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Human Rights Council

Twenty-fifth session
Agenda item 1
Organizational and procedural matters
Annotations to the agenda for the twenty-fifth
session of the Human Rights Council
Note by the Secretary-eneral

United Nations
eneral Assembly
Distr. Genera!
23 De"em#er 2013
$rigina! Eng!is%
Paragraphs Page
1. $rgani&ationa! and 'ro"ed(ra! matters.................................................................... 11) 3
2. Ann(a! re'ort o* t%e United Nations Hig% Commissioner *or H(man Rig%ts and
re'orts o* t%e $**i"e o* t%e Hig% Commissioner and t%e +e"retar,-Genera!........... 19-. 5
3. /romotion and 'rote"tion o* a!! %(man rig%ts0 "i1i!0 'o!iti"a!0 e"onomi"0
so"ia! and "(!t(ra! rig%ts0 in"!(ding t%e rig%t to de1e!o'ment................................. -777 9
A. E"onomi"0 so"ia! and "(!t(ra! rig%ts................................................................ -753 9
2. Ci1i! and 'o!iti"a! rig%ts.................................................................................. 5-.0 11
C. Rig%ts o* 'eo'!es0 and s'e"i*i" gro('s and indi1id(a!s................................... .1371 12
D. 4nterre!ation o* %(man rig%ts and %(man rig%ts t%emati" iss(es..................... 72377 13
-. H(man rig%ts sit(ations t%at re5(ire t%e Co(n"i!6s attention................................... 7))2 1-
5. H(man rig%ts #odies and me"%anisms..................................................................... )3)5 15
A. Com'!aint 'ro"ed(re........................................................................................ )3 15
2. 7or(m on 8inorit, 4ss(es................................................................................ )- 15
C. $t%er %(man rig%ts #odies and me"%anisms................................................... )5 15
.. Uni1ersa! 'eriodi" re1ie9........................................................................................ ).)) 15
7. H(man rig%ts sit(ation in /a!estine and ot%er o""('ied Ara# territories................. )99- 1.
A. H(man rig%ts 1io!ations and im'!i"ations o* t%e 4srae!i o""('ation
o* /a!estine and ot%er o""('ied Ara# territories.............................................. )993 1.
2. Rig%t to se!*-determination o* t%e /a!estinian 'eo'!e...................................... 9- 17
). 7o!!o9-(' to and im'!ementation o* t%e :ienna De"!aration and
/rogramme o* A"tion............................................................................................... 95 17
9. Ra"ism0 ra"ia! dis"rimination0 ;eno'%o#ia and re!ated *orms o* into!eran"e0
*o!!o9-(' to and im'!ementation o* t%e D(r#an De"!aration and
/rogramme o* A"tion .............................................................................................. 9.99 17
10. <e"%ni"a! assistan"e and "a'a"it,-#(i!ding............................................................. 10010) 1)
/ane!s and dis"(ssions to #e %e!d at t%e t9ent,-*i*t% session o*
t%e H(man Rig%ts Co(n"i!................................................................................................................. 20
$% Organizational and procedural matters
&ate and 'enue of the session
1. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% its ann(a! 'rogramme o* 9or=0 as "onsidered on 1. De"em#er
2013 at t%e organi&ationa! session *or t%e eig%t% ","!e o* t%e Co(n"i!0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %o!d
its t9ent,-*i*t% session *rom 3 to 2) 8ar"% 201- at t%e United Nations $**i"e at Gene1a.
2. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% r(!e ) >#? o* t%e r(!es o* 'ro"ed(re o* t%e Co(n"i!0 as "ontained in
se"tion :44 o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/10 t%e organi&ationa! meeting *or t%e t9ent,-
*i*t% session 9i!! #e %e!d on 17 7e#r(ar, 201-.
Agenda of the session
3. <%e agenda o* t%e Co(n"i! is "ontained in se"tion : o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion
5/1. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e 'resent annotations re!ating to items in"!(ded in t%e
agenda *or t%e t9ent,-*i*t% session.
Composition of the Human Rights Council
-. <%e "om'osition o* t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session is as *o!!o9s
>201.?@ Argentina >2015?@ A(stria >201-?@ 2enin >201-?@ 2ots9ana >201-?@ 2ra&i! >2015?@
2(r=ina 7aso >201-?@ C%i!e >201-?@ C%ina >201.?@ Congo >201-?@ Costa Ri"a >201-?@ CAte
d641oire >2015?@ C(#a >201.?@ C&e"% Re'(#!i" >201-?@ Estonia >2015?@ Et%io'ia >2015?@
7ran"e >201.?@ Ga#on >2015?@ German, >2015?@ 4ndia >201-?@ 4ndonesia >201-?@ 4re!and
>2015?@ 4ta!, >201-?@ Ba'an >2015?@ Ca&a=%stan >2015?@ Cen,a >2015?@ C(9ait >201-?@
8a!di1es >201.?@ 8e;i"o >201.?@ 8ontenegro >2015?@ 8oro""o >201.?@ Nami#ia >201.?@
/a=istan >2015?@ /er( >201-?0 /%i!i''ines >201-?@ Re'(#!i" o* Corea >2015?@ Romania
>201-?@ R(ssian 7ederation >201.?@ +a(di Ara#ia >201.?@ +ierra Deone >2015?@ +o(t% A*ri"a
>201.?@ t%e *ormer E(gos!a1 Re'(#!i" o* 8a"edonia >201.?@ United Ara# Emirates >2015?@
United Cingdom o* Great 2ritain and Nort%ern 4re!and >201.?@ United +tates o* Ameri"a
>2015?@ :ene&(e!a >2o!i1arian Re'(#!i" o*? >2015?@ :iet Nam >201.?.
(ureau of the Human Rights Council
5. At its organi&ationa! session on 1. De"em#er 20130 t%e Co(n"i! e!e"ted t%e *o!!o9ing
mem#ers o* t%e 2(rea( *or its eig%t% ","!e0 9%i"% 9i!! r(n (nti! 31 De"em#er 201-
/resident o* t%e Co(n"i!0 2a(de!aire Ndong E!!a >Ga#on?@ :i"e-/residents0 8a(ri&io Enri"o
+erra >4ta!,?0 Di!i' +in%a >4ndia?0 A!#erto DFA!otto >Argentina?0 :i"e-/resident and
Ra''orte(r0 CateGina +e5(enso1H >C&e"% Re'(#!i"?.
Re'iew of the wor) and functioning of the Human Rights Council
.. /(rs(ant to 'aragra'% -2 o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 1./210 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!!
%o!d a %ig%-!e1e! 'ane! dis"(ssion to intera"t 9it% %eads o* United Nations agen"ies 9it%in
t%eir res'e"ti1e mandates on s'e"i*i" %(man rig%ts t%emes0 9it% t%e o#Ie"ti1e o* 'romoting
t%e mainstreaming o* %(man rig%ts t%ro(g%o(t t%e United Nations s,stem >see anne;?.
<%e term o* mem#ers%i' o* ea"% +tate e;'ires in t%e ,ear indi"ated in 'arent%esis.
7. /(rs(ant to a de"ision ta=en #, t%e Co(n"i! at its organi&ationa! session on 1.
De"em#er 20130 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %o!d a %ig%-!e1e! intera"ti1e dia!og(e on t%e 'romotion o*
're1entati1e a''roa"%es 9it%in t%e United Nations s,stem.
