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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.

WaRP System
Reference Document Version 1.0
Legal Information
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
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1?. )&P;RI'A( /&(I).
&pen 'ame License * 1.0a )opyrig!t 4000, Wi3ards of t!e )oast, Inc.
WaRP System Reference Document, )opyrig!t 4014 Go!n 0. /ep!e+. Pulis!ed under license y (rident, Inc. d--a 0tlas 'ames8 0ut!ors
Gonat!an (+eet +it! Roin D. La+s8 .ditor 1ic!elle /ep!e+.
WaRP System Logo, )opyrig!t 4014 (rident, Inc. d--a 0tlas 'ames8 Designer 1ic!elle /ep!e+.
./D &H LI)./S.
Bonus Die 0n e2tra die rolled +it! t!e normal dice for an attempted action +!en t!e c!aracter !as some ad*antage. Drop out t!e lo+est
die efore tallying t!e total for t!e roll.
Experience Pool (!e numer of dice t!at a c!aracter can use as onus dice eac! game. (!ey doule as a measure of e2perience and can
e #spent$ to impro*e traits or de*elop ne+ traits.
Fringe Powers Po+ers not readily recogni3ed as possile y t!e mundane +orld, including ailities t!at could e classified as psyc!ic or
Game Moderator (GM) t!e person +!o coordinates t!e series "i.e. #gamemaster$%.
GMC 'ame 1oderator )!aracter "i.e. /P), or non,player,c!aracter%, a c!aracter run y t!e game moderator.
Hit Points 0 measure of a c!aracterIs aility to ta7e damage and punis!ment. If reduced to 0 !it points, youIre do+n and out of t!e fig!t.
0 c!aracter deep in t!e negati*es is eit!er dead or +ill die +it!out medical care.
Round In comat, or ot!er intense encounters, a unit of time in +!ic! a c!aracter can generally ta7e one action. Represents aout <
seconds of time in t!e game +orld.
Penalt Die 0n e2tra die rolled +it! t!e normal dice +!en t!e c!aracter !as some disad*antage. Drop out t!e !ig!est die efore totalling
t!e roll.
PC Player c!aracter, a c!aracter run y one of t!e players.
Psc!ic Pool Represents !o+ often a c!aracter can use psyc!ic or fringe po+ers.
"eries a string of related game sessions, a #campaign.$
#rait 0 feature of a c!aracter, representing a s7ill, personal c!aracteristic, fringe po+er, talent, or aspect of oneIs ac7ground. (raits are
usually good, ut some "called #fla+s$% are ad.
Rules &*er*ie+
)!aracter )!ec7list
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
;our c!aracter includes6
Traits & Signs*
Hit Points
Experience Pool**
Important Person
Name, Backgroun, E!uipment, "inances, etc#
J &ne central trait and t+o side traits "one of t!ese is your superior trait%8 one fla+8 a sign for eac! trait "including t!e fla+%.
J ;our e2perience pool starts as one die.
W!en you use a trait, you roll a numer of dice e9ual to its score "usually t!ree dice, or four dice for your superior trait%.
If you get a $onus die "y !a*ing some ad*antage%, you roll an e2tra die along +it! your normal dice and t!en drop t!e lo+est die out of t!e
unc!. If you !a*e to roll a penalt die "from !a*ing some disad*antage%, roll an e2tra die along +it! your normal ones, ut drop out t!e
!ig!est one.
;ou compare your roll *s. t!at made y t!e '1, usually representing a '1)Is traits. ;ou succeed if you eat t!e '1Is roll or t!e di%%icult
%actor s!e assigns.
Sample Difficulty Hactors
#as& Di%%icult Factor or Dice to Roll
.asy > 1
1oderate C 4
Aard 11 <
Really Difficult 1> >
/ear Impossile 1EK ? or @
;our .2perience Pool
;ou can use t!e die in your experience pool to impro*e one roll per game session. &nce you use t!e e2perience die, you cannot use it again
in t!at session. (!e dice from your e2perience pool act as a onus dice. 0s you play, you can ac9uire more dice for your pool.
)reating a )!aracter
Hirst, get an idea of t!e c!aracter you +ill portray. Aa*e a good idea of +!o you +ant to e efore you start any details. 0n e2ample concept
mig!t e, #0 psyc!o,7iller commando +!o escaped from )I0 rain,+as!ing program +!en t!e programming failed.$
.ac! c!aracter !as four traits. &ne trait is t!e c!aracterIs central trait, usually defining +!o t!at c!aracter is. (+o traits are side traits,
additional s7ills or c!aracteristics. &f t!e ao*e t!ree traits, one is c!osen as superior. (!e last trait is a %law or disad*antage. .ac! of t!e
four traits entails a sign, some *isile or tangile aspect of t!at trait.
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
)entral (rait
Hirst, you !a*e one central trait, essentially your identity L +!o you are, +!at you do. (!is trait can ta7e into account a *ariety of aptitudes,
s7ills, or c!aracteristics. W!en you, as a player, descrie your c!aracter, you are li7ely to use t!is trait as t!e central concept. Hor e2ample,
#IIm a model,$ or #IIm a former secret agent.$ If you +ant to e somet!ing +eird, t!is trait must co*er t!at identity.
0 central trait includes t!e name of t!e trait follo+ed y a description, t!en in parent!eses sign"s% t!at are associated +it! t!e trait. /umers
at t!e end of t!e description indicate t!e numer of dice t!at +ould e assigned to t!at trait normally "t!e first, lo+er numer% and !o+ many
dice +ould e assigned if it is t!e c!aracterIs superior trait "t!e second, larger numer8 see later for an e2planation of superior traits%. If t!e
scores listed are #>-@,$ t!is represents !ig!er t!an normal scores for #narrow$ traits. See t!at optional rule later in t!is section.
0n e2ample central trait mig!t e6
Militar Bac&ground Includes fig!ting are,!anded and +it! a *ariety of +eapons, first aid, 7eeping cool under fire, and possily one
specialty field, suc! as mec!anics or demolitions. "Wears camo clot!es, or attle scars% <->
If you +ant to !a*e an unusual c!aracter, per!aps t!e 7ind of t!ing t!at does not e2ist in t!e real +orld "li7e an alien%, you must ta7e t!at trait
as your central trait. 'i*e t!e trait a name and description, eing sure to e clear to t!e '1 +!at s7ills, ailities, and c!aracteristics t!is trait
co*ers. If you !a*e a +eird, unusual po+er, t!e '1 may gi*e you a #psyc!ic pool,$ +!ic! represents !o+ many times per day you can use
t!at po+er. (!is pool may contain < s!ots "uses per day%, or you can roll a die to see !o+ many s!ots it contains. "If you !a*e se*eral fringe
po+ers, you can roll t!e die once for eac! and ta7e t!e !ig!est roll.% '1 rules for fringe ailities are found later in t!is document.
:n7no+n 0ttriutes
0n interesting +ay to speed up c!aracter creation and ring some mystery to t!e process is to identify certain attriutes as un7no+n to you
and to t!e c!aracter. Hor e2ample, you mig!t e an escapee from an e2perimental mental illness treatment t!at !as gi*en you po+ers t!at you
donIt e*en 7no+ muc! aout yet. In t!at case, tell your '1 t!at you +ant one or more of your traits undefined at t!e start. &r your
moti*ation mig!t e to follo+ certain clues, t!e significance of +!ic! you do not yet fully understand. ;our '1 mig!t +ell appreciate t!e
freedom t!at t!is tactic gi*es !er in manipulating your c!aracter into t!e plots t!at s!e +ill lay for you and your fello+ players.
Side (raits
&nce you !a*e your central, identifying trait c!osen, c!ose t+o side traits. (!ey may or may not e related to your central trait. :nli7e t!e
central traits, t!ese side traits are *ery specific, representing discrete c!aracteristics or s7ills.
Gust ecause a trait is your #side trait$ does not mean it is insignificant to your c!aracter. Hor e2ample, a professor +it! t!e side trait of #!ac7
+riting$ mig!t e pursuing !er +riting career, and !er attempts to gain inspiration for !er fiction may e more important in play t!an !er
teac!ing career. Indeed, s!e may e etter at +riting t!an teac!ing.
0 side trait includes t!e name of t!e trait follo+ed y a description, t!en in parent!eses sign"s% t!at are associated +it! t!e trait. /umers at
t!e end of t!e description indicate t!e numer of dice t!e c!aracter recei*es for a normal and superior *ersion of t!at trait, respecti*ely. If t!e
scores listed are #>-@,$ t!is represents !ig!er t!an normal scores for #narrow$ traits. See t!at optional rule later in t!is section.
0n e2ample side trait mig!t e6
#oug! Resist poisons, pain, and fatigue. "=ig,oned% <->
0ny unusual type of po+er, usually called #magical$ or #psyc!ic,$ is a fringe po+er. 1ost li7ely you !a*e a #psyc!ic pool,$ representing t!e
numer of times per day you can use t!is po+er. ;ou can !a*e < s!ots in your pool, or roll a die to determine t!e numer of s!ots. If you !a*e
se*eral fringe po+ers, you can roll t!e die once for eac! and ta7e t!e !ig!est roll. 'i*e yourself a side trait +it! t!e name and description of
t!e po+er. (!e sign for a fringe po+er depends on t!e nature of t!e po+er, and its dice scores are usually 1-4. '1 rules for fringe ailities are
found later in t!is document.
1ore 0out (raits
(!e '1 loo7s o*er your traits and may *eto or edit any t!at s!e Dudges to e out of order. S!eIll proaly allo+ traits li7e #.2ceptionally
toug!,$ ut mig!t disallo+ #)ompletely imper*ious to all manner of attac7, damage, t!reat to life, or !eartac!e.$
(a7e care in naming your trait. 1a7e eac! uni9ue. If your c!aracter is to !a*e a +ay +it! +ords, is s!e #+ell,spo7en,$ #manipulati*e,$ or
#sil*er,tongued$M W!ile t!e distinctions among terms may e slig!t, t!ey affect your perception of t!e c!aracter and can affect t!e
c!aracterIs ailities in special circumstances.
Scores for (raits
/o+ you !a*e your t!ree positi*e traits6 one central trait and t+o side traits. /e2t, you must assign a score to eac!. (!e score represents !o+
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
many dice you roll +!en using t!e trait. (+o factors determine your score for a gi*en trait6 +!et!er it is #superior$, and +!et!er it is t!e 7ind
of trait t!at most people normally !a*e. "See also t!e optional rule for #narro+$ traits.%
Hirst, you c!oose one of your t!ree traits to e superior. )!oose t!e one you li7e t!e most or t!in7 is most important to your c!aracter.
1ost traits are etter or +orse *ersions of traits t!e a*erage person !as. Hor instance, a strong c!aracter is stronger t!an a*erage, ut e*en t!e
a*erage person !as some strengt!. Some traits, !o+e*er, are unusual or tec!nical, and t!e a*erage person !as no s7ill "0 dice% in t!at trait. If
t!is is t!e case, a c!aracter +it! t!is trait !as fe+er dice t!an normal, to represent t!e fact t!at !e +ould normally !a*e no dice at all in t!at
trait. 1edicine, c!anneling, and 9uantum p!ysics are e2amples of tec!nical or unusual traits.
See t!e c!arts elo+ for specifics. =elo+ t!e lael for t!e 7ind of trait are a fe+ e2amples of traits t!at fall in t!at category. #Superior$
indicates your score if t!is trait is your superior trait. #'ood$ indicates your score if you !a*e c!osen t!e trait, ut not as your superior trait.
#0*erage$ means t!e score for someone +!o does not !a*e t!at trait at all.
If t!e trait is not related to a score, ma7e sure you and t!e '1 agree to +!at t!is trait means.
Standard Trait
Stealt!, strengt!, straig!t,facing
Superior > dice
'ood < dice
0*erage 4 dice
Technical or nusual Trait
Doctor, fringe po+ers
Superior 4 dice
'ood 1 die
0*erage 0 dice
&ptional Rule6 /arro+ (raits
Some players may +is! to in*ent P)s +it! traits t!at are important to c!aracteri3ation ut are of marginal use in t!e dangerous game +orld.
Hor e2ample, a c!aracter may +is! to e a painter. (!is trait is no+!ere near as useful as #good fig!ter,$ #toug!,$ and so fort!, so t!e '1
may a+ard t!e P) +it! e2tra dice in t!at score, to compensate partially for t!e traitIs marginal usefulness. (raits suc! as #c!ess,$ #fol7,
singer,$ and #telling g!ost stories$ may e considered narro+. /o fig!ting s7ill counts as #narro+.$ Hor #narro+$ traits, use t!e c!arts elo+
to see !o+ t!e scores +or76
!arro" Trait
Pulic spea7ing, coo7ing
Superior @ dice
'ood > dice
0*erage 4 dice
!arro" # Technical Trait
Aelicopter pilot, dentistry
Superior > dice
'ood 4 dice
0*erage 0 dice
&nce you !a*e determined your first t!ree traits "t!e central trait and t+o side traits%, decided +!ic! of t!ose t!ree is your superior trait, and
assigned scores appropriately, it is time to c!oose a fla+. 0 fla+ is any disad*antage t!at your c!aracter +ill !a*e in play. It must e
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
important enoug! t!at it actually comes into play and ma7es a difference. Ideally, your fla+ s!ould e somet!ing directly related to your
central trait or side traits, or to your c!aracter concept, rat!er t!an Dust a tac7,on disad*antage.
&ften a fla+ causes one to roll penalty dice in rele*ant situations. &t!er fla+s cause prolems t!at t!e player simply must roleplay.
0 fla+ includes t!e name of t!e trait follo+ed y a description, t!en in parent!eses sign"s% t!at are associated +it! t!e trait.
0n e2ample fla+ mig!t e6
Prone to Rec&less 'iolence W!en frustrated, t!ere is a one in si2 c!ance t!at t!e c!aracter +ill fly into a fit of uncontrollale rage.
