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Benj. F. Allison, Editor 71 Gastambide
Year XXII January, 1948, Manila, Philippine Islands Number 1
"But ye shall receive power,
after that the Holy Spirit is come
upon you: and ye shall Ik? wit
nesses unto me both in Jerusalem,
and in all Judea, and in Samaria,
and unto the uttermost part of
Ihe earth." Jesus was preparing
his- followers..for the ascension.
Jesus came into this world for a
purpose and that purpose was lo
do the will of His Father. Jesus
came and gave His life for us
that we through Him might have
everlasting life. The task pre
sented by Jcsi's before He went
back to the Father is to witness
for HIM.
In the far corners of the world
we have faithful Christians wit
nessing tod?y. A letter was iust
received from Nicomedojt Alday
in the Fhiilppines and it reads
"Dear Brother Allison:^May the
grace of the Lord be with all of
us. In the name of the church
of Christ here in Munoz, I greet
you. We wisih to give you news
of the activities of the church
here. The new chapel which you
see in the picture was finished a
few weeks ago and we have been
holding services in it for about
five weeks.
' "Glad to tell-you that our ser
vices are going very well. Our
attendance does not fall below
forty. Our only handicap now
is the lack of a minister here,
hcweA'er the work is going on
smcothly. Four brethren went
to Licah yesterday to hold
preaching services. They may bo
back Sunday morning to attend
services here. On Sunday after
noon we have Christian Endeav
or. I am enclosing a picture of
the chapel and the congregation
l.aken during the Bible School
You have twelve missionaries in
the Lord's work in the Philip
pines. Ten are on the field at
ew Congregation and Chapel at Munoz
the present time and after just,
a few months the Allisons will
return to the field, witnessing
for Christ in the war torn Phil
ippines. It does our hearl.s good
to have letters such as the one
quoted from above.
'The Filipino Brethren are
meeting the task of Jesus with
confidence. Your missionaries arc
training native preachers and
helping them to plant New Test
ament churches in the Philip
pines. What a joy and privilege
to be your missionaries and to
witness with the Filipino Breth
ren for Christ. The gospel alway.s
wins when given a chance for il
is "power of God unto salvation
to everyone that believes." Over
fourteen thousand New Testa
ment Christians are witnessing
for Him in the Philippines and
are continuing ".steadfastly in Ihe
apostles teaching an.i fellowship
and in the breaking of bread and
The Work of the Lord
Marches Forward
by Carrie Wolfe
Looking backward forty years,
I can see in my mind's eye a
litllo struggling congregation,
the first church of Christ in Ma
nila. Their meeting place was
just a shelter. They struggled on
through the years under great
difficulties. The greatest blow to
this congregation came in 1926
when after using a small con
crete building they thought was
i'.o bo their pormanenl liome, the
U.C.M.S. put thorn out by court
order. Thl.s hai'ishlp made them
stronger and Ihoy learned to
depend on God and nol on men.
Building.:; were rented for a t:;mo
then two lots were bought by
the church. It look faith and
l.Lird work to pay for the lots and
put up a tabernacle form of build
War came forth with its de
struction which made 11 doubly
hard to carry on for not only
were they threatened by the Jap
anese but Filipino religious lead
ers told them Ohal. if Ihoy did not
enter the Federation of Churches
of the Japanese union of churches
their doors would be closed. This
{Continued on Page 2)
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. F. Allison
lising Sun, Indiana for the next
w montlis.
Mrs. Carrie Wolfe, Miss Ruth
mith, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
lanson71 Gastambide Street,
lanila, Philippines.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Selby
Lppari, Cagayan, Philippines.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schondel-
layer Cotahato, Mindanao,
In sending your gift please
end your personal check. Make
pu_r cheek payable to Benj. F.
Lllisonif your gift, is for evan-
elism, for Manila Bible Semin-
ry or for an evangelist. If your
ift is for a missionary, make the
heck payable to the missionary.
Irs. Wolfe will have pwwer of at-
orney to cas:h all checks. Please
ontinue to make your checks
ayable to Benj. F. Allison, treas-
rer and save us making changes
t the bank.
Send your Standards, Lookouts,
uartorlies and beginner's papers
0 Benj. F. Allison, 71 Gastam-
ide Philippines.
