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Su"m#tted B$
%nder !he &u#dance O'
Assist!t P"#$%ss#"
In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
C&'t%" N# Tit(% P)% N#
,#st o' ta"les
,#st o' charts
... -ntroduct#on o' the stud$ .
..1 )e'#n#t#on o' the stud$ 3
..3 Reta#n emplo$ees 2
..2 -mportance o' the stud$ 3
..3 O"ject#4e o' the stud$ 5
..5 Back6round o' the Stud$ 0
..0 *eed o' the stud$ 0
5.. F#nd#n6s 77;78
5.1 Su66est#ons 89
5.3 Conclus#on 8.
B#"l#o6raph$ 81
Append#< 83/80
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N# #$ T*(% Tit(% P)% N#
2.. A6e o' the respondent 39
2.1 A6e and mplo$ee retent#on 31
2.3 &ender o' the respondent 33
2.2 Mar#tal status o' the respondent 33
2.3 Mar#tal status and mplo$ee retent#on 30
2.5 Fam#l$ s#=e o' the respondent 37
2.0 Monthl$ salar$ o' the respondent 29
2.7 ducat#on >ual#'#cat#on o' the respondent 21
2.8 Awareness o' the or6an#=at#on 22
2..9 <per#ence o' the respondent 25
2... Mot#4at#on o' the jo" 27
2..1 Retent#on pro"lems 39
2..3 Relat#onsh#p w#th mana6ement 31
2..2 Rewards ; reco6n#t#on 32
2..3 -n'rastructure 35
2..5 (ork schedule 37
2..0 Compan$ pol#c$ 59
2..7 A4a#la"#l#t$ o' promot#on opportun#t$ 51
2..8 Jo" secur#t$ 52
2.19 Statutor$ "ene'#t 55
2.1. Mot#4at#on o' emplo$ees 57
2.11 Rate o' the appra#sal s$stem 09
2.13 Opportun#t$ to share $our #deas at work 01
2.12 Attended an$ tra#n#n6 pro6rams 02
2.13 Career enhancement opportun#t#es 05
2.15 Reason 'or lea4e 07
2.10 Sat#s'#ed w#th the #ncent#4es 79
2.17 Sat#s'#ed w#th the work#n6 hours 71
2.18 Bene'#t o''ered "$ the or6an#=at#on 72
2.39 Part#c#pat#on #n dur#n6 hol#da$s 75
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N# #$ C&"ts Tit(% P)% N#
2.. A6e o' the respondent 3.
2.1 &ender o' the respondent 32
2.3 Mar#tal status o' the respondent 35
2.2 Fam#l$ s#=e o' the respondent 38
2.3 Monthl$ salar$ o' the respondent 2.
2.5 ducat#on >ual#'#cat#on o' the respondent 23
2.0 +now a"out the or6an#=at#on 23
2.7 <per#ence o' the respondent 20
2.8 Mot#4at#on o' the jo" 28
2..9 Retent#on pro"lems 3.
2... &ood relat#onsh#p w#th mana6ement 33
2..1 Rewards ; reco6n#t#on 33
2..3 -n'rastructure 30
2..2 (ork schedule 38
2..3 Compan$ pol#c$ 5.
2..5 A4a#la"#l#t$ o' promot#on opportun#t$ 53
2..0 Jo" secur#t$ 53
2..7 Statutor$ "ene'#t 50
2..8 Mot#4at#on o' emplo$ees 58
2.19 Rate o' the appra#sal s$stem 0.
2.1. Opportun#t$ to share $our #deas at work 03
2.11 Attended an$ tra#n#n6 pro6rams 03
2.13 Career enhancement opportun#t#es 00
2.12 Reason 'or lea4e 08
2.13 Sat#s'#ed w#th the #ncent#4es 7.
2.15 Sat#s'#ed w#th the work#n6 hours 73
2.10 Bene'#t o''ered "$ the or6an#=at#on 73
2.17 Part#c#pat#on #n dur#n6 hol#da$s 70
,., I!t"#-./ti#! #$ t&% st.-01
mplo$ee Retent#on #n4ol4es tak#n6 measures to encoura6e emplo$ees to rema#n #n the
or6an#=at#on 'or the ma<#mum per#od o' t#me. -t #s a process #n wh#ch the emplo$ees are
encoura6ed to rema#n w#th the or6an#=at#on 'or the ma<#mum per#od o' t#me or unt#l the
complet#on o' the project. mplo$ee retent#on #s "ene'#c#al 'or the or6an#=at#on as well as the
emplo$ee. ''ect#4e emplo$ee retent#on #s a s$stemat#c e''ort "$ emplo$ers to create and 'oster
an en4#ronment that encoura6es current emplo$ees to rema#n emplo$ed? "$ ha4#n6 pol#c#es and
pract#ces #n place that address the#r d#4erse needs. Retent#on o' ke$ emplo$ees #s cr#t#cal to the
lon6/term health and success o' an$ or6an#=at#on. -t #s a known 'act that reta#n#n6 the "est
emplo$ees ensures customer sat#s'act#on? #ncreased product sales? sat#s'#ed collea6ues and
report#n6 sta''? e''ect#4e success#on plann#n6? and deepl$ em"edded or6an#=at#onal knowled6e
and learn#n6. mplo$ee retent#on matters? as or6an#=at#onal #ssues such as tra#n#n6 t#me and
#n4estment? lost knowled6e? #nsecure emplo$ees? and a costl$ cand#date search are #n4ol4ed.
@ence? 'a#l#n6 to reta#n a ke$ emplo$ee #s a costl$ propos#t#on 'or an or6an#=at#on. :ar#ous
est#mates su66est that los#n6 a m#ddle mana6er #n most or6an#=at#ons costs up to '#4e t#mes h#s
salar$. Corporate #s 'ac#n6 a lot o' pro"lems #n emplo$ee retent#on these da$s. @#r#n6
knowled6ea"le people 'or the jo" #s essent#al 'or an emplo$er? "ut retent#on #s e4en more
#mportant than h#r#n6.
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!here #s no dearth o' opportun#t#es 'or a talented person. !here are man$ or6an#=at#ons
wh#ch are look#n6 'or such emplo$ees. -' a person #s not sat#s'#ed "$ the jo" heAs do#n6? he ma$
sw#tch o4er to some other more su#ta"le jo". -n toda$As en4#ronment #t "ecomes 4er$ #mportant
'or or6an#=at#ons to reta#n the#r emplo$ees. !he top or6an#=at#ons are on the top "ecause the$
4alue the#r emplo$ees and the$ know how to keep them 6lued to the or6an#=at#on. -ntell#6ent
emplo$ers alwa$s real#=e the #mportance o' reta#n#n6 the "est talent. Reta#n#n6 talent has ne4er
"een so #mportant #n the -nd#an scenar#oB howe4er? th#n6s ha4e chan6ed #n recent $ears. -n
prom#nent -nd#an metros at least? there #s no dearth o' opportun#t#es 'or the "est #n the "us#ness?
or e4en 'or the second or th#rd "est. Retent#on o' ke$ emplo$ees and treat#n6 attr#t#on trou"les
has ne4er "een so #mportant to compan#es. -n an #ntensel$ compet#t#4e en4#ronment where @R
mana6ers are poach#n6 'rom each other? or6an#=at#ons can e#ther hold on to the#r emplo$ees
t#6ht or lose them to compet#t#on. For 6one are the da$s when emplo$ees would st#ck to an
emplo$er 'or $ears 'or want o' a "etter cho#ce. *ow? opportun#t#es are a"ound. mplo$ees sta$
and lea4e or6an#=at#ons 'or some reasons. !he reason ma$ "e personal or pro'ess#onal. !hese
reasons should "e understood "$ the emplo$er and should "e taken care o'. !he or6an#=at#ons
are "ecom#n6 aware o' these reasons and adopt#n6 man$ strate6#es 'or emplo$ee retent#on. A
stron6 retent#on strate6$? there'ore? "ecomes a power'ul recru#tment tool.
mplo$ee retent#on #s a new era o' modern technolo6$ and compet#t#4e "us#ness
en4#ronment. Or6an#=at#ons are cont#nuousl$ chan6#n6 .th#s chan6#n6 en4#ronment #s not onl$
e''ect#n6 the or6an#=at#ons "ut also the emplo$ees work#n6 #n #t. -n order to ma<#m#=e
or6an#=at#onal e''#c#enc$ and 'or opt#mal ut#l#=at#on o' the resources? human resources must "e
mana6ed properl$. @uman resource mana6ement pla$s a 4#tal role #n th#s re6ard. !he$ are
respons#"le that how emplo$ees are treated #n the or6an#=at#on. mplo$ee retent#on #s a 4#tal
#ssue and challen6e to all the or6an#=at#ons now da$s. !here are num"ers o' 'actors wh#ch
promote the emplo$ees to sta$ or lea4e the or6an#=at#on. -t ma$ "e e<ternal 'actors? #nternal
'actors and the com"#ned e''ect o' "oth. @uman resource pract#ces counts a lot #n th#s re6ard. -t
#s the need o' the hour that hr mana6ers should #dent#'$ the needs o' the emplo$ee and then
de4#ses the retent#on strate6#es. One strate6$ does not '#t to all as d#''erent #nd#4#duals ha4e
d#''erent pr#or#t#es. @r pro'ess#onals 'ace the 4#tal challen6e to reta#n talented emplo$ees.
mplo$ee retent#on #s 4er$ cr#t#cal to the lon6 term health o' an$ or6an#=at#on. (hen an
or6an#=at#on loses #ts talented emplo$ee #t le'ts a ne6at#4e #mpact on #nno4at#on? customer
sat#s'act#on? knowled6e 6a#n dur#n6 the past $ears and on the pro'#ta"#l#t$ o' the or6an#=at#on
.more o4er replac#n6 cost o' another emplo$ee contr#"ute a lot to the or6an#=at#on.
mplo$ee retent#on #s a 4#tal #ssue and challen6e to all the or6an#=at#ons now da$s.
!here are num"ers o' 'actors wh#ch promote the emplo$ees to sta$ or lea4e the or6an#=at#on. -t
ma$ "e e<ternal 'actors? #nternal 'actors and the com"#ned e''ect o' "oth. @uman resource
pract#ces counts a lot #n th#s re6ard. -t #s the need o' the hour that hr mana6ers should #dent#'$
the needs o' the emplo$ee and then de4#ses the retent#on strate6#es. One strate6$ does not '#t to
all as d#''erent #nd#4#duals ha4e d#''erent pr#or#t#es. @r pro'ess#onals 'ace the 4#tal challen6e to
reta#n talented emplo$ees. mplo$ee retent#on #s 4er$ cr#t#cal to the lon6 term health o' an$
or6an#=at#on. (hen an or6an#=at#on loses #ts talented emplo$ee #t le'ts a ne6at#4e #mpact on
#nno4at#on? customer sat#s'act#on? knowled6e 6a#n dur#n6 the past $ears and on the pro'#ta"#l#t$
o' the or6an#=at#on .more o4er replac#n6 cost o' another emplo$ee contr#"ute a lot to the
or6an#=at#on. -t #s the need o' the hour that hr mana6ers should #dent#'$ the needs o' the
emplo$ee and then de4#ses the retent#on strate6#es. One strate6$ does not '#t to all as d#''erent
#nd#4#duals ha4e d#''erent pr#or#t#es. @r pro'ess#onals 'ace the 4#tal challen6e to reta#n talented
emplo$ees. mplo$ee retent#on #s 4er$ cr#t#cal to the lon6 term health o' an$ or6an#=at#on.
(hen an or6an#=at#on loses #ts talented emplo$ee #t le'ts a ne6at#4e #mpact on #nno4at#on?
customer sat#s'act#on? knowled6e 6a#n dur#n6 the past $ears and on the pro'#ta"#l#t$ o' the
or6an#=at#on. More o4er replac#n6 cost o' another emplo$ee contr#"ute a lot to the or6an#=at#on.
,.2 D%$i!iti#! #$ t&% st.-01
@e e<pla#ns the '#rst ke$ to success #s #ndeed people. @e '#ned the r#6ht people '#rstB the
4#s#on and strate6$ can 'ollow. -t #s the people #n or6an#=at#on? who are the ke$ to success.
!he or6an#=at#ons want to hold the 4alued emplo$ees. Man$ approaches are used #n th#s
re6ard. !he one approach sees success #n rewards the second #n mak#n6 jo"s more 4alua"le
Ctra#n#n6 and ad4ancementD.
