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User hanuaI

VersIon 3.

CopyrIght 2006
VentsIm Software
Ventsim User Manual

Page 2

TabIe of Contents

1.1 0IsclaImer
1.2 Computer FequIrements
1.J About 7entsIm

2. CDhhAN0S
2.1 |enu 8ar tems
2.2 Tool bar 8uttons

J.1 Fan and FL 0atabases
J.2 AIrway CharacterIstIcs
J.J ConstructIng a Network
J.4 Layers
J.5 mportIng and ExportIng 0ata


5.1 AIrflow SImulatIon
5.2 SourcIng SImulatIon
5.J ContamInant SImulatIon
5.4 7IewIng a network
5.5 PrIntIng networks
5.6 TIps and TechnIques

6.1 Example 1
6.2 Example 2

APPEN0IX A - VentsIm 0ata Types

APPEN0IX - CIossary of Terms

APPEN0IX C - What's New In VentsIm !
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1. lntroducton

1.1 0IscIaImer

The author and the supplIer has no lIabIlIty to the lIcensee or any other
person or entIty for any damage or loss, IncludIng specIal, IncIdental or
consequentIal damages caused by thIs product dIrectly or IndIrectly.

The software Is supplIed as Is wIthout warranty of any kInd, eIther
expressed or ImplIed. WarrantIes of merchantabIlIty or of fItness for
any purpose are specIfIcally dIsclaImed.

1.2 Computer PequIrements

7ENTS| Is desIgned to run under |CFDSDFT WN0DWS 95/98/|E/NT/2000/XP and
requIres at mInImum the followIng computer setup.

8| CompatIble PC
2 8utton |ouse
Colour CraphIcs Card and |onItor

TIps Dn SpeedIng Up VentsIm

Further performance Increases may be gaIned by ;

A good graphIcs accelerator card. ThIs may speed up dIsplay updates
sIgnIfIcantly, dependIng on the card type.

TurnIng off the SCFEEN 8UFFEF. ThIs optIon Is avaIlable In the TDDLS DPTDNS
menu. ThIs wIll prevent WIndows storIng the dIsplay In memory, and may result
In faster updates.

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1.3 About VentsIm

7entIlatIon has been a prImary concern In underground mInes for hundreds of
years, but untIl the IntroductIon of computerIsed network analysIs In the last 20J0
years, the plannIng and modellIng of ventIlatIon was largely a black art, relyIng on
experIence, guesswork and extensIve calculatIons.

Even when computer ventIlatIon software allowed sImulatIons of large networks of
underground aIrways, the process of enterIng and InterpretIng results stIll
remaIned a job for experts In the fIeld.

7entsIm provIdes the user wIth the tools to . . .

SImulate and provIde a record of flows In an exIstIng mIne.

Perform 'what If' sImulatIons for planned new development.

Help In Short Term and Long Term plannIng of ventIlatIon requIrements.

AssIst In selectIon of types of cIrcuIt fans for mIne ventIlatIon.

Help In choosIng development fans and vent bag sIzes.

AssIst In fInancIal analysIs of ventIlatIon optIons.

SImulate paths and concentratIons of smoke, dust, or gas for plannIng or
emergency sItuatIons

7entsIm has been wrItten to make the process of ventIlatIon network analysIs as
easy to use as possIble. t utIlIses a fully graphIcal mouse drIven Interface, and
runs on the unIversally popular 8| PC under |Icrosoft WIndows 95/98/NT.

7entsIm Is desIgned for easy access for both experIenced people and novIces to the
ventIlatIon process, and allows easy creatIon, InterpretatIon and manIpulatIon of
aIrway networks.

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2. Commands

2.1 henu ar Items

\entsm mcn vew wndow

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2.1.1 FIIe henu

Erases the network currently In memory.
An optIon Is gIven to save any unsaved changes from the current network.
The prevIously used FL 0atabase and Fan 0atabase wIll be retaIned for the
new network.

Loads a presaved network. Dnce loaded, the level below the surface FL wIll
be dIsplayed on screen.

herge FIIe
SImIlar to the Dpen command, but wIll joIn two networks together Instead
of erasIng the current network. ThIs may be useful for joInIng separate
networked areas of the same mIne. CautIon should be taken however, as
duplIcate branches are not checked when the networks are merged
(duplIcate branches wIll be subsequently be deleted If an attempt Is made
to sImulate the network).

PeIoad 0efauIts
Feloads the orIgInal defaults fIle that Is fIrst loaded when 7entsIm Is
started. ThIs may be requIred If the defaults that are automatIcally loaded
wIth a 7entsIm sImulatIon fIle are Incorrect or out of date.

PeIoad Fans
Feloads the 'default' fan database that Is fIrst loaded when 7entsIm Is
started. Although a fan database Is loaded wIth every 7entsIm sImulatIon
fIle, the default fan database may be more up to date. Dnce reloaded,
savIng the sImulatIon fIle wIll replace the fIle's orIgInal fan database.

Saves changes made to the network. f the 7entsIm tItle bar shows that the
network Is untItled, the user wIll need to select a name before the fIle can
be saved.
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Save As
Saves the network, but gIves the optIon of savIng under a dIfferent name.
7entsIm can be saved In one of two formats. The default format In the S|
fIle whIch Is the most commonly used versIon. The other versIon Is the S||
fIle, whIch Is a |ASTEF fIle versIon of a S| fIle wIth specIal restrIctIons on
savIng and beIng overwrItten. The S|| format Is Intended to be used to
save permanent or master fIles whIch should not be changed under normal
cIrcumstances. Note that these fIles wIll show as a CFEEN coloured Icon,
Instead of the normal blue Icon.

An example In usIng a S|| fIle maybe where a network has been developed
and valIdated and the owner wIshes to use It as a reference fIle for future
versIons. Subsequent workIng copIes whIch may be modIfIed or changed but
wIll not be saved In thIs format unless the user expressly selects thIs type.
ThIs wIll help ensure the S|| fIle can be determIned as the 'correct' or
'valIdated' fIle, not a possIbly InvalId modIfIed copy.

Save SpecIaI

Save 0efauIts
Saves the program defaults such as colours, sImulatIon parameters
I.e. everythIng found under the TooIs > DptIons |enu. f defaults are
changed durIng a program sessIon and are not saved before exItIng,
the orIgInal defaults wIll be used agaIn next sessIon.

Save Fans
Saves a default fan database that Is loaded by 7entsIm at the start of
every program sessIon. f fans are added, modIfIed or deleted durIng
a program sessIon, the fan database wIll need to be resaved to keep
the changes current In the defaults.

NDTE: Ths opton s not necesscry ] c common ]cn dctcbcse s not
requred. A ]cn dctcbcse s cutomctcclly scved whenever c
smulcton ]le s scved cnd s relocded when the smulcton ]le s
locded. The 0EFA0LT ]cn dctcbcse however s only scved when the
SA\E FANS opton s selected. 0se the RELDA0 ]cn dctcbcse
commcnd to reccll the de]cult ]cn dctcbcse ] requred.

Save Screen
CopIes the graphIcal wIndow to a 8|P format pIcture fIle. ThIs fIle
can then be loaded by a paInt package for edItIng or dIsplay.

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Import 0ata

Import 0ata (TXT)
mports network data from TXT format (text format wIth fIelds
delImIted by a TA8 character). ThIs format Is wIdely avaIlable
through most spreadsheets and can be read Into word processors.
|InImum data requIred from a TXT fIle are the branch node
coordInates In the format X1 Y1 Z1 X2 Y2 Z2 although further data
can also be Imported. See the mportIng/ExportIng sectIon for further
InformatIon on usIng thIs functIon.

Import 0ata (0XF)
mports 0XF formatted data (supported by most CA0 and |Ine
PlannIng packages). Note that only a skeleton network (wIth no
addItIonal attrIbute type data) wIll be created. The 0XF fIle should
contaIn only the network lIne strIngs that wIll form the network, as
anythIng else wIll be Ignored.

Export 0ata

Export 0ata (TXT)
Exports the network data In TXT format (text wIth fIeld TA8
delImIters). Note that due to the large number of network
attrIbutes, not all attrIbutes are exported. See the
mportIng/ExportIng sectIon for further InformatIon on usIng thIs

Export 0ata (0XF)
Exports basIc network data In 0XF format, for readIng by a CA0
package. Note that only very lImIted data Is output, consIstIng of the
network branches, names and aIrflow data.


TItIe ar Note
Allows the user to specIfy a unIque fIle comment whIch appears In the
top tItle bar. ThIs comment can help IdentIfy the date, name and
purpose of the network.

0etaIIed Note
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Allows the users to wrIte an extensIve descrIptor regardIng the
functIon or descrIptIon of the current network. ThIs Is saved wIth the
fIle for future reference.

PrInts the network In the 7Iew WIndow to an Installed prInter. Note that
only prInters wIth WIndows supported graphIcs capabIlItIes wIll be capable
of prIntIng the network. PrInt SCALE can be chosen, however the scale Is
InItIally set to the maxImum page sIze.
Dther optIons In the PrInt box Include Landscape prIntIng and Colour. AgaIn
these functIons are only supported If your prInter has the capabIlIty. To
change to dIfferent prInters, use the pull down prInter menu. Dn WIndows
NT machInes, the prInt setup can only be changed vIa the WIndows Control

PrevIous FIIe LIst
Names of the four fIles prevIously loaded or saved, whIch may be selected
for Instant loadIng of fIles.

ThIs command closes 7entsIm. 7entsIm wIll prompt If your network fIle, fan
database or defaults have not been saved sInce last modIfIed.

2.1.2 EdIt henu

Undo Is a fully functIonal undo facIlIty that wIll undo an unlImIted number of
prevIous changes made to a network. Note that whIle It wIll not dIrectly
undo a sImulatIon, by pressIng UN0D untIl your prevIously network Is In
place and then resImulatIng, thIs wIll produce the same results.

Fedo wIll reverse the result of the undo functIon.

Copy and Paste
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Places 7entsIm In the copy or paste mode. n the CDPY mode, pressIng the
rIght mouse button on an aIrway copIes the specIfIed attrIbutes of that
aIrway (Ie sIze, resIstance type, wall type, shock factor) and saves the
values In a buffer for future aIrways. AttrIbutes to be copIed may be
specIfIed from the Copy/Paste DptIons menu Item. CopIed attrIbutes are
lIsted when an aIrway Is copIed.

To dejaults
Copy an aIrway's attrIbutes to the default values, so all new aIrways
wIll be drawn wIth these attrIbutes untIl changed agaIn.

To arway
Copy an aIrways attrIbutes to a temporary buffer, and paste these
attrIbutes to new aIrways by pressIng the Ieft mouse button on an
aIrway, or by draggIng a 'fence' around multIple aIrways.

DptIons (Copy Paste)
Allows the user to choose whIch aIrway attrIbutes are to be copIed and/or
pasted. 7entsIm defaults to copyIng ALL attrIbutes, however thIs may be
changed by selectIng/deselectIng any of the menu optIons. For example
only aIrway sIzes or wall types may be requIred to copy and paste onto other
aIrways, therefore only these Items should be selected.

Cancels the selectIon of a group of aIrways selected by the 'group select'
tool bar button.

AutomatIcally locates selected parts of a network. SelectIng one of the
optIons wIll fInd and zoom Into the area desIred. The optIon may be
repeated for further branches by pressIng the FIN0 tool bar button.

0tons nclude:
8ranch Error : FInds branches wIth sImulatIon errors
Stalled/Negated Fans : FInds fans operatIng outsIde the normal fan
8ranch Number : FInds the specIfIed branch number.
8ranch Name : FInds all branches wIth all or part of the specIfIed
branch name.
8ranch Node : FInds all branches wIth all or part of the specIfIed node
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FIxed aIrflows : FInds all branches wIth fIxed aIrflows.
FIxed pressures : FInds all branches wIth fIxed pressures.

FInd by LIst
LIst all names of eIther aIrways or nodes In a select lIst. SImply clIck on the
name to let 7entsIm move the dIsplay to the mIddle of the aIrway or node.
ThIs functIon works best If there are meanIngful text descrIptIons for
aIrways and nodes.

2.1.3 VIew henu

Fedraws the current vIew. ThIs may be necessary If the vIew Is dIsrupted by
another program or wIndow. TurnIng on the Screen 8u]]er In the Tools >
Dptons menu wIll reduce the need for thIs. Note that thIs functIon wIll also
cancel the 'selectIon' of any grouped aIrways.

Save VIew
Saves the current vIew and stores the save name In the 'saved vIew pull
down menu' for future recall. Save vIew wIll save all attrIbutes In a vIew
IncludIng FL levels, layers and dIsplay optIons. Saved vIews can be pulled
back Into any current wIndow by selectIng the saved name from the pull
down vIew lIst.

0eIete VIew
0eletes the saved vIew stored In the CUFFENT pull down menu lIst (and
hence removes thIs name from the lIst).

0Isplays a coordInate grId to help In vIewIng and locatIng aIrways. The grId
Is 'passIve' and Is sImply an overlay on the screen, playIng no further part In
constructIng networks. The mouse coordInates are shown In the upper left
of the screen. CrId spacIng can be adjusted by alterIng the sImulatIon
defaults found In the Tools > Dptons Menu. Note that the grId cannot be
dIsplayed when In J0 mode, although mouse coordInates wIll contInue to be
dIsplayed In the upper left corner.

Lcyers cllow the user to plcce yroups o] crwcys on d]]erent dsplcy lcyers,
so thct they mcy be dsplcyed ndependently o] cll other crwcys.
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- Prmary Layers cre ntended to yroup TYPES o] crwcys toyether (ey
Shc]ts, 0eclnes, Stopes, Rcses etc). There cre 1 prmcry lcyers.

- Secondary Layers cre ntended to yroup cn crec o] c network toyether
(ey shc]t system, orepcss system, stope system, workshop crec). There
cre 48 secondcry lcyers.

- Prmcry cnd secondcry Lcyers ccn be set to cn crwcy ndependently o]
one cnother.

f the checkbox agaInst a PrImary and Secondary layer Is hIghlIghted,
then all aIrways assocIated wIth these layers wIll be dIsplayed. f one or
both are unselected, the aIrway wIll not be shown. The 'actIve' layers
wIll be dIsplayed In red. Any new aIrway drawn wIll be set to these
layers. To make any layer actIve, sImply clIck on the layer name once
wIth the mouse. To change the name of the layer, select and type over

The show optIon lImIts the amount of data shown on unselected layers.

Dffers the opportunIty to change the way 7entsIm dIsplays layers that
are 'turned off' or 'hIdden'. The default dIsplay wIll be to hIde all
unselected layer aIrways, however these can be dIsplayed as dIm grey
lInes, or full lInes. The amount of data (eg names, flows, arrows etc)
showed for non selected layers can also be modIfIed In the Show optIons

Show AII
Turns on ALL Layers (both PrImary and Secondary) so that every layer In
a network wIll be dIsplayed.

Turns off ALL Layers (both PrImary and Secondary) EXCEPT the actIve
prImary and secondary Layers whIch wIll be turned on.

Sets the vew wndow to dsplcy the below selecton o] RL rcnyes ]rom the
RL dctcbcse

Snyle : 0Isplays a sIngle FL range of data

Multle :Allows the user to choose up to sIx non consecutIve FL
ranges to dIsplay.

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Ranye : Allows the user to dIsplay all FL's between two selected FL

All Levels : 0Isplays all levels In the FL database sImultaneously on

0ata Type
0Isplays a varIety of dIfferent kInds of aIrway data. See AppendIx A for a
more detaIled descrIptIon of these.

VIew DptIons
Turns on or off parts of the graphIcal dIsplay. ThIs Is usually done to
Improve the clarIty of dIsplay, and show only the data In the network that Is
requIred to be vIewed.
Note that turnIng off all optIons (or usIng the H0E functIon), results In a
'skeleton' dIsplay. The dIsplay update speed In thIs case Is dramatIcally
Improved. ThIs may be useful If vIewIng or searchIng through large volumes
of aIrways.
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2.1.4 Pun

AIrfIow SImuIatIon
ThIs wIll perform a network analysIs aIr sImulatIon and attempt to come up
wIth a solutIon to your network. f the sImulatIon Is successful, the
sImulatIon dIalogue box wIll dIsappear and the screen updated to show new
aIrflows. f the sImulatIon Is not successful, a lIst of errors wIll be shown.

Note thct the tool bcr button AlR wll per]orm the scme ]uncton cs ths.