Selection and appointment of mandate holders
). 4n a""ordan"e 9it% 'aragra'% -7 o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/1 and t%e
re5(irements set o(t in Co(n"i! de"ision ./1020 t%e "ons(!tati1e gro(' "om'osed o* D(is
Enri5(e C%H1e& 2asagoitia >/er(?0 $mar Hi!a!e >8oro""o?0 R,tis /a(!a(s=as >Dit%(ania?0
Eeon"%(! Eoo >Re'(#!i" o* Corea? and E!issa Go!#erg >Canada? 9i!! 'ro'ose to t%e
/resident o* t%e Co(n"i! a !ist o* "andidates *or t%e ne9 mandate %o!ders *or t%e *o!!o9ing
eig%teen mandates to #e a''ointed at t%e t9ent,-*i*t% session 4nde'endent E;'ert on t%e
e**e"ts o* *oreign de#t and ot%er re!ated internationa! *inan"ia! o#!igations o* +tates on t%e
*(!! enIo,ment o* %(man rig%ts0 'arti"(!ar!, e"onomi"0 so"ia! and "(!t(ra! rig%ts@ +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on e;treme 'o1ert, and %(man rig%ts@ +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on ade5(ate %o(sing as
a "om'onent o* t%e rig%t to an ade5(ate standard o* !i1ing0 and on t%e rig%t to non-
dis"rimination in t%is "onte;t@ +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on "ontem'orar, *orms o* s!a1er,0
in"!(ding its "a(ses and "onse5(en"es@ +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on t%e rig%t to *ood@ +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e sa!e o* "%i!dren0 "%i!d 'rostit(tion and "%i!d 'ornogra'%,@ +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e rig%ts o* indigeno(s 'eo'!es@ +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation o* %(man
rig%ts in 8,anmar@ +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in t%e /a!estinian
territories o""('ied sin"e 19.7@ +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation on %(man rig%ts
de*enders@ 4nde'endent E;'ert on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in +oma!ia@ 4nde'endent
E;'ert on t%e enIo,ment o* a!! %(man rig%ts #, o!der 'ersons@ 4nde'endent E;'ert on t%e
sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in t%e Centra! A*ri"an Re'(#!i"@ Jor=ing Gro(' on Ar#itrar,
Detention >one mem#er *rom an A*ri"an +tate and one *rom a Datin Ameri"an and Cari##ean
+tate?@ Jor=ing Gro(' on En*or"ed and 4n1o!(ntar, Disa''earan"es >one mem#er *rom an
A*ri"an +tate?@ Jor=ing Gro(' on t%e (se o* mer"enaries as a means o* 1io!ating %(man
rig%ts and im'eding t%e e;er"ise o* t%e rig%t o* 'eo'!es to se!*-determination >one mem#er
*rom an Asian +tate?@ and Jor=ing Gro(' on t%e iss(e o* dis"rimination against 9omen in
!a9 and in 'ra"ti"e >one mem#er *rom a Datin Ameri"an and Cari##ean +tate?.
9. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% t%e 'ro"ed(re sti'(!ated in 'aragra'%s 52 and 53 o* t%e anne; to
Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/10 t%e a''ointment o* s'e"ia! 'ro"ed(res mandate %o!ders 9i!! #e
"om'!eted ('on t%e s(#se5(ent a''ro1a! #, t%e Co(n"i!. <%e mandate %o!ders in 5(estion
9i!! #e a''ointed #e*ore t%e end o* t%e t9ent,-*i*t% session.
Selection and appointment of members of the +,pert -echanism on the
Rights of .ndigenous /eoples
10. 4n its reso!(tion ./3.0 t%e H(man Rig%ts Co(n"i! de"ided to esta#!is% a s(#sidiar,
e;'ert me"%anism to 'ro1ide it 9it% t%emati" e;'ertise on t%e rig%ts o* indigeno(s 'eo'!es in
t%e manner and *orm re5(ested #, t%e Co(n"i!. <%e Co(n"i! de"ided t%at t%e e;'ert
me"%anism 9o(!d "onsist o* *i1e inde'endent e;'erts0 t%e se!e"tion o* 9%i"% 9o(!d #e
"arried o(t in a""ordan"e 9it% t%e 'ro"ed(re esta#!is%ed in 'aragra'%s 39353 o* t%e anne; to
Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/10 and strong!, re"ommended t%at0 in t%e se!e"tion and a''ointment
'ro"ess0 t%e Co(n"i! s%o(!d gi1e d(e regard to e;'erts o* indigeno(s origin.
11. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% 'aragra'% -7 o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/10 and t%e
re5(irements set o(t in Co(n"i! de"ision ./1020 t%e "ons(!tati1e gro(' 9i!! 'ro'ose to t%e
/resident o* t%e Co(n"i! a !ist o* "andidates to re'!a"e t9o o* t%e *i1e inde'endent e;'erts o*
t%e E;'ert 8e"%anism0 9%ose ten(re is d(e to e;'ire in 8ar"% 201-.
12. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% t%e 'ro"ed(re sti'(!ated in reso!(tion ./3. and in 'aragra'%s 52
and 53 o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/10 t%e a''ointment o* t%e a#o1e-mentioned
e;'erts 9i!! #e "om'!eted ('on t%e s(#se5(ent a''ro1a! o* t%e Co(n"i! #e*ore t%e end o* t%e
+lection of members of the Human Rights Council Ad'isory Committee
13. /(rs(ant to Co(n"i! de"ision 1)/1210 t%e term o* o**i"e o* t%e se1en mem#ers o* t%e
Ad1isor, Committee ended on 30 +e'tem#er 2013.
1-. At its t9ent,-*o(rt% session0 t%e Co(n"i! e!e"ted si; mem#ers o* t%e Ad1isor,
Committee *or a t%ree-,ear term. Ho9e1er0 no "andidate 9as '(t *or9ard *or t%e 1a"ant seat
o* Datin Ameri"an and Cari##ean +tates.
15. Conse5(ent!,0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! e!e"t one mem#er *rom Datin Ameri"an and Cari##ean
+tates at its t9ent,-*i*t% session.
1.. /aragra'% 70 o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/1 'ro1ides t%at t%e Co(n"i! s%a!!
e!e"t t%e mem#ers o* t%e Ad1isor, Committee0 in se"ret #a!!ot0 *rom t%e !ist o* "andidates
9%ose names %a1e #een 'resented in a""ordan"e 9it% t%e agreed re5(irements.
17. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% 'aragra'% 71 o* t%e anne; to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 5/10 t%e !ist o*
"andidates *or t%e 1a"ant seat 9%i"% 9as not *i!!ed at t%e t9ent,-*o(rt% session and re!e1ant
in*ormation 9i!! #e made a1ai!a#!e to 8em#er +tates and to t%e '(#!i" in a note #, t%e
+e"retar,-Genera! >A/HRC/25/1)?.
Report of the session
1). At t%e end o* its session0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it *or ado'tion a dra*t re'ort
're'ared #, t%e Ra''orte(r. <%e re'ort 9i!! in"!(de t%e reso!(tions and de"isions ado'ted #,
t%e Co(n"i! and t%e /resident6s statements0 as 9e!! as a te"%ni"a! s(mmar, o* t%e 'ro"eedings
o* t%e t9ent,-*i*t% session.
"% Annual report of the 1nited Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High
Commissioner and the Secretary-eneral
19. A!! re'orts o* t%e United Nations Hig% Commissioner *or H(man Rig%ts0 t%e $**i"e o*
t%e Hig% Commissioner >$HCHR? and t%e +e"retar,-Genera! are s(#mitted (nder agenda
item 20 9%i"% remains an o'en-ended item t%ro(g%o(t t%e session. <%ese re'orts 9i!! #e
"onsidered at t%e time o* "onsideration o* re!e1ant agenda items0 as a''ro'riate. +'e"i*i"
timing o* t%eir introd("tion 9i!! #e re*!e"ted in t%e 'rogramme o* 9or=.
Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
20. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e ann(a! re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner
>A/HRC/25/19?0 t%e re'orts on t%e a"ti1ities o* %er o**i"es in G(atema!a and t%e /!(rinationa!
+tate o* 2o!i1ia and t%e re'ort on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in Co!om#ia
Question of human rights in Cyprus
21. /(rs(ant to its de"ision 2/1020 t%e H(man Rig%ts Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort
o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on t%e 5(estion o* %(man rig%ts in C,'r(s >A/HRC/25/21?.
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture
22. /(rs(ant to Genera! Assem#!, reso!(tion .)/15.0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e
re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on t%e o'erations o* t%e United Nations :o!(ntar, 7(nd *or
:i"tims o* <ort(re >A/HRC/25/25?.
Special Fund estalished y the !ptional Protocol to the Con"ention against Torture and
!ther Cruel# $nhuman or %egrading Treatment or Punishment
23. /(rs(ant to Genera! Assem#!, reso!(tion .)/15.0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it a
note #, t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on t%e stat(s o* t%e +'e"ia! 7(nd esta#!is%ed #, t%e $'tiona!
/roto"o! to t%e Con1ention against <ort(re and $t%er Cr(e!0 4n%(man or Degrading
<reatment or /(nis%ment >A/HRC/25/2-?.
Conclusions and recommendations of the special procedures
2-. /(rs(ant to Commission on H(man Rig%ts reso!(tion 200-/7. and Co(n"i! reso!(tion
2/1020 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! "ontaining
re*eren"es to t%e "on"!(sions and re"ommendations in t%e re'orts s(#mitted #, t%e s'e"ia!
'ro"ed(res >A/HRC/25/20?.