/ 3i4 C#((i!s
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!he relat#onsh#p "etween the emplo$eeAs jo" per'ormance and the#r retent#on also d#''er
s#6n#'#cantl$ w#th or6an#=at#onal culture 4alues. !he cultural e''ects were stron6er than the
com"#ned #n'luences o' the la"our market and the new emplo$eesA demo6raph#c character#st#cs.
/ 3#&! %. S&%"i-!
,.5 R%ti! %4'(#0%%s1
Mot#4at#on #s necessar$ 'or work per'ormance "ecause? #' people do not 'eel #ncl#ned to
en6a6e themsel4es #n work "eha4#or? the$ w#ll not put #n necessar$ e''orts to per'orm well.
@owe4er? per'ormance o' #nd#4#dual #n the or6an#=at#on depends on 4ar#et$ o' 'actors "es#des
mot#4at#on. -t #s there'ore des#ra"le to #dent#'$ 4ar#ous 'actors. For #nstance? emplo$eesA
knowled6e and sk#lls are #mportant per'ormance dr#4ers. Another 'actor #s the compan$As a"#l#t$
to reta#n #ts emplo$ees w#th attract#4e "ene'#t packa6es. Mot#4at#on #s a prom#nent tool to reta#n
emplo$ees w#th 6reater compensat#on packa6es.
Compan#es ha4e now real#=ed the #mportance o' reta#n#n6 the#r >ual#tat#4e work'orce
and reta#n#n6 the#r >ual#t$ per'ormers? contr#"utes to product#4#t$ o' the or6an#=at#on and
#ncrease morale amon6 emplo$ees. M#ddle and top mana6ement pla$s a 4#tal role #n the people
d#mens#ons o' the or6an#=at#on. !he or6an#=at#on culture #n a lon6 run con4erts to or6an#=at#onal
eth#cs and people 'eel reluctant to lea4e "$ mak#n6 #t as a stepp#n6 stone when apprec#at#on and
rewards #n 'orm o' compensat#on awa#ts them #n compar#sons to the market trend. -n 4#ew o' the
descr#pt#on 6#4en #t #s necessar$ to e<am#ne the 'acts as how to reta#n them. !here are 'our "as#c
'actors that pla$ an #mportant role #n #ncreas#n6 emplo$eesA retent#on? #nclude: salar$ and
remunerat#on? pro4#d#n6 reco6n#t#on? "ene'#ts and opportun#t#es 'or #nd#4#dual 6rowth as
presented #n '#6ure .... But are the$ reall$ pos#t#4el$ contr#"ut#n6 to the retent#on rates o' the
compan$E Salar$ these da$s hardl$ reduce turno4er. !oda$As emplo$ees look "e$ond mone$
'actor. -n order to ensure that or6an#=at#ons are "eha4#n6 more customer/or#ented? the$ need to
"e e>uall$ emplo$ee centr#c #n order to match the #ntellectual propert$ and the#r products and
,.6 I4'#"t!/% #$ t&% st.-01
mplo$ee Retent#on re'ers to the techn#>ues emplo$ed "$ the mana6ement to help the
emplo$ees sta$ w#th the or6an#=at#on 'or a lon6er per#od o' t#me. mplo$ee retent#on strate6#es
6o a lon6 wa$ #n mot#4at#n6 the emplo$ees so that the$ st#ck to the or6an#=at#on 'or the
ma<#mum t#me and contr#"ute e''ect#4el$. S#ncere e''orts must "e taken to ensure 6rowth and
learn#n6 'or the emplo$ees #n the#r current ass#6nments and 'or them to enjo$ the#r work.
L%t .s .!-%"st!- 7&0 "%ti!i!) 8(.*(% %4'(#0%% is %ss%!ti( $#" !
Hi"i!) is !#t ! %s0 '"#/%ss1 !he @R Pro'ess#onal shortl#sts 'ew #nd#4#duals 'rom a
lar6e pool o' talent? conducts prel#m#nar$ #nter4#ews and e4entuall$ 'orwards #t to the
respect#4e l#ne mana6ers who 'urther 6r#ll them to jud6e whether the$ are '#t 'or the
or6an#=at#on or not. Recru#t#n6 the r#6ht cand#date #s a t#me consum#n6 process.
A! #")!i9ti#! i!8%sts ti4% !- 4#!%0 i! )"##4i!) ! i!-i8i-.( !- 4:%s &i4
"%-0 t# 7#": !- .!-%"st!- t&% /#"'#"t% /.(t."%1 A new jo#nee #s completel$ raw
and the mana6ement reall$ has to work hard to tra#n h#m 'or h#s o4erall de4elopment. -t
#s a complete wasta6e o' t#me and mone$ when an #nd#4#dual lea4es an or6an#=at#on all
o' a sudden. !he @R has to start the recru#tment process all o4er a6a#n 'or the same
4acanc$B a mere dupl#cat#on o' work. F#nd#n6 a r#6ht emplo$ee 'or an or6an#=at#on #s a
ted#ous jo" and all e''orts s#mpl$ 6o waste when the emplo$ee lea4es.
W&%! ! i!-i8i-.( "%si)!s $"#4 &is '"%s%!t #")!i9ti#!, it is 4#"% (i:%(0 t&t &%
7#.(- ;#i! t&% /#4'%tit#"s1 -n such cases? emplo$ees tend to take all the strate6#es?
pol#c#es 'rom the current or6an#=at#on to the new one. -nd#4#duals take all the #mportant
data? #n'ormat#on and stat#st#cs to the#r new or6an#=at#on and #n some cases e4en leak the
secrets o' the pre4#ous or6an#=at#on. !o a4o#d such cases? #t #s essent#al that the new
jo#nee #s made to s#6n a document wh#ch stops h#m 'rom pass#n6 on an$ #n'ormat#on
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e4en #' he lea4es the or6an#=at#on. Str#ct pol#c$ should "e made wh#ch pre4ents the
emplo$ees to jo#n the compet#tors. !h#s #s an e''ect#4e wa$ to reta#n the emplo$ees.
T&% %4'(#0%%s 7#":i!) $#" (#!)%" '%"i#- #$ ti4% "% 4#"% $4i(i" 7it& t&%
/#4'!0<s '#(i/i%s, ).i-%(i!%s !- t&.s t&%0 -;.st *%tt%"1 !he$ per'orm "etter than
#nd#4#duals who chan6e jo"s 're>uentl$. mplo$ees who spend a cons#dera"le t#me #n an
or6an#=at#on know the or6an#=at#on #n and out and thus are #n a pos#t#on to contr#"ute
E8%"0 i!-i8i-.( !%%-s ti4% t# -;.st 7it& #t&%"s1 One needs t#me to know h#s team
mem"ers well? "e 'r#endl$ w#th them and e4entuall$ trust them. Or6an#=at#ons are
alwa$s "ene'#ted when the emplo$ees are compat#"le w#th each other and d#scuss th#n6s
amon6 themsel4es to come out w#th someth#n6 "ene'#c#al 'or all. (hen a new #nd#4#dual
replaces an e<#st#n6 emplo$ee? adjustment pro"lems crop up. -nd#4#duals '#nd #t reall$
d#''#cult to esta"l#sh a com'ort le4el w#th the other person. A'ter str#k#n6 a rapport w#th
an e<#st#n6 emplo$ee? #t #s a challen6e 'or the emplo$ees to adjust w#th someone new
and most #mportantl$ trust h#m. -t #s a human tendenc$ to compare a new jo#nee w#th the
pre4#ous emplo$ees and alwa$s '#nd 'aults #n h#m.
It &s *%%! #*s%"8%- t&t i!-i8i-.(s sti/:i!) t# ! #")!i9ti#! $#" (#!)%" s'!
"% 4#"% (#0( t#7"-s t&% 4!)%4%!t !- t&% #")!i9ti#!1 !he$ enjo$ all k#nds
o' "ene'#ts 'rom the or6an#=at#on and as a result are more attached to #t. !he$ hardl$
"admouth the#r or6an#=at#on and alwa$s th#nk #n 'a4our o' the mana6ement. For them
the or6an#=at#on comes '#rst and all other th#n6s later.
It is %ss%!ti( $#" t&% #")!i9ti#! t# "%ti! t&% 8(.*(% %4'(#0%%s s&#7i!)
'#t%!ti(1 4er$ or6an#=at#on needs hardwork#n6 and talented emplo$ees who can
reall$ come out w#th someth#n6 creat#4e and d#''erent. *o or6an#=at#on can sur4#4e #' all
the top per'ormers >u#t. -t #s essent#al 'or the or6an#=at#on to reta#n those emplo$ees who
reall$ work hard and are #nd#spensa"le 'or the s$stem.
,.= O*;%/ti8% #$ t&% st.-01
!o stud$ a"out the emplo$ee retent#on o' Pr#th#4# creat#on #n !#rupur.
!o ascerta#n the pro"lems o' the emplo$ee #n the or6an#=at#on.
!o o''er su66est#on the emplo$ee retent#on o' Pr#th#4# creat#on #n !#rupur.
,.> B/:)"#.!- #$ t&% St.-01
!he retent#on o' emplo$ees has "een shown to "e s#6n#'#cant to the de4elopment and the
accompl#shment o' the or6an#=at#onAs 6oals and o"ject#4es. Retent#on o' mplo$ees can "e a
4#tal source o' compet#t#4e ad4anta6e 'or an$ or6an#=at#on. !h#s stud$ attempted to e<plore the
ma#n 'actors that contr#"ute to emplo$ee Retent#on e<#st#n6 #n the pr#4ate sector #n +uwa#t. !he
ne<t para6raphs d#scuss the Back6round o' the stud$ "$ clar#'$#n6 the theoret#cal 'ramework 'or
the ma#n Pro"lems w#th emplo$ee retent#on.
!oda$? chan6es #n technolo6$? 6lo"al econom#cs? trade a6reements? and the l#ke are
d#rectl$ a''ect#n6 emplo$eeFemplo$er relat#onsh#ps. G%nt#l recentl$? lo$alt$ was the cornerstone
o' that relat#onsh#p. !he loss o' talented emplo$ees ma$ "e 4er$ )etr#mental to the compan$As
'uture success. Outstand#n6 emplo$ees ma$ lea4e an Or6an#=at#on "ecause the$ "ecome
d#ssat#s'#ed? under pa#d or unmot#4ated CCo'' .885D? and wh#le tr$#n6 to reta#n emplo$ees w#th#n
the or6an#=at#on the$ ma$ present other challen6es as well. !he$ ma$ demand h#6her wa6es? not
compl$ w#th or6an#=at#on pract#ces? and not #nteract well w#th the#r co/workers or compl$ w#th
the#r mana6ersA d#rect#ons.
,.?N%%- #$ t&% st.-01
!he researcher attempts to determ#ne emplo$eeHs retent#on #n the Pr#th#4# Creat#on #n
!#rupur. !h#s stud$ #s des#6ned to e<plore the ma#n retent#on 'actors 'or Pr#th#4# Creat#on
emplo$ees. !he researcher also made an attempt to understand#n6 a"out mplo$eeHs sat#s'act#on
and #n Pr#th#4# Creat#on.
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M.&44- Hss! (,)1 mplo$ee retent#on #s the 4#tal challen6e #n all or6an#=at#ons. !h#s
papers 'ocus on one #ndustr$ that #s the leather #ndustr$ o' Pak#stan wh#ch #s 'ac#n6 the same
pro"lem o' retent#on o' emplo$ees due to man$ reasons. As ,eather #ndustr$ #s the th#rd lar6est
e<port earn#n6 sector #n Pak#stan so these reasons are d#scussed #n deta#l. !he turno4er rate #n
,eather -ndustr$ o' Pak#stan #s around 13 I 39J annuall$? #ts o"ser4ed that mostl$ second l#ne
mana6ers chan6e the#r jo"As 'or h#6h salar#es o''er? reco6n#t#on? author#t$ and also to seek 'or
more knowled6e and to 6et more compet#t#4e ed6e #n terms o' process#n6B -n tanner#es #ts
cr#t#cal and alarm#n6 "ecause o' the process and art#cle secrec$. -n order to ach#e4e compet#t#4e
ad4anta6e? ma<#mum ut#l#=at#on o' resources and to 6et or6an#=at#onal e''#c#enc$ emplo$ees
must "e reta#ned #n a true sp#r#t #n order to cope w#th all these cond#t#ons. -n th#s paper the
authors tr#ed to know the reasons "eh#nd th#s d#lemma that how emplo$ees can "e reta#ned and
some su66est#ons were 6#4en to deal w#th #t. One ed6e o' th#s paper #s that one o' the author
"elon6s to the same #ndustr$ #.e. leather #ndustr$.
