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Transformer measurement system TMS 580

Instruction manual


Version 2.3

General operation 1
General operation 3
Standard elements, terminology .......................................................................................... 3
Test........................................................................................................................ 3
Measurement type ................................................................................................. 3
Operation from the keyboard............................................................................................... 4
Important key functions ........................................................................................ 4
Operation with the mouse.................................................................................................... 4
Measurement ......................................................................................................... 6
Report.................................................................................................................... 6
Calculation under various standards 7
No-load measurement.......................................................................................................... 7
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90.......................................................................................... 7
DIN/VDE 0512 ..................................................................................................... 7
Calculation of no-load current in percentage ........................................................ 8
IEC 76-1/1993....................................................................................................... 8
Optional temperature correction............................................................................ 8
Load loss measurement ....................................................................................................... 9
ANSI / IEEE, DIN / VDE, IEC............................................................................. 9
Material definitions ........................................................................................................... 12
Conductor material file: TMS.MAT ................................................................... 12
Core material file: TMS.COR............................................................................. 13
Getting started 15
System Configuration........................................................................................................ 15
Hardware............................................................................................................. 15
Voltage Channel.................................................................................................. 16
Current Channel .................................................................................................. 16
Ranging ............................................................................................................... 16
Measurement (OUT-related) 17
OUT-related means: .......................................................................................................... 17
Welcome screen................................................................................................................. 18
Test .................................................................................................................................... 19
Setting up a new test............................................................................................ 19
Loading an existing test....................................................................................... 21
Inputting order data............................................................................................. 21
Inputting transformer data................................................................................... 23
Inputting tap data................................................................................................. 26
Inputting global documentation........................................................................... 32
History (viewing database).................................................................................. 33
Measurement types............................................................................................................ 34
Selfcheck............................................................................................................. 34
Wattmeter............................................................................................................ 36
Induced voltage test............................................................................................. 39
No-load measurement ......................................................................................... 43
Load loss measurement ....................................................................................... 47
2 General operation
Zero-sequence measurement ............................................................................... 52
Heat run............................................................................................................... 56
Measurement (measurement related) 61
measurement related means : ................................................................................... 61
Test .................................................................................................................................... 61
Inputting transformer data............................................................................... 61
Induced voltage test ......................................................................................... 64
No-load measurement ..................................................................................... 68
Load loss measurement .................................................................................. 75
Zero-sequence measurement......................................................................... 82
Heat run............................................................................................................... 88
Test report 93
Display test report ........................................................................................................... 93
Modify test report template............................................................................................ 93
CSV Data 95
Export to CSV.................................................................................................................. 95
Import from CSV............................................................................................................. 95
Help 96
General .............................................................................................................................. 96
Starting the help function............................................................................................... 96
Dangers and Safety Notes (English) 97
General Notes .................................................................................................................... 97
Dangers when Working on the Control Desk.................................................................... 97
Safety Precautions when Working with High Voltage ...................................................... 98
Dangers of the High Voltage System................................................................................ 98
Gefahren- und Sicherheitshinweise (German) 99
Allgemeine Hinweise ........................................................................................................ 99
Gefahren beim Arbeiten am Steuerpult ............................................................................. 99
Sicherheitsvorkehrungen beim Arbeiten mit Hochspannung .......................................... 100
Gefahren der Hochspannungsanlage ............................................................................... 100
Dangers et indications de scurit (French) 102
Indications gnrales ....................................................................................................... 102
Dangers lors de travaux au niveau du pupitre de commande .......................................... 102
Prcautions de scurit lors de travaux sous haute tension.............................................. 103
Dangers de linstallation haute tension......................................................................... 104
Index 105

General operation 3
General operation
Standard elements, terminology

The word test denotes the complete testing of a transformer. The test consists of data from all
measurement types (measurements, documentation), the transformer definitions, and the global
documentation data.
All data are stored in XML format and can be printed out as a final test report after the test is completed.
A test can be performed in either of two modes:
Object under test variant
Here the first step is to input all data on the object under test (OUT), that is, describe the transformer in
full. When performing a measurement, only the current transformer configuration need be specified; the
system accesses the predefined data. These data, however, cannot be modified during the measurement
This mode is suitable for ordinary single-phase and three-phase OUTs having up to six independent
windings with arbitrarily many taps. This is accordingly the test type for fully normal transformers.
Measurement variant
This second mode is left as open as possible. Instead of defining the transformer, individual
measurement configurations are predefined and measurements are then performed on the basis of these.
Information about winding nomenclature, tap selection and ratings must be input as running text here,
since the system does not recognize the transformer being measured. As a result, the test is quite
versatile though somewhat more costly.
This mode is particularly suitable for autotransformers, but also for all other applications where the
transformer does not fit into the object under test scheme (more than six windings, etc.).
Measurement type
Measurement types are the several applications supported by the TMS 580 system:

Induced voltage test
No-load measurement
Load loss measurement
Zero-sequence measurement
4 General operation
Heat run
And in addition:
Wattmeter (visualization of wattmeter measurements for quick inspection)

Operation from the keyboard
Important key functions
F1 (function key)
Pressing <F1> opens the help for the currently selected menu item or dialog element.
F10 (function key)
Pressing <F10> activates the menu. A menu item can be selected with the arrow and <Enter> keys.
Other key assignments
A menu item can also be selected by simultaneously pressing <Alt> and a letter shown underlined in the
<Enter> key
Pressing the <Enter> key causes an action to be carried out or confirms an input.
<Esc> key
The <Esc> key can be pressed to cancel an action or cancel an input.
<Tab> key
In a dialog, <Tab> causes a jump to the next element. Pressing <Shift> and <Tab> selects the preceding
Arrow keys
Depending on what element is active, these keys may be used to select an item.
Operation with the mouse
The entire system can be operated with the mouse.
Only the left mouse button is active. To activate the element under the mouse pointer, click the left mouse
button once.
To mark input text, hold down the left button and move the mouse pointer over the desired text. All text
input boxes can also be marked by double clicking.
General operation 5


Without fail, read chapter Dangers and Safety Directives before switching
on your system.


The system must be operated by trained personnel only.

6 General operation

The measurement is a data record representing an individual measurement of one measurement type.
For example, the measurement type no-load measurement involves performing and storing 20 individual
measurements with various voltages, taps, etc.
The report is a list of all definitions, settings, inputs and measurements. Report creation and printing are
done by the report generator, which is based on 'XML converted to HTML'. The form for the test report
(layout, title, etc.) is prepared by Haefely Test AG. This form can also be modified or adapted (provided
the user is familiar with XML, XSL!).

Calculation under various standards 7
Calculation under various
No-load measurement
ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90
The power is corrected with the formula:


P 1 P
2 1

P measured no-load power
corrected no-load power
effective value of measured voltage
average value of measured voltage

is a value depending on the material, the frequency, and the inductance. It is read in from the file
DIN/VDE 0512
The power is corrected with the formula:

P 1 P
2 1

P corrected no-load power
measured no-load power
effective value of measured voltage
average value of measured voltage

is a value depending on the material, the frequency, and the inductance. It is read in from the file
8 Calculation under various standards

Calculation of no-load current in percentage
The no-load current is calculated for the supplying winding in the real application (HV) even if it is
measured on XV, YV or TV winding :
I 100%

no-load current in percentage
rated current of measured winding
measured current
rated app. power of supplying winding in the real
application (HV)
rated app. power of measured winding
IEC 76-1/1993
The power is corrected with the formula:

P P (1 d) P 1
m m
= + = +

P measured no-load power
corrected no-load power
effective value of measured voltage
average value of measured voltage

This formula can be used only if U
and U
are equal within 3%. If this condition is not satisfied,
the TMS issues an appropriate warning message when a measurement is stored.
Optional temperature correction
Optionally, the no-load loss power can be corrected to the rated temperature of the transformer:

( )
( ) ( )
P P 1 k T T 10
C a

no-load power corrected for temperature
k temperature coefficient
T standard temperature
temperature of no-load measurement

Here k is a value that depends on the material, the frequency, and the inductance. It is read in from the
file TMS.COR.
Calculation under various standards 9

Load loss measurement
Step 1: Relate to rated current



load-loss power reduced to rated current
measured load-loss power
rated current of the winding being fed
measured short-circuit current
short-circuit voltage reduced to rated current
measured short-circuit voltage
If there is a Reduced power winding system selected, all rated currents are related to the reduced power
of the short-circuited winding(s) : (used in Step1 .. Step3 )


related rated current
rated current
app. power ( short-circuited winding(s) )
app. power ( supplying winding )

Step 2: Convert short-circuit voltage to percent


cgn short-circuit voltage as percent of rated voltage
cgn short-circuit voltage related to rated current
sp rated voltage of the winding being fed

10 Calculation under various standards

Step 3: Calculate ohmic losses at T

1-Phase transformator:
N g

3-Phase transformator:
act act


Y, Z:
R , I = I
act act N


Yn, Zn:
R , I = I
act act N


R , I =
act act


R , I =
act act


ohmic losses at T

temperature of resistance
n all current-carrying windings
active current in the winding
rated current of the winding
resistance in the winding
measured resistance at T

