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Sr No. Particulars Page No.
2. HISTOR O! B"J"J #
- Profile
- Bajaj Intro
- Company History
- Timeline of new releases
- Company Profile
#. %ETHODO&O' 1#
- Data Source
- Research pproach
- Samplin! unit
- Data Completion an" nalysis
- Scope
). CONC&*SION 2)
+. !INDIN'S 2+
1.. BIB&IO'R"PH 32
Page 2 of 32
1. To know the market share of Bajaj & Hero Honda.
2. To know the perception of customers regarding bikes.
3. To determine the customers satisfaction regarding bikes.
4. To determine the factors infuencing the choice of customers regarding bikes.
other !bjecti"es are #
To ana$%e the customer satisfaction.
To ana$%e the customer preference.
To know which manufacturer is pro"iding better ser"ices.
To ana$%e after saes ser"ices of bikes.
To stud$ the beha"iora factors of consumers in motor bikes.
To suggest "arious factors to impro"e saes.
Page 3 of 32
Bajaj &uto imited is one of the argest two wheeer manufacturing compan$ in 'ndia
apart from producing two wheeers the$ aso manufacture three wheeers. The compan$
had started wa$ back in 1(4). 'nitia$ it used to import the two wheeers from outside*
but from 1()( it started manufacturing of two wheeers in the countr$. B$ the $ear 1(+,
Bajaj &uto had roed out their 1,,*,,,th "ehice. Bajaj scooters and motor c$ces ha"e
become an integra part of the 'ndian miieu and o"er the $ears ha"e come to represent the
aspirations of modern 'ndia. Bajaj &uto aso has a technica tie up with -awasaki hea"$
industries of .apan to produce the atest motorc$ces in 'ndia which are of word cass
/uait$ The Bajaj -awasaki eiminator has emerged straight out of the drawing board of
-awasaki hea"$ industries. The core brand "aues of Bajaj &uto imited incudes
0earning* 'nno"ation* Perfection* 1peed and Transparenc$.
Bajaj &uto has three manufacturing units in the countr$ at &kurdi* 2auj and 3hakan in
4aharashtra* western 'ndia* which produced 2*314*+5+ "ehices in 2,,)6,7. The saes are
backed b$ a network of after saes ser"ice and maintenance work shops a o"er the
8ounder .amnaa Bajaj
9ear of :stabishment 1(27
'ndustr$ &utomoti"e 6 Two & Three 2heeers
Business ;roup The Bajaj ;roup
0istings & its codes B1: < 3ode# ),,4(,= >1: 6 3ode# B&.&.&?T!
Presence @istribution network co"ers ), countries.
@ominant presence in 1ri 0anka* Bangadesh* 3oumbia*
;uatemaa* Peru* :g$pt* 'ran and 'ndonesia.
.oint Aenture -awasaki Hea"$ 'ndustries of .apan
Begistered & Head !ffice &kurdi Pune < 411,3) 'ndia
Te.# CD(1E6D2,E62+4+25)1
8aF# CD(1E6D2,E62+4+33(5
2orks &kurdi* Pune 411,3)
Bajaj >agar* 2auj &urangabad 431137
3hakan 'ndustria &rea* 3hakan* Pune 411),1
Page 4 of 32
:6mai rahubajajGbajajauto.co.in
2ebsite www.bajajauto.com
Bajaj &utos 0td.
Bajaj Aut L!"!t#$
T%&# Pubic
Fu'$#$ 1(4)
H#a$(ua)t#)* Pune* 'ndia
+#% &#&,# Bahu Bajaj D3hairmanE
Bs. 1*,1*,73 biion D2,,7E or ?1@ 1.5+
N#t !'."# Bs. 1+*,17 biion
E"&,%##* HHH
/#0*!t# www.bajajauto.com
Bajaj Aut is a major 'ndian automobie manufacturer. 't is 'ndiaIs argest and the
wordIs 4th argest two6 and three6wheeer maker. 't is based in Pune* 4aharashtra* with
pants in 2auj near &urangabad* &kurdi and 3hakan* near Pune. Bajaj &uto makes
motorscooters* motorc$ces and the auto rickshaw.