Situation of human rights in the $slamic Repulic of $ran
25. 4n its reso!(tion .)/1)-0 t%e Genera! Assem#!, re5(ested t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to
re'ort on t%e 'rogress made in t%e im'!ementation o* t%at reso!(tion0 in"!(ding o'tions and
re"ommendations to im'ro1e its im'!ementation0 and to s(#mit an interim re'ort to t%e
Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e interim re'ort o* t%e
+e"retar,-Genera! >A/HRC/25/2.? >see a!so 'aragra'% )1 #e!o9?.
Promoting reconciliation and accountaility in Sri &an'a
2.. 4n its reso!(tion 22/10 t%e Co(n"i! en"o(raged $HCHR and re!e1ant s'e"ia!
'ro"ed(res mandate %o!ders to 'ro1ide0 in "ons(!tation 9it% and 9it% t%e "on"(rren"e o* t%e
Go1ernment o* +ri Dan=a0 ad1i"e and te"%ni"a! assistan"e on im'!ementing t%e ste's
mentioned in t%at reso!(tion. 4n t%e same reso!(tion0 t%e Co(n"i! a!so re5(ested $HCHR to
'resent a "om're%ensi1e re'ort *o!!o9ed #, a dis"(ssion on t%e im'!ementation o* t%at
reso!(tion at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* $HCHR
>A/HRC/25/23?0 *o!!o9ed #, a dis"(ssion.
The effecti"e implementation of international human rights instruments
27. 4n its reso!(tion 9/) on t%e e**e"ti1e im'!ementation o* internationa! %(man rig%ts
instr(ments0 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to re'ort ann(a!!, on meas(res
ta=en to im'!ement t%at reso!(tion and on o#sta"!es to its im'!ementation. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!!
%a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! >A/HRC/25/22?.
Reali(ation in all countries of economic# social and cultural rights
2). 4n its reso!(tion 22/50 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to s(#mit to it an
ann(a! re'ort on t%e 5(estion o* t%e rea!i&ation in a!! "o(ntries o* e"onomi"0 so"ia! and
"(!t(ra! rig%ts0 9it% a s'e"ia! *o"(s on a""ess to I(sti"e re!ating to 1io!ations o* e"onomi"0
so"ia! and "(!t(ra! rig%ts. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera!
Promotion and protection of human rights in the conte)t of peaceful protests
29. 4n its reso!(tion 22/100 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested $HCHR to organi&e a seminar on
e**e"ti1e meas(res and #est 'ra"ti"es to ens(re t%e 'romotion and 'rote"tion o* %(man rig%ts
in t%e "onte;t o* 'ea"e*(! 'rotests0 and to s(#mit a re'ort on t%e de!i#erations %e!d d(ring t%e
seminar to t%e Co(n"i!. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* $HCHR on t%e seminar
%e!d on 2 De"em#er 2013 >A/HRC/25/32?.
Human rights and aritrary depri"ation of nationality
30. 4n its reso!(tion 20/50 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to 're'are a re'ort
on !egis!ati1e and administrati1e meas(res t%at ma, !ead to t%e de'ri1ation o* nationa!it, o*
indi1id(a!s or gro('s o* indi1id(a!s0 'a,ing 'arti"(!ar attention to sit(ations 9%ere 'ersons
a**e"ted ma, #e !e*t state!ess0 and to 'resent t%e re'ort to t%e Co(n"i! #e*ore its t9ent,-*i*t%
session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! >A/HRC/25/2)?.
The *or' and employment of persons *ith disailities
31. 4n its reso!(tion 22/30 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested $HCHR to 're'are a st(d, on t%e rig%t o*
'ersons 9it% disa#i!ities to ed("ation0 in "ons(!tation 9it% +tates and ot%er re!e1ant
sta=e%o!ders0 in"!(ding t%e United Nations C%i!dren6s 7(nd0 t%e United Nations Ed("ationa!0
+"ienti*i" and C(!t(ra! $rgani&ation0 regiona! organi&ations0 t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on
Disa#i!ities o* t%e Commission *or +o"ia! De1e!o'ment0 "i1i! so"iet, organi&ations0 in"!(ding
organi&ations o* 'ersons 9it% disa#i!ities0 and nationa! %(man rig%ts instit(tions. <%e Co(n"i!
9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* $HCHR >A/HRC/25/29?0 9%i"% 9i!! a!so #e a1ai!a#!e on t%e
9e#site o* $HCHR in an a""essi#!e *ormat >see a!so 'aragra'%s .1 and .2 #e!o9?.
Rights of persons elonging to national or ethnic# religious and linguistic minorities
32. 4n its reso!(tion 22/-0 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e Hig% Commissioner to 'resent an
ann(a! re'ort "ontaining in*ormation on re!e1ant de1e!o'ments o* United Nations %(man
rig%ts #odies and me"%anisms0 as 9e!! as on t%e a"ti1ities (nderta=en #, $HCHR at
Head5(arters and in t%e *ie!d t%at "ontri#(te to t%e 'romotion o* and res'e"t *or t%e
'ro1isions o* t%e De"!aration on t%e Rig%ts o* /ersons 2e!onging to Nationa! or Et%ni"0
Re!igio(s and Ding(isti" 8inorities. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig%
Commissioner >A/HRC/25/30? >see a!so 'aragra'%s .30 .- and )- #e!o9?.
Rights of the child
33. 4n its reso!(tion 22/320 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to *o"(s its ne;t *(!!-da, meeting on t%e
rig%ts o* t%e "%i!d on t%e t%eme o* a""ess to I(sti"e *or "%i!dren. 4n t%e same reso!(tion0 it
in1ited $HCHR to 're'are a re'ort on t%at iss(e0 and to 'resent it to t%e Co(n"i! at its
t9ent,-*i*t% session0 to in*orm t%e ann(a! da, o* dis"(ssion on "%i!dren6s rig%ts. <%e Co(n"i!
9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* $HCHR >A/HRC/25/35? >see a!so 'aragra'%s .7371 #e!o9?.
3-. 4n its reso!(tion 22/110 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to "on1ene0 at its t9ent,-*o(rt% session0 a
'ane! dis"(ssion on t%e %(man rig%ts o* "%i!dren o* 'arents senten"ed to t%e deat% 'ena!t, or
e;e"(ted0 and re5(ested t%e $HCHR to 're'are a re'ort on t%e o(t"ome o* t%e 'ane!
dis"(ssion in t%e *orm o* a s(mmar,0 and to 'resent it to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t%
session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e s(mmar, re'ort o* $HCHR >A/HRC/25/33?.
Role of the pulic ser"ice as an essential component of good go"ernance in the promotion
and protection of human rights
35. 4n its reso!(tion 19/200 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested $HCHR to 're'are a re'ort o(t!ining t%e
ro!e o* t%e '(#!i" ser1i"e as an essentia! "om'onent o* good go1ernan"e in t%e 'romotion and
'rote"tion o* %(man rig%ts0 in"!(ding a "om'i!ation o* good 'ra"ti"es0 and to 'resent it to t%e
Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*o(rt% session. At its t9ent,-*o(rt% session0 t%e Co(n"i! 9as in*ormed
t%at0 in a""ordan"e 9it% t%e "a!endar o* t%emati" reso!(tions o* t%e Co(n"i!0 t%e re'ort 9o(!d
#e s(#mitted to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session >A/HRC/2-/19?. A""ording!,0 t%e
Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* $HCHR >A/HRC/25/27?.
!perations of the Voluntary Fund for participation in the uni"ersal periodic re"ie*
3.. 4n its de"ision 17/119 and reso!(tion 23/30 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested $HCHR to 'ro1ide
an ann(a! re'ort on t%e o'erations o* t%e :o!(ntar, 7(nd *or 'arti"i'ation in t%e (ni1ersa!
'eriodi" re1ie9. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* $HCHR >A/HRC/25/3.?.
$sraeli settlements in the !ccupied Palestinian Territory# including +ast ,erusalem and in
the occupied Syrian -olan
37. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on t%e 4srae!i sett!ements in
t%e $""('ied /a!estinian <erritor,0 in"!(ding East Ber(sa!em0 and in t%e o""('ied +,rian
Go!an >A/HRC/25/3)? >see 'aragra'% 90 #e!o9?.
The implications of $sraeli settlements on the ci"il# political# economic# social and cultural
rights of the Palestinian people throughout the !ccupied Palestinian Territory# including
+ast ,erusalem
3). Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on t%e im'!ementation o*
t%e re"ommendations "ontained in t%e re'ort o* t%e inde'endent internationa! *a"t-*inding
mission >A/HRC/25/39? >see 'aragra'% 91 #e!o9?.