"Sullen demeanor%
Hor eac! trait, including your fla+, descrie one sign related to it t!at ot!ers can notice. :se t!ese signs +!en descriing your c!aracter. (!at
+ay you can tell ot!er players, #IIm a tall, slim man +!o +al7s +it! a confident gait and +ears a strange gold medallion around !is nec7.$
IsnIt t!at etter t!an, #IIm agile8 I come from a +ealt!y =ritis! family8 and I dale in magic$M Some signs are not al+ays apparent. (!ey
mig!t appear +!en you use t!e trait in 9uestion, or only occasionally.
Ait Points
;our #!it points$ represent t!e amount of punis!ment, damage, and pain you can ta7e and still 7eep going. (!e more !it points you !a*e, t!e
!arder you are to ta7e do+n.
Ait points are determined y any trait you may !a*e t!at is rele*ant to fig!ting, toug!ness, strengt!, mass, or ot!er aspect of your c!aracter
t!at indicates t!e aility to ta7e damage. If t!is trait is ran7ed as > dice, your !it points are 4E. If ran7ed as < dice, your !it points are 41.
Lac7ing suc! a trait, your !it points are 1>. ";ou do not !a*e fe+er t!an 1> !it points for !a*ing a trait li7e #+ea7.$%
;ou get C points per die, and t!at relations!ip ma7es it easy to roll your !it points randomly, if you +ant. Simply roll doule t!e numer of
appropriate dice "e.g. @ dice for a trait ran7ed as < dice%, and your total is your !it points.
If you !a*e more t!an one trait t!at could affect your !it points, roll for eac! trait separately and ta7e t!e !ig!est roll for your total. Hor
e2ample, if you are a > die martial artist and also !a*e < dice strengt!, you could roll eig!t dice and si2 dice, using +!ic!e*er roll results in
t!e !ig!er figure.
If you !a*e t+o traits related to !it points, you can ta7e one of t!em as #a*erage.$ DonIt roll for it at all8 Dust ta7e t!e !it points listed ao*e.
(!en roll for t!e ot!er, using t!e result only if you actually roll o*er t!e a*erage score for t!e first trait. (!e strong martial artist in t!e
e2ample ao*e could ta7e 4E points for !is > dice of martial arts and t!en roll si2 dice for eing strong, ta7ing +!ic!e*er result is !ig!er. &r
!e could ta7e 41 points for eing strong and t!en roll eig!t dice for t!e martial arts, again ta7ing t!e !ig!er result. (o e fair, you must decide
+!et!er you are rolling or ta7ing t!e a*erage !it points for any trait efore you egin rolling for any ot!ers. (!e strong martial artist could
not first roll t!e si2 dice for eing strong and t!en decide +!et!er to roll t!e eig!t dice for martial arts aility.
&nce youI*e determined your !it points, attac! a descripti*e +ord or p!rase to t!em to represent +!at t!ey mean for your c!aracter. Hor
instance, a strong c!aracter mig!t call !is #ra+n,$ indicating t!at !is resilience in t!e face of p!ysical punis!ment comes from !is +ell,
de*eloped musculature. 0not!er c!aracterIs !it points mig!t e #guts,$ relating to s!eer internal toug!ness and resol*e, rat!er t!an to any
purely p!ysical trait.
Descriptions of !it points also gi*e your c!aracter more personality. 0 c!aracter +!o can ta7e a lot of punis!ment ecause !e is determined is
conceptually different from someone +!o 7eeps going ecause !e is too ig "or too stupid% to notice !is +ounds.
(!e '1 can also use your description of your !it points to end t!e rules to fit an unusual situation. Hor instance, imagine a +eapon t!at
stimulates pain ner*es on contact. 0 ig guyIs !it points mig!t not e too effecti*e against t!e attac7, since increased si3e mig!t Dust mean !e
!as more pain ner*e endings8 ut someone +!ose !it points come from eing determined mig!t e ale to s!rug off t!e pain and 7eep going.
"In t!is e2ample, t!e '1 can eit!er penali3e t!e ig guy to 7eep !is e2tra !it points from protecting !im, or gi*e a onus to t!e determined
c!aracter to represent !is superior resistance to pain.%
.2perience Pool
0s a eginning c!aracter, you !a*e one die in your e2perience pool. (!is means t!at once per game session you can use t!is die as a onus
die on any roll you ma7e, impro*ing your c!ances for success. &nce you use t!is die, you cannot use it again for t!e rest of t!e session.
(!e e2perience die represents your e2perience, +ill, +its, and special circumstances. ;ou must Dustify t!e use of t!e die in t!ese terms. Hor
e2ample, to loc7 a 7nife t!rust you mig!t say, #(!is !as got to e t!e t!ird 7nife,fig!t II*e een in t!is +ee7, and IIm getting used to it.$ If
t!e '1 does not tell you +!at a roll is for, you cannot use an e2perience die to modify it ecause you cannot Dustify its use.
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0s t!e series progresses and you ecome more e2perienced, t!e '1 +ill a+ard you more dice for your e2perience pool to represent t!e
e2perience gained. (!at means you can impro*e more of your rolls eac! session, ut you cannot use more t!an one die on a single roll. &nce
a die is used, you may not use it again for t!e rest of t!e game session.
0s you gain more dice in your pool, you can #trade t!em in$ for impro*ed traits. See t!e rules for e2perience later in t!is section
&ptional Rule6 1ultiple .2perience Dice
(!e '1 may allo+ you to use more t!an one e2perience die, ut only if you can gi*e one good Dustification for eac! die t!at you intend to
use. ;ou only use a onus die for eac! Dustification t!at t!e '1 accepts, and t!e '1 may refuse to use t!is optional rule altoget!er.
0+arding .2perience Pool Dice
0+arding t!ese dice is entirely up to t!e '1. :se t!em to pace t!e progression of play. If you +ant to slo+ t!ings do+n, a+ard fe+.
0+arding fe+ dice puts t!e emp!asis on t!e real +orld accomplis!ments of t!e P)s. (!ey ecome po+erful mostly t!roug! figuring out +!o
to trust, !o+ to get t!ings done, and ma7ing a reputation for t!emsel*es. If you +ant t!e series to mo*e 9uic7ly, a+ard plenty of dice. (!e
more dice t!e P)s get, t!e etter t!ey +ill e ale to !andle deeper and more dangerous plots. W!en in dout, a+ard t!e dice.
(!ese are actions for +!ic! t!e '1 can a+ard dice to P)s6
Doing t!ings( 0 full session of tal7ing, lying, eing lied to, fig!ting, snea7ing, +atc!ing your ac7, follo+ing clues and so fort! s!ould e
+ort! a die, unless t!e P) +as generally incompetent.
"ucceeding at some ma)or tas&* suc! as sol*ing a mystery, neutrali3ing an enemy, or gaining a !ard,+on pri3e.
Getting se+erel tor,ued* etrayed, tric7ed, and Der7ed around, ut sur*i*ing to tell aout it. #.2perience is +!at you get +!en you donIt
get +!at you +ant.$
Executing a $rilliant maneu+er( If a P) dumfounds you y t!in7ing !is +ay out of certain deat! or manipulating a situation t!e +ay a
pianist manipulates a 7eyoard, anot!er die for t!e pool is a concrete +ay to ac7no+ledge t!e feat.
Excellent role-plaing( 0 player +!o reat!es life into a s!eet of paper "t!e P)% adds dept! and +onder to t!e series. 0gain, a+arding a die
ac7no+ledges t!is proficiency.
In general, one die s!ould e a+arded for eac! session of +ort!y play, plus dice for any e2ceptional accomplis!ments. 0 P) +!o struggles
+ell, *an9uis!es a foe !eIs een after for t!ree sessions running, and imues !is c!aracter +it! energetic personality mig!t get t!ree dice for
t!at one session "one for a sessionIs play, one for defeating !is enemy, and one for good role,playing%. 0t t!e rate of one or t+o dice per
session, it +ill ta7e a P) aout t!ree sessions to de*elop a ne+ trait. If t!atBs too slo+ or too fast for your style of play, e more or less
generous a+arding dice.
)!oose a moti*ation for your c!aracter. W!y !a*e you come !ereM W!at do you +ant out of lifeM W!at are you trying to accomplis!M (!e
c!aracter mig!t not e fully a+are of !is o+n moti*ation. 0 good moti*ation inspires your c!aracter to action so t!e '1 can use it to in*ol*e
you in e*ents. (!e '1 mig!t also use t!e moti*ation to ring your c!aracter into contact and cooperation +it! t!e ot!er player,c!aracters.
=e+are of moti*ations t!at +ill ma7e your c!aracter !ard to play.
0 sample moti*ation mig!t e, #(o e2act re*enge on my former )I0 !andlers.$
If you pic7 an easy tas7, accomplis!ing it +ill lea*e your c!aracter +it!out a goal, so e careful +it! a moti*ation li7e t!is one. &f course,
your '1 can see to it t!at t!is is no easy tas7.
)!oose some secret, some !idden fact t!at fe+ ot!ers, if any, 7no+ aout you. Pic7 a dar7 secret, if you can, somet!ing you desperately +ant
to 7eep !idden from ot!ers. 0gain, t!is secret can !elp you get in*ol*ed in plots and intrigues.
0 sample secret mig!t e, #1y psyc!osis is arely controlled y my medication.$
Important Person
)!oose one person +!o +as important in your past, and decide !o+ t!at person +as important to you. It could e someone you 7no+
personally, or merely someone you admire, e*en a fictional c!aracter.
0 sample important person mig!t e your fat!er, +!o 7ic7ed you out of t!e !ouse +!en you +ere si2teen so you could learn to fend for
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=ac7ground N .9uipment
Hill in all t!e details you +ant aout your c!aracterIs ac7ground. List t!e possessions t!e c!aracter !as and !a*e some idea of t!e financial
resources !e +ill !a*e. )!oose items and finances appropriate to t!e c!aracter concept.
'1 0ppro*al
(!e '1 s!ould loo7 o*er e*ery c!aracter efore appro*ing it for play. DonBt allo+ any traits t!at +ould ta7e control of t!e series out of your
!ands and place it in t!e !ands of a single player. Veto or edit it.
=asic 1ec!anics
(!ese are t!e rules for play, !o+ to tell if you succeed or fail at t!e *arious tas7s and efforts you attempt. (!e special case of comat is
co*ered in t!e ne2t section.
'eneral 0ctions
W!ene*er your c!aracter tries to do somet!ing, t!e '1 +ill respond in one of t!ree +ays, depending on t!e difficulty of t!e tas7. (!e tas7
mig!t e automatic "no roll re9uired%, c!anc* or impossi$le "no roll allo+ed%, as ruled y t!e '1.
)!ancy 0ctions
Roll some dice, add t!e numers up, and t!e etter you roll, t!e etter t!e result. Specifically, your total is compared to some ot!er numer.
(!ree results are possile.
1% 'our total (eats the num(er. ;ou succeed at +!at you +ere attempting. (!e greater t!e difference et+een your roll and t!e numer, t!e
greater t!e success, as ruled y t!e '1.
4% 'our total e)uals the num(er. Dra+, stalemate, or inconclusi*e results are t!us indicated.
<% 'our total is less than the num(er. ;ou fail, and t!e greater t!e difference et+een t!e numers, t!e more se*ere your failure, as ruled y
t!e '1.
Ao+ 1any Dice Do ;ou RollM
'enerally, you roll t+o, t!ree, or four dice, depending on t!e action and your traits. If you are trying somet!ing t!at directly in*ol*es one of
your traits, roll t!e numer of dice e9ual to your score in t!at trait. If t!e action !as not!ing to do +it! any of your traits, you roll t+o dice.
(!at means t!at t!e a*erage person attempting t!e a*erage tas7 rolls t+o dice.
Hor e2ample, a c!aracter is trying to loo7 cool. Ae is good at manipulating people "score of <%, so t!e '1 tells !im to roll t!ree dice. (!e
!ig!er t!e numer, t!e cooler !e appears. 0 normal person +ould only get to roll t+o dice, and a nerd +ould roll t+o dice ut suffer a penalty
die "see elo+%. If !e !ad c!osen to !a*e #manipulating people$ as !is #superior$ trait, !e +ould !a*e gotten to roll four dice.
If you try somet!ing at +!ic! you !a*e some 7ind of edge or ad*antage, you get a $onus die. "(!ese onus dice are a+arded y t!e '1 in
t!e situation8 t!ey do not come from your e2perience pool.% Roll it rig!t along +it! your normal dice, ut drop out t!e lo+est die you roll.
;our total is still composed of t!e same numer of dice as normal, ut t!eyIre li7ely to e !ig!er rolling dice. (!atIs !o+ your ad*antage
translates into game mec!anics.
If you try somet!ing at +!ic! you !a*e some special difficulty or !indrance, roll a penalt die along +it! your regular dice. /o+ drop out
t!e !ig!est rolling die and use t!e total of t!e remaining dice as your roll.
If you get a onus and a penalty die for t!e same roll, t!ey cancel eac! ot!er, and you roll normally. ;ou can use an e2perience die to cancel a
penalty die, ut t!en you cannot use t!e die again for t!e rest of t!e gaming session.
(!e '1 assigns onus dice and penalty dice depending on !er Dudgment of t!e situation. ;ou can as7 for a onus die +!en you t!in7 you
deser*e one.
Hor e2ample, if a c!aracter, efore trying to impress t!is good,loo7ing +oman, !ad successfully +atc!ed !er for a fe+ !ours, !e +ould get a
onus die on !is roll "roll four dice and ta7e t!e est t!ree%. &n t!e ot!er !and, if, un7no+n to !im, !e !ad a splotc! of 7etc!up on !is tie, !e
+ould !a*e to roll a penalty die "four dice, ta7e t!e +orst t!ree%. If !e !ad done !is researc! and !ad 7etc!up on !is tie, !e +ould get neit!er
onus nor penalty, as t!ey alance eac! ot!er out.
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)omparing ;our Roll
(!ere are t+o +ays to determine +!at numer to compare to your die roll.
W!en you are +or7ing against an inert force, t!e '1 assigns a di%%icult %actor. (!atIs t!e numer to +!ic! you compare your roll, and t!e
more difficult t!e tas7, t!e !ig!er t!e difficulty factor. 0lternately, t!e '1 can roll dice for t!e strengt! of t!e inert force, introducing more
c!ance into t!e e9uation. (!e !arder t!e tas7, t!e more dice t!e '1 rolls. 0n easy tas7 +ould get one die, a moderate tas7 "for t!e a*erage
person% +ould get t+o dice, a !ard tas7 +ould get t!ree dice, a really difficult tas7 +ould get four dice, and a nearly impossile as7 mig!t get
fi*e or si2 dice.