Step 4: Correct ohmic losses to T

T.C. R. T
T.C.R. T

ohmic losses at T

temperature of short-circuit measurement
temperature of resistance measurement
T.C.R. temperature coefficient of resistance

The temperature coefficient of resistance depends on the conductor material chosen and is read from the
file TMS.MAT.
Step 5: Subtract losses at T


additional losses at T

Calculation under various standards 11

Step 6: Correct to standard temperature T
(according to IEC, T
= 75C)

g c
st c
Tst Tst
ohm ch add
P P P =

Tst Tst Tst
add ohm ch
P P P + =
( ) (

+ =
Tg Tst
add ohm
ohmic losses at T

additional losses at T

standard temperature
calculated load losses at Tst
Temperature coeffitient
235 IEC Copper
234.5 Ansi Copper
225 Aluminium

Step 7: Calculation of R
, -Z
and -X

1-Phase transformator:
N ccgn
N ccgn


2 2
k k
R Z =

At standard temperature:


k kTst
X X =

2 2
kTst kTst
X R + =

load-loss power reduced to rated current
calculated load losses at Tst
rated power of the winding
rated voltage of the winding
rated current of the winding
short-circuit voltage related to rated current
short-circuit Current related to rated current
short-circuit impedance
short-circuit reactance
short-circuit resistance

short-circuit impedance at Tst
short-circuit reactance at Tst
short-circuit resistance at Tst

12 Calculation under various standards
Material definitions
The various material constants are stored in two files.
Conductor material file: TMS.MAT
This file contains the temperature coefficients of resistance for various conductor materials. If necessary,
this file can be worked on in any editor.
The first line (title line) must not be changed. It contains the field names that the TMS program uses.
Starting with the second line, conductor materials and their resistance values can be input. One line must
always be input for each material. The first value in the line contains the text that is to appear in the
programs menu. The second value is the temperature coefficient of resistance. It must be input in a
numerical format. A point . must be used as the decimal point. Each item must be followed by a
semicolon ;. There must be no spaces between items.
The temperature coefficient is always stated in terms of degrees Celsius! If other temperature units (F or
K) are used in the program, the T.C.R. values are internally converted to C by the software.

Example of a file:

Calculation under various standards 13
Core material file: TMS.COR
This file contains two values for use in no-load loss measurements:
P1 form factor correction
k optional temperature correction
These two quantities depend on the core material, frequency, and inductance. The values used by the
program are calculated from a plotted curve for the material. This file contains sampled points from this
curve in tabular form. Each line defines one point on the curve. Values between these points are linearly
interpolated by the TMS. Values beyond the curve are automatically taken as
P1 = 0.5
k = 1
If necessary, this file can be worked on in any editor. The first line (title line) must not be changed. It
contains the field names that the TMS program uses.
Starting with the second line, core materials, rated frequencies, inductances, P1 and k can be input. The
first value in the line contains the text that is to appear in the programs menu. The second value contains
the rated frequency; the third, the rated inductance; the fourth, the value for P1; and the fifth, the value for
k. Numbers must be input in a numerical format with a point . for the decimal delimiter. Every item must
be followed by a semicolon ;.

Example of a file:

First line
Values for standard material at 50 Hz

Values for standard material at 60 Hz
Values for standard material at 16-2/3
Values for XY plate at 50 Hz

Getting started 15
Getting started
System Configuration
The software can be started up with several different start options. The option is to be added to the
command line of the program start:
The options depend on the hardware configuratio of the TMS System and only make sense if the suitable
hardware is available.

Radiobutton Standard: System fully equipped with current and voltage channels.
Radiobutton Ilight: Now current channels are available. Just one current overflow channel.
Radiobutton Ulight: Now voltage channels are available. Just one voltage overflow channel.
Radiobutton Raduced: Now channels at all. Only the Wattmeter is available.
16 Getting started

Voltage Channel
100 V 100 kV: 100 kV version
100 V 200 kV : 200 kV Version

Current Channel
1 A 2000 A : 2 kA Version
2 A 4000 A : 4 kA Version

One Phase only: The system works in single phase mode. Only phase A is active
With calibrator: System with built in Calibrator.
Zero Resistances Allowed: The Systen accepts 0 values for coil resistances.

The Ranging of the Norma Wattmeter can be set to automatic ranging or to a fixed range.

Measurement (OUT-related) 17
Measurement (OUT-related)
OUT-related means:
Here the first step is to input all data on the object under test (OUT), that is, describe the transformer in
full. When performing a measurement, only the current transformer configuration need be specified; the
system accesses the predefined data. These data, however, cannot be modified during the measurement
This mode is suitable for ordinary single-phase and three-phase OUTs having up to six independent
windings with arbitrarily many steps. This is accordingly the test type for fully normal transformers.
18 Measurement (OUT-related)

Welcome screen
After the computer is turned on, Microsoft Windows and the TMS program are loaded automatically.
At the end of the boot procedure, the welcome screen appears. This is closed by the Close button. The
main screen comes up next.

This screen is divided into three regions:
Test preparation:
All prepared test data for the order and the transformer are input in this area together
with global documentation text.
Measurement applications:
All tests (measurement applications) are performed in this section.
This part of the screen is for creation, viewing and printing of the test report.

Measurement (OUT-related) 19

Before measurements can be performed with the TMS, a test must be initialized. This is done either by
setting up a new test or loading an existing test.
Only the selfcheck and the wattmeter visualization can be executed without initializing a test.
Setting up a new test

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item New Test in the menu.

The following dialog box appears:

In the directory Listbox the directory to store the Test can be selected and under Test Name: a new test
name can be entered. A test is stored in a dedicated directory with the test name.
20 Measurement (OUT-related)

Pressing the OK Button confirms the selection and closes the Dialog. Then a little Dialog asks whether
the data of an existing Test should be used as template or not.

To chose the test from hwere the data shall be taken over a new Dialog will be opened where the test and
the sections to take over selected can be selected.

Measurement (OUT-related) 21
Loading an existing test

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Test, open in the menu.

The following dialog box appears:

The desired test can be selected with the mouse or the arrow keys. After confirming with the OK button,
all data are loaded and the test can be resumed.

Inputting order data
After a test has been initialized, the order data can be input.

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Test, order data in the menu.

22 Measurement (OUT-related)
The following dialog box appears:

There are 18 input boxes and one running-text box available for the order data. The first five boxes have
standard names, but all names can be changed by clicking on the field name with the mouse and editing
the text.
Unused boxes (. . . :) are later suppressed in the test report.
In addition to the input box texts, a continuous text can be input in the Note box.
Measurement (OUT-related) 23
Inputting transformer data
Now the transformer data are input.

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Test, transformer data in
the menu.

The following dialog box appears:

The No radio button must be activated in the field named Measurementbased definition. This means
that you are performing a test in the OUT-related mode.
If Yes is activated, you are performing a test in the measurement-related mode. See the chapter titled
Measurement (measurement related).
In the second field, all transformer-specific data are input:
Popup box Frequency
The rated frequency applicable to the transformer is selected in this box. Frequency-dependent constants
are stored in the file TMS.COR and can be supplemented or modified if necessary.
24 Measurement (OUT-related)

Popup box Standard
The standard applicable to the transformer is selected in this box. The calculation method used depends
on this setting, for example conversion of no-load losses.

See also
No-load measurement
Load loss measurement
Radio buttons Phases
These buttons are used to define whether the OUT (object under test) is a single-phase or three-phase
transformer. The measurement system is reconfigured appropriately for the measurements. If a single-
phase transformer is selected, new radio buttons appear from which the active phase must be selected.
Popup box Standard temperature
The information in this box defines at what temperature the load losses and no load losses are to be

See also
Optional temperature correction
Popup box Temperature units
The temperature units are defined in this box. The information applies to all subsequent dialog windows
and displays. If the units are changed, the numerical value of the standard temperature in the preceding
box is converted.
Input box Induction
The rated inductance is defined in this box. Depending on the standard, this information refers only to an
item in the report or to the calculation of output data. The values for P1, P2 and k are retrieved from the
core code table once this value and the rated frequency and core code are given.
The inductance-dependent constants are stored in the file TMS.COR and can be supplemented or
modified if necessary.
Popup box Core code
The core material is defined in this box. Depending on the standard, this information refers only to an item
in the report or to the calculation of output data. The info box displays the P1, P2 and k values for this
core code; these are used in calculating the no-load losses according to ANSI or VDE.

See also
Material definitions
The material-dependent constants are stored in the file TMS.COR and can be supplemented or modified
if necessary.
Measurement (OUT-related) 25

The winding data are input in the middle box of the dialog window. In all, up to six windings can be
defined. Every winding present must be marked with the corresponding check box. For every winding so
marked, the configuration and the number of taps can now be defined.

Data on the rated taps of all marked windings, if defined, are displayed in the lowermost box for
The dialog window for definition of the winding taps is now brought up with the Configuration button. All
taps must be defined in this window.
26 Measurement (OUT-related)

Inputting tap data
Nominal tap voltage, current and power

By default all Taps are active and included into the measurement. This is indicated by the "X" in the
"Active" field of each Tap. By clicking into ths field the status can be toggled between active and inactive.
A inactive Tab will not be included into any measurement afterwards. A active Tap must be fully defined
for measurement. Otherwhise the Dialog can not be leaved.
Clicking into the title field of the "Active" row pops up two Buttons to activate all or deactivate all taps.

