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The Pilgrim's Pots and Pans

Home Pork Basi Siomai Rei!e
Basi Siomai Rei!e
It seems like this blog gets dail$ re%errals %rom searhes %or a siomai rei!e& To lessen
the %rustration' let me !ost a basi %ormula&
Steaming is an e(ellent method o% %ood !re!aration sine the hot )a!our *uikl$ ooks
the %ood +hile retaining the %la)our' olour and nutrients& , metal or bamboo steamer an
be utilised though I !ersonall$ !re%er the latter& The )a!our !ermeates the bamboo +hih
gi)es the %ood a %ine and thorough steaming om!ared to a metal steamer +hose )a!our
is redued to large dro!s o% ondensation +hih result in a bit sogg$ siomai -but that.s
/ust me' the e)er %astidious ook0& I +onder though i% lining the metal steamer +ith
heese loth +ill gi)e better results& One an also im!ro)ise +ith a rie ooker' a +ire or
e(!anding metal basket +hih +ill hold the %ood to be steamed abo)e the +ater& The
+ater should alread$ be boiling be%ore the %ood is !laed in the steamer&
Siomai is a dimsum o% 1hinese origin +hih is also *uite ommon in the Phili!!ines& One
an order di%%erent kinds o% siomai but the base is al+a$s !ork& The ground meat should
ha)e some %at other+ise the ooked siomai +ill be too tough& I tried to e(!eriment on
hiken siomai some $ears bak and made the mistake o% taking out the skin and %at and
it turned out to be tough& Pra+ns or shrim!s an be substituted %or !art o% the !ork i%
desired& 2or the binder' some use %lour or orn starh but I %ind it to lea)e a ra+ taste so I
use egg instead -!ro!ortion is " egg to " kg !ork0& I strongl$ reommend adding
)egetables to gi)e the dimsum some runh and %or nutritional reasons too& I% desired 3
u! o% ho!!ed mushrooms or blak ear %ungus and "45 u! %resh or %ro6en green !eas
an be added to the rei!e belo+7
" kg ground !ork -suggested !ro!ortion o% %at to lean meat is "750
"45 u! ho!!ed +ater hestnuts or /iama -singkamas0
"45 u! ho!!ed arrots
8 medium or " large mined onion-s0
bunh o% s!ring onions or leeks
" egg
9 tables!oons sesame oil
" teas!oon %reshl$ ground !e!!er
" teas!oon salt
9# !s& large or "## !s& small +anton or siomai +ra!!er
so$ saue' alamansi -lemon or kum*uats0' sesame oil and hilli !aste -%or the saue0
Mi( all the ingredients %or the %illing in a bo+l&
S!oon " tables!oon o% mi(ture into eah +ra!!er& 2old and seal&
Mean+hile' boil +ater and brush steamer +ith oil&
:hen the +ater gets to a rolling boil' arrange the siomai in the steamer and let stand %or
"9;8# minutes' longer %or larger !iees&
Ser)e +ith so$ saue' alamansi and sesame oil& 1hilli !aste is o!tional&
<!date7 Someone asked me %or the rei!e o% hilli !aste and siomai +ra!!er that.s +h$
I.m re!roduing it here&
Siomai :ra!!er
"4= u! +ater
" egg
" tables!oon )egetable or orn oil
"4= teas!oon salt
" "48 u!s all;!ur!ose %lour
Beat egg and mi( +ith %lour till %ree o% lum!s&
Bring +ater' ooking oil and salt to a boil' then !our in %lour&
Remo)e %rom heat and beat until mi(ture %orms a ball&
>i)ide the dough into " "4= ;inh balls&
Roll eah ball on a %loured board until !a!er thin& Set aside&
Sim!lest )ersion o% hilli saue +ould be to ho! hillies +ell and %r$ them in oil' sesame
or )egetable oil' ne)er oli)e oil i% $ou +ant it to ha)e an ,sian taste&
The hilli !aste %ound in restaurants is a ombination o% hillies' garli and oil& 1ombine
ho!!ed hillies and mashed garli then simmer %or around 8# minutes or till most o% the
+ater has e)a!orated& ,dd oil' simmer and stir +ell&
an$ trik %or me to kno+ ho+ to make soimai dt stik to +ra!!er a%ter it ooked?ho!e to
hear %rom u soon&&Godbless@

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