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National Student Survey

Main Questionnaire

5 5 5 5 Delnley agree
4 4 4 4 Mosly agree
3 3 3 3 Nelher agree nor dsagree
Z Z Z Z Mosly dsagree
1 1 1 1 Delnley dsagree
N/A N/A N/A N/A Nol appcabe

The leachng on my course The leachng on my course The leachng on my course The leachng on my course
5 55 5 4 44 4 3 33 3 Z ZZ Z 1 11 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
1. Slall are good al expanng lhngs. . . . . . .
Z. Slall have made lhe sub|ecl nlereslng. . . . . . .
3. Slall are enlhusaslc aboul whal lhey are leachng. . . . . . .
4. The course s nleecluay slmualng. . . . . . .
Assessme Assessme Assessme Assessmenl and leedback nl and leedback nl and leedback nl and leedback
5. The crlera used n markng have been cear n advance. . . . . . .
5. Assessmenl arrangemenls and markng have been lar. . . . . . .
7. Feedback on my work has been prompl. . . . . . .
8. l have receved delaed commenls on my work. . . . . . .
9. Feedback on my work has heped me carly lhngs l dd nol
. . . . . .
Academc supporl Academc supporl Academc supporl Academc supporl
10. l have receved sullcenl advce and supporl wlh my sludes. . . . . . .
11. l have been abe lo conlacl slall when l needed lo. . . . . . .
1Z. Cood advce was avaabe when l needed lo make sludy choces. . . . . . .
Organsalon and managemenl Organsalon and managemenl Organsalon and managemenl Organsalon and managemenl
13. The lmelabe works ellcenly as lar as my aclvles are
. . . . . .
14. Any changes n lhe course or leachng have been communcaled
. . . . . .
15. The course s we organsed and s runnng smoolhy. . . . . . .

Learnng resources Learnng resources Learnng resources Learnng resources 5 55 5 4 44 4 3 33 3 Z ZZ Z 1 11 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
15. The brary resources and servces are good enough lor my
. . . . . .
17. l have been abe lo access genera lT resources when l needed
. . . . . .
18. l have been abe lo access specased equpmenl, lacles, or
rooms when l needed lo.
. . . . . .
ersona deveopmenl ersona deveopmenl ersona deveopmenl ersona deveopmenl

19. The course has heped me lo presenl mysel wlh conldence. . . . . . .
Z0. My communcalon sks have mproved. . . . . . .
Z1. As a resul ol lhe course, l lee conldenl n lackng unlamar
. . . . . .
ZZ. Overa, l am salsled wlh lhe qualy ol lhe course. ZZ. Overa, l am salsled wlh lhe qualy ol lhe course. ZZ. Overa, l am salsled wlh lhe qualy ol lhe course. ZZ. Overa, l am salsled wlh lhe qualy ol lhe course. . . . . . .
Lookng back on lhe experence, are lhere any parlcuary poslve or negalve aspecls you woud ke lo hghghl7 (ease Lookng back on lhe experence, are lhere any parlcuary poslve or negalve aspecls you woud ke lo hghghl7 (ease Lookng back on lhe experence, are lhere any parlcuary poslve or negalve aspecls you woud ke lo hghghl7 (ease Lookng back on lhe experence, are lhere any parlcuary poslve or negalve aspecls you woud ke lo hghghl7 (ease
use lhe boxes beow.) use lhe boxes beow.) use lhe boxes beow.) use lhe boxes beow.)
oslve . oslve . oslve . oslve .

Negalve Negalve Negalve Negalve . .. .

National Student Survey
Bank of Questions (Optional)

5 5 5 5 Delnley agree
4 4 4 4 Mosly agree
3 3 3 3 Nelher agree nor dsagree
Z Z Z Z Mosly dsagree
1 1 1 1 Delnley dsagree
N/A N/A N/A N/A Nol appcabe

1. Careers 1. Careers 1. Careers 1. Careers 5 55 5 4 44 4 3 33 3 Z ZZ Z 1 11 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
As a resul ol my course, l beeve lhal l have mproved my career
. . . . . .
Cood advce s avaabe lor makng career choces . . . . . .
Cood advce s avaabe on lurlher sludy opporlunles . . . . . .
Z. Course Conlenl and Slruclure Z. Course Conlenl and Slruclure Z. Course Conlenl and Slruclure Z. Course Conlenl and Slruclure
A ol lhe compusory modues are reevanl lo my course . . . . . .
There s an approprale range ol oplons lo choose lrom on my
. . . . . .
The modues ol my course lorm a coherenl nlegraled whoe . . . . . .
3. Vork acemenls 3. Vork acemenls 3. Vork acemenls 3. Vork acemenls
Dd your course nvove any work pacemenls7
Yes (ask a queslons n lhs seclon)
No (skp lhs seclon)

l receved sullcenl supporl and advce lrom my nsllulon aboul
lhe organsalon ol my pacemenls
. . . . . .
My pacemenls were vauabe n hepng my earnng . . . . . .
My pacemenls have heped me lo deveop my sks n realon lo
my course
. . . . . .
My pacemenls have heped me lo deveop my genera le sks . . . . . .
The laughl parl ol my course was good preparalon lor my
. . . . . .