Irs. Edwin R. Errctt, 6232 Rog-
rs Park Place, Cincinnati 13,
)hio. The set is only sixty cents.
This mission is strictly unde-
lominational and maintMns New
resitament teaching and prac-
ices. For its support it depends
"holly on voluntary offerings of
itorested chui'ches and brethern.
1 has no debts.
(Continued from Page 1)
hreat did not alarm them. They
nerely said "We will serve God
ather than men," and they stood
i-ue to the New Testament
hurch to the end. After the war,
vith brave, true, loyal hearts
hey started at once to make re-
airs on their damaged building,
)utting in new material where
>ort)ions of It ncci.led to be
trengthened. Many of the mem-
>ors of the federation told them
hey would receive help from
America if they would join up
k'ith the union. Their reply was
the Lord has been with us in the
)ast, He will not forsake us in
he future." The building i.s not
et quite completed but the re-
nodeling and refmishing is so
\ear the end that the congrega-
ion can move forward in doing a
greater work in evangelizing. For
a year the young people of this
congregation have supported a
full time evangelist and a Bible
woman. These workers have done
exceptionally good work. The
church as a whole sends out its
eLers and deacons into different
districts in the city to hold meet
ings in the homes. The church
takes care of the travel for these
workers. Seldom a Sunday passes
when the baptistry is not used.
The nine other congregations in
the city of Manila are the out-
growith of this one congregation
and have been helped and en
couraged by this mother church.
Other churches which are not as
large as this congregation do
equally as well in their efforts
in evangelism. They can not sup
port their own evangelists for
they must help their local preach
er but they all give to a general
evangelistic fund which is used
in keeping evangelists in needy
fields. The churches of Cavite
arc supporting two evangelists.
Just now they are in a good meet
ing at Las Pinas where eight have
been baptized and many others
are interested. Las Pinas is the
home of the famous old
bamboo organ which stands in
a Roman Catholic church. We
hope to see a New Testament
church of Christ organized in
this ftown before long. All the
churches deserve credit for the
way they arc giving and working
for the Lord's work. Perhaps
the most outstanding work of the
year has been done at Candelaria.
Evangelist Oro who receives liis
evangelistic help from the We.st
Side church of Christ at Wichita,
Kansas started a meeting in Feb
ruary of 1947. People turned to
Christ, a new church was organ
ized and a building started which
will he finLshed by Christmas.
Nearby churches and individuals
have helped in establishing this
The Filipino brethren join with
the Missionaries in thanks to the
American brethren for the help
they give and we ask your pray
ers that the churches of Christ
may continue to stand firm for
the restoration of the New Test
ament church throughout these
islands and tha-t God's Word
may continue to bo their only
Six Months in the
Phiii lippines
by Charles Selby
On December 22, we will have
been in the Philippine Islands
six months. On December 22,
1946, Brother Allison spoke at
the Ohurch where we were min
istering in Clay Center, Nebraska
and it was on or near that day
that our decision was made to
come here as missionaries. On
June 22, 1947, exactly six months
to the day later, we sailed into
Manila Harbor. What a change
has been wrought in our lives in
the past year, how very happy
wo are that we did decide to come
and how wonderful and great are
the opportunities to serve our
Lord in this field that is "white
unto the harvest."
Since July, I have been teach
ing five nights a week in our
Bible Seminary except for a
short time following the typhoon
which struck here the first part
of October when all of the build
ings on the property were de
stroyed except our house. 1 have
enjoyed my teaching immensely
and have been inspired and en
couraged by the response of the
students. At present, we plan
to close our classes in December
and Brother Peneyra and I will
start working more among the
churches in the provinces.
The Allisons arrived in San
Francisco October 1, 1947. Mrs.
Allison wont immediately to the
Mayo Clinic at Rochester. Doc
tors there suggested her trying a
new medicine for high blood
pressure. She has been in Rising
Sun. Indiana taking this medicine
under the direction of Dr. Fess-
ler. Her blood pressure was 240
anid it is now staying around 170.
A decision will be made in Feb
ruary concerning an operation.
The Allisons covet your prayers.
