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How to make and use sole

You'll need:
A glass jar
About 1 cup of Himalayan Crystal Salt
To use sole, you'll need a glass and a wooden or ceramic spoon metal c!anges t!e
c!emical composition of salt"#

Quick and easy sole recipe
$our about 1 cup of Himalayan Crystal Salt into your glass jar so t!at t!ere is
about an inc! or two of salt at t!e bottom of your glass jar"# You may use any form
of t!e salt including large c!un%s#
&ill your glass jar wit! artesian or distilled water
'et t!e water sit for a day or o(ernig!t
T!e ne)t day, c!ec% your jar to see t!at t!ere is still salt in t!e jar# *f all of t!e
salt !as been absorbed by t!e water, you need to add more salt# *f t!ere is still
some salt in your jar, your sole is ready#
Take one teaspoon of the sole solution and add it to a glass of water. Drink the
solution first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Special Note: T!is recipe is a guide# +(ery person is different# Your tongue will tell you
e)actly !ow muc! sole to add to your water# ,!en you add t!e teaspoon of sole to your
glass of water, taste it# *f it tastes t!e way you belie(e salt water tastes, t!en it is
perfect# *f it tastes too salty, t!en dilute t!e solution wit! water until it tastes correct
pour out some from your glass, t!en add plain artesian or distilled water to dilute"# *f it
doesn't taste salty enoug!, you may need to add more t!an a tsp# of sole until t!e
balance is correct for you# Your sense of taste will let you %now w!at your %idneys need
and you may find t!at eac! day your needs are different#

Short list of benefits of using sole
Stimulates metabolism and digestion
&lus!es out !ea(y metal to)ins
-educes addicti(e cra(ings
.alances acid/al%aline imbalance in your body
0ormali1es blood pressure
Cleans your intestines may temporarily gi(e you slig!tly loose stools until t!e
pla2ue !as been cleaned out"
Helps !eal s%in dis/eases
.ac% to 3 4ses of Salt

How to use the neti pot
A neti pot is a special %ind of ceramic container t!at you use to cleanse and reju(enate
your nasal passages# T!e entire process only ta%es about 5/6 minutes# You can cleanse
your nasal passages anyw!ere, but 7r# $!yl recommends standing o(er your bat!room
Here's w!at you will need:
A neti pot you can purc!ase t!em at any !ealt! food stores"
1 tsp# sole solution or about a tsp# of !ig! 2uality unrefined sea salt 7r# $!yl
recommends Himalayan Crystal Salt or Celtic salt"
About 1 8 cups of warm water preferably distilled or artesian"# ,ater t!at is
about 199 degrees is comfortable for most people#
Tissues or a towel to blow and dry your nose
1. :i) t!e !ig! 2uality unrefined sea salt into t!e warm water wit! a wooden or ceramic
spoon# ;r if you !a(e sole, simply add a one teaspoon of sole to t!e water#
. Add t!e salt water solution to t!e neti pot
!. .low your nose to clear your nostrils of e)cess mucus# *f one nostril is more clogged
t!an t!e ot!er, begin wit! t!e clearest nostril first#
". 'ean forward o(er your sin% and tilt your !ead to one side# Try to %eep your fore!ead
about t!e same !eig!t as your c!in#
#. $ic% up t!e neti pot by its !andle and gently place t!e spout in your nostril#
$. Allow t!e salt water to flow out t!e ot!er nostril# You may !a(e to adjust your !ead
slig!tly to assist wit! t!e flow#
%. ,!en you !a(e used about < of t!e solution, lower t!e neti pot and blow and dry your
&. -epeat t!e process wit! your ot!er nostril until t!e li2uid is depleted#
'. You !a(e successfully cleansed your nasal passages=
1(. 0ote: if you attempt to use t!e neti pot, but your nasal passages are bloc%ed or you
feel pressure, t!is means t!at you !a(e dried mucus trapped in your nasal passages# .e
patient# >eep using t!e neti pot until t!e bloc%age is remo(ed# *f you !a(e ast!ma or
anot!er C;$7 C!ronic ;bstructi(e $ulmonary 7is/ease"
7r# $!yl recommends using t!e neti pot at least 6 times a wee%#