4. Soca O 4. Soca O 4. Soca O 4. Soca Opporlunles pporlunles pporlunles pporlunles 5 55 55 55 5 4 44 4 3 33 3 Z ZZ Z 1 11 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
l have had penly ol opporlunles lo nleracl socay wlh olher
. . . . . .
l am salsled wlh lhe range ol cubs and soceles on oller . . . . . .
l am salsled wlh lhe range ol enlerlanmenl and soca evenls
on oller
. . . . . .
5. Course Devery 5. Course Devery 5. Course Devery 5. Course Devery
Learnng maleras made avaabe on my course have enhanced
my earnng
. . . . . .
The range and baance ol approaches lo leachng has heped me
lo earn
. . . . . .
The devery ol my course has been slmualng . . . . . .
My earnng has benelled lrom modues lhal are nlormed by
currenl research
. . . . . .
raclca aclvles on my course have heped me lo earn . . . . . .
5. Feedback lrom Sludenls 5. Feedback lrom Sludenls 5. Feedback lrom Sludenls 5. Feedback lrom Sludenls
l have had adequale opporlunles lo provde leedback on a
eemenls ol my course
. . . . . .
My leedback on lhe course s slened lo and vaued . . . . . .
ll s cear lo me how sludenls' commenls on lhe course have been
acled upon
. . . . . .
7. The hysca Lnvronmenl 7. The hysca Lnvronmenl 7. The hysca Lnvronmenl 7. The hysca Lnvronmenl
Securly has been salslaclory when allendng casses . . . . . .
My nsllulon provdes an approprale envronmenl n whch lo
. . . . . .
8. Velare kesources and Facles 8. Velare kesources and Facles 8. Velare kesources and Facles 8. Velare kesources and Facles
There s sullcenl provson ol welare and sludenl servces lo
meel my needs
. . . . . .
Vhen needed, lhe nlormalon and advce ollered by welare and
sludenl servces has been heplu
. . . . . .

9. Vorkoad 9. Vorkoad 9. Vorkoad 9. Vorkoad 5 55 5 4 44 4 3 33 3 Z ZZ Z 1 11 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
The workoad on my course s manageabe . . . . . .
Ths course does nol appy unnecessary pressure on me as a
. . . . . .
The voume ol work on my course means l can aways compele l
lo my salslaclon
. . . . . .
l am generay gven enough lme lo undersland lhe lhngs l have
lo earn
. . . . . .
10. Assessmenl 10. Assessmenl 10. Assessmenl 10. Assessmenl
Teachng slall lesl whal l have underslood ralher lhan whal l
have memorsed
. . . . . .
Assessmenl melhods empoyed n my course requre an n-deplh
underslandng ol lhe course conlenl
. . . . . .
11. Learnng Communly 11. Learnng Communly 11. Learnng Communly 11. Learnng Communly
l lee parl ol a group ol sludenls commlled lo earnng . . . . . .
l have been abe lo expore academc nleresls wlh olher
. . . . . .
l have earned lo expore deas conldenly . . . . . .
Vlhn my course, l lee my suggeslons and deas are vaued . . . . . .
l lee parl ol an academc communly n my coege or unversly . . . . . .
1Z. lnleeclua Molvalon 1Z. lnleeclua Molvalon 1Z. lnleeclua Molvalon 1Z. lnleeclua Molvalon
l have lound lhe course molvalng . . . . . .
The course has slmualed my nleresl n lhe led ol sludy . . . . . .
The course has slmualed my enlhusasm lor lurlher earnng . . . . . .

National Student Survey
Questions for NHS-Funded Students only

5 5 5 5 Delnley agree
4 4 4 4 Mosly agree
3 3 3 3 Nelher agree nor dsagree
Z Z Z Z Mosly dsagree
1 1 1 1 Delnley dsagree
N/A N/A N/A N/A Nol appcabe

N3 N3 N3 N3 raclce pacemenls raclce pacemenls raclce pacemenls raclce pacemenls 5 55 5 4 44 4 3 33 3 Z ZZ Z 1 11 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
l receved sullcenl preparalory nlormalon pror lo my
. . . . . .
l was aocaled pacemenl(s) sulabe lor my course . . . . . .
l receved approprale supervson on pacemenl(s) . . . . . .
l was gven opporlunles lo meel my requred praclce earnng
oulcomes / compelences
. . . . . .
My conlrbulon durng pacemenl(s) as parl ol lhe cnca leam
was vaued
. . . . . .
My praclce supervsor(s) underslood how my pacemenl(s)
realed lo lhe broader requremenls ol my course
. . . . . .

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