Page 1 of 32
C"&a'%2* 3!*t)%
Bajaj &uto came into eFistence on >o"ember 2(* 1(4) as 4Js Bachraj Trading
3orporation Pri"ate 0imited. 't started off b$ seing imported two6 and three6wheeers in
'ndia. 'n 1()(* it obtained icense from the ;o"ernment of 'ndia to manufacture two6 and
three6wheeers and it went pubic in 1(7,. 'n 1(+,* it roed out its 1,,*,,,th "ehice. 'n
1(++* it managed to produce and se 1,,*,,, "ehices in a singe financia $ear. 'n 1(5)*
it started producing at 2auj in &urangabad. 'n 1(57* it managed to produce and se
),,*,,, "ehices in a singe financia $ear. 'n 1(()* it roed out its ten miionth "ehice
and produced and sod 1 miion "ehices in a $ear.
T!"#,!'# 4 '#5 )#,#a*#*
1(+1 6 three6wheeer goods carrier
1(+2 6 Bajaj 3hetak
1(+7 6 Bajaj 1uper
1(++ 6 Bear engine &utorickshaw
1(51 6 Bajaj 46),
1(57 6 Bajaj 465,* -awasaki Bajaj -B1,,
1((, 6 Bajaj 1unn$
1((4 6 Bajaj 3assic
1(() 6 Bajaj 1uper :Fce
1((+ 6 -awasaki Bajaj BoFer* Bear :ngine @iese &utorickshaw
1((5 6 -awasaki Bajaj 3aiber* 0egendD'ndiaIs first four6stroke scooterE
2,,, 6 Bajaj 1affire
2,,1 6 :iminator* Pusar
2,,3 6 3aiber11)* Bajaj 2ind 12)* Bajaj Pusar
2,,4 6 Bajaj 3T 1,,* >ew Bajaj 3hetak 46stroke with 2onder ;ear* Bajaj
@isco"er @T16i
2,,) 6 Bajaj 2a"e* Bajaj &"enger* Bajaj @isco"er
2,,7 6 Bajaj Patina
2,,+ 6 Bajaj Pusar62,,
2,,56 Bajaj @isco"er
2,1,6Bajaj @isco"er61),
1ome of the modes that Bajaj makes Dor has madeE are#
Page 6 of 32
o Bajaj 1unn$
o Bajaj 3hetak
o Bajaj 3ub
o Bajaj 1uper
o Bajaj 2a"e
o Bajaj 0egend
o -awasaki :iminator
o Bajaj Pusar
o Bajaj -awasaki 2ind 12)
o Bajaj BoFer
o Bajaj 3T 1,,
o Bajaj Patina
o Bajaj 3aiber
o Bajaj @isco"er
o Bajaj &"enger
U&."!'7 M$#,*
Bajaj Pusar 22, @T168i
Bajaj -r$sta
Bajaj Bade
Bajaj 1onic
N#5 I"a7#
The compan$* o"er the ast decade has successfu$ changed its image from a scooter
manufacturer to a two wheeer manufacturer* product range ranging from 1cooterettes to
1cooters to 4otorc$ce. 'ts rea growth in numbers has come in the ast 4 $ears after
successfu introduction of a few modes in the motorc$ce segment.
The compan$ is headed b$ Bahu Bajaj who is worth more than ?1K1.) biion.
Page 8 of 32
'ndia has the argest number of two wheeers in the word with 41.7 miion
"ehices. 'ndia has a miF of 3, percent automobies and +, percent two wheeers in the
countr$. 'ndia was the second argest two wheeer manufacturer in the word starting in
the 1(),Ls with the birth of &utomobie Products of 'ndia D&P'E that manufactured
scooters. &P' manufactured the 0ambrettas but* another compan$* Bajaj &uto 0td.
surpassed &P' and remained through the turn of the centur$ from its association with
Piaggio of 'ta$ Dmanufacturer of AespaE.
The icense raj that eFisted between the1(4,s to1(5,s in 'ndia* did not aow foreign
companies to enter the market and imports were tight$ controed. This reguator$ ma%e*
before the economic iberai%ation* made business easier for oca pa$ers to ha"e a
seerLs market. 3ustomers in 'ndia were forced to wait 12 $ears to bu$ a scooter from
Bajaj. The 3:! of Bajaj commented that he did not need a marketing department* on$ a
dispatch department. B$ the $ear 1((,* Bajaj had a waiting ist that was twent$6siF times
its annua output for scooters.
The motorc$ce segment had the same ong wait times with three manufacturers= Bo$a
:nfied* 'dea .awa* and :scorts. Bo$a :nfied made a 3),cc Buet with the on$ four6
stroke engine at that time and took the higher end of the market but* there was itte
competition for their customers. 'dea .awa and :scorts took the midde and ower end of
the market respecti"e$.
