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"first off, you mentioned your definition.

I'm assuming you're referring to the Claimed your people

fight? I serve no Maeljin, let alone Lamashtu. the Archdemon of ride is Lucifer! coincidentally, the
"randfather of our cell leader. your #ine and our people $or% in very different $ays. they're far
more... aggressive. certainly, you %no$ that t$o spirits of a certain thing can e&press that in different
$ays. I am purely of my vice, $hereas they are of vice and corruption, and that ma%es all the
difference. $e are no more ali%e than a spirit of death, and a spirit of murder.
I am a creature of ride, yes. I am, if you'll pardon the pun, proud of it. I don't hide $hat I am, I glory
in it. As, it seems do you. is there something $rong $ith 'eing pleased in yourself and your
accomplishments, $ith $anting to 'e recogni(ed for the things you have done? ride drives us to
greater accomplishments. to the pursuit of the grander things, the e&ceptional things that $e $ould not
other$ise have accomplished." he's gone into full court persuasive press on this one, $ith his voice
shifting to tones that ) if one $ere not $rapped up in the oratory* could 'e considered.. surprising to
hear coming from such a slight figure, 'uilding to$ards their goal
"I'll tell you $hy ride 'ecame a sin. I'll even tell you $hen! after all, I $as there. it $as $hen the
riest too% over from the +arrior and the ,ard, poisoning their accomplishments $ith platitudes. $hen
churches sought to 'ring the "reat under their heel, to grind them do$n until all that $as done $as
done in the name of their god, the doer forgotten and unimportant. they sa$ that those out doing great
things for their -+# names, rather than that of a church, $ere a threat to the church's po$er. and out
of their o$n pride, cloa%ed of course, in false .umility, the snea%y su'tle lie that Man is so very good
at, they said that the rideful $ere see%ing to ta%e glory a$ay from god, that all "lory should go to
god. And of course, since they, the priests $ere closest /- god, they then 'ecame closest to the glory."
"and $hat happened. years in $hich the greatest achievements of Man%ind $ere crusades and death,
and paintings of pretty angels. its only $hen Man raised themselves once again to 0uest for their -+#
sa%e, that science, technology, and art 'ecame great again. $hen ride too% its place, and nations
strove. humans claimed a foothold in the very void itself, out of ride. And lets not forget the artists.
Leonardo, $ho $or%ed himself into his most famous $or%s. /he ,eatles! ,igger than 1esus, yes?
ride is at the core of the greatest of accomplishments. if you $ish to %no$ $hy a person has done the
ama(ing, or the impossi'le, loo% to their pride."
he rela&es some$hat.

"so yes, I am a creature of ride. $e 'oth are. 1udge us for that and you may even judge harshly." the
grin returns, as if it had not left. " 'ut in our pride, and 'y $hat +2 have done through it, $e can tell
you this. $e shall #-/ 'e found $anting."

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