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Book Review

The Book Review:

o Although a book review, like a book report, spends some time discussing the content of the
book, its main purpose is not informational, but analytical and persuasive. The writer, in
analysing the content, format, argument, and context within which the book was written,
argues that the book is worth reading or not.
Preparing to Write the Book Review: Before you write the book review, but after you have
read the book, you should make notes on the following areas:
The Author:
o Background and ualifications
o !riting style
o "se of sources #see Bibliography $ Table of %harts $ &igures'
o (is)her purpose in writing the book
The Book Format:
o Table of %ontents
o *ection $ %hapter Titles
o +ndex
o +ntroduction #often tells the format, purpose, and intended audience'
The Content:
o +ntroduction)%onclusion
o ,reface
o %hapter summaries
o Tables, -raphs, &igures, etc.
Structure of the Book Review: The following format can be used for the Book .eview. #/ote:
you do not have to answer every uestion0 these are only suggestions to guide your writing'.
o A general description of the book: title, author, sub1ect, and format. (ere you can include
details about who the author is and where he)she stands in this field of inuiry. 2ou can also
link the title to the sub1ect to show how the title explains the sub1ect matter.
o A brief summary of the purpose of the book and its general argument or theme. +nclude a
statement about for whom the book is intended.
o 2our thesis about the book: !hat is your opinion on the ideas of the book3 +s it a
suitable)appropriate piece of writing about the problem for the audience it has identified3
Main Body
Summary of the Content:
o !rite at least 4 5 6 sentences about the plot: #!hat was the story about3 !ho were the main
characters3 !hat did the main characters do in the story3 7id the main characters run into
problems or have any adventures3 !ho was your favourite character3 !hy3'
o !hat is the writer8s style: simple)technical0 persuasive)logical3
Evaluation of the Text:
This is the heart of your book review. 2ou should discuss a variety of issues here:
o (ow clearly is the book written3
o 7id the author achieve his)her goal3 (ow did he)she do this or fall short3
o !hat are the author9s most important points3 :ist at least two examples of how the author
proved or did not prove points he was trying to make.
o !hat possibilities does the book suggest for the reader3
o !hat did the book leave out3
o (ow the book compares to others on the sub1ect3
o !hat personal experiences do you have relating to the sub1ect3
o %ould you relate to any of the characters in the story3
o (ave you ever done some of the things or felt some of the same things that the character did3
o !hat did you like best about the book3 !hat did you like least about the book3
o +f you could change something in the book, what would it be3
Concluion !"our recommendation#
o Tie together any issues raised in the review
o !ould you recommend this book to another person3
o !hat type of person would like this book3
There is, of course, no set formula, but a $eneral rule of thum% i that the firt one&half to two&
third of the review hould ummari'e the author( main idea while the remainder of the
re)ort hould evaluate the %ook*
EDITING: Questions to ask ourse!f
7oes my introduction clearly set out who the author is, what the book is about, and what
+ think about the value of the book3
"es or No
(ave + clearly presented all the facts about the book: title, author, publication details,
and content summary3
"es or No
+s my review well organi;ed with an easily identifiable structure3 "es or No