W!en +or7ing against an acti*e opponent, t!e opponent rolls a num$er o% dice, Dust li7e you do, depending on t!e opponentIs traits and
onus or penalty dice, if any. ;ou and t!e opponent compare your rolls, +it! t!e specific results determined y t!e '1. 'enerally, t!e !ig!er
roll +ins.
Hor e2ample, t!at c!aracter is trying to impress t!e +oman !eIs met at a ar. S!e notices t!is, and in turn tries to impress !im and gain t!e
upper !and. S!e !as t!ree dice, as +ell. If t!e c!aracter !as een +atc!ing !er carefully, !eIll get a onus die "and t!us an ad*antage%. If !e
!as 7etc!up on !is tie, !eIll get a penalty die "a disad*antage%. (!e player and t!e '1 "running t!e +oman% eac! roll t!eir dice, and t!e '1
interprets t!e results depending on +!o eat +!om.
/ote t!at t!e '1 need not tell you +!at s!e rolls for a '1), or e*en !o+ many dice s!e is rolling. (!e '1 only needs to tell you t!e results
of your action as your c!aracter percei*es t!em.
0 Special )ase6 (ec!nical (raits
Wit! tec!nical s7ills "suc! as #acupuncture$%, e*en a score of 1 die indicates t!e c!aracter can do t!ings t!at t!e a*erage person +ould !a*e
practically no c!ance to do. "(!e a*erage person !as a score of 0 in acupuncture.% 0 1 die acupuncturist mig!t not e *ery s7illed or
e2perienced, ut !e is still ale to do t!ings t!at e*en a score of < or > in anot!er s7ill +ould not permit. 0ssume t!at someone +it! suc! a
s7ill can automatically perform any related action t!at an uns7illed person could do ut +ould !a*e to roll for, as +ell as most normal
functions related to t!at s7ill. 'enerally, a c!aracter only rolls for a tec!nical trait in some unusual situation, suc! as diagnosing an unusual
disease or piloting a !elicopter t!roug! a storm.
In '1) descriptions, tec!nical or fringe traits, +!ere t!e a*erage person +ould !a*e no dice in t!e trait, are indicated +it! an asteris7 "e.g.,
#!eurosurgery+ 1J die$%.
(!e Rule of )ommon Sense
Sometimes t!e dice +ill dictate an e*ent t!at runs counter to common sense, somet!ing t!at +ould strain t!e playersI +illing suspension of
diselief. (!ere are t+o possiilities +!en t!is !appens.
Hirst, rememer t!at strange t!ings !appen all t!e time in,game. 'o +it! t!e result, no matter !o+ i3arre. 1aye t!e '1 +ill in*ent a
Dustification for it, maye not.
Second, donIt ot!er to roll t!e dice in t!e first place, if common sense ma7es clear +!atIs going to !appen. (!e dice are a +ay to ans+er t!e
9uestion #W!at !appensM$ DonIt as7 9uestions t!at you already 7no+ t!e ans+er to.
(!e '1 !as 9uite a Do determining Dust +!at is #common sense.$ 1a7e t!e Do easy for !er and donIt argue +!en s!e ma7es a ruling.
(!e Aand of Hate
Sometimes a c!ancy situation de*elops in +!ic! no trait truly applies, ut t!e outcome is uncertain. In t!is case, roll t+o dice. 0 !ig! roll
means a result good for t!e players, a roll around C means a mediocre or a*erage result, and a lo+er roll means a ad or dangerous result.
Hor e2ample, a c!aracter is ta7ing !is date out on a picnic, and t!e +eat!er !as not yet een determined. (!e '1 lets !im roll t!e dice, and
!e gets a ?. (!e '1 rules t!at t!e ? means an annoying +ind t!at 7eeps lo+ing t!e picnic7ersI nap7ins a+ay, ut not!ing serious.
&ptional Rules
(!e use of t!ese rules is up to t!e '1. (!e '1 may use an optional rule all t!e time, some of t!e time, or none of t!e time, according to !er
W!en you roll all 1Is for a gi*en action, you !a*e otc!ed. /ot only !a*e you automatically failed in your attempted action, ut somet!ing
really ad !appens. (!e '1 determines t!e outcome of t!e otc!.
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/ote t!at a penalty die greatly increases your c!ances of a otc!, +!ic! is as it s!ould e. Li7e+ise, a onus die greatly decreases otc!
Hor e2ample, a c!aracter is trying to rea7 t!roug! a loc7ed door. Ae rolls t+o dice, and t!ey come up sna7e,eyes. (!e '1 rules t!at, not
only did t!e door fail to udge, ut !e !as inad*ertently ro7en t!e +eird de*ice !e is carrying in !is poc7et t!at !e found last session.
In anot!er e2ample, a c!aracter is conning a gullile fello+ into trusting !im. :nfortunately, !e is a it tipsy at t!e moment, so !e gets a
penalty die. Ae rolls four dice, and t!ey come up ?, 1, 1, 1. (!at comes to <, total, and a otc!. (!e gullile '1) rolls one die for resisting
t!e c!aracterBs sc!emes, and gets a 4. .*en t!oug! t!is is lo+er t!an t!e <, t!e c!aracterBs roll +as a otc!, so !e fails. Suddenly t!e #gullile
little t+erp$ is pointing a ig 7nife in t!e c!aracterBs direction.
=lo+ing t!e (op &ff
(!is optional rule eliminates t!e ma2imum from a c!aracterIs rolls. If t!e player rolls all @Is on any gi*en roll, !e rolls anot!er die and adds it
to t!e total !e already rolled. If t!at die is a @, !e rolls it again and adds it, and so on. (!ere is t!erefore no upper limit to +!at a c!aracter
could roll. If you donIt li7e t!e idea of artificial limits to a c!aracterIs possile roll, t!is system may e +!at youIre loo7ing for.
Oeep in mind t!at if you use t!is optional rule, penalty dice and onus dice are going to !a*e a igger impact t!an if you donIt use t!is rule,
Dust as is t!e case for t!e otc! rule ao*e.
(!e :nstoppale Si2
If any of your dice are si2es, you otain some positi*e result, e*en if you are not successful in t!e roll. Gust +!at t!is #limited success$ entails
is up to t!e '1 "of course%. 0lso, t!e more @Is you get, t!e more po+erful your #loserIs re*enge$ +ill e.
Hor e2ample, a c!aracter comes face to face +it! t!e s!rie7ing g!ost of an 0tlantean priest. W!ile t!e ot!er P)s loo7 disconsolately at t!eir
useless +eaponry, !e says t!at !e is dredging !is mind for spells t!at could ind t!is g!ost to !is control. (!e '1 says !e does indeed
rememer suc! a spell, and !as t!e player roll four dice. Ae rolls a 1<, against t!e priestIs roll of @, <, 1, for a total of 10. (!e c!aracter +ins
and t!e '1 says !e can direct t!e spirit to in!ait a p!ysical oDect. W!at t!e c!aracter doesnIt 7no+ is t!at t!e g!ost rolled a @, and t!at t!e
'1 decides t!at t!is result means t!at t!e g!ost !as 7ept itself from eing completely controlled.
1ultiple 0ctions
;ou may attempt more t!an one action in a round, ut y doing so you ta7e a penalty on eac! action. If you attempt one e2tra action, you
suffer a penalty die on all actions "including defense rolls%. If you attempt t+o e2tra actions, you roll one fe+er die on all actions underta7en
in t!at round. (!ree e2tra actions means t+o fe+er dice t!an normal, four e2tra actions means t!ree fe+er dice, and so on.
(angential (raits
Sometimes you !a*e a trait t!at does not e2actly apply to t!e tas7 at !and. In t!is case, t!e '1 may allo+ a onus die "if t!e trait is < dice% or
an e2tra die "if t!e trait is > dice or etter%.
Hor e2ample, consider a model +it! < dice in t!e trait #model.$ (!is central trait co*ers good loo7s, use of ma7e,up, and possily ad acting.
If s!e tries to use ma7e,up to alter !er o+n appearance gi*e !er t+o dice plus a onus die8 t!atIs etter t!an a*erage ut not as good as
someone +it! t!e trait #disguise.$
'roup .fforts
W!en +or7ing toget!er, P)s can impro*e "or sometimes decrease% t!eir c!ances of success. Depending on !o+ +ell a gi*en tas7 can e
accomplis!ed y more t!an one person, t!e '1 can call for one of t!e follo+ing resolution systems.
Simple 0ddition
In tas7s t!at t+o people can easily do simultaneously +it!out getting in eac! ot!ersI +ay, add t!e dice of ot! c!aracters toget!er.
Hor e2ample, t+o c!aracters are trying to lift a stone t!atIs co*ering a c!ute to some underground passage. (!e '1 decides t!at a roll of 1< is
necessary to mo*e it. "(!at means an a*erage person +ouldnIt !a*e a c!ance of mo*ing it alone.% (!ey eac! get t+o dice for rute strengt!,
and t!ey roll a > and a 10, for a total of 1>. (!ey mo*e t!e stone and descend into t!e dar7ness.
)omining Dice
In tas7s +!ere t+o can +or7 toget!er effecti*ely, ut not perfectly, roll all t!e dice and ta7e t!e !ig!est, a numer of dice e9ual to t!e numer
normally rolled y t!e est of t!e cooperating c!aracters. ".ffecti*ely, t!e dice rolled y lesser c!aracters ecome onus dice for t!e est.%
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Hor e2ample, t+o c!aracters find a cac!e of ancient te2ts, partially translated into arely co!erent .nglis!. :nder time pressure, t!ey rus!
t!roug! t!e te2ts loo7ing for somet!ing useful. Ae rolls four dice, s!e rolls t+o, and t!ey ta7e t!e est four dice et+een t!em to see !o+
muc! information t!ey can glean 9uic7ly.
(!eir escape is cut s!ort, !o+e*er, +!en a gang of roug!s surrounds t!em. (!e first c!aracter is up against fi*e of t!em, +!o roll t+o dice in
comat. (!e '1 rules t!at t!ey donIt fig!t in a coordinated pattern, and t!at not all fi*e can get to t!e c!aracter at once, so t!ey only get
#comining dice.$ Ae rolls t!ree dice for 1>, +!ile t!e gang memers roll ten dice and ta7e t!e est t+o, a ? and a @. (!e c!aracter manages
to eat off t!e gang memers, ut "ecause of t!e unstoppale si2%, !e suffers a nasty 7ic7 in t!e groin +!ile doing so "? !it points damage%.
!ote- (!is fig!t +as an e2ample of #gestalt$ comat.
Sometimes c!aracters split up a tas7 so t!at only one of t!em "determined randomly% !as a c!ance for success. In t!is case, all t!e P)s mig!t
roll, ut only t!e one +it! a real c!ance for success counts.
Hor e2ample, t+o c!aracters decide to searc! t!e odies of t!eir fallen enemies for anyt!ing of interest. .ac! P) searc!es !alf of t!e odies,
so only one +ill e*en !a*e a c!ance to find t!e note !idden in oneBs poc7et. (!e '1 rolls and determines t!at t!e second c!aracter is
searc!ing t!e rele*ant ody. =eing percepti*e, s!e rolls t!ree dice plus a penalty die for t!e dar7ness of t!e c!amer8 s!e gets an E, good
enoug!. 1ean+!ile, t!e first c!aracter rolls a >, and t!e '1 tells !im !e found not!ing. Ae doesnIt 7no+ t!at t!ere +asnIt anyt!ing for !im
to find, any+ay.
/o+ if t!ese t+o P)s +erenIt running for t!eir li*es, t!ey mig!t !a*e gone o*er eac! of t!e odies toget!er "using comining dice%. 0s it
+as, t!ey sacrificed t!oroug!ness to sa*e time and are once again fleeing for an e2it from t!e ca*ern.
Worst Roller
W!en t+o or more c!aracters attempt somet!ing t!at s!ould really e left to one of t!em, t!ey all roll, and t!e +orst roll is used to determine
t!e result.
Hor e2ample, t+o c!aracters !a*e finally found an e2it to t!e ca*erns t!eyBre searc!ing, a tunnel t!at opens onto t!e pri*ate grounds of a
+ealt!y usinessman. W!ile loo7ing for a +ay out, t!ey are disco*ered y a security team armed +it! tasers. Immediately t!e first c!aracter
pretends to e !appy to see t!em and launc!es into a tale aout !o+ t!eyBre lost. Aoping to !elp, t!e second c!aracter spea7s up and adds
some details. (!e '1 tells eac! player to roll for t!e effecti*eness of t!eir stories, t!ree dice for t!e first c!aracter "+!o is good at
manipulating people% and t+o dice for t!e second. (!e first c!aracter, +it! !is roll of F, eats t!e guardsI roll of C, ut t!e second c!aracter
rolls only a @, and t!e guards ecome suspicious. Rat!er t!an ta7e c!ances, t!e guards taser t!e t+o of t!em and drag t!em off to an
interrogation room.
If t!ey !ad ta7en time to in*ent and re!earse a story, t!ey +ould !a*e een ale to use comining dice "est t!ree out of t!eir fi*e dice%, ut
since t!ey didnIt coordinate t!eir suterfuge, t!e guards !ad a muc! easier time seeing t!roug! t!eir ruse.
)omat &*er*ie+
.nitiati+e/ Roll a comat, agility, or speed trait at t!e eginning of a comat. 0ctions proceed eac! round from !ig!est roller to lo+est.
0ttac&/ Roll a comat, strengt!, agility, or similar trait. )ompare it to t!e defenderIs roll. 0 non,comat trait can only e used for eit!er
attac7 or defense eac! round. ;ou !it your opponent if you eat your opponentIs defense roll.
De%ense/ Roll a comat, agility, or similar trait. 0 noncomat trait can only e used for eit!er attac7 or defense eac! round. ;ou get one
defense roll for eac! attac7 made against you.
Damage/ &n a successful !it, sutract t!e defense roll from t!e attac7 roll. 1ultiply t!e result y t!e +eaponIs damage factor to calculate t!e
damage done.