Measurement (OUT-related) 27

If the Tap Voltages are carried out in equal stages the software can calculate this Tap Voltages. Clicking
onto the title of the voltage column by the left mouse button pops ut a button to calculate all voltages.

Pressing this button opens the following dialog with tw opossibilities for Tap voltage input:

Min Max (Tap Voltage)
In this dialog the Min. Tap Voltage is the Voltage of the Tap with the lowest number and the Max. Tap
Voltage is the Voltage of the Tap with the highest numger

28 Measurement (OUT-related)

With this setting 7 Taps will be calculated with the Voltages 410 V, 440 V, 470 V, 500 V, 530 V, 560 V
and 590 V.

U step (per Tap)
In this dialog you can set the voltage step from one Tap to the next, the rated voltage of the rated Tap
and the number of Taps with higher voltage then the rated Tap voltage.

With this setting 7 Taps will be calculated with the Voltages 410 V, 440 V, 470 V, 500 V, 530 V, 560 V
and 590 V and the rated Tap will be the 500 V Tap.

The nominal Tap can be selected by a mouse click into the corresponding field.

Set nominal Tap nb. = 0

Sets the nominal Tab number = 0.
The other Taps are numbered
symmetrical according to the
position o the nominal Tap. (F. I.
2; -1; 0; 1; 2).
If nominal Tap Nb = 0 is not
selected the Taps are numbered
upward (0; 1; 2; 3;..)

Measurement (OUT-related) 29
The nominal current can be calculated by the software. Clicking into the field of the Nominal current by
the lwft mouse button shows a button to calculate the current from nominal power and nominal voltage.

To calculate the current of al taps at once click onto the title field of the current. That pops ut a button to
clculate all.

For the load loss measurement up to 20 Powerbases can be defined here. The first Powerbase is allwaya
predefined as 100 % of the rated power.

30 Measurement (OUT-related)

Tap winding resistance
The winding resistance values are used in the load loss calculation.

The temperature at the time of the resistance measurement must be input in the input box Temperature.
The first temperature input can be transferred to all taps automatically by pressing the button <Copy to
all> while editing the first temperature value.
The resistance values can be imported from a measuring data file of a 2288 device. Therefore the
configuration of the windings and taps must correspond to the configuration in the 2288 data file.

Popup box Wire material
The conductor material with which the transformer is wound appears in this box. The info box
Temperature coefficient of resistance shows the material-dependent value used in calculating the load
losses. Items in this popup box and the associated T.C.R. are stored in the file TMS.MAT and can be
supplemented or modified if necessary.

See also
Material definitions

Measurement (OUT-related) 31

Import Data from 2285, 2288 or 229x DataFiles.
The TMS Software is able to import data from 2285, 2288 or 229x data files. The measuring data in this
files must therefore have a suitable form. In the 2285, 2288 or 229x the windings and Taps must be
named correct and according to the followong relation.

Winding identifiers for TMS580 and 2288 or 229x data files

2288 & 229x

Tms Trafo data winding

HV phase A / A-B
HV phase B / B-C
HV phase C / C-A
XV1 phase a / a-b
XV1 phase b / b-c
XV1 phase c / c-a
XV2 phase a / a-b
XV2 phase b / b-c
XV2 phase c / c-a

Winding identifiers for TMS580 and 2285 data files


Tms Trafo data winding

1U-1V, A-B, H1, 1U,1A
1V-1W, B-C, H2, 1V, 1B
1W-1U, C-B, H3, 1W, 1C
HV phase A / A-B
HV phase B / B-C
HV phase C / C-A
2U-2V, a-b, X1, 2U, 2A
2V-2W, B-c, X2, 2V, 2B
2W-2U, c-a, X3, 2W, 2C
XV1 phase a / a-b
XV1 phase b / b-c
XV1 phase c / c-a
3U-3V, 3A-3B, Y1, 3U, 3A
3V-3W, 3B-3C, Y2, 3V, 3B
3W-3U, 3C-3A, Y3, 3W, 3C
XV2 phase a / a-b
XV2 phase b / b-c
XV2 phase c / c-a

Data stored under other names or invalid Tap numbers will not be imported by the TMS Software.

To import data from a 2288 data file press the <Read from 2288 file> button. In the opened browser
dialog select the .RES file containing the resistance data.

To import data from a 229x data file the data must by stored in ASCII form in the 229x measuring unit
(Please refer to the manual of the 229x unit). Press the <Read from 229x file> button and select the .Txt
file containing the resistance data in the opened browser dialog.

To import data from a 2285 data file the data must by stored in ASCII form in the 2285 measuring unit
(Please refer to the manual of the 2285 unit). Press the <Read from 2285 file> button and select the .Txt
file containing the resistance data in the opened browser dialog.

Please note: To import resistance data. The rated tap data must be entered completely. Otherwise no
data can be imported!
32 Measurement (OUT-related)
Inputting global documentation

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Test, global
documentation in the menu.

With this dialog box, global information about the test as a whole can be input. Text that is also to be
available in the report is input in the upper field. The text in the lower field, on the other hand, is stored
and can be viewed again, but does not appear in the report.
Measurement (OUT-related) 33
History (viewing database)

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Test, show
history in the menu.

With the History command, all stored measurements can be viewed.
The following dialog box appears:

All stored measurements are listed in the lower field. If a measurement is selected with the mouse, the
measured data are displayed in the upper field.
Measurements marked by a * appear in the report. Measurements without a * do not appear in the
report. To mark or unmark a measurement for the report double click on the measurement in the listbox.

With mouse Function

Print the current displayed data on the standard

Mark all measurements to be added into the report

Unmark all measurements from being added into the
* marks measurement to be
entered into the report. Select
with double click
Select all (or none)
measurements t obe antered into
the report
34 Measurement (OUT-related)

Measurement types
Measurement types are started with the appropriate measurement type button or through the
Measurement types menu.

With mouse With keyboard

Select Measurement,
selfcheck in the menu.

In this test, all ranges of all voltage and current channels are checked for accuracy. Comparison values
obtained when the system was placed in service or calibrated are used as the reference; these are stored
on the computers hard disk. An error message is output if the departure is too large.
Note: The current and voltage channel inputs must be open during calibration and the selfcheck in order
to get the most accurate possible verification.

The results can be printed out at the completion or interruption of the selfcheck.

Measurement (OUT-related) 35

With mouse Function

Start Selfcheck

Stop Selfcheck

Save Selfcheck data into text file

36 Measurement (OUT-related)


With mouse With keyboard

Select the item
Measurement, wattmeter
in the menu.

In this measurement type, only the wattmeter readings are visualized. The function aids in quick
measurements that do not have to be reported or corrected. The measurements can be printed out but
not stored. This measurement type is therefore suitable for checking the transformer configuration and so
After this measurement type is started, the measurement screen appears:

Measurement (OUT-related) 37
Measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is
not guaranteed.
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. As a result, setting and adjustment of the
wattmeter can be done quickly.
These radio buttons make it possible to select whether phase-to-neutral or phase-to-phase
voltages are measured and displayed.
The mode of the wattmeter (active phase) can be selected with the Phase A, Phase B, Phase C, All
radio buttons.
In the All mode, the wattmeter performs a three-phase measurement. Phase A is taken as reference
phase; it must exhibit a signal in the voltage path, since otherwise the wattmeter cannot correctly
measure the powers.
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.
These two buttons allow a choice whether normal measurement data or harmonics are to be measured
and displayed.
Remark: If harmonics are being measured, the voltage and current ranges must be set correctly ahead of
time, since the wattmeter cannot properly measure and calculate harmonics if it is underdriven.
Current values:
The optimal range for current measurement can be selected in the status box:
0.2 to 0.5 for no-load measurement
0.8 to 1.2 for all other measurements
38 Measurement (OUT-related)
Description of the toolbar / menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command.
If desired, the measurement can then be printed out.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current
and voltage transformers such that they operate in
the optimal measuring range. This optimization is
based on a snapshot of the state at the moment
when the button is pressed; that is, in certain
situations (such as overload), this function may have
to be repeated several times until the ranges are
properly set. In case of an overload, it may be
necessary to switch to a higher range manually.
Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu ?Help

Opens online help.

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the wattmeter
measurement and returns to the main screen.

Menu Save Wattmeterdata into .CSV file.
Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
The command opens a dialog window in which the
ranges of the voltage channels for each phase
individually or for all phases together can be selected
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the
voltage ranges cannot be set individually for each
Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the
ranges of the current channels for each phase
individually or for all phases together can be selected

Measurement (OUT-related) 39
Induced voltage test

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, induced
voltage test in the menu.
In this measurement type, the voltage withstand capability between adjacent windings or phases is
tested. A test voltage and test duration can be preselected. The timer starts when the measured values
rise above the selected voltage, and the measurement in progress is displayed in the status box with the
word Wait in red. The status box turns green and displays OK when the test duration has elapsed. The
voltage can now be run down again and the measurement can be halted and stored.
Note: If the voltage drops below the test voltage during the specified test duration, a message appears in
the measurement window.
When the induced voltage test is selected, the measurement screen appears:

Measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:
40 Measurement (OUT-related)

Green The value is correctly measured.

Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required
accuracy is not guaranteed.
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings and
adjustments for the induced voltage test can be made quickly.
Every measurement add to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this counter,
which thus shows how many induced voltage tests have already been stored.
Act. supply:
Input winding or phase to be tested.
Radio button Winding active:The winding now being fed and its present tap are set in these two popup
boxes. The rated voltage of the selected tap is displayed below the popup box for information.
Radio button Phase active:
The phase or phases now being fed can be indicated.Regardless of this setting, all three phases are
always measured.
The test duration and test voltage are set in these two popup boxes (confirm with <Enter>). The timer is
activated after the measurement is started and as soon as the measured voltage is higher than the input
test voltage. This can be noted in the status display Wait The elapsed test time is displayed in the box
Time at voltage. The status changes to OK (green) as soon as the measurement time is greater than
the input test duration.
This button resets the timer and the test voltage.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
Measurement (OUT-related) 41
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.
The timer function will be activated.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

Menu Data, save The Add command causes the displayed measurement to
be stored. It is thus available in the report. The counter in
the status box is incremented every time a data record is
stored. If the field is deactivated with measurement
stopped, either the measurement is already stored or its
data are invalid (e.g., in an overload condition).

Menu Data, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu "File,
With the Docu command, documentation on the induced
voltage test can be stored, for example the test time,
operator, result, etc.

Menu Measurement,
show history
This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the induced voltage test and
returns to the main screen.
42 Measurement (OUT-related)

Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for
all phases together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase.
Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for
all phases together can be selected manually.
Measurement (OUT-related) 43
No-load measurement

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, no-load
measurement in the menu.
The losses of the transformer under no-load conditions are measured. What is more, harmonics up to
order 21 can be measured in this measurement type.
When no-load measurement is selected, the no-load measurement screen appears:

No-load measurement data (measured data and results calculated according to the selected standard)
are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is
not guaranteed.
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
If Corrected watts is red, the conditions of the standard are not satisfied
(RMS voltage and mean voltage differ by more than 3%).
44 Measurement (OUT-related)
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings
and adjustments for the no-load measurement can be made quickly.

Every measurement added to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this
counter, which thus shows how many no-load measurements have already been stored.
Act. supply:
The winding now being fed and its present tap are set in these two popup boxes. The measurement is
configured on the basis of this setting.
Test at:
Input, through the keyboard or the popup box, showing the test voltage of the selected tap in percent of
rated voltage.

For information, the selected voltage level is displayed below the box. This setting also influences the
Auto stop function (see below).
The ambient temperature is input in this input box. The input is used for temperature correction (if
selected) and is required for the report. Input value from keyboard, confirm with <Enter>.
Auto stop
This function is turned on by selecting the check box. It automatically stops the measurement if the
measured value (RMS total voltage, blue) is within the nominal window (-0%, +0.5%). The nominal value
is set in the box Test at.
Accordingly, the measurement can be halted and stored at a certain level even in fluctuating networks.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.
These two buttons allow a choice whether no-load measurement data or harmonics are to be measured
and displayed.
Remark: If harmonics are being measured, the voltage and current ranges must be set optimally ahead of
time, since the wattmeter cannot properly measure and calculate harmonics if it is underdriven.
All these settings as well as the optional temperature correction can also be made through the
configuration dialog box.
Measurement (OUT-related) 45
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

Menu Data, save The Add command causes the displayed measurement
(no-load or harmonic measurement) to be stored. It is thus
available in the report. The counter in the status box is
incremented every time a no-load measurement record is
stored. If the field is deactivated when measurement is
stopped, either the measurement is already stored or its
data are invalid (e.g., in an overload condition).

Menu Data, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu Configuration,
no-load test
All configuration settings for no-load measurement are
accessed with the Config command.

Menu File,
With the Docu command, documentation on the no-load
measurement can be stored, for example the test time,
operator, result, etc.

Menu Data, Save
Copy the graphic of the harmonics into the Bitmap
files"Harmo_Current.bmp" and "Harmo_Voltage.bmp" in
the measurement directory.

Menu Data, show
This command displays a list showing all stored
measurements. A measurement can be selected in the
lower field for viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

46 Measurement (OUT-related)

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the no-load measurement and
returns to the main screen.
Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase
Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Measurement (OUT-related) 47
Load loss measurement

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, load loss
measurement in the menu.
In load loss measurements, the losses of the short-circuited transformer are determined and calculated.
When load loss measurement is selected, the load loss screen appears:

The load loss measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational
48 Measurement (OUT-related)

Black The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is
not guaranteed.
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The values calculated from the measurements (e.g., corrected load losses) are updated only when the
measurement is stored or printed. These values can thus be viewed only in History or by printing.
An info window is located below the measurement field. Settings for the measurement in progress can be
seen in this window. The corrected load losses are also calculated with these values.
Previous load loss measurements are listed in the lowermost field, directly below the information window.
It can thus be seen at a glance what measurements have already been performed and which ones are
still to be done.
The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings
and adjustments for the load loss measurement can be made quickly.
Every measurement added to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this
counter, which thus shows how many load loss measurements have already been stored.
Act. supply:
The winding now being fed and its present tap are set in these two popup boxes. The measurement is
configured on the basis of this setting.
For information, the selected rated current of the selected tap is displayed below this box.
If there is a Reduced power system selected in the Configuration load loss test- dialog, there will be
displayed the reduced current.
This setting also influences the Auto stop function (see below).
Act. short-circuit:
The shorted winding or windings and the selected tap are set in these popup boxes. Several windings can
also be selected. Nonexistent windings are not displayed.
The ambient temperature is input in this input box. The input is used for temperature correction (if
selected) and is required for the report. Input value from keyboard, confirm with <Enter>.
Auto stop
This function is turned on by selecting the check box. It automatically stops the measurement if the
measured value (RMS total current, blue) is within the nominal window (-0%, +0.5%). The nominal value
is determined from the rated current of the winding/tap being fed. This function offers a convenient way to
halt and store the measurement at a certain level even in fluctuating networks.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
Measurement (OUT-related) 49
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.

Guaranteed values and Powerbase
Guaranteed values for short-circuit voltage and load losses, Powerbase and a Reduced power system
can only be input or selected in the configuration dialog window.

The shown factor App.power(short-circuit)/App.power(supply) will be calculated dependant of the
selected supply- and short-circuited windings. It can also be chanched manualy.

Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

50 Measurement (OUT-related)

Menu Data, Save The Add command causes the displayed measurement
(load loss measurement and status) to be evaluated
(extrapolated) and stored. It is thus available in the report.
The counter in the status box is incremented every time a
load loss measurement record is stored, and the newly
stored measurement is added to the list in the bottom box.
If the field is deactivated with measurement stopped, either
the measurement is already stored or its data are invalid
(e.g., in an overload condition).
For the status to be correctly stored with the measurement,
it must be input before storage or before performance of
the measurement.

Menu Data, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu Configuration,
load loss test
When the Config command is issued, all configuration
settings must be input before the individual load loss
measurement is done.

Menu Documentation,
docu about load loss
With the Docu command, documentation on the load loss
measurement can be stored, for example the test time,
operator, result, etc.

Menu Data, History This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the load loss measurement and
returns to the main screen.

Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase.

Measurement (OUT-related) 51
Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
52 Measurement (OUT-related)
Zero-sequence measurement

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, zero-
sequence measurement in the menu.
In this measurement type, the short-circuit and no-load zero impedances of the individual windings are
measured phase by phase. In three-phase transformers, the three phases are paralleled and measured
all at once.
When zero-sequence measurement is selected, the zero-sequence measurement screen appears:

Measurement (OUT-related) 53

Measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is
not guaranteed.
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

For three-phase transformers, the Impedance line shows 3*(Urms/Irms); only Urms/Irms is displayed for
single-phase transformers.
The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings
and adjustments for the zero-sequence measurement can be made quickly.
Every measurement added to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this
counter, which thus shows how many zero-sequence measurements have already been stored.
Settings box:
The type of zero-sequence measurement and the selected phase are determined in this box. The type
(short-circuit, no-load) influences only the title of the report printout. The wattmeter is configured on the
basis of the phase selected to be fed. Only the selected phase is displayed on the screen.
Act. Supply:
The winding to be fed and its selected tap are specified in these two popup boxes.
Act. Short-circuit:
The shorted winding and the selected tap are set in these popup boxes. Several windings can also be
selected. Nonexistent windings are not displayed.
This information is independent of the information in the settings box.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.
54 Measurement (OUT-related)
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

Menu Data, save The Add command causes the displayed measurement to
be stored. It is thus available in the report. The counter in
the status box is incremented every time a measurement
record is stored, and the newly stored measurement is
added to the list in the bottom box. If the field is deactivated
with measurement stopped, either the measurement is
already stored or its data are invalid (e.g., in an overload

Menu File, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu Documentation,
docu about zero-
sequence test
With the Docu command, documentation on the zero-
sequence measurement can be stored, for example the
test time, operator, result, etc.