Situation of human rights in the !ccupied Palestinian Territory# including +ast ,erusalem
39. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on t%e sit(ation o* %(man
rig%ts in t%e $""('ied /a!estinian <erritor,0 in"!(ding East Ber(sa!em >A/HRC/25/-0? >see
'aragra'% 92 #e!o9?.
Human rights in the occupied Syrian -olan
-0. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on t%e sit(ation o* %(man
rig%ts in t%e o""('ied +,rian Go!an >A/HRC/25/37? >see 'aragra'% 93 #e!o9?.
Comating intolerance# negati"e stereotyping and stigmati(ation of# and discrimination#
incitement to "iolence and "iolence against# persons ased on religion or elief
-1. 4n its reso!(tion 22/310 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e Hig% Commissioner to 're'are and
s(#mit to t%e Co(n"i!0 at its t9ent,-*i*t% session0 a re'ort #ased ('on in*ormation 'ro1ided
#, +tates on t%e e**orts and meas(res ta=en #, t%em *or t%e im'!ementation o* t%e a"tion '!an
on *ostering a domesti" en1ironment o* re!igio(s to!eran"e0 'ea"e and res'e"t0 as o(t!ined in
t%at reso!(tion0 as 9e!! as t%eir 1ie9s on 'otentia! *o!!o9-(' meas(res *or *(rt%er
im'ro1ement o* t%e im'!ementation o* t%at '!an. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o*
t%e Hig% Commissioner >A/HRC/25/3-?.
Technical cooperation in the field of human rights in Afghanistan
-2. 4n its de"ision 2/113 and reso!(tion 1-/150 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e Hig%
Commissioner to "ontin(e to monitor t%e %(man rig%ts sit(ation in A*g%anistan0 to 'ro1ide
and e;'and ad1isor, ser1i"es and te"%ni"a! "oo'eration in t%e *ie!d o* %(man rig%ts and t%e
r(!e o* !a90 and to re'ort reg(!ar!, to t%e Co(n"i! on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in
A*g%anistan. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner
Assistance for &iya in the field of human rights
-3. 4n its reso!(tion 22/190 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested $HCHR to 're'are a 9ritten re'ort0 *or
s(#mission to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session0 re*!e"ting %(man rig%ts regarding t%e
te"%ni"a! s(''ort and "a'a"it,-#(i!ding needs o* Di#,a0 9it% a 1ie9 to strengt%ening t%e
'romotion and 'rote"tion o*0 and res'e"t *or0 %(man rig%ts and *(ndamenta! *reedoms and
e;'!oring 9a,s o* "oo'eration to o1er"ome t%e "%a!!enges in t%e areas o* se"(rit,0 res'e"t *or
t%e r(!e o* !a90 transitiona! I(sti"e and %(man rig%ts. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e
re'ort o* $HCHR >A/HRC/25/-2?.
Strengthening of technical cooperation and consultati"e ser"ices in -uinea
--. 4n its reso!(tion 23/230 t%e Co(n"i! in1ited t%e Hig% Commissioner to re'ort to t%e
Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts and t%e 9or= o* %er $**i"e
in G(inea. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner
Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights
-5. 4n its de"ision 23/11-0 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to %o!d0 at its t9ent,-*o(rt% session0 a
stand-a!one %ig%-!e1e! intera"ti1e dia!og(e 9it% t%e aim o* e;'!oring %o9 a!! sta=e%o!ders
"o(!d 9or= e**e"ti1e!, to9ards t%e *ina!i&ation and im'!ementation o* t%e road ma' and t%e
rea!i&ation o* %(man rig%ts in +oma!ia. <%e Co(n"i! re5(ested $HCHR to 'ro1ide a
s(mmar, o* t%e =e, "on"!(sions o* t%e %ig%-!e1e! dia!og(e 'ertaining to %o9 to ens(re
ma;im(m e**e"ti1eness o* te"%ni"a! and ot%er assistan"e to +oma!ia. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e
#e*ore it t%e s(mmar, re'ort o* $HCHR >A/HRC/25/-5?.
Technical assistance to the Central African Repulic in the field of human rights
-.. 4n its reso!(tion 23/1)0 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e Hig% Commissioner to s(#mit to t%e
Co(n"i!0 at its t9ent,-*i*t% session0 a re'ort e1a!(ating t%e needs *or te"%ni"a! assistan"e and
"a'a"it,-#(i!ding in t%e Centra! A*ri"an Re'(#!i". <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort
o* t%e Hig% Commissioner >A/HRC/25/-3?.
*% /romotion and protection of all human rights5 ci'il5 political5
economic5 social and cultural rights5 including the right to
A% +conomic5 social and cultural rights
Reali(ation in all countries of economic# social and cultural rights
-7. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on t%e rea!i&ation in a!!
"o(ntries o* e"onomi"0 so"ia! and "(!t(ra! rig%ts >A/HRC/25/31? >see 'aragra'% 2) a#o1e?.
Promotion of the en.oyment of the cultural rights of e"eryone and respect for cultural
-). 4n its reso!(tion 23/100 t%e Co(n"i! in1ited t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r in t%e *ie!d o*
"(!t(ra! rig%ts to in"!(de in %er ne;t re'ort t%e iss(e o* t%e 9a,s and means to sensiti&e
instit(tions and so"iet, on di1erse "(!t(ra! %eritage and to en%an"e "oo'eration *or its
sa*eg(ard and 'romotion. 4t a!so in1ited t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to "ontin(e to address t%e
iss(e o* t%e rig%t to enIo, t%e #ene*its o* s"ienti*i" 'rogress and its a''!i"ations0 ta=ing into
a""o(nt t%e dis"(ssion %e!d in 2013 at t%e seminar on t%is s(#Ie"t0 mandated #, t%e Co(n"i!
reso!(tion 20/11. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% t%at reso!(tion0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o*
t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 7arida +%a%eed >A/HRC/25/-9 and Add.132?.
Ade/uate housing as a component of the right to an ade/uate standard of li"ing
-9. 4n its reso!(tion 15/)0 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on ade5(ate
%o(sing as a "om'onent o* t%e rig%t to an ade5(ate standard o* !i1ing to s(#mit a re'ort to t%e
Co(n"i! in a""ordan"e 9it% its ann(a! 'rogramme o* 9or=. 4n its de"ision 2-/1150 t%e
Co(n"i! de"ided to 'ost'one t%e rene9a! o* t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to its
t9ent,-*i*t% session0 and0 *or t%at reason0 to e;tend0 on an e;"e'tiona! #asis0 t%e mandate o*
t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r (nti! t%at session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r0 Ra5(e! Ro!ni= >A/HRC/25/5- and Add.13-?.
Right to food
50. 4n its reso!(tion 22/90 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e rig%t to *ood *or a 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears0 and re5(ested %im to =ee' t%e
Co(n"i! in*ormed o* t%e im'a"t o* t%e 9or!d *ood "risis on t%e enIo,ment o* t%e rig%t to *ood
and to a!ert it to 'ossi#!e *(rt%er a"tions in t%is regard. 4n t%e same reso!(tion0 t%e Co(n"i!
a!so re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to s(#mit a re'ort on t%e im'!ementation o* t%at
reso!(tion to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o*
t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 $!i1ier De +"%(tter >A/HRC/25/57 and Add.13-?.
+ffects of foreign det and other related international financial oligations of States on the
full en.oyment of all human rights
51. 4n its reso!(tion 1./1-0 t%e H(man Rig%ts Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o*
t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert on t%e e**e"ts o* *oreign de#t and ot%er re!ated internationa! *inan"ia!
o#!igations o* +tates on t%e *(!! enIo,ment o* a!! %(man rig%ts *or a 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears0 and
re5(ested t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert to re'ort reg(!ar!, to t%e Co(n"i! in a""ordan"e 9it% its
'rogramme o* 9or=. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert0 Ce'%as
D(mina >A/HRC/25/50 and Add.13.?.
52. 4n its reso!(tion 22/120 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert to "ontin(e %is
e**orts in 're'aring an in-de't% st(d, on t%e negati1e im'a"t o* t%e non-re'atriation o* *(nds
o* i!!i"it origin to t%e "o(ntries o* origin on t%e a''!i"ation #, +tates o* t%e ma;im(m
a1ai!a#!e reso(r"es to t%e *(!! rea!i&ation o* a!! %(man rig%ts0 and to 'resent %is st(d, to t%e
Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e st(d, o* t%e 4nde'endent
E;'ert >A/HRC/25/52?.