After the Tagalog and Ilocano
conventions in the Philippines in
April we will be prepared to give
you a report of the Lord's work
for the year 1947. Baptisms re
ported so far for the year of 1947
by evangelists go over the 700
mark. We think that perhaps
the report will be even better
than the 1946 onethe greatest
year yet, in Which the Lord add
ed 1148.
Send your gifts directly to Mrs.
Carrie Wolfe, 71 Gastambide
Manila, Philippines. Postage is
five cents, air mail twenty-five
cents. Please continue to make
your checks payable to Benj. F.
Allison, Treas. Mrs. Wolfe has
power of attorney to cash all
checks. This saves us making
changes at the bank in Manila.
The Allisons are planning to
return to the Philippines the lat
ter part of the summer. Mr. Al
lison has almost all the invita
tions that he can handle. Benj.
F. Allison may be addressed at
RLsing Sun, Indiana.
This is the rainy season, and
with four typhoons in the last
two months, which have struck
here or near here, we have had
plenty of rain. The rivers are
all flooding very badly, and it
is lmpos.sible to go any where
outside of Aparri to visit other
churches. In January the rains
will begin to subside in Isabela.
a province south of here and wo
will begin there holding evangel
istic meetings, institutes for el
ders and deacons, and trying in
every way possible to strengthen
the brethren and win souls to
Christ. From January until June
we will be busy in this work, and
we are going to try to visit every
church or group of brethren, no
matter how remote they are, be
ginning in Isabela and working
north into the Cagayan province.
being mailed this time fix)m Rs-
ing, Sun, Indiana. If you wish
any changes made in names or
addresses please use the enclosed
envelope. We want tx) make the
necessary changes in Manila in
our records there. This help will
be greatly appreciated.
young men and women in the
hopes of interesting them in com
ing to study in the Bible Semin
ary here and giving their full
time to the Lord's work. Many
workers are needed and we hope
to train them in this way, thai
they may lead- the church of
tomorrow in the New Testament
way. The aforementioned ty
phoon destroyed all of our build
ings, making it necessary to use
the first floor of our house for
dormitory, class room, and Ohapel
(Continued on Page 4)
Wo will also try to contact
Fyphoon Hits Manila Christmas Day
Benj. F. Allison
The Philippines were hit on
hristmas day by the worst ty-
loon in 44 years and the great-
it calamity since the war. Mrs.
^otfe writes, "after we had had
jr Christmas dinner in the af-
rnoon it became stormy, and
le of the worst typhoons that
IS struck Manila in years hit us.
"The roofs were blown from
iG Army buildings next to us.
hp part of our roof over our
ithroom was blown off. Robert
id gone to Tagaytay and they
ere hit hard there. The win-
nvs blown in, part of the roof
the chapel was blown off, the
licken house was blown to the
'ound, the bathhouse was blown
er anii the pipe was broken and
Kirs of the garage wore blown
f and the banana plants and
ipaya trees were uprooted and
iO fences were blown down and
gs ran away but came back for
eir breakfast.. We did not suf-
r however as badly as some of
e country people. Some of the
1 was blown off our now Som-
ary building and Mr. Hale has
en busy getting that in shape."
According to other news that
s have received the Bicol prov-
ces have reported the biggest
ss on the basis of reports re-
;ived by the Philippine Red
"OSS and government relief
:encies. Rizal province reported
image to property and govern-
ent building in the amount of
le million dollars. Some one
indred thousand were rendered
imeless, v^ile ten thousand
lUses in Rizal were completely
molished, according to Govor-
r Sixto Antonio.
The American Red Cross cabled
1offer of help to the Philippine
^d Cross in view of typhoon
atih and destruction. This was
1 unusual procedure as it is
-Stomary to await appeals for
Ip in disasters outside the
lited States.
Expressing his feelings and
offer of help in connection with
e damage caused l>y the recent
phoon. General MacArthur sent
e following message to Presi-
nt Roxas: "Shocked and dis-
assed at typhoon damage. If
I can help in any way please call
on me."
Please remember our mission
aries and Filipino Christians in
prayer. They surely have been
tested the past few years, during
the war period and the many ty
phoons that have hit there in the
past two years. The beautiful
Philippines of the Pacific have
had more than their share of
(Continued from Psxge 3)
Manila lo make plans vvihilo the
Allisons were in America. The
future looked dark indeed. At
this time Bro. Bien. Formalics,
Irained in the Manila Bil)Ie Sem
inary, offered to move his family
to Mindanao and help us with
this work.