Menu Data, History This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the zero-sequence measurement
and returns to the main screen.

Measurement (OUT-related) 55
Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase.

Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
56 Measurement (OUT-related)
Heat run

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, heat run in the

In the heat run test, the transformer temperatures and losses are measured over an extended period of
time. The TMS supports only the loss measurement! Measurement data are automatically stored at
operator-selected intervals (each measurement stamped with time and date).
A suitable third-party system capable of recording temperatures versus measurement time must be used
for temperature measurement. An example is a Y-T chart recorder.
The two data series are then correlated on the basis of the time data and evaluated.
The result of the heat run test is then input as text in the dialog box Result and is accordingly available
in the report.
When heat run test is selected, the heat run screen appears:

Measurement (OUT-related) 57
Measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is
not guaranteed.
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.
The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. As a result, setting and adjustment of the
heat run test can be done quickly.
Every measurement added to the measurement file increments this counter, which thus shows how many
measurements have already been stored.
Save period:
The sampling interval is input in this box. For example, if the interval is set at 1 minute, the system
automatically stores one measurement every minute. (Values shorter than 1 minute, say 0.1 min, can be
Remark: The sampling interval shall not be shorter than the average time.
This input must be confirmed with <Enter>.
Elapsed time:
The box Time displays the elapsed test time. (The display is reset by closing the heat run test with
While a measurement is in progress, the Status box displays Active in red.
Timer control:
Auto: The timer ( and the sampling interval ) run synchronous with the measurement.

Manual: The timer ( and the sampling interval ) run regardless of the measurement and will be controlled

by and .

This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
58 Measurement (OUT-related)
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement and starts the
automatic sampling timer.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement and automatic sampling timer are halted with
the Stop command.

Menu Data, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note in the
heat run file.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a snapshot of
the state at the moment when the button is pressed; that is, in
certain situations (such as overload), this function may have to
be repeated several times until the ranges are properly set. In
case of an overload, it may be necessary to switch to a higher
range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be displayed in
green after setting.


With the Result command, the window is opened for input of
the heat run test result.

Menu Measurement,
show history
This command displays a list showing all stored measurements.
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for viewing in
the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu Measurement,
The Exit command exits the heat run test and returns to the
main screen.

Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges of the
voltage channels for each phase individually or for all phases
together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase.
Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges of the
current channels for each phase individually or for all phases
together can be selected manually.
Measurement (OUT-related) 59

Format of output files
Heat run test values can be exported as comma separated values for further use. These datas are
located in the subdirectory of the corresponding measurement.

This file contains the same measurements in a CSV-compatible form (Comma Separated Value). The first
line contains the field names; measured values are stored in the second and subsequent lines. This file
can very easily be read into an external program (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access or the like) so
that the data can be processed and the result of the heat run test obtained. The result is then input in the
documentation dialog window. The file contains the following measurements:
Date (dd.mm.yyyy)
Total voltage
Total current
Total power



60 Measurement (OUT-related)
Graphical display
The measured data can be displayed as curve in a graphical display:

The graphic can be saved as bitmap file. Pressing the right mouse button on the graphic opens a small
pulldown menu which allows to reset the zooming of the scope or to save the graphic.
The graphic can be zoomed by holding down the left mouse button while moving the mouse to form a
window on the graphic.

Measurement (measurement related) 61
Measurement (measurement
measurement related means :
This mode is left as open as possible. Instead of defining the transformer, individual measurement
configurations are predefined and measurements are then performed on the basis of these. Information
about winding nomenclature, tap selection and ratings must be input as running text here, since the
system does not recognize the transformer being measured. As a result, the test is quite versatile
though somewhat more costly.
This mode is particularly suitable for autotransformers, but also for all other applications where the
transformer does not fit into the object under test scheme (more than six windings, etc.).

Before measurements can be performed with the TMS, a test must be initialized. This is done either by
setting up a new test or loading an existing test.
Only the selfcheck and the wattmeter visualization can be executed without initializing a test.

Inputting transformer data
Now the transformer data are input.

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Test, transformer data in the

62 Measurement (measurement related)
The following dialog box appears:

The Yes radio button must be activated in the first line of the window. The input box for tap data is
automatically closed. You are performing a test in the measurement related mode.
In the second field, all transformer-specific data are input:
Popup box Rated frequency
The rated frequency applicable to the transformer is selected in this box. Frequency-dependent constants
are stored in the file TMS.COR and can be supplemented or modified if necessary.
Popup box Standard
The standard applicable to the transformer is selected in this box. The calculation method used depends
on this setting, for example conversion of no-load losses.

See also
No-load measurement
Load loss measurement
Popup box Conductor material
The conductor material with which the transformer is wound appears in this box. The info box
Temperature coefficient of resistance shows the material-dependent value used in calculating the load
losses. Items in this popup box and the associated T.C.R. are stored in the file TMS.MAT and can be
supplemented or modified if necessary.

See also
Material definitions
Radio buttons Phases
These buttons are used to define whether the OUT (object under test) is a single-phase or three-phase
transformer. The measurement system is reconfigured appropriately for the measurements. If a single-
phase transformer is selected, new radio buttons appear from which the active phase must be selected.
Popup box Standard temperature
The information in this box defines at what temperature the load losses (for example) are to be
calculated. This input is used as standard information for all measurements. If necessary, it can be
overwritten in the measurement configuration for each measurement separately.
Measurement (measurement related) 63
Popup box Temperature units
The temperature units are defined in this box. The information applies to all subsequent dialog windows
and displays. If the units are changed, the numerical value of the standard temperature in the preceding
box is converted.
Input box Rated inductance
The rated inductance is defined in this box. Depending on the standard, this information refers only to an
item in the report or to the calculation of output data. The values for P1, P2 and k are retrieved from the
core code table once this value and the rated frequency and core code are given.
This input is used as standard information for all measurements. If necessary, it can be overwritten in the
measurement configuration for each measurement separately.
The inductance-dependent constants are stored in the file TMS.COR and can be supplemented or
modified if necessary.
Popup box Core code
The core material is defined in this box. Depending on the standard, this information refers only to an item in the
report or to the calculation of output data. The info box displays the P1, P2 and k values for this core code; these are
used in calculating the no-load losses according to ANSI or VDE.
The material-dependent constants are stored in the file TMS.COR and can be supplemented or modified if

See also
Material definitions

The remaining boxes in the dialog window (tap definitions) were closed when measurement mode was selected
for the transformer definition.

64 Measurement (measurement related)

Induced voltage test

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, induced
voltage test in the menu.
In this measurement type, the voltage withstand capability between adjacent windings or phases is
tested. A test voltage and test duration can be preselected. The timer starts when the measured values
rise above the selected voltage, and the measurement in progress is displayed in the status box with the
word Wait in red. The status box turns green and displays OK when the test duration has elapsed. The
voltage can now be run down again and the measurement can be halted and stored.
Note: If the voltage drops below the test voltage during the specified test duration, a message appears in
the measurement window.

When the induced voltage test is selected, the measurement screen appears:

Measurement (measurement related) 65
Measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is not
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings
and adjustments for the induced voltage test can be made quickly.
Every measurement added to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this
counter, which thus shows how many induced voltage tests have already been stored.
Act. supply:
The winding, tap or phase(s) being fed are input as text in this input box.
The test duration and test voltage are set in these two popup boxes (confirm with <Enter>). The timer is
activated after the measurement is started and as soon as the measured voltage is higher than the input
test voltage. This can be noted in the status display Wait... The elapsed test time is displayed in the box
Time at voltage. The status changes to OK (green) as soon as the measurement time is greater than
the input test duration.
This button resets the timer and the test voltage.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
66 Measurement (measurement related)
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second. The timer function is

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

Menu Data, Save The Add command causes the displayed measurement to
be stored. It is thus available in the report. The counter in
the status box is incremented every time a data record is
stored. If the field is deactivated with measurement
stopped, either the measurement is already stored or its
data are invalid (e.g., in an overload condition).

Menu Data, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

With the Docu command, documentation on the induced
voltage test can be stored, for example the test time,
operator, result, etc.

Menu Data, show
This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the induced voltage test and
returns to the main screen.

Measurement (measurement related) 67
Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase.

Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.

68 Measurement (measurement related)

No-load measurement

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, no-load
measurement in the menu.
The losses of the transformer under no-load conditions are measured. What is more, harmonics up to
order 15 can be measured in this measurement type.
When no-load measurement is selected, the no-load measurement screen appears.
Before a no-load measurement can be performed, however, the measurement must now be configured.
This is done with the dialog window Configuration, no-load measurement.

