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Application for JUHAN Workshop

DUE: APRIL 15, 2010

Institute for the Study of International Miration
!o" 5#1$00
%eoreto&n Uni'ersity
ADDRESS: #27 National Villas
Behind Jarir Bookstores
!a"ada #nterchan$e Al% Saad
Doha State of &atar
)ELEP*+(E: '(7) *+ 2, )- +
EMAIL ADDRESS: .c--/0$eor$eto1n2ed3
S,*++L-,+(,E()RA)I+(: 4eor$eto1n Uni5ersit.% School of 6orei$n Ser5ice
,LASS: Class of 27,-
%PA: -2 +7
PLEASE (+)E: It is not ne.essary to ha'e ta/en .ourses or had rele'ant e"0erien.es in
the hu1anitarian field to 0arti.i0ate in 2U*A(, 3ut if you ha'e had su.h e"0erien.es,
0lease tell us a3out the14
RELE5A() ,+URSES 6Please list all .ourses that you ha'e ta/en that are
rele'ant to your interest in hu1anitarian e1eren.ies7:
Ha"ad 8edical Corporations 9H8C:;s Vol3nteer <ro$ra" for 6irst Aid
="er$encies 9277(:
6Please list all ;o3s, internshi0s or 'olunteer a.ti'ities that 0ertain to your interest
in hu1anitarian e1eren.ies<e44, 'olunteer &or/ for the A1eri.an Red ,ross,
0arti.i0ation in *aiti relief a.ti'ities on .a10us7:
Vol3nteer 1ork for UJA>A Vocational Schools in 83?affara@adA A?ad
Bash"ir <akistan 9277/:
S*ARI(% )*E E:PERIE(,E 6Please des.ri3e ho& you &ould 3rin the lessons
learned at the &or/sho0 3a./ to the 3roader %eoreto&n .o11unity7
Wellin$ton 1as re"e"@ered as ha5in$ said CDhe @attle of Waterloo 1as 1on on the
pla.in$ fields of =tonEF #;d like to dra1 a parallel hereG it 1o3ld @e a 3niH3e
pri5ile$e to @e a@le to attend this 1orkshop2 Dhro3$h @rainstor"in$ sharin$ 5ie1s
learnin$ pre5entati5e strate$ies and eIec3tin$ the learnt skills in si"3lated
eIercises # can @rin$ @ack the pri?es of the @attle to the @roader 4eor$eto1n
co""3nit. one da.2
,+MPLE: *UMA(I)ARIA( EMER%E(,IES 60lease des.ri3e your understandin of
&hat this ter1 1eans and &hat are the 0rin.i0al issues raised 3y su.h .rises4 =ou need
not do any resear.h> &e are interested in your i10ressions7
Co"pleI h3"anitarian e"er$encies 1o3ld @e those that ha5e no re"arka@l.
effecti5e da"a$e%control and no eas. contain"ent polic.2 Dhis co3ld @e as a res3lt
of nat3ral or "an%"ade disasters2 Dheir co"pleIit. 1o3ld @e rooted in the lack of
effecti5e reso3rces lo$istics and so"eti"es political po1er to "ana$e the pro@le"2
As a res3lt there can @e lar$e discord a"on$st the leadership on ho1 to sol5e the
pro@le"2 Dhe lon$er the dela. the "ore potential the pro@le" has to spread f3rther
than 1here it ori$inated @eca3se of lar$e a"o3nts of displaced people potentiall.
carr.in$ diseases tr.in$ to seek safet. in 3naffected areas2 Dhis 1o3ld conseH3entl.
ca3se other 3nanticipated e"er$encies in these pre5io3sl. 3naffected areasG it "a.
res3lt in a @reak%o3t of pande"ics2 Also the "ore pri5ile$ed "i$ht not feel
o@li$ated to take care of the 5icti"s especiall. if the latter start po3rin$ into the
li5in$%space of the for"er and resent"ent can @e$in to $ro12 #n essence the
co"pleIit. of h3"anitarian e"er$encies is not restricted to a sin$le attri@3te @3t
rather a 5ariet. of root ca3ses 1hich i"pede the pro$ress of a nation and thro1 its
entire eIistence into Jeopard.2

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