On his .second night hero we
had a meeting with the leaders
of the other congregation of tlio
church of Christ hoping to have
unity if pos.sible. This was false
hope for now they were willing
to state that anyone using the
musical instrument in worship
mp TT
was going to hell. All we could
read from the Bible or say didn't
change their minds.
Things looked dark indeed for
we were here in a strange land
and not wanted. The Catholics,
the Bagans, the Moslems, but
worse of all those who had been
started on the right track by Mr.
and Mrs. Wolfe or those rthey
taught, now didn't seem to want
us. "Why were we here?" The
'answer cam'e to'" ulT"thM Gt^
wanted us here. Wo didn't come
to please men but our Master.
He needed someone to carry His
truth ito (he City of Cotabato
and this great Island of Mindan
Wc have now a fair sized con
gregation meeting in our homo.
Last Sunday we had 21 adults
and 8 childrc-.i. Our home is
small and we are praying that the
people here will soon be able to
build a small church. Pray
for us, but more for these people
that wo might open their eyes
before it is too late.
Besides the congregatdon in our
home we ha\'e taken the gospel
to a tribe of Monobo people.
Their leader or Datu introduced
us to his people in the market
place an;i Bro. Formalics and I
both preached to them there. Bro.
Panares Eidangan who is study
ing in Cotabato and has been at
tending our services frcm the
start, acted as interpreter. They
have started their chapel. Pray
for these people.
And now may we wish vou all
a Happy New Year for all these
people of the great Lsland of
Mindanao, P. I.
(Continued from Page 2)
ccmbinccl. We hope by next
July, the beginning of the school
year, to have a new building to
be used as dormitory and dining
hall for our Seminary students.
We thank you for your gifts
and prayers. It would bo impos
sible to continue without them.
Please remember us in your pray
ers as wc go into this new field
of endeavor in the New Yeir.
January, 1948'
"In Prison and Ye
Came Unto Me
"Dear Brother: I am very much
obliged to inform you that I am
very thankful to you that if you
have time to visit our brothers
wiho are here in Bilibid prison*
and who have already been bap
tized. Tell'ing to you that this
our brothers were very interested
to study the Holy Bible and to
know all contents of the said
book as how human life suffer
and to sacrifice."
This is-a-portion of a. letter-
received in our general mail some
time ago. It is an appeal from
a group of prisoners who had
been visited and converteii by
Brother Carlson in Cebu and who
were now transfered to the big
national prison just outside the
city of Maniia.
Such an appeal could not go
unanswered and though our time
was already taxed almost beyond
the limit, we wrote the Superin
tendent of the prison and se
cured permission to hold a Bible
class there on Saturday after
noons. The class was, of course,
to be strictly voluntary, only
those attending who desired and
all who desired being released
from work for the hour of the
The first Saturday afternoon
class .se.ssion found fifteen men
assembled. Ten of these had
been baptized and the others
were interested to study and
learn the way of the gospel. The
second Saturday found about for
ty-five men gathered. Wo sang
some of the beloved hymns and
gave about an hours teaching on
the way of salvation. The third
Saturday found about eighty-five
men in the chapel and this is
now about our regular group that
have met each week since then.
The prison officials usually call
t|he men from their colls or their
work and march them to the
chapel at least half an hour or
more before the time of my ar
rival. This seems to be agree
able to them for they spend that
time in singing .together the
songs of salvation. I often hear
them outside the prison walls as
1 drive up.
One Saturday I purposely went
early in order to have a long con
ference with the prison Superin
tendent. I found bini most won
derfully interested in our class
and desirous to cooperate in any
way. He said, in effect, "I am
far more interested in the rehab
ilitation of these men than in
their punishment. Your type of
teaching and instruction will do
more than anything else we can
do to help these men gain their
liberty again."
The Sifperintenderiit was so in
terested in our work that he es
pecially requested that I bring
one of our Filipino teachers or
evangelists that the men who do
not understand English could
have' advantage of the same
leaching. He offered to take me
and a Tagalog speaking teacher
to every section of the prison, ex
plaining our position and the pur
pose of our class, giving every
man there an opportunity to
know what we were doing and to
signify his de.sire to attend.