0rmor/ (!e defender determines armor protection "usually 1 point for casual armor, or one or t+o dice for good armor%. Sutract t!is
protection *alue from damage done to get damage ta7en.
1ost Hit Points/ Sutract t!e damage t!at e2ceeds armor from t!e targetIs !it points. If t!e target is at !alf !it points or elo+, t!ey ta7e a
penalty die on furt!er actions. If at 0 !it points or elo+, t!e target is out of t!e fig!t. If at a le*el of !it points e9ual to t!e negati*e of t!eir
normal !it points "e.g. ,41 for a c!aracter +it! 41 !it points%, t!ey are purc!asing agricultural real estate.
Reco+er/ 0fter a c!ance to rest and recuperate "maye !alf an !our%, you reco*er !alf t!e !it points you lost. 0fter t!at, you reco*er only y
rest or medical care.
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
Damage Hactors
:narmed comat P1
(!ro+ing 7nife P1
Oni*es, lead pipes, t!ro+ing a2e, etc. P4
S+ords, a2es, etc. P<
Lig!t !andgun or S1' P<
1edium !andgun or S1' P>
Large !andgun or S1' P?
Lig!t Rifle P@
Aea*y Rifle PC
14,gauge s!otgun P10J
(aser P?JJ
JDi*ided y #distance dice$ "see #Weapon Ranges$%.
JJ0ll damage from a taser is temporary. Record it separately8 it all comes ac7 +!en t!e c!aracter reco*ers.
(!e rules ao*e rely a lot on common sense, t!e '1s aility to adDudicate amiguous results, and your goodnatured acceptance of t!e '1s
rulings. In comat, +!en t!ings !appen fast and your life is on t!e line, you proaly need more specific rules. Aere t!ey are.
1o*ement in )omat
Sometimes you +ill +ant to 7no+ Dust !o+ long it ta7es to get from one place to anot!er. 0ssuming a < second round, you can mo*e at t!e
follo+ing speeds6
Wal7ing "< 7m-!% 4.? m-round
Aurrying "@ 7m-!% ? m-round
Gogging "F 7m-!% C.? m-round
Running, steady "14 7m-!% 10 m-round
Running, fast "1E 7m-!% 1? m-round
Sprinting "4> 7m-!% 40 m-round
Hor reference, rememer t!at a #> minute mile$ means running at aout 4> 7m-! for four minutes. /ot many people can do it, t!oug! some
can run t!at fast or faster for muc! s!orter periods of time. 0lso rememer t!at c!aracters usually do not !a*e lig!t clot!es, running s!oes, a
generous +arm,up, and a clear trac7 on +!ic! to run. (!at 4> 7m-! figure is impossile for most P)s in most situations.
W!en t!e fig!t starts, eac! player rolls for initiati+e. :se +!ate*er traits are appropriate. Hor e2ample, traits suc! as #agile,$ #good refle2es,$
and #martial artist$ count. Lac7ing any suc! trait, a c!aracter rolls 4 dice. (!e '1 can roll for all t!e '1)s +it! one roll for simplicityIs
sa7e. (!e '1 or a !elpful player +rites do+n t!e c!aracters from !ig!est roll to lo+est. (!is is t!e order in +!ic! t!ey +ill act eac! round.
&r !a*e eac! of t!e players act in t!e order t!ey are seated around t!e tale, +it! t!e '1 acting first or last.
.ac! round is long enoug! for eac! c!aracter to do one t!ing. (!at +ay e*eryone stays in*ol*ed all t!e time. 'enerally, a round e9uals <
seconds of action in t!e game +orld.
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(!e '1 calls on eac! player in turn, depending on t!eir initiati+e rolls. W!en you are called, you get to do one t!ing t!at you could do in a
fe+ seconds, suc! as try to !urt someody, run a+ay, use a fringe po+er, scream for !elp, try desperately to patc! a leeding +ound, find t!at
necessary implement in your ac7pac7, or +!ate*er. If you try to do too muc!, t!e '1 +ill only let you perform part of t!e intended action.
(!e most common t!ing my players do is try to ta7e a piece out of t!eir opponents, rules for +!ic! are elo+.
;ou may also +ait to act until later in t!e round, in +!ic! case you Dust interrupt +!en you +ant to ta7e your turn. "=y +aiting, you can
coordinate a simultaneous action +it! anot!er c!aracter.%
Ao+ Long is a RoundM
If a comat represents a lig!tning fast e2c!ange of lo+s et+een 7ung fu masters, eac! round mig!t e a second, or e*en less. If t!e comat
is a duel et+een t+o sop!isticates +!o li7e to insult t!eir opponents and !old a nasty dialogue +!ile pounding on eac! ot!er, t!en a round
mig!t e ten seconds or more. :nless t!e '1 rules ot!er+ise, assume a round is aout t!ree seconds long.
W!en it is your turn to attac7, roll your rele*ant attac7 trait, suc! as #Strong,$ #1artial 0rtist,$ or #'ood +it! a =aseall =at.$ If you get a
penalty die or onus die, add it in.
(!e target of your attac7 ma7es a defense roll, using traits suc! as #Hast on 1y Heet,$ #'ood =ra+ler,$ or #Slippery as an .el.$
2ote/ 0 non,comat trait cannot e used for ot! attac7 and defense in a single round. If you are #0gile,$ you must decide eac! round
+!et!er to use t!at trait for your attac7 or defense roll. 0 specifically comat oriented trait, suc! as #'ood Onife, Hig!ter$ can e used for
ot! attac7 and defense rolls. (!is rule preser*es game alance. Since a trait li7e #agile$ !as non,comat applications t!at #good 7nife,
fig!ter$ does not !a*e, it +ouldnIt e fair to allo+ suc! a road trait to e9ual a strictly comat,oriented trait in a fig!t.
&n t!e ot!er !and, someone +!o is #Strong as an &2$ and !as #'ood Refle2es$ to oot could use #Strong as an &2$ for t!e attac7 roll and
#'ood Refle2es$ for t!e defense roll.
So youI*e rolled your attac7 roll and t!e ot!er guy !as rolled defense. )ompare t!e numers. If your attac7 roll is less t!an or e9ual to t!e
defense roll, you !a*e failed to connect for significant damage. If your attac7 roll is !ig!er t!an t!e targetIs defense roll, youI*e scored a !it
and +ill do damage. Sutract t!e defenderIs "lo+er% roll from your "!ig!er% roll. 1ultiply t!is result y t!e damage factor for t!e +eapon you
are using, and t!e total is t!e damage you !a*e Dust dis!ed out "more tasty details elo+%.
=ear in mind t!at ma7ing an attac7 roll does not represent a single s+ing or lunge8 it represents t!ree seconds of trying to get t!e ot!er guy. 0
!ig! roll mig!t mean t!at you !a*e pounded your opponent in t!e !ead se*eral times, not Dust once.
Ranged 0ttac7s
Hor missile weapons li7e guns and crosso+s, t!e system is a little different ecause it is !arder to !it someone at a distance +it! a single
s!ot t!an it is to sta someody ne2t to you during t!ree seconds of your est effort. Wit! missile +eapons, t!e target recei*es a defense roll
ased on suc! factors as range, mo*ement, co*er, and so on. (!e '1 assigns t!e defense roll, ased on t!e factors in t!e #Ranged 0ttac7s$
(!e distance terms are !ig!ly suDecti*e as t!ey depend on t!e type of +eapon eing used. (!e Weapon Ranges c!art lists t!e range in meters
at +!ic! t!e target recei*es *arious defense dice, ased on t!e type of +eapon used. If t!e distance in meters e2ceeds t!e numer listed, use
t!e ne2t !ig!er numer of dice. Hor e2ample, if someone opens up +it! a su,mac!ine gun +!ile you are <0 m a+ay, you +ill get < defense
dice for range, in addition to dice for dodging, mo*ing, co*er, and so on.
Ranged 0ttac7s (ale
De%ense Dice
Distance Point =lan7 1
S!ort Range 4
1edium <
Long Range >
Very Long Range ?
Co+er 1 or 4
#arget Mo+ing 1
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0ttac&er Mo+ing 1
#arget Dodging onusJ
Dar&ness* %og* etc( 1 or 4
JDefender gets onus dice e9ual to t!e numer of dice normally rolled for #agility,$ #9uic7 refle2es,$ etc. "(!e default is 4 dice.% Someone
+it! #fast, > dice,$ for e2ample, +ould recei*e > onus dice on t!e defense roll. 0 clumsy c!aracter recei*es only one onus die for dodging.
(!e target rolls t!e numer of dice indicated from among t!e ao*e factors as !is defense roll.
Weapon Ranges
Dice %or De%ense Roll
3eapon 4 5 6 7 8
(!ro+n, alancedJ 4m >m Em 1@m <4m
(!ro+n, a+7+ardJJ 4m >m @m Em 10m
)rosso+ 4m 10m 40m >0m E0m
(aser 1m 4m ?m Q Q
$eapon %ange Ta&le Notes
(o find t!e #distance dice,$ find t!e numer t!at is e9ual to or !ig!er t!an t!e distance to t!e target. /o+ find t!e numer at t!e top of t!at
column, t!atIs t!e numer of #distance dice$ rolled for defense. Hor e2ample, if you t!ro+ a aseall "#t!ro+n, alanced$% at someone @m
a+ay, t!e target gets < dice for t!e defense roll "plus ot!er modifiers esides distance%.
JSuc! as a all or t!ro+ing 7nife.
JJSuc! as a s+ord or lender.
Q(!eir electric cords donIt e2tend past ?m.
If t!e '1 +is!es, s!e can use #!alf,dice$ +!en c!aracters do not deser*e full dice under t!e rules ao*e. Hor instance, someone under *ery
lig!t co*er mig!t Dust get a onus die instead of an e2tra die on defense, or someone standing ?m from a 7nife,t!ro+er mig!t get 4 dice plus a
onus die for range, rat!er t!an Dumping straig!t from 4 dice to < ecause of t!e difference et+een >m and ?m.
Some +eapons may, at t!e '1Is option, !a*e ranges different from t!eir general types, ased on design. 0fter all, some +eapons are Dust
etter t!an ot!ers.
Predictale 0ttac7s
If you e*er ma7e a predictale or oring attac7 on an opponent, t!e '1 !as t!e rig!t to gi*e you a penalty die on t!e attac7. Aere are some
Penalt die/ #I s+ing at it.$
2o penalt die/ #I pull ac7 for an allout lo+ at t!at t!ingIs lo+er face.$
Penalt die/ #I try to !it it in t!e gut again.$ "0fter trying t!e same t!ing t!e round efore.%
2o penalt die/ #Well, itIs gut is pretty +ell protected8 IIll drop to t!e ground and s+eep its feet out from under it.$
(!ere are t+o reasons for t!is rule. Hirst, if you try t!e same attac7 repeatedly or attac7 +it!out planning "as e*inced y p!rases li7e #I
s+ing$%, t!en your opponents are going to !a*e an easy time defending t!emsel*es. Second, #I s+ing$ is oring.
(!e #predictale attac7s$ rule does not apply to '1)s.
Ao+ 1uc! DamageM
If youI*e scored a !it, no+ you ta7e t!e difference et+een your roll and t!e defenderIs, multiply it y a damage factor "see elo+%, and t!e
result is t!e numer of points done in damage. )ertain types of armor sutract a certain numer from eac! attac7 t!at does damage. &nly t!e
points in e2cess of t!e armorIs rating can do damage. (!ese points are deducted from t!e targetIs !it points.
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Damage Hactor
:narmed comat P1
Onife, lead pipe P4
S+ord, a2e P<
(!ro+ing 7nife, slings!ot P1
)rosso+, t!ro+ing a2e P4
(aser. P?J
J 0ll damage from a taser is temporary. Record it separately8 it all comes ac7 +!en t!e c!aracter reco*ers.
(asers are popular among pri*ate security forces. (asers !it you +it! a massi*e amount of *oltage, proaly enoug! to 7noc7 you do+n and
7eep you do+n for a +!ile, ut t!ey do no permanent p!ysical damage "unless you !a*e a +ea7 !eartR%. (!ey !a*e a damage factor of P?.
Versus armor, tasers are an e2ception to t!e general rule ecause t!e damage comes from electric s!oc7 rat!er t!an 7inetic energy or
penetration. Roll t!e dice for armor as if for a normal "non,ullet% attac7. If t!e dice matc! or e2ceed t!e numer y +!ic! t!e attac7 roll
e2ceeded t!e defense roll, t!e armor !as pre*ented t!e taser from penetrating, and you ta7e no damage. If t!e roll is less t!an t!e numer y
+!ic! t!e attac7 roll e2ceeds t!e defense roll, t!e taser does full damage. In ot!er +ords, eit!er t!e armor stops t!e taser or it doesnIt8 t!ere is
no middle ground.
1essed :p
If t!e target is no+ at !alf or less t!eir normal !it points, t!ey suffer a penalty die on all actions until t!ey reco*er to more t!an !alf t!eir
normal !it points. (!e '1 may assign more specific deilities for c!aracters t!at !a*e recei*ed specific +ounds, suc! as decreased moility
from a 7nee s!ot, decreased *ision from a lo+ to t!e eye, and so on.
Do+n for t!e )ount
If t!e target is at 0 !it points or elo+, t!ey are out of t!e fig!t. #&ut of t!e fig!t$ can mean a lot of t!ings, depending on t!e type of
+eaponry used and t!e numer of points elo+ 0 t!at t!e target is at.
W!en you !a*e ta7en enoug! damage to e out of t!e fig!t, ut not enoug! to 7ill you outrig!t, you may find yourself in any of *arious states
of disrepair.
Someone dropped to 0 y fists and 7ic7s is li7ely !urt, unale to fig!t, demorali3ed, in great pain, and proaly suffering some ro7en ones.
(!e situation, !o+e*er, is rarely let!al, and most *ital organs are +ell,protected y a ody structure carefully s!aped y millions of years of
e*olution. Suc! an inDured c!aracter s!ould e ale to return to impaired function +it! time or t!e !elp of friends and e*entually reco*er
Someone at 0 or elo+ from application of clus, cudgels, mon7ey +renc!es and t!e li7e may +ell !a*e adly ro7en ones and internal
leeding, ut t!eyIre li7ely to e in stale condition. (!ey mig!t e ale to resume moility after a +!ile e*en if left on t!eir o+n, t!oug!
t!ey mig!t !a*e a concussion.
