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Need for classification.
Requirements of classification.
Different systems of classification.
1. The primary purpose of creating a classification system for partially
edentulous arches is to enale the dentist to clearly communicate to a
listener or reader ! the condition of oral ca"ity in #hich missing
teeth are to e replaced #ith a prosthesis.
$. It #ould e helpful to classify partial edentulous arches that share
common attriutes! characteristics! qualities and trials.
%. It has een estimated that there are o"er &'!((( possile comination
of teeth and edentulous spaces in opposing arches.
). Se"eral classifications ha"e een proposed and in use ut a method
#hich est classifies all possile configuration is still not achie"ed.
1. To formulate a good treatment plan.
$. To anticipate the difficulties commonly to occur for particular design.
%. To communicate #ith professionals.
). To design the denture according to occlusal load usually e*pected for
a particular group.
Classification should satisfy these norms for acceptance+ ,
1. -llo# "isuali.ation of the type of partially edentulous arch eing
$. /ermit differentiation et#een tooth supported and tooth tissue supported
partial dentures.
%. Ser"e as a guide to the type of design to e used.
). 0e uni"ersally accepted.

- numer of classifications ha"e put for#ard some ha"e een o"er
simplified and others are immensely comple*.
One simple system classifies the prosthesis according to the type of
support they recei"e from dental arch.
Soft tissue supported.
Tooth supported.
Tooth tissue supported.

There are many possile "ariations of tooth tissue supported partial
denture that is simplified and this does not adequately descrie the
design that must e considered.
Therefore this system is not suited for general use in discussing!
identifying or planning the prosthesis.
It is ased on the relationship of the edentulous spaces to the autment
This #as the first recogni.ed classification y the professional.
It is ased on the numer and position of the direct retainer.
C!ss 1 1 Di!"#$!:%/artially edentulous arch in #hich t#o
diagonally opposite teeth are chosen as autment teeth for attachment
of the direct retainers #ith an indirect retainer as an au*illary

C!ss 2 1 Di!metri&:% /artially edentulous arch in #hich t#o diametric
opposite teeth are chosen as autment teeth for the attachment of the direct

C!ss ' U$i!ter!; - partially edentulous arch in #hich one or more teeth
on same side are chosen as autment for the attachment of the direct

C!ss ( M)ti!ter!; A partially edentulous arch in #hich t#o or more
teeth are chosen as autment for the attachment of the direct retainer.

C!ss I 1 0ilateral edentulous areas located posterior to the remaining
natural teeth.
C!ss II 1 - unilateral edentulous area located posterior to the remaining
natural teeth.
C!ss III , - unilateral edentulous area #ith natural teeth remaining oth
anterior and posterior to it.
C!ss IV , - single! ut ilateral 2crossing the midline3! edentulous area
located anterior to the remaining natural teeth.

1. It /ermits immediate "isuali.ation of the partially edentulous arch.
$. It /ermits a logical approach to the prolems of design.
%. It ma4es possile the application of sound principles of partial denture
Dr- O-C- A..e"!te 19/0
attempted to e*pand the 5ennedy classification y adding classes V and
5ennedy referred to each additional edentulous area and not each
additional missing tooth as a modification area and included them in
the classification y numer of such areas.
Class 1 arches eing the most common and class ) eing the least
Class1 partial denture is designed as tooth tissue supported
Class % as #holly tooth supported partial denture.
Class$ as comination of 1 and % partly tooth tissue supported and
partly tooth supported.
Classified partially edentulous arches ased on 4ennedys
-ny teeth require e*traction it should e done prior to classification.
A..e"!te 2!s "i,e$ 3 r)es !s 4##5s %
R)e 1 % Classification should follo# rather than precede e*tractions
that might alter the original classification.
R)e 2 1 If % molar is missing and not to e replaced! it is not
considered in the classification.
R)e ' % If % molar is present and is to e used as autment it is
considered in the classification.
R)e ( 1 If $ molar is missing and not to e replaced it is not
considered in the classification
R)e 6 1The most posterior edentulous area or areas determine the
R)e / Edentulous areas other than those determining the
classification are referred to as modification spaces and are designated
y there numer.
R)e 7 , The e*tent of modification is not considered only the numer
of additional edentulous areas.
R)e 3 % There can e no modification areas in class) arches .-ny
edentulous area lying posterior to single ilateral area determine the
0ailyn system introduced a classification ased on #hether the
prosthesis is tooth orne! tissue orne and comination of the t#o that
is ased on support.
0ailyn di"ided all remo"ale partial dentures into anterior restoration
and posterior restoration using the letters - and /.
A 1 -nterior restorations #here there are saddle areas anterior to the
first icuspid 2premolar3.
/ 1/osterior restoration saddle area posterior to canine.
6urther they are sudi"ided into ,
Class 11 0ounded saddle 2not more than three teeth missing3.
Class $16ree end saddle 2there is no distal autment3.
Class % ,0ounded saddle 2more than % teeth missing3.
If oth anterior and posterior teeth are missing to e mentioned
separately. E*amples7 -1/1! -$/1 etc.
0ailyns classification #as the first to emphasi.e on the importance of
support of partial dentures y remaining tissues