There is a fine swimming pool
at the prison and we have been
granted permission to use it for
baptisims. A number of men
have already signified their de
sire for baptism and arrange
ments are being made for those
to be done at the class session on
November 29. It is not ours to
judge the reasons why the law
says these men must live behind
prison walls, it is but ours to do
all in our power to see that they
have an opportunity to live in
the light and joy of salvation ac
cording to the New Testament
An Open Air
Evanselistic Meetins
by Ruth L. Smith
"Mrs. Wolfe, can some of you
missionaries come to Los Pinas
tonight to attend our evangelis
tic meeting?" This was the re
quest of Brother Gonzales one
Saturday afternoon recently. Now
all Saturdays with the mls.sion-
aries are very bu.sy and this par
ticular Saturday had been busier
than usual but we could hot re
fuse such a request so Mrs.
Wolfe promised that some of us
would be there.
Perhaps some of the soldiers
who were stationed here in the
Philippines will remember that
Los Pinas (literally "Place of the
Pineapples") is the home of the
famous bamboo organ. In Los
Pinas, a town about ten miles
from Manila, we do not have a
church of Christ but some of our
brethren from Cavite have been
holding services there and have
baptized eight. Some members
from the Manalo church, a sect
that has caused a great deal of
trouble in the Philippines, had
been holding services there also.
These "Manalistas." as they
are called, have taken the name,
"church of Christ" and our breth
ren were anxious that the people
of Los Pinas understand that the
two groups are in no way con
At seven o'clock, Mrs. Wolfe,
Mr. Hanson,, Diego Romulo and
I started for Los Pinas. Since
we did not know just where the
meetings were held, a group of
our people met us in front of the
old Catliolic church that con
tains the bamboo organ to act
as our guides. Wc found that the
meetings were held in the front
yard of one of our church mem
bers who lives just a half block
from the Oatthollc church.
When we arrived, we found a
large crowd of men, women and
children assembled. We were
greeted by old friends and intro
duced to those who had recently
been baptized. A piece of can
vas had been stretched overhead
for shelter in case there should
be a shower. A gasoline lantern
furnished light. For seats there
wore a few chairs and a few
backless benches but most of the
people had to stand because
there was not room enough for
them all to sit. The people wait
ed quietly until the evangelist
and his ' helpers arrived. First,
one of the girls from the Carldad
church in Cavite conducted a
story hour and song .service for
the group of about fifty children.
It was fascinating to me to ob
serve the intense interest .shown
by these children. She used
Standard Bible picture cards and
a picture roll that had been sent
to us by some of our brethren In
the States.
The children remained 'for the
preaching service which was con
ducted by one of the elders from
the Cavite church. Mrs. Wolfe
and I were introduced and in
vited to speak a few words in
greeting. Then Mr. Hanson
preached and Mr. Romulo inter
preted for him. The crowd was
quiet and all, even the children,
listened intently, scarcely taking
their eyes from the faces of the
After the meeting, there were
many questions concerning the
teachings of the New Testament.
The people were eager to have
us stay longer but since the next
day was Sunday and would be a
long, full day, we left them,
promising to come back at the
first opportunity. The meeting
will be continued until a church
is organized.
Christian Grectin3S
From Mindanao
hy Robert Schondelmayer
After visiting ten of the
churches of Christ here on Min
danao we were sorry to find that
during the war year.s and first
year after the war most of them
had received the false doctrine
that the Bible condemns the use
of musical Instruments in wor
ship. This meant that if we were
going to work with the church of
Christ here in Ootabato we would
have to sign a statement that we
believed that the Bible condemn
ed the use of the instrument in
worship. Then we would have
to be rebaptized as our faith was
wrong while we used the musical
instrument. Of course wo couldn't
do this. In leaving America we
planned that during the season
of rain we would use our home
as a small Bible School. Now we
found that, we bad no congrega
tions from which to draw the stu
dents. Thus the e.stabli.shing of
new churches and the teaching
of 'the members became and still
is, our work. Mls.s Glory Pel.