53. 4n its reso!(tion 23/110 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert to s(#mit a
re'ort on t%e im'!ementation o* t%at reso!(tion0 and "ontaining t%e "ommentar, to t%e
g(iding 'rin"i'!es on *oreign de#t and %(man rig%ts0 to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session.
<%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e "ommentar, to t%e g(ide!ines >A/HRC/25/51?.
(% Ci'il and political rights
Promotion and protection of human rights in the conte)t of peaceful protests
5-. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* $HCHR on t%e de!i#erations %e!d d(ring t%e
seminar on e**e"ti1e meas(res and #est 'ra"ti"es to ens(re t%e 'romotion and 'rote"tion o*
%(man rig%ts in t%e "onte;t o* 'ea"e*(! 'rotests >A/HRC/25/32? >see 'aragra'% 29 a#o1e?.
Human rights and aritrary depri"ation of nationality
55. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on !egis!ati1e and
administrati1e meas(res t%at ma, !ead to t%e de'ri1ation o* nationa!it, o* indi1id(a!s or
gro('s o* indi1id(a!s >A/HRC/25/2)? >see 'aragra'% 30 a#o1e?.
The /uestion of the death penalty
5.. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% its de"ision 22/1170 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %o!d0 at its t9ent,-*i*t%
session0 a %ig%-!e1e! 'ane! dis"(ssion on t%e 5(estion o* t%e deat% 'ena!t, 9it% t%e aim o*
e;"%anging 1ie9s on ad1an"es0 #est 'ra"ti"es and "%a!!enges re!ating to t%e a#o!ition o* t%e
deat% 'ena!t, and to t%e introd("tion o* a moratori(m on e;e"(tions0 as 9e!! as on nationa!
de#ates or 'ro"esses on 9%et%er to a#o!is% t%e deat% 'ena!t, >see anne;?.
57. Re*eren"e is a!so made to t%e s(mmar, o* t%e 'ane! dis"(ssion on t%e %(man rig%ts o*
"%i!dren o* 'arents senten"ed to t%e deat% 'ena!t, or e;e"(ted >A/HRC/25/33? >see 'aragra'%
3- a#o1e?.
Torture and other cruel# inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
5). 4n its reso!(tion 1./230 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on tort(re and ot%er "r(e!0 in%(man0 or degrading treatment or '(nis%ment *or a
*(rt%er 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears0 re5(esting %im to re'ort on a!! %is a"ti1ities0 o#ser1ations0
"on"!(sions and re"ommendations to t%e Co(n"i! in a""ordan"e 9it% its ann(a! 'rogramme o*
9or=. 4n its reso!(tion 22/210 t%e Co(n"i! in1ited t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to "ontin(e to
address e**e"ti1e remed, and re'aration0 in"!(ding re%a#i!itation o* 1i"tims. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!!
"onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 B(an 8Knde& >A/HRC/25/.0 and Add.13-?.
59. Re*eren"e is a!so made to t%e re'orts o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on t%e o'erations o* t%e
United Nations :o!(ntar, 7(nd *or :i"tims o* <ort(re >A/HRC/25/25? and on t%e stat(s o*
t%e +'e"ia! 7(nd esta#!is%ed #, t%e $'tiona! /roto"o! to t%e Con1ention against <ort(re and
$t%er Cr(e!0 4n%(man or Degrading <reatment or /(nis%ment >A/HRC/25/2-? >see
'aragra'%s 22 and 23 a#o1e?.
Freedom of religion or elief
.0. 4n its reso!(tion 22/200 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on *reedom o*
re!igion or #e!ie* to s(#mit a re'ort ann(a!!, in a""ordan"e 9it% its ann(a! 'rogramme o*
9or=0 and de"ided to "ontin(e "onsideration o* meas(res to im'!ement t%e De"!aration on t%e
E!imination o* A!! 7orms o* 4nto!eran"e and o* Dis"rimination 2ased on Re!igion or 2e!ie*.
<%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 Heiner 2ie!e*e!dt
>A/HRC/25/5) and Add.13-?.
C% Rights of peoples5 and specific groups and indi'iduals
Human rights of persons *ith disailities
.1. 4n its reso!(tion 7/90 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to %o!d an ann(a! intera"ti1e de#ate at one o*
its reg(!ar sessions on t%e rig%ts o* 'ersons 9it% disa#i!ities. 4n its reso!(tion 22/30 t%e
Co(n"i! de"ided t%at its ne;t ann(a! intera"ti1e de#ate on t%e rig%ts o* 'ersons 9it%
disa#i!ities 9i!! #e %e!d at its t9ent,-*i*t% session0 and t%at it 9o(!d *o"(s on t%e rig%t o*
'ersons 9it% disa#i!ities to ed("ation >see anne;?.
.2. Re*eren"e is a!so made to t%e re'ort o* $HCHR on t%e rig%t o* 'ersons 9it%
disa#i!ities to ed("ation >A/HRC/25/29? >see 'aragra'% 31 a#o1e?.
0inority issues
.3. 4n its reso!(tion 1./.0 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e 4nde'endent
E;'ert on minorit, iss(es *or t%ree ,ears0 and re5(ested t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert to s(#mit
ann(a! re'orts on %er a"ti1ities to t%e Co(n"i!0 in"!(ding re"ommendations *or e**e"ti1e
strategies *or t%e #etter im'!ementation o* t%e rig%ts o* 'ersons #e!onging to minorities. 4n its
reso!(tion 19/230 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided t%at t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert s%o(!d "ontin(e to g(ide
t%e 9or= o* t%e 7or(m on 8inorit, 4ss(es and to 're'are its ann(a! meetings. <%e Co(n"i!
9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert0 Rita 4&sH= >A/HRC/25/5. and Add.132?.
.-. Re*eren"e is a!so made to t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on re!e1ant
de1e!o'ments o* United Nations %(man rig%ts #odies and me"%anisms0 as 9e!! as on t%e
a"ti1ities (nderta=en #, $HCHR t%at "ontri#(te to t%e 'romotion o* and res'e"t *or t%e
'ro1isions o* t%e De"!aration on t%e Rig%ts o* /ersons 2e!onging to Nationa! or Et%ni"0
Re!igio(s and Ding(isti" 8inorities >A/HRC/25/30? >see 'aragra'% 32 a#o1e?.
.5. Re*eren"e is a!so made to t%e re'ort o* t%e 7or(m on 8inorit, 4ss(es on its si;t%
session >A/HRC/25/..? >see 'aragra'% )- #e!o9?.
Human rights defenders
... 4n its reso!(tion 1./50 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts de*enders *or a 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears and
re5(ested %er to re'ort reg(!ar!, to t%e Co(n"i!. 4n its reso!(tion 22/.0 t%e Co(n"i! in1ited t%e
+'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to "ontin(e to e;e"(te t%e a"ti1ities (nder t%e mandate sti'(!ated in
reso!(tion 1./5 o* t%e Co(n"i!0 in"!(ding in *o!!o9-(' to t%at reso!(tion0 #, re'orting on
'rogress. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 8argaret +e=agg,a
>A/HRC/25/55 and Add.135?.
Rights of the child
.7. 4n its reso!(tion 1./120 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend *or a 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears t%e
mandate o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on t%e sa!e o* "%i!dren0 "%i!d 'rostit(tion and "%i!d
'ornogra'%,. 4n its reso!(tion .)/1-70 t%e Genera! Assem#!, re5(ested t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r to "ontin(e to s(#mit re'orts to t%e Co(n"i! on t%e a"ti1ities (nderta=en in t%e
*(!*i!ment o* %er mandate. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0
NaIat 8aa!!a 86Iid >A/HRC/25/-) and Add.13.?.
.). 4n its reso!(tion .)/1-70 t%e Genera! Assem#!, re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Re'resentati1e o*
t%e +e"retar,-Genera! *or C%i!dren and Armed Con*!i"t to "ontin(e to s(#mit re'orts to t%e
H(man Rig%ts Co(n"i! on t%e a"ti1ities (nderta=en in dis"%arging %er mandate. <%e Co(n"i!
9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Re'resentati1e o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera!0 Dei!a
Lerro(g(i >A/HRC/25/-.?.
.9. 4n its reso!(tion 22/320 t%e Co(n"i! 9e!"omed t%e rene9a! #, t%e Genera! Assem#!, o*
t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia! Re'resentati1e o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! on :io!en"e against
C%i!dren *or a *(rt%er 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears. 4n its reso!(tion .)/1-70 t%e Genera! Assem#!,
re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Re'resentati1e o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to "ontin(e to s(#mit ann(a!
re'orts t%e Co(n"i! on t%e a"ti1ities (nderta=en in t%e *(!*i!ment o* %er mandate. <%e Co(n"i!
