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Application for JUHAN Workshop

DUE: APRIL 15, 2010

Institute for the Study of International Miration
!o" 5#1$00
%eoreto&n Uni'ersity
(AME: -
)ELEP*+(E: -
S,*++L-,+(,E()RA)I+(: -
,LASS: Class of 2013
%PA: 3. 67
PLEASE (+)E: It is not ne.essary to ha'e ta/en .ourses or had rele'ant e"0erien.es in
the hu1anitarian field to 0arti.i0ate in 2U*A(, 3ut if you ha'e had su.h e"0erien.es,
0lease tell us a3out the14
RELE5A() ,+URSES 6Please list all .ourses that you ha'e ta/en that are
rele'ant to your interest in hu1anitarian e1eren.ies7:
Hamad !dical Corporations "HC#$s %ol&nt!!r 'ro(ram for )irst Aid
*m!r(!nci!s "200+#
6Please list all ;o3s, internshi0s or 'olunteer a.ti'ities that 0ertain to your interest
in hu1anitarian e1eren.ies<e44, 'olunteer &or/ for the A1eri.an Red ,ross,
0arti.i0ation in *aiti relief a.ti'ities on .a10us7:
%ol&nt!!r ,ork for UJA-A %ocational .chools in &/affara0ad1 A/ad
2ashmir3 'akistan "2004#
S*ARI(% )*E E:PERIE(,E 6Please des.ri3e ho& you &ould 3rin the lessons
learned at the &or/sho0 3a./ to the 3roader %eoreto&n .o11unity7
W!llin(ton ,as r!m!m0!r!d as ha5in( said3 67h! 0attl! of Wat!rloo ,as ,on on th!
pla8in( fi!lds of *ton9: ;$d lik! to dra, a parall!l h!r!< it ,o&ld 0! a &ni=&!
pri5il!(! to 0! a0l! to att!nd this ,orkshop. 7hro&(h 0rainstormin(3 sharin( 5i!,s3
l!arnin( pr!5!ntati5! strat!(i!s and !>!c&tin( th! l!arnt skills in sim&lat!d
!>!rcis!s3 ; can 0rin( 0ack th! pri/!s of th! 0attl! to th! 0road!r ?!or(!to,n
comm&nit8 on! da8.
,+MPLE: *UMA(I)ARIA( EMER%E(,IES 60lease des.ri3e your understandin of
&hat this ter1 1eans and &hat are the 0rin.i0al issues raised 3y su.h .rises4 =ou need
not do any resear.h> &e are interested in your i10ressions7
Compl!> h&manitarian !m!r(!nci!s ,o&ld 0! thos! that ha5! no r!marka0l8
!ff!cti5! dama(!-control and no !as8 containm!nt polic8. 7his co&ld 0! as a r!s&lt
of nat&ral or man-mad! disast!rs. 7h!ir compl!>it8 ,o&ld 0! root!d in th! lack of
!ff!cti5! r!so&rc!s3 lo(istics and3 som!tim!s3 political po,!r to mana(! th! pro0l!m.
As a r!s&lt3 th!r! can 0! lar(! discord amon(st th! l!ad!rship on ho, to sol5! th!
pro0l!m. 7h! lon(!r th! d!la83 th! mor! pot!ntial th! pro0l!m has to spr!ad f&rth!r
than ,h!r! it ori(inat!d 0!ca&s! of lar(! amo&nts of displac!d p!opl!3 pot!ntiall8
carr8in( dis!as!s3 tr8in( to s!!k saf!t8 in &naff!ct!d ar!as. 7his ,o&ld cons!=&!ntl8
ca&s! oth!r &nanticipat!d !m!r(!nci!s in th!s! pr!5io&sl8 &naff!ct!d ar!as< it ma8
r!s&lt in a 0r!ak-o&t of pand!mics. Also3 th! mor! pri5il!(!d mi(ht not f!!l
o0li(at!d to tak! car! of th! 5ictims3 !sp!ciall8 if th! latt!r start po&rin( into th!
li5in(-spac! of th! form!r3 and r!s!ntm!nt can 0!(in to (ro,. ;n !ss!nc!3 th!
compl!>it8 of h&manitarian !m!r(!nci!s is not r!strict!d to a sin(l! attri0&t!3 0&t
rath!r a 5ari!t8 of root ca&s!s ,hich imp!d! th! pro(r!ss of a nation and thro, its
!ntir! !>ist!nc! into @!opard8.

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