Smoke SImuIatIon (CAS)
Performs a contamInant sImulatIon based on the posItIon of contamInant
source(s) placed In the network. Upon completIon, the vIew wIll swItch to a
contamInant vIew, where aIrways are coloured accordIng to contamInant
concentratIon. The contamInants may be cleared by pressIng the CLEAF
button on the smoke legend, or by selectIng cIear contamInants from the
TooIs > Extra menu.

Note thct the tool bcr button 6AS wll per]orm the scme ]uncton cs ths,
but wll cutomctcclly bypcss the nput box.

SourcIng SImuIatIon (SPC)
Performs a sourcIng sImulatIon based on 'reports' of where smoke or
contamInants are found. ThIs sImulatIon functIon was desIgned to assIst In
quIckly IdentIfyIng the possIble locatIons of a fIre or contamInant source (eg
dust) underground. As people report the status of aIr from dIfferent
locatIons (eg smoky aIr or clear aIr), the sImulatIon wIll colour aIrways
upstream and downstream as eIther smoke (red), blue (clear) or yellow
(possIble smoke source)

Smoke reports can be placed by selected the tool bar button. Two types of
actIons can be placed wIth the left and rIght mouse buttons. The left mouse
button wIll place a S|DKE report (symbolIsed by a FE0 pIn). 7entsIm wIll
assume that all aIrways downstream from thIs report wIll also be In smoke
(coloured red) and all aIrways above the report wIll be a possIble source of
smoke (marked In yellow). The rIght mouse wIll place a CLEAF report
(symbolIsed by a 8LUE pIn). 7entsIm wIll assume that all aIrways upstream
from thIs poInt are In fresh aIr (coloured blue). Dnce reports are place,
select thIs functIon to sImulate and colour the aIrways around the reports.

As more reports are receIved, the YELLDW possIble smoke source areas wIll
decrease and the locatIon of a fIre or contamInant source can be narrowed.

Note thct the tool bcr button SRC wll per]orm the scme ]uncton cs ths.
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honItor Pemote StatIons
ThIs optIon wIll not be present untIl 'ActIvate |onItorIng' Is selected from
the Tools > Dptons > Smulcton menu. ThIs Item wIll actIvate perIodIc
automatIc monItorIng and data dumpIng. DptIons for thIs functIon can be
set vIa the Tools > Dptons > Recltme 0ctc menu.

ActIvate Input
7entsIm automatIcally reads real tIme data from a specIfIed remote
data fIle.

ActIvate Dutput
7entsIm automatIcally wrItes current sImulatIon data perIodIcally to a
specIfIed data fIle.

0Isplays a brIef summary of your network. Note that some values In thIs
summary are only valId for a fully workIng, balanced network.

2.1.5 TooIs

0Isplays a dIalogue wIndow whIch allows edItIng, addIng and deletIng of all
fans In the fan database. Up to 1000 fans and the assocIated fan curves
may be entered Into the fan database. A dIsplay of each fan curve and data
wIll be presented when a fan Is selected from the dIsplay lIst. Further fans
can be added by selectIng blank spaces, or by overwrItIng exIstIng fans.

The copy and paste functIons can be used to copy data to or from another
program (eg a spreadsheet).

Ccuton should be tcken when deletny or mod]yny c ]cn, cs cny network
whch mcy hcve used thct ]cn number, wll stll cttempt to use thct
pcrtculcr number ]cns dctc. l] the dctc s not present, or s d]]erent, the
network wll not smulcte properly.

Further InformatIon on fans Is avaIlable In SectIon J

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0Isplays a dIalogue wIndow whIch allows edItIng or creatIng of a lIst of levels
between whIch aIrway data Is located. The level lIst can contaIn up to 250
levels on whIch your network wIll be created.

FL 0ata can be edIted In any order, as well as added at a later date
7entsIm wIll sort the data from hIghest to lowest when next dIsplayed.

Further InformatIon on levels Is avaIlable In SectIon J

ThIs wIll dIsplay a lIst of currently entered aIrways In a spreadsheet form.
UsIng thIs functIon Is optIonal, as all 7entsIm functIons can be performed
from the graphIcal Interface.

0ata can be changed and resImulated wIthIn a spreadsheet. ThIs may be
useful for fIndIng aIrways that may be restrIctIng network analysIs, or
causIng other problems (eg stalled fans, aIrways wIth errors etc).

See SectIon 4 on spreadsheet edItIng for more detaIl

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FIxes or unfIxes aIrway lengths, so that networks may be
manIpulated wIthout changIng the calculated aIrway lengths.

Fx All Lenyths
ThIs wIll fIx and protect all aIrways In the network from
changes In length when movIng aIrways. ThIs may be useful If
aIrways are requIred to be moved for clarIty, but lengths must
remaIn the same.

Unjx All Lenyths
ThIs wIll unfIx and recalculate all aIrway lengths In a network.

WARNlN6 Ths ]uncton wll recclculcte crwcys lenyths cnd
hence chcnye cny prevously ]xed lenyths. l] there cre cny
doubts, use the E0lT ]uncton to ndvduclly ]x/un]x lenyths
o] only the crwcys thct need to be chcnyed.

AIrfIow 0IspIay
Preserve Flows
7entsIm wIll use unnamed aIrways to store flow results. ThIs
may be useful to compare prevIous results wIth newly
sImulated results.

Remove Flows
7entsIm wIll use remove the preserved flows as set above.

Swap XY axIs
Feverses the X and Y axIs coordInates.

Auto Name
AutomatIcally places a code number on every aIrway wIthout a
current aIrway name. A letter may be specIfIed to head the number
If desIred (eg 8157).

Peset AIrway Numbers
Fenumbers all aIrways consecutIvely from hIghest FL to lowest FL.
AIrway numbers are sometImes useful for trackIng and IdentIfyIng
specIfIc aIrways. New aIrways are gIven consecutIve numbers from
the last hIghest aIrway number. As a network Is developed and
aIrways are deleted and added, the aIrway 'numbers' wIll contInue to
Increase, and large gaps between lower numbers may develop. ThIs
functIon wIll reset the aIrway numbers and renumber them
consecutIvely from 1 onwards. t wIll not affect sImulatIons.

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CIear Smoke
Clears all contamInant sources, and also clears any sImulated smoke
traIls In a network.

ThIs optIon allows detaIled checkIng of networks, and wIll IdentIfy areas of
your network that may cause problems durIng the sImulatIon process. A
network wIth too many redundant bulkheads (bulkheads In the same aIrway
path as other bulkheads), or fans that are In the same aIrway path as other
fans, may result In a network that wIll not converge.

PestrIctIve Fans: wIll fInd and alert the user to fans that are dIrectly
competIng agaInst other fans.

Unnecessary uIkheads: wIll fInd and If desIred remove bulkheads
that are not necessary (usually because another bulkhead In the same
aIrway has already stopped the aIrflow).

Non-convergIng aIrways : wIll fInd and hIghlIght the aIrways In the
network whIch are not convergIng to an acceptable aIrflow. ThIs may
be useful to IdentIfy parts of the network whIch may be preventIng
the network convergence.

Pe-seed aIrways : occasIonally a network that wIll not balance can be
made to do so by resettIng all nonfIxed aIrways wIth a new value.
ThIs wIll allow the sImulatIon process to begIn wIth dIfferent values.
Note that If thIs Is done wIth a balanced network, resImulatIng the
network should result In the orIgInal values.

SImplIfy allows the user to reduce the number of aIrways In a network to a
more effIcIent number wIthout affectIng the network analysIs. t Is
partIcularly useful where a network has been Imported vIa a 0XF fIle and
contaIns a large number of very detaIled but unnecessary small connected
aIrways. t may be also used to remove redundant aIrways whIch no longer
carry aIrflow, and whIch wIll not be requIred agaIn.

SImplIfy wIll search a network for sequences of aIrways that may be reduced
to a sIngle straIght aIrways. n doIng so, much of the overhead and effort
requIred to set parameters to every aIrway can be reduced. Note that
sImplIfy wIll only joIn aIrways that have a sIngle entry and exIt. AIrways at
junctIons and splIt branches wIll remaIn the same.

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SImplIfy Example

Note In the above example, 10 aIrways are sImplIfIed to 6 aIrways wIthout
affectIng the IntegrIty of the network.

The sImplIfy dIalog box allow the user to alter the way that aIrways are

The hAX ANCLE optIon specIfIes the maxImum angle between the fIrst and
last aIrway that wIll be combIned. For example, If the orIgInal network
contaIns a number of aIrways that form a curve, and |AX ANCLE Is set to 20
degrees S|PLFY wIll keep on mergIng aIrways untIl the fIrst and last aIrway
dIrectIons have changed by 20 degrees or more.

The hAX LENCTH optIon restrIcts only aIrways wIth lengths up to the value
length from beIng combIned. For example If set to J0m, only aIrways wIth
lengths of less than J0m wIll be consIdered for mergIng and sImplIfyIng.

n general, the hIgher the values of the |AX ANCLE and |AX LENCTH
settIngs, the more aggressIvely 7entsIm wIll seek and combIne aIrways.
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Use combIned Iengths: WIll ensure the new length of a combIned aIrway Is
exactly the same as the orIgInal combIned lengths even ] the oryncl
crwcys ]ormed c curve. f not set, the new length wIll be recalculated as a
straIght lIne.

Ensure no resIstance presets fIItered: Ensure that aIrways wIth a preset
resIstance (such as a bulkheaded aIrway) are not sImplIfIed and merged wIth
other aIrways.

Ensure aIrways dImensIons are the same: Check to see If aIrways that are
consIdered for mergIng and sImplIfyIng are only joIned If they are exactly
the same sIze.

Ensure waII types are the same: SImIlar to dImensIons, only aIrways wIth
sImIlar wall types are joIned.

SeIected aIrways onIy: wIll only sImplIfy selected aIrways and Ignore all

Pemove aIrways wIth zero fIow: wIll remove aIrways wIth no aIrflow -
ensure these aIrways wIll not be necessary for future sImulatIons before
removIng them.

PeaItIme 0ata
Dpen the realtIme statIons dIalog. Currently thIs functIon Is avaIlable as an
experImental optIon and wIll not be explaIned In full detaIl at thIs stage.
ThIs optIon Is hIdden untIl enabled under the DptIons SImulatIons box.

0efInes the source and composItIon of a realtIme Input fIle. The Included
fIle FEALT|E.0AT Included wIth the 7entsIm program wIll help the user
defIne the requIred format for a realtIme fIle. ThIs fIle wIll need to be
wrItten by another program for 7entsIm to read. The perIod tIme settIng
defInes how often 7entsIm reads the fIle and updates Its own network.

0efInes the locatIon and perIod Interval that 7entsIm wIll use to export a
network data fIle.


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A serIes of default optIons Is loaded (defaults.dat fIle) at the begInnIng of a
7entsIm sessIon. Although these defaults are suItable for most networks,
you may lIke to change some of them to change the performance or look of
the program.


0efauIt AIrway SIze VaIues
Allows changIng of default aIrway sIzes and attrIbutes, so that new
aIrways drawn also have these same attrIbutes. Note that CDPY
ATTF8UTES from the E0T menu can also perform a sImIlar functIon.

New AIrways

Use 'Area' jor new arways.
0etermInes whether an area or wall dImensIons (as set In the
above default menu) are used when constructIng new aIrways.

Proerty lnhertance
Selects whether a new aIrway wIll take on the same propertIes
(sIze, wall types etc) as the aIrway It Is drawn from, or
alternatIvely be set to the default prImary and secondary
Layers. f an aIrway Is not drawn from any other aIrway, the
default attrIbutes wIll be used automatIcally.

Layer lnhertance : Selects whether a new aIrway wIll take on
the same Layers as the aIrway It Is drawn from, or alternatIvely
be set to the default prImary and secondary Layers. f an
aIrway Is not drawn from any other aIrway, the default Layers
wIll be used automatIcally.

Allows chcnyny o] vcrous smulcton pcrcmeters ncludny mcxmum
cllowcble errors, number o] terctons etc. Chcnyny o] these
pcrcmeters mcy mprove the speed o] smulcton o] your network,
but ccn clso decrecse the cccurccy o] results. Some o] the optons
thct ccn be chcnyed nclude :

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SImuIatIon 0efauIts

haxImum IteratIons
Controls the number of attempts allowed to fInd a solutIon If
a solutIon has not been found after the maxImum number of
attempts, a best guess solutIon wIll be offered unless the user
elects to contInue sImulatIng.

haxImum AIIowabIe Error
0efInes the level of accuracy 7entsIm must resolve down to
before an acceptable solutIon Is dIsplayed. ThIs should be set
to less than 0.1 mJ/s error. f a fInal analysIs Is requIred It
may be advIsable to set thIs as low as 0.01 mJ/s. The smaller
the value, the more accurate the sImulatIon process, but the
longer It wIll take experIment to fInd the best tradeoff.

haxImum Number of AIrways
Set thIs value to the mInImum you thInk you wIll need It can
be Increased later If your network gets too bIg. SettIng thIs to
a value to large (maxImum 20,000 branches) wIll Increase
system requIrements and slow the program down.

haxImum Number of Fan Types
0efInes the maxImum number of fans 7entsIm can store wIthIn
the program. AgaIn, thIs value should be the mInImum
requIred as larger settIngs wIll Increase system requIrements.

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Average AIr 0ensIty
s the average densIty of aIr throughout a mIne. ThIs value can
normally be set to the surface aIr densIty, however In deeper
mInes, better sImulatIon results may be obtaIned If thIs set to
a densIty found wIthIn the lower mIne workIngs.

Surface arometrIc Pressure
The surface barometrIc pressure Is requIred as a basIs for
calculatIng underground barometrIc pressure. ThIs number has
no other Influence on 7entsIm sImulatIons.

PL at Surface Pressure
n conjunctIon wIth the surface barometrIc pressure, thIs value
Is used as a \basIs for calculatIng underground barometrIc
pressures. f not entered, a '::::' wIll be dIsplayed, and the
hIghest poInt In the sImulatIon wIll be used Instead.

Cost and EffIcIency 0efauIts
These fIgures are used as a basIs for fInancIal calculatIons wIthIn
7entsIm. AIr power effIcIency factor Is a default fIgure gIven to
calculate the effIcIency of energy conversIon to aIr power. For
example a jxed jlow or jxed ressure can provIde a boost to
aIrflow whIch wIll requIre an equIvalent amount of energy. n the
real world, thIs energy would be subject to losses of effIcIency. To
obtaIn accurate energy estImates thIs effIcIency needs to be taken
Into consIderatIon. Fans wIthout effIcIency curves wIll also be
subject to thIs factor.

Allow 7entsIm to dIsplay results In eIther 8rItIsh UnIts or S |etrIc.
Note that 7entsIm usIng |etrIc unIts for underlyIng calculatIon, and
reconverts the unIts to the selected unIt type when dIsplayIng.

PeaItIme honItorIng
As mentIoned prevIously, thIs Is an experImental optIon avaIlable to
7entsIm users. ThIs selectIon wIll show or hIde the monItorIng
optIons dIsplayed elsewhere In the 7entsIm menus.


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CraphIcs 0etaII
0Isplays varIous levels of graphIcal detaIl over the network

Icon 0IspIay
Allows changIng the varIous aspects of the way the network
Icons are drawn on the screen, IncludIng lIne thIckness, arrow
sIze, node sIze, 88H sIze, resIstance symbol sIze and smoke
sIze. ncreasIng the sIze or thIckness of any of these, whIle
ImprovIng clarIty, can greatly decrease the speed of graphIc
screen updates partIcularly Increased lIne thIckness. The
sIzes of these graphIcs can eIther be fIxed or scaled wIth the
screen scale. ScalIng wIth the screen has the advantage of not
appearIng as cluttered at large scales, however the sIze of the
graphIcs may become too small to clearly dIstInguIsh.
Conversely, usIng fIxed sIze wIll result In a very cluttered
dIsplay at large scales.

Changes the varIous sIzes and types of fonts used on the
screen. Dnly true type fonts should be used (eg AFAL) as
these can be scaled more effIcIently to dIfferent sIzes by
7entsIm. The fIxed or varIable sIzIng optIon Is sImIlar to the
graphIcs optIons mentIoned above.

0ata 0IspIay
0Isplays 7entsIm calculated data values on some or all aIrways.
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AII aIrways : dIsplays values on all aIrways.
Some aIrways : dIsplays values only on aIrways set to
show data (as set In the edIt box).
HorIzontaI aIrways : dIsplays values only on horIzontal
VertIcaI aIrways : dIsplay values only on vertIcal or
InclIned aIrways.