T440 C. M#"s% (2)1 @umor has "een #n e<#stence s#nce the "e6#nn#n6 o' t#me. Some e4en
cla#m that humor #s the "est pre4ent#4e med#c#ne 'or stress mana6ement and 6ood health. -' hum
or #s 6ood 'or l#4#n6 product#4el$? can #t also "e 6ood 'or emplo$ee retent#on andFor emplo$ee
sat#s'act#onE !he purpose o' th#s conceptual and pract#cal paper #s to e<plore the e<tent to wh#ch
the use o' appropr#ate humor relates to emplo$ee retent#on and sat#s'act#on? wh#ch can enhance
the comm#tment? cohes#4eness and per'ormance o' a compan$As work'orce. Another o"ject#4e #s
to e<plore and emphas#=e the #mportance o' humor and emplo$ee retent#on #n the workplace.
!he paper pro4#des pract#cal recommendat#ons 'or toda$As mana6ers and o''ers a 'ocus 'or
'uture researchers to emp#r#call$ test the use o' humor and #ts relat#onsh#p to emplo$ee retent#on
and emplo$ee sat#s'act#on.
M.&44- U4%" (5)1 -n4est#6ate the #mpact o' 4ar#a"les Ccareer de4elopment? super4#sor
support? work en4#ronment? work l#'e "alanceD on emplo$ee retent#on. A total o' 39 #nter4#ews
were taken 'rom mana6ers o' d#''erent BPO or6an#=at#ons #n Pak#stan. &raph#cal Anal$s#s #s
#nd#cat#n6 that these 4ar#a"les ha4e s#6n#'#cant and pos#t#4e #mpact on emplo$ee retent#on. :er$
less research ha4e "een done a"out emplo$ee retent#on #n "us#ness process out sourc#n6?
espec#all$ #n Pak#stan. So? these '#nd#n6 w#ll pro4#de some #ns#6hts to BPOAs mana6ers to make
pol#c#es a"out emplo$ee retent#on #n Pak#stan.
R.s(! G."t#8i0 (6): (e model de'erred compensat#on as a share o' an uncerta#n 'uture pro'#t
6ranted "$ a nanc#all$ constra#ned emplo$er to her emplo$ee #n mutual a6reement. )e'erred
compensat#on ser4es as a retent#on mechan#sm? help#n6 the emplo$er to a4o#d "ankruptc$. !he
opt#mal com"#nat#on o' cash and de'erred pa$ments that a '#rm can use to reta#n >ual#'#ed
personnel depends on the cost o' new cred#t and "ank/ ruptc$ r#sk: -' #nterest rates are 6reater
CsmallerD than the e</ante odds o' "ankruptc$? the emplo$er w#ll to de'er compensat#on Cpa$ #n
cashD to the emplo$ee. !he emplo$ee alwa$s #mpro4es h#s pos#t#on #n the la"or market #'
#mm#nent "ankruptc$ #s a4o#ded.
K(" N%(s#! (=)1 -llum#nates s#6n#'#cant relat#onsh#ps "etween three major knowled6e
mana6ement C+MD des#6n d#mens#ons and the perce#4ed a"#l#t$ o' .39 or6an#=at#ons to reta#n
the#r knowled6e workers. +nowled6e worker retent#on #s a cr#t#cal challen6e 'or toda$As
or6an#=at#ons as the$ 'ace #ncreas#n6 6lo"al compet#t#on w#th #ts demands 'or e4en more such
workers? wh#le dramat#call$ sh#'t#n6 work'orce demo6raph#cs hasten the#r e<#t. +M des#6n
#n#t#at#4es that accelerate knowled6e creat#on? ac>u#s#t#on? and part#cularl$ knowled6e capture?
shar#n6 and retent#on? are rece#4#n6 unprecedented le4els o' #n4estment as a result. (h#le man$
'actors #mpact or6an#=at#on '#nanc#al per'ormance? th#s research #nd#cates that success'ul
knowled6e worker retent#on #s s#6n#'#cantl$ related w#th h#6her reported '#nanc#al per'ormance.
!he #mpl#cat#ons o' these results are noted.
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D". N$%%s A. K&! (>)1 Retent#on o' +e$ emplo$ees #s cr#t#cal to the lon6 term health and
success o' an$ or6an#=at#on. -t #s a known 'act that reta#n#n6 the "est emplo$ees? ensures
customer sat#s'act#on? #ncreased product sales? sat#s'#ed collea6ues and report#n6 sta''? e''ect#4e
success#on plann#n6 and deepl$ #m"edded or6an#=at#onal knowled6e and learn#n6. *ow da$s
compan#es are stru66l#n6 to reta#n emplo$ees. As emplo$ee attr#t#on has cont#nuousl$ "een on
#ncrease? and #ts coe4al phenomenon o' emplo$ee retent#on has "ecome an e4ol4#n6 concept.
!he ult#mate solut#on to the e4er #ncreas#n6 emplo$ee attr#t#on #s to #ncrease emplo$ee
en6a6ementF #n4ol4ement #n the or6an#=at#ons.
Ati$ A!is (?)1 mplo$ee retent#on #s a cr#t#cal aspect 'or e4er$ compan$ re6ard#n6 compet#t#4e
ad4anta6e "ecause human resource #s the most cr#t#cal asset o' toda$As modern world. Other
resources can "e arran6ed e''ortlessl$ "ut to 6et e''#c#ent and reta#n talented human cap#tal #s the
most d#''#cult task. !here'ore? or6an#=at#ons are now more 'ocused towards emplo$ee retent#on.
Or6an#=at#ons use d#''erent @R techn#>ues 'or retent#on. Our ma#n emphas#s #s on compensat#on
packa6es a'ter emplo$ee tra#n#n6 and de4elopment pract#ces 'or retent#on purposes. (e w#ll
also see how a rela<ed work en4#ronment w#ll help #n the retent#on o' emplo$ees. For th#s
purpose? we conducted th#s stud$ #n ,ahore and collected data 'rom corporate 6roups. !he
num"ers o' respondents #n our stud$ are 339. For anal$s#s we used the structural e>uat#on
modell#n6 techn#>ue w#th the use o' AMOS .7.9. -n th#s stud$? we used compensat#on as the
med#at#n6 4ar#a"le "etween the tra#n#n6 and retent#on o' emplo$ees. Results re4eal that
reta#n#n6 emplo$eeAs lon6 term? a'ter the#r tra#n#n6 and de4elopment has "een completed?
w#thout #ncreas#n6 the#r compensat#ons #s not as 'a4oura"le as when compensat#on #s #ncreased
to re'lect the complet#on a"#l#t$ to appl$ the#r '#eld related sk#lls and capa"#l#t#es.
I;9+U"+R%&4! (@)1 Comprehens#4e sur4e$ to date o' la"our turno4er and emplo$ee lo$alt$
#n *ew Kealand. !he w#del$ held 4#ew that the *ew Kealand worker has "ecome more mo"#le
#n the contemporar$ la"our market #s shown to "e somewhat s#mpl#st#c. -nstead? the p#cture #s
one o' #ncreas#n6 emplo$ment sta"#l#t$ as people 6et older and as the$ "ecome "etter pa#d?
lend#n6 support to the #dea that there are #dent#'#a"le de4elopmental sta6es a''ect#n6 the careers
o' "oth men and women. -n terms o' the reasons 'or emplo$ee turno4er? the stud$ demonstrates
that mot#4at#on 'or jo" chan6e #s mult#d#mens#onal: no one 'actor w#ll e<pla#n #t. (h#le
#nterest#n6 work #s the stron6est attractor and reta#ner #n the la"our market? the results also show
that there #s a stron6 emplo$ee e<pectat#on that mana6ement should make personnel dec#s#ons
"ased on mer#t? demonstrate that e<tr#ns#c rewards Csuch as pa$? promot#on and secur#t$D pla$ a
role #n "oth emplo$ee retent#on and turno4er? lend support to the #dea that there #s 6row#n6
concern w#th workIl#'e "alance? and underl#ne the retent#on 4alue o' 6ood relat#onsh#ps w#th co/
workers and super4#sors. !he results demonstrate that emplo$ee turno4er #s not r#skless 'or
#nd#4#duals: some "ene'#t a lot C'or e<ample? #n '#nd#n6 worthwh#le promot#onD? wh#le others do
"adl$ out o' #t. !he stud$ o''ers su66est#ons 'or #mpro4#n6 retent#on #n '#rms w#th d$s'unct#onal
emplo$ee turno4er.
M(8%"! W. C&i*#i7 (A)1 (orldw#de? a num"er o' 'actors ha4e "een attr#"uted to the #ncrease
#n the le4el o' emplo$ee turno4er. !he wa$ people are pa#d? reco6n#sed and ach#e4e salar$
ad4ancement are cr#t#cal 'actors #n attract#n6? reta#n#n6? and mot#4at#n6 emplo$ees. !he
challen6e 'or most or6an#sat#ons toda$ #s the 'ormulat#on o' an e''ect#4e emplo$ee retent#on
strate6$ that w#ll help #n reta#n#n6 emplo$ees that are cons#dered cr#t#cal #n atta#n#n6
or6an#sat#onal 6oals. !he pre4a#l#n6 host#le econom#c en4#ronment #n K#m"a"we has made the
'ormulat#on o' a real#st#c retent#on strate6$ part#cularl$ d#''#cult 'or mana6ers #n the 'ace o' an
e4er chan6#n6 econom#c en4#ronment that #s character#sed "$ h$per #n'lat#on w#th a depleted
la"our market occas#oned "$ sk#ll em#6rat#on. !h#s research was a case stud$ o' a major pr#4ate
sector med#cal la"orator$ compan$ #n K#m"a"we and was a#med at ach#e4#n6 the 'ollow#n6
o"ject#4es: #dent#'$ the causes o' emplo$ee turno4er #n the or6an#sat#on? e<am#ne the current
retent#on pract#ces #n the or6an#sat#on? esta"l#sh the e''ect#4eness o' the pract#ces? and attempt a
worka"le retent#on pract#ce that could reduce the h#6h rate o' emplo$ee turno4er #n the
or6an#sat#on. Lual#tat#4e research des#6n was emplo$ed us#n6 structured #nter4#ews as well as
adm#n#ster#n6 research >uest#onna#re to all cate6or$ o' emplo$ees. !he total populat#on o' the
or6an#sat#on nat#onw#de compr#sed o' 3719 emplo$ees w#th a sample s#=e o' 1129 respondents.
!he result o' the research showed that la"our turno4er #s h#6her amon6st non/mana6er#al
emplo$ees. S#m#larl$? major#t$ o' the emplo$ees would soon >u#t the or6an#sat#on and lastl$? the
h#6h rate o' emplo$ee turno4er #n the or6an#sat#on #s lar6el$ attr#"uted to poor reward s$stem
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W"- W&itt (,B)1 A mathemat#cal model #s de4eloped to help anal$=e the Benet #n contact/
center per'or/ mance o"ta#ned 'rom #ncreas#n6 emplo$ee Ca6entD retent#on? "$ #ncreas#n6 a6ent
jo" sat#s'act#on. !he contact/center Mper'ormanceN ma$ "e restr#cted to a trad#t#onal product#4#t$
measure such as the num"er o' calls answered per hour or #t ma$ #nclude a "roader measure o'
the >ual#t$ o' ser4#ce? e.6.? re4enue earned per hour or the num"er o' pro"lems success'ull$
resol4ed per hour. !he anal$s#s #s "ased on an #deal#=ed model o' a contact center? #n wh#ch the
num"er o' emplo$ed a6ents #s constant o4er t#me? assum#n6 that a new a6ent #s #mmed#atel$
h#red to replace each depart#n6 a6ent. !he a6ent emplo$ment per#ods are assumed to "e
#ndependent and #dent#call$ d#str#"uted random 4ar#a"les w#th a 6eneral a6ent/retent#on
pro"a"#l#t$ d#str#"ut#on? wh#ch depends upon mana6ement pol#c$ and act#ons. !he stead$/state
sta'' e<per#ence d#str#"ut#on #s o"ta#ned 'rom the a6ent/retent#on d#str#"ut#on "$ appl$#n6
renewal theor$. An #ncreas#n6 real/4alued 'unct#on spec#'#es the a4era6e per'ormance as a
'unct#on o' a6ent e<per#ence. Con4en#ent closed/'orm e<press#ons 'or the o4erall per'ormance
as a 'unct#on o' model elements are der#4ed when e#ther the a6ent/retent#on d#str#"ut#on or the
per'ormance 'unct#on has e<ponent#al structure. Mana6ement act#ons ma$ cause the a6ent/
retent#on d#str#"ut#on to chan6e. !he model descr#"es the conse>uences o' such chan6es upon
the lon6/run a4era6e sta'' e<per#ence and the lon6/run a4era6e per'ormance.