With mouse With keyboard

Menu Configuration, no-load measurement

Measurement (measurement related) 69

The configuration screen appears:

The active measurement configuration is displayed in the box Configuration Number The desired
configuration can be selected with the and buttons.
Pressing the button <New> creates a new configuration. <Delete> deletes the actual configuration.
The selected configuration is defined in the lower field. Data next to titles in bold type influence the
calculations and corrections.
70 Measurement (measurement related)
The winding and tap being fed are input as text in this input box.
The configuration type of the fed winding is selected with these radio buttons. This setting is for
documentation purposes only and does not affect the measurement.
The cooling type is entered as text in this input box.
The rated power for the selected measurement is input in this box.
The rated voltage for the selected measurement is input in this box. The rated current is calculated from
the rated power and this input and displayed for information.
100% voltage:
The voltage at which the selected measurement is to be started is input in this box.
The 100% current is calculated from the rated power and this input and displayed for information. (The
current display can be updated by pressing <Enter> on this box.)
The input voltages are defined as phase-to-phase voltages.
The default is phase-to-phase voltage measurement.
The input voltages are defined as phase-to-neutral voltages.
The default is phase-to-phase voltage measurement.
Test at:
The input in this box specifies at what percent of 100% voltage the measurement is performed.
Inductance at xx% voltage:
This box is used to input the inductance anticipated at the effective test voltage. The factors P1, P2 and k
are calculated from this information and displayed for information.
Standard temperature:
If necessary, the specified standard temperature can be overwritten in this input box. The specified
temperature is taken from the dialog box Transformer data.
If the box Corrected is checked, no-load losses are corrected.
Guaranteed values:
Current: The guaranteed no-load current is input in this box.
Losses: The guaranteed no-load losses are input in this box.
Measurement (measurement related) 71
Calculation of the currents:


Rated current 100% current

Rated current
Rated power
Rated voltage

Rated power

Phase to neutral
Rated current
Rated voltage


100% 3
Rated power

Phase to phase
Rated current
Rated voltage


100% 3
Rated power

When no-load measurement is selected, the no-load measurement screen appears:

No-load measurement data (measured data and results calculated according to the selected standard)
are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:
72 Measurement (measurement related)

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is not
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
If Loss power corr. is red, the conditions of the standard are not satisfied (RMS
voltage and mean voltage differ by more than 3%).
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings
and adjustments for the no-load measurement can be made quickly.
Every measurement added to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this
counter, which thus shows how many no-load measurements have already been stored.
Configuration Nr.
The selected measurement configuration is displayed in the Configuration Nr. box. The desired
configuration number can be selected with the


Info box
All important configuration settings are displayed here for inspection.
The ambient temperature is input in this input box. The input is used for temperature correction (if
selected) and is required for the report. Input value from keyboard, confirm with <Enter>.
Auto stop
This function is turned on by selecting the check box. It automatically stops the measurement if the
measured value (RMS total voltage, blue) is within the nominal window (-0%, +0.5%). The nominal value
(test at x% = nominal value) is displayed in the info box. With this function it is thus simple to halt and
store the measurement at a certain level, even in fluctuating networks.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.
These two buttons allow a choice whether no-load measurement data or harmonics are to be measured
and displayed.
Remark: If harmonics are being measured, the voltage and current ranges must be set optimally ahead of
time, since the wattmeter cannot properly measure and calculate harmonics if it is underdriven.
Measurement (measurement related) 73
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Funcion

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

Menu Measurement,
add to database
The Add command causes the displayed measurement
(no-load or harmonic measurement) to be stored. It is thus
available in the report. The counter in the status box is
incremented every time a no-load measurement record is
stored. If the field is deactivated when measurement is
stopped, either the measurement is already stored or its
data are invalid (e.g., in an overload condition).

Menu Measurement,
documentation act.
The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu Configuration,
no-load test
Configuration settings for no-load measurement are
accessed with the Config command.

Menu Documentation,
docu about no-load
With the Docu command, documentation on the no-load
measurement can be stored, for example the test time,
operator, result, etc.

Menu Measurement,
show history
This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu Measurement,
The Exit command exits the no-load measurement and
returns to the main screen.

74 Measurement (measurement related)
Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase.

Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.

Measurement (measurement related) 75
Load loss measurement

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, load loss
measurement in the menu.
In load loss measurements, the losses of the short-circuited transformer are determined and calculated.
When load loss measurement is selected, the load loss screen appears.
Before a load loss measurement can be performed, however, the measurement must now be configured.
This is done with the dialog window Configuration, load loss measurement.

With mouse With keyboard

Menu Configuration, load loss measurement

76 Measurement (measurement related)

The configuration dialog window for the load loss measurement configuration appears:

The active measurement configuration is displayed in the box Configuration No. The desired
configuration can be selected with the


Pressing the button <New> creates a new configuration. <Delete> deletes the actual configuration.
The selected configuration is defined in the lower field. Data next to titles in bold type influence the
calculations and corrections.
The winding and tap being fed are input as text in this input box.
The cooling type is entered as text in this input box.
The shorted winding(s) are input as text in this box.
Measurement (measurement related) 77

The rated power for the fed winding is input in this box.
100% voltage:
The rated voltage of the fed winding is input in this box.
100% line current:
The rated currents of all current-carrying windings are input in these boxes. If 0 is input in a box, this
winding is defined as not present.
Te configuration of the fed winding is selected with these radio buttons. This setting also determines the
presetting for phase-to-phase measurement (delta) or phase-to-neutral measurement (Y).
Resistance mean:
The mean resistances of all current-carrying windings are input in these boxes.
At temperature:
For every winding present, the temperature of the resistance measurement must be input.
Standard temperature:
The specified standard temperature can be overwritten in this input box if necessary.
Guaranteed values:
Impedance: The guaranteed short-circuit impedance is input in this box.
Losses: The guaranteed load losses are input in this box.
78 Measurement (measurement related)
When load loss measurement is selected, the load loss screen appears:

The load loss measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is not
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The values calculated from the measurements (e.g., corrected load losses) are updated only when the
measurement is stored or printed. These values can thus be viewed only in History or by printing.
An info window is located below the measurement field. Settings for the measurement in progress can be
seen in this window. The corrected load losses are also calculated with these values.
Previous measurements are listed in the lowermost field, directly below the information window. It can
thus be seen at a glance what measurements have already been performed and which ones are still to be
The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings
and adjustments for the load loss measurement can be inspected directly.
Measurement (measurement related) 79

Every measurement added to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this
counter, which thus shows how many load loss measurements have already been stored.
Configuration Nr.
The selected measurement configuration is displayed in the Configuration No. box. The desired
configuration number can be selected with the


Info box
All important configuration settings are displayed here for inspection.
Act. temperature:
The ambient temperature is input in this input box. The input is used for temperature correction (if
selected) and is required for the report. Input value from keyboard, confirm with <Enter>.
Auto stop
This function is turned on by selecting the check box. It automatically stops the measurement if the
measured value (RMS total current, blue) is within the nominal window (-0%, +0.5%). The nominal value
is displayed in the info box Current.
This function offers a convenient way to halt and store the measurement at a certain level even in
fluctuating networks.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
This setting is made automatically when the configuration of the fed winding is selected in the
measurement configuration.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
This setting is made automatically when the configuration of the fed winding is selected in the
measurement configuration.
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.

80 Measurement (measurement related)
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

Menu Data, Save The Add command causes the displayed measurement
(load loss measurement and status) to be evaluated
(extrapolated) and stored. It is thus available in the report.
The counter in the status box is incremented every time a
load loss measurement record is stored, and the newly
stored measurement is added to the list in the bottom box.
If the field is deactivated with measurement stopped, either
the measurement is already stored or its data are invalid
(e.g., in an overload condition).
For the status to be correctly stored with the measurement,
it must be input before storage or before performance of
the measurement.
When a store operation is performed, the corrected load
losses are also corrected and stored along with the

Menu Measurement,
documentation act.
The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu Configuration,
load loss test
When the Config command is issued, all configuration
settings forming the basis for the load loss measurements
must be input before the individual load loss measurement
is done.

Menu Documentation,
docu about load loss
With the Docu command, documentation on the load loss
measurement can be stored, for example the test time,
operator, result, etc.

Measurement (measurement related) 81

Menu Measurement,
show history
This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu Measurement,
The Exit command exits the load loss measurement and
returns to the main screen.

Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.Restriction: In
phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage ranges cannot
be set individually for each phase.

Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.

82 Measurement (measurement related)
Zero-sequence measurement

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, zero-
sequence measurement in the menu.
In this measurement type, the short-circuit and no-load zero impedances of the individual windings are
measured phase by phase. In three-phase transformers, the three phases are paralleled and measured
all at once.
When zero-sequence measurement is selected, the zero-sequence measurement screen appears.
Before a zero-sequence measurement can be performed, however, the measurement must now be
configured. This is done with the dialog window Configuration, zero-sequence .

With mouse With keyboard

Menu Configuration, zero-sequence

Measurement (measurement related) 83

The configuration dialog window for the zero-sequence measurement configuration appears:

The active measurement configuration is displayed in the box Configuration No. The desired
configuration can be selected with the and buttons.
Pressing the button <New> creates a new configuration. <Delete> deletes the actual configuration.
The selected configuration is defined in the lower field. Data next to titles in bold type influence the
calculations and corrections.
84 Measurement (measurement related)
The winding and tap being fed are input as text in this input box.
The configuration of the fed winding is selected with these radio buttons. This setting also determines the
presetting for phase-to-phase measurement (delta) or phase-to-neutral measurement (Y).
100% voltage:
The nominal voltage for the selected measurement is input in this box.
100% line current:
The nominal current for the selected measurement is input in this box.
This current must always be input as a phase current.
The cooling type is entered as text in this box.
For short-circuit impedance measurement: The shorted windings are input as text in this box.For no-load
impedance measurement: This input box is left blank or filled in with - (a dash).
Guaranteed Impedance:
The guaranteed zero impedance is input in this box.