'n the mid61(5,s* the 'ndian go"ernment reguations changed and permitted foreign
companies to enter the 'ndian market through minorit$ joint "entures. The two6wheeer
market changed with four 'ndo6.apanese joint "entures# Hero Honda* TA1 1u%uki* Bajaj
-awasaki and -inetic Honda. The entr$ of these foreign companies changed the 'ndian
market d$namics from the supp$ side to the demand side. 2ith a arger seection of two6
wheeers on the 'ndian market* consumers started to gain infuence o"er the products the$
bought and raised higher customer eFpectations. The industr$ produced more modes*
st$ing options* prices* and different fue efficiencies. The foreign companies new
technoogies heped make the products more reiabe and with better /uait$. 'ndian
companies had to change to keep up with their goba counterparts.
Page 9 of 32
H#) H'$a Mt).%.,# Lt$:
T%&# Pubic compan$ B1:#H:B!H!>@& 4
Fu'$#$ .anuar$ 1(* 1(54 in ;urgaon* Har$ana* 'ndia
H#a$(ua)t#)* Har$ana* 'ndia
+#% &#&,#
!m Prakash 4unja* 8ounder
4r. Brijmohan 0a 4unja* 3hairman
4r. Toshiaki >akagawa* .oint 4anaging
4r. Pawan 4unja* 4anaging @irector
I'$u*t)% &utomoti"e
P)$u.t* 4otorc$ces* 1cooters
R#-#'u# ?K 2.5 biion
/#0*!t# http#JJwww.herohonda.comJsiteJhomeJhome.asp

Page ; of 32
H#) H'$a Mt).%.,#* L!"!t#$ is an 'ndian manufacturer of motorc$ces and
scooters. Hero Honda is a joint "enture that began in 1(54 between the Hero group of
'ndia and Honda from .apan. 't has been the wordIs biggest manufacturer of 26wheeed
motori%ed "ehices since 2,,1* when it produced 1.3 miion motorbikes in a singe $ear.
Hero HondaIs 1pendor is the wordIs argest seing motorc$ce
Mcitation neededN
. 'ts 2 pants are
in @haruhera and ;urgaon* both in Har$ana* 'ndia. 't speciai%es in dua use motorc$ces
that are ow powered but "er$ fue efficient.
= M$#,* >
Hero Honda 1pendor Pus
Hero Honda Passion Pus
Hero Honda -ari%ma
Hero Honda 3BO
Hero Honda 1uper 1pendor
Hero Honda 3@ @awn
Hero Honda 3@ @euFe
Hero Honda &chie"er
Hero Honda ;amour
Hero Honda &mbition
Hero Honda P1pendorP 4ode
Page 1@ of 32
=C"&a'% P)4!,#>
QHeroR* is the brand name used b$ the 4unja brothers in the $ear 1()7 with the fagship
compan$ Hero 3$ces. The two6wheeer manufacturing business of bic$ce components
had origina$ started in the 1(4,Ls and turned into the wordLs argest bic$ce
manufacturer toda$. Hero* is a name s$non$mous with two6wheeers in 'ndia toda$. The
4unjas ro their own stee* make free whee bic$ce critica components and ha"e
di"ersified into different "entures ike product design. The Hero ;roup phiosoph$ is#
QTo pro"ide eFceent transportation to the common man at easi$ affordabe prices and to
pro"ide tota satisfaction in a its spheres of acti"it$R. The Hero group "ision is to buid
ong asting reationships with e"er$one Dcustomers* workers* deaers and "endorsE. The
Hero ;roup has a passion for setting higher standards and Q:ngineering 1atisfactionR is
the prime moti"ation* wa$ of ife and work cuture of the ;roup.