Ais& A"** K&! (,,)1 -dent#'$ 'actors reduc#n6 emplo$ee turno4er and to e<plore the
#mpact o' retent#on strate6#es on work'orce. Serena @otel? Fa#sala"ad? Pak#stan was selected as
sample 'or th#s stud$ "ecause o' #ts un#>ueness #n pract#c#n6 modern @R techn#>ues. !he
research was "ased on case stud$ methodB 'or th#s purpose th#rt$ sur4e$s and s#< 'ace to 'ace
#nter4#ews w#th ke$ personnel were carr#ed out. A total o' 35 respondents were selected w#th#n
the populat#on o' 173. :ar#a"les l#ke @R strate6#es? work place en4#ronment? tra#n#n6 and
de4elopment? and compensat#on were 'ound more e''ect#4e #n emplo$ee retent#on at Serena
Fa#sala"ad. !he stud$ re4ealed that 'or h#6her control o4er retent#on? mana6ement must work
o4er monetar$ rewards and career pro6ress#on. O4erall? current @R pract#ces at Serena ma$ "e
"enchmarked "$ others to decrease turno4er.
Wi((i4 A. B"#7! (,2)1 *on/pro'#t or6an#=at#ons rel$ on the m#ss#on to attract resources and
6u#de dec#s#on mak#n6. -ncreas#n6l$? m#ss#on statements are reco6n#=ed as a stron6 mana6ement
tool that can mot#4ate emplo$ees and keep them 'ocused on the or6an#=at#onAs purpose. !h#s
research #n4est#6ated emplo$ee att#tudes toward the m#ss#on #n a $outh and recreat#on ser4#ce
or6an#=at#on. -n 6eneral? the emplo$ees e<pressed pos#t#4e att#tudes toward the or6an#=at#onAs
m#ss#on? and those att#tudes were related to emplo$ee sat#s'act#on and #ntent#ons to rema#n w#th
the or6an#=at#on. @owe4er? d#ssat#s'act#on w#th pa$ tended to o4err#de emplo$eeAs m#ss#on
attachment as e<planat#on o' wh$ the$ ma$ lea4e the or6an#=at#on. !he #mpl#cat#on #s that
m#ss#on m#6ht "e sal#ent #n attract#n6 emplo$ees "ut less e''ect#4e #n reta#n#n6 them.
C(i"% C".t/&(%0 (,5)1 (hen compan#es pa$ "onuses to emplo$ees o' "ankrupt compan#es to
sta$ w#th the '#rm? popular press o'ten descr#"es th#s as 6reed$ mana6ers e<propr#at#n6 the last
"#t o' wealth 'rom shareholders. -n add#t#on? research has 'ound that? on a4era6e? reta#n#n6 pre/
"ankruptc$ mana6ement has ne6at#4e conse>uences. *e4ertheless? the #nc#dence o' these
retent#on plans has "een 6row#n6. -n th#s paper? we stud$ ke$ emplo$ee retent#on plans C+RPsD
and the corporate en4#ronment wh#ch allows the pa$ment o' a +RP. (e '#nd no e4#dence that
the compan#es that declare +RPs ha4e poor corporate 6o4ernance or o4erpa$ top e<ecut#4es.
-nstead? we '#nd these compan#es are 4er$ s#m#lar to non/+RP "ankrupt compan#es? "oth
"e'ore and #n resolut#on o' "ankruptc$. !he ma#n d#''erence "etween the two samples #s that
+RP compan#es are lar6er and 'rom #ndustr#es that are more emplo$ee/dr#4en? such as
wholesale and reta#l. (e '#nd that +RPS do not speed up the "ankruptc$ process? "ut #nstead
compan#es w#th +RPs spend more t#me #n "ankruptc$.
M.&44- Asi$ K&! (,6)1 sta"l#sh l#nk "etween perce#4ed human resources #nternal
ser4#ce >ual#t$ pract#ces w#th emplo$ee retent#ons #n med#at#n6 en4#ronment o' emplo$ee jo"
sat#s'act#on. !h#s stud$ was conducted #n tw#n c#t#es o' Rawalp#nd# and -slama"ad. For the
anal$ses o' research work? the data has "een collected a"out the emplo$ees o' pu"l#c and
pr#4at#=ed "anksA emplo$ees. A total o' 339 cop#es o' the >uest#onna#re were d#str#"uted to
d#''erent "ankers o' selected areas and 299 cop#es o' the same were collected "ack. !he stud$
'#nds that emplo$ee select#on? emplo$ee tra#n#n6 and de4elopment? work des#6n? jo" de'#n#t#on
emplo$ee rewards and compensat#on report h#6h? pos#t#4e and s#6n#'#cant d#mens#onal#t$ to
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#nternal ser4#ce >ual#t$ #n human resource mana6ement. !he stud$ 'urther '#nds that #nternal
ser4#ce >ual#t$ #n human resource has pos#t#4e and s#6n#'#cant e''ect on emplo$ee jo"
sat#s'act#on and emplo$ee jo" sat#s'act#on has pos#t#4e and s#6n#'#cant e''ect on emplo$ee
retent#on. Based on '#nd#n6s o' the stud$ that the human resource de4elopment departments
should re4#ew and enhance the mot#4at#on? tra#n#n6? and retent#on o' 6ood emplo$ees and that
emplo$ee should support the concept o' the -SL. !he emplo$eesA select#on and the#r rewards
and reco6n#t#ons? the#r tra#n#n6 and de4elopment? work des#6n and jo" de'#n#t#on all are the most
#mportant human resource mana6ement areas #n enhanc#n6 the emplo$eesA jo" sat#s'act#on and
the retent#on o' prospect#4e emplo$ees.
M0 Mi/&i%(s%! (,=)1 -n th#s cont#nuousl$ chan6#n6 contemporar$ econom$? compan#es ha4e
to "e a"le to ant#c#pate technolo6#cal #nno4at#ons and to compete w#th other compan#es
worldw#de. !h#s need makes #mportant a compan$As a"#l#t$ to e4ol4e throu6h #ts emplo$eesA
learn#n6 and throu6h cont#nuous de4elopment. Secur#n6 and reta#n#n6 sk#lled emplo$ees pla$s
an #mportant role #n th#s process? "ecause emplo$eesA knowled6e and sk#lls are central to
compan#esA a"#l#t$ to "e econom#call$ compet#t#4e. &#4en that emplo$ee retent#on #s 4er$
#mportant 'or the 'unct#on#n6 and compet#t#4eness o' a compan$? th#s stud$ 'ocuses on the
or6an#sat#onal and personal 'actors that #n'luence emplo$ee retent#on. A spec#al #nterest #s taken
#n emplo$eesA learn#n6? "ecause th#s #s seen as a retent#on support#n6 act#4#t$. A >uest#onna#re
was adm#n#stered to 328 emplo$ees? and .. emplo$ees were #nter4#ewed. !he #nter4#ews are
used to #llustrate and conte<tual#se the >uant#tat#4e results. !he results show a lar6e pos#t#4e
contr#"ut#on o' apprec#at#on and st#mulat#on o' the emplo$ee to emplo$ee retent#on. !h#s result
#s cons#stent w#th '#nd#n6s o' earl#er research. @owe4er? the retent#on "ene'#ts ar#s#n6 'rom
personal de4elopment o''er new poss#"#l#t#es when attempt#n6 to enhance emplo$ee retent#on.
!h#s stud$ also showed that #nd#4#dual d#''erences #n'luence emplo$ee retent#on. ,eadersh#p
sk#lls and sen#or#t$ ha4e a pos#t#4e relat#onsh#p w#th emplo$ee retent#on and the le4el o'
read#ness and #n#t#at#4e re6ard#n6 learn#n6 #s ne6at#4el$ related to retent#on.
C&!) W%i7%i (,>)1 %nderstand the reasons o' 'ore#6n teachers who are work#n6 at a
demonstrat#on school #n terms o' retent#on. A >ual#tat#4e research approach was appl#ed to
answer#n6 the research >uest#ons proposed 'or th#s stud$? emplo$#n6 a Phenomenolo6#cal
strate6$. !he sett#n6 #n4ol4ed purpos#4e sampl#n6 that was used to #dent#'$ 0 part#c#pants who
had e<per#enced th#s phenomenon. -nter4#ew data? document re4#ews were #nte6rated to answer
the two research >uest#ons. !he part#c#pants were #nter4#ewed "$ us#n6 an #n/depth sem#/
structured #nter4#ew. All the percept#ons were #nterpreted #nto n#ne cate6or#es? the$ were: C.D
Reason 'or teach#n6 career? C1D ,#'e e<per#ence? C3D (ork en4#ronment? C2D (ork e<per#ence? C3D
Reason 'or retent#on? C5D Reason 'or lea4#n6? C0D contro4ers#al F!SA pos#t#on? C7D Pro"lem
#ssues? C8D Future plan. !he #mportant '#nd#n6s o' th#s stud$ re6ard#n6 emplo$ee retent#on are
the#r reasons 'or retent#on and lea4#n6. Concern#n6 the retent#on #ssue? the reasons ma#nl$
conclude enjo$#n6 teach#n6? 6ood 4acat#on? 6ood salar$? and pleasant work en4#ronment as well
as some personal reasons. At the same t#me? the potent#al lea4#n6 reasons re'er to d#ssat#s'act#on
w#th mana6ement? commun#cat#on pro"lems #n terms o' cultural understand#n6? and personal
reasons 'or 6o#n6 "ack to the#r countr#es.
3#&! E. S&%"i-! (,?)1 Retent#on rales o' 892 colle6e 6raduates h#red #n s#< pu"l#cs
account#n6 '#rms o4er a s#</$ear per#od. Or6an#=at#onal culture 4alues 4ar#ed s#6n#'#cantl$
amon6 the '#rms. !he 4ar#at#on #n cultural 4alues had a s#6n#'#cant e''ect on the rates at wh#ch
the newl$ h#red emplo$ees 4oluntar#l$ term#nated emplo$ment. !he relat#onsh#p "etween the
emplo$eesH jo" per'ormance and the#r retent#on also 4ar#ed s#6n#'#cantl$ w#th or6an#=at#onal
culture 4alues. !he cultural e''ects were stron6er than the com"#ned e<o6enous #n'luences o' the
la"or market and the new emplo$eesH demo6raph#c character#st#cs. !he cultural e''ects are
est#mated to ha4e resulted #n o4er s#< m#ll#on dollarsH d#''erence #n human resource costs
"etween '#rms w#th d#''erent cultural 4alues. -mpl#cat#ons 'or research on person/or6an#=at#on '#t
are d#scussed.
S&%((0 M#&!t0 (,@)1 mplo$ee retent#on #s ar6ua"l$ the "#66est #ssue 'ac#n6 corporate leaders
as a result o' the shorta6e o' sk#lled la"our? econom#c 6rowth and emplo$ee turno4er. @#r#n6
knowled6ea"le people 'or the jo" #s essent#al 'or an emplo$er? "ut retent#on #s e4en more
#mportant than h#r#n6. mplo$ee retent#on #n4ol4es tak#n6 measures to encoura6e them to
rema#n #n the or6an#=at#on 'or the ma<#mum per#od o' t#me. !he ke$ to retent#on #s to
understand the emplo$eesA e<pectat#ons and ach#e4e proper al#6nment o' the#r e<pectat#ons w#th
those o' the or6an#=at#on.
