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Subclass T
T1-995 Technology (General)
T10.5-11.9 Communication of technical information
T11.95-12.5 Industrial directories
T55-55. Industrial safety. Industrial accident !re"ention
T55.#-$0.% Industrial engineering. &anagement engineering
T5'-5'.9' (!!lied mathematics. )uantitati"e methods
T5'.$-5'.9' *!erations research. +ystems analysis
T5%.# &anagerial control systems
T5%.5-5%.$# Information technology
T5%.$-5%.$2 &anagement information systems
T5%.'-5%.% ,roduction ca!acity. &anufacturing ca!acity
T59-59.2 +tandardi-ation
T59.5 (utomation
T59.'-59.'' .uman engineering in industry. &an-machine systems
T$0-$0.% /or0 measurement. &ethods engineering
T$1-1' Technical education. Technical schools
T1'.2-1'#.5 Technological change
T1'5-1'% Industrial research. 1esearch and de"elo!ment
T201-#2 ,atents. Trademar0s
T51-%5 &echanical dra2ing. 3ngineering gra!hics
T91-995 34hi5itions. Trade sho2s. /orld6s fairs
Subclass TA
T(1-20#0 3ngineering (General). Ci"il engineering (General)
T(1$# 7ioengineering
T(1$5 3ngineering instruments8 meters8 etc. Industrial instrumentation
T(1$$-1$' .uman engineering
T(1$% +ystems engineering
T(1'0-1'1 3n"ironmental engineering
T(1'# 3ngineering design
T(1''.#-1%5 3ngineering economy
T(190-19# &anagement of engineering 2or0s
T(19'-19% 3ngineering meteorology
T(21-215 3ngineering machinery8 tools8 and im!lements
T(29-#% 3ngineering mathematics. 3ngineering analysis
T(#9-59 &echanics of engineering. (!!lied mechanics
T($5-$' (coustics in engineering. (coustical engineering
T(#01-#92 &aterials of engineering and construction. &echanics of materials
T(#95 9isasters and engineering
T(501-$25 +ur"eying
T($0-$95 +tructural engineering (General)
T('0-'12 3ngineering geology. 1oc0 mechanics. +oil mechanics.
:nderground construction
T('15-'%' 3arth2or0. ;oundations
T(%00-%20 Tunneling. Tunnels
T(1001-12%0 Trans!ortation engineering
T(1501-1%20 (!!lied o!tics. ,hotonics
T(2001-20#0 ,lasma engineering. (!!lied !lasma dynamics
Subclass TC
TC1-9'% .ydraulic engineering
TC1$0-1%1 Technical hydraulics
TC1%-201 General !reliminary o!erations. 9redging. +u5marine 5uilding
TC20-%0 .ar5ors and coast !rotecti"e 2or0s. Coastal engineering.
TC#01-50$ 1i"er8 la0e8 and 2ater-su!!ly engineering (General)
TC50-5' 1i"er !rotecti"e 2or0s. 1egulation. ;lood control
TC5#0-55% 9ams. 7arrages
TC$01-'91 Canals and inland na"igation. /ater2ays
TC%01-9'% Irrigation engineering. 1eclamation of 2asteland. 9rainage
TC1501-1%00 *cean engineering
Subclass TD
T91-10$$ 3n"ironmental technology. +anitary engineering
T9159-1$% &unici!al engineering
T91$9-1'1.% 3n"ironmental !rotection
T91'2-19.5 3n"ironmental !ollution
T919#-195 3n"ironmental effects of industries and !lants
T9201-500 /ater su!!ly for domestic and industrial !ur!oses
T9#19-#2% /ater !ollution
T9#29.5-#%0.' /ater !urification. /ater treatment and conditioning. +aline
2ater con"ersion
T9#%1-#9 /ater distri5ution systems
T9511-'%0 +e2age collection and dis!osal systems. +e2erage
T9'%-%12.5 &unici!al refuse. +olid 2astes
T9%1-%'0 +treet cleaning. <itter and its remo"al
T9%'%-%9# +!ecial ty!es of en"ironment
Including soil !ollution8 air !ollution8 noise !ollution
T9%95-%99 Industrial and factory sanitation
T9%9$-%99 Industrial and factory 2astes
T9920-9# 1ural and farm sanitary engineering
T99#0-9#9 <o2 tem!erature sanitary engineering
T91020-10$$ .a-ardous su5stances and their dis!osal
Subclass TE
T31-#50 .igh2ay engineering. 1oads and !a"ements
T31'5-1'$.5 .igh2ay design. Interchanges and intersections
T31''-1'%.% 1oadside de"elo!ment. <andsca!ing
T3200-205 &aterials for roadma0ing
T320$-209.5 <ocation engineering
T3210-22%. Construction details
Including foundations8 maintenance8 e=ui!ment
T3250-2'%.% ,a"ements and !a"ed roads
T32'9 +treets
T32'9.5-29% ,edestrian facilities
T32%0-295 +ide2al0s. ;oot!aths. ;lagging