'n the $ear 1(54* 4r. Brijmohan 0a 4unja* the 3hairman and 4anaging @irector of
Hero Honda 4otors DHH4E* headed an aiance between the 4unja fami$ and Honda
4otor 3ompan$ 0td. DH43E. HH4 4ission 1tatement is# Q2e* at Hero Honda* are
continuous$ stri"ing for s$nerg$ between technoog$* s$stems* and human resources to
pro"ide products and ser"ices that meet the /uait$* performance* and price aspirations of
our customers. 2hie doing so* we maintain the highest standards of ethics and societa
responsibiities* constant$ inno"ate products and processes* and de"eop teams that keep
the momentum going to take the compan$ to eFceence in the new mienniumR. This
aiance became one of the most successfu joint "entures in 'ndia* unti the $ear 1(((
when H43 had announced a 1,,S subsidiar$* Honda 4otorc$ce & 1cooter 'ndia
DH41'E. This announcement caused the HH4 stock price to decrease b$ 3, percent that
same da$. 4unja had to come up with some new strategic decisions as* H41' and other
foreign new entr$ companies were causing increased intensit$ of ri"ar$ for HH4.
AA B)5t3 AA The business growth of Hero Honda has been phenomena throughout its
ear$ da$s. The 4unja fami$ started a modest business of bic$ce components. Hero
;roup eFpanded so big that b$ 2,,2 the$ had sod 57 miion bic$ces producing 17,,,
bic$ces a da$. Toda$ Hero Honda has an assemb$ ine of ( different modes of
motorc$ces a"aiabe. 't hods the record for most popuar bike in the word b$ saes for
'ts 1pendor mode. Hero Honda 4otors 0imited was estabished in joint "enture with
Honda 4otors of .apan in 1(54* to manufacture motorc$ces. 't is current$ the argest
producer of Two 2heeers in the word. 't sod 3 miion bikes in the $ear 2,,)62,,7.
Becent$ it has aso entered in scooter manufacturing* with its mode P0:&1?B: main$
aimed at girs. The Hero ;roup has done business different$ right from the start and that
is what has heped them to achie"e break6through in the competiti"e two6wheeer market.
The ;roupIs ow ke$* but focused* st$e of management has earned the compan$ paudits
amidst in"estors* empo$ees* "endors and deaers* as aso wordwide recognition.
The growth of the ;roup through the $ears has been infuenced b$ a number of factors#
Page 11 of 32
The Hero ;roup through the Hero 3$ces @i"ision was the first to introduce the concept
of just6in6time in"entor$. The ;roup boasts of superb operationa efficiencies. :"er$
assemb$ ine worker operates two machines simutaneous$ to sa"e time and impro"e
producti"it$. The fact that most of the machines are either de"eoped or fabricated in6
house* has resuted in ow in"entor$ e"es. 'n Hero 3$ces 0imited* the just6in6time
in"entor$ principe has been working since the beginning of production in the unit and is
functiona e"en ti date.. This is the .apanese st$e of production and in 'ndia= Hero is
probab$ the on$ compan$ to ha"e mastered the art of the just6in6time in"entor$
&n integra part of the ;roup strateg$ of doing business different$ was pro"iding support
to anciar$ units. There are o"er 3,, anciar$ units toda$* whose production is dedicated
to HeroIs re/uirements and aso a arge number of other "endors* which incude some of
the better known companies in the automoti"e segment. :mpo$ee Poic$#
&nother 1triking feature within the Hero ;roup is the commitment and dedication of its
workers. There is no organi%ed abor union and fami$ members of empo$ees find read$
empo$ment within Hero. The phiosoph$ with regard to abor management is PHero is
growing* grow with Hero.P 2hen it comes to workersI benefits* the Hero ;roup is known
for pro"iding faciities* further ahead of the industr$ norms. 0ong before other companies
did so* Hero was gi"ing its empo$ees a uniform aowance* as we as House Bent
&owance DHB&E and 0ea"e Tra"e &owance D0T&E. :Ftra benefits took the form of
medica check6ups* not just for workers* but aso for the immediate fami$ members.
=D#a,#) N#t5)? >
The reationship of Hero ;roup with their deaers is uni/ue in its coseness. The deaers
are considered a part of the Hero fami$. & nation6wide deaer network comprising of
o"er )*,,, outets* and ha"e a formidabe distribution s$stem in pace. 1aes agents from
Hero tra"es to a the corners of the countr$* "isiting deaers and send back dai$
postcards with information on the stock position that da$* turno"er* fresh purchases*
anticipated demand and aso competitor action in the region. The manufacturing units
ha"e a separate department to hande deaer compaints and probems and the first
response is awa$s gi"en in 24 hours.
=F!'a'.!a, P,a''!'7>
The Hero ;roup benefits from the ;roup 3hairmanIs financia acumen and his grasp on
technoog$* manufacturing and marketing. ;roup 3ompan$* Hero 3$ces 0imited has
Page 12 of 32
one of the highest abor producti"it$ rates in the word. 'n Hero Honda 4otors 0imited*
the focus is on financia and raw materia management and a ow empo$ee turno"er.