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Mi/&%( 3. H#7"- (,A)1 A content model o' .1 retent#on 'actors #s de4eloped #n the conte<t o'
pre4#ous theor$ and research. Cod#n6 o' open/ended responses 'rom 12?718 emplo$ees #n the
le#sure and hosp#tal#t$ #ndustr$ lends support to the #dent#'#ed 'ramework and re4eals that jo"
sat#s'act#on? e<tr#ns#c rewards? const#tuent attachments? or6an#=at#onal comm#tment? and
or6an#=at#onal prest#6e were the most 're>uentl$ ment#oned reasons 'or sta$#n6. Ad4ancement
opportun#t#es and or6an#=at#onal prest#6e were more common reasons 'or sta$#n6 amon6 h#6h
per'ormers and non/hourl$ workers? and e<tr#ns#c rewards was more common amon6 low
per'ormers and hourl$ emplo$ees? pro4#d#n6 support 'or easeFdes#ra"#l#t$ o' mo4ement and
ps$cholo6#cal contract rat#onales. !he '#nd#n6s h#6hl#6ht the #mportance o' d#''erent#at#n6
human resource mana6ement pract#ces when the 6oal #s to reta#n those emplo$ees 4alued most
"$ the or6an#=at#on.
Wi((i4 R. M%%: (2B)1 %ses a sample o' 20 h#6h/6rowth small '#rms to e<am#ne the
understud#ed top#c o' emplo$ee retent#on. (e 'ound that '#rms report#n6 4er$ low annual
4oluntar$ turno4er C9/1JD rates en6a6ed #n creat#n6 a pos#t#4e work en4#ronment? pro4#ded
emplo$ees more 'reedom and 'le<#"#l#t$? o''ered ample emplo$ee #n4ol4ement and
opportun#t#es 'or 6rowthB were clear a"out the processes assoc#ated w#th compensat#on and
"ene'#ts? and 're>uentl$ commun#cated w#th and pro4#ded ass#stance to the#r emplo$ees. F#rms
report#n6 turno4er h#6her than .9J 'or the past $ear descr#"ed the#r retent#on pract#ces #n much
d#m#n#shed 're>uenc$ and r#chness alon6 these same d#mens#ons. &#4en that these '#rms were all
part o' a pool o' 00 h#6h 6rowth small compan#es Co4er O. m#ll#on annual re4enue? less than .1
$ears old and compound annual 6rowth 6reater than .3JD? retent#on o' #ntellectual cap#tal
would "e a pr#me #ssue. -ndustr$ d#''erences amon6 the compan#es are e<plored and theoret#cal
and pract#cal #mpl#cat#ons are d#scussed.
.. Muhammad @assan? So"#a @assan? +ash#' %d )#n +han And M.Akram*aseem?
E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! s C&((%!)% i! L%t&%" I!-.st"0? &lo"al Journal o' @uman
Soc#al Sc#ence? :olume/..? -ssue/1? and March 19...
1. !amm$ C. Morse and Bahaud#n &. Mujta"a? H.4#" R%s#."/% L%-%"s !- E4'(#0%%
R%t%!ti#! i! t&% 2,
C%!t."0 W#":'(/%1 T&% Li!: *%t7%%! T&%4 !- P"/ti/(
R%/#44%!-ti#!s $#" M!)%"s, -nternat#onal Research Journal, :olume/1? -ssue/0?
and Au6ust 1998.
3. Muhammad %mer and Muhammad Akram *aseem? E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! s
C&((%!)% i! L%t&%" I!-.st"0? &lo"al Journal o' @uman Soc#al Sc#ence? :olume/..?
-ssue/1? and March 19...
2. ,u#s &. &on=ale= and Ruslan &urto4#$, E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! 8i St#/: O'ti#!s? the
Journal o' the ,a"orator$ An#mal Mana6ement Assoc#at#onA? :olume/19? -ssue /1? and
For more MBA projects and other projects download: Students3k.Com
3. +lara *elson? !he %n#4ers#t$ o' !ampa? D%si)!i!) $#" :!#7(%-)% 7#":%" "%t%!ti#! D
#")!i9ti#! '%"$#"4!/%, Journal o' Mana6ement seresh? :olume/1? -ssue/0? and
Au6ust 1998.
5. )r. *a'ees A. +han? E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! T%/&!iE.%s, -nternat#onall$ -nde<ed ;
,#sted Re'erred /Journal? :olume/.? -ssue /1? and Jul$ 19...
0. At#' An#s? -ja=/%r/Rehman? A"dul *as#r and *adeem Sa'wan? E4'(#0%% "%t%!ti#!
"%(ti#!s&i' t# t"i!i!) !- -%8%(#'4%!t, A'r#can Journal o' Bus#ness Mana6ement?
:olume/3? -ssue /0? and Apr#l 19...
7. Peter Bo<all? +e#th Mack$ and rl#n6 Rasmussen, L*#." T."!#8%" !- R%t%!ti#! i!
N%7 C%(!-? As#a Pac#'#c Journal o' @uman Resources? :olume/2.? -ssue I 1? and
8. Mal4ern (. Ch#"o#wa? M#chael O. Samuel and Cr#spen Ch#pun=a, A! %F4i!ti#! #$
%4'(#0%% "%t%!ti#! st"t%)0, A'r#can Journal o' Bus#ness Mana6ement? :olume/2?
-ssue /.9? and Au6ust 19.9.
.9. (ard (h#tt? t&% I4'/t #$ I!/"%s%- E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#!, As#a Pac#'#c Journal o'
@uman Resources? :olume/2? -ssue /.9? and )ecem"er 1992.
... Aa#sha Ar"a" +han? Sha""#r @ussa#n? Meh4#sh A$ou" and Ba"ak Mahmood? A!
E4'i"i/( St.-0 #$ R%t%!ti#! Iss.%s i! H#t%( I!-.st"01 A Cs% St.-0 #$ S%"%!
H#t%(, Fis(*-, P:ist!, uropean Journal o' conom#cs? F#nance and
Adm#n#strat#4e Sc#ences? :olume/2? -ssue/18? and 19...
.1. (#ll#am A. Brown? Carlton F. Posh#oka? Missi#! Att/&4%!t !- Stis$/ti#! s
F/t#"s i! E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#!, *O*PROF-! MA*A&M*! ; ,A)RS@-P?
:olume/.2? -ssue/.? and 1993.
.3. Cla#re Crutchle$ and Post? K%0 E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! P(!s i! B!:".'t/0, @R)
Journal? :olume 3? -ssue/.? and Au6ust 1997
.2. Muhammad As#' +han? +ash#'/%r/Rehman? -ja=/%r/Rehman? *adeem Sa'wan and
Ash'a> Ahmad? M#-%((i!) (i!: *%t7%%! i!t%"!( s%"8i/% E.(it0 i! &.4! "%s#."/%s
4!)%4%!t !- %4'(#0%%<s "%t%!ti#!, A'r#can Journal o' Bus#ness Mana6ement?
:olume/3? -ssue/3? and Fe"ruar$ 19...
.3. 4a +$ndt? F#ll#p )och$? Ma$a M#ch#elsen and Bast#aan Moe$aert? E4'(#0%%
R%t%!ti#!1 O")!isti#!( !- P%"s#!( P%"s'%/ti8%s, A'r#can Journal o' Bus#ness
Mana6ement? :olume/3? -ssue/.? and June 1998
.5. Khan6 (e#we#, E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#!1 P%"s'%/ti8%s #$ F#"%i)! T%/&%"s t
D%4#!st"ti#! (Stit) S/&##( i! T&i(!-, @R) Journal? :olume .? -ssue/.? and June
.0. John . Sher#dan? O")!i9ti#!( C.(t."% !- E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#!, Academ$ o'
Mana6ement Journal? :olume/33? -ssue/3? and .881.
.7. Shell$ Mohant$, R%t%!ti#! D%'i/ts T&% H%(t& #$ T&% O")!isti#!, !he Cam"od#an
Mana6ement Journal? :olume/.? -ssue/1? and 1998.
.8. John P. @ausknecht? Jul#anne M. Rodda and M#chael J. @oward? T")%t%- E4'(#0%%
R%t%!ti#!1 P%"$#"4!/%+Bs%- !- 3#*+R%(t%- Di$$%"%!/%s i! R%'#"t%- R%s#!s
$#" St0i!), A'r#can Journal o' Bus#ness Mana6ement? :olume/1? -ssue/3? and Apr#l
19. Bruce @. +emel6or and (#ll#am R. Meek? E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! i! G"#7t&+O"i%!t%-
E!t"%'"%!%."i( Fi"4s1 ! EF'(#"t#"0 St.-0, journal o' small "us#ness, :olume/.8?
#ssue/.? and 1997.
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Research #s the process o' s$stemat#c and #n/depth stud$ or search 'or an$ part#cular
top#c? su"ject or area o' #n4est#6at#on? "acked "$ collect#on? comp#lat#on? presentat#on and
#nterpretat#on o' rele4ant deta#ls or data. Research methodolo6$ #s a wa$ to s$stemat#call$ sol4e
the research pro"lem. -t ma$ "e understood as a sc#ence o' stud$#n6 how research #s done
Research ma$ de4elop h$pothes#s and test #t. -n #t we stud$ the 4ar#ous steps that are
6enerall$ adopted "$ the researcher #n stud$#n6 h#s research pro"lem alon6 w#th the lo6#c
"eh#nd them.
Research must "e "ased on 'act o"ser4a"le data 'orms a sound "as#s 'or research
#nduct#4e #n4est#6at#on lead "etter support to research '#nd#n6 'or anal$s#n6 'acts a sc#ent#'#c
methodolo6$ o' anal$s#s must "e de4eloped and result #nterpreted lo6#call$.
-t #s necessar$ 'or the researcher to know not onl$ the research method or techn#>ues
"ut also the methodolo6$. !hus? when we talk o' research methodolo6$ we not onl$ talk o' the
research methods "ut also cons#der the lo6#c "eh#nd the methods we use #n the conte<t o' our
research stud$ and e<pla#n wh$ we are us#n6 a part#cular method or techn#>ue and wh$ we are
not us#n6 others so that research results are capa"le o' "e#n6 e4aluated e#ther "$ the researcher
h#msel' or "$ others.
Research pro"lems would result #n certa#n conclus#ons "$ means o' lo6#cal anal$s#s
wh#ch the dec#s#on/maker ma$ use 'or h#s act#on or solut#on.
R%s%"/& -%si)!1
A research des#6n #s purel$ and s#mpl$ the 'rame work plan 'or a stud$ that 6u#des the
collect#on and anal$s#s o' a data. -n th#s stud$ the researcher has adopted descr#pt#4e research
D%s/"i'ti8% "%s%"/& -%si)!1
-t #ncludes sur4e$s and 'act '#nd#n6 en>u#res o' d#''erent k#nds. -t s#mpl$ descr#"es
someth#n6 such as a demo6raph#c o' emplo$ees. -t deals w#th descr#pt#on o' the state o' o''ers as
#t #s and the researchers ha4e no #n'luence on the respondents.
Dt /#((%/ti#!1
)ata collect#on #s one o' the most #mportant aspects o' research. For the success o' an$
project accurate data #s 4er$ #mportant and necessar$. !he #n'ormat#on collected throu6h
research methodolo6$ must "e accurate and rele4ant.
M%t&#-s #$ -t /#((%/ti#!1
Pr#mar$ )ata
Secondar$ )ata
P"i4"0 Dt1
)ata collected "$ a researcher #s known as pr#mar$ data. -t #s collected "$ a
person 'or h#s own use o"ta#ned 'rom '#nd#n6s. !h#s #s cons#dered as '#rsthand
#n'ormat#on. !h#s #s that data wh#ch #s collected "$ us to meet our own spec#'#c purpose.
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!he data #s collected "$ the means o' >uest#onna#re '#lled #n "$ the emplo$ees at
d#''erent posts o' *a6pur area o''#ce. !h#s method o' data collect#on #s 4er$ popular
part#cularl$ #n "#6 or6an#=at#ons.
S%/#!-"0 Dt1
Secondar$ data means data that are alread$ a4a#la"le #.e.? the$ re'er to data wh#ch
has alread$ "een collected and anal$=ed "$ someone else. !h#s t$pe o' data #n'ormat#on
can also "e used "$ the researcher 'or h#s use as second hand #n'ormat#on sources
throu6h wh#ch secondar$ data can "e collected. Secondar$ data ma$ e#ther "e pu"l#shed
data or unpu"l#shed data.
T&% "%s%"/& ''"#/&1
Sur4e$ Method
T&% "%s%"/& i!st".4%!t1
T&% "%s'#!-%!ts1
!he emplo$ees o' the or6an#=at#on.