T329% Cur5s. Cur5stones
Subclass TF
T;1-1$20 1ailroad engineering and o!eration
T;200-20 1ail2ay construction
T;#0-#99 1ail2ay e=ui!ment and su!!lies
T;501-$$% 1ail2ay o!eration and management
T;$'0-%51 <ocal and light rail2ays
T;%#0-%51 3le"ated rail2ays and su52ays
T;%55-112' 3lectric rail2ays
T;100-1$20 .igh s!eed ground trans!oration
Subclass TG
TG1-#'0 7ridge engineering
Subclass TH
T.1-9'#5 7uilding construction
T.%#5-%95 (rchitectural engineering. +tructural engineering of 5uildings
T.900-915 Construction e=ui!ment in 5uilding
T.1000-1'25 +ystems of 5uilding construction
Including fire!roof construction8 concrete construction
T.2025-000 9etails in 5uilding design and construction
Including 2alls8 roofs
T.01-#11 &aintenance and re!air
T.#021-#9'' 7uildings> Construction 2ith reference to use
Including !u5lic 5uildings8 d2ellings
T.5011-5'01 Construction 5y !hase of the 2or0 (7uilding trades)
T.$01#-$0%1 3n"ironmental engineering of 5uildings. +anitary engineering of
T.$101-$%%' ,lum5ing and !i!efitting
T.'005-'$99 .eating and "entilation. (ir conditioning
T.''00-'9'5 Illumination. <ighting
T.%001-%5%1 9ecoration and decorati"e furnishings
T.9025-9'#5 ,rotection of 5uildings
Including !rotection from dam!ness8 fire8 5urglary
Subclass TJ
T?1-15'0 &echanical engineering and machinery
T?1$.1-1$.25 ,o2er resources
T?1$.2$-1$.5 3nergy conser"ation
T?1'0-1'9 &echanics a!!lied to machinery. 9ynamics
T?1%1-210 &echanical mo"ements
T?210.2-211.#' &echanical de"ices and figures. (utomata. Ingenious mechanisms.
1o5ots (General)
T?212-225 Control engineering systems. (utomatic machinery (General)
T?22'-2#0 &achine design and dra2ing
T?2#1-25#.' &achine construction (General)
T?255-2$5 .eat engines
T?2$$-2$'.5 Tur5ines. Tur5omachines (General)
T?2$%-'#0 +team engineering
T?$0-$95 <ocomoti"es
T?'51-%05 &iscellaneous motors and engines
Including gas8 gasoline8 diesel engines
T?%0'-%0 1ene2a5le energy sources
T?%$-92' .ydraulic machinery
T?9#0-9#0.5 @acuum technology
T?950-100 ,neumatic machinery
T?10#0-1119 &achinery e4clusi"e of !rime mo"ers
T?1125-1#5 &achine sho!s and machine sho! !ractice
T?150-1#1% .oisting and con"eying machinery
T?1#25-1#'5 <ifting and !ressing machinery
T?1#%0-1#9$ (gricultural machinery. ;arm machinery
T?1501-1519 +e2ing machines
Subclass TK
TA1-99'1 3lectrical engineering. 3lectronics. Buclear engineering
TA01-99 3lectric meters
TA#52-#5#.# 3lectric a!!aratus and materials. 3lectric circuits. 3lectric
TA1001-1%#1 ,roduction of electric energy or !o2er. ,o2er!lants. Central
TA2000-2%91 9ynamoelectric machinery and au4iliaries
Including generators8 motors8 transformers
TA2%9$-29%5 ,roduction of electricity 5y direct energy con"ersion
TA001-521 9istri5ution or transmission of electric !o2er
TA#001-#102 (!!lications of electric !o2er
TA#125-#99 3lectric lighting
TA#$01-#$$1 3lectric heating
TA5101-$'20 Telecommunication
Including telegra!hy8 tele!hone8 radio8 radar8 tele"ision
TA'%00-%$0 3lectronics
TA'%%5-'%95 Com!uter engineering. Com!uter hard2are
TA%00-%$0 ,hotoelectronic de"ices (General)
TA9001-9#01 Buclear engineering. (tomic !o2er
TA9900-99'1 3lectricity for amateurs. (mateur constructors6 manuals
Subclass TL
T<1-#050 &otor "ehicles. (eronautics. (stronautics
T<1-#%# &otor "ehicles. Cycles
T<500-''' (eronautics. (eronautical engineering
T<'%0-'%5.% 1oc0et !ro!ulsion. 1oc0ets
T<'%'-#050 (stronautics. +!ace tra"el
Subclass TN
TB1-99' &ining engineering. &etallurgy
TB2$-2'1 &ineral de!osits. &etallic ore de!osits. ,ros!ecting
TB2'5-25 ,ractical mining o!erations. +afety measures
TB1-#' &ine trans!ortation8 haulage and hoisting. &ining machinery
TB#00-5%0 *re de!osits and mining of !articular metals
TB$00-'99 &etallurgy
TB'99.5-9#% Bonmetallic minerals
TB950-99' 7uilding and ornamental stones
Subclass TP
T,1-11%5 Chemical technology
T,155-15$ Chemical engineering
T,200-2#% Chemicals> &anufacture8 use8 etc.