Oni*es and ot!er s!arp, pointy t!ings are li7ely to lea*e you incapacitated and leeding. :ntended, you could easily leed to deat!
"especially from a slas!ing +eapon% or die from internal inDuries "especially from a puncturing +eapon%.
'uns and similar are li7ely to lea*e you in s!oc7, dying, leeding, !elpless, and !opeless. .mergency medical attention may +ell e re9uired
to sa*e you.
)!aracter Deat!
0s a rule of t!um, a c!aracter dies +!en !e !as ta7en t+ice as many points of damage as !e !as !it points. If you !a*e 41 !it points and
drop to ,41 t!roug! +ounds, you are eit!er dead or c!ec7ing out. In order to sur*i*e, you need medical attention and a reason to li*e.
0t t!at point, you face t!e decision of reco*ering or letting go. 0ttempting to reco*er means piecing your ro7en ody ac7 toget!er,
suffering prolonged pain, possily facing permanent inDury, and per!aps dying any+ay after undergoing all t!at triulation. Letting go is often
t!e easier option, letting yourself slip into t!e great +!ite lig!t, +!ere t!e damage inflicted on your ody +ill not e an issue at all. 0t t!e
point of deat!, you can only direct your +ill to reco*er if you !a*e a good reason to li*e. (ell your reason to li*e to t!e '18 if s!e agrees it is
sufficient, you li*e. &t!er+ise, you slip off into t!e great eyond. "&f course, t!e '1 may +is! to ma7e a roll or t+o +!en deciding +!et!er
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you li*e.%
0rmor comes in t+o types6 regular armor and ullet,proof armor. (!ese rules deal +it! regular armor. See t!e rules for Hirearms for details
on ullet,proof armor and t!e effect of regular armor against firearms.
Regular 0rmor
(!e rating for regular armor represents t!e numer of dice rolled and deducted from eac! attac7.
'er lig!t armor "generally leat!er clot!es and t!e li7e% !as a rating of #1 pt.$ It stops only one point of damage *ersus normal attac7s.
Hea+ armor can slo+ you do+n, causing you to ta7e a penalty roll on e*ery action t!at re9uires agility "including attac7 and defense rolls%.
(!e protection offered y armor is cumulati*e, ut #stac7ing$ armor causes a penalty die for eac! e2tra layer of armor +orn. Hor e2ample,
someone +earing t!ic7 leat!ers under t!eir plate mail +ould roll 4 dice and add 1 point for protection, ut t!ey +ould also suffer t+o penalty
dice on agility,related actions "one for t!e plate mail, t!e ot!er for t!e e2tra layer of armor%.
0rmor can e e2posed to some pretty roug! treatment, and may degrade after suffering significant punis!ment, ut t!is circumstance is est
left to role,playing rat!er t!an numer,crunc!ing.
%egular 'rmor
#pe Rating Penalt9
Leat!ers 1 point no
0rmored Gac7et 1 no
Plate 1ail 4 yes
Hor game purposes, assume t!at aout !alf of damage "in terms of !it points lost% comes from pain and s!oc7. &nly t!e ot!er !alf is
#permanent.$ (!us, after a fig!t is o*er and t!e c!aracters !a*e some time to rest, e+er c!aracter reco+ers !al% o% t!e lost !it points.
Ait Point Reco*ery )on*entions
1% (!e c!aracter reco*ers !it points +!en t!e '1 sees suc! reco*ery as reasonale. 'enerally, after a c!aracter recei*es some rudimentary
first aid and !as a c!ance to regain spent strengt!, t!e !it points return. 0lternately, t!e '1 may allo+ reco*ery under special circumstances,
as +!en an impressi*e leader orders an incapacitated follo+er to get up and 7eep mo*ing, or +!en dire need arises.
4% Ait point le*el after reco*ery is !alf+ay et+een t!e +ounded le*el and t!e last le*el after reco*ery. Do not use t!e starting "un+ounded%
le*el of !it points as a ase unless t!e c!aracter started t!e fig!t un+ounded. Hor e2ample, a c!aracter ta7es 10 points of damage and drops
from 44 to 14 !it points. Ae t!en reco*ers !alf t!e lost !it points and no+ !as 1C !it points. 0gain !e ta7es 10 points of damage, dropping to
C !it points. Ae reco*ers to !alf+ay et+een C and 1C, not to !alf,+ay et+een C and !is normal le*el of 44. Ae no+ !as 14 !it points and
+ill only get more t!roug! medical attention or prolonged rest.
<% Round !it points up, if !alf,+ay reco*ery results in a fraction. "(!is means t!at eing +ounded for C points t+ice +ill lea*e you @ points
do+n from normal, +!ereas eing +ounded for 1> points once +ill lea*e you C points elo+ normal. 1ultiple small +ounds are slig!tly
easier to reco*er from t!an a fe+ large +ounds.%
>% (!e '1 can re9uire rolls of any 7ind to determine +!et!er a c!aracter reco*ers. Hor e2ample, if *ery little time !as passed since a fig!t
"normally not enoug! to allo+ any reco*ery%, t!e '1 may allo+ someone trained in first aid to ma7e a roll, and only a success in t!e '1Is
eyes +ill allo+ !it point reco*ery.
?% (!e '1 !as t!e rig!t to c!ange t!e reco*ery from !alf,+ay to more or less t!an t!at. Hor e2ample, it mig!t e relati*ely easy to reco*er
from eing eaten +it! fists "t+o,t!irds of t!e loss reco*ered%, and relati*ely difficult to reco*er from serious guns!ot +ounds "one,t!ird
reco*ered%. (!e '1 !as sole aritrating po+er o*er t!is *ariation, so s!e can ma7e t!e system as comple2 or as simple as s!e cares to.
&nce a c!aracter !as reco*ered, !e can start regaining t!e remaining lost !it points. Ait points are regained eac! day, +it! t!e points regained
ased on t!e acti*ity underta7en t!at day. See t!e Long,(erm Aealing tale, elo+, to see !o+ many !it points you reco*er eac! day.
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
(ong)Term Healing Ta&le
0cti+it Mo$ile Bed-Ridden Critical
0cti*e 0J L L
Rest 1 1 per 4 daysJ 0J
1edical )are 4 1 1 per 4 days
.ctive means e2erting oneself normally.
Rest means ta7ing it easy and sleeping a lot.
/edical care means eing under t!e care of competent p!ysicians.
/o(ile means you !a*e 1K !it points "and can mo*e around%.
0ed1Ridden means you !a*e 0 or fe+er !it points.
2ritical means you are se*erely +ounded "'1Is option%.
J1ay lose !it points, at t!e '1Is option.
Special .ffect 0ttac7s
W!en a c!aracter tries an attac7 t!at is intended to do more t!an Dust some damage, t!e attac7 roll is made normally, ut only !alf t!e normal
damage is done. (!e special effect succeeds only if t!e attac7 roll e2ceeds t!e defense roll y an amount t!e '1 Dudges to e sufficient.
Special effect attac7s include tac7ling, disarming, 7noc7ing your opponentIs feet out from under !im, immoili3ing a lim, !eadloc7, and so
0ttac7ing from 0d*antage
W!ene*er you !a*e t!e edge o*er an opponent ecause of somet!ing esides your traits, you can as7 t!e '1 to gi*e you a onus die on your
comat roll. )ommon ad*antages are6
'anging :p
Someone can defend normally against one opponent for eac! die t!ey !a*e in fig!ting aility. "0n a*erage person, t!erefore, can defend
normally against t+o attac7ers.% .ac! additional attac7er recei*es a onus die on attac7s against t!at c!aracter. (!e defender gets to c!oose
+!ic! attac7ers get t!e onus die.
0ttac7ing Wit! Surprise
(!e '1 mig!t re9uire a roll to see !o+ stealt!y you are compared to !o+ alert your target is. If you !it t!e guy +!en !eIs totally una+are,
t!e '1 mig!t grant you more t!an Dust a onus die.
=etter Weaponry
If you !a*e a clu and your opponent is are,!anded, youI*e got an ad*antage "etter reac!, somet!ing to loc7 +it! t!at doesnIt leed, and a
psyc!ological edge%. (!e same goes if you !a*e a s+ord against someoneIs s+itc!lade. Rememer t!at t!is onus die depends not on !o+
muc! damage you do, ut on !o+ !andy t!e +eapon is in comat. Imagine you !a*e a 9uarterstaff and your enemy !as an a2e. Ae does more
damage, ut in terms of reac! and loc7ing aility !is +eapon is no etter t!an yours, so !e doesnIt get a onus die. If !e !ad some +eird
science *irating 7nife t!at did !orrendous damage, youId get t!e attac7 onus ecause t!e 9uarterstaff is longer and etter for parrying. &f
course, if !e !it you, youId suffer +orse t!an !e +ould if you !it !im.
=etter Position
&n top of t!em, ao*e t!em, e!ind t!em, and so fort!.
Psyc!ological 0d*antage
;ouI*e Dust con*inced you opponent t!at t!eir c!ances of eating you are nil. (!e ne2t round "only% you get a onus die on your rolls. :sing
a nasty,loo7ing +eapon !elps a lot, e*en if itIs no more effecti*e t!an a regular one.
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
&r, if your se*en,year,old daug!ter is +!impering !elplessly in t!e closet e!ind you as you defend !er from a maniac, you get a onusdie
on your rolls for t!e duration of t!e comat.
&ptional Rules for )omat
(!e '1 decides +!en and +!et!er to use t!ese rules. (!e '1 may use any gi*en rule al+ays, sometimes, or ne*er.
Desperate Defense
0 c!aracter normally gets one attac7 roll and one defense roll per attac7er eac! round, ut if you gi*e up your attac7, you may get a onus die
on eac! defense roll for t!at round.
0lternate Damage
If t!e attac7er scores a !it, t!ey roll one die for eac! numer in t!e damage factor for t!e +eapon. If t!e attac7 roll is t+ice t!e defense roll,
t!e attac7er multiplies t!e result y t+o.
Hor e2ample, a 7nife does 4 dice of damage, or 4 dice times t+o if t!e attac7 roll is at least doule t!e defense roll.
0 c!aracter may not use onus dice for damage rolls, only for t!e attac7 rolls.
;ou may use t!is system +!en an #attac7 roll$ is not called for, suc! as +!en an e2plosi*e goes off near a c!aracter and t!e '1 simply rolls
some dice to determine damage.
Serious Wounds
In addition to losing !it points, a c!aracter can suffer a #serious +ound.$ Serious +ounds do not al+ays !eal completely on t!eir o+n.
Wit!out medical attention, t!ese +ounds may #mis,!eal$ "causing a permanent impairment% at est or lead ine*italy to deat! at +orst.
.2amples of serious +ounds include compound fractures, internal leeding, penetration of intestines, damage to internal organs, se*ered
tendons, and more.
0 serious +ound t!at mis,!eals +it!out medical attention, suc! as a se*ered tendon or a compound fracture, !eals at !alf t!e normal rate and
lea*es t!e c!aracter +it! a permanent disaility, suc! as a penalty die on agility,related actions or t!e inaility to manipulate certain Doints.
0 serious +ound t!at leads to deat!, suc! as a se*ere infection or se*ere damage to t!e li*er, causes t!e c!aracter to lose !it points e*ery day
until proper medical attention is applied. Ait points lost can e any+!ere from 1 to 1? per day, depending on t!e +ound. Suc! a c!aracter is
usually edridden +!ile t!e doomed ody ma7es its last,ditc! effort to sa*e itself.
0 +ound is usually a #serious +ound$ +!en at least 40 points of damage are suffered in a single lo+, ut it is possile to ta7e a serious
+ound from a relati*ely minor attac7, suc! as a adly ro7en arm t!at doesnIt incapacitate you ut +onIt !eal +ell on its o+n. 0not!er
possiility is t!at a otc!ed defense roll leads to a serious +ound. (!e '1, of course, may prefer to play serious +ounds y ear.
'estalt )omat
In t!e gestalt system, you ma7e one roll to determine t!e general outcome of t!e fig!t. (!e players total all t!eir rolls, and t!e '1 totals all
t!e '1)sI comat rolls. "(!e '1 determines +!at rolls are made and !o+, depending on t!e circumstances of t!e fig!t.% W!ic!e*er side
rolls !ig!est +ins t!e fig!t, ut t!e '1 7eeps t!e '1)sI total a secret, so t!e players donIt 7no+ +!o +ill +in. (!en t!e players and '1
tal7 t!roug! t!e fig!t, +it! t!e '1 adDudicating t!e actions ased on t!e rolls already made. (!e '1 can go into any le*el of detail desired,
including dis!ing out damage to indi*idual P)s t!at rolled poorly, or e*en altering t!e result of a close fig!t if t!e players use effecti*e
(!e '1 can e*en simply declare t!e results of t!e fig!t +it! no play,y,play descriptions if s!e +ants to 7eep t!ings mo*ing at a rapid pace.
0s a '1, use gestalt comat +!ene*er t!e detail of normal comat seems pointless.
(!roug! e2perience, you can impro*e your s7ills or learn ne+ ones. ;our e2perience is represented y your experience pool. 0t t!e end of
e*ery game session, t!e '1 can a+ard onus dice to t!e c!aracters +!o partoo7 in t!e action, and t!ese dice are added to your e2perience
pool, as pre*iously e2plained. In addition, you can #spend$ t!e dice from your e2perience pool to uy ne+ s7ills or impro*e ones you already
!a*e. .ac! 7ind of impro*ement re9uires a certain numer of dice t!at are permanently lost from your pool and some action in t!e game
+orld. (!e '1 must appro*e e*ery trait impro*ement, and you can impro*e a trait any time immediately after meeting t!e re9uirement.
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
De*eloping a /e+ (rait
It costs ? dice from your pool plus game,+orld e2perience to de*elop a ne+ trait. If t!e trait is somet!ing casual, suc! as ra+ling or reading
people, you can pic7 it up +it!out any special training. If it is tec!nical or speciali3ed, suc! as 7ung fu or computer programming, you need
some 7ind of training.
