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This is where you need to take a step

back and reflect on your work

Always be positive; Remember, the
examiner on this paper won't have
actually seen your production work!

Past Questions:
January 2010 - Analyse one of your
productions in terms of representation.
June 2010 - genre
January 2011 - narrative
June 2011 - audience
January 2012 - representation
June 2012 - media language
January 2013 - narrative

Basic essay structure for 1b (Choose only ONE product to write about):

1 Intro: Start with a statement about the area you have been asked to evaluate,
quoting one or two relevant theorists. Explain which of your projects are you going
to write about. Briefly describe it. (see below)

2: Using the theorists, describe some of the key features of the concept you are
being asked to apply. Outline two or three of the theories/ideas of particular
writers, relating them to your production.

3: Start to apply the concept, making close reference to your product and to other
examples to show how the concept is evident in it.

4: Show ways in which ideas work in relation to three areas of your product -
production, distribution and exchange - and also ways in which those ideas might
not apply/could be challenged.

5: Conclusion - Sum up by returning to the question and, having discussed key
issues, say how your product follows or challenges the conventions of that issue

Goodwin Music Videos are simply an
extension to the lyrics
Music videos demonstrate certain genre

Scantily clad women
Music and Lyrics
There is a relationship between lyrics and
Images could illustrate the lyrics
They could amplify or contradict the lyrics
There is a relationship between music and
They could illustrate the music
They could amplify or contradict the lyrics
The Record Label
The record label will demand lots of close-ups
of the artist

The artist may have visual motifs/iconography
which may been seen across their work ie; a
visual style
There are constant themes about looking,
mirrors, reflections, screens within screens,
filming, cameras etc...,

There is also emphasis on looking at the female

Intertextuality = film, television, popular culture
Laura Mulvey
Suggests that the camera takes on the point of
view of the man by lingering on the womans
body and particular features

In this way, men can get visual pleasure from
Angela McRobbie
Suggests that men and women are often
represented through stereotypes in the media
and are often shown in traditional gender roles.
Can this theory be applied to your video ie
Women are seen as weaker, mothers, carers
Men are seen as aggressive, strong, leaders etc.,
David Buckingham suggests that GENRE is not
just given to the culture, it is in a constant
process of negotiation and change

Remember GENRE is a type and has certain
codes and conventions that you need to be
aware of regarding your own music video

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