Short list of benefits of using the neti pot
Supports and reju(enates t!e respiratory, circulatory and ner(ous systems
-emo(es e)cess mucus
Stimulates t!e mind and senses especially useful for !elping you wa%e up and
get going in t!e morning"
*s used for to relie(e sinus dryness and congestion, !eadac!es, colds, allergies,
flu, many forms of C;$7 and many forms of psyc!ological stress
*mpro(es o(erall energy and circulation
Helps wit! weig!t loss and deto)ifies t!e body
7r# $!yl recommends t!at +?+-Y;0+ learn to use t!e neti pot regularly# &or general
!ealt! and reju(enation, begin by using t!e neti pot once a wee% until symptoms
impro(e# T!en for maintenance, cleanse your nasal passages at least once during t!e
c!ange of eac! season#

.ac% to 3 4ses of Salt

How to make your own salt scrubs )aka salt glow*
*f you'(e e(er been to t!e spa and !a(e !ad a @salt glow@ t!en you !a(e !ad a salt scrub#
T!e problem wit! most spas is t!at t!ey use refined oils and impure essential oils in t!eir
formulas# -emember t!at your s%in is suc! an important organ of elimination t!at it is
called @t!e t!ird %idney#@ *f you wouldn't put it in your mout!, don't put it on your s%in#
Here's a 2uic% and easy recipe:
About 3 cups of unrefined Sea Salt you can find t!is in t!e bul% section of your
local !ealt! food store"# &or e)tra deto)ification add 1 cup of ba%ing soda andAor
one cup of +psom salt +psom salt may be too @roug!@ for some people"
About 1 cup of unrefined oil of your c!oice 7r# $!yl recommends e)tra (irgin
cold pressed oli(e oil, but unrefined sesame oil, coconut oil or sunflower oil are
great alternati(es"
;ptional: about 19/59 drops of your fa(orite essential oil# 7r# $!yl recommends
Amrita or ,yndmere organic essential oils# Clic% !ere to learn more about essential
oils or !ere to contact 7r# $!yl to customi1e an essential oil blend for your !ealt!
Combine all ingredients into a glass bowl# :i) to a paste wit! a large wooden spoon# You
can add more or less oil to mi) t!e paste to t!e consistency of your c!oice#

How to gi+e yourself a ,adiant Salt Scrub
-n the shower:
Step into your s!ower wit! your bowl of salt scrub
.eginning at your feet, ta%e small !andfuls of t!e mi)ture and rub it (igorously
in an upward circular motion until your s%in turns a little pin%# T!is means t!at you
!a(e increased blood flow to t!e area#
Continue to wor% your way up your body# .e t!oroug!, but a(oid t!e face,
genitals and nipples do wor% all around your breast"#
$ay special attention to t!e creases in your groin, your sides, under your breast
especially women" and under your arms as t!ese are important areas w!ere lymp!
nodes tend to be o(erloo%ed and w!ere to)ins collect undetected#
,!en you !a(e reac!ed up to your nec%, remo(e t!e bowl and turn on t!e
-inse t!oroug!ly#
.e careful as you step out of t!e s!ower because t!e area will be oily#
$at dry or air dry for e)tra moisturi1ation of t!e s%in#
-n the tub:
Turn on t!e water in your tub#
Spread out a towel on t!e floor and place your bowl of salt scrub on t!e towel#
Step onto t!e towel and beginning at your feet, ta%e small !andfuls of t!e
mi)ture and rub it (igorously in an upward circular motion until your s%in turns a
little pin%# T!is means t!at you !a(e increased blood flow to t!e area#
Continue to wor% your way up your body# .e t!oroug!, but a(oid t!e face,
genitals and nipples do wor% all around your breast"#
$ay special attention to t!e creases in your groin, your sides, under your breast
especially women" and under your arms as t!ese are important areas w!ere lymp!
nodes tend to be ignored and w!ere to)ins collect undetected#
,!en you !a(e reac!ed up to your nec%, your tub will most li%ely be full# Turn
off t!e water and (ery carefully step into t!e tub#
Soa% for at least 69 minutes#
$at dry or air dry for e)tra moisturi1ation of t!e s%in#
Note: You o !ot !ee to "#o$e% $&t# "o'( $#e! )ou u"e t#e "'*t "+%u,. T#e "'*t- ,'.&!/
"o' '! E("o0 "'*t" '%e 1e%) /e!t*e ,ut (o$e%2u* +*e'!"e%" o2 t#e ,o) '! '%e 0o%e
e22e+t&1e t#'! u"&!/ "o'(.

.ac% to 3 4ses of Salt

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