&nce you !a*e satisfied t!e need for training "if any% and spent t!e dice from your e2perience pool, you !a*e one die etter t!an normal in
your ne+ s7ill. If it is a tec!nical or unusual s7ill, you !a*e a score of 1 +it! t!e trait. If t!e trait is standard, somet!ing most people can do, if
not +ell, t!en you no+ !a*e a score of <.
0ll suc! traits de*eloped in t!is +ay are t!e e9ui*alent of side traits. In ot!er +ords, t!ey are 9uite specific, not t!e gloal traits possile to
eginning c!aracters as central traits. ;ou can learn to foil security systems t!roug! t!is met!od, ut you cannot ecome a #good urglar.$
(raits t!at are not suDect to easy de*elopment mig!t re9uire more t!an a little training. Hor e2ample, you cannot gain t!e trait #strong$ Dust
y muc7ing around in t!e under+orld for a +!ile. If you +ant to de*elop a trait suc! as #strong,$ you mig!t need to underta7e intense
training o*er +ee7s, and a regular e2ercise regimen to maintain your strengt! once you !a*e de*eloped it.
:se your common sense +!en deciding +!at it ta7es to de*elop a ne+ trait.
In*ent a sign for eac! trait you de*elop.
Impro*ing a )urrent (rait
Hor a trait listed as 1 or 4 dice, you can increase t!e score y 1 for e*ery ? e2perience dice you spend. &nce a score is at < or !ig!er, !o+e*er,
it ecomes muc! !arder to impro*e.
Hirst, you definitely need training to raise any score to >. (!is training ta7es at least a year, if you are carrying on ot!er acti*ities at t!e same
time, or si2 mont!s, if you are training full time. In addition to t!e training, you must spend 10 e2perience dice.
Raising any trait to ? re9uires !ig!ly speciali3ed, nearly full,time training. ;ou mig!t e ale to underta7e an ad*enture or t+o +!ile training,
ut you +ill not !a*e time to !old do+n a Do. (!e training you need costs at least S1,000 :S per mont!, and e*en finding a 9ualified trainer
+ill e difficult. ;ou are more li7ely to find a trainer y !a*ing t!e rig!t connections t!an y loo7ing in t!e yello+ pages. In addition to t!e
training, you +ill need to spend 1? e2perience dice.
Raising a score to @ is pretty muc! eyond t!e scope of t!e rules. It may not e*en e possile. ;ou could s!ell out lots of money and spend a
year +or7ing at it, and still see no significant progress. 'etting suc! a !ig! score is a matter of roleplaying rat!er t!an rule,playing.
&f course, some s7ills lend t!emsel*es to gradual de*elopment o*er years of time. It is possile to de*elop a score of @ in a s7ill Dust y
applying yourself single,mindedly for years on end, ut t!atIs out of t!e scope of t!e game, +ouldnIt you sayM
(!e ao*e rules are for discrete traits L side traits or t!ose you de*elop during play. Hor your central trait, doule t!e time and dice re9uired.
(!is e2tra e2pense is re9uired ecause t!e trait actually co*ers se*eral s7ills.
Increasing Ait Points
If your trait relates to !it points, you may earn more !it points y de*eloping t!e trait or increasing your score in it.
If t!is trait is t!e only one on +!ic! your !it points are ased "or if you !ad no traits to impro*e your !it points%, you may ta7e KC !it points
or roll t+o dice and add t!e result.
If anot!er trait esides t!is one !ad a !and in impro*ing your !it points, t!en roll doule t!e numer of dice t!at your ne+ly impro*ed trait
offers. (!is is your ne+ !it points score. ";ou may not raise your !it points y more t!an 14 points y t!is met!od.%
Hor e2ample, if a c!aracter +or7s out and de*elops t!e trait #strong, < dice,$ !e can roll @ dice. If t!is total eats !is current !it points of 44,
!e gets t!e ne+ roll as !is !it points. If !e manages to eat t!e odds and roll <? or <@, !o+e*er, !e only gets to 7eep <> !it points, 14 etter
t!an !is pre*ious score.
Hirearm 0ttac7s
:se t!e rules for ranged +eapons, using t!e ranges and damage factors on t!e tale elo+. /ote t!at encumrance from armor does not affect
firearm attac7 rolls.
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
Hirearm Ranges
Dice %or De%ense Roll
Firearm 4 5 6 7 8
Pistol 4 m 10 m 40 m >0 m E0 m
"MG 4 m 4? m ?0 m 100 m 400 m
Ri%le 4 m ?0 m 100 m 400 m >00 m
"!otgun: > m E m 1@ m <4 m @> m
Damage Hactors6 Hirearms
Lig!t !andgun or S1' P<
1edium !andgun or S1' P>
Large !andgun or S1' P?
Lig!t Rifle P@
Aea*y Rifle PC
14ga s!otgun P10J
JDi*ided y #distance dice$ from t!e Hirearm Ranges tale ao*e.
0rmor *s. 'unfire
Hor game purposes, t!ere are t+o types of armor6 regular armor "as descried earlier, in t!e )omat section% and ullet,proof armor
"descried elo+%.
Regular 0rmor
Regular armor, descried earlier, is only !alf as effecti*e "round do+n% *ersus gunfire. If you roll ? points of protection for your reinforced
Dac7et, it only stops t+o points of damage against a gun.
=ullet,Proof 0rmor
(!e rating for ullet,proof armor represents t!e numer of dice rolled +!en !it y a ullet or s!otgun. Di*ide t!e damage y t!is numer.
"&n a roll of a 1, t!e armor !as no effect, meaning t!at t!e ullet !it an area not protected y t!e armor.%
0gainst normal attac7s, suc! as 7ni*es and punc!es, sutract t!e armorIs rating from t!e damage.
Hor e2ample, if you rolled a ? for your ullet,proof *est, you +ould di*ide t!e incoming damage y ?. If someone staed you +it! a 7nife,
!o+e*er, you +ould only sutract 1 point from t!e damage.
W!en a c!aracter +ears ot! types of armor, !andle t!e regular armor first, and t!en t!e ullet,proof armor.
=ullet,proof armor !as a #$ y its rating in order to differentiate it from normal armor.
=ullet,Proof 0rmor (ypes
0rmor Rating Penalt9
=ullet,proof Vest 1 no
=ullet,proof Suit 4 no
1ilitary =ody 0rmor <-4J yes
JHirst numer is regular armor, second is ullet,proof armor.
.asy 'unfire .2ample
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(+o c!aracters !a*e un+ittingly cornered a desperate operati*e in a doc7ed s!ip. (!e operati*e, armed +it! a .44 re*ol*er, fires a s!ot at t!e
first c!aracter from !is !iding place. Ae is +it!in s!ort range "Em a+ay%, so t!e c!aracter gets t+o dice for !is defense roll. (!e operati*e is a
crac7 s!ot "> dice% and !as leisure to aim "onus die%. (!e '1 rolls a 1@ *ersus t!e c!aracterBs @, t!atIs a difference of 10 points, times < for
t!e damage multiplier of a small calier pistol, is <0 points of damage. (!e c!aracter is +earing a reinforced Dac7et and rolls < for t!e armor,
ut itIs di*ided y 4 ecause regular armor doesnIt +or7 too +ell against ullets, so t!e armor stops only 1 point of damage. (!e c!aracter
ta7es 4F points of damage, dropping !im to ,C. Since 4F points can 7ill t!e a*erage person outrig!t, t!e '1 rules t!at t!e s!ot +as a solid
c!est !it, and t!at t!e c!aracter could e dead. "S!e +onIt ot!er to rule precisely on !is state of inDury until t!e second c!aracter ta7es t!e
time to c!ec7 !im out.%
(!e second c!aracter rea7s for t!e door, +ea*ing as s!e goes. (!e '1 rules t!at t!e operati*e is a good enoug! s!ot to fire on !er efore
s!e mo*es out of s!ort range, so s!e only gets t+o dice for distance, ut s!e gets a t!ird die for mo*ing and four onus dice for dodging. "(!e
a*erage c!aracter gets 4 onus dice, ut t!e c!aracter is e2tremely agile.% (!e '1 rolls four dice and gets 1C.
(!e player rolls se*en dice and ta7es t!e est t!ree6 1?. Aer c!aracter ta7es @ points of damage. Luc7ily, s!e is secretly +earing a ullet,proof
*est, and s!e rolls > on !er one die. Si2 di*ided y > is one and a !alf, rounded off is 4 points of damage. Wit! a nasty ruise, t!e c!aracter
!ustles out of t!e room.
0s you see, a re*ol*er using standard ammunition isnIt *ery different from any ot!er +eapon, e2cept for t!e ne+ armor rules. 1ore ad*anced
firearms and speciali3ed ammunition, !o+e*er, re9uires some special rules.
'unfire &ptions
Hirearms of *arious types allo+ different firing tactics.
;ou can get one good s!ot per round +it! a re*ol*er.
0utomatic Pistols
;ou can get up to t+o s!ots per round, ut t!e second recei*es a penalty die due to recoil from t!e first.
Su,1ac!ine 'uns
.ac! round you can fire t+o single s!ots, one t!ree,round urst, or one full auto s!ot "see elo+%. If firing t+o single s!ots, you ta7e a
penalty die on t!e second due to recoil.
;ou can fire one s!ot per round.
0utomatic Ri%les/ ;ou can fire up to t+o s!ots per round, one t!ree round urst per round, or fire at full auto "see elo+%. If you fire t+o
single s!ots, you ta7e a penalty die on t!e second.
(!ree Round =urst
0 urst sends more ullets at t!e target, increasing t!e c!ance to !it, ut t!e recoil on t!e second and t!ird ullets ma7es t!em less accurate
t!an t!e first. (!e fart!er t!e target is from t!e c!aracters, t!e more detrimental t!is recoil is to t!e accuracy of t!e second and t!ird ullets. 0
urst adds a onus die to t!e roll to !it regardless of range. 0t point,lan7 or close range, it also adds K1 to t!e +eaponIs damage multiplier,
ut not at medium, long, or *ery long range. (!ese modifiers represent t!e increased li7eli!ood to score a !it as +ell as t!e proaility t!at
t!e *ictim +ill e !it y more t!an one ullet. If t!e resulting damage is lo+, assume t!at only one ullet !it. If t!e damage is *ery !ig!,
assume all t!ree !it. If medium, assume t+o of t!e t!ree !a*e connected.
Hull 0uto, &ne (arget
Hull auto puts a lot of ullets in t!e air, ut t!e massi*e recoil ma7es t!e e2tra ullets consideraly less effecti*e in !itting a single target.
0fter t!e first fe+ s!ots, t!e recoil is so great t!at t!e e2tra ullets !a*e relati*ely little effect. 1ost of t!em go astray. Still, it is a little etter
t!an t!e urst. Hull auto is most useful for pinning do+n t!e enemy or messing up a large numer of targets. It is also t!e most effecti*e
met!od 7no+n for +asting !uge amounts of ammunition. 0t point lan7 or close range, full auto trained on a single target pro*ides a onus
die to !it and K4 to t!e damage multiplier. 0t medium range, ta7e a onus die and add K1 to t!e damage multiplier. 0t long or *ery long range
ta7e a onus die, ut t!ere is no addition to t!e multiplier. ;ou must !a*e at least 10 rounds in your clip to 9ualify as #full auto.$
Hull 0uto, Spread
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
;ou can target one person for e*ery fi*e ullets fired. ;ou cannot s7ip a target et+een t+o people +!o you do target. Hor instance, if your
friend is et+een t+o enemies t!at you fire on, you must target t!e friend as +ell. 0t point lan7 range you recei*e a onus die on eac! attac7
and K1 to t!e damage multiplier. 0t close range you recei*e a onus die on t!e attac7 ut no modifier on t!e damage factor. 0t medium range,
you recei*e no onus, ot!er t!an t!e aility to target se*eral opponents at once. 0t long range, you recei*e a penalty die against e*ery target.
0t *ery long range, you recei*e t+o penalty dice against e*ery target. Hull auto does a lot of collateral damage as stray ullets !it t!e area
around t!e targets.
&ne s!ot per round. Di*ide damage y t!e numer of defense dice rolled for distance. Hor e2ample, at 10m t!e defender gets < dice for
distance, so you di*ide your damage y <.
'unfire (actics Summary
#actic Point Blan& Close Medium 1ong 'er 1ong
< round urst -K1 -K1
full auto, 1 target -K4 -K4 -K1
full auto, spreadJ -K1 L p 4p
J (arget one c!aracter per ? ullets fired.
;e to Gun%ire #actics
$/ onus die on attac7 roll
p/ penalty die on attac7
5p/ t+o penalty dice on attac7
<4/ K1 to damage multiplier
<5/ K4 to damage multiplier
In addition to standard rounds, most firearms can ta7e speciali3ed ammunition.
0rmor,Piercing Rounds
0rmor,piercing rounds do !alf normal damage, ut armor is muc! less effecti*e *ersus an armor,piercing round. Sutract t!e rating of t!e
armor from damage, +!et!er t!e armor is ullet,proof or normal. Hor e2ample, a ullet,proof suit +ould pro*ide 4 points of protection, +!ile
a military armor +ould pro*ide ? points of protection, < for its regular armor component and 4 for its ullet,proof component. (!is reduction
in armor protection comes off t!e damage efore it is di*ided y 4.
Hor e2ample, if t!e operati*e in t!e earlier e2ample !ad een using armor,piercing rounds, t!e 4F points of damage !e did to t!e first
c!aracter +ould !a*e een di*ided in !alf to 1? points. (!e second c!aracterBs armor, !o+e*er, +ould !a*e reduced t!e damage only 1 point,
rat!er t!an di*iding it y >, so s!e +ould !a*e ta7en ? points instead of 4.
Aollo+ Point Rounds, Safety Slugs
Aollo+ point rounds sacrifice penetrating po+er for e2tra damage and safety. "(!ey +ill not pass t!roug! t!e ody, allo+ing one to stri7e an
enemy +it! less c!ance of t!e ullet tra*eling t!roug! t!e ody and stri7ing someone else, per!aps after ricoc!eting off a one or t+o.% (!e
damage factor for a !ollo+ point or similar ullet is K4 more t!an normal, ut armor of all 7inds !as t+ice its normal effect.