Allows changIng of the colour scheme of the network on screen and
prInter. Upon vIewIng the Colour 0Ialogue 8ox, sImply select the
colour to change on the left sIde of the box, and then select a new
colour from the lIst on the rIght sIde. 8eware when changIng some of
the colours If a colour prInter Is beIng used. The new colours may not
show up well on the prInter.

CoIour Scheme
CoordInates the colour scheme usIng eIther the FE0CFEEN8LUE to
show aIrways In exhaust or fresh aIr, or usIng a sImIlar colour
sequence to show aIrways above, below and on the FL level.


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Network 0IspIay
Control optons relcted to how the yrcphcs cre mcnpulcted
wthn \entsm.

Power zoom, speed, spIn and tIIt rotatIon steppIng,
allows for changes In the speed of those functIons. Slower
computers may requIre larger settIngs than faster
computers. FotatIon jump steps are In degrees.

UnIImIted PotatIon and Zoom Speed, allows the user to
alternatIvely speed up or lImIt rotatIon and zoom speed.
Faster computers may need to select thIs Item to reduce
the speed of graphIc updates, partIcularly when few
aIrways are shown.

AIIow fuII 360 degree rotatIon
Allows a network to be spun upsIde down. Note that thIs
may lead to confusIon when vIewIng or edItIng If the
network remaIns upsIde down.

Screen uffer
8ufferIng Is the process of storIng a dIsplay In memory untIl
It Is completely drawn, and then updatIng the screen
Instantaneously. ChoosIng thIs functIon may reduce
flIckerIng durIng movIng and anImatIon, and help reduce
artefacts left behInd by overlappIng wIndows, however It
may also slow down dIsplay updates. Dlder computers,
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large resolutIon dIsplay or hIgh colour depths may be slower
wIth screen bufferIng turned on.

house SettIngs

hInImum Node SpacIng forces entered nodes to abIde to a
mInImum spacIng, so for example nodes are not placed too
closely together. |ost users wIll leave the value set at '1'.

Node SpacIng restrIcts placIng of nodes to a mInImum spacIng.
For example If you want a node to be placed only on 10m grId
Interval (Ie 4010, 4020 etc) then thIs can be set to ten. ThIs may
also sImplIfy placement of vertIcal and horIzontal aIrways.

AIrway ProxImIty Search reduces or IncreasIng the tendency
for the mouse to grab the nearest node or aIrway when placIng
or removIng objects. ThIs Is handy as accurate mouse placement
Is not normally requIred, but can be frustratIng If nodes need to
be placed close to one another, wIthout havIng to zoom In. The
value Is the 'percentage of screen area' searched for
surroundIng features.

Allows the changIng of several parameters IncludIng:

CrId SpacIng varIable grId lIne Intervals (eg 10m, 50m etc).

Peverse HorIzontaI l VertIcaI CoordInates - Feverses all the
coordInate system WTHDUT changIng the entered data. ThIs
may be useful If the data dIsplayed In plannIng software Is of a
dIfferent orIentatIon or grId system to 7entsIm.


Allows changIng or addIng of the parameter defInItIons of PesIstances, WaII
Types and Shock Types, as well as theIr dIsplayed names.

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WARNlN6 these vclues should only be chcnyed ] the ]uncton o] these
vclues s understood, cnd new vclues hcve mecsured or demonstrcted
cccurccy. Chcnyny o] these vclues wll clso clter the cttrbutes o] every
brcnch n c network thct uses these vclues. New resstcnces ccn be cdded
by selectny the unde]ned vclues, cnd typny n new ncmes cnd vclues.


7entsIm can dIsplay multIple unIt types and accuracIes. ThIs functIon wIll
allow custom unIt types (for example, varIatIons between S and mperIal
unIts) as well as allowIng the user to control how many decImal places are
shown on the screen.

The conversIon number Is the number that metrIc unIts (Format S) are
multIplIed by to gIve 8rItIsh mperIal unIts (Format 8). The UnIt S Is the
name of the unIts to dIsplay on the screen. UsIng thIs functIon It Is possIble
to change (for example) the pressure dIsplay from Pascals to Water (wg) to
|ercury (hg). t Is also possIble to mIx S unIts wIth 8rItIsh UnIts by only
changIng some of the data types In the Format 8 columns and leavIng the
unIt names the same as S and conversIon factor as '1.0'.

The format column uses a formattIng strIng sImIlar to |Icrosoft Excel (0.00
for numbers, #.##0 for place holders, hh:mm:ss for tIme etc).

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2.1.6 WIndow

7entsIm allows multIple wIndows of the same network fIle to be vIewed.
0ata from dIfferent parts of the network can be dIsplayed sImultaneously In
separate wIndows. AIrways can be drawn 'between' wIndows, sImplIfyIng
connectIon of aIrways between levels. Network wIndows can also be
'frozen', preservIng orIgInal data after sImulatIon, assIstIng In comparIson of
sImulated data.

New WIndows
Creates a new network wIndow, whIch Is a copy of the current actIve
wIndow. New wIndows are 'tIled' In wIth current wIndows, so all wIndows
are vIsIble. WIndows can be resIzed or hIdden after loadIng, or be removed
by clIckIng the 'X' In the top rIght wIndow corner.

TIIe WIndows
TIles all actIve wIndows vertIcally, horIzontally or cascaded as selected.

Freeze WIndows
Freezes and retaIns the data In the current wIndow regardless of further
changes to the network. ThIs may be useful for comparIng 'before and
after' sImulatIon changes to a network for example. A 'frozen' wIndow may
be 'unfrozen' by selectIng thIs menu Item agaIn.

2.1.7 HeIp

0Isplay help fIle for 7entsIm software

About Software
0Isplays the latest versIon and date of the software. Use thIs InformatIon to
determIne whether you a usIng the latest versIon of the software.

Pemove PegIstratIon
Femove the lIcense from the computer for 7entsIm software. The lIcense
can be reentered agaIn through the FLE FECSTEF menu, or a new lIcense
name can be entered.
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2.2 TooIbar uttons

TooI bar buttons provIde aImost aII the functIons needed to create and anaIyse
an aIrway network

TooI ar uttons

The 7entsIm toolbar Is splIt Into dIfferent functIonal areas. As a quIck guIde the
maIn areas are;

Vew Menus pull down menus wIll dIsplay dIfferent network data and locatIons.
Vewny buttons wIll generally manIpulate the dIsplay.
0ony buttons generally create, delete and modIfy the network model.
Smulaton buttons perform a sImulatIon on the network model

FIIIng uttons

Save utton
Saves the network ImmedIately under the current name.

Load utton
Dpens the LDA0 dIalogue wIndow to load another 7entsIm network

VIew henus

0ata haIn and Sub Category
These two InterlInked pull down menus dIsplay many dIfferent types of
network data. The top menu Is broken down Into maIn categorIes. The
bottom menu then dIvIdes the maIn categorIes Into sub categorIes. For
example, If QUANTTY Is selected In the top menu, the bottom menu wIll
have the optIons of AFFLDW or 7ELDCTY. The selected data wIll be
dIsplayed on the network aIrways.

Cursor IocatIon '0oIng' uttons
'VIewIng' uttons VIew henus SImuIatIon
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Saved VIew l LeveI VIew
The uer menu recalls a lIst of prevIously saved vIews. 7Iew names are
presented In alphabetIcal order. The fIrst 5 vIews are permanent
orIentatIons and cannot be changed. These vIews are also specIal In that
unlIke user saved vIews, they wIll not alter what data Is shown on screen,
just the vIew orIentatIon of It. To save extra vIews, sImply go to the
VIew>Save VIew menu Item and enter the name of the vIew. Up to 100
saved vIews may be stored.

The lower menu vIews a selectIon of aIrways wIthIn an FL (depth) range.
The ranges can be defIned In the TooIs>LeveI menu. The ranges are
dIsplayed from hIghest to lowest.

VIewIng uttons

Zoom utton
Allows enlargIng and reducIng of the network vIew area. Use the left mouse
button to zoom In, eIther by drawIng a box or by clIckIng the button once.
To zoom out clIck the rIght mouse button. To use the powerzoom functIon,
depress the SHFT key whIle usIng the left or rIght mouse button.
J0 FDTATDN of a network can be achIeved In thIs mode, by depressIng both
left and rIght mouse buttons, and movIng the mouse left/rIght for rotate,
and up/down for tIlt.

FIt utton
FIts all graphIc aIrways on the current dIsplay level Into the vIew wIndow.

Pedraw utton
Fedraws the screen In the event that the screen Is partIally erased by
another wIndow or program.

CrId utton
0Isplays/removes the coordInate grId In 20 mode.
Note thct no yrd s cvclcble n J0 mode.

huItI LeveI utton
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Toggles between sIngle FL Level dIsplay and |ultIple FL Level dIsplay. The
multIple FL dIsplay consIsts of the prevIously selected Levels, whether they
be Selected, Fanged or All.

20 utton and 30 uttons
Changes between J0 mode and 20 vIewIng modes.

VIew DptIons utton
Shows the vIew optIons wIndow, whIch allows the choIce of dIsplayIng
varIous degrees of data and InformatIon. ThIs may be useful for reducIng
the amount of InformatIon In the dIsplay for easIer vIewIng.

FoIIow utton
PermIts followIng of an aIrway by clIckIng on the branch or the node of the
desIred aIrway. ClIckIng on nodes that dIsappear onto other levels wIll brIng
that level on to the dIsplay. ThIs functIon can be useful for trackIng the
paths of major aIrflows throughout a mIne system.

FInd utton
FInds a selectIon of dIfferent types of aIrways as specIfIed In the VIew>FInd
menu. Fepeated pressIng of the button wIll fInd the next occurrence of the
specIfIed type.

Info utton
Shows basIc InformatIon about aIrways (sIze, quantIty, pressure drop). f a
fan Is present, It shows the fan curve and operatIng poInt. f a FX Is
present, It shows requIred pressure (Pa) and resIstance for the FX.

0oIng uttons

SeIect utton
Selects and groups one or more aIrways so that subsequent actIons occur
sImultaneously on all the selected aIrways at once. Selected aIrways are
hIghlIghted In thIck whIte lInes. ActIons that wIll work on selected aIrways
Erase : ClIckIng on a selected aIrways wIth the erase button, wIll
sImultaneously delete all other selected aIrways.

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|ove : |ovIng a selected aIrway wIth move all other selected aIrways the
same relatIve amount.

FlIp : FlIppIng a selected aIrway wIll reverse all other selected aIrways.

Name : NamIng a selected aIrway wIll name all other selected aIrways the
same name. ThIs may be useful If you wIsh to name a number of
connected aIrways formIng a declIne or raIse.

EdIt : EdIts all selected aIrways and modIfIes theIr characterIstIcs
together. Note that only characterIstIcs that are selected In the
E0T box wIll be changed. For example, If you wIsh to change only
the aIrway dImensIons and the wall type for a selected group of
aIrways, then E0T clIck a selected aIrway, clIck on the aIrway
dImensIons and wall type In the E0T box (these values wIll turn
from grey to whIte) and clIck DK.

Add utton
Constructs an aIrway. Press the mouse button at the start of the aIrway and
drag the aIrway across to the endpoInt. EIther end of the aIrway wIll fIx
Itself to a nearby aIrway If avaIlable, or wIll create a new start/end node for
the aIrway. The aIrway parameters (sIze, frIctIon factor, shock loss etc) wIll
be set eIther from the defaults table or from the attached aIrway
(dependIng on the Tools DptIons settIng).

WhIle In J0 mode, the FL of the aIrway may also be changed by pressIng the
SHFT key whIle movIng the mouse.

The Rl6HT mouse button mcy clso be used to mcnuclly enter coordnctes c
coordncte wndow wll be dsplcyed when pressny the button. l] mcnucl
coordncte entry s requred ]or ]ust the end pont, c]ter ntclsny the
crwcy wth the LEFT button, select the Rl6HT mouse button.

hove utton
|oves a node or an aIrway to a new locatIon. t wIll also recalculate
resIstances If lengths of aIrways have been changed. To move a node, clIck
on the aIrway node to move, and drag to the new locatIon. To move an
aIrway (and break It away from the node), clIck on the aIrway AWAY from
the node and drag the aIrway end to the new locatIon. The new locatIon
can also be manually entered by coordInates by pressIng the FCHT mouse
button If desIred. The FL of the aIrway end can also be changed In J0 mode
by pressIng the SHFT key whIle movIng the mouse. ThIs wIll fIx the X E Y
coordInates allowIng the user to alter the FL value wIth the mouse.

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Large numbers of aIrways can be moved by 'fencIng' an area wIth the LEFT
mouse button. The 'manual coordInate' wIndow wIll dIsplay and allow the
user to enter the dIsplacement for the move area.

WARNlN6 usny ]ence move wll only move dsplcyed crwcys wthn the
]ence. l] crwcys cre hdden wth the LAYER ]uncton or cre not shown n
the current RL rcnye, then crwcys connectny to them wll not be moved.
Ths mcy ccuse nodes to hcve the ends moved cwcy ]rom hdden crwcys,
resultny n no ext/entry errors on smulcton.

FIIp utton
Feverses dIrectIon of an aIrway flow ThIs can normally be used to correct
an aIrway wIth no entry or exIt.

Note thct crwcys wll cutomctcclly correct ther drecton ] the cr]low s
reversed durny the smulcton.

Erase utton
0eletes an aIrway or a node. To use, poInt the mouse to any part of an
aIrway or node and press the left mouse button. |ultIple aIrways may be
deleted by depressIng the left mouse button, and drawIng a 'fence' around
aIrways to be deleted. |ake sure no other connectIng aIrways exIst before
sImulatIon, as a destInatIon error wIll occur when sImulatIng.

Copy Paste utton

Copy FunctIon
The rIght mouse button actIvates the copy functIon. t allows the user to
copy an aIrway's attrIbutes (dImensIons, shock type, wall type) and later
paste them onto other aIrways.

Note thct you should mcke sure thct only the cttrbutes you desre to copy
cre ]rst selected ]rom the copy/pcste cttrbutes menu on the E0lT menu
bcr, otherwse unwcnted cttrbutes mcy be pcsted onto your crwcys.

Paste FunctIon
The left mouse button actIvates the paste functIon. t allows the user to
paste a set of aIrway attrIbutes (eg dImensIons, shock type, wall type) onto
other aIrways. SIngle aIrways can be modIfIed by clIckIng on an aIrway.
|ultIple aIrways can be changed by 'fencIng' an area wIth the LEFT mouse
button. All aIrways wIth ends wIthIn the fence wIll be changed to the
copIed default values.

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Note thct you should mcke sure thct only the cttrbutes you desre to copy
cre ]rst selected ]rom the copy/pcste cttrbutes menu on the E0lT menu
bcr, otherwse unwcnted cttrbutes mcy be pcsted onto your crwcys.

Fan utton
Adds or changes a fan In an aIrway. PoInt to the centre of an aIrway and
press the Left |ouse 8utton. A drop down menu box wIll allow a selectIon
of fan types, whIle other optIons on the form wIll allow changIng of the
number and a parallel or serIes setup. PressIng the rIght mouse button wIll
remove the fan.

Name utton
Places a name at the nodes of an aIrway (end poInts) or at the centre of an
aIrway. Names are entIrely for user reference and do not affect
sImulatIons. Note that there are only a lImIted number of characters
avaIlable for a name. ThIs button also allows the user to place text
anywhere on the screen (called 'floatIng text') Independent of aIrway
locatIons. ThIs may be useful for descrIbIng a local area or provIdIng a brIef
explanatIon of what has been done. The dIsplay of thIs data can be turned
off In the dIsplay optIons menu.
PressIng the rIght mouse button wIll remove the name.

Smoke Peport utton
Places a report of smoke (usIng LEFT mouse button) or clear aIr (usIng FCHT
mouse button) onto an aIrway. PerformIng a subsequent sourcIng sImulatIon
wIll help predIct lIkely areas of smoke, clear aIr and possIble areas the
smoke may be generated from. FeclIckIng on an aIrway wIth a smoke
report wIll remove the report pIn.