Measurement (measurement related) 85
When zero-sequence measurement is selected, the zero-sequence measurement screen appears:

Measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is not
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

For three-phase transformers, the Impedance line shows 3*(Urms/Irms); only Urms/Irms is displayed for
single-phase transformers.
The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. In this way, the most important settings
and adjustments for the zero-sequence measurement can be made quickly.
Every measurement added to the database, for example with the Add command, increments this
counter, which thus shows how many zero-sequence measurements have already been stored.
Settings box:
The type of zero-sequence measurement and the selected phase are determined in this box. The type
(short-circuit, no-load) influences only the title of the report printout. The wattmeter is configured on the
basis of the phase selected to be fed. Only the fed phase is displayed on the screen.
86 Measurement (measurement related)
Configuration Nr.
The selected measurement configuration is displayed in the Configuration No. box. The desired
configuration number can be selected with the


Info box
All important inputs defined in the configuration are displayed here for inspection.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
This setting is made automatically when the configuration of the fed winding is selected in the
measurement configuration.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
This setting is made automatically when the configuration of the fed winding is selected in the
measurement configuration.
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.

Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement. The
repetition rate is about 1.5 second.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement is halted with the Stop command. If
desired, the measurement can then be stored.

Menu Data, Save

The Add command causes the displayed measurement to
be stored. It is thus available in the report. The counter in
the status box is incremented every time a measurement
record is stored. If the field is deactivated when
measurement is stopped, either the measurement is
already stored or its data are invalid (e.g., in an overload

Menu Data, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note on
the stored measurement. This function can be selected
with Add when measurement is stopped, before or after
the storage operation, and can also be modified.

Measurement (measurement related) 87

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

Menu Configurate
With the Config command, all configuration settings for
the individual zero-sequence measurement must be input
before the individual measurement is performed.

Menu File,
With the Docu command, documentation on the zero-
sequence measurement can be stored, for example the
test time, operator, result, etc.

Menu Data, History This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the zero-sequence measurement
and returns to the main screen.

Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.Restriction: In
phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage ranges cannot
be set individually for each phase.

Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.

88 Measurement (measurement related)
Heat run

With mouse With keyboard

Select the item Measurement, heat run in the

In the heat run test, the transformer temperatures and losses are measured over an extended period of
time. The TMS supports only the loss measurement! Measurement data are automatically stored at
operator-selected intervals (each measurement stamped with time and date).
A suitable third-party system capable of recording temperatures versus measurement time must be used
for temperature measurement. An example is a Y-T chart recorder.
The two data series are then correlated on the basis of the time data and evaluated.
The result of the heat run test is then input as text in the dialog box Result and is accordingly available
in the report.
When heat run test is selected, the heat run screen appears:

Measurement (measurement related) 89
Measurements are displayed in the measurement window with the following informational features:

Green The value is correctly measured.
Red The corresponding range is not optimally utilized, so the required accuracy is not
Remedy: The appropriate range must be selected.
******* (red) The corresponding range is overloaded.
Remedy: Range must be selected.

The status field at left contains status and configuration boxes. As a result, setting and adjustment of the
heat run test can be done quickly.
Every measurement added to the measurement file increments this counter, which thus shows how many
measurements have already been stored.
Save period:
The sampling interval is input in this box. For example, if the interval is set at 1 minute, the system
automatically stores one measurement every minute. (Values shorter than 1 minute, say 0.1 min, can be
Remark: The sampling interval shall not be shorter than the average time.
This input must be confirmed with <Enter>.
Elapsed time:
The box Time displays the elapsed test time. (The display is reset by closing the heat run test with Exit
While a measurement is in progress, the Status box displays Active... in red.
Timer control:
Auto: The timer ( and the sampling interval ) run synchronous with the measurement.

Manual: The timer ( and the sampling interval ) run regardless of the measurement and will be controlled

by and .
This button makes it possible to input the time over which the displayed average value is formed (1 to 64
sec.). With averaging active (greater than 1 sec.), of course, the repetition rate of measurements drops.
Because the measurement system spends practically all its time waiting for new data from the wattmeter
when averaging is active, so that operator convenience is greatly impaired (long time required to respond
to action), setup should be done with measurement stopped or with averaging = 1 sec.
Voltages are measured phase-to-phase.
Remark: In this mode, the voltage ranges cannot be set separately for each phase, since otherwise the
phase-to-phase measurement cannot be done correctly.
Voltages are measured phase-to-neutral.
90 Measurement (measurement related)
Description of the function bar/menu

With mouse With keyboard Function

Menu Measurement,
The Start command begins the measurement and starts
the automatic sampling timer.

Menu Measurement,
The measurement and timer are halted with the Stop

Menu Data, Memo The Memo command makes it possible to store a note in
the heat run file.

Menu Measurement,
auto range
The Range command sets the ranges of the current and
voltage transformers such that they operate in the optimal
measuring range. This optimization is based on a
snapshot of the state at the moment when the button is
pressed; that is, in certain situations (such as overload),
this function may have to be repeated several times until
the ranges are properly set. In case of an overload, it may
be necessary to switch to a higher range manually.

Check: All measured voltages and currents must be
displayed in green after setting.

With the Result command, the window is opened for input
of the heat run test result.

Menu Data, History This command displays a list showing all stored
A measurement can be selected in the lower field for
viewing in the upper field.
History (viewing database)

Menu ?Help Opens online help.

Menu File, exit The Exit command exits the heat run test and returns to
the main screen.

Menu Configuration,
select voltage range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the voltage channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Restriction: In phase-to-phase measurements, the voltage
ranges cannot be set individually for each phase.

Menu Configuration,
select current range
This command opens a dialog window in which the ranges
of the current channels for each phase individually or for all
phases together can be selected manually.
Measurement (measurement related) 91
Format of output files
Heat run test values can be exported as comma separated values for further use. These datas are
located in the subdirectory of the corresponding measurement.

This file contains the same measurements in a CSV-compatible form (Comma Separated Value). The first
line contains the field names; measured values are stored in the second and subsequent lines. This file
can very easily be read into an external program (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access or the like) so
that the data can be processed and the result of the heat run test obtained. The result is then input in the
documentation dialog window. The file contains the following measurements:
Date (dd.mm.yyyy)
Total voltage
Total current
Total power



92 Measurement (measurement related)

Graphical display
The measured data can be displayed as curve in a graphical display:

The graphic can be saved as bitmap file. Pressing the right mouse button on the graphic chart opens a
small pulldown menu which allows to reset the zooming of the scope or to save the graphic.
The graphic can be zoomed by holding down the left mouse button while moving the mouse to form a
window on the graphic.
Test report 93
Test report
Display test report
With mouse With keyboard

Menu "Test, Create Report"

When this function is selected, the stored data files were converted to HTML format, and displayed in the
Internet Explorer. From there it can be printed out or it can be opened in Windows Word for further

See also
History (viewing database)
Modify test report template
The report template (layout, title, etc.) is prepared by Haefely Trench.
The measured Datas are stored in XML files. One for each measurement. For the report they will all be
included into the report.XML file. For the layout of the report each Data file has a XSL file carrying the
layout information. This XSL files will all be included into the report.XSL file during report generation.
The template can be modified or adapted (provided the user is familiar with XML, XSL!).

CSV Data 95
CSV Data
Export to CSV

With mouse With keyboard

Menu "Test, Export to CSV"

When this function is selected, the stored data files were converted to CSV format, and stored as CSV
Files in the Measurement directory. From there they can be used for further processing (e. g. in a Excel

Import from CSV

With mouse With keyboard

Menu "Test, Import from CSV"

When this function is selected, test data files from old 16 Bit TMS Versions can be imported for further

96 Help
The full user manual is available online in the form of a help text during operation. With online help, you
can easily and quickly obtain information about a job, a function or a command.
The help function is always available when you see the Help button in a dialog box or the Help
command in a menu bar.
Starting the help function
There are several ways to call up the help function. How help is
displayed depends on what kind of information you need.
For example, you can request help by any of the following methods:
From the Help menu, select the item Contents, then select a topic from the table of
contents. You can also use the Search button to search for a topic.
Press <F1>. This opens the help for the currently selected menu item or dialog element.
Select the Help button, which appears in most of the windows. In this way you obtain
specific information about the window.

Dangers and Safety Notes (English) 97
Dangers and Safety Notes
General Notes
In general, a high voltage system is a large danger source for accidents. Thus please observe the following
notes and safety regulations.


The AC Control System may only be operated by trained personnel.


The high voltage can only be switched on if all safety requirements are fulfilled. Thus
no safety devices of the system or the control desk are to be bridged.


The safety interlock is not to be shorted under any circumstances. The safety
interlock must be led around the system and any entry to the system should
open the safety interlock (e.g., connecting into door contacts, etc.).