-t #s the process o' select#n6 representat#4e su"set o' a total populat#on 'or o"ta#n#n6 data
'or the stud$ o' the whole populat#on the su"set #s known as sample. !he sample s#=e #s selected
'or the stud$ .99 emplo$ees. !he techn#>ues o' sampl#n6 un#t #n th#s stud$ are con4en#ence
C#!8%!i%!/% s4'(i!)1
-n th#s method the sample un#ts are chosen pr#mar#l$ on the "as#s o' the con4en#ence to
the researcher.
Sttisti/( t##(s .s%-1
A. S#mple percenta6e anal$s#s
B. Ch#/s>uare
C. ,#kert Scale Anal$s#s
A. Si4'(% '%"/%!t)% !(0sis1
S#mple percenta6e can also "e used to compare the relat#onsh#p d#str#"ut#on o' two or
more #tems. For calculat#ons the s#mple percenta6e the 'ollow#n6 'ormula used.
Percenta6e o' the respondents Q *um"er o' respondentsF!otal respondentsR.99
B. C&i+sE."% !(0sis1
Ch#/s>uare #s anon parametr#c test. !he ch#/s>uare method #s the appl#cat#on o'
test#n6 the s#6n#'#cance d#''erent "etween o"ser4ed and e<pected 4alues.
For calculat#n6 the 4alue o' ch#/s>uare test? the 'ollow#n6 'ormula used:
QRow totalRcolumn toF&rant total
)e6ree o' 'reedomQCR/.D CC/.D
(here as
O/o"ser4ed 're>uenc$
/<pected 're>uenc$
P/*um"er o' rows
C/*um"er o' columns
C. Li:%"t S/(% A!(0sis
A Li:%"t s/(% #s a ps$chometr#c scale commonl$ #n4ol4ed #n research that emplo$s
>uest#onna#res. -t #s the most w#del$ used approach to scal#n6 responses #n sur4e$ research? such
that the term #s o'ten used #nterchan6ea"l$ w#th rat#n6 scale? or more accuratel$ the Li:%"t+t0'%
s/(%? e4en thou6h the two are not s$non$mous. !he scale #s named a'ter #ts #n4entor?
ps$cholo6#st Rens#s ,#kert.
,#kert d#st#n6u#shed "etween a scale proper? wh#ch emer6es 'rom collect#4e responses to
a set o' #tems Cusuall$ e#6ht or moreD? and the 'ormat #n wh#ch responses are scored alon6 a
ran6e. !echn#call$ speak#n6? a ,#kert scale re'ers onl$ to the 'ormer. !he d#''erence "etween
these two concepts has to do w#th the d#st#nct#on ,#kert made "etween the underl$#n6
phenomenon "e#n6 #n4est#6ated and the means o' captur#n6 4ar#at#on that po#nts to the
underl$#n6 phenomenon. (hen respond#n6 to a ,#kert >uest#onna#re #tem? respondents spec#'$
the#r le4el o' a6reement or d#sa6reement on a s$mmetr#c a6ree/d#sa6ree scale 'or a ser#es o'
statements. !hus? the ran6e captures the #ntens#t$ o' the#r 'eel#n6s 'or a 6#4en #tem? wh#le the
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results o' anal$s#s o' mult#ple #tems C#' the #tems are de4eloped appropr#atel$D re4eals a pattern
that has scaled propert#es o' the k#nd ,#kert #dent#'#ed.
!he 'ormat o' a t$p#cal '#4e/le4el ,#kert #tem #s:
.. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree
1. )#sa6ree
3. *e#ther a6ree nor d#sa6ree
2. A6ree
3. Stron6l$ a6ree
,#kert scal#n6 #s a "#polar scal#n6 method? measur#n6 e#ther pos#t#4e or ne6at#4e response to a
statement. Somet#mes a 'our/po#nt scale #s usedB th#s #s a N'orced cho#ceN method s#nce the
m#ddle opt#on o' N*e#ther a6ree nor d#sa6reeN #s not a4a#la"le.
!he >uest#onna#re #s prepared #n such a wa$ that #s correct the comprehens#4e o"ject#4es
o' the stud$. Open end? mult#ple cho#ce o' >uest#onna#re adopted #n th#s research.
P%"i#- #$ st.-01
!he t#me per#od o' the stud$ #s 23 da$s.
*ame o' the Concern : Pr#th4# Creat#ons
Address : 37C3D &andh# Road? Per#$ar Colon$?
Anupparapala$am CP.OD?
!#rupur/52. 531
!elephone *o : 8./21./1201380 F 8./21./1201387
Fa< *o : 8./21./1271.03
/Ma#l :Pr#th4#sWSat$am.*et.-n
*ame o' the Partners : M.S.+umar ; M.S.Man#
Pear o' sta"l#shment : .883
Act#4#t$ : Manu'acturer and <port o'
+n#tted &arment -tems.
Manu'actur#n6 -tems : All +#nds o' MenAs ; ,ad#es P$jamas?
*#6ht (ears? !/Sh#rts and Ch#ldren (ears #n All
:ar#et$ o' +n#tted Fa"r#cs.
Product#on Capac#t$ : X03999/PcsFMonth #n An$ St$le
<port#n6 Countr#es : )enmark? Canada? France and Austr#a
*o. O'. mplo$ees : 199
Area : .3999 S>'t
Banker Address : Bank o' Baroda? SS- Branch?
313 A4#nash# Road? !#rupur/52.591.
Phone *o: 8./21./1190933?
Fa< *o: 8./21./11190922
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Ma#n Branch At : Bank O' Baroda? 521? +amar raj Road?
Post Bo< *o: 5232? !#rupur/52. 592.
Fa< *o: 8./21./11.1791
C#!t/t P%"s#!1
Mo"#le: 898119.1.3
/ma#l: msman#23W6ma#l.com?
:#s#on and M#ss#on statement o' Pr#th4# creat#on Compan#es #s as 'ollows:
O." 8isi#!1
!o "e known and reco6n#=ed as a pro6ress#4e and d$nam#c te<t#le un#t? e4er read$ to
meet the e4ol4#n6 need o' customers and soc#et$.
!o "e num"er one trusted suppl#es and ser4#ce pro4#der w#th an uncomprom#s#n6
att#tude towards 6lo"al >ual#t$ standards.
O." 4issi#!1
!o produce and suppl$ world class products? to pro4#de the "est o' the "est #n customer
ser4#ce and o''er true 4alue 'or mone$ #n the #ndustr$ to ensure that our $arn #s rated as
the "est #n terms o' e''#c#enc$? #n hos#er$ per'ormance and 'a"r#c appearance.
-n order to ach#e4e the a"o4e o"ject#4es? the compan$ #s comm#tted to adhere to the
'ollow#n6 pr#nc#ples and pract#ces.
Alwa$s one step ahead #n #mplement#n6 and adopt#n6 technolo6#es.
Meet#n6 the demand#n6 needs o' customers and e<ceed#n6 the#r e<pectat#ons.
nsur#n6 total customer sat#s'act#on "$ del#4er#n6 6oods and ser4#ces w#th cons#stent
>ual#t$ and cost e''ect#4eness.
na"l#n6 sat#s'actor$ 6o throu6h pro'#ta"le 6rowth.
Bu#ld#n6 and nurtur#n6 a health$ relat#onsh#p w#th e4er$one assoc#ated w#th the

.99J e<ports. Pr#th4# Creat#ons does not manu'acture 'or the domest#c market.
G.(it0 C#!t"#(1
A Pr#th4# creat#on #s G"u#ld >ual#t$ rather than check >ual#t$.Y A Pr#th4# creat#on
emphas#=es technolo6$ and #nternat#onall$ accla#med s$stems to ma#nta#n a h#6h le4el o'
>ual#t$. Procedures are "ased on 2 po#nt s$stem "$ wh#ch all 'a"r#cs are screened and
cate6or#=ed. A Pr#th4# creat#on has an #n/house la"orator$ that #s e>u#pped w#th test#n6 mach#nes
'or standards and has de4eloped #n/house 6rad#n6 s$stems "ased on. !ests #nclude tens#le
stren6th? tear#n6 stren6th? p#tt#n6 test? ph check? colour 'astness to l#6ht? launder#n6 and
crock#n6? 6sm check? etc. -n the sew#n6 departments? the$ use #nternat#onall$ standard#=ed
procedures l#ke the tra''#c l#6ht >ual#t$ assurance s$stem.
W#":%" T"i!i!)1
!h#s s#te does not pro4#de tra#n#n6 to #ts workers. @owe4er? workers ha4e a "r#e'
Or#entat#on sess#on dur#n6 wh#ch the$ are #n'ormed o' secur#t$ measures? stand#n6 orders?
&r#e4ance procedures? Pr#th4# creat#onAs ant#/harassment pol#c$? and 4endor codesA o' conduct.
!here #s no un#on #n the product#on s#te 4#s#ted? nor ha4e there "een un#on#=at#on
attempts. Mana6ement stated that #t would ha4e no o"ject#on #' workers wanted to 'orm a un#on
and the$ are 'ree to assoc#ate w#th an$ 6roup the$ des#re. G(e take care o' all the#r pro"lems? so
there #s no need 'or a un#on.Y
Pegausus Over Lock -45M/C
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Pegausus Flat Lock -25M/C
Brother Botton Hole set -1M/C
Ram sons ta!n Remover -2M/C
Ram sons "ron!ng M/C -1#M/C
$uk! !ngle %ee&le -'#M/C
( Colours - 12 Colours Chest Pr!nt!ng - ) M/C
Ferraro Com*act!ng M/C 1 %o+ - ),### kgs / &a- Ca*ac!t-
o.t Flo/ &-e!ng un!t /!th a ca*ac!t- o. 4# cases / &a-
O*en /!nch &-e!ng /!th a ca*ac!t- o. 15 cases / &a-
Lab Equipments:
Colour Match!ng Ca0!net
Crock Meter
Laun&ero Meter
1ash!ng M/C /!th 2r-er
3M Cutter
3re- scale .or sta!n!ng an& sha&e change
Anal$s#s #s class#'$#n6 and rearran6#n6 the raw data to arr#4e at mean#n6'ul
-nterpretat#on #s essent#al "ecause #t "r#n6s the outcome o' the anal$s#s #nto 'ore'ront.
-t #s throu6h #nterpretat#on that the researcher can understand the a"stract pr#nc#ples that
work "eneath h#s 'ounds. !hrou6h th#s he can l#nkup the same a"stract w#th those o'
other stud#es ha4#n6 the same a"stract pr#nc#ple.
-nterpretat#on leads the esta"l#shment o' e<planator$ concepts that can ser4e as a 6u#de
'or tutor research stud#es.
Research can apprec#ate onl$ throu6h #nterpretat#on wh#ch can make other to understand
o' researcher '#nd#n6 a per project stud$. !he data collect are anal$=ed s#n6 s#mple
percenta6e tool as the a6a#nst the total num"er o' the respondents.
!he content anal$s#s presented #n the 'orm o' ta"les and charts.

S. N# A)% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. 19 Pears to 13 $ears 13 13
1 15 Pears to 39 $ears 37 37
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3 3. Pears to 33 $ears 31 31
2 A"o4e 35 Pears 3 3
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 13 percent o' the respondents are "etween 19$ears to
13$ears o' a6e? 37 percent o' the respondents are "etween 15$ears to 39$ears? 31 percent o' the
respondents are "etween 3.$ears to 35$ears and 3 percent o' the respondents are "etween a"o4e
Major#t$ 37 percent o' the respondents are "etween the a6e 6roup o' 15 I 39 $ears.
S. N# P"ti/.(" V(.% D%)"%% #$
. A6e and mplo$ee
35.822 3 0.7.3 Rejected
9 /
there #s no s#6n#'#cant relat#onsh#p "etween a6e and retent#on pro"lem
. I
there #s a s#6n#'#cant relat#onsh#p "etween a6e and retent#on pro"lem
Calculated 4alue Q 35.822
)e6ree o' 'reedom Q 3
!a"le 4alue Q 0.7.3
S#6n#'#cant le4el Q s#6n#'#cant le4el o' 3J
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that the calculated 4alue o' ch# s>uare #s 6reater than the ta"le
4alue. @ence the null h$pothes#s #s rejected so there #s a s#6n#'#cant relat#onsh#p "etween a6e
and retent#on pro"lem.
S. N# G%!-%" N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Male 52 52
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1 Female 35 35
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 52 percent o' the respondents are male and 35 percent o' the
respondents are 'emale.
Major#t$ 52 percent o' the respondents are male.