ContamInant utton
Places a ContamInant Source and concentratIon along an aIrway (a
yellow/red mark Is placed on aIrway). Dne of more of these sources can be
added. UsIng the Cas SImulatIon tool bar button, the path and
concentratIon of the contamInant Is shown. ThIs functIon can only be used
provIdIng the network has been prevIously sImulated. ContamInants may be
cleared by usIng 'Clear ContamInant' menu optIon.
PressIng the FCHT mouse button wIll automatIcally place a 100 strength
contamInant If none Is present, or wIll automatIcally remove a contamInant
If one Is present.

EdIt utton
Dpens an AIrway EdIt form when the left mouse button Is clIcked on an
aIrway. ThIs wIll allow fIne tunIng and changes of aIrway sIzes, types and
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other parameters. PressIng the rIght mouse button wIll remove any preset
resIstance type. f no preset resIstance Is present, 7entsIm wIll place a 88H
(brIck bulkhead) to seal the drIve.

SImuIatIon FunctIons

AIP SImuIatIon utton
SImulates the aIr flows and pressure drops In a network. f any error exIsts,
It wIll lIst the branches wIth errors. CraphIcally, the errors are shown as
8DL0 aIrways, wIth the name EFFDF.

CAS SImuIatIon utton
ThIs button actIvates the contamInant sImulatIon, and ImmedIately moves
Into the sImulatIon process and dIsplays the result. f sImulatIon Input Is
requIred (eg a change from fIxed to cumulatIve sImulatIon) then menu Item
CDNTA|NANT S|ULATDN from the FUN menu should be chosen Instead.

SourcIng SImuIatIon utton
ThIs button actIvates the smoke or contamInant sourcIng sImulatIon. Smoke
reports must fIrst be placed wIth the source reports tool bar button. The
aIrway network Is colour coded accordIng to the lIkely areas of smoke (FE0),
clear aIr (8LUE) and possIble smoke sources (YELLDW)

Potate utton

The network rotatIon button. ClIckIng on the outer ends of thIs button wIll
rotate your network In that dIrectIon. Two speeds of rotatIon are avaIlable
by movIng the mouse poInter further to the edge of the button. The small
button at the centre Is the 'rotatIon centre' button. 8y clIckIng on thIs
button, and then selectIng the mIddle of an aIrway on screen, the model
wIll then be rotated about thIs branch. To reset the rotatIon centre to the
centroId of the model, sImply choose 'rotatIon centre' and clIck on a blank
part of the screen.

Note that the model can be rotated contInuously for dIsplay purposes by
sImply usIng the FCHT mouse button Instead of the left to rotate the
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Also note that rotatIon In J0 can be performed wIthout usIng the rotatIon
button, by pressIng left and rIght mouse buttons whIle In Zoom mode, and
movIng the mouse .

Dther uttons

Undo utton
Feverses the last actIon by the user. An unlImIted number of UN0D steps
may be undone. Note that thIs functIon wIll not undo a sImulatIon. To do
thIs, undo the last step (whIch wIll orIent all aIrways In theIr orIgInal
dIrectIons) and resImulate.

Pedo utton
Feverses the prevIous UN0D actIon.

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3. uldny a Network

3.1 Fan and LeveI 0atabase

8e]ore crectny c network, c level dctcbcse cnd ]cn dctcbcse must be crected.

LeveI 0atabase

A level database wIll need to be created before startIng a network to allow aIrways
to be drawn on a partIcular FL. 7entsIm InItIally defaults to a two level FL
database, however thIs wIll need to be changed to suIt your mIne.

The level database consIsts of a lIst of level ranges In whIch your data wIll be
located. t must always Include a surjace level (although data does not have to be
placed on thIs level), wIth all other levels ranges below the surface. A level
represents a range of reduced levels (FL's) or depths underground, wIth each level
beIng defIned by an upper and lower value.

The FLs for each level are usually heIghts (m) above sea level, although other
forms of representatIon may also be used. For example, the surface FL may be
called 0 metres, and all others set to negatIve (m below surface). t Is Important
however, that the FL's be defIned In metre unIts from hIghest value (SUFFACE) to
lowest (bottom of mIne).

FL's may range from 89999 to +89999.

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Fan 0atabase

The fan database consIsts of a lIst of fans and theIr characterIstIc fan curves
(operatIng pressures, quantItIes and effIcIencIes). Although 7entsIm starts wIth a
lIst of several example fan curves, It Is recommended that actual fan curves used
at the mIne sIte be entered Into the program. Note that eIther statIc or total
pressure curves can be used, or a combInatIon of both.

Up to 1000 dIfferent types of fans may be stored wIthIn 7entsIm (the actual
maxImum number can be changed from the 0efault menu 7entsIm defaults to 250
maxImum). The fan database Is loaded automatIcally when 7entsIm Is loaded.
7entsIm also stores a fan database wIthIn the sImulatIon fIles. The fan database In
memory Is therefore overwrItten by the sImulatIon fIle fan database when loaded.
7entsIm 'S|' fIles can therefore be transferred between programs wIthout the
need for the FANS0ATA.0AT fIle (the fIle that specIfIes the default fan data when
7entsIm Is fIrst loaded). To restore a network database (whIch may be older) wIth
the default database, sImply select "Feload Fan 0atabase" from the FLE menu.

Fan Curve 0ata
The fan curves are made from up to four types of data:
StatIc pressure Fan statIc pressure.
Total pressure Fan total pressure.
QuantIty: Fan aIrflows entered at the correspondIng Fan Pressure
EffIcIency : Total AIr Power to |otor nput Shaft Power effIcIency (entered as 0
100). The values are entered at the correspondIng Fan QuantItIes. EffIcIency
poInts are optIonal If not entered the default effIcIency wIll be used for the
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Note thct these vclues ccn be coped to or ]rom cn EXCEL sprecdsheet or smlcr
pcckcyes ] desred.

Fan curve data can be copIed carefully off the fan data sheets (usually avaIlable
from the fan manufacturers) by readIng the pressures, quantItIes and effIcIencIes
along the fan curve, and enterIng them Into the fan database edItor. The fan curve
wIll be constructed as poInts are entered. f ten poInts are not entered, the
exIstIng values wIll be carrIed through to make up the 10 curve poInts. PoInts wIll
be automatIcally sorted from hIghest to lowest pressure.
0o not to copy the stall regIon of the fan curve (the upper left part of the curve
that curls over and back down) Into the database, as thIs cannot be used by

The fan name can be typed Into the text box on the rIght hand sIde, after whIch
the name wIll appear In the lIst box on the left hand sIde.

hodIfyIng exIstIng data

A fan curve can be copIed (usIng the copy/paste command) Into a blank fan slot, or
If no longer requIred, It can be modIfIed In Its exIstIng fan slot. To modIfy exIstIng
data, wrIte over the values In the fan curve table. The fan curve wIll be modIfIed
every tIme a value Is changed, showIng the effect to the fan curve as It Is changed.

To delete a fan, select the fan, and press the '0ELETE FAN' button to remove fan
from database.

Changes to the fan database are saved wIth a network fIle. The modIfIed fan
database can also be made the default fan database (the database 7entsIm uses
when fIrst loaded) by selectIng the FLE Save default menu Item.

EffectIve dIameter

An optIonal value that In theory Is close to the exIt cone or evase dIameter of the
fan. t Is largely dependant on evase effIcIency. f In doubt, enter a value
approxImately half way between the fan dIameter and evase dIameter. ThIs value
has no effect on sImulatIon, but sImply allows 7entsIm to calculate power
consumptIon more accurately, by estImatIng the velocIty pressure exItIng the fan.

StatIc or TotaI Pressure !

7entsIm allows the user to use eIther a statIc or total pressure fan curve. The
selectIon of eIther curve wIll have some effect on 7entsIm, wIth TDTAL pressure
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curves producIng slIghtly more aIrflow. So whIch type of curve Is the rIght curve to
use :

n most cases, total pressure curves are theoretIcally the correct curves to use,
8UT extra care must be taken If they are used. Total pressure curves assume the
velocIty pressure portIon of the fan output Is converted to useful energy. n realIty
however, a good portIon of the velocIty pressure may be wasted due to turbulence
and fan exIt losses. These must be modelled carefully as shock losses In 7entsIm to
gIve accurate sImulatIon.

Fan statIc curves assume none of the velocIty pressure output of a fan Is useful. f
statIc pressure Is used, fan exIt losses are generally not requIred to be modelled In
7entsIm. However sImulatIons wIth statIc curves may result In fan outputs beIng
slIghtly understated.

As contradIctIng publIcatIons support the use of eIther type of curves In
sImulatIons, the author of 7entsIm has gIven the user the optIon of choosIng
eIther. 7entsIm also allows the optIon of usIng a combInatIon of both curves,
where It may be lIkely some of the velocIty pressure wIll be useful. ThIs Is set In
the FAN E0T box when placIng a fan.
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3.2 AIrway EdItIng

An Important part In the modeIIIng and sImuIatIon of a ventIIatIon network, Is
accurateIy settIng the characterIstIcs or parameters of an aIrway. When
aIrways are InItIaIIy constructed, the aIrway characterIstIcs wIII be set to a
serIes of defauIts.

All aIrway parameters can be changed by selectIng the E0T button, and clIckIng on
the aIrway. The followIng wIndow wIll be shown.

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AIrway 0ata

AIrway and Node Names
Select the upper text box to enter/change the name dIsplayed In the mIddle
of the branch, and select the text boxes below to enter the names shown on
each end of the branch (nodes).
Note thct enterny or chcnyny these ncmes s optoncl, cnd hcs no e]]ect
on the smulcton. They cre ]or user re]erence to ponts n c network.

FIxed SettIngs

The followIng settIngs may be 'fIxed'. ThIs wIll force 7entsIm to hold these values
and use them wIthIn the sImulatIon. The values wIll not be changed untIl the
check box Is unselected. Note that fIxIng these values wIll overrIde any preset

AIrfIow uantIty
Sets the desIred aIrflow amount. t forces the sImulatIon to fIx the flow In
the specIfIed aIrway to a value, and adjusts all other aIrways accordIngly.
8y pressIng NFD on the aIrway after sImulatIon, the pressure and/or
resIstance requIred for the fIx Is shown. FIxed Flows should be used
sparIngly, as they may adversely affect the balance of a network. FIxed
Flows can be used where a quantIty has been measured, and the user wIshes
to force the network to use the same value, or If a fan type Is not avaIlable
but the requIred aIrflow Is known.

Set the pressure boost (+ve) or pressure retardIng (ve) for aIrway. ThIs has
two useful functIons.
The fIrst Is to provIde a method of fIxIng pressure boost (or retardatIon) for
an aIrway, In a sImIlar way a fan would, but Instead forcIng the pressure
change to be constant. ThIs may be useful If a pressure Increase (or
decrease) Is known, or needs to be sImulated. Natural ventIlatIon pressures
can be sImulated by usIng thIs functIon at entrIes and exIts to mIne, where
the natural ventIlatIon pressure Is known.
FIxed pressures can also be used as a pressure/flow survey calculator to
estImate aIrway resIstances. SImply enter a fIxed flow and then enter the
measured pressure drop In the fIxed pressure box. The aIrway resIstance
wIll automatIcally be calculated and fIxed.

Sets aIrway to a specIfIed length. Length Is calculated automatIcally when
enterIng aIrways. f the automatIcally calculated length Is not the true
length (for example, a spIrallIng declIne Is drawn as a vertIcal lIne between
levels, but Is obvIously longer than the vertIcal lIne), then the length should
be FXE0, and the true length entered.
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Note thct c FlXE0 Lenyth wll not chcnye ] the crwcy nodes cre moved.

Sets aIrway to a specIfIed resIstance. The optIon allows settIng of an aIrway
resIstance, regardless of sIze of length. ThIs can be used where the
resIstance Is known or has been measured.

FrIctIon Factor
Sets the K (FrIctIon) factor of an aIrway

Shock Length
Sets the equIvalent addItIonal length to take Into account shock losses.
Shock loss Is a term used to descrIbe the turbulence caused by sudden
changes In aIrflow dIrectIon or flow shape. Examples are a sharp corner or
sudden change In drIve sIze.

FIx 0IrectIon
Forces the aIrway to face In a partIcular dIrectIon. f a sImulatIon trIes to
change the dIrectIon, It wIll alert the user fIrst. ThIs may be useful for
alertIng the user In cases where the IntegrIty of a network may be affected
If an aIrway Is reversed.

Preset VaIues

Preset values allow users to select an aIrway settIng from a predefIned pull down
lIst. Note that these lIsts are defIned In the DPTDNS sectIon.

FesIstance Is calculated automatIcally when enterIng aIrways. The
resIstance Is derIved from the sIze, wall type, length and shock loss factor.
f the aIrway has obstacles then the resIstance must be chosen from a pre
calculated lIst of resIstance constants or entered manually as descrIbed
AIrway obstacles such as doors, bulkheads, muck pIles etc, exhIbIt a
resIstance usually much greater than the aIrway Itself. Up to 50 resIstances
can be added or changed from the 0EFAULTS AIrway Parameters menu.
f the resIstance Is known to be a dIfferent value (for example, It has been
calculated In a ventIlatIon survey), then the resIstance can also be fIxed,
and the measured value type In.

Note thct c Fxed resstcnce wll not chcnye ] the crwcy s moved or

FrIctIon Factor (k)
AtkInson's frIctIon factor descrIbes the roughness or unevenness of wall.
Uneven walls create turbulent aIrflow along theIr boundary, thereby
IncreasIng the resIstance of an aIrway. A range of common values are
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suggested In the defaults, but other values may be entered wIth the USEF
0EFNE0 optIon from the optIons menu lIst.

Shock Length
7entsIm uses extra length for shock loss values. 7entsIm comes wIth a serIes
of Shock Loss values, descrIbIng dIfferent sIzed shock losses. These can be
changed to your own defInItIons under the optIons menu.

Shock utton
A tool for calculatIng the shock length equIvalent of an aIrway. t allows the
user to defIne the shape characterIstIcs of an aIrway and estImate the
equIvalent shock length.

DrIfIce utton
A tool for calculatIng the resIstance effect of an orIfIce In an aIrway. An
orIfIce In thIs case Is defIned as the remaInIng openIng left by an obstacle
that has caused a sudden reductIon In aIrway sIze. An example mIght be an
open man door wIthIn a bulkhead wall. When prompted, sImply enter the
InsIde area of the orIfIce openIng. The resIstance of the orIfIce wIll be
added to the underlyIng aIrway resIstance

PecaIc utton
WIll ImmedIately recalculate the aIrway resIstance based on what the user
has entered In the E0T box.

Info utton
0Isplays an InformatIon box about the currently edIted branch

Fans SeIectIon

Fans may be added to aIrways by selectIng from the pull down lIst. Dther optIons
Include placIng the fans In serIes (one Into another, thereby IncreasIng avaIlable
pressure, but not flow) or parallel (sIde by sIde, thereby IncreasIng avaIlable flow,
but not pressure). StatIc or total pressure curves can be selected, If they have
been entered Into the fan curve, or a combInatIon curve can be selected. The
combInatIon value allow 7entsIm to use a 'blend' of fan curve, a percentage
between the two curves (see sectIon J.1 for further InformatIon).
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AIrway SettIngs

Type - Square, CIrcuIar or IrreguIar AIrway
ClIckIng on the SHAPE TYPE button wIll cycle the aIrway through three
dIfferent types. n most cases, the square or cIrcular headIngs optIon should
be accurate enough, and the aIrway dImensIons can be sImply entered. For
Irregular shaped headIngs, It may be more accurate to enter the aIrway
dImensIons as an area and perImeter.

Fresh or Exhaust AIr Types
7entsIm allows the user to choose whether an aIrway wIll be dIsplayed as
Fresh, Exhaust or unspecIfIed aIr. Note that thIs functIon Is only to assIst
the user In recordIng and showIng aIr types, and plays no part In 7entsIm
sImulatIons. All new aIrways wIll be unspecIfIed untIl set as fresh or exhaust
aIr. AIr types must be set manually for each aIrway, however the
copy/paste functIon can be used to copy an exIstIng fresh/exhaust aIr
condItIon, and (fence) pastIng the aIr type over other aIrways (note all other
copy/paste attrIbutes should be deselected when doIng thIs).

Fresh/exhcust crwcys colours wll only be shown ] the Fresh/Exhcust cr
dsplcy opton s selected under the 0splcy Dptons menu or the 0e]cults
Colours menu.