Dangers when Working on the Control Desk

The desk / rack of the AC Control System is a unit enclosed within itself, that normally hides no dangers
from the user. The following points must nevertheless be observed:


The control system may only be used in a high voltage system if the earthing bolt at
the rear of the control desk is connected to the earth of the entire system.

98 Dangers and Safety Notes (English)


The mains lines of the control desk are no longer covered following dismantling of
the rear or front plates. Thus the mains connection for the control system must be
removed before carrying out any dismantling work. The voltage feed lines are inside
the desk and the individual devices no longer specially marked.


Since the high voltage can normally be switched on only from the control desk, the
user of the control system is thus responsible that no personnel are within the safety

Safety Precautions when Working with High Voltage


Owing to safety considerations, all work within the high voltage area should always
be supervised by a second person. Installation and operating personnel must know the
procedures following a high voltage accident.


All emergency off switches must always be accessible. One of the switches must be
fixed on the control desk. This switch is supplied and can be magnetically fastened to
the desk.


The safety interlock should only be opened after the high voltage has been switched


The safety interlock and safety screening must never be surmounted.

Dangers of the High Voltage System


High voltage components, in particular capacitors, can be electrically charged even if
the high voltage is switched off. These components must thus be discharged with an
earth rod without fail whenever anyone enters the high voltage area. The tools
required for this (e.g., earth rod) must always be available in the system.


The earthing rod must be connected to the system earth. The earthing cable may not
be touched or stepped on during the discharge.

Gefahren- und Sicherheitshinweise (German) 99
Gefahren- und
Sicherheitshinweise (German)
Allgemeine Hinweise
Eine Hochspannungsanlage ist im Allgemeinen eine grosse Gefahrenquelle fr
Unflle. Darum beachten Sie die nachfolgenden Hinweise und


Die Steuerung OT257 AC darf nur von geschultem Personal
bedient werden.


Die Hochspannung kann nur eingeschaltet werden, wenn alle
Sicherheitsbedingungen erfllt sind. Darum drfen keine
Sicherheitsvorrichtungen der Anlage und des
Steuerungspultes berbrckt werden.


Der Sicherheitskreis darf unter keinen Umstnden
kurzgeschlossen werden. Der Sicherheitskreis muss um die
Anlage herumgefhrt sein und jegliches Betreten der Anlage
sollte den Sicherkreis ffnen. (z.B. Einschleifen in
Trkontakte usw.).

Gefahren beim Arbeiten am Steuerpult

Das Pult / Rack der Steuerung OT257 AC ist eine in sich geschlossene Einheit, die normalerweise fr den Anwender
keine Gefahren birgt. Folgende Punkte mssen jedoch beachtet werden:


Die Steuerung darf nur in einem Hochspannungsprfsystem
verwendet werden, wenn die Erdschraube auf der Rckseite
des Steuerpultes mit der Erdung der gesamten Anlage
verbunden ist.

100 Gefahren- und Sicherheitshinweise (German)


Beim Steuerpult sind die Netzleitungen nach der Demontage
von Rck- oder Frontplatten nicht mehr abgedeckt. Darum
muss vor allen Demontagearbeiten der Netzanschluss der
Steuerung entfernt werden. Die spannungsfhrenden
Leitungen sind im Innern des Pultes und der einzelnen
Gerte nicht mehr speziell gekennzeichnet.


Da die Hochspannung normalerweise nur ber das Steuerpult
eingeschaltet werden kann, ist der Anwender der Steuerung
dafr verantwortlich, dass sich beim Einschalten der
Hochspannung kein Personal mehr innerhalb der
Sicherheitsabschrankungen befindet.

Sicherheitsvorkehrungen beim Arbeiten mit


Aus Sicherheitsgrnden sollten Arbeiten innerhalb des
Hochspannungsbereichs immer durch eine zweite Person
berwacht werden. Das Montage und Bedienungspersonal
muss die Verhaltensregeln fr Hochspannungsunflle


Alle Notausschalter mssen immer zugnglich sein, wobei
einer der Schalter am Steuerpult befestigt sein muss. Dieser
Schalter wird mitgeliefert und haftet magnetisch am Pult.


Der Sicherheitskreis soll nur bei ausgeschalteter
Hochspannung geffnet werden.


Der Sicherheitskreis und Abschrankungen drfen nicht
berstiegen werden.

Gefahren der Hochspannungsanlage

Gefahren- und Sicherheitshinweise (German) 101


Bauelemente fr Hochspannung, im speziellen
Kondensatoren, knnen auch bei ausgeschalteter
Hochspannung elektrisch geladen sein. Darum mssen sie
bei jedem Betreten des Hochspannungsbereichs unbedingt
mit der Erdstange entladen werden. Die dafr notwendigen
Hilfsmittel (z.B. die Erdstange) mssen immer bei der
Anlage deponiert sein.


Die Erdstange muss mit der Anlagenerdung verbunden sein.
Das Erdungskabel darf bei Entladungen nicht berhrt oder
betreten werden.

102 Dangers et indications de scurit (French)
Dangers et indications de
scurit (French)
Indications gnrales
Une installation haute tension reprsente en gnral une source de dangers non ngligeable pouvant causer des
accidents. Veuillez donc observer en gnral les indications et les prescriptions de scurit suivantes.


Le systeme de commande OT257 AC doit tre
manipu|e exc|usivement par du personne| dument


La haute tension ne doit tre active que si toutes les
conditions de scurit sont remplies. Voil pourquoi, le
pontage des dispositifs de scurit de linstallation et du
pupitre de commande est interdit.


Le circuit de securite ne doit en aucun cas tre
court-circuite. Le circuit de securite doit tre conduit
autour de |insta||ation, et tout acces |insta||ation
devrait interrompre |e circuit de securite (par ex.
rodage des contacts de porte, etc.) .

Dangers lors de travaux au niveau du pupitre de

Le pupitre / rack du systme de commande OT257 AC est une unit complte
qui ne recle normalement aucun danger pour lutilisateur. Les points suivants
doivent nanmoins tre observs

Dangers et indications de scurit (French) 103


Le systme de commande ne doit tre utilis dans un
systme de test haute tension que si la vis de mise la terre
sur la face arrire du pupitre de commande est relie la
prise de terre globale de linstallation.


Sur le pupitre de commande, les lignes de raccordement au
secteur ne sont plus couvertes lors dun dmontage des
panneaux arrire et frontaux. Voil pourquoi, le
raccordement au secteur du systme de commande doit tre
enlev avant lexcution de tout travail de dmontage. Les
lignes sous tension ne sont plus marques spcialement
lintrieur du pupitre et des diffrents appareils.


Comme la haute tension ne peut, normalement, tre active
que sur le pupitre de commande, il incombe lutilisateur du
systme de commande de veiller ce que la prsence de
personnel dans la zone de scurit soit vite lorsque la haute
tension est active.

Prcautions de scurit lors de travaux sous haute


Pour des raisons de scurit, les travaux sous haute tension
devraient toujours tre surveills par une deuxime personne.
Le personnel de montage et de service doit connatre les
rgles de conduite en cas daccidents causs par la haute


Tous les commutateurs darrt durgence doivent tre
accessibles en permanence, lun des commutateurs devant
tre fix au pupitre de commande. Ce commutateur est livr
avec linstallation et peut tre fix par aimant au pupitre.


Le circuit de scurit ne doit tre interrompu que lorsque la
haute tension est dsactive.


Il est interdit de franchir le circuit de scurit et les barrires.

104 Dangers et indications de scurit (French)

Dangers de linstallation haute tension


Il est possible que les lments de construction pour la haute
tension, notamment les condensateurs, soient chargs mme
lorsque la haute tension est dsactive. Voil pourquoi, ils
devront tre dchargs dans tous les cas laide de la perche
de mise la terre. Les outils requis pour cela (par ex. perche
de mise la terre) doivent toujours tre dposs prs de


La perche de mise la terre doit tre relie la prise de terre
de linstallation. Lors de dcharges, il est interdit de toucher
ou de marcher sur le cble de mise la terre.

Index 105
Averaging 37, 72
Calculation 7, 24, 62
Conductor material 10, 30, 62
Configuration 3, 15, 17, 62
Core code 24, 63
Core material 13, 24, 63
Getting started 15
Heat run 4, 56, 88
History 33, 66
Import Data 31
Induced voltage test 3, 39, 64
Inputting global documentation 32
Inputting order data 21
Inputting tap data 26
Inputting transformer data 23, 61
Load loss measurement 3, 9, 47, 75
Loading an existing test 19, 61
Material definitions 11
Measurement 61
No-load measurement 3, 7, 37, 68
OUT-related 17
Phases 24, 62
Range 37, 65
Rated frequency 13, 23, 62
Rated inductance 13, 24, 63
Selfcheck 4, 19, 61
Setting up a new test 19, 61
Standard 3, 8, 15, 22, 62
Standard temperature 8, 24, 62
Tap winding resistance 30
Temperature units 12, 24, 63
Wattmeter 4, 16, 19, 61, 72
Zero-sequence measurement 3, 52, 82

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