This system #as classified according to the type of support a"ailale!
ut the system #as unnecessary comple* and not commonly used.
8any of the denture designs did not match the principles of
Class 1 ,Tooth earing.
Class $ ,Tooth and tissue earing.
Class % ,Tissue earing complete denture.
C!ss 1 % T##t2 :e!ri$"
U$i!ter! #r :i!ter! case falls under the ao"e classification #hen
there are teeth posterior to all spans and #hen there are no more than
four teeth missing in any space.
There are t#o possile "ariation.
V!ri!ti#$ 1% 8issing posteriors predominate.
-3 /osteriors missing anteriors in place.
03 /osteriors missing some anteriors missing.
V!ri!ti#$ 2 1 8issing anteriors predominate.
-3 anteriors missing posteriors present.
03 anteriors missing some posteriors missing

C!ss 2% T##t2 !$+ tiss)e :e!ri$":
9nilateral or ilateral case falls under the ao"e classification #hen
there are no teeth posterior to one or more spans or #hen there are
more than ) teeth in one or more spans 2#hich includes canine3.
Class $ 1sudi"ided into di"isions #ith "ariations.
Di"ision 11 :hen there are no teeth posterior to one or more spans.
;ariation 118issing posteriors predominate.
a3/osteriors missing anteriors in place.
3/osteriors missing and some anteriors missing.

V!ri!ti#$ 21 8issing anteriors predominate.
-3 None.
03 -nteriors missing some posteriors missing

Di,isi#$ 2%:hen there are teeth posterior in all spans !ut #hen there are
more than ) teeth including canine in any one or more spans.
Di,isi#$ 2 2!s t5# .#ssi:e ,!ri!ti#$s%
V!ri!ti#$ 1% 8issing posteriors predominate.
a3None .
3 /osteriors missing some anteriors missing.
V!ri!ti#$ 2% 8issing anteriors predominate.
a3 -nteriors missing posteriors in place ilaterally.
3 -nteriors missing some posteriors missing.
C!ss '%Tissue earing complete dentures.
The comple*ity of any neurohrs classification is o"ious and seldom used.
M!);s C!ssi4i&!ti#$ %19(2
8au4 proposed a classification ased on numer !length and position
of the edentulous spaces and the numer and position of the
remaining teeth.
-ccording to the classification7
Class1 ,0ilateral space #ith no teeth posterior to one space.

C!ss2 , 0ilateral space #ith teeth posterior to one space.
C!ss ' , 0ilateral space #ith teeth posterior to oth space.
C!ss ( , 9nilateral space #ith no teeth posterior to it .The opposite arch is
C!ss 6 -nterior space #ith unro4en posterior arches on oth sides.
C!ss / % Irregular spaces around the arch! the remaining teeth may e
single or in groups.

<i+s C!ssi4i&!ti#$ 19(9
:ild proposed a simple ut self e*planatory classification little
4no#n in the English dental literature.
Class 1 ,Interruption of dental arches 2ounded3

C!ss 2 % Shortening of dental arches 2free end3.
C!ss ' , Comination of 1 and $.

1#+4re=s C!ssi4i&!ti#$% 19(9
Is ased on location and si.e of the edentulous spaces. The specialty
of this classification is that the main classes ha"e no modifications.
C!ss A Tooth orne denture ase in the anterior part of the mouth.
It may e unro4en fi"e tooth space! ro4en fi"e tooth space or
unro4en four tooth space.
C!ss 8 8ucosa orne denture ase in the anterior region. It may
e an unro4en si* tooth space! an unro4en fi"e tooth space or a
ro4en fi"e tooth space.
C!ss C 1 Tooth orne denture ase in the posterior part of the
mouth .It may e an unro4en three tooth space ! ro4en three tooth
space ! an unro4en t#o tooth space or ro4en t#o tooth space.
C!ss D , 8ucosa orne denture ase in the posterior region.It may
e an unro4en four tooth! three tooth !t#o tooth or a single tooth

Frie+m!$>s &!ssi4i&!ti#$ %196'
<e introduced -0C classification #here !
- , -nterior.
0 1 0ounded posterior.
C 1 Cantile"er.

8e&;ett !$+ <is#$>s C!ssi4i&!ti#$%1967
0ased on ideas of 0ailyns classification the follo#ing must e
considered #hile determining the proportionate amount of support
pro"ided y the teeth and tissue.
1. The quality of the autment support.
$. The magnitude of occlusal support.
%. The harmony of occlusion.
). The quality of mucosa and residual ridge.
They elie"ed e"ery effort should e made to a"oid tissue support

C!ss 1 % 8#)$+e+ s!++e -utment teeth qualified to support the
denture. 8ucosa is not used for support.
C!ss 2 Free e$+-
A? Tooth and tissue orne.
03 Tissue orne.
C!ss' 8#)$+e+ s!++e -utment teeth not so qualified for support
the denture as descried in C lass1.