Surface Entry and ExIt
SelectIng eIther of these wIll force the aIrway node to connect to the
surface, wIthout actually requIrIng the node to be placed there. ThIs Is
useful for placIng fIxed aIr Into or from a network wIthout a vertIcal branch
to the surface, or when the surface Is a changIng FL (eg the mIne located on
a mountaIn sIde) and aIrways are requIred to enter or exIt the mIne at any

Number of AIrways
The text box at the centre of the aIrway shape represents the number of
IdentIcal aIrways. |ultIple parallel aIrways can be represented by a sIngle
aIrway by changIng thIs value from one (1). ThIs may be useful where there
are a large number of parallel aIrways present, but the user wIshes to
mInImIse entry of aIrways (coal mInes frequently have thIs setup). f
multIple aIrways are requIred, sImply enter the number of aIrways.
FesIstances and sImulated aIrflows are calculated assumIng multIple aIrways
are present.

ThIs optIon sImply deducts an average area that servIce pIpes etc. take up In
a drIve. 7entsIm uses a value of 0.8 m2.

Show 0ata
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7entsIm wIll only show data on aIrways wIth thIs box selected. f not
selected, a lIne wIll sImply represent where the aIrway Is on screen. No
arrows, nodes, fans, bulkheads or wrItten data wIll be shown on the aIrway.
ThIs functIon can be used to 'unclutter' a dIsplay, by just showIng the
Important aIrways.

PrImary and Secondary Layers
The vIewIng layers for the edIted aIrway may be set wIth the values In the
'prIm' and 'sec' drop down boxes. SECTDN J.4 explaIns the use of vIewIng
layers. The PrImary and Secondary vIew layer names can also be changed If
desIred, by edItIng the drop down boxes.

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3.3 ConstructIng a Network

Several dIfferent methods can be used for constructIng a network. The fIrst Is the
freehand method, whIch thIs sectIon descrIbes.

Another method Is to use the aIrway database spreadsheet functIon to enter the
network vIa a text Input type system. See the spreadsheet sectIon for further
InformatIon on thIs method.

Another useful method, partIcularly for larger mInes Is the |PDFT method,
whereby a network can be created In a mIne plannIng program or CA0 package by
tracIng over the mIne plans, and then Imported Into 7entsIm vIa 0XF format. See
the sectIon on |PDFTNC/EXPDFTNC for further InformatIon on thIs method.

PuIes for ConstructIng a Network

Keep n mnd c number o] smple rules must be ]ollowed ]or c success]ul network.

- All aIrways In a network must be connected at both ends to another aIrway.
(The exceptIons are aIrways enterIng or exItIng the Surface FL)

- All junctIons of aIrways must have at least one aIrway enterIng, and at least
one aIrway leavIng.

- Any fIxed flow In an aIrway must not restrIct another fIxed flow elsewhere In a

ConstructIng AIrways

ProvIded all other crIterIa have been met for establIshIng a network, (a fan and FL
database has been establIshed) , an aIrway network can be created as follows.

- Although aIrways can be added In any order, a good practIce In creatIng a
network, Is to establIsh major vertIcal aIrways, and then construct the
InterconnectIng horIzontal aIrways.

- When constructIng your network, remember that It Is not crItIcal that the
network appear exactly as your mIne plans. 8ent or curved development that
can be approxImated wIth a sIngle straIght lIne should be done were possIble,
as thIs wIll decrease the number of aIrway branches requIred, and help speed
up sImulatIon and dIsplay.

- Although the network should be kept to the same scale as actual development,
slIghtly mIsplaced aIrways wIll have lIttle Impact on the fInal sImulatIon. Df far
more Importance are the parameters, such as aIrway sIze and wall types.
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HorIzontaI AIrways

HorIzontal aIrways can be constructed by sImply pressIng the left mouse button at
the begInnIng of an aIrway posItIon and 'draggIng' the mouse to the aIrway
destInatIon. ClIckIng nearby other aIrways wIll automatIcally joIn the aIrway to
them, even If not exactly on top. f two aIrways are requIred to be placed closely
together wIthout joInIng, then you wIll have to eIther zoom the vIew In closer to
separate the apparent dIstance, or Increase the mouse snap tolerance In the
defaults menu.

UsIng the FCHT mouse button before or durIng the operatIon, the start and/or end
poInts can be Input by keyboard for more accurate placement. ThIs method allows
the FL of eIther end to be changed to allow for InclIned aIrways. Note that If the
FL range for that level Is set wIde enough, the aIrway wIll remaIn entIrely on that
level (Ie default green In colour).

AIrways that remaIn wIthIn the Level FL range are shown In a dIfferent colour than
off level aIrways In 20 mode. n J0 mode aIrways travellIng up or down at greater
than 45 degrees are shown In dIfferent colours. The arrow IndIcates the dIrectIon
of aIrflow.

VertIcaI or IncIIned AIrways

ConstructIng vertIcal aIrways In the thIrd dImensIon Is slIghtly more complIcated
than horIzontal aIrways. Several methods exIst for constructIng vertIcal aIrways.

When In the plan vIew 20 mode, the easIest way Is to press the left mouse button
at the start of aIrway poInt, and move between levels wIth the 'UP' or '0DWN' arrow
keys on the keyboard. The aIrway wIll 'rubber band' to where the mouse poInter Is.
When on the desIred level, release the mouse button, and the aIrway wIll be

n the J0 mode (eg an IsometrIc vIew), whIle aIrways are beIng drawn, the FL can
be adjusted by pressIng the SHFT key. The X E Y coordInates wIll be frozen at
theIr last posItIon, and the FL wIll change wIth the mouse.

Another method Is to manually enter the coordInates (by pressIng the FCHT mouse
button to draw the branch). The end coordInates can be entered as true
coordInates, or a relatIve offset can be entered, descrIbIng the relatIve movement
from the startIng coordInate.

f multIple levels are beIng dIsplayed, vertIcal/InclIned aIrways can be drawn
between levels In the same way as horIzontal aIrways. Yet another way Is to open
up a second wIndow on another level, and draw and aIrway between the two
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7ertIcal aIrways are shown In a dIfferent colour than horIzontal aIrways. AIrways
that go to a level above the current level are shown In a dIfferent colour to aIrways
goIng below. Note that In 20 plan vIew, true vertIcal aIrways are dIsplayed wIth
the ends offset to allow easIer vIewIng.

PL Issues
When constructIng an aIrway on a new level, the FL of that aIrway wIll be set to
the mIddle of the FL range for that level. f a dIfferent FL Is requIred It wIll have
to be manually entered wIth the FCHT mouse button. AIrways that are
constructed startIng from another aIrway wIll InherIt the FL of the aIrway they are
connected to. 0o not worry If the FL of each aIrway Isn't InItIally correct, as they
can later be changed later wIth the |D7E functIon.

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3.4 Layers

Layers are a way to IndIvIdually layer or IdentIfy and vIew parts of a network
separately from other parts of the network. Some examples may Include a stope
system, an orepass or ventIlatIon raIse system, a workshop area, or any other
collectIon of aIrways. Note that there Is no requIrement for the user to utIlIse
vIewIng layers. They are only present to allow easIer manIpulatIon and vIewIng of
a network.

Layers work by allowIng the user to 'overlay' multIple layers of aIrways or
InformatIon on a screen. 8y doIng thIs, unnecessary detaIl can be 'turned off' so
only aIrways of Interest are vIewed.

PrImary Layers, consIst of 16 layers. t Is Intended that the PrImary Layers be
used for IdentIfyIng types of aIrways. For example, Layer 1 could be PrImary
Shafts, Layer 2 could be |aIn AIrways, Layer J FaIses, Layer 4 Stopes, Layer 5
|Inor AIrways etc. Layers may be made actIve by clIckIng on the name. Layers
may be made vIsIble by markIng the adjacent check box. The name can also be
edIted If desIred.

Secondary Layers, consIst of 48 dIscreet layers. t Is Intended that the
Secondary Layers be used for IsolatIng parts of a network that could be vIewed
Independently from the rest of the network. As mentIoned above, thIs could
Include workIng areas, stope, raIses, declInes or any other feature of Interest.

There Is no lImItatIon on the number of aIrways belongIng to a layer, however an
aIrway can belong to only one secondary and one prImary layer. PrImary layers
and secondary layers can be set and vIewed Independently of each other.

See the 0E|D.S| and 8LUE_SKY.S| examples that come wIth 7entsIm.

UsIng Layers
The easIest way to use Layers Is to create the network fIrst (all aIrways wIll default
to Layer 1 of both PrImary and Secondary Layers, and then changIng aIrway Layers
to the desIred number. To change Layers, a TDDL8AF button Is provIded. The
LAYEF button can IndIvIdually change aIrways to the actIve LAYEF, by clIckIng the
centre of an aIrway, or change multIple aIrways at once by FENCNC an area
(sImIlar to the ZDD| functIon) and changIng all aIrways wIth node(s) wIthIn the
fence to the actIve LAYEF.

HlNT: to set cn cctve LAYER, use the LAYER menu, cnd clck on the LAYER ncme
you wcnt to mcke cctve. Actve lcyers wll show n RE0. l] the layer s cctve,
but the dsplcy ]or thct layer s DFF (e the box s unchecked), then chcnyny
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Lcyers o] crwcys on the screen (wth the LAYER tool button) wll ccuse the
selected crwcys to turn nvsble. Ths ccn be c yood wcy o] ensurny you cctch
cll crwcys thct need to be chcnyed.

VIewIng Layers

Dnce all aIrways have had Layers assIgned to them, sImply turn the layers on or off
wIth the |enu Item LAYEF SET PF|AFY or SECDN0AFY. 8y usIng the SA7E vIew
functIon, a vIew can be saved, along wIth all the set Layers, for later vIewIng.

The Layer DptIon Item allows the user to choose how unselected Layers are
dIsplayed on screen.

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3.5 ImportIng and ExportIng 0ata

VentsIm provIdes the user wIth the abIIIty to Import and export data vIa a TXT
or 0XF fIIe format.

TXT fIIe format Is sImply a text format wIth columns or 'fIelds' separated by a TA8
character. t can be used by most spreadsheets, databases, and also read Into text
processors. (Note that 7ENTS| uses a TXT format for Its natIve S| fIles
therefore these can also be vIewed or edIted wIth a spreadsheet or database

0XF fIIe format Is an ASC CA0 fIle standard, descrIbIng graphIcal data. f thIs
data Is In lIne strIng form, 7ENTS| can Import and construct a skeleton network
from the fIle. 8oth UNX and 0DS format 0XF fIles can be read by 7entsIm.

Some uses of ImportIng or exportIng may be to:
- read data to or from a CA0 or |NE PLANNNC package. ThIs elImInates the
need to redraw a network from scratch.
- mport or Export data from or to another network analysIs program.
- allow recordIng or analysIng of results or data In a spreadsheet or database


TXT Format
A wIde varIety of aIrway data can be Imported Into 7entsIm vIa TXT format,
however It must conform to a set column format, and the mInImum data must
contaIn the end coordInates (In metres) of each branch. From these coordInates,
7entsIm can construct a three dImensIonal network, and other branch
characterIstIcs can be added later (such as sIze, fans, names etc).
Dther data that can be Imported from a TXT Import fIle Include branch name, to
and from node names, resIstance, quantIty, drIve sIzes and types. All of thIs data
Is optIonal and can be left out of the Import data If desIred. Where possIble,
7entsIm wIll use default values to fIll In mIssIng data.

To vew the mport ]le column ]ormct, locd c blcnk EXPDRT.TXT ]le nto c
sprecdsheet proyrcm. The ]rst lne wll show the column hecdny ]or ecch
column. Note the ]rst lne o] cn lmport Fle wll be ynored, cnd ccn be used ]or

0XF Format
Dnly very lImIted data can be Imported wIth a 0XF fIle. 7entsIm wIll Import all
lIne and lInestrIng data from the 0XF fIle and attempt to create a J0 network wIth
It. As only a skeleton network Is created, all aIrway attrIbutes (sIzes, names etc)
wIll need to be entered Into 7ENTS| at a later date.
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Import DptIons

- PetaIn 0rIve resIstances. f the TXT Import fIle has resIstance values, and
you would lIke 7entsIm to use them and not recalculate It own resIstances,
select thIs optIon before pressIng |PDFT. f your data has no drIve
dImensIons, but precalculated resIstances, then thIs should be used as
7entsIm wIll not be able to calculated resIstances accurately.

- PetaIn PaIse resIstances. As wIth drIve resIstances, the Import
resIstances wIll be set to |ANUAL, and not recalculated by 7entsIm.

- Attempt to create a PL database. USE THS DPTDN WTH CAUTDN.
7entsIm wIll search your data for dIfferent FL's and create Its own FL data
lIst. f thIs optIon Is NDT chosen, your data wIll be placed on a sIngle FL
level range, whIch can be splIt Into more ranges later. Note that the FL
database Is created from dIscreet FL values. f the Import data has a large
amount of the data on slIghtly dIfferent FL's, then It may be best If the FL
database Is created later, so that FL Levels can be defIned by the user to
cover a range of FL's. For example, If the Import data Is sourced from a
CA0 package where many aIrways may vary by several metres over a sub
level, and the Create FL database functIon Is chosen, then an FL Level wIll
be created for each and every dIfferent aIrway FL.

- herge wIth exIstIng data. The Imported fIle wIth attempt to merge wIth
your exIstIng data. 0uplIcate aIrways wIll normally be deleted. ThIs may
be a good optIon If updatIng a network wIth more data for example.

- X,Y,Z Dffset. The Imported data may be offset relatIve to the grId
coordInates In 7entsIm If requIred. ThIs may be useful If the data to be
Imported Is outsIde the range of valId 7entsIm coordInates (7entsIm can
only handle coordInates from 0 to 999,999).


TXT Format
Export data saves the data In the same format as |PDFT data reads a data fIle.
The fIrst lIne of an export fIle wIll descrIbe what each column represents. The fIrst
sIx columns represent the X,Y, Z coordInates of the aIrway ends, whIle the
remaInIng data descrIbes varIous other attrIbutes. Note that because of the large
number of aIrway attrIbutes, not all are exported to an export fIle. ThIs mean that
exportIng and ImportIng the same data fIle wIll result In the loss of some attrIbutes
(such as the FL database, wall types, shock types and others).

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f all attrIbutes are requIred, then the natIve 7entsIm *.S| fIles can be read as
TXT format. These fIles wIll contaIn all data used by 7entsIm, and can also be
modIfIed and resaved, provIdIng no data or formattIng has been corrupted.

0XF Format
Exports the data In 0XF format for readIng by a CA0 type package. Note that only
lImIted InformatIon Is exported In thIs format. ThIs Includes all branches, names
and data values as shown on the screen.

0XF export of screen data wIll export a 20 representatIon of what Is on screen.
0XF export of true coordInates wIll export a J0 representatIon of your network
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4. Sreadsheet Edtny

7entsIm allows aIrways to be entered vIa an In buIlt spreadsheet (located under
the '0atabase/AIrways' menu. ThIs optIon may be preferred If (for example) the
data to be entered Is avaIlable In spreadsheet form, or the user fInds the
spreadsheet method easIer to use. Note however, that many of the advanced
7entsIm functIons are only avaIlable wIthIn the graphIcal edItor.

AIrways can be edIted and new aIrways created from the spreadsheet screen. 0ata
can also be copIed and pasted to and from other WIndows programs (eg Excel or

Usny the sreadsheet
Upon selectIng the spreadsheet functIon, only aIrways currently dIsplayed on
screen wIll be shown In the spreadsheet. f all aIrways are requIred to be
dIsplayed, select 7EWALL from the pull down menus.
7alues that are FXE0 (eg fIxed quantItIes or resIstances) wIll be shown In FE0
wIth and '*' next to the value.
|ove around the spreadsheet usIng the mouse, arrow keys or scroll bar.
7alues can only be entered Into columns correspondIng to aIrway parameters.
The comments column and the branch number column are not edItable.
7alues entered Into the spreadsheet wIll not be permanently entered Into
aIrway data untIl the spreadsheet Is eIther sImulated or saved, or unless the
E0TE0T 8DX functIon Is used to enter data.
Names entered Into the 'From' and 'To' columns wIll be automatIcally copIed
Into other aIrways wIth correspondIng From and To locatIons.

Pressure/Quantty Surveys
Pressure surveys for calculatIng aIrway resIstances are catered for by allowIng
users to enter the surveyed values In the 'Pdrop' (pressure loss) column and the
'QuantIty' column. 7entsIm wIll automatIcally calculate and enter a correspondIng
resIstance value.
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henu Items

FIIe henu

Save Chanyes
Saves the spreadsheet data Into your network aIrways. Note that thIs
does not save to a hard drIve fIle. (That can only be done from the
maIn menu).