S. N# M"it( stt.s N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Marr#ed 03 03
1 %nmarr#ed 12 12
3 (#dow 3 3
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 03 percent o' the respondents are marr#ed? 12 percent o' the
respondents are unmarr#ed? and 3 percent o' the respondents are w#dow.
Major#t$ 03 percent o' the respondents are marr#ed.
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S. N# P"ti/.(" V(.% D%)"%% #$
. Mar#tal Status and
mplo$ee Retent#on
2.157 1 3.88. Accepted
9 /
there #s no s#6n#'#cant relat#onsh#p "etween mar#tal status and retent#on pro"lem.
. I
there #s a s#6n#'#cant relat#onsh#p "etween mar#tal status and retent#on pro"lem.
Calculated 4alue Q 2.157
)e6ree o' 'reedom Q 1
!a"le 4alue Q 3.88.
S#6n#'#cant le4el Q s#6n#'#cant le4el o' 3J
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that the calculated 4alue o' ch# s>uare #s less than the ta"le 4alue.
@ence the null h$pothes#s #s accepted so there #s no s#6n#'#cant relat#onsh#p "etween mar#tal
status and retent#on pro"lem.
S. N# F4i(0 si9% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. *uclear 58 58
1 jo#n 'am#l$ 3. 3.
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 33 percent o' the respondents are 'rom nuclear 'am#l$? and
23 percent o' the respondents are jo#nt 'am#l$.
Major#t$ 58 percent o' the respondents are the nuclear 'am#l$.
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S. N# M#!t&(0 s("0 N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Below 5999rs 7 7
1 599.rs to .1999rs 5. 5.
3 .199.rs to .7999rs 10 10
2 A"o4e .799.rs 2 2
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 7 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 "elow 5999rs as
monthl$ #ncome? 5. percent o' the respondents are as monthl$ #ncome "etween 599. to .1999?
10 percent o' the respondents are "etween .199. to .7999 as monthl$ #ncome and 2 percent o'
the respondents are "etween a"o4e .799. as monthl$ #ncome.
Major#t$ 5. percent o' the respondents are "etween the 599. to .1999 as monthl$
S. N# E-./ti#! N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. -ll#terate 1 1
1 %p to Z1 5. 5.
3 %p to %& de6ree .7 .7
2 %p to P& de6ree 0 0
3 %p to d#ploma .1 .1
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 1 percent o' the respondents are #ll#terate? 5. percent o' the
respondents are up to Z1? .7 percent o' the respondents are up to %& de6ree? 0 percent o' the
respondents are up to P& de6ree and .1 percent o' the respondents are up to d#ploma.
Major#t$ 5. percent o' the respondents are the ducat#on up to Z1.
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S. N# K!#7 *#.t t&% #")!i9ti#! N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Fr#end 13 13
1 Relat#4e .7 .7
3 *e#6h"our 12 12
2 *ear"$ home 33 33
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 13 percent o' the respondents are awareness o' the
or6an#=at#on #n 'r#end? .7 percent o' the respondents are awareness o' the or6an#=at#on #n
relat#4e? 12 percent o' the respondents are awareness o' the or6an#=at#on #n ne#6h"our and 33
percent o' the respondents are awareness o' the or6an#=at#on #n near"$ home.
Major#t$ 33 percent o' the respondents are awareness o' the or6an#=at#on near"$ home.
S. N# EF'%"i%!/% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Below 1$ears 33 33
1 1 $ears to 2$ears 37 37
3 2$ears to 5$ears 7 7
2 A"o4e 5$ears . .
!otal .99 .99
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!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 33 percent o' the respondents are "etween "elow 1$ears
e<per#ence? 37 percent o' the respondents are "etween "elow 1$ears to 2$ears e<per#ence? 7
percent o' the respondents are "etween "elow 2$ears to 5$ears4e<per#ence? and . percent o' the
respondents are "etween a"o4e 5$ears e<per#ence.
Major#t$ 33 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 the e<per#ences "elow 1$ears.
TABLE NO1 6.,,
S. N# M#ti8ti#! #$ t&% ;#* N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Salar$ 3. 3.
1 *at#4e o' jo" 39 39
3 Reputat#on .8 .8
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 3. percent o' the respondents are mot#4ated "$ salar$? 39
percent o' the respondents are mot#4ated "$ nat#4e o' jo"? and .8 percent o' the respondents are
mot#4ated "$ reputat#on.
Major#t$ 39 percent o' the respondents are mot#4ated "$ nat#4e o' jo".
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TABLE NO1 6.,2
S. N# R%t%!ti#! '"#*(%4 N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Pes 89 89
1 *o .9 .9
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 89 percent o' the respondents are ha4e retent#on pro"lem?
and .9 percent o' the respondents are ha4e no retent#on pro"lem.
Major#t$ 89 percent o' the respondents are the ha4e retent#on pro"lem.
TABLE NO1 6.,5
S. N# R%(ti#!s&i' 7it& 4!)%4%!t N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree 15 15
1 )#sa6ree 35 35
3 *atural 39 39
2 A6ree 0 0
3 Stron6l$ a6ree . .
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 15 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n 6ood
relat#onsh#p w#th mana6ement? 35 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n 6ood relat#onsh#p
w#th mana6ement? 39 percent o' the respondents are natural #n 6ood relat#onsh#p w#th
mana6ement? 0 percent o' the respondents are a6ree #n 6ood relat#onsh#p w#th mana6ement? and
. percent o' the respondent are stron6l$ a6ree #n 6ood relat#onsh#p w#th mana6ement.
Major#t$ 35 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree#n6 #n relat#onsh#p w#th mana6ement.
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CHART NO1 6.,,
TABLE NO1 6.,6
S. N# R%7"-s A!- R%/#)!iti#! N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree 31 31
1 )#sa6ree 28 28
3 *atural .7 .7
2 A6ree . .
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 31 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n
rewards ;reco6n#t#on? 28 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n rewards ;reco6n#t#on? .7
percent o' the respondents are natural #n rewards ;reco6n#t#on? . percent o' the respondent are
a6ree rewards ;reco6n#t#on.
Major#t$ 28 percent o' the respondents are the d#sa6ree #n Rewards and Reco6n#t#on.
CHART NO1 6.,2
TABLE NO1 6.,=
S. N# I!$"st"./t."% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree 8 8
1 )#sa6ree 28 28
3 *eutral 37 37
2 A6ree 2 3
!otal .99 .99
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!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 8 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n
#n'rastructure? 28 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n #n'rastructure? 37 percent o' the
respondents are "etween #n #n'rastructure? and 2 percent o' the respondents are a6ree #n
Major#t$ 28 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree#n6 #n #n'rastructure.
CHART NO1 6.,5
TABLE NO1 6.,>
S. N# W#": S/&%-.(% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree .. ..
1 )#sa6ree 21 21
3 *eutral 25 25
2 A6ree . .
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that .. percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n work
schedule? 21 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n work schedule? 25 percent o' the
respondents are natural #n work schedule? and . percent o' the respondent are a6ree #n work
Major#t$ 25 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 the work Schedule #n neutral.
CHART NO1 6.,6
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TABLE NO1 6.,?
S. N# C#4'!0 '#(i/0 N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree 11 11
1 )#sa6ree 23 23
3 *eutral 33 33
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 11 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n
compan$ pol#c$? 23 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n compan$ pol#c$? and 33 percent
o' the respondents are natural #n compan$ pol#c$.
Major#t$ 23 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the compan$As pol#c#es.
CHART NO1 6.,=
TABLE NO1 6.,@
S. N# P"#4#ti#! O''#"t.!it0 N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree 51 51
1 )#sa6ree 18 18
3 *eutral 8 8
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 51 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n
promot#on opportun#t$? 18 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n promot#on opportun#t$? and
8 percent o' the respondents are natural #n promot#on opportun#t$.
Major#t$ 51 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 the promot#on opportun#t#es #n
stron6l$ d#sa6reed.
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CHART NO1 6.,>
S. N# 3#* s%/."it0 N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree 07 07
1 )#sa6ree .8 .8
3 *eutral 3 3
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 07 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n jo"
secur#t$? .8 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n jo" secur#t$? and 3 percent o' the
respondents are natural #n jo" secur#t$.
Major#t$ 07 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6reed w#th the jo" secur#t#es.
CHART NO1 6.,?
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S. N# Stt.t#"0 *%!%$it N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree .1 .1
1 )#sa6ree 31 31
3 *eutral 18 18
2 A6ree 0 0
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that .1 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n
statutor$ "ene'#t? 31 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n statutor$ "ene'#t? 18 percent o'
the respondents are natural #n statutor$ "ene'#t? and 0 percent o' the respondents are a6ree #n
statutor$ "ene'#t.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the statutor$ "ene'#ts.
CHART NO1 6.,@
TABLE NO1 6.2,
S. N# M#ti8ti#! #$ %4'(#0%% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree .7 .7
1 )#sa6ree 29 29
3 *eutral 38 38
2 A6ree 3 3
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that .7 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n
mot#4at#on o' emplo$ees? 29 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n mot#4at#on o'
emplo$ees? 38 percent o' the respondents are natural #n mot#4at#on o' emplo$ee? and 3 percent
o' the respondents are a6ree #n mot#4at#on o' emplo$ees.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the mot#4at#on o' emplo$ee.
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TABLE NO1 6.22
S. N# A''"is( s0st%4 N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Stron6l$ d#sa6ree 13 13
1 )#sa6ree 20 20
3 *eutral 39 39
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 13 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6ree #n
appra#sal s$stem? 20 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree #n appra#sal s$stem and 39 percent
o' the respondents are natural #n appra#sal s$stem.
Major#t$ 20 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the appra#sal s$stems.
TABLE NO1 6.25
S. N#
O''#"t.!it0 t# s&"% 0#." i-%s N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Pes 19 19
1 *o 79 79
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 19 percent o' the respondents are had to share the#r #deas? 79
percent o' the respondents are does not ha4e to share the#r #deas.
Major#t$ 79 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 opportun#t#es to share $our #deas at
work no.
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CHART NO1 6.2,
TABLE NO1 6.26
S. N# T"i!i!) '"#)"4s N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Pes 32 32
1 *o 55 55
3 !otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 32 percent o' the respondents are percent attended tra#n#n6
pro6ram? 55 percent o' the respondents are does not attended tra#n#n6 pro6ram.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondentsA percent are the tra#n#n6 pro6ram no.
CHART NO1 6.22
TABLE NO1 6.2=
S. N# C"%%" #''#"t.!iti%s N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Pes .0 .0
1 *o 73 73
3 !otal .99 .99
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!he a"o4e ta"le shows that .0 percent o' the respondents are compan$ pro4#des career
enhancement opportun#t#es 'or $es? and 73 percent o' the respondents are do not compan$
pro4#des career enhancement opportun#t#es 'or no.
Major#t$ 15 percent o' the respondents are "etween the career opportun#t#es no.
CHART NO1 6.25
TABLE NO1 6.2>
S. N# R%s#! $#" (%8% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. marr#a6e .8 .8
1 !eam '#tment 13 13
3 Career opportun#t$ 15 15
2 Others 31 31
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that .8 percent o' the respondents are reason 'or lea4e marr#a6e?
13 percent o' the respondents are reason 'or lea4e team '#tment? 31 percent o' the respondents
are reason 'or lea4e career opportun#t$? and 15 percent o' the respondents are reason 'or lea4e
other reason.
Major#t$ 15 percent o' the respondents are the reasons 'or lea4e career opportun#t$.
CHART NO1 6.26
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TABLE NO1 6.2?
S. N# I!/%!ti8% N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Pes 33 33
1 *9 50 50
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 33 percent o' the respondents are sat#s'#ed the#r #ncent#4e? 50
percent o' the respondents are does not sat#s'#ed the#r #ncent#4e?
Major#t$ 50 percent o' the respondents are the statutor$ #ncent#4e no.
CHART NO1 6.2=
TABLE NO1 6.2?
S. N# W#":i!) &#."s N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Pes .8 .8
1 *o 7. 7.
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that .8 percent o' the respondents are sat#s'#ed work#n6 hours?
and 7. percent o' the respondents are does not sat#s'#ed work#n6 hours.
Major#t$ 7. percent o' the respondents are sat#s'#ed work#n6 hours no.
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CHART NO1 6.2>
S. N# B%!%$it #$$%"%- *0 t&%
N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. Pes 19 19
1 *o 79 79
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 19 percent o' the respondents are sat#s'#ed "ene'#t o''ered "$
the or6an#=at#on? and 79 percent o' the respondents are does not sat#s'#ed "ene'#t o''ered "$ the
Major#t$ 79 percent o' the respondents are the not "ene'#t o''ered "$ the or6an#=at#on.