<is#$ i$ 1967 elaorated the classification as follo#s ,
8andiular 5ennedy class% should e treated as class 1.
8a*illary 5ennedy class% should e treated as class1or%.
Cr!+#&;>s C!ssi4i&!ti#$%196(
Classified partial dentures as 7
C!ss 1 ,saddles supported on oth sides y sustantial autment
C!ss 2 ;ertical iting forces applied to the denture resisted entirely
y soft tissue.
C!ss ' ,Tooth supported at only one end of the saddle.

S5e$s#$>s C!ssi4i&!ti#$ 1966
Simple classification proposed y S#enson and Ter4ala.
It is not #idely used .It is similar to 5ennedy=s classification.The
classes of 5ennedy=s classification are dramatically changed.

C!ss 1 -n arch #ith one free end denture ase.

C!ss 2 1 -n arch #ith t#o free end denture ases.
C!ss ' -n arch #ith an edentulous space posterior on one or oth
sides of the mouth ut #ith teeth present interiorly and posterior to each
C!ss ( -n arch #ith an anterior edentulous space #ith fi"e or more
anterior teeth missing.

S):+i,isi#$ The four ma>or classes are sudi"ided #ithout denoting
#hich tooth is missing.
- 1 -nterior.
/ 1 /osterior
-/ , -nterior and posterior.
E* , Class$ - denotes ilateral distal e*tension ase #ith some anterior
A)sti$ !$+ Li+"e C!ssi4i&!ti#$%1967
C!ssi4i&!ti#$ t2!t +es&ri:e+ t2e .#siti#$ #4 teet2-
C!ss A 8issing anteriors.
A1: 8issing anteriors on one side unilateral construction.
A2 :8issing anteriors on oth sides
A81+ 8issing anteriors #ith ilateral construction.
C!ss 0 , 8issing posteriors.
01 :8issing posteriors on one side unilateral construction.
02 + 8issing posteriors on oth sides.
081+ /osteriors missing on one side #ith ilateral construction.
C!ss A0 8issing anteriors and posteriors.
A01+ 8issing anteriors and posteriors on one side 2unilateral
A02: 8issing anteriors and posteriors on oth sides.
A081: 8issing anteriors and posteriors on one side #ith ilateral
-ny comination of the ao"e may e possile.E* -$/1 or -1/$.
<!tt et ! C!ssi4i&!ti#$ 1963
It is ased on type of support.
Entirely tooth orne1the entire denture rests on the autment.
Entirely tissue orne1the entire rests on tissue.
/artially tooth orne and partially tissue orne1 these dentures rests on
oth teeth and tissues.
?enerally most R/D come under this category.
S;i$$ers C!ssi4i&!ti#$ 1969
<is classification #as influenced y Cummers classification. Similar
to Cummers classification #ith fi"e classes.
C!ss1 ,-utment teeth are present anterior and posterior to the
edentulous space. It may e unilateral or ilateral.
C!ss2 , -ll the teeth are present posterior to the denture ase #hich
function as a partial denture unit. It may e unilateral or ilateral.
C!ss' -ll autment teeth are anterior to the denture ase #hich
function as a partial denture unit. It may e unilateral or ilateral.
C!ss (1 Denture ases are located anterior and posterior to the
remaining teeth these may e unilateral or ilateral.
C!ss 6% A:)tme$t teet2 !re )$i!ter! i$ re!ti#$ t# +e$t)re :!se
!$+ t2ese m!= :e )$i!ter! #r :i!ter!-

A,!$ts C!ssi4i&!ti#$%19//
Similar to 5ennedy=s classification #ithout any impro"ements.
The classification #as ased on anterior and posterior segments of the
C#st!s C!ssi4i&!ti#$%197(
It is ased on anterior! lateral and terminal spaces.
Os:#r$e !$+ L!mies C!ssi4i&!ti#$ %197(
Simi!r t# <!tt et !s &!ssi4i&!ti#$-
C!ss 1 8ucosa orne.
C!ss2 Tooth orne.
C!ss ' 1 comination of tooth orne and tissue orne.

C#$&)si#$ :
8any classifications of partial dentures and design ha"e een
proposed y different clinicians.
- classification is either one that descries the "arious tooth and
saddle position li4e those of 5ennedy and others or one that loo4s
more closely at the a"ailale support li4e those of 0ailyn and others.
5ennedy classification descries asic outline of any particular case
and form a common partial denture language among dentist ut it
does not ta4e into account the a"ailale support upon #hich the
success or failure of any partial denture or ridge ultimately depends.
6or this reason support classification is preferale.
Ci$i&! rem#,!:e .!rti! .r#t2#+#$ti&s
2$+ e+iti#$ Ste5!rt@ R)++ !$+ ;)e:;er-
M& Cr!&;e$s Rem#,!:e .!rti! .r#st2#+#$ti&s-
3t2 e+iti#$@ M& 1i,$e= &!ste 8err=-
S=stem #4 &!ssi4=i$" .!rti! e+e$t)#)s !r&2es-
A 0r#st2et De$t 1970 ,#%2( $#-1." 2( (0-
T2e OB4#r+ De$t! C#e"e C 9#s.it!
Semi$!r t#.i& #$
0rese$te+ :=

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