PrInts the spreadsheet data onto the default prInter.

ExIts the spreadsheet, and returns the user to the graphIcal 7entsIm


Edt ox
0Isplays the edItIng optIon for an aIrway. ThIs Is the same edItIng box
as the graphIcal edItor, and allows detaIled changes to be made to
each aIrway. UnlIke dIrect changes to the spreadsheet, the data
changes are ImmedIately saved to the correspondIng aIrway.

lnjo ox
As wIth the maIn graphIcal menu, thIs functIon wIll show detaIled
InformatIon about the currently selected row.

CopIes the hIghlIghted data onto the WIndows clIpboard for use In
other WIndows programs. ThIs data can then be pasted Into
spreadsheets, word processors or databases, or Into other parts of the
7entsIm spreadsheet.

Pastes data from the clIpboard Into the 7entsIm spreadsheet. Note
that the data |UST be In the same format as the 7entsIm

Erases the data from the selected area

Select All
Selects the entIre 7entsIm spreadsheet. ThIs may be useful If the
spreadsheet Is to be fully copIed onto the WIndows clIpboard.
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nserts a new lIne for data entry and assIgns It a new branch number.
Note that due to the sImulatIon process, the branch number and
posItIon on the spreadsheet may change after the network Is

0eletes a lIne (and the correspondIng aIrway)

Fnd and Fnd Ayan
Attempts to fInd a lIne wIth the entered search strIng In It. f an
exact match Is not found, a best guess wIll be offered. Note that only
the column wIth the cursor In It wIll be searched. FInd agaIn fInds
subsequent matches of the prevIously entered search.


Sorts all rows from the currently selected column In ascendIng order.
Note that due the way the search engIne works, blank cells wIll be
lIsted fIrst, followed by alphanumerIc cells.

Sorts all rows from the currently selected column In descendIng


As wIth the graphIcal edItor, thIs wIll fIx the currently selected data
value (If approprIate) to prevent them beIng changed by 7entsIm In
future. FIxable data Includes aIrflows, resIstances, pressure boosts
(Fans and fIxed flows Fpres) and pressure drops (Pdrop). FIxed
values are shown In FE0

Allows 7entsIm to change the data value If requIred.

Recalc Row
Fecalculates the selected row data based on new values that may
have been entered. Eg the resIstance may have changed If the aIrway
length or dImensIons were modIfIed. The recalc functIon wIll
therefore update the resIstance value.

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Recalc All
Same as Fecalc Fow except It wIll recalculate all spreadsheet data.

SImulates the network based on the data wIthIn the spreadsheet. f
no errors are present, the updated data wIll be redIsplayed In the


Fx/Unjx Columns/Headnys
Allow headIngs and columns to be fIxed or unfIxed to prevent them
from movIng when scrollIng through the spreadsheet.

Hde/Show Columns
HIdes unwanted columns of data from vIew for easIer vIewIng. Note
that hIdden columns wIll not be prInted eIther.

Show All 0ata
0Isplays all aIrways In the network on the spreadsheet (as opposed to
only dIsplayed levels when the spreadsheet Is fIrst loaded).
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5. Usny Networks

5.1 AIrfIow SImuIatIons

WARNlNC - Falure to observe the rules oj network analyss can result n
network errors, whch must be corrected bejore smulaton can be comleted.

7entsIm uses a method called the Hardy Cross process, where, through a number of
IteratIons a network Is adjusted untIl It comes up wIth an acceptable solutIon.

Dnce all desIred aIrways have been added, the network can be sImulated usIng the
AF S|ULATE tool bar button, or by selectIng 'SImulate Flows' from the menu.
The process wIll show a STATUS wIndow descrIbIng the process of the sImulatIon.
Network sImulatIons go through the followIng processes.

The InItIalIsIng of a network wIll sort and check all aIrways to ensure that they
have an orIgIn and destInatIon, and that no duplIcate aIrways exIst. t wIll also
check to see If a FXE0 aIrflow wIll restrIct aIrway analysIs.
All errors found durIng the InItIalIsatIon process wIll appear In the Error LIst
wIndow on the sImulatIon form, and any further sImulatIon wIll halt. These errors
must be corrected before sImulatIon can be contInued further.

PerformIng SImuIatIons
WhIle performIng IteratIons, the network dIsplays a status bar, IndIcatIng the
status of the sImulatIon.

Well balanced networks should be solved wIthIn 25 IteratIons, however some
networks may take much longer to solve. f the number of IteratIons exceeds the
maxImum number set In the defaults, then the sImulatIon process wIll halt and ask
the user If they wIsh to contInue. f the user chooses ND, 7entsIm wIll dIsplay Its
best guess. Networks that are not allowed to balance completely should be
treated wIth some cautIon, as the resultIng aIr flows may not be correct.

SImuIatIon ProbIems
A poorly convergIng network wIll usually have one or more of the followIng

stalled or negated fans (Ie fans operatIng outsIde fan curve)
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unreasonably FXE0 aIrways
unreasonable parameters on aIrways (eg sIze or resIstance)
too many bulkheads or fans restrIctIng network mesh formatIon

Any of these may slow down or prevent network sImulatIon convergence and should
be sought out and corrected If possIble (unless the data represents a desIred part
of your network) partIcularly If the network shows sIgns of poor convergence.. The
TDDLS TFDU8LESHDDT menus wIll help IdentIfy these aIrways, as wIll the FN0
functIon under the E0T menu.

The majorIty of errors In a network result from aIrways that have no 'from' orIgIn or
'to' destInatIon. f thIs occurs, fInd the erroneous branch(es) and ensure every
node has a branch enterIng, and a branch leavIng. Use the 'FLP' functIon to turn
the aIrways around, and then resImulate when completed

FX NDT ALLDWE0 (8A0 FX) errors are caused by fIxes placed In a network where
other fIxes contradIct It. A fIxed quantIty cannot overrIde another. n thIs case,
one of the fIxed aIrways must be removed.


Networks whIch wIll not converge to the desIred error level are sometImes dIffIcult
to fIx. nvestIgatIng all fans and fIxes In a network, and ensurIng they are
operatIng at reasonable pressures and flows can often solve thIs problem. A fan
that has aIr forced through backwards Is partIcularly troublesome as the aIrways
enterIng the fan are reversed, however the fan branch remaIns In Its orIgInal
dIrectIon. ThIs may cause branch entry or exIt errors. n thIs case, It may be best
to remove the fan and replace It wIth a fIxed quantIty untIl the cause of the
Imbalance can be found elsewhere.

The menu Item 'TDDLS > TPDULESHDDTINC' provIdes the user wIth tools to help
fIx troublesome networks. WhIle none of these tools are essentIal to use to create
a successful network, they may assIst In uncoverIng troublesome parts of a
network, where convergence and errors may be a problem.

FlN0 0NNECESSARY 80LKHEA0S wIll fInd bulkheads whIch are not requIred In the
network (Ie the aIrway Is already restrIcted by another bulkhead elsewhere whIch
Is stoppIng aIrflow). ThIs wIll assIst occasIonally help 7entsIm In sImulatIons.

FlN0 0NNECESSARY FANS wIll fInd fans whIch are beIng dIrectly Influenced by
other fans In the network. ThIs means that a fans operatIng poInt Is beIng dIrectly
affected by another fan, and may result In poor sImulatIon.

REMD\E 0NNECESSARY 80LKHEA0S wIll remove any unnecessary bulkheads, as
IdentIfIed In the above descrIptIon.

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FlN0 NDNCDN\ER6lN6 AlRWAYS : wIll hIghlIght the aIrways In the network whIch
are not convergIng. ThIs may assIst the user In narrowIng the search for problem
parts of the network. AIrways wIth convergence errors greater than 0.1m/s or
greater than the default error settIng wIll be dIsplayed as a 'Convergence Error on
the screen. Try removIng bulkheads, fIxes and fans from both nonconvergIng
aIrways and other aIrways that lead Into the nonconvergIng aIrways. The
sImulatIon wIll need to be repeated untIl the problem aIrway Is found.

RESEE0 AlRFLDWS : A fInal tool whIch may be used to help nonconvergIng
networks. ThIs wIll change the every aIrway aIrflow value (wIth the exceptIon of
fIxed aIrflows) to a specIfIed (default 10) aIrflow, and allow 7entsIm to resImulate
from thIs new base. Dften, thIs wIll be all that Is needed to rebalance a network.
Try dIfferent values (eg 0, 20 or 50) If the InItIal attempt does not result In a
successful sImulatIon.

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5.2 SourcIng SImuIatIons
ContamInant sImulatIon and sourcIng sImulatIon are closely related In 7entsIm, and
are valuable tools In predIctIng the effects of smoke or contamInants underground.
Smoke sourcIng sImulatIon predIcts the lIkely upstream and downstream flow of
smoke or contamInants, helpIng the user to predIct the lIkely source.

Some PossIbIe Uses for SourcIng SImuIatIons

Sourcny smulcton cllows predcton o] the lkely pcths cnd sources o] smoke. lt
reles on reports o] crecs n c mne thct mcy or mcy not be c]]ected by smoke or
- Helps narrow down and fInd the unknown source of a fIre when only reports of
smoke are avaIlable.
- dentIfIes area whIch may remaIn In fresh aIr durIng a fIre and contamInant
- Can track down other contamInants such a dust or fumes whIch could be
generated from mInIng actIvIty and may be affectIng other areas.
- AssIsts wIth mIne emergency plannIng and mIne rescue actIvItIes.

PIacIng and SImuIatIng Smoke Peports

PlacIng smoke or fresh aIr reports In a network Is done by selectIng the report
button, and clIckIng on the centre of an aIrway. UsIng the left mouse button wIll
place a smoke report (FE0), whIle usIng the rIght mouse button wIll place a fresh
aIr report (8LUE)

For excmple:
A number of reports of smoke may be receIved from personnel underground In
dIfferent locatIons. Further contact wIth other employees reveals other areas to
be clear of smoke. PlacIng FE0 (for smoke) and 8LUE (for fresh aIr) reports at
these dIfferent locatIons wIll graphIcally show where the smoke reports are In the
ventIlatIon cIrcuIts. Subsequent sourcIng sImulatIon wIll then colour code all
aIrways above and below these reports, predIctIng the lIkely areas of smoke
(aIrways coloured red) and fresh aIr (blue). Areas coloured In yellow may or may
not contaIn smoke, but could also be the source of the smoke. Further reports can
then be added and re sImulated to further refIne the smoke sourcIng predIctIons.

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5.3 ContamInant SImuIatIons

The contamInant sImulatIon however can be a complex process, and 7entsIm uses
only a relatIvely sImple algorIthm to perform analysIs. WhIle thIs can cope wIth
multIple sources of dIfferent concentratIons, and recIrculatIon wIthIn the network,
more complex factors such as gas layerIng, dust settlIng and nonperfect mIxIng at
junctIons are Ignored. Treat any results wIth cautIon If thIs Is lIkely.

FIgure 5.J.1 Smoke contamInatIon routIne showIng extent and concentratIon of

Some PossIbIe Uses for ContamInant SImuIatIons

Contcmncnt smulcton cllows trcckny o] smoke/ycs/dust pcths cnd
concentrctons throuyhout your network. lt clso ccn cclculcte tmes tcken ]or
contcmncnts to trcvel throuyh c network.

- PlannIng fIre refuge bays or ventIlatIon setups should a fIre occur.
- Emergency sItuatIons of fIre underground.
- TrackIng dust or gas contamInatIons In a network.
- 0etermInIng the effects of exhausts from productIon areas through an
underground mIne
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- ShowIng whether recIrculatIon of aIr Is present In a mInIng regIon.
- ShowIng the paths, concentratIons and dIspersIon tImes of a warnIng gas (eg
Stench Cas) throughout a mIne.

Some PossIbIe Uses for SourcIng SImuIatIons

Sourcny smulcton cllows predcton o] the lkely pcths cnd sources o] smoke. lt
reles on reports o] crecs n c mne thct mcy or mcy not be c]]ected by smoke or
- Helps narrow down and fInd the unknown source of a fIre when only reports of
smoke are avaIlable.
- dentIfIes area whIch may remaIn In fresh aIr durIng a fIre and contamInant
- Can track down other contamInants such a dust or fumes whIch could be
generated from mInIng actIvIty and may be affectIng other areas.
- AssIsts wIth mIne emergency plannIng and mIne rescue actIvItIes.

FIgure 5.J.2 Example of SourcIng SImulatIon showIng fresh and smoke aIr reports
(red E blue pIns) and sImulated lIkely locatIon of possIble fIre (In yellow)

SettIng ConcentratIons In the ContamInant SImuIatIons
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7entsIm uses a unIt Independent form of contamInant concentratIon, however the
unIt must be related to the aIr flow volume. UnIts such as , ppm , mg/mJ are
all acceptable, however unIts that descrIbe emIssIon rates (such l/mIn or l/sec or
kg/s) are not acceptable. For example If methane In a coal mIne Is requIred to be
sImulated, and Is measured In l/sec emIssIon from a seam, then thIs unIt must fIrst
be converted to another unIt type (eg percentage, or ppm of total aIr content)
before sImulatIon.

ThIs sImulatIon method suffIces for almost all types of sImulatIons (gas, smoke,
dust), however If the contamInatIons are large In volume compared to the aIr flow,
and heavy recIrculatIon Is present In network, then some accuracy may be lost.

For general use (eg trackIng smoke) sImply use a value of 100 at the smoke source.

WARNlN6 lcryer underyround ]res mcy ccuse chcnyes n ventlcton ]lows (such
cs ncrecsed or reversny cr]lows) due to the hect cnd ycses produced. The
ventlcton smulcton wll not re]lect ths, cnd there]ore the contcmncton
smulcton mcy not be vcld.

PIacIng ContamInants
PlacIng contamInants In a network Is done by selectIng the contamInant button,
and clIckIng on the centre of an aIrway. An Input box wIll then ask for the InItIal
concentratIon number. ThIs may represent any type of contamInatIon unIt as
dIscussed above. The default value of 100 may be used for general smoke or gas
sImulatIon, where the actual value Is not known. 7entsIm wIll not attempt to keep
track of the unIt type, and output results wIll sImply be returned In the same scale
format as the Input concentratIon. nput concentratIons must be entered as
numbers wIth no form of unIt type.

For excmple:
Smoke or gas percentages may be Input at one locatIon as 100, and another as 50,
where these numbers may represent scale percentages of smoke thIckness. Dnce
sImulated, the values returned wIll be relatIve to these values.

PerformIng a ContamInant SImuIatIon
A contamInant sImulatIon can only be done after a network Is sImulated.
ContamInant sImulatIon Is actIvated by placIng one or more smoke sources wIth the
contamInant tool bar button, and then performIng a ContamInant sImulatIon from
the FUN menu or from the TDDL8AF button.

ContamInant SImuIatIon DptIons
Two types of sImulatIon may be performed : FIxed source or CumulatIve source.
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FIxed Source SImuIatIon wIll keep the concentratIon In a contamInant source
aIrway lImIted to the orIgInal value. FecIrculated contamInants that pass
back through source aIrways, wIll not alter the source orIgInal value. ThIs
type of sImulatIon should be used If contamInatIons In aIrways are known to
be the maxImum value (eg 100 or have been actually measured).

CumuIatIve Source SImuIatIon wIll not lImIt the concentratIon In a
contamInant aIrway to Its orIgInal value. Therefore If recIrculatIon Is
present, or another contamInant source Is located upstream, then the value
may Increase above the orIgInal source. ThIs type should be used where
recIrculatIon Is requIred to be sImulated.

PetaIn Legend Numbers wIll sImply use the legend values and colour codes
from the last sImulatIon. f thIs Is not selected, then the legend wIll
automatIcally calculate the colour splIt up.

Upon pressIng the S|ULATE button the dIsplay wIll then show the paths of the
smoke, and a colour code concentratIon legend, showIng varIous degrees of
contamInant levels.

Networks that have recIrculated aIr wIll slow down smoke sImulatIon. The network
may be returned to 'normal' mode after sImulatIon, by selectIng the CLEAF
CDNTA|NANT menu Item from the top menu or the CAS LECEN0 form.