= <ua,!t% >
Tuait$ at Hero is attained not just b$ modern pants and e/uipment and through atest
technoog$* but b$ enforcing a strict discipine. &t the ;roup factories* attaining /uait$
standards is an e"er$da$ practice 6 a strict$ pursued discipine. 't comes from an
amagamation of the atest technoog$ with deep6rooted eFperience deri"ed from near$
four decades of hard abor. 't is an attitude that masters the chaenge of growth and
change 6 change in consumersI perceptions about products and new aspirations arising
from a new generation of bu$ers.
3onstant technoog$ up gradation ensures that the ;roup sta$s in the goba mainstream
and maintains its competiti"e edge. 2ith each of its foreign coaborations* the ;roup
goes onto strengthen its /uait$ measures as per the book. The ;roup aso empo$s the
ser"ices of independent eFperts from around the word to assist in new design and
production processes.
=D!-#)*!4!.at!' >
Throughout the $ears of enormous growth* the ;roup 3hairman* 4r. 0a has acti"e$
ooked at di"ersification. & considerabe e"e of backward integration in its
manufacturing acti"ities has been ampe in the ;roupIs growth and ed to the
estabishment of the Hero 3$ces 3od Boing @i"ision* 4unja and 1unbeam 3astings*
4unja &uto 3omponents and 4unja 1howa 0imited amongst other component6
manufacturing units.
Then there were the eFpansion into the automoti"e segment with the setting up of
4ajestic &uto 0imited* where the first indigenous$ designed moped* Hero 4ajestic*
went into commercia production in 1(+5. Then came Hero 4otors which introduced
Hero Puch* in coaboration with goba technoog$ eader 1te$r @aimer Puch of &ustria.
Hero Honda 4otors was estabished in 1(54 to manufacture 1,, cc motorc$ces.
The Hero ;roup aso took a "enture into other segments ike eFports* financia ser"ices*
information technoog$* which incudes customer response ser"ices and software
de"eopment. 8urther eFpansion is eFpected in the areas of 'nsurance and
The Hero ;roupIs phenomena growth is the resut of constant inno"ations* a cose watch
on costs and the d$namic eadership of the ;roup 3hairman* characteri%ed b$ a cuture of
entrepreneurship* of right attitudes and buiding stronger reationships with in"estors*
partners* "endors and deaers and customers
Page 13 of 32
't is we known fact that the most important step in marketing research process is
to define the probem. 3hoose for in"estigation because a probem we defined is haf
so"ed. That was the reason that at most care was taken whie defining "arious parameters
of the probem. &fter gi"ing through brain storming session* objecti"es were seected and
the set on the base of these objecti"es. & /uestionnaire was designed major emphasis of
which was gathering new ideas or insight so as to determine and bind out soution to the
Besearch incuded gathering both Primar$ and 1econdar$ data. P)!"a)% $ata is
the first hand data* which are seected a fresh and thus happen to be origina in character.
Primar$ @ata was crucia to know "arious customers and past consumer "iews about
bikes and to cacuate the market share of this brand in regards to other brands.
S#.'$a)% $ata are those which has been coected b$ some one ese and which
aread$ ha"e been passed through statistica process. 1econdar$ data has been taken from
internet* newspaper* maga%ines and companies web sites.
The research approach was used sur"e$ method which is a wide$ used method
for data coection and best suited for descripti"e t$pe of research sur"e$ incudes
research instrument ike /uestionnaire which can be structured and unstructured. Target
popuation is we identified and "arious methods ike persona inter"iews and teephone
inter"iews are empo$ed.
't gi"es the target popuation that wi be samped. This research was carried in
Batam 3it$. These were 1,, respondents.
&fter the data has been coected* it was tabuated and findings of the project were
presented foowed b$ ana$sis and interpretation to reach certain concusions.
4$ project was based on the C"&a)at!-# Stu$% 4 Bajaj VCS H#) H'$a and
data was taken in the Rat,a" C!t% on$.
