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MidBoss v0.

A Readme Of Sorts
Please note that everything in the game and this manual may and probably is like
ly to change. In fact, the gameplay mechanics are likely to be completely redone
in the near future. With that said the game as is is perfectly playable and fun
, so please don't let that put you off!
For updates or feedback please visit http://www.midboss.net/ or follow @enichan
on Twitter.
Controls can be remapped via the Options menu in game, below are the default key
Numpad 1-9: Move the player, 5 passes your turn
Space: Pass turn
A or 1: Attack
S or 2: Skills window
D or 3: Status window
F or 4: Form window
F9: Decrease window size
F10: Increase window size
Escape: Close windows, open the main menu
In the Options menu there is an option called Multi-key diagonals. This option w
ill let you play the game with only 4 directional keys rather than 8. Pressing a
nd releasing a key will move in that direction. Pressing and holding one directi
on, then pressing and releasing another will move you diagonally in the combined
direction of both keys. When you release the first key, you will not be moved.
In MidBoss you play a weak monster in a dungeon, an imp. The imp is not notewort
hy at all, beaten by simple skeletons, except that it has the ability to possess
other creatures. To do this, select Possession from your skill window, target a
n enemy, then defeat it after and you will be prompted to take its form. While i
n the form of defeated creatures you can use your acquired stat points to raise
your stats to the form's maximums. You also gain access to the skills of the for
m you're in, and leveling up your skill exp unlocks skills randomly for use in a
ny other form.
Once you have reached the maximum stats of a form that form is considered to be
mastered. This unlocks a special bonus to some stats called a mastery bonus. Mas
tery bonusses stack for different forms and apply in all forms. You can gain sta
ts above the maximum of a form after mastering it, this process is called overle
veling. The stat points you get from overleveling a form only apply if you're in
that form.
To spend normal stat points open the status window (default 'D' or '3') and to s
pend form stat points open the form window (default 'F' or '4'). Be sure to keep
an eye on both windows.
Stat functions:
HP: Increases your hitpoint total. Every point spent increases your maximum by 3
Str: Increases your melee attack damage.
Agi: Increases your chance to be hit, as well as your chance to hit others.
Con: Decreases melee damage taken.
Mag: Increases your magical damage.
Wil: Decreases magical damage taken.
Magical attacks by and large do not have a to-hit roll, although the skill Fear
has a will based to-hit roll.
If you are defeated while in the form of another monster, you are violently expe
lled from the host body and back into your imp form near death. If you use the d
epossession skill however, you return to your imp form with a percentage of the
imp's maximum HP equal to the percentage of HP your host form had before leaving
This is a roguelike, so it's hard and dying will delete your save file, simply n
amed 'save.db', so you'll have to start over.
Emma 'Eniko' Maassen: code, art, music, sound effects, design, balance and conce
John 'Dragonmaster' Howard: QA testing
Anders 'Regus' Eggers-Krag: webhosting
'Kaiser': game balance
Special thanks to:
My buddies from Unshaped for pushing me to keep developing MidBoss
cgMusic, GXSCC, and bFxr for helping a programmer/artist add sound to her game
Ludum Dare and everyone who runs it and participates in it, you guys are all ama
One Game a Month for keeping me motivated to get this done sooner rather than la

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