If t!e operati*e !ad een using !ollo+ points, !is damage factor +ould !a*e een P? instead of P<, and !e +ould !a*e done ?0 points of
damage to t!e first c!aracter. (!e c!aracterBs roll of < for !is armor, !o+e*er, +ould !a*e een douled to @, so !e +ould !a*e suffered only
>> points total, Dust enoug! to 7ill !im. (!e ullet !itting t!e second c!racter +ould !a*e done 10 points of damageinstead of @, ut !er roll
of > +ould !a*e een douled to E, so t!e ullet +ould !a*e only done 1 point of damage. "(en di*ided y E is 1.4?, +!ic! rounds off to 1.%
0rmor-0ttac7 Summary
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
0ttac& 2ormal Bullet-Proo%
/ormal full minimum
=ullet !alf di*ide
0rmor PiercingJ minimum minimum
Aollo+ PointJJ doule di*ide doule
di+ide/ di*ide damage y roll
di+ide dou$le/ di*ide damage y doule t!e roll
dou$le/ sutract doule t!e roll from damage
%ull/ sutract full roll for t!e armor from damage
!al%/ sutract !alf t!e roll for t!e armor from damage
minimum/ sutract numer of dice "not roll itself% from damage
JDi*ide damage from armor piercing ullets y 4 after armor points !a*e een deducted.
JJAollo+ point ullets !a*e K4 added to t!e damage factor.
Hor e2ample, a reinforced Dac7et "rating6 1% +ould stop 1 die of damage from a 7nife, 1 die di*ided y 4 from a ullet, 1 point from an armor
piercing round, or 1 die times 4 from a !ollo+ point s!ell.
0 ullet,proof *est "rating6 1% +ould reduce normal damage y 1 point, +ould di*ide ullet or s!otgun damage y t!e numer rolled on 1
die, +ould reduce damage from an armor,piercing round y 1 point, and +ould di*ide safety slug damage y doule t!e roll on a die.
0 reinforced Dac7et o*er a ullet,proof *est +ould stop 1 die K1 point from normal attac7s. 0gainst a ullet, it +ould first stop 1 die di*ided
y t+o "for t!e Dac7et%, and t!en di*ide t!e remaining damage y a roll on 1 die "for t!e *est%. 0gainst an armor,piercing round, it +ould
reduce damage y 4 points, one for t!e Dac7et and t!e ot!er for t!e *est. 0gainst a !ollo+,point round, it +ould first sutract doule t!e roll
on one die "t!e Dac7et%, and t!en di*ide t!e result y doule t!e roll on one die "for t!e *est%.
Hringe Po+ers
(!e role of fringe po+ers in t!e game is up to t!e '1. If you +is!, t!ey can e relati*ely common, at least among t!e player,c!aracters and
t!e '1)s +it! +!om t!ey interact. If you prefer a more sudued game, t!en you can tell players t!eir c!aracters cannot !a*e t!em and t!en
ma7e t!em practically impossile to come across.
W!en running fringe po+ers, use your imagination to adDudicate t!eir use. (!e follo+ing rules are certainly open to modification and
interpretation. W!en players in*ent fringe po+ers for t!eir c!aracters, t!ey are unli7ely to replicate e2actly t!e po+ers descried elo+. (ry
to e true to t!e playerIs *ision, using t!ese po+ers as guidelines for !o+ to interpret t!e playerIs ideas, rat!er t!an as an aut!oritati*e list to
+!ic! t!e players must conform. (!e same !olds true +!en de*eloping fringe po+ers for your '1)s.
Learning Hringe Po+ers
It generally ta7es a mont! of full,time study to learn a fringe po+er, and access to a 7no+ledgeale teac!er.
0t t!e end of t!at time, t!e player decides !o+ many dice from !is e2perience pool to use, rolls t!e dice, and only if at least one of t!e dice is
a @ does t!e c!aracter ac9uire t!e po+er. "=etter or lesser teac!ers, improper preparation, nati*e inclination, and ot!er factors may, at t!e
'1Bs discretion, alter t!ese odds.%
&ptionally, t!e '1 may rule t!at t!ere is a c!ance t!at a c!aracter is psi,mute, unale to de*elop psyc!ic po+ers. W!en t!e c!aracter first
attempts to learn a fringe po+er, roll a die in secret. If t!e roll is a 1, t!at c!aracter is psi,mute and cannot learn fringe po+ers. (!e only +ay
for t!e c!aracter to find out t!at !e is psi,mute is to try to learn po+ers until !e gi*es up. Do not use t!is optional rule if you t!in7 it +ill
disappoint your players unduly.
Rolls for t!e ac9uisition of psi po+ers are usually made in secret. (!e '1 simply as7s t!e player !o+ many dice !e +is!es to gi*e up from
!is .2perience pool, and ma7es t!e roll !erself. DonIt gi*e t!e players any information t!at t!eir c!aracters do not !a*e.
:pon learning !is first fringe po+er, t!e c!aracter gains a psyc!ic pool +it! one die in it. Ae may increase t!e numer of dice in t!is Pool
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WaRP System Reference Document v. 1.0
immediately y transferring dice from t!e e2perience pool "t+o e2perience pool dice can e traded for one psyc!ic pool s!ot%.
:sing Hringe Po+ers
.*eryone +!o !as fringe po+ers !as a psyc!ic pool, representing t!e numer of times !e can use fringe po+ers eac! day. 0 psyc!ic pool
contains a specific numer of #s!ots,$ eac! of +!ic! can e used eac! day to po+er one of t!e c!aracterIs fringe po+ers. #Psyc!ic pool$ is
t!e game term used for con*enience, ut eac! c!aracter s!ould !a*e a name representing t!e +ay t!e c!aracter understands t!e po+er "c!Ii
pool, 7i pool, magic pools, mana pools, and so fort!%. Regardless of t!eir names, t!e pools +or7 identically, so t!e rules refer to t!em simply
as #psyc!ic pools.$
W!en a eginning c!aracter !as a psyc!ic pool, t!e player rolls a die to determine t!e numer of s!ots in t!e pool. "0lternately, t!e player
may c!oose to !a*e < s!ots in t!e pool instead of rolling.% 0 c!aracter +it! t+o or more po+ers can roll for eac!, and ta7e t!e !ig!est roll to
determine t!e numer of s!ots in t!e pool. W!en a c!aracter de*elops a po+er for t!e first time, !e !as 1 s!ot in t!e pool. "If a c!aracter
already !as a pool, de*eloping a ne+ po+er does not increase t!e numer of s!ots in t!e pool.%
&ne s!ot can e added to t!e pool y sutracting 4 dice from t!e e2perience pool. So a c!aracter can gi*e up four e2perience dice and add
t+o s!ots to !is psyc!ic pool. Ae may not con*ert s!ots to e2perience dice.
W!en a c!aracter uses a fringe po+er, !e loses 1 s!ot from t!e psyc!ic pool. Ae may also #pus!$ t!e po+er, +!ic! means !e loses 4 s!ots
from t!e pool, ut can roll t+ice t!e normal numer of dice, counting only t!e etter !alf. "Hor e2ample, if you !a*e t+o dice in #dream,
!aunting,$ you can use 4 s!ots for a single use of t!at po+er, roll four dice, and t!en count t!e est t+o as your roll.%
If t!e po+er +or7s against a eing, t!at eing gets a dice roll to resist. 1ost people get 4 dice. "0ilities li7e #strong +ill$ or #resistance to
domination$ may gi*e c!aracters more dice to roll, at t!e '1Is discretion.% 0 psyc!ic may use a s!ot from !is psyc!ic pool to resist anot!erIs
psyc!ic po+er, if !e 7no+s t!e po+er is eing used against !im. If !e uses t!is s!ot, !e gets a numer of dice e9ual to !is est psyc!ic po+er
as onus dice on !is resistance roll. If t!e defending psyc!ic !as a fringe po+er t!at could counter t!e effects of t!e attac7ing po+er, !e can
use t!ose dice in addition to t!e normal 4 dice t!at a*erage people get, ut must e2pend a s!ot to do so. Hor e2ample, telepat!y can counter
mind scanning or telepat!y. 0 4 die telepat! can e2pend a s!ot to get 4 more dice t!an normal +!en resisting a mind scan. 0 4 die
pyro7ineticist, on t!e ot!er !and, can e2pend a s!ot to resist a mind scan, ut !e +ould only get t+o onus dice, not t+o e2tra dice.
Psyc!ic s!ots return 100T in 4> !ours. If a c!aracter !as si2 s!ots in !is pool, !e reco*ers one die e*ery > !ours. Some entities !a*e unusual
re9uirements or special ad*antages for reco*ering spent psyc!ic s!ots. 0 druid, for e2ample, may e ale to reco*er s!ots at t+ice t!e normal
rate +!en s7y,clad "na7ed% under t!e moon. Ae may, !o+e*er, reco*er s!ots at !alf t!e normal rate +!en not in contact +it! at least one
natural element "fres! air, direct sunlig!t, etc.%.
Since a normal person gets t+o dice to resist ailities li7e telepat!y, a eginner +it! a fringe po+er s!ould try to impro*e !is c!ances y
ma7ing t!e situation more amenale to !im. W!en trying to ferret out a secret computer pass+ord from anot!er person, for e2ample, !e may
offer t!e target drin7s to lo+er !is defenses and t!en mention computers in an effort to ring t!e pass+ord into !is consciousness. (!e
penalty dice t!e target +ould recei*e and t!e onus dice t!e telepat! can use may ma7e up for t!e one die *s. t+o dice odds. '1s s!ould
encourage t!ese special efforts ecause t!ey add role,playing and strategy to +!at could ot!er+ise Dust e a die roll.
Interpreting Hringe Po+ers
(!ereIs no +ay t!e rules can capture all t!e *ariaility of fringe po+ers. Play t!em y ear, do +!at feels rig!t and seems interesting, end to
t!e needs of t!e story. If it fits t!e plot for a c!aracter "P) or '1)% to e ale to do somet!ing +it! a fringe po+er, let it e, e*en if t!e rules
donIt specify t!at interpretation, and sometimes e*en if t!e rules specifically disallo+ t!at interpretation.
(!e most common e2ample is duration. If a po+er lasts #1 !our,$ t!en some people may s!a7e it off in ?0 minutes, +!ile ot!ers mig!t stay
under t!e influence for an !our and a !alf. (!e duration is a general guide. Hringe po+ers do not #pop off $ after t!e e2act duration !as
(!e same goes for distance. W!ile a mind scanner may generally only e ale to find t!oug!ts +it!in 10 m or so, t!e limit may e 100 m
+!en searc!ing for a good friend, 1 7m +!en searc!ing for an identical t+in, or 10 7m +!en searc!ing for *ery po+erful and uni9uely e*il
t!oug!ts emanating from a specific unnatural creature.
&f course, t!e ao*e call for loose interpretation applies to e*ery trait and roll in t!e game, ut it can e especially important in ma7ing fringe
po+ers mysterious, interesting, and non,mec!anical.
Sample Hringe Po+ers
/ote t!at t!e names gi*en to t!ese po+ers are strictly for con*enience and reference +it!in t!e game. Some teac!ers may use similar or *ery
different names.
(!e po+ers elo+ are only e2amples. 0lter or ignore t!em as you +is!, and e sure to in*ent ot!ers in your series.
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.ura Sight
(!e aility to see peopleIs auras. (!e color of t!e aura *aries +it! t!e mental and p!ysical state of t!e person. =y reading auras one can see
someone !iding in t!e dar7ness, tell +!en someone is lying, tell +!en t!ere is psyc!ic interference. 1ost people roll 4 dice to resist t!is
po+er. &ne can see auras etter up close and +!en one 7no+s or at least is ale to tal7 to someone. 0n 0ura Seer may also e ale to see an
aura around a particularly po+erful "or male*olent% magical item or locus.
Directs !ealing energy to damaged or diseased areas, impro*ing t!e natural curati*e po+ers of t!e suDect. W!en curing damage, t!e roll on
t!e trait e9uals t!e numer of points t!at t!e c!aracter reco*ers. If t!e +ounded c!aracter !as not yet reco*ered !alf !is lost !it points as per
t!e reco*ery rules, t!e !ealer !eals t+ice t!e points rolled on t!e dice. It ta7es aout <0 seconds "? rounds% for t!e !ealing to e complete, and
t!e !ealer must e in contact +it! t!e inDured party during t!at entire time. W!en used to !eal diseases and suc!, t!e !ealer must roll against a
Difficulty appropriate to t!e disease. =elo+ are guidelines for diseases and suc!. 0 !ealer +!o rolls all 1Is +!en trying to !eal someone of a
disease ac9uires t!at disease !imself, e*en if t!e disease is not normally communicale. In addition, t!e !ealer loses t!e aility to !eal until
t!at disease itself is cured. Hor an incurale disease, t!is e*ent can mean losing oneIs po+er until anot!er !ealer !eals !im.
Common cold* cold sores* acne/ ?
0ddiction to nicotine or cocaine* pneumonia/ 10
1epros* cere$ral pals* 0l=!eimer>s* cancer/ 1?
(!is po+er may come from unconscious psyc!ic sensiti*ity, t!e attention of a spiritual guardian of some 7ind, or an innate aility to mo*e
+it! t!e serendipitous forces of t!e uni*erse. Roll to get irrational feelings of +!at you s!ould do or !ints at secrets you cannot ot!er+ise
7no+. Aa*ing t!is fringe po+er ma7es you *ery *ulnerale to psyc!ic manipulation.
4ightning Stri5e
)!annels energy t!roug! ner*es, muscle, s7in, and one, ma7ing t!em unnaturally fast and strong "faster, indeed, t!an t!e actual
electroc!emical ner*e signals sent y t!e rain%.
0dd your dice +it! t!is aility to attac7 rolls +!en stri7ing +it! your are !ands, feet, or ot!er natural implement of destruction.