Page 14 of 32
-1/ 01ic1 2i3e 4o 5ou 1a6e7
Hero Hon"a ()
Bajaj 3*
ny other +,
Hero hon"a
ny other
Page 11 of 32
-2/ 01ic1 %o4el 4o 5ou Ha6e7
Hero Ho84a Ba9a9
Splen"er -+ CT +.. )
Passion +3 Disco/er +-
0ari1ma ) Pulsar ++
ny other 2 ny other *
%o4el Na:e


Hero Hon"a
ny other
%o4el Na:e


CT +..
ny other
Page 16 of 32
-3/ I8 <1ic1 ;a:il5 I8co:e le6el 4o 5ou !all7
+.....--..... --
-.....-3..... (,
3.....-(..... -3
a3o/e (..... +.
I8co:e le6el


a3o/e (.....
Page 18 of 32
-#/ !or 1o< lo8g 4o 5ou o<8 a 2i3e7
.-+ year 3(
+-- year -4
--3 year -2
a3o/e 3 year ++
No o;
No o; 5ears
.-+ year
+-- year
--3 year
a3o/e 3 year
Page 19 of 32
-(/ !or <1at =ur=ose 4o 5ou use 5our %otor Bi3e7
Hero Ho84a Ba9a9
#ffice Purpose 4 (
Personal purpose +3 +,
5oy Purpose +4 +2
#ther 2 3
#f f ice


Hero Hon"a
Page 1; of 32
-)/ Ho< 4o 5ou co:e to 38o< a2out t1is %otor Bi3e7
Hero Ho84a Ba9a9
6ewspaper ( -
Tele/ision -3 +2
7a!a1ine - +
$rien"s 8
Relati/e +* +4
Hero Hon"a Bajaj
Na:e o; Co:=a85


$rien"s 8 Relati/e
Page 2@ of 32
-+/ Does "46ertise:e8t I8;lue8ce 5our 4ecisio8
i8 c1oosi8g a %otor Bi3e7
9es *):
6o ,:
Cant say *:
Cant say
Page 21 of 32
-$/ Do 5ou 1a6e ;ull 38o<le4ge a2out Bi3es 2e;ore
Hero Ho84a Ba9a9
9es -, -3
6o -- +,
Hero Hon"a Bajaj
Co:=a85 Na:e


Page 22 of 32
-,/ 01ic1 !actor 2elo< I8;lue8ce 5our 4ecisio87
Hero Ho84a Ba9a9
Price )-: )*:
7ilea!e )*: 2(:
;uality 2,: (*:
Resale <alue (.: -*:
Status sym3ol +.: ):
Hero Hon"a Bajaj
Co:=a85 Na:e


Resale <alue
Status sym3ol
Page 23 of 32
-1./ Ho< <oul4 5ou rate t1e ;ollo<i8g ;actors o; Bi3es <it1 res=ect to
4i;;ere8t co:=a857
Hero Ho84a Ba9a9
7ilea!e )(: )-:
Price 2*: 2,:
Pic= up ).: *.:
7aintenance ,*: 2-:
%oo= 8 Shape *,: *.:
Bran" Ima!e ,3: ,,:
Hero Hon"a Bajaj
Co:=a85 Na:e


Pic= up
%oo= 8 Shape
Bran"e Ima!e
Page 24 of 32
-11/ I; 8e< Bi3e <it1 goo4 ;eatures co:es i8> t1e8 <oul4 5ou li3e to
c1a8ge 5our 2i3e7
Hero Ho84a Ba9a9
9es +4 -+
6o +) +(
Cant say ++ 3
9es 6o Cant say


Hero Hon"a
Page 21 of 32
1. 4ost of the Pusar* 3BO & -ari%ma are purchased b$ $oung generation 15 to 3,
because the$ prefer st$ish ooks and rest of the modes of Hero Honda are
purchased more b$ dai$ users who needs more a"erage of bikes than ooks.
2. Hero Honda is considered to be most fue6efficient bike on 'ndian roads.
3. 1er"ice & 1pare parts are a"aiabe throughout 'ndia in oca markets aso.
4. 2hie bu$ing a motorc$ce* econom$ is the main consideration in form of
maintenance cost* fue efficienc$.
). 4ajorit$ of the respondent had bought their motorc$ce more than 3 $ears.