9i!! "onsider t%e ann(a! re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Re'resentati1e o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera!0 8arta
+antos /ais >A/HRC/25/-7?.
70. Re*eren"e is a!so made to t%e re'ort o* $HCHR on a""ess to I(sti"e *or "%i!dren
>A/HRC/25/35? and to t%e s(mmar, o* t%e 'ane! dis"(ssion on t%e %(man rig%ts o* "%i!dren
o* 'arents senten"ed to t%e deat% 'ena!t, or e;e"(ted >A/HRC/25/33? >see 'aragra'%s 33 and
3- a#o1e?.
71. 4n its reso!(tion 7/290 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to in"or'orate into its 'rogramme o* 9or=
s(**i"ient time0 at a minim(m an ann(a! *(!!-da, meeting0 to dis"(ss di**erent s'e"i*i" t%emes
on t%e rig%ts o* t%e "%i!d0 in"!(ding t%e identi*i"ation o* "%a!!enges in t%e rea!i&ation o* t%e
rig%ts o* t%e "%i!d0 as 9e!! as meas(res and #est 'ra"ti"es t%at "o(!d #e ado'ted #, +tates and
ot%er sta=e%o!ders. At its t9ent,-*i*t% session0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %o!d its *(!!-da, 'ane!
dis"(ssion0 9%i"%0 '(rs(ant to Co(n"i! reso!(tion 22/320 9i!! *o"(s on a""ess to I(sti"e *or
"%i!dren0 and 9i!! #e in*ormed #, t%e re'ort o* $HCHR >see 'aragra'% 33 a#o1e and anne;?.
&% .nterrelation of human rights and human rights thematic issues
Role of the pulic ser"ice as an essential component of good go"ernance in the promotion
and protection of human rights
72. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e $HCHR o(t!ining t%e ro!e o* t%e '(#!i" ser1i"e
as an essentia! "om'onent o* good go1ernan"e in t%e 'romotion and 'rote"tion o* %(man
rig%ts0 in"!(ding a "om'i!ation o* good 'ra"ti"es #ased on in*ormation re"ei1ed *rom a
1ariet, o* sta=e%o!ders >A/HRC/25/27? >see 'aragra'% 35 a#o1e?.
Pre"ention of genocide
73. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% its reso!(tion 22/220 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %o!d0 d(ring its t9ent,-*i*t%
session0 a %ig%-!e1e! 'ane! dis"(ssion dedi"ated to t%e si;t,-*i*t% anni1ersar, o* t%e
Con1ention on t%e /re1ention and /(nis%ment o* t%e Crime o* Geno"ide >see anne;?.
7-. A!so in a""ordan"e 9it% its reso!(tion 22/220 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! *(rt%er %o!d0 at its
t9ent,-*i*t% session0 an intera"ti1e dia!og(e 9it% t%e +'e"ia! Ad1iser to t%e +e"retar,-
Genera! on t%e /re1ention o* Geno"ide dedi"ated to t%e tent% anni1ersar, o* t%e "reation o*
t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia! Ad1iser.
Ci"il society space1 creating and maintaining# in la* and in practice# a safe and enaling
75. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% its reso!(tion 2-/210 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %o!d0 at its t9ent,-*i*t%
session0 a 'ane! dis"(ssion on t%e im'ortan"e o* t%e 'romotion and 'rote"tion o* "i1i! so"iet,
s'a"e0 9%i"% 9i!!0 inter a!ia0 "ontri#(te to t%e identi*i"ation o* "%a!!enges *a"ing +tates in
t%eir e**orts to ens(re s'a"e *or "i1i! so"iet, and !essons !earned and good 'ra"ti"es in t%is
regard >see anne;?.
Human rights and the en"ironment
7.. 4n its reso!(tion 19/100 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to a''oint0 *or a 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears0 an
4nde'endent E;'ert on t%e iss(e o* %(man rig%ts o#!igations re!ating to t%e enIo,ment o* a
sa*e0 "!ean0 %ea!t%, and s(staina#!e en1ironment0 and re5(ested t%e mandate %o!der to re'ort
to t%e Co(n"i! ann(a!!,. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert0 Bo%n
Cno; >A/HRC/25/53 and Add.132?.
Promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms *hile countering
77. 4n its reso!(tion 22/)0 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e 'romotion and 'rote"tion o* %(man rig%ts and *(ndamenta! *reedoms
9%i!e "o(ntering terrorism *or a 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears in t%e same terms as 'ro1ided *or #,
t%e Co(n"i! in its reso!(tion 15/15. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r0 2en Emmerson >A/HRC/25/59 and Add.13-?.
0% Human rights situations that re8uire the Council9s attention
Situation of human rights in the %emocratic People2s Repulic of 3orea
7). 4n its reso!(tion 22/130 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to esta#!is% a "ommission o* in5(ir, to
in1estigate t%e s,stemati"0 9ides'read and gra1e 1io!ations o* %(man rig%ts in t%e
Demo"rati" /eo'!e6s Re'(#!i" o* Corea0 in"!(ding t%e 1io!ation o* t%e rig%t to *ood0 t%e
1io!ations asso"iated 9it% 'rison "am's0 tort(re and in%(man treatment0 ar#itrar, detention0
dis"rimination0 1io!ations o* *reedom o* e;'ression0 1io!ations o* t%e rig%t to !i*e0 1io!ations
o* *reedom o* mo1ement0 and en*or"ed disa''earan"es0 in"!(ding in t%e *orm o* a#d("tions
o* nationa!s o* ot%er +tates. 4n t%e same reso!(tion0 t%e Co(n"i! a!so re5(ested t%e
"ommission o* in5(ir, to 'resent a 9ritten re'ort to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session.
<%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e "ommission >A/HRC/25/.3?.
79. 4n its reso!(tion 22/130 t%e Co(n"i! a!so de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in t%e Demo"rati" /eo'!e6s Re'(#!i" o* Corea
*or a 'eriod o* one ,ear0 and re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to s(#mit reg(!ar re'orts on
t%e im'!ementation o* %is mandate to t%e Co(n"i!. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it a note #,
t%e se"retariat re!ating to t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 8ar&(=i Dar(sman
Situation of human rights in the Syrian Ara Repulic
)0. 4n its reso!(tion 22/2-0 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e inde'endent
internationa! "ommission o* in5(ir, on t%e +,rian Ara# Re'(#!i" esta#!is%ed #, reso!(tion +-
17/1 to in1estigate a!! a!!eged 1io!ations o* internationa! %(man rig%ts !a9 sin"e 8ar"% 2011
in t%e +,rian Ara# Re'(#!i"0 and re5(ested t%e "ommission to "ontin(e its 9or=. <%e Co(n"i!
a!so re5(ested t%e "ommission to 'resent a 9ritten re'ort on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in
t%e +,rian Ara# Re'(#!i" d(ring an intera"ti1e dia!og(e at t%e t9ent,-t%ird0 t9ent,-*o(rt%
and t9ent,-*i*t% sessions o* t%e Co(n"i!. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e
"ommission >A/HRC/25/.5?.
Situation of human rights in the $slamic Repulic of $ran
)1. 4n its reso!(tion 22/230 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in t%e 4s!ami" Re'(#!i" o* 4ran *or a *(rt%er
'eriod o* one ,ear0 and re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to s(#mit a re'ort on t%e
im'!ementation o* %is mandate to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!!
"onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 A%med +%a%eed >A/HRC/25/.1? >see a!so
'aragra'% 25 a#o1e?.
Situation of human rights in 0yanmar
)2. 4n its reso!(tion 22/1-0 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in 8,anmar *or one ,ear0 and in1ited t%e +'e"ia!
Ra''orte(r to in"!(de in %is ne;t re'ort0 inter a!ia0 *(rt%er re"ommendations on t%e needs o*
8,anmar0 in"!(ding 9it% regard to te"%ni"a! assistan"e and "a'a"it,-#(i!ding. <%e Co(n"i!
*(rt%er re5(ested t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r to s(#mit a 'rogress re'ort to t%e Co(n"i! in
a""ordan"e 9it% its ann(a! 'rogramme o* 9or=. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e
+'e"ia! Ra''orte(r0 <omHs $Iea M(intana >A/HRC/25/.-?.