/ind Scan
)alled #tuning in$ y its less traditional masters, t!is discipline in*ol*es sensiti3ing oneIs o+n mind to t!e constant psyc!ic c!atter put out y
ot!er sentient eings to t!e point t!at one can decode anot!erIs t!oug!ts.
W!en scanning for t!oug!ts, t!e mind scanner can find t!oug!ts +it!in !is dice roll in meters. If someone +ants to see if someone is lur7ing
in t!e closet efore opening t!e door, !e need only roll a 1, ut scanning an apparently empty uilding is eyond all ut t!e grandmasters of
t!is discipline.
(o scan a mind for actual t!oug!ts, a mind scanner must e ale to see or ot!er+ise sense t!e target. If t!e target is in sig!t, t!e range for t!e
po+er ecomes 4 meters times t!e roll. If t!e roll is !ig! enoug! for t!e range, compare t!e mind scannerIs roll to t!e targetIs. If t!e c!aracter
eats t!e targetIs roll, !e learns +!at t!at person is t!in7ing. If t!e c!aracter rolls doule t!e targetIs roll, !e finds clear information, as +ell
as any related memories or ideas.
Hor e2ample, an a*erage scanner tries to scan someone across a ar for a computer pass+ord. (!e target is C meters a+ay. 0 roll of < or lo+er
means t!at contact is not e*en made. 0 roll of > or !ig!er means contact is made, ut t!e target gets a resistance roll "4 dice, unless !e !as
some unusual traits%.
)!annels energy ac7+ard in time to stimulate motor ner*es pre*ious to percei*ing a danger.
(!e c!aracter may roll to respond to somet!ing Dust efore it !appens, suc! as dropping to t!e ground Dust efore an e2plosion goes off. If !e
+ould normally !a*e a c!ance to respond to somet!ing, t!en !e can add t!ese dice to !is normal roll. "..g., if a car is !urtling to+ard !im and
!e needs to Dump out of t!e +ay, !e +ould normally get to ma7e a roll ased on !is refle2es or speed8 !e could add Pre,Reaction dice to t!e
roll.% If !e +ould not normally get a roll, t!en !e can still use t!ese dice, ut only t!ese dice. "..g., a poisoned dart t!ro+n from e!ind y a
silent assassin +ould not normally allo+ a c!aracter to dodge it, ut !e could use t!ese dice to do so.%
&ne cannot pre,react to an e*ent one +ould not notice. If someone points an in*isile, intangile ray in a c!aracterIs direction, !e cannot
prereact to it ecause !is future self +ill not notice it and t!erefore cannot send energy ac7 to !is present self to protect !im.
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Roaming 6yes
0llo+s one to see ot!er places or times. .ac! .ye Roamer can see eit!er in t!e present at a distance or in t!e past ut in t!e same location.
Present* distant/ (!e .ye Roamer must !a*e some connection to t!e place eing oser*ed, suc! as 7no+ing someone t!ere, !a*ing een
t!ere and c!ec7ed it out, etc. (!e .ye Roamer can specify *ie+ing t!e surroundings of a person or oDect, or !e can *ie+ a certain area.
Range is t!e roll times 100m "or more, if t!ere is a *ery good connection to t!e person or place%. Duration is t!e roll in rounds.
Past* !ere/ (!e .ye Roamer can see into t!e past up to one !our times t!e roll. Hor *ery important or emotionally,laden e*ents, especially if
t!e .ye Roamer 7no+s somet!ing aout it, t!e distance into t!e pat! may increase to t!e roll in days, +ee7s, or e*en centuries.
?t!er senses/ Some psyc!ics send t!eir ears "or e*en noses% t!e +ay .ye Roamers send t!eir eyes.
Sending your t!oug!ts to t!e minds of ot!ers. (!e c!aracter must 7no+ t!e recipient +ell or see !im in order to Send. (!e recipient #!ears$
t!e t!oug!t as if it +ere spo7en "ut 7no+s itIs only #in !is !ead$%. (!e die roll for t!is po+er represents t!e numer of minutes one can
continue sending, and must e !ig!er t!an t!e targetIs resistance roll "if t!e target c!ooses to resist%. (!e die roll also determines range6 t!e
roll times 10 meters if t!e Sender does not 7no+ t!e target, or t!e roll in 7ilometers if t!e Sender 7no+s t!e target +ell.
S5in of 7ron
=y de*eloping an infle2ile image of !is o+n p!ysical ody, a c!aracter can conduct !is energy so as to maintain t!is image in t!e face of
inDury. =lo+s of all 7inds must o*ercome t!e p!ysical resistance of t!e fles! as +ell as t!e parap!ysical resistance offered y t!e energy.
(!e total on t!e dice is sutracted from damage on eac! lo+ you ta7e, li7e normal armor. (!e !ig!est numer among t!e dice e9uals t!e
numer of lo+s you can asor efore S7in of Iron +ears off "+it! a ma2imum duration of 10 minutes%. If you are un!appy +it! your roll,
you may use more psyc!ic dice and roll again, ta7ing t!e ne+ result only if it is !ig!er.
1o*ing, lifting, and manipulating oDects at a distance. (!e numer rolled e9uals t!e numer of 7ilos t!at can e pus!ed along a surface, t!e
distance in meters o*er +!ic! one can use t!e po+er, t!e numer of seconds one can maintain t!e po+er. (!e oDect to e affected must e
seen. (!e tele7ineticist can mo*e t!e oDect aout, spin it, or ot!er+ise manipulate it. (!e tele7ineticist can also lift oDects in t!e into air, up
to 100g times !is roll "or one,tent! t!e +eig!t !e can pus!%.
Tele5inetic Punch
)reates a urst of e2plosi*e force t!at can rea7, topple, or !arm oDects or people. (!e roll e9uals damage done and t!e distance o*er +!ic!
t!e force can act. If used to rea7 in a door or perform ot!er feats of strengt!, t!e roll is e9ui*alent to a normal strengt! roll.
.ssentially a comination of 1ind Scan and Sending, ut +ea7er t!an eit!er. (!e (elepat! cannot scan for t!oug!ts li7e a 1ind Scanner can.
Ae can read minds, ut only at a range e9ual to t!e roll in meters. Ae can send t!oug!ts, ut t!e range is t!e roll times ? meters "for people in
sig!t% or times ?00 meters "for out of sig!t, +or7s +it! +ell,7no+n friends and ac9uaintances only%. :nli7e t!e Sender, a (elepat! can !a*e a
t+o,+ay con*ersation +it! a target, ut only if t!e target +ills to respond.
(!ere are !undreds of different styles of magic from *arious cultures and traditions around t!e +orld, ut for t!e sa7e of mec!anics t!ey can
e ro7en do+n into t+o types6 free form and spell,casting.
Hree form magic is essentially e9ui*alent to fringe po+ers. (!e etter oneIs roll, t!e more effect t!e magic !as. ;ou can use fringe po+ers
li7e t!ose descried ao*e to represent free form magic.
Spell,casting is t!e use of specific spells t!at !a*e pre,determined effects. ;our roll determines +!et!er t!e spell ta7es effect, not its po+er.
(!e '1 may +is! to limit +!o can learn spells at all, or limit P)sI access to spells and magical 7no+ledge, depending on t!e role you +is!
magic to ta7e in your series. ;ou may apply any or all of t!e follo+ing restrictions6
.ntense "tud( &nly years of study, preferaly +it! a learned master, can ma7e one capale of casting e*en t!e simplest spell. (!is
restriction effecti*ely ni2es P)s learning spells, unless t!ey egin t!e game as +i3ards.
Rare #alent( &nly fe+ people can learn magic at all "one in si2M t+o in si2M%. ;ou may rule t!at anyone +!o !as de*eloped anot!er 7ind of
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fringe po+er already is unale to learn magic ecause t!eir supernatural potentiality !as een corrupted.
Rare Resources( Resources are !ard to come across. Spell oo7s may e +ritten in an ancient or foreign language, or in code, so e*en if P)s
find t!em, t!ey may e +ort!less to t!em. (!e fe+ +i3ards +!o e2ist proaly do not admit to t!eir nature and certainly +ill not accept
students +!o !a*e not pro*ed t!eir utmost loyalty and discretion.
1agic ecomes somet!ing special if it is somet!ing rare.
Learning a Spell
W!en studying a spell in order to learn it, a c!aracter must spend a +ee7 studying at least 4 !ours per day and sacrifice ? e2perience dice. Ae
t!en rolls a single die. If t!e numer at least e9uals t!e spellIs le*el, !e !as learned t!e spell. If not, !e records a #1$ on !is c!aracter s!eet to
represent t!e numer of dice !e !as rolled to learn t!e spell. Ae may t!en spend anot!er +ee7 studying and sacrifice anot!er ? e2perience
dice, after +!ic! !e rolls 4 dice. 0gain, if t!e roll at least e9uals t!e spellIs le*el, !e !as learned it. &t!er+ise !e !e c!anges t!e #1$ to #4.$
representing !o+ far !e !as progressed in studying t!e spell. Ae repeats t!is process, rerolling +it! one more die for eac! +ee7 and ?
e2perience dice e2pended until !e gi*es up or learns t!e spell. If t!e c!aracter does not !a*e a psyc!ic pool +!en !e learns a spell, !e gains 1
s!ot in t!at pool.
If t!e c!aracter otc!es on any roll to learn a spell, ad t!ings can !appen.
Hor e2ample, suppose a c!aracter tries to learn t!e 14t! le*el spell, :ns+er*ing 0rro+. (!e '1 !as not told !im t!e le*el of t!e spell, ut
s!e !as said t!at !e can tell t!at itIs pretty difficult. Ae egins studying t!e spell "actually spending four !ours per day, since !e does not !a*e
a teac!er to tell !im t!at t!e e2tra t+o !ours are +asted%, and at t!e end of a +ee7 !e e2pends t!e e2perience dice and rolls a single die. Ae
gets a ?, not good enoug!. (!e '1 says t!at !e t!in7s !e is getting t!e !ang of it, ut !e still canIt manage t!e spell. Ae 7eeps trying, and
after anot!er +ee7 and anot!er ? e2perience dice, !e rolls 4 dice, t!is time getting a > L failure. 0fter t+o more +ee7s and 10 more dice, !e
rolls "on four dice% a 1<, good enoug!. (!e '1 no+ informs !im t!at !e 7no+s t!e spell and t!at !e !as one s!ot in !is Psyc!ic Pool. Ae
immediately ta7es t+o more dice from !is e2perience pool and gi*es !imself a second s!ot in t!e psyc!ic pool. Ae !as no+ spent 44 dice
from !is e2perience pool, and !e can cast !is spell t+ice per day.
)asting a Spell
(o cast a spell, a c!aracter e2pends one s!ot from t!e psyc!ic pool. :nder normal conditions, t!e spell al+ays +or7s. (!e '1 may re9uire
rolls for targeting t!e spell correctly or maintaining concentration, depending on t!e spell, t!e situation, and !er discretion.
Rememer t!at many magicians use free,form magic, +!ic! +or7s li7e standard fringe po+ers. Spell,casting proper, !o+e*er, is *ery
(!e target may get a resistance roll against spells t!at directly affect t!e mind or ody, in +!ic! case t!e le*el of t!e spell al+ays counts as its
#strengt!.$ 0 resistance roll at least e9ual to t!e spellIs roll generally resists t!e spellIs effects.
Sample Spells
(!ere are an incredile numer of spells a*ailale for t!ose +!o can find t!em and learn t!em, so do not +orry aout a definiti*e spell list.
Instead, in*ent interesting spells as t!ey are needed. If t!e c!aracters disco*er a +i3ardIs spelloo7, it mig!t !a*e four spells in it. In*ent
t!ose spells. If t!ey encounter a +i3ard, s!e may 7no+ se*en spells. In*ent t!ose spells as you need t!em. Li7e fringe po+ers, spells s!ould
e indi*idually crafted for t!e episodes in +!ic! t!ey appear.
0s magic spells !a*e de*eloped o*er t!e years, +i3ards !a*e learned t!at t!e est +ay to 7ill someone outrig!t is +it! a gun or ot!er simple
+eapon. (!e spells t!at are most common, t!erefore, are t!ose t!at do not replicate a gunIs effect. Spells t!at !a*e +eird effects "not easily
reproducile y tec!nology% are muc! more common t!at t!ose t!at simply cause damage.
=elo+ are sample spells to s!o+ appropriate le*els for spells of *arious po+er.
4ur5ing 2hains+ 4evel 3
)reates t!e sound of clan7ing c!ains in t!in air any+!ere +it!in 40m of t!e caster. (!e sound tra*els aout slo+ly "aout 4m-round% in
random directions, ut it tends to follo+ !all+ays and suc!. "It does not tra*el t!roug! +alls.% (!e clan7ing lasts ten minutes. Wi3ards use it
as a distraction.
0lessed 0lac5+ 4evel %
.2tinguis!es all sources of lig!t +it!in 10m of t!e caster for one minute, t!oug! t!e caster can also end t!e spell at +ill.
Ser8ent9s Tongue+ 4evel ,
1a7es t!e casterIs +ords more effecti*e, +!et!er t!ey are used to seduce, intimidate, con*ince, or persuade "onus die on all appropriate
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rolls%. Lasts 1 minute.
:ri8 of Stone+ 4evel 12
Paraly3es one person or animal +it!in 1?m. (!e target can roll strengt! or a similar trait to resist, escaping t!e effects of t!e spell if t!e roll at
least e9uals t!e +i3ardIs roll to cast t!e spell. Paralysis +ears off +it!in !alf an !our.
Ring of :yges+ 4evel 1$
1a7es t!e caster in*isile for 10 minutes. Dogs tend to e distured y t!e casterIs presence. (!e name refers to a ring of in*isiility from
'ree7 myt!.
Seven Shields of :lory+ 4evel 1*
)reates se*en in*isile s!ields t!at protect t!e caster. 0ll +eapons ounce !armlessly a+ay from !im as soon as t!ey stri7e +it!in 10 cm of
!is ody. Hor a split,second one can see a s!immering s!ield !alf a meter in diameter appear to deflect t!e +eapon. If t!e +i3ard is struc7 y
se*eral attac7s at e2actly t!e same instant and t!e se*en s!ields cannot guard against all t!e lo+s, some +ill get t!roug!. (!e spell lasts an
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