Bro. Arcigal. my wife'and my.soif
decided on Saturday nighl, Aug
ust 23, 1947 to worship in our
home. The next day we met
with a total of 13 adult.s and 7
children. After three Sundays
Bro. Arcigal had to return to
his family and I had to go to
(Contimied on Page 4)
Manila, P. I.Tho Lord's woi-k here in the Philippine Islands is being
hindered considerably by the Hnhs (Communists). One evening last-week
just a few miles from Manila tlie Huks attacked a bu.s, killing two and
injuring two. They iiiso raided a town witli-
iii ten miles of Manila at miduiglil. Tho
attack was made after several rofusal-s of the
town authorities to gi'ant them relief.
Tiio Manila, newspajiers give such reports
almost every day. According to a recent
Manila Bnlleliv, (iO annetl links blocked the
national highway north of Manila about 70
miles, stopping and robbing S vehicles that
were c.nrryiiig about 80 passengers. Today'.s
papers also report that "A fast-moving link
column of about 500 iiieii and women auxil
iaries last night struck hard at.a Tuyabas
town, killed llirce prominent residents, ran-
.sacked stores, and fought off the constabulary
for 4 hours."
The Philippine Frrc Pre^sn last week reports,
"The Red tide is rising .all over the world.
Here in the Philippines, landless peasants of
Central Luzon, Commnnist-led, are in active
revolt again.st the government, and the mili
tary forces of Ihe new republic are hard-
pressed to put down or eonlaln Ihe rebel.s who
now scorn to hide their true intentthe over
throw of tlic governniciit."
Tlie Philippine GovernmciiL is trying to
clean out the Communists, both by law and
by using military forces. Lust inontli (lie
Manihi Bullclia stated, "The department of
justice yesterday inforentlally outlawed Com
munism in the Philippines and declared the
Communist party an illegal association."
Qiiotiaig from yesterday's Sunclai/ Times we
read, "Materializing from nowhere, a ''big'
couceiU ration of Huk troops was spotted in
the mar.shlands between San Luis and Can-
daba yesterday, and bombarded repeatedly
with high-caliber field artillery pieces by a
piuiiti-Huppurtedjouifciwre*r ofP. C. -and-
guerrilla units, Gov. Jose G. Lingad told the
Manila Times today."
Every Lord's Day we are out in the prov-
Kansas Church Aids In Construction
of Ashland Christian Service Camp
Hugoton, Kan.-Thirty-five members and
friends of the Hugoton church attended the
first annual meeting of the Ashland Chris
tian Service Camp in Ashland, recently. This
was the first joint, meeting of the two fifth-
Sunday convention groups tliat have joined
in their efforts to support the camp. Chiirch
groups from southwest Kansas, Oklahoma
[lanhandle, and north Texas took part in the
When the service camp was established
eight years ago, tho first sessions were held
in tlie school buildings at Ashland. Coutrilni-
tioiis of land, equipment, and materials for
buildings led to a permanent camp site. .Munit
two years ago the ground was purchased, and
material has been assembled for the coiistrm;-
tioii of two dormitories and a. central hall.
Construction was financed by various con
gregations of the two fifth-Sunday conven
tions of southwest Kansas and churchc.s of
Oklahoma panhandle and north Texas. Before
flic firs! meeting all indebtodnes.s had been
met except $8,000. A message was sent out
asking for aid to meet the indebtedness. At
the close of the afleriioon service, more than
the required ainounl, had been subscribed.
Tho excess will be used to meet c-xponses of
the camp during the year.
The Hugoton church contributed $2,fiOO to
llie camp building fund, and a number of men
ontribnted labor and trucks during the con-
driiction of tlio Imildiiiga.
During the coming years, this congi-cgat ion
hopes to be able to surpass its giving of last
year. This will include partial living-link
mjiport to J. J. Hill of $500 a year for a
7riod of five years.
inces visiting the chnrches and encouraging
the brethren. November 8, llrother P.aronia
and I went witli one of our .student preacliors.
The church to which he minister.s is about
thirty miles from Manila and back off the
main, highway. Brother Baroiiia was happy
when we readied the main highway last eve
ning just as it wrrs lieginning to get dark.
We hadn't been stopped by any of the links,
which had been in thai area the past, few days.