VIewIng the SImuIatIon 0ata
The vIew can be changed between concentratIon and tIme by selectIng the drop
down 0ATA lIst on the left of the screen. The spread of smoke can at dIfferent
tImes can be dIsplayed by movIng the scroll bar button In the smoke legend box. A
lImIted form of anImatIon can be performed by holdIng down the arrow keys on the
scroll bar, and watchIng the smoke run through the mIne.

ChangIng the ConcentratIons Legend
7entsIm wIll attempt to create Its own concentratIon legend by splIttIng up the
range of concentratIons Into fIve parts. These can easIly be changed by clIckIng on
the legend numbers, and typIng In new numbers. The colours on the network wIll
automatIcally change. To keep these values for the next sImulatIon, select the
FETAN LECEN0 functIon on the SImulatIon sheet before sImulatIng.
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5.4 VIewIng a Network

VentsIm aIIows the unIque optIon of vIewIng your network as a two-dImensIonaI
or three-dImensIonaI modeI. WhIIe In 30 mode, the modeI can be rotated In
any dIrectIon to aId In the vIewIng of the network. Three-dImensIonaI vIewIng
aIIows easy examInatIon of shafts and other vertIcaI and sub vertIcaI aIrways.

PIan VIew hode
ThIs Is the default vIewIng mode. t shows a horIzontal vIew of the network, wIth
vertIcal or InclIned raIses or drIves shown enterIng or exItIng the level.

30 VIew hode
ThIs mode Is selected from the 7EWJ0 7Iew optIon menu, by the J0 tool bar
button, or by rotatIng the plan vIew mode. FIve standard saved vIews can be
accessed from the drop down vIew lIst. Apart from the default horIzontal edItIng
vIew, other vIews Include LDNC SECTDN (vertIcal slIce, left to rIght), CFDSS
SECTDN (vertIcal slIce, top to bottom) and SD 7EW (lookIng IsometrIcally down,
bottom left to top rIght. Further vIews may be added by usIng the SA7E 7EW
functIon, accessed from the 7Iew |enu.

hanIpuIatIng the 30 0IspIay
A vIew may be rotated usIng the arrow rotatIon buttons on the FotatIon button at
the far rIght of the screen, or by pressIng both mouse button In the vIew mode,
and movIng the mouse. The Up/0own arrows, or Up/0own motIon of the mouse
wIll tIlt the network model forward and back. The Left/FIght arrows or Left/FIght
motIon of the mouse wIll spIn the model around. Two speeds of rotatIon can be
used, by movIng the mouse from the Inner to the outer parts of the FotatIon

Note thct pressny the Rl6HT mouse button on the Rotcton button wll contnue
to rotcte the network model wthout cny ]urther nterccton ]rom the user. To
stop the vew rotctny, smply clck the button cycn, or cny pcrt o] the screen.

VIewIng PL Pange LeveIs
The default dIsplay Is for one level only, however multIple, selected levels or all
levels may be dIsplayed by selectIng the 7EWLevel menu functIon, or the Level
tool bar button. Levels can be changed by usIng the Up and 0own arrow keys or by
changIng levels wIth the pull down level lIst at the left of the screen.

VIewIng DptIons
A large number of vIewIng optIons exIst (accessed from the 7EW menu) that allow
the user to vary the amount of InformatIon shown on the screen. 8ecause of the
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large amount of InformatIon shown on the screen, optIons exIst for showIng just
vertIcal or horIzontal data, or aIrways wIth aIrflows exceedIng a preset flow rate.

FIgure 5.4.1 - 7Iew DptIon WIndows

hovIng the VIew Around a Network
DptIons to do thIs are :
Use the ZDD| and FT functIons from the Tool bar
Use the PAN functIon (rIght or mIddle mouse button whIle In ZDD| mode to
'grab' and slIde the screen around.
Use the PDWEFZDD| functIon by pressIng the SHFT key whIle In the zoom
Use the mouse scroll wheel If present, to zoom In and out.
Use the FN0 button to fInd parts of a network.
Use the SA7E vIew functIon to recall prevIously saved vIews.

Note the mddle button 'pcn' cnd the mouse scroll wheel zoom ]uncton wll work
n cll tool bcr modes. Rotcton cnd Powerzoom wll only work n the ZDDM tool
bcr mode.
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5.5 PrIntIng Networks

PrInter Types
7entsIm should be capable of usIng most Laser and nkjet prInters, and other
prInters wIth graphIcs capabIlItIes. WIndows requIres the approprIate prInter
drIvers to use any prInter. 7entsIm can prInt on any sIze sheet up to A0.

PrIntIng the Network
PrIntIng the network Is avaIlable from the FLE PrInt menu. 7entsIm wIll prInt
whatever Is on the screen at the tIme (IncludIng J0 mode graphIcs) and wIll also
use sImIlar screen font sIzes and lIne wIdths for the prInter If possIble.

7entsIm InItIally defaults the prIntIng scale to the maxImum wIdth of the paper. f
the prInter supports Landscape prIntIng, the scale sIze can normally be Improved.
f a specIfIc scale Is requIred, sImply type In a new scale In the box provIded on the
prInt form. Femember the scale number can only ever be Increased from the
default scale sIze InItIally presented (otherwIse the prInt would be larger than the

PressIng the PrInter Setup button can change prInter setup and type. A problem
currently exIsts when changIng prInters (and sometImes sIzes) under WN0DWS NT
whIle In 7entsIm. ThIs can be worked around by changIng prInters and settIngs
outsIde of 7entsIm through the WIndows CDNTFDL PFNTEF PANEL.

Colour prIntIng Is avaIlable on colour prInters, but screen graphIc colours may not
match prInter colours on some prInters.

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5.6 TIps and TechnIques

Creatny a Successjul Network (notes jrom the author)

Network analysIs cannot solve all ventIlatIon problems, and It Is Important to
recognIse some of Its lImItatIons.

0esIgnIng a Network
t Is temptIng to put as much detaIl Into a network as possIble, belIevIng that more
detaIl means more accuracy In sImulatIon. ThIs Is rarely necessary and a smart
network wIll be constructed wIth the absolute mInImum detaIl requIred. ThIs
means that all unnecessary aIrways (such as bulkheaded off or unused aIrways)
should not be put In a network unless requIred for the sImulatIon.
Extra aIrways In a network wIll Increase the scope for errors, slow down sImulatIon
and vIewIng, and generally create a more complex, cluttered dIsplay.

Use 0XF ImportIng !
0XF ImportIng Is a great way to start a network of an exIstIng mIne, however care
should be taken not to create work by ImportIng too much data. Centre lInes of
survey or plannIng data for example can be Imported and used as a basIs for a
7entsIm network, however It Is lIkely that large amounts of unnecessary detaIl wIll
be Imported as well. A smarter way to do It Is to create a ventIlatIon 'skeleton'
whIle In the plannIng software that traces over Important parts of the network,
and then Import only the skeleton. ThIs wIll save you consIderable tIme In edItIng
the Imported data.

UsIng the Cost AnaIysIs FunctIons
The cost analysIs functIons avaIlable from 7entsIm (Ie the power cost, and energy
Loss data types) are useful for determInIng the economIcs of a network,
partIcularly In establIshIng raIse and drIve sIzes. The power cost of fans and fIxed
aIrways Is calculated by dIvIdIng the aIr power by the fan or default effIcIency. f
the fan effIcIency Is not avaIlable (for example the effIcIency curve has not been
entered) then the default 'aIr power effIcIency' (from the defaults menu) Is used.

When calculatIng economIc aIrways sIzes, It must be remembered that by
IncreasIng the sIze of a prImary aIrshaft to decrease pressure loss (and hence
energy loss) and Increase aIrflow, the Increased aIrflows wIll be dIstrIbuted
throughout the rest of the network. The net result for the network may be an
overall Increase In power costs, not a decrease ! To establIsh a true cost for a
PLANNE0 network, Instead of usIng fans on the prImary shafts, use FXE0
quantItIes. ThIs means IncreasIng sIzes of raIses and drIves wIll not Increase total
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aIrflow, but Instead show a true reflectIon of reduced costs. AnalysIng the FXE0
aIrways wIll IndIcate the type of fans requIred.

SeIectIng Fans
f the type of fan Is not currently present or known, then FXIng the quantIty In
aIrways that wIll have fans wIll have the same result. The advantage of thIs
method Is that the requIred pressure can be derIved from the NFD button, and
hence the exact type of fan selected by matchIng thIs pressure and quantIty to a
fan curve.

UsIng FIexIbIe or Vent 0uct wIth Fans
Although 7entsIm allows the user to sImulate fans and vent duct, the lImItatIons of
thIs method must be recognIsed. SImulatIng vent duct Into a blInd headIng wIll
actually requIre two aIrways, one wIth the vent duct characterIstIcs, and the other
returnIng aIrway wIth the development drIve characterIstIcs. Dn a network thIs
can be sImulated by constructIng two closely spaced aIrways doublIng back on each
other, eIther sIde by sIde, or on top of each other and separated by a change In

FlexIble vent bag also has a leakage factor that 7entsIm cannot sImulate. ThIs Is
partIcularly relevant If the duct Is old or damaged. The result Is that much of the
aIr leaks out the duct before exItIng the end, and hence a lower pressure buIld up
occurs wIthIn the duct. Steel, rIgId or brand new duct usually has less of a problem
In thIs regard, and can be sImulated more accurately. CautIon should be taken
when sImulatIng vent duct.

IncIIned LeveIs
7entsIm normally only allows horIzontal levels over a range of FL's, however what
can be done when the orebody may be shallow dIppIng, and each mIne level
follows the orebody (for example shallow dIppIng coal seams): n thIs case the FL's
between the mIne levels wIll probably overlap, makIng the normal level system
unusable. ThIs Is where LAYEFS can be used to group an InclIned.

- gnore the normal FL level system, and just have two (2) levels Surface and
Underground, where the underground level covers the full range of all mIne

- Now use the PrImary Layer functIon to group all aIrways on a partIcular mIne
horIzon onto the same PrImary Layer. Call thIs Layer an approprIate name.

- ContInue groupIng other mIne horIzons onto dIfferent PrImary Layers (a
maxImum of 16 are avaIlable)

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- FInally, save each vIew, where the dIfferent PrImary Layers have been swItched
on and off.

Now each mIne level can be selected from the recall vIew lIst, the same as normal
horIzontal levels would be recalled from the level lIst.

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6. Network Examles

Several network examles are ncluded wth the Ventsm royram. The jrst
examle below descrbes the method used n creatny the network jle

6.1 ExampIe 1

An underground mIne Is to be desIgned from near the base of an open pIt that Is
100m deep. A declIne wIll extend down some 140m below the pIt floor, travellIng
adjacent to a sub vertIcal orebody. Three drIllIng / productIon sub levels wIll
branch off the maIn declIne every 40 vertIcal metres, startIng at 60m below the pIt
floor. |aIn productIon wIll be from the bottom two levels. A ventIlatIon shaft
some 400m away (outsIde the pIt boundary) extends from the mIne base to the
surface, connectIng all sub levels. An exhaust fan on the shaft wIll need to pull
150mJ/s to supply the mInes productIon needs. Fresh aIr Is supplIed to the mIne
vIa the maIn declIne.

1. Conceptually desIgn a mIne ventIlatIon network IncorporatIng the three sImple
sub levels. Ensure aIr Is supplIed equally to each level.

2. 0ue to power restrIctIons, maIn exhaust fan power must not exceed 200kW.
What dIameter shaft should be mIned :

J. Emergency plans requIre stench gas to be delIvered from the declIne portal to
all parts of the mIne. What Is the maxImum tIme for the stench gas to be
delIvered to all areas of the mIne.

Suggested Steps

1. Construct an FL database wIth a surface level from 0 to 100 and subsequent FL
levels 160, 200, and 240.

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2. 0raw In a declIne from the surface (at 100) wIth nodes placed at every sub
level to allow the breakoffs to be establIshed. Two ways are recommended to
draw horIzontal aIrways between levels. EIther use the FCHT mouse button to
draw whIle In PLAN vIew thIs wIll allow the FL to be manually selected from a
drop down lIst DF use the arrow keys (up or down) to step between levels whIle
drawIng the aIrway wIth the LEFT mouse button.

J. The base sublevel should be drawn across to the shaft locatIon. To create the
shaft, sImply clIck on the connectIng horIzontal aIrway wIth the FCHT mouse
button, and manually select the surface FL to connect the shaft to the surface.
The remaInIng sublevels can be joIned Into the shaft at a later date.

4. A quIck way to joIn the other sub levels Into the vertIcal vent shaft Is to clIck
on 'ALL LE7ELS' to dIsplay all levels of the mIne, and spIn the network Into a
cross sectIon vIew wIth the rotatIon button. Then sImply connect the
approprIate sublevel drIve across to the shaft (the sublevel drIve wIll be
'break' Into the shaft)

5. Dnce a rudImentary network Is created, aIrway characterIstIcs (sIze etc) can be
establIshed. f a group of aIrways have the same characterIstIcs, sImply E0T
one aIrway to the correct value, and use the CDPY/PASTE tool bar button, use
the FCHT mouse button on the aIrway to copy those attrIbutes, and then use
the LEFT mouse button the paste those attrIbutes to other aIrways.

6. The type of fan requIred Is not known at thIs stage, so E0T the aIrway, and fIx
the aIrflow to the requIred 150mJ/s. Set the shaft to FDUN0 2.4m dIameter.

7. S|ULATE the network, correctIng any errors that arIse. AIrflows should be
dIstrIbuted through the entIre network. To even out the aIrflows between
levels (the top level wIll naturally draw more aIr), regulators (resIstance values)
wIll have to be placed on the upper sublevel shaft accesses. ThIs wIll force
more aIr to the lower levels. FesImulate and contInue to adjust untIl aIrflows
are approxImately correct.

8. To ensure exhaust shaft power consumptIon Is not excessIve, use the NFD tool
bar button on the FXE0 shaft. The estImated power consumptIon of the FX
can be reduced If necessary by adjustIng the shaft dIameter and resImulatIng.
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9. Stench gas dIstrIbutIon can be sImulated by placIng a contamInant source (the
smoke tool bar button) on the declIne access aIrway. SImulate usIng the CAS
button to dIstrIbute the stench gas. SwItch the data dIsplay to 'T|E' to dIsplay
tIme for gases to be dIstrIbuted. 0IstrIbutIon of stench gas can be anImated by
usIng the scroll bar on the LECEN0 box.

A possIble solutIon to thIs example.
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6.2 EXAhPLE 2

A skeleton network has been created In a mIne plannIng package by tracIng over
the exIstIng and planned development, and exportIng the fIle as a 0XF format fIle.
mport thIs fIle Into 7entsIm and adjust It to create a workable network. Note that
the declIne Is 5.5m x 5.5m, the sub level drIves are 4.0m x 5.0m and the
ventIlatIon shafts are 2.4m dIameter.

1. Create an FL database that separates the mIne Into each sublevel. Create a
FL that also dIsplays the entIre mIne.

2. Create three PF|AFY Layers, and set the 0ECLNE, SU8LE7EL and SHAFT
aIrways to these Layers.

J. 0IvIde the mIne Into fresh E exhaust aIr wIth the 0ECLNE carryIng fresh aIr,
and the SHAFT and the upper sub level carryIng exhaust.

4. Create some saved vIews showIng
the whole mIne wIth exhaust and fresh aIr showIng.
the declIne by Itself.
the two upper sublevels and correspondIng shafts.

Suggested Steps

1. nItIally set the default aIrway sIzes (In the TDDLS DPTDNS 0EFAULTS
menu) to 4.0 x 5.0m and 2.4m dIameter respectIvely. ThIs wIll set all Imported
0XF aIrways to these defaults sIzes, and therefore the majorIty of aIrways wIll
not need to be adjusted after ImportIng.

2. |PDFT the 0XF fIle Into 7entsIm. 0o not select 'automatIc level creatIon'.
Select the upper aIrway to be the SUFFACE FL.

J. Create an FL database wIth the FL |N E |AX coverIng each sublevel range.

4. Create the Layers and enter three names Into the PF|AFY Layer screen. Set
the actIve LAYEF to the 0ECLNE.
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5. Select the 0SPLAY optIons button and set It to dIsplay FFESH/EXHAUST aIrways.

