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I. Objectives:
At the end o the !esson" st#dents $%e e&'ected to:
interpret the story entitled The Myth of Narcissus and Echo.
discuss the moral lessons in the story The Myth of Narcissus
and Echo.
participate actively in class discussion.
II. S#bject M$tte%:
To'ic: Greek Mythology
The Myth of Narcissus and Echo
M$te%i$!s: laptop* presentation slidesho+* video clip* ,E- pro.ector
'hecking the cleanliness and orderliness
'hecking the attendance
). /lay the 0N1234,, game.
. Teacher assigns each pair of students a name of Greek
God/Goddess 54/3 partners6.
7. 0tudent 4 +rites the sym%ol. 0tudent 3 +rites the
definition/description of the character.
!. 4fter all students have finished* each student crushes
his/her piece of paper into a 8sno+%all.8
9. -efinitions go to one side* sym%ols on the other.
$. 2hen teacher signals* students thro+ their sno+%all
to+ard the middle of the room.
". Each student picks up the sno+%all closest to him/her and
reads it.
#. 0tudents then try to match it to the names of Greek
Gods/Goddesses +ritten on the %lack%oard.
Echo +as a mountain nymph. 0he +as very %eautiful* %ut loved
her o+n voice. 0he once had the .o% of distracting :era from
;eus. 0he did this %y having long and entertaining stories +ith
her. 2hen :era found Echo<s treachery* she put a curse on her
that meant that she could only speak the last +ords of other
people after she had heard them. =t is due to this story that +e
get the meaning %ehind the +ord echo.
N$%ciss#s +as a hunter and the son of a river god named
'ephissus and a nymph named ,iriope. :e +as a %eautiful
creature loved %y many %ut Narcissus loved no one. :e en.oyed
attention* praise and envy. =n Narcissus< eyes no%ody matched
him and as such he considered none +ere +orthy of him.
Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism* a fi>ation +ith
He%$ is the +ife and one of three sisters of ;eus. :era +as
kno+n for her .ealous and vengeful nature* most nota%ly against
;eus<s lovers and offspring* %ut also against mortals +ho crossed
her. 2hen :era discovered the deception of Echo* she cursed
her to only repeat the +ords of others.
The M/th o Echo $nd N$%ciss#s
Echo +as a talkative forest nymph. 1ne day* :era came to
confront ;eus a%out +hen she had found him in the forest +ith a
nymph. Echo ho+ever kept interrupting the goddess* trying to get
the last line in. 0he angered :era* and as punishment* :era
removed her po+er of speech* leaving her only to repeat the +ords
of people after they speak. 2hile Echo +as in the forest one day*
she sa+ a handsome youth +hom she fell in love +ith*
immediately. :is name +as Narcissus* and he +as too proud to
give his affections to any of the suitors. Narcissus heard Echo* %ut
she +as una%le to tell him anything for she he +as only a%le to
repeat him. :er voice finally led him to a pool +here he sa+ his
reflection. :e +as infatuated +ith his reflection* and tried to get at
it* %ut in vain. Eventually* Narcissus killed himself* leaving the poor
Echo to cry until she disappeared only leaving her voice %ehind.
). 2hat is Echo?s %iggest pro%lem at the %eginning of the myth@
. :o+ does :era punish Echo@
7. -o you feel sympathy to+ard Narcissus* or do you think he
deserves his fate@ E>plain your ans+er.
!. 2hat lesson5s6 do you think Narcissus should have learned from
this story@
9. 2hat lesson5s6 do you think Echo should have learned from this
$. =s physical appearance as important as other aspects such as
personality or intellectual &ualities@ 2hy* or +hy not@

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