(ave + represented the book8s organi;ational structure and argument fairly and
"es or No
(ave + presented evidence from the book to back up statements + have made about the
author, his)her purpose, and the structure, research and argument of the book3
"es or No
(ave + presented a balanced argument about the value of the book for its audience3
#(arsh 1udgements are difficult to prove and show academic intolerance'
"es or No
Langkah/Tahap Cara Membuat Resensi Buku dan Unsur/Kerangka Resensi Buku
Posted by Maulana Syarif HIidayatulloh di 09.18 in - 0 komentar
CAA M!!S!"SI #$%$ &
1. Jenis Buku
'enis(bentuk buku itu a)akah roman* no+el* bio,rafi* atau yan, lain. Selain itu seoran, resentator menyebutkan
-u,a buku termasuk buku fiksi atau nonfiksi.
2. Keaslian Ide
#uku itu a)akah benar-benar meru)akan karya asli dari )en,aran,nya atau meru)akan -i)lakan dari buku lain
yan, )ernah terbit.
. Bentuk
#a,aimana men,enai bentuk atau format dari buku itu. A)akah bentuknya* kertas* ilustrasi .o+er* -enis huruf
yan, di)akai* dan seba,ainya.
!. Isi dan Bahasa
/ilihat dari se,i isi* resentator )erlu mem)erhatikan unsur-unsur intrinsiknya* yaitu tentan, tema* alur*
)er0atakan* sudut )andan, dan seba,ainya.
#ahasa dalam buku itu da)at ditin-au dari se,i struktur kalimat* ,aya bahasa(style* un,ka)an dan lain-lain.
A)akah bahasa yan, di,unakan memakai bahasa sehari-hari yan, se,ar tidak men-emukan* mudah dimen,erti
oleh )emba.a* dan seba,ainya. Mudah di)ahami atau sukar diterima )emba.a. Pen,u-ian materi menda)at
)erhatian -u,a dari resentator.
". #impulan
Akhirnya seoran, )enulis resensi harus da)at menyim)ulkan* a)akah buku itu baik dan )erlu diba.a atau tidak.
1 menulis data buku yan, diba.a*
1 menulis ikhtisar isi buku*
1 mendaftar butir-butir yan, meru)akan kelebihan dan kekuran,an buku*
1 menuliskan )enda)at )ribadi seba,ai tan,,a)an atau isi buku* dan
1 memadukan ikhtisar dan tan,,a)an )ribadi ke dalam tulisan yan, utuh.
#ebuah resensi harus memuat hal$hal sebagai berikut %
1. &ata buku atau identitas buku
a. Judul buku
'ika buku yan, akan kamu resensi adalah buku ter-emahan* akan
lebih baik -ika kamu menuliskan -udul asli buku tersebut.
b. 'enulis atau pengarang
'ika buku yan, diresensi adalah buku ter-emahan* kamu harus
menyebutkan )enulis buku asli dan )ener-emah.
(. )ama penerbit
d. Cetakan dan tahun terbit
e. Tebal buku dan *umlah halaman
2. Judul Resensi
'udul resensi boleh sama den,an -udul buku* teta)i teta) dalam konteks buku itu.
. Ikhtisar Isi Buku
/alam meresensi buku* seoran, )eresensi harus menulis buku yan, hendak diresensi. Ikhtisar adalah bentuk
sin,kat dari suatu karan,an atau ran,kuman. Ikhtisar meru)akan bentuk sin,kat karan,an yan, tidak
mem)ertahankan urutan karan,an atau buku asli* sedan,kan rin,kasan harus sesuai den,an urutan karan,an
atau buku aslinya. Ada)un hal-hal yan, harus di)erhatikan dalam membuat ikhtisar isi buku adalah seba,ai
a. Memba(a naskah/buku asli
Penulis ikhtisar harus memba.a buku asli se.ara keseluruhan untuk
men,etahui ,ambaran umum* maksud* dan sudut )andan, )en,aran,.
b. Men(atat gagasan p+k+k dan isi p+k+k setiap bab
(. Membuat repr+duksi atau menulis kembali gagasan ,ang dianggap
)entin, ke dalam karan,an sin,kat yan, mem)unyai satu kesatuan yan, )adu.
!. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Buku
Penulis resensi harus memberikan )enilaian men,enai kelebihan dan kelemahan buku yan, disertai den,an
ulasan se.ara ob-ektif.
". Kesimpulan
Penulis resensi harus men,emukakan a)a yan, di)erolehnya dari buku yan, diresensi dan imbauan ke)ada
)emba.a. 'an,an lu)a .antumkan nama kamu selaku )eresensi.

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