6. EdIt a declIne aIrway and set the approprIate parameters (such as aIrway
dImensIons, wall type and fresh aIr).

7. To set all the other declIne aIrways to the same parameter ETHEF

1. Use the SELECT button to group all the declIne aIrways together (once
clIcked they wIll turn WHTE) and the clIck E0T onto a selected aIrway.
ClIck and change all desIred parameters (drIve sIze, wall types, layers and
fresh aIr optIons) and press DK. All selected aIrways wIll be changed to
these settIngs

2. Select the menu Item E0T / CDPY/PASTE DPTDNS. Select the drIve sIze,
wall type, prImary Layer and exhaust/fresh level optIons. ThIs wIll ensure
only these parameters are copIed to new aIrways. Choose the CDPY/PASTE
tool bar button, and FCHT clIck on the adjusted aIrway to copy these
attrIbutes. Use the LEFT mouse button to copy these parameters to other
declIne aIrways.

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8. All other aIrways should already be the correct sIze. To set the Layers, set the
PF|AFY LAYEF from the LAYEF menu to SU8LE7EL, and then select the LAYEF
tool bar button, usIng the LEFT mouse button to set the 'sublevel' aIrway
Layers. 0o the same wIth the SHAFT Layers.

9. To set the remaInIng EXHAUST and FFESH aIrways, agaIn set the CDPY/PASTE
optIons and just select the FFESH/EXHAUST optIon. FCHT clIck on a FFESH
aIrway to copy thIs attrIbute then LEFT clIck on other fresh aIr aIrways. E0T
an aIrway and change It to EXHAUST. AgaIn select the CDPY/PASTE button and
FCHT clIck on thIs aIrway. LEFT clIck on all other exhaust aIrways.

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The fInaI 0XF Import resuIt
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Page 82


Ventsm 0ata Tyes

\entsm cllows the user to dsplcy c lcrye number o] d]]erent types o] dctc.
Althouyh the prmcry ]uncton o] network cnclyss s smulcton o] cr ]low
qucnttes, \entsm ccn clso dsplcy mcny other knds o] dctc, to cssst the user.

0Isplays the quantIty flows along all aIrways In the vIew port.

Pressure Loss
0Isplay pressure loss due to aIrway resIstance along all aIrways In the vIew port.
Fan and fIx pressures are Ignored and can be vIewed under Pressure 8oost.

Pressure oost
0Isplays pressure boost that Is provIded to an aIrway by a fan or fIx. f a fan or fIx
Is not present, no value Is dIsplayed. FIx quantItIes that retard aIrflow wIll be
shown as a negatIve pressure boost.

Pressure Load
Pressure load Is defIned as the 'weIght' that the pressure loss applIes across an
aIrway resIstance. t Is calculated from and proportIonal to the aIrway area. ThIs
Is normally useful for aIrways wIth defIned resIstances, whereby the weIght of aIr
on a vent door (for example) can be shown. AIrways wIth fans or fIxes are shown
as a negatIve pressure load, as the load In these cases Is applIed In the opposIte
dIrectIon to aIrflow.

0Isplay resIstances along all aIrways In the vIew wIndow.

FrIctIon FactIon
AtkInson's FrIctIon Factor, whIch descrIbes the roughness or unevenness of a wall.

Shock Factor
A value whIch approxImates the pressure loss effect of sudden changes to aIrflow
dIrectIon or turbulence. The value takes the form of a length, whIch Is added to
the length of the aIrway, thereby IncreasIng the aIrway resIstance.

ranch Number
0Isplays the number of the aIrway In the Internal network database. WhIle thIs Is
not normally useful, It may be handy to track down branches wIth errors. The
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Page 83

numberIng order of the branches Is from bottom rIght corner to upper left, bottom
FL to top FL. Note that thIs numberIng system Is dynamIc, and aIrway numbers
wIll change when added or removed.

AIrway SIzes
0Isplays the sIze attrIbutes of the aIrway on screen. 0rIves are shown as (eg.)
4mx4m whIle raIses are shown as (eg.) 0Iam1.8m.

AIr VeIocIty
0Isplays the average velocIty of aIr along all aIrways on screen. The velocIty Is
calculated from the sImulated quantItIes dIvIded by the cross sectIonal areas.

AnnuaI Energy Loss
ThIs represents the amount In dollars (S) It costs to dIstrIbute aIrflow through
IndIvIdual aIrways. ThIs Is calculated from the pressure drops through aIrflows,
whIch Is a functIon of the aIrway flow and resIstance. Actual power Inputs (eg fans
and fIxes) are Ignored as the costs from these are dIstrIbuted throughout the whole
These fIgures are useful for determInIng economIc aIrway sIzes, and easIly show
whIch parts of the network system are most expensIve to cIrculate aIr through (
and where the majorIty of savIngs could be made If aIrway resIstances were to be

AnnuaI Power Cost
The dIrect power costs requIred to run IndIvIdual aIrways wIth power Inputs (eg
fans and fIxes). Note only these aIrways wIll have data dIsplayed.

Two numbers statIng the PrImary and Secondary Level numbers upon whIch the
aIrway Is located on. PrImary levels can range from 1 to 16, and secondary levels
can range from 1 to 48.

Layer Names
SImIlar to Layers, however the full Layer Name wIll be shown Instead of the
number. ThIs may make for a cluttered dIsplay.

0Isplay the coordInates (In the format X , Y , FL) of all nodes dIsplayed on the

Node Pressures
0Isplay the pressures at each node. Three type of node pressure can be dIsplayed.
They are :

FelatIve shows the pressure (In Pa) of nodes relatIve to surface pressure.

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AtmospherIc show the pressure (In kPa) of nodes, based on the surface
absolute pressure, but wIth no effect from barometrIc pressure.

8arometrIc as wIth AtmospherIc, but wIth pressure adjustments due to node
depth below surface.

Note that the surface FL can be fIxed to a certaIn pressure by selectIng 0EFAULT
S|ULATDN and changIng the value.

Df most use wIll usually be the relatIve or atmospherIc node pressures. As aIrflow
always flows from hIgher to lower pressure areas, the user can see whIch way aIr
would flow between unconnected nodes.

Two types of data can be shown :
ConcentratIon of contamInants, relatIve to orIgInal source levels.
TIme It has taken for each branch to be InItIally contamInated from start of

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AIrway An sectIon of underground tunnel defIned by two end poInts.

ranch An aIrway

TXT TA8 Separated 7alue a text fIle format used by 7entsIm when savIng fIles.
ThIs format can also be read Into Spreadsheets, Word Processors and databases.

0atabase An ordered collectIon of InformatIon or data. 7entsIm uses a fan
database and a level database to keep track of InformatIon such InformatIon.

0XF 0rawIng Exchange Format An Autocad graphIcs fIle format that can be
Imported and exported by most CA0 and |InIng Software packages. 7entsIm can
also Import or export data In thIs format.

EndpoInt l Start poInt The start or end of an aIrway, defIned by an x, y and z
coordInate, whIch gIves Its posItIon In space In three dImensIons.

FrIctIon cost same as frIctIon power, wIth the kIlowatt value converted to a
dollar cost per annum, based on the default power cost.

FrIctIon factor or k factor AtkInson's frIctIon factor, descrIbIng the
roughness or unevenness of a wall. t dIrectly affects the resIstance of an aIrway.

FrIctIon Ioss a component of pressure drop along an aIrway caused by the
aIrway resIstance.

FrIctIon power derIved from the frIctIon loss, thIs estImates (In kIlowatts), the
amount of energy lost due to the resIstance of an aIrway on the aIrflow.

Hardy-Cross hethod The sImulatIon method used by 7entsIm to perform the
calculatIon of aIrflows In a network. t uses an IteratIve estImatIon method that
adjusts the aIrflows through a network untIl the estImatIon errors lIe wIthIn
acceptable lImIts.

JunctIon node a poInt defInIng where two or more aIrway ends share the same
posItIon. AIrflow at thIs poInt can splIt or joIn, dependIng on aIrflow dIrectIon.

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Load (Pressure) an estImatIon In kIlograms, of how much load or weIght an
aIrway pressure loss would develop across a resIstance. t Is often used for
determInIng load on a vent door or bulkhead and Is calculated by the pressure loss
tImes by the drIve or resIstance area..

Node a poInt defInIng the end or junctIon of an aIrway(s)

Pan the actIon of slIdIng the network graphIcs to a new screen posItIon by usIng
the rIght mouse button.

Pressure drop The loss of aIr pressure along a length of aIrway due to frIctIon
loss, fans, fIxed pressures or fIxed quantItIes etc.

PesIstance a value descrIbIng the dIffIculty aIr wIll have movIng down an
aIrway. t Is derIved from a combInatIon of aIrway sIze, frIctIon factor, length,
shock losses and aIr densIty.

Shock Ioss a factor that estImates the effect a change In drIve dIrectIon or sIze
has on aIrflow. Any such change wIll Increase turbulence In an aIrflow, and hence
develop energy losses that can be equated to an Increase In aIrway resIstance.
7entsIm uses shock loss as an extra length added on to the orIgInal drIve length (Ie
the hIgher the shock loss, the greater the equIvalent length), whIch In turn
Increases the overall aIrway resIstance.

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What's new n Ventsm

VersIon V3.
FIle note functIon Improved to stay on top.
New SA7E |ASTEF functIon.
New functIon under the E0T menu FN0 8Y LST.
Copy and PastIng In spreadsheets upgraded.
Convergence trouble shootIng routIne and menu changed.
Auto namIng of aIrways and nodes Improved.
Smoke and contamInant algorIthms Improved.
FInd fIxed dIrectIon functIon added to E0T FN0 menu.
ContamInant spread lImIts are no longer restrIcted In very long networks.
Pop up Info box (rIght mouse button) moves to fIt screen
|axImum resIstance changed from 1,000,000 to 1,000,000,000
New graphIcs subsystem allows smoother rotatIon
AIrways can be drawn In crosssectIon vIew as well as plan E J0 vIew
|ove command can now copy whole groups of aIrways by fencIng or select the
aIrways and FCHT clIck movIng them.
mproved Import functIons
CDNS now used for fIxed aIrways wIth a 8DDST effect (green) or a regulator
effect (FE0)
Nodes now dIsplayed at end of all aIrways.
UnIt dIsplay accuracy (eg flow 2J.446 or just 2J) can now be adjusted through
the DPTDN menu
7Iew FDTATDN vIa the rotate button wIll now contInuously rotate by pressIng
the FCHT mouse button.

VentsIm V3.8
Croup select functIon allows edIt, delete, move, reverse on multIple aIrways
nternatIonal settIngs fIxed for some European countrIes
0efault network sIze Increased to J0,000 aIrways no need to resIze defaults In
ncrease memory capacIty for large meshes In mInes sometImes a problem
wIth coal mInes
ncreased dIsplay update speeds wIth very large networks

VentsIm V3.7
Autosave optIon avaIlable to perIodIcally backup save your workIng fIle
nclusIon of smoke sourcIng sImulatIon (kIndly sponsored by UnIversIty of

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VentsIm V3.5
Expanded grId to 10,000,000
FedesIgned menu buttons
Updated documentatIon and help fIle
AIrway numbers are now retaIned and wIll not dynamIcally change as the
network Is modIfIed.

VentsIm V3.4
|enu changes IncludIng new optIons menu.
FInd functIon enhanced wIth more optIons
Follow button to track aIrway flows. Layer button Is now removed (use the
CDPY/PASTE functIon to change layers.
|Iscellaneous bug fIxes cleaned up

VentsIm V3.3
Keyboard FUNCTDN key shortcuts for commonly used tools.
Pressure dIsplayed wIth more accuracy. Accuracy can be defIned In
|Iscellaneous bug fIxes cleaned up

7entsIm 7J.2
AIrway areas may be entered Instead of aIrway dImensIons.
AddItIonal shock loss and orIfIce calculatIon assIstance In E0T mode.
Network may be rotated In the 7Iew mode by pressIng both mouse buttons.
Nodes may be deleted so the two connectIng aIrways are joIned.
UnIts may be dIsplayed In S |etrIc or 8rItIsh.
E0T mode box sImplIfIed, partIcularly In fIxIng values.
TAC levels are now called LAYEFS and menus changed accordIngly.
ExperImental perspectIve optIon Included under 0EFAULTS menu.

VentsIm V3.1
FecompIled for Improved performance and compatIbIlIty
0ouble mouse button rotatIon functIon In 7Iew mode
8ug fIx to very large network problem

VentsIm V3.0
|ultI WIndow system
SImplIfIed |enu System
AddItIonal coal mIne support, wIth Improved contamInant sImulatIon

VentsIm V2.8
A fully featured undo and redo functIon.
A major revIsIon to the user Interface and drawIng functIons. AIrways can now
be drawn to joIn and exIt other aIrways wIthout a node beIng present.
AIrways no longer requIre the centre of the lIne to be selected. tems such as
88H's, fans and smoke can now also be placed at any poInt along an aIrway.
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Preset resIstances are added to the underlyIng aIrway resIstance, Instead of
replacIng It.
A PDWEF ZDD| functIon allow dynamIc scalIng of the screen by pressIng the
SHFT key.
The J0 mode now allows aIrways to be drawn or moved anywhere throughout
the screen wIthout resortIng the manual entry.
CraphIcal symbols used for nodes, fans, 88Hs etc.
ScalIng of text and graphIcs accordIng to screen scale.

VentsIm V2.6
Spreadsheet edItIng functIon for aIrways.
AddItIon of several new tool buttons for commonly used functIons.
TIme sImulatIon anImatIon for contamInant sImulatIon.
mprovements made to edItIng, constructIng, movIng and vIewIng networks.
FloatIng text Independent of aIrway locatIons.
Support for InternatIonal decImal conventIons

VentsIm V2.5

The fIrst WIndows 95/NT versIon of 7entsIm. ThIs versIon runs around 800
faster than versIon 2.4.
The large format prIntIng has been fIxed.
mproved 0XF exportIng

VentsIm V2.4
mport/Export 0XF format fIles (from CA0 or PlannIng packages) In 0DS or UNX
Node pressures In relatIve, atmospherIc and barometrIc form.
Save screen to 8|P fIle format for edItIng/dIsplayIng wIth a paInt package
TIme sImulatIon for contamInants shows tIme taken for contamInant to travel
through network
mproved InformatIon dIsplay for branches
PrInt functIon on most major forms (Ie NFD, SU||AFY, FAN 0ATA etc)
Total pressure sImulatIon on fans for Improved power and costIng estImates
mproved J0 movIng of branch ends
8ug fIx for number of fans calculatIon
8ug fIx In frIctIon factors/aIr densIty, that wIll automatIcally adjust FrIctIon
Factors In network before 2.4 to correct values. ExIstIng sImulatIons should not
change sIgnIfIcantly.

VentsIm V2.3
mproved SETUP InstallatIon utIlIty for new, updates or network InstallatIon.
Can be run from floppy dIsk wIthout InstallIng If requIred.
mproved general stabIlIty.
mproved FCHT mouse button coordInate entry wIth selectIon lIst. SImply clIck
the rIght mouse button on a node and enter the end coordInates.
FIre sImulatIon legend now retaIned once modIfIed.
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Page 90

VentsIm V2.2
Fresh AIr / Exhaust AIr aIrway colourIng and dIsplay optIons.
Selectable Copy / Paste attrIbutes Improved copyIng and pastIng, now
IncludIng Layer Level copy/paste and Fresh/Exhaust aIr copy/paste.
SavIng of vIew optIons wIth FIle Save and 7Iew Save.
ContamInant sImulatIons have been made a lIttle easIer. A CAS sImulatIon
button has been added to the tool bar for automatIc contamInant sImulatIon.
ContamInant sources of strength 100 () can be automatIcally added by pressIng
the rIght mouse button.
The rotatIon centre button has been moved to the centre of the FotatIon

VentsIm V2.1
|Inor correctIons to the Feload 0efaults functIon.
ncreased InformatIon under the NFD button.
|ore dIsplayable data types.
ncrease of USEF 0EFNE0 resIstances from 10 to 50.
AddItIon of effIcIency curves to fans, for more accurate sImulatIon and costIng.

VentsIm V2.0
7entsIm 2.0 has many new features to gIve users greater flexIbIlIty and power.
Some of the more major features Include:
Easy to use J0 rotatIon, vIewIng and edItIng.
Layers for groupIng and vIewIng IndIvIdual sectIons of networks.
Fence functIons for fast deletIng, movIng and pastIng attrIbutes.
Larger coordInate system up to 0 to 1,000,000 In X and Y dIrectIons, and up to
90,000 to 90,000 In FL range.
Save vIew functIon for Instant vIewIng of parts of a network.
|ultIple or selected level vIewIng.
7Iew pannIng usIng the mouse 'grab and slIde' feature.

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