A week ago, we visited a church in a towa
about 35 miles from Manila, where they have
a curfew every uight .at eight oclock. Just a
few hours before we arrived they had some
.shooting in the town, and 7 people were
wounded. The previous Gmulay wo visited 3
churches iu the area where tlie Huks held up
many busses and robbed the people. The
brethren told iis that the area tliere had been
made into zones ami tliat the Government dur
ing the next few days was going to use troops
to try to get all the Huks in tliat secti<^,
which included about 35 towns. We were very
tliankful wlieii we readied Manila after that
trip also.
One of our elders al Moroiig, .'ibont twenty-
five miles from Manila, was dragged from his
hmne the other evening and taken to the
mountains by the TTuka to be killed. He is a
barrio lieutenant, and he had I'efiised to give
supplies to the Huks. Tho same evening he
was kidnaped the Huks killed another official.
The Moroiig brethren called the church folk
for a prayer meeting. Our elder made his
escape from tlic mountains Just a few hours
before he was to bo put to death, and wo
worshiped- witii-him tmd^the-brefchren-iit-Mw
ong the next Lord's Day and thanked God
that his- life hud been sp.avod.
In some parts whole towns .'ire evacuated.
It is a pitiful sight lo see people leave carry
ing a few personal belongings with them, leav
ing their homos and their rice fields nu-
harVested. In one area the papers said that
eighty thou.sand people moved out.
Why are wo writing this article? So that
you brethren in the IJnited States may have
some idea of how hard it is for our brethren
who have to leave all and how difficult it is
for our evangelists to carry on, and that you
might pray.
We thank yon for gifts, and we ask
that you pray always for flic safely of our
Oliriatians, the evangelists, ami the mission
aries as they-I ravel Ihronglioiit. these places.
The Conimiiiii.si sltimtiou i.s so much worse in.
Ghiiiu, which is our next-dnnr neighbor, and
wc read in tlie morning paper where the peo
ple arc fleeing before the Red liontes, and tho
Chinese officials are the first to leave menaced
<-itiPS, and that rice riots grip Shanghai as
the people stniggie lo survive.
With the shipping strike* on wc ran write
you only by air mail. Since trying In save
on postage ami it being impo.srti!)le to mail
the Manila ChrisHan. we are semling Ihis
article to the St.^ndard. A\'e do .appreeialc
so very much all that the St,\ni)AIID docs for
the Philippine Mission. I'lenso semi your
letters air mail for the duration of tho strike.
Our address is P. 0. Box 2774, Manila, P. I.
Filipino officials say that Ihoro are iiidiea-
lions that the local ConiinuniRts arc receiving
outside aid. Wc are here as amb:jssador.s of
Christ, ami wc will help to supjiress the Com-
rainiists simply by preaching Die gospel. Onr
evangelists arc brave and nnafniid, showing
the courage and faith of the early New Testa
ment Christians, saying with the apostle Paul,
"I know whom I have believed ami am por-
snadod that he is able to keep that whlcii I
have committed unto him against Duit day."
* Since this was written the Wi-.si. floast shinpiii?
strike has ended and normal shippini; has boon
(819) Page Three
Philippine IslandsHuk movement (Com
munists) has affected the work of our evan
gelists during the rainy season considerably
in certain sections. These movements will also
affect the evangelistic campaign, for in many
to>vn8 the curfew is at eight o'clock. The goy-
emraent hopes to have the situation well m
hand within a few months. The fighting has
been going on between the government and
the Huks since the war ended. The constabu
lary chief, General Mariano Castaneda, testi
fied-last week before the house committee on
un-Pilipino activities, saying, "Localcommu
nists and the Huk movement are getting direct
financial aid from foreign sources and from
local Chinese sympathizers." Governor Jose
Lingad told the Evening News recently that
a six kilometer (Maginot Line) in Pampanga
was reported to him by a confidential agent
in that section.
During the past two and one-half months
the Filipino evangelists have reported 116
baptisms. The churches make their reports at
convention time which, this year, will be in
^^eeond semester in the Manila Bible Semi
nary began with six new students. Total en
rollment this year is eighty students counting
both the day and _night pupils. Others will
probably enter during the term.
Again we thank you for your gifts and
your prayers. Please remember our evangelists
in your prayers, and pray for their safety in-
conducting evangelistic meetings during the
uprising here in the Philippines.
Yours in Christ,
Benjamin P. Allison -

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