Page 26 of 32
@uring this research project ' came in to contact with man$ customers who are
ha"ing bikes. 't has been found that in Hero Honda most$ the customers are ha"ing
spendor whie the ratio of the customers using Passion* -ari%ma and other bikes are
comparati"e$ ow. 'n Bajaj the customers are gi"ing more preference to @isco"er and
Pusar modes and in case of TA1 Bikes the customers are gi"ig more preference to the
other modes rather than 8ame*1tarcit$and &pache. The maFimum numbers of customers
that are using these bikes fa in the income group of 2,,,,,63,,,,,.
't has been obser"ed that the customers are using their bikes most$ for officia
and persona purpose. 't is obser"ed that the awareness of Hero Honda bikes most$
comes from friends whie of Bajaj and TA1 the awareness comes from newspapers and
tee"isions. !ut of the sampe si%e of (, customers* 7) customers agree with the fact that
ad"ertisements pa$ a "er$ significant roe in infuencing their beha"ior to choose the
bike. !n the other hand 1) customers do not agree to this fact. 2hie remaining 1,
customers are not sure about it.
2hen the customers are asked that are the$ satisfied with the performance of their
bikes then most of them agrees to the fact. !ut of the sampe si%e of (, customers* ))
customers sa$s that the$ are satisfied with the performance of their bikes. !n the other
hand 25 customers are not satisfied with the performance of the bikes that the$ are
ha"ing. 2hie the remaining 1, customers are unabe to sa$ an$thing. 't is obser"ed that
most of the customers are ha"ing fu knowedge of the bike before purchasing
't has been seen that 'n Hero Honda bikes the mieage of the bike and the "aue
that it adds to the status s$mbo of the customers infuences the decision criteria of most
of the customers. 'n Bajaj bikes customers gets more infuenced b$ the price and /uait$
of the bike and aso the$ think that it adds "aue to their prestige. 2hie in case of TA1
bike the economic price of the bikes infuences the bu$ing beha"ior of the customers
't is obser"ed that in rating of different features of different bikes peope gi"e maFimum
rating to the ook and shape of the bike. &t the second e"e the$ gi"e their rating to the
pick up. &t the third e"e the$ rate mieage. &nd at the fourth e"e the$ gi"e points to
4aintenance. &t ast the$ rate price and brand image.
Page 28 of 32
1. Bajaj shoud introduce some more modes ha"ing more engine power.
2. Hero Honda shoud think about fue efficienc$ in case of upper segment bikes.
3. 4ore ser"ice centers shoud be opened.
4. 4aintenance cost and the a"aiabiit$ of the spare parts shoud aso be gi"en due
). The$ aso introduce some good financeJdiscount schemes for students.
7. The price shoud be economic.
Page 29 of 32
&;:#6 1)62, 2,62)
2).3, &bo"e 3,
!33?P&T'!>#6 Businessman :mpo$ee
1tudent !ther
T1E 2hich Bike do $ou ha"eH
Hero Honda Bajaj
T2E 2hich 4ode do $ou ha"eH
Hero Honda# 6 1pendor Passion
-ari%ma !ther
Bajaj# 6 3T 1,, @isco"er
Pusar !ther
8ame &pache
T3E 'n which 8ami$ 'ncome do $ou 8aH
1,,,,,62,,,,, 2,,,,,63,,,,,
3,,,,,64,,,,, &bo"e 4,,,,,
T4E 8or how ong do $ou own a BikeH
,61 $ear 162 $ear
263 $ear abo"e 3 $ears
Page 2; of 32
T)E 8or what purpose do $ou use $our 4otor BikeH
!ffice Purpose Persona Purpose
.o$ Purpose !ther
T7E How do $ou come to know about this 4otor BikeH
>ewspaper Tee"ision
4aga%ines 8riendsJBeati"es
T+E &re $ou satisfied with the performance of the bike that $ou are current$ ha"ingH
9es >o 3anLt sa$
T5E @oes &d"ertisement 'nfuence $our decision in choosing a 4otor BikeH
9es >o 3anLt sa$
T(E @o $ou ha"e fu knowedge about Bikes before bu$ingH
9es >o 3anLt sa$
T1,E. 2hich factor beow infuence $our decisionH
Price 4ieage Tuait$
Besae Aaue 1tatus 1$mbo
T11E How woud $ou rate the foowing factors of bikes with respect to different
Hero Honda Bajaj
Pick up
Brand 'mage
Page 3@ of 32
12E 'f new bike with good feature comes in* then woud $ou ike to change $our bikesH
9es >o 3anLt sa$
T13E &n$ 1uggestions for 3ompan$
@ate# D1ignatureE
Page 31 of 32

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