T,2#%.1-2#%.$5 7iotechnology
T,250-2$1 Industrial electrochemistry
T,2$'.5-01 34!losi"es and !yrotechnics
T,15-$0 ;uel
T,$%-#5$ ;ood !rocessing and manufacture
T,#%0-#9% <o2 tem!erature engineering. Cryogenic engineering. 1efrigeration
T,500-$$0 ;ermentation industries. 7e"erages. (lcohol
T,$'0-$99 *ils8 fats8 and 2a4es
T,$90-$92.5 ,etroleum refining. ,etroleum !roducts
T,'00-'#$ Illuminating industries (Bonelectric)
T,'51-'$2 Gas industry
T,'%5-%$9 Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass
T,%'5-%%% Cement industries
T,%90-9 Te4tile 5leaching8 dyeing8 !rinting8 etc.
T,9#-9#5 ,aints8 !igments8 "arnishes8 etc.
T,10%0-11%5 ,olymers and !olymer manufacture
Subclass TR
T11-1050 ,hotogra!hy
T1250-2$5 Cameras
T12%'-500 ,hotogra!hic !rocessing. 9ar0room techni=ue
T150#-50% Trans!arencies. 9ia!ositi"es
T1510-5#5 Color !hotogra!hy
T1550-5%1 +tudio and la5oratory
T1590-$20 <ighting
T1$2#-%5 (!!lied !hotogra!hy
Including artistic8 commercial8 medical !hotogra!hy8
!hotoco!ying !rocesses
T1%#5-%99 Cinematogra!hy. &otion !ictures
T1925-1050 ,hotomechanical !rocesses
Subclass TS
T+1-201 &anufactures
T+155-19# ,roduction management. *!erations management
T+195-19%.% ,ac0aging
T+200-''0 &etal manufactures. &etal2or0ing
T+'%0-'%% +tone2or0
T+%00-9' /ood technology. <um5er
T+%#0-915 /ood !roducts. ;urniture
T+920-9' Chemical !rocessing of 2ood
T+9#0-10#' <eather industries. Tanning
T+10$0-10'0 ;urs
T+10%0-12$% ,a!er manufacture and trade
T+100-1%$5 Te4tile industries
T+1%'0-195 1u55er industry
T+1950-19%2 (nimal !roducts
T+2120-2159 Cereals and grain. &illing industry
T+2220-22% To5acco industry
T+22%#-22%% (nimal feeds and feed mills. ,et food industry
Subclass TT
TT1-999 .andicrafts. (rts and crafts
TT1$1-1'0.' &anual training. +chool sho!s
TT1'#-1'$ (rticles for children
TT1%0-200 /ood2or0ing. ;urniture ma0ing. :!holstering
TT201-20 <athe2or0. Turning
TT205-2$' &etal2or0ing
TT00-%2.% ,ainting. /ood finishing
TT%'-#10 +oft home furnishings
TT#90-$95 Clothing manufacture. 9ressma0ing. Tailoring
TT$9'-92' .ome arts. .omecrafts
Including se2ing8 em5roidery8 decorati"e crafts
TT950-9'9 .airdressing. 7eauty culture. 7ar5ers6 2or0
TT9%0-999 <aundry 2or0
Subclass TX
TC1-1110 .ome economics
TC01-9 The house
Including arrangement8 care8 ser"ants
TC#1-$#1 Butrition. ;oods and food su!!ly
TC$#2-%#0 Coo0ing
TC%51-%%5 9ining-room ser"ice
TC901-9#$.5 .os!itality industry. .otels8 clu5s8 restaurants8 etc. ;ood ser"ice
TC950-95 Ta"erns8 5arrooms8 saloons
TC955-9%5 7uilding o!eration and house0ee!ing
TC1100-1105 &o5ile home li"ing
TX1110 Recreational vehicle living

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