be given a long span of time to be done
with his research so that he could gather
enough information about the research
topic. $o the student would start research
on his tas' and would go into the field and
try to get information about the objective,
he would concern each and every source from where could he get the
information and collects the information about the subject. *fter researching he
has a lot of information that he could create his own theory on that objective
which shows, how effective and creative this style of communication is.

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