CHART NO1 6.2?
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S. N# P"ti/i'ti#! i! &#(i-0s N# #$ R%s'#!-%!t P%"/%!t)%
. *ot at all 32 32
1 *ot much #n4ol4ed 12 12
3 *eutral 19 19
2 -n4ol4ed 1 1
!otal .99 .99
!he a"o4e ta"le shows that 12 percent o' the respondents are not at all #n part#c#pat#on
#n hol#da$s? 32 percent o' the respondents are not much #n4ol4ed #n part#c#pat#on #n hol#da$s?
19 percent o' the respondents are neutral #n part#c#pat#on #n hol#da$s? and 1 percent o' the
respondents are #n4ol4ed #n part#c#pat#on #n hol#da$s.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondents are the part#c#pat#on #n hol#da$s not at all.
CHART NO1 6.2@
Major#t$ 37 percent o' the respondents are "etween the a6e 6roup o' 15 I 39 $ears.
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Major#t$ 52 percent o' the respondents are male.
Major#t$ 03 percent o' the respondents are marr#ed.
Major#t$ 58 percent o' the respondents are the nuclear 'am#l$.
Major#t$ 5. percent o' the respondents are "etween the 599. to .1999 as monthl$
Major#t$ 5. percent o' the respondents are the ducat#on up to Z1.
Major#t$ 33 percent o' the respondents are awareness o' the or6an#=at#on near"$ home.
Major#t$ 33 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 the e<per#ences "elow 1$ears.
Major#t$ 39 percent o' the respondents are mot#4ated "$ nat#4e o' jo".
Major#t$ 89 percent o' the respondents are the ha4e retent#on pro"lem.
Major#t$ 35 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree#n6 #n relat#onsh#p w#th mana6ement.
Major#t$ 28 percent o' the respondents are the d#sa6ree #n Rewards and Reco6n#t#on.
Major#t$ 28 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6ree#n6 #n #n'rastructure.
Major#t$ 25 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 the work Schedule #n neutral.
Major#t$ 23 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the compan$As pol#c#es.
Major#t$ 51 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 the promot#on opportun#t#es #n
stron6l$ d#sa6reed.
Major#t$ 07 percent o' the respondents are stron6l$ d#sa6reed w#th the jo" secur#t#es.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the statutor$ "ene'#ts.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the mot#4at#on o' emplo$ee.
Major#t$ 20 percent o' the respondents are d#sa6reed w#th the appra#sal s$stems.
Major#t$ 79 percent o' the respondents are ha4#n6 opportun#t#es to share $our #deas at
work no.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondentsA percent are the tra#n#n6 pro6ram no.
Major#t$ 15 percent o' the respondents are "etween the career opportun#t#es no.
Major#t$ 15 percent o' the respondents are the reasons 'or lea4e career opportun#t$.
Major#t$ 50 percent o' the respondents are the statutor$ #ncent#4e no.
Major#t$ 7. percent o' the respondents are sat#s'#ed work#n6 hours no.
Major#t$ 79 percent o' the respondents are the not "ene'#t o''ered "$ the or6an#=at#on.
Major#t$ 31 percent o' the respondents are the part#c#pat#on #n hol#da$s not at all.
>.2 S.))%sti#!s1
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Reta#n#n6 ke$ personnel #s cr#t#cal to lon6 term success o' an or6an#=at#on. A Retent#on
Strate6$ has "ecome essent#al #' $our or6an#=at#on #s to "e product#4e o4er t#me and can "ecome
an #mportant part o' $our h#r#n6 strate6$ "$ attract#n6 the "est cand#dates. -n 'act? some
compan#es do not ha4e to recru#t "ecause the$ rece#4e so man$ >ual#'#ed unsol#c#ted
su"m#ss#ons due to the#r h#stor$ o' e<cellence #n emplo$ee retent#on. @ow do $ou 6et $our
emplo$ees to N'all #n ,o4eN w#th $our or6an#=at#onE !h#s #s a 6reat >uest#on. Some o' the
su66est#ons 'or th#s can "e summar#=ed as 'ollows:
!he compan$ should pro4#de "etter mot#4at#ons to the emplo$ees. So that #mpro4es the
sat#s'act#on o' the emplo$ees.
!he compan$ should ma#nta#n a 6ood relat#onsh#p w#th the emplo$ees that help to
#mpro4e the#r product#on.
!he compan$ want to chan6e the#r work schedule and pol#c#es o' the#r or6an#sat#on
!he compan$ should also de4elop the#r #n'rastructure 'ac#l#t$ o' the#r or6an#sat#on.
!he compan$ want to reduce the#r emplo$ee retent#on pro"lem and pro4#de promot#on
o''ers to the#r emplo$ees
!he compan$ should pro4#de jo" secur#t$ and statutor$ "ene'#ts to the#r emplo$ees.
!he compan$ should pro4#de tra#n#n6 pro6rams 'or the#r emplo$ees
!he compan$ should pro4#de career opportun#t#es to the emplo$ees.
!he compan$ should pro4#de proper #ncent#4es to the emplo$ees
!he compan$ should ma#nta#n proper work t#m#n6s 'or the emplo$ees and should ma#n a
proper attendance o' the emplo$ees.
!he compan$ should pro4#de other "ene'#ts properl$ to the emplo$ees.
!he compan$ should pro4#de Rewards and Reco6n#t#on to the emplo$ees.
!he compan$ should pro4#de promot#ons opportun#t#es to the emplo$ees.
>.5 C#!/(.si#!1
!he research has a hum"le attempt #n #dent#'$#n6 the causes o' emplo$ee retent#on and
come up w#th a 'ew su66est#ons. P"it&i8i C"%ti#! i! Ti".'." e<#sts a h#6h le4el o' emplo$ee
So? the mana6ement has s#mpl$ to concret#=e people and l#4e them alone w#th an
en4#ronment #n wh#ch the$ '#nd #t poss#"le #t "eha4e appropr#atel$? #dent#'$ the pro"lem?
apprec#ate the need to resol4e #t? #dent#'$ the 'actors and contr#"ut#n6 to the pro"lem and "eha4e
#n wa$s that would e#ther el#m#nate the casual 4ar#a"les or reduce the#r #n'luence on the
pro"lems. !hou6h slow? the process o' concret#=at#on #s sure to produce the des#red results
conducted #n proper wa$s.
mplo$ees compr#se the most 4#tal assets o' the compan$. -n a work place where
emplo$ees are not a"le to use the#r 'ull potent#al and not heard and 4alued? the$ are l#kel$ to
lea4e "ecause o' stress and 'rustrat#on. !he$ need transparent work en4#ronment to work #n. -n a
transparent en4#ronment where emplo$ees 6et a sense o' ach#e4ement and "elon6#n6ness? where
the$ can "est ut#l#=e the#r potent#al and real#=e the#r sk#lls. !he$ lo4e to "e the essent#al part o'
such or6an#=at#on and the compan$ #s "ene'#ted w#th a stron6er? rel#a"le work/'orce har"or#n6
"r#6ht new #deas 'or #ts 6rowth.
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R%$%"%!/% *##:s1
.. +othar#.C.R? R%s%"/& M%t&#-#(#)0 4%t&#-s !- T%/&!iE.%s, (#shwa
1. Pro'.Memor#$a? P%"s#!!%( 4!)%4%!t, *ara$an Pu"l#cat#ons.
3. RAO :SP? H.4! R%s#."/% M!)%4%!t, Anura6 Ja#n.
2. !r#path#.P.C? H.4! R%s#."/% D%8%(#'4%!t, Sultan Chand and Sons.
3. !a$lor Stephen? !&% E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! H!-*##:, !he Cromwell Press.
R%$%"%!/% A"ti/(%s1
.. B#swas.S.*? I!-i! 3#."!( #$ i!-i8i-.(s, -nst#tute o' Mana6ement? :olume/3? -ssue/
1? and Fe"ruar$ .882.
1. Man#kandan.P? HRM R%8i%7, !he -CFA- %n#4ers#t$? :olume/3? -ssue/3? and March
3. :enkat.R.+? M!)%4%!t !- L*#." St.-i%s, -nst#tute o' Mana6ement? :olume/3?
-ssue/1? and Jul$ .880.
2. Ph#l#ps J. J? M!)i!) E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#!+ A St"t%)i/ A//#.!t*i(it0 A''"#/&,
lse4#er Butterworth @ethemann Pu"l#cat#ons? :olume/3? -ssue/1? and .887.
3. Arthur? E$$%/ts #$ &.4! "%s#."/% s0st%4s #! 4!.$/t."i!) '%"$#"4!/% !-
t."!#8%", Academ$ o' Mana6ement Journal? :olume/1? -ssue/3? and June 1993.
A St.-0 #! E4'(#0%% R%t%!ti#! 7it& S'%/i( R%$%"%!/% t# P"it&i8i
C"%ti#! i! Ti".'."
.. *ame :
1. A6e :
a. 19$ers !o 13$ers T V
". 15$ers !o 39$ers T V
c. 3.$ers !o 33$ers T V
d. A"o4e 35$ers T V
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3. &ender:
a. Male T V
". Female T V
2. Mar#tal Status:
a. Marr#ed T V
". %nmarr#ed T V
c. )#4orce T V
d. (#dow T V
3. Fam#l$ S#=e :
a. *uclear T V
". Jo#n 'am#l$ T V
5. Monthl$ Salar$:
a. Below 5999rs T V
". 599.rs !o .1999rs T V
c. .199.rs !o .7999rs T V
d. A"o4e .799.rs T V
0. ducat#on Lual#'#cat#on:
a. -ll#terate T V
". %p !o .1
c. %p !o %& )e6ree T V
d. %p !o P& )e6ree T V
e. %p !o )#ploma T V
7. @ow )o Pou Come !o +now A"out !he Or6an#=at#on:
a. Fr#end T V
". Relat#4e T V
c. *e#6h"our T V
d. *ear"$ @ome T V
8. @ow ,on6 Pou (ork -n !h#s Or6an#=at#on:
a. Below !wo Pears T V
". !wo Pears !o Four Pears T V
c. Four Pear !o S#< Pears T V
d. A"o4e S#< Pears T V
.9. (hat Mot#4ated Pou !o !ake %p Jo":
a. Salar$ T V
". *at#4e O' Jo" T V
c. Reputat#on T V
... )o Pou +now An$ Spec#'#ed Retent#on Pro"lems -n Pour Or6an#=at#on:
a. Pes T V
". *o T V
.1. Pro"lems Faced B$ !hem:
:ar#a"les SA A * )A S)A
AD &ood Relat#onsh#p
(#th Mana6ement
BD Rewards And
CD -n'rastructure
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)D (ork Schedule
D Compan$ Pol#c$
And Procedure
FD A4a#la"#l#t$ O'
&D Jo" Secur#t$
@D Statutor$ "ene'#t
-D Mot#4at#on O'
JD Rate O' !he
Appra#sal S$stem
.3. )o Pou @a4e An Opportun#t$ !o Share Pour -deas At (ork:
a. Pes T V
". *o T V
.2. @a4e Pou Attended An$ !ra#n#n6 Pro6rams:
a. Pes T V -' Spec#'$:
". *o T V
.3. )o Pou Feel !hat !he Compan$ Pro4#des Career nhancement Opportun#t#es For Pour
&rowth And )e4elopment:
a. Pes T V
". *o T V
.5. -' Pou (ant !o ,ea4e !he Or6an#=at#on? (hat (ould Be !he Reason:
a. Marr#a6e T V
". !eam F#tment T V
c. Career Opportun#t$ T V
d. Others T V -' Spec#'$ :
.0. Are Pou Sat#s'#ed (#th !he -ncent#4es:
a. Pes T V
". *o T V
.7. Are Pou Sat#s'#ed (#th !he (ork#n6 @ours:
a. Pes T V
". *o T V
.8. Are Pou Sat#s'#ed (#th !he Bene'#t O''ered B$ !he Or6an#=at#on:
a. Pes T V -' Spec#'$ :
". *o T V
19. Pour Part#c#pat#on -n )ur#n6 @ol#da$s:
a. @#6hl$ -n4ol4ed T V
". -n4ol4ed T V
c. *eutral T V
d. *ot Much -n4ol4ed T V
e. *ot At All T V

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