#% Human rights bodies and mechanisms
A% Complaint procedure
)3. 4n its reso!(tion 5/10 t%e Co(n"i! esta#!is%ed t%e "om'!aint 'ro"ed(re as "ontained in
se"tion 4: o* t%e anne; to t%at reso!(tion. 4n 'aragra'% 9) o* t%e same anne;0 t%e Jor=ing
Gro(' on +it(ations 9as re5(ested0 on t%e #asis o* t%e in*ormation and re"ommendations
'ro1ided #, t%e Jor=ing Gro(' on Comm(ni"ations0 to 'resent t%e Co(n"i! 9it% a re'ort on
"onsistent 'atterns o* gross and re!ia#!, attested 1io!ations o* %(man rig%ts and *(ndamenta!
*reedoms0 and to ma=e re"ommendations to t%e Co(n"i! on t%e "o(rse o* a"tion to #e ta=en.
At its t9ent,-*i*t% session0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e Jor=ing Gro(' on
+it(ations on its t%irteent% session >27331 Ban(ar, 201-? and ot%er 'ending iss(es re!ating to
t%e "om'!aint 'ro"ed(re in t9o "!osed meetings.
(% :orum on -inority .ssues
)-. 4n its reso!(tion ./150 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to esta#!is% a 7or(m on 8inorit, 4ss(es to
'ro1ide a '!at*orm *or 'romoting dia!og(e and "oo'eration on iss(es 'ertaining to 'ersons
#e!onging to nationa! or et%ni"0 re!igio(s and !ing(isti" minorities. 4n its reso!(tion 19/230 t%e
Co(n"i! rene9ed t%e mandate o* t%e 7or(m and de"ided t%at t%e 7or(m s%o(!d "ontin(e to
meet ann(a!!, *or t9o 9or=ing da,s a!!o"ated to t%emati" dis"(ssions. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!!
"onsider t%e re"ommendations o* t%e 7or(m made at its si;t% session >A/HRC/25/..?0
"on1ened on 2. and 27 No1em#er 2013 >see a!so 'aragra'%s 320 .30 and .- a#o1e?.
C% Other human rights bodies and mechanisms
Communications of special procedures
)5. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e "omm(ni"ations re'ort o* s'e"ia! 'ro"ed(res
>A/HRC/25/7-?. <%e *(!! re'ort 9i!! #e a1ai!a#!e on!ine.
2% 1ni'ersal periodic re'iew
).. 4n its reso!(tion 5/10 t%e Co(n"i! esta#!is%ed t%e (ni1ersa! 'eriodi" re1ie9 me"%anism
as "ontained in se"tion 4 o* t%e anne; to t%at reso!(tion. <%e Jor=ing Gro(' on t%e Uni1ersa!
/eriodi" Re1ie9 %e!d its se1enteent% session *rom 21 $"to#er to 1 No1em#er 2013. At its
t9ent,-*i*t% session0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider and ado't t%e *ina! o(t"ome o* t%e re1ie9 o*
2e!i&e >A/HRC/25/13?0 Centra! A*ri"an Re'(#!i" >A/HRC/25/11?0 C%ad >A/HRC/25/1-?0
C%ina >A/HRC/25/5?0 Congo >A/HRC/25/1.?0 4srae! >A/HRC/25/15?0 Bordan >A/HRC/25/9?0
8a!ta >A/HRC/25/17?0 8a!a,sia >A/HRC/25/10?0 8a(riti(s >A/HRC/25/)?0 8e;i"o
>A/HRC/25/7?0 8ona"o >A/HRC/25/12?0 Nigeria >A/HRC/25/.?0 +a(di Ara#ia >A/HRC/25/3?
and +enega! >A/HRC/25/-?.
)7. /(rs(ant to /resident6s statement 9/2 on moda!ities and 'ra"ti"es *or t%e (ni1ersa!
'eriodi" re1ie9 'ro"ess0 t%e re'ort o* t%e Jor=ing Gro('0 toget%er 9it% t%e 1ie9s o* t%e
+tate (nder re1ie9 "on"erning t%e re"ommendations and/or "on"!(sions0 as 9e!! as 1o!(ntar,
"ommitments made and re'!ies 'resented #, t%e +tate (nder re1ie90 #e*ore t%e ado'tion o*
t%e o(t"ome #, t%e '!enar,0 to 5(estions or iss(es t%at 9ere not s(**i"ient!, addressed d(ring
t%e intera"ti1e dia!og(e in t%e Jor=ing Gro('0 9i!! "onstit(te t%e o(t"ome o* t%e re1ie90 to
#e ado'ted #, t%e Co(n"i! at its '!enar, session t%ro(g% a standardi&ed de"ision.
)). Re*eren"e is a!so made to t%e re'ort o* $HCHR on t%e o'erations o* t%e :o!(ntar,
7(nd *or 'arti"i'ation in t%e (ni1ersa! 'eriodi" re1ie9 >A/HRC/25/3.? >see 'aragra'% 3.
3% Human rights situation in /alestine and other occupied Arab
A% Human rights 'iolations and implications of the .sraeli occupation of
/alestine and other occupied Arab territories
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied
since 4567
)9. 4n a""ordan"e 9it% its reso!(tion 5/1 and de"ision 2/1020 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e
re'ort o* t%e +'e"ia! Ra''orte(r on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in t%e /a!estinian territories
o""('ied sin"e 19.70 Ri"%ard 7a!= >A/HRC/25/.7?.
$sraeli settlements in the !ccupied Palestinian Territory# including +ast ,erusalem and in
the occupied Syrian -olan
90. 4n its reso!(tion 22/2.0 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to re'ort on t%e
im'!ementation o* t%at reso!(tion at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it
t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! >A/HRC/25/3)?.
The implications of $sraeli settlements on the ci"il# political# economic# social and cultural
rights of the Palestinian people throughout the !ccupied Palestinian Territory# including
+ast ,erusalem
91. 4n its reso!(tion 19/170 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to dis'at"% an inde'endent internationa!
*a"t-*inding mission to in1estigate t%e im'!i"ations o* t%e 4srae!i sett!ements on t%e "i1i!0
'o!iti"a!0 e"onomi"0 so"ia! and "(!t(ra! rig%ts o* t%e /a!estinian 'eo'!e t%ro(g%o(t t%e
$""('ied /a!estinian <erritor,0 in"!(ding East Ber(sa!em. 4n its reso!(tion 22/290 t%e Co(n"i!
re5(ested t%e Hig% Commissioner to 'resent a re'ort detai!ing t%e im'!ementation o* t%e
re"ommendations "ontained in t%e re'ort o* t%e inde'endent internationa! *a"t-*inding
mission >A/HRC/22/.3?. <%e Co(n"i! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner
Situation of human rights in the !ccupied Palestinian Territory# including +ast ,erusalem
92. 4n its reso!(tions +-9/1 and +-12/10 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e Hig% Commissioner to
s(#mit 'eriodi"a! re'orts "on"erning t%e sit(ations o* %(man rig%ts in $""('ied /a!estinian
<erritor, es'e"ia!!, in re!ation to East Ber(sa!em and t%e Ga&a +tri'. 4n its reso!(tion 19/1.0
t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to remain sei&ed o* t%e matter. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o*
t%e Hig% Commissioner >A/HRC/25/-0?.
Human rights in the occupied Syrian -olan
93. 4n its reso!(tion 22/170 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to #ring t%at
reso!(tion to t%e attention o* a!! Go1ernments0 t%e "om'etent United Nations organs0
s'e"ia!i&ed agen"ies0 internationa! and regiona! intergo1ernmenta! organi&ations and
internationa! %(manitarian organi&ations0 to disseminate it as 9ide!, as 'ossi#!e and to re'ort
on t%e matter o* %(man rig%ts in t%e o""('ied +,rian Go!an to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t%
session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e +e"retar,-Genera! >A/HRC/25/37?.
(% Right to self-determination of the /alestinian people
9-. 4n its reso!(tion 22/270 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to "ontin(e t%e "onsideration o* t%is
5(estion at its t9ent,-*i*t% session.
4% :ollow-up to and implementation of the ;ienna &eclaration
and /rogramme of Action
95. <%ere are no re'orts to #e "onsidered (nder t%is agenda item.
6% Racism5 racial discrimination5 ,enophobia and related forms
of intolerance5 follow-up to and implementation of the &urban
&eclaration and /rogramme of Action
Comating intolerance# negati"e stereotyping and stigmati(ation of# and discrimination#
incitement to "iolence and "iolence against# persons ased on religion or elief
9.. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on t%e e**orts and meas(res
ta=en *or t%e im'!ementation o* t%e a"tion '!an on *ostering a domesti" en1ironment o*
re!igio(s to!eran"e0 'ea"e and res'e"t >A/HRC/25/3-? >see 'aragra'% -1 a#o1e?.
Follo*8up to and implementation of the %uran %eclaration and Programme of Action
97. 4n its reso!(tion 22/300 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to e;tend t%e mandate o* t%e
4ntergo1ernmenta! Jor=ing Gro(' on t%e E**e"ti1e 4m'!ementation o* t%e D(r#an
De"!aration and /rogramme o* A"tion *or a 'eriod o* t%ree ,ears. /(rs(ant to Co(n"i!
reso!(tion 21/330 t%e 4ntergo1ernmenta! Jor=ing Gro(' on t%e E**e"ti1e 4m'!ementation o*
t%e D(r#an De"!aration and /rogramme o* A"tion "on1ened its e!e1ent% session *rom 7 to 1)
$"to#er 2013. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e Jor=ing Gro(' re!ating to
t%at session >A/HRC/25/.)?.
Racism# racial discrimination# )enophoia and related intolerance
9). 4n its reso!(tion 2-/2.0 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e +e"retar,-Genera! to res(s"itate t%e
9or= o* t%e inde'endent eminent e;'erts #e*ore t%e end o* t%e si;t,-eig%t% session o* t%e
Genera! Assem#!, and0 in t%is regard0 to re"ommend *(rt%er initiati1es and a"tions. 4n t%e
same reso!(tion0 t%e Co(n"i! re5(ested t%e inde'endent eminent e;'erts to "on1ene a s'e"ia!
meeting #e*ore 31 De"em#er 2013 to "ond("t an a''raisa! o* t%e 9or= (nderta=en %it%erto
and t%e re"ommendations made in t%at regard in order to 'resent an ('date re'ort to t%e
Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it a note #, t%e se"retariat
re!ating to t%e inde'endent eminent e;'erts >A/HRC/25/70?.
+laoration of complementary standards to strengthen and update international instruments
against racism# racial discrimination# )enophoia and related intolerance in all their aspects
959 4n its reso!(tion 21/300 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided t%at t%e Ad Ho" Committee on t%e
e!a#oration o* "om'!ementar, standards s%o(!d "on1ene its *i*t% session *rom ) to 19 A'ri!
2013. At its t9ent,-*o(rt% session0 t%e Co(n"i! 9as in*ormed t%at t%e *i*t% session o* t%e Ad
Ho" Committee %ad #een res"%ed(!ed to #e %e!d *rom 22 B(!, to 2 A(g(st 2013 and t%at t%e
Committee 9o(!d s(#mit its re'ort on t%at session to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session.
A""ording!,0 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %a1e #e*ore it t%e re'ort o* t%e Ad Ho" Committee on its *i*t%
session >A/HRC/25/.9?.
$7% Technical assistance and capacity-building
Technical cooperation in the field of human rights in Afghanistan
100. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on t%e sit(ation o* %(man
rig%ts in A*g%anistan >A/HRC/25/-1? >see 'aragra'% -2 a#o1e?.
Assistance for &iya in the field of human rights
101. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* $HCHR on te"%ni"a! s(''ort and "a'a"it,-#(i!ding
needs o* Di#,a >A/HRC/25/-2? >see 'aragra'% -3 a#o1e?.
Strengthening of technical cooperation and consultati"e ser"ices in -uinea
102. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on t%e sit(ation o* %(man
rig%ts and t%e 9or= o* $HCHR in G(inea >A/HRC/25/--? >see 'aragra'% -- a#o1e?.
Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights
103. Re*eren"e is made to t%e s(mmar, o* t%e =e, "on"!(sions o* t%e %ig%-!e1e! dia!og(e
%e!d d(ring t%e t9ent,-*o(rt% session o* t%e Co(n"i! 'ertaining to %o9 to ens(re ma;im(m
e**e"ti1eness o* te"%ni"a! and ot%er assistan"e to +oma!ia >A/HRC/25/-5? >see 'aragra'% -5
Technical assistance to the Central African Repulic in the field of human rights
10-. Re*eren"e is made to t%e re'ort o* t%e Hig% Commissioner on te"%ni"a! assistan"e and
"a'a"it,-#(i!ding in t%e Centra! A*ri"an Re'(#!i" >A/HRC/25/-3? >see 'aragra'% -. a#o1e?.
Technical assistance to C:te d2$"oire in the field of human rights
105. 4n its reso!(tion 23/220 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to rene9 t%e mandate o* t%e 4nde'endent
E;'ert on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in CAte d641oire *or a 'eriod o* one ,ear0 *rom t%e
t9ent,-t%ird to t%e t9ent,-si;t% session o* t%e Co(n"i!0 and re5(ested t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert
to s(#mit %is re'ort at t%e t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e
4nde'endent E;'ert0 Do(do( DiNne >A/HRC/25/73?.
Situation of human rights in Haiti
10.. 4n /resident6s statement 22/20 t%e Co(n"i! a''ro1ed t%e re5(est o* t%e Haitian
a(t%orities *or a one-,ear e;tension o* t%e mandate o* an 4nde'endent E;'ert on t%e sit(ation
o* %(man rig%ts in Haiti0 and in1ited t%e mandate %o!der to (nderta=e a mission to Haiti and
to re'ort to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!! "onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e
4nde'endent E;'ert0 G(sta1o Ga!!On >A/HRC/25/71?.
Assistance to the Repulic of 0ali in the field of human rights
107. 4n its reso!(tion 22/1)0 t%e Co(n"i! de"ided to esta#!is% a one-,ear mandate *or an
4nde'endent E;'ert on t%e sit(ation o* %(man rig%ts in 8a!i 9it% a 1ie9 to assisting t%e
Go1ernment o* 8a!i in its e**orts to 'romote and 'rote"t %(man rig%ts0 and re5(ested t%e
4nde'endent E;'ert to re'ort to t%e Co(n"i! at its t9ent,-*i*t% session. <%e Co(n"i! 9i!!
"onsider t%e re'ort o* t%e 4nde'endent E;'ert0 +(!iman 2a!do >A/HRC/25/72?.
Technical assistance and capacity8uilding for human rights in the %emocratic Repulic of
the Congo
10). 4n a""ordan"e 9it% its reso!(tion 2-/270 t%e Co(n"i! 9i!! %o!d0 at its t9ent,-*i*t%
session0 a %ig%-!e1e! dia!og(e on t%e !essons !earned and t%e "ontin(ing "%a!!enges in
"om#ating se;(a! 1io!en"e in t%e Demo"rati" Re'(#!i" o* t%e Congo to a!!o9 "o(ntries in
"on*!i"t and 'ost-"on*!i"t sit(ations to s%are t%eir e;'erien"es in t%e area.
/anels and discussions to be held at the twenty-fifth session of
the Human Rights Council
-andate /anel!discussion
Re1ie9 o* t%e 9or= and *(n"tioning o* t%e
H(man Rig%ts Co(n"i!
Ha!*-da, %ig%-!e1e! 'ane! on %(man rig%ts
mainstreaming (nder t%e t%eme o*
'rote"tion and 'romotion o* t%e %(man
rig%ts o* migrants
Hig%-!e1e! 'ane! dis"(ssion on t%e 5(estion
o* t%e deat% 'ena!t,
Hig%-!e1e! 'ane! dis"(ssion on t%e
5(estion o* t%e deat% 'ena!t,
7/9 and 22/3
Rig%ts o* 'ersons 9it% disa#i!ities Ann(a! intera"ti1e de#ate on t%e rig%ts o*
'ersons 9it% disa#i!ities 9it% a *o"(s on
t%e rig%t o* 'ersons 9it% disa#i!ities to
7/29 and 22/32
Rig%ts o* t%e "%i!d Ann(a! *(!!-da, dis"(ssion 9it% a *o"(s
on a""ess to I(sti"e *or "%i!dren
/re1ention o* geno"ide Hig%-!e1e! 'ane! dis"(ssion dedi"ated to
t%e si;t,-*i*t% anni1ersar, o* t%e
Con1ention on t%e /re1ention and
/(nis%ment o* t%e Crime o* Geno"ide
Ci1i! so"iet, s'a"e "reating and
maintaining0 in !a9 and in 'ra"ti"e0 a sa*e
and ena#!ing en1ironment
/ane! dis"(ssion on t%e im'ortan"e o* t%e
'romotion and 'rote"